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Is the level curve meme real
Yes only Johturds deny it
and the awful pokemon variety
and the shitty slow gameplay
and the terrible time gated gimmicks for encounters
and the dogshit gym leaders and e4 who all use kantomons
and kanto still being a boring piss easy boss rush
and the majority of useful tm and evolution items all being postgame
Go back to discord
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Since you made a thread about a similar topic I'll just post here

I'm playing Scarlet for the first time and wtf is up with the pokemon levels?
I'm at my third gym, the normal gym, the rival battle used like lvl 25 pokemon, the wild pokemon around are level 30 ~ 35, the gym battles are level 30 or so

like what the fuck am i playing this wrong going in the wrong direction or something or is there some scaling at work here?
Discord loves these shitty games.
>Parroting newfag

(You) first
>and the awful pokemon variety
remedied in the remakes
>and the shitty slow gameplay
subjective + that's all of Gen 4
>and the terrible time gated gimmicks for encounters
so the entire series is bad other than gens 1 and 3?
>and the dogshit gym leaders and e4 who all use kantomons
>the rematch teams? they don't exist
>and kanto still being a boring piss easy boss rush
yep, just ignore everything else they added to it
>and the majority of useful tm and evolution items all being postgame
wrong like everything else that comes from your grimy keyboard, RSO
Idk maybe you’re just going in an unconventional order.
Forgot how fucking retarded they made the game corner in hgss.
You should have started in the snowy mountain area instead, much lower-levelled Pokemon and gyms there anon :^)
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Real as in "shit has weird levels" ? Yes indeed, this is a trainer battle you encounter around Whitney.
Does it matter and really affect your playthrough? Lol no.
>boxart thread
Not unless you like to add random shitmons into your team past the midgame
it's real, but it's not a bad thing
Yes but it only makes a significant difference if you're a streamer and ignoring 80% of the extra content in the game as they often do
>if you're a streamer that's happening to be doing a nuzlocke of an unmodified version of the game (very uncommon in the current year)
This is more accurate.
Does it matter? It's the easiest game in the 2D era.
>kanto still being a boring piss easy boss rush
This is the only legitimate complaint.
insofar as that it's a "meme" yes, but the level curve is not an issue.
this. it's only streamers and their audience who bitch about it.
Currently replaying Silver, when are the levels supposed to curve?
Oh hey it's this Johto nigger again.
Lmfao what is that voice
these two are like best cordie buddies
Larry is supposed to be the fifth gym, but that rival fight occurs at the third gym. It might be a good idea to go and deal with the early game bosses to the east of Mesagoza before you keep progressing the way you've been going.
>muh pokemon game is too hard
You are bad and stupid if you think this.
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Yes but only because johto is more of a simulation game than a traditional jrpg/pokémon game. Johto's design encourages you to play a little every day hence why you have a fuckton of time-gated mechanics
Johto is the easiest game, the E4 is around lv 40.
>dude ur playing the game wrong
It's a bad game if this is your defense.
>dude ur playing the game wrong
He didn't say this.
Johto was designed more as a sim game to be played a little while daily you are timegated and csn't reslly rush through it, that does make it a really bad and boring game to stream
>that does make it a really bad and boring game to stream
Which applies to 80-90% of JRPGs btw.
is this the new forced thing I'm gonna be reading twenty times a day
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and a bad and boring pokemon game to play
Entirely on you if you're going to waste your day on here looking for threads to argue about a game that you're not fond of.
I don't know why anyone would watch someone play a game so they are all boring to me.
It's not a "forced thing" it's reality, gen 2's gimmick was time (day/night cycle) so they shoehorned a fuckton of shit and timegated it (bug catching contests, random calls, daily events like the lotto, etc). Even the fucking rematches in HGSS are timelocked to a certain day of the week.
Personally I dislike this design so I'm not even defending Johto.
Kinda. HGSS is a bit more linear than GSC. There’s really no reason for the trainers after Mahogany’s candy bar guy leaves to remain with such low levels now that HGSS totally gated it after the Radio Tower event.
what's up with all the johto attention lately
>remedied in the remakes
Not at all. It straight up removes Crystal’s early game improvements and adds a band aid with the retarded and obtuse safari zone.
How are things something objectively measurable like the framerate, animation length, and walking speed “subjective”? Retard.
>yep, just ignore everything else they added to it
Cool they fleshed out Viridian Forest. It’s still a fucking boring rush from gym to gym while all of the wildlife encounters are way too low leveled.
>wrong like everything else that comes from your grimy keyboard
Cry harder faggot
Swooshieshlls used Johto as a scapegoat to deflect from SwSh’s glaring flaws, and because Johto hasn’t had a game in 15 years the majority of the Pokémon fanbase has no experience with it, to they just take all the lies at face value leading to misconceptions and exaggerations to fester. Thats what Johto alone is singled out for it level curve despite most games being poorly balanced and Paldea’s curve being a complete shitshow.
It's some retard that got banned from the /vp/ discord
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Zoomies watch a video on youtube and think they're smart
Lying fag. You should get punched
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holy seething

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