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I = II > III = IV >> V >>> IX >>>> VI >>> VII = VIII
I kneel
II = IV > I = III > VI > IX > V = VII > VIII
I > iv > iii > ii > v > nugens
This one is correct
I = III > (3 years) > II = IV > V > (2 years) V > VI > VII > VIII > IX
>why yes, I agree with the generic reddit consensus, look at how cool I am
V > III > IX > VII > VIII > VI
These are the only ones I've played
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I = II > III > V > IX > VII > VIII > IV > VI
6 = 2 > 1 > 3 > 4 = 5 > 7 = 8 >>>>>> a horses freshly relieved anus >>>>>> 9
Based and objectivepilled
Holy based
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9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
Probably the best gen tier list I've seen on this board in the past 7 years.
Anything > 2 > 1
Half of this thread is me btw
>johto at the top
>generic reddit consensus
4 > 2 > 3 > 1
All that matters.
they love hgss faggot
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>Gen 5 that low
This ranking is anything but reddit.
i was under the impression reddit and youtube (though mostly youtube) shat on johto and muh level curve 24/7
also what >>56472424 said
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>generic reddit
Simple googling in under 30 seconds gave me this result. Completely different from OP's rankings.
I always knew Gen 5 was the plebbit Gen
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The DS era is reddit incarnate.
What makes Unova attractive to redditors?
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You tell me.

3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 5 > 8 > 9 > 6 > 7
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Baby's first le edgy and dark game. Zoomers grew up playing that shit so they tout it as the best thing to happen to the franchise.
Many have said that.
BW2 > HGSS > BW > Emerald > Platinum > FRLG >>> XY > ORAS > USUM >>> LGPE > SWSH > SV = PLA > BDSP
Go back >>56472470

Old games don't get special treatment just cause their old and the 4th gen is slow and boring
this except troonlola is slow and boring
What part of my post triggered you the most? I’ll be sure to add a content warning next time so you feel welcomed and comfortable.
Now type that without crying, then go back.
What part of my post triggered you the most? I’ll be sure to add a content warning next time so you feel welcomed and comfortable.
as long as gen 7 is at the bottom it doesn’t matter the order of the rest. what an unbelievably boring dogshit set of game. the fag nigger lovers shilling that garbage should be beat
Fair but it looks nice and carried over all the mechanics of 6 before 8 decided to just drop everything for slightly upscaled models
>Still crying
Shouldn't have made it too obvious you're a redditor then.
>carried over all the me-
removed the pss for the festival slop. stupid faggot
Didn't use either so I don't care
yeh no wonder you cock gobble such a dogshit gen
Gen 8 gave us SWSH, BDSP, and PLA.
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You're gobbling a hate cock if you're still this tilted over an 8 year old game
The objectively correct TIMELINECHAD. Rest of the opinions are dogshit
You’re gobbling a butchered troon cock if you think Alola isn’t slop
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look at the faggot memes you think are funny. can already tell you’re a smelly brown zoomer from twitter.
Yeah but look at how chill he is
that doesn’t help your obesity or sickle cell anemia.
I'll have you know my mud hut village hasn't had a single case of obesity in 70 years and that was just a case of a man killing and eating his camel
Based. No wonder the zoomers are having a meltdown.
Sword and Shield is a 3ds game no matter what they tell you.
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1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9
Nide hat, bro.
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IV > I > III > II > V > VI > VIII > IX > VII
Regardless of the ranking, every new gen feels like a fresh gate to Hell has opened.
4 is shit
Any other copes you tell your therapist, tranny?
2 is for sissies
7 is complete and utter dogshit vomited out by a sheboon sewer ape.
>Hoenniggers over Johto
3 is bigger than 2 retard
Your anger only proves you know in your heart of hearts that even platinum is over rated garbage held up purely by virtue of being just old enough to not be associated with nugen and just young enough to not be associated with the boomer games. It had good ideas like the physical special split but is held back by awful pacing, C tier routes, a very mid Pokedex, and some of the ugliest most over designed legendaries in the series. B2 and W2 are just better in every conceivable way
Everything after Gen 2 is nugen. The zoomer war you're having with him and others ITT is pointless.
Any other copes you tell your therapist, tranny?
>the literal circle
>the forced pwt tutorial
>the ugly ass boxart fusion legends
i don’t think you thought this post through.
Both you and him are trannies, ya projecting cocksucker.
He's prolly a Gen 5 cultist
i like gen 4 and 5 thoughbeit.
I'm sure you do, zoomer troon
>VIII at the end
Based for that. Scarlet and Violet are shitty games visually, story-wise, performance-wise and are filled with glitches. It's NPCs, one thing that Pokémon has traditionally always gotten right are fucking ugly too. Throwing the series in a low poly empty field doesn't magically warrant it being anywhere but dead last.
VIII wasn't that bad
Ok retard
Uh yeah based department? He’s on the loose again.
what does the equals sign mean? equal in equality?
This but 7 and 5 are equal, with 8 being alone at the bottom.
no, 7 is dookie dogshit.
For me, I have a hard time picking an order, but I'd put the original gen 1 way down the list because of how fucked the game is and I'd put 8 and 9 at the end, or just delete them entirely from the list because I don't consider them real.
If I can't remember more than like 4 Pokemon in a gen, you KNOW TPC fucked up something awful.

