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Admit it, you had fun
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got 900+ hours on it
>Galarshill just made a thread to have the first post
where can i catch greninja?
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? I'm not the OP bro
Unironically better than SV.
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I just finished it for the first time (beat Leon anyway, about to do the DLCs) like 15 minutes ago
Was pretty fun desu. Despite all the doomposting when it came out I liked it more than gens 6-7. The 'plot' was stupid though, I don't know why they even bothered if they were just gonna cram the entire story into a little window before the champion battle. The mini tournament at the end was plenty stakes enough for a satisfying conclusion.
I guess the formula demands box legendaries being shoved in somewhere
galargods fucking won
I didn't even finish the game. got like 2 hours in and never touched it again.
I did. They were good games. Not my favorite by any stretch, but I enjoyed playing them way more than some of the other games people constantly praise.
No nat dex, didn't buy.
These games were so awful I didn’t even buy them and quit playing Pokemon entirely for 4 years. I didn’t get back into it until LA restored my faith in it.
they werent bad, didnt like the wild area and I thought the lack of puzzles and confusing caves was ass but I mean 6.5/10 it was a pokemon game? I miss caves that were easy to get lost in
Having fun playing other video games besides that.
No I fucking hated it
Dogshit characters
Dogshit story
Dogshit new mechanics (catching levelcaps)
Dogshit "open world"
Dogshit raids
Shit was ass
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No actually, I didn't.
Bad game, boring.
*in VGC 2020 before Pokémon Home
Yeah it was probably the most fun I had with a mainline game. But that doesn't mean the game is good.
Yeah, I did.
SwShit still sucks balls, though.
I felt absolutely nothing playing this game. In a way, that's an accomplishment.
Finding out Rose was an insane member of the green party soured the rest of the game for me. Did enjoy the post game though.
The writing was truly baffling, I have no fucking idea what they were thinking with Rose
Moreso than in certain other games, still sucked ass though
Going from SV to this SV is the superior game, however it did make me miss the team sprites instead of the soulless corporate icons we get of our teams now
*with the dlc. else I never bothered finishing it
SV isn't superior lol
NTA but yes it is, in every aspect except graphics maybe
Hell no
Yes bad Pokémon games are still fun because the formula is that good. Really bad romhacks are also fun.
I never finished it, so, doubtful
Only good thing to come out of this was most of the cast and some of the music. Everything else was boring and/or terrible
Is there a good romhack for swsh?
Yeah, switching between these two games really makes the openworld concept of SV stand out more.

That being said SV are pretty ugly games, so it coincidentally also made me appreciate the graphics of SwSh more.
After 20 hours it turns into 6.5/10
>admit it you had x
>I don’t get the x. Seems forced
>Honest thoughts?
>you now remember x

Just 4 of my thread concepts and you all lame newfaggots keep stealing it, rehashing my ideas and running it into the ground
Get your own ideas, unoriginal fags

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