But really, gen 1 (and maybe 2) is carried entirely by nostalgia, the game's too damn buggy. FR/LG fixing those bugs helps at least.
I guess I'm also a bit fussy after all these years about how tiny the dex and the movedex are back then. I'm replaying Emerald right now and I'm pissed that I just now learned that Azumarill only has access to like 1 physical water move across the entire game and you can't even get it until the 7th gym or so.
Reddit is based
>gen 5
Every time.
Gen 5 is not for people like me.
>people like me.
VIII is SWSH not SV, retard.
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V = IV > III > II >>> VI > I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IX > VII > VIII
III > V > I = II > IV > VII > VI >>> VIII >> IX
ALL > 7 = 5
change 5 with 8 and this is true. sm usum swsh and bdsp are the worst games in the series.
Move IX to last and then its accurate.
like this
I = II > III = IV >> V >>>> VI >>> VII = VIII >>> IX
It introduced black npcs
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1. V
2. III & IV (Tied)
4. II
6. I
7. VII
I = II > III = IV >>>>>>>>>>>> VI >>>>>> V >>>>>> VII >>>>>> VIII >>>>>> IX
Glad there is still based millennials in this zoomer galore.
2 > Who cares
I only ever rank them by mon designs.
1 > 2 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 5 > 9 > 4 > 8
Kek based
>Anyone ranking Gen 5 as #1
Finally some good taste. Gen 4 belongs in the trash
How can anyone believe this? Gen 2 sucks ass. I mean if you like girly mons with : ) faces then gen 2 is you're thing, but gen 3 was a massive improvement in monsters to every normal person.
This is how I know you're younger than me, zoomie.
I, II, III >>>>>>> IV, haven't played the rest.
you put 2 too high
Anyone placing Gen 1 games above any other gen is fucking delusional.
Red and Blue didn't age well, it's fucking shit and outclassed by Gold, Silver and Cristal, no contest.
They are much worse than any other gen, remove your nostalgia goggles.
Final fantasy?
I agree
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5 > 3 > 7 > 1 > 4 > 2 > POWER GAP > 6 > POWER GAP > switch era

Gen 5 has a hit or miss regional dex but it has some of my favorites and I greatly enjoy almost every aspect about it. I like BW the most.
Zoomer nostalgia.
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>Generation 2 (G,S,P)
>I'm replaying Emerald right now and I'm pissed that I just now learned that Azumarill only has access to like 1 physical water move across the entire game
You've never played it in the first place.
What? I've played it loads of times before even if I usually stop around 5-7 badges for some reason or another. What's the point of this bait? Are you trolling, or stupid?

If you're referring to Aqua Tail, it's not in Emerald.
Double-checking, the only physical water moves across the entire game that Azumarill has access to via any means whatsoever in gen 3 are Dive and Waterfall, both in the last third of the game, unless I'm missing something
Yes, this even includes TMs, HMs, egg moves, tutors, and move leveling all the way to 100, physical Azumarill are FUCKED in gen 3.

Yeah, I don't get it either, I grew up on Blue and no-joke bricked my game by getting Missingno blind after a hundred hours and couldn't bring myself to replay it after that.
It's buggy, there's too few moves, it's hilariously unbalanced, the Special stat being one stat is weird, a bunch of moves straight-up don't work right, etc.
The only reasons anyone ever puts gen 1 high on the list:
>"it started the franchise!!!! who cares if it's buggy????"
>They're blinded by pure nostalgia and they forgot how buggy and unbalanced it is, or how bad the art is
>They're including FR/LG, which isn't fair to the list
>They're one of those really mindless "Genwunners" who legitimately believes Charizard is literally the best Pokemon ever by a long shot and gets into legit fights online when people disagree
I mean, Pokemon Yellow is full of SOVL and some bugfixes, but that doesn't make gen 1 the best gen of the franchise.
'fraid so
Afraid of what exactly?
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1>3>2>4>5>literal shit>6>7>8
Skipping 9 doesn't make you look cool nor special, zoomer.

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