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>*throws thousands of people into an autistic rampage*
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it's funny how this game is still harder than the original games despite all the casualization they added

the originals were just that bad
>your pokemon landed a critical hit wanting to be praised
easy game
took me 4-5 tries to get past that bitches sword dancing faggot
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Platinum fixed it, since the first gym.

>get screeched (lol good luck outspeeding that Onix)
>headbutt oneshot your starter
>breed 2 shieldon
>go through cynthia's team until garchomp
>loop through the shieldon using revives until earthquake is 0pp
>send in a high level steel-type
>record next chosen move
>proceed to spam epic fail on /vp/
onix is slow
>lowered the levels
>still doesn't give the NPCs EVs on any of their pokemon
Platinum didn't fix jack shit.

>sagie invents a cope instead of actually being familiar with the games he perpetually cock sucks
Every time.
>Sinnoh in the OP
>Kalosfag seething in the first post
Every time.
>Ctrl+F "kalos"
>your post is the only one that pops up
absolutely RENT free
>stop recognizing patterns goy!
>stop recognizing that kalos lives rent free in my head
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Denounce XY then.
Onix has 70 base speed... and anything you can catch before that gym battle is either going to be outsped, or weak to Rock type attacks... other than Roselia, but you're likely not gonna have a Roselia by this point without grinding hard

That said, Turtwig usually cleans up here, or if you can get Budew to evolve, which again, requires heavy grinding of friendship mechanics, which isn't feasible at this stage of the game... Piplup can do it, but will probably be worn down by the time Cranidos comes in
Okay, it's not that good. That doesn't really have anything to do with you constantly seething about it though.
What makes it not good?
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Good thing I main gardevoir so I can moonblast it
Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you know why you don't like the games you're saying are bad?
>DS babies shat and continue to shit their diapers over this
Why are you always talking about shit and diapers?
why aren't you?
It’s the abbreviation for Diamond and Pearl
It's female?
>everyone says DP Cynthia's chomp is pure RNG
>always uses EQ on my steels
>always uses brick break on my ices
>always KOs something with giga impact
>never misses dragon rush
But then Platinum Cynthia always uses flamethrower like a retard and loses. I don't understand. Was my luck just that fucked in DP?
BDSP is factually easier than DP if you play identically. BDSP over levels you and sprinkles affection bullshit.
the strongest

fuck Shaun
>spams 30 revives and full restores
wow, such an easy baby game!
I've never heard a good reason for why this is unacceptable
Because you proceed to go online shitposting about how you had an easy time.
>the strongest
>still gets 1 shot because lmao 4x
Platinum Cynthia is legitimately retarded, especially with Milotic. I’ve done multiple playthroughs and without fail it always chooses the worst move in every situation
>mirror coat into a mon spamming only physical moves
>water spam into a mon with water absorb
Based Lumineon enjoyer.
Is BDSP harder than Renegade Platinum?
god no. the entire game is a fucking joke until the smogon romhack tier elite 4
As it is with all the other games
Cynthia isn’t even that hard Bertha and Lucian gave me more trouble
Is it just the rematches that are autistic?
Some of the gym leaders have pretty good movesets the first time around, nothing major though. I think if it weren't for the forced Affection mechanics, BDSP would actually be all-around harder than the originals. But getting free Focus Bands and boosted crit rates, that's more than enough to knock BDSP down.
Vanilla matches can be otugh in a nuzlocke.
Can't do that in a game where I have fairies.
Now if that happened in Plat I'd be genuinely fuming
That Cranidos has no rock moves

This is gen 1 Brock level of bad
Doesn't matter, headbutt does a lot of damage already.
Even Grotle can eat shit from it if you aren't careful.
Read Cranidos stats again.
Reminder this is the first gym, your HP and defense will always be low. If you gave it a stab it would be stupid.
>Is it just the rematches that are autistic?
no, all E4
and some gym leaders were buffed too
It's balanced around you getting higher levels naturally, having access to more items, and affection bonuses. Literally what's the issue here, it still ends up being easier than Plat.
Not to mention if Onix gets a Screech off, you're dead if you can't OHKO Cranidos, and I swear the CPU knows when you're gonna switch and uses Pursuit
The AI of all boss opponents is random in DP, so Garchomp could use EQ, but it doesn't prioritize hitting for super effective damage. This was fixed in Plat.
>factually posting that the game is easy is shitposting
Did you guys really actually have trouble with this game
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Gameplay-story segregation.
Cynthia is stronger in both. And Sinnoh > Galar

in Masters the gap is especially big : Arc Cynthia > regular Cynthia = Red > Leon
Why do you think about trannies so much? Answer without asking a question back.
Leon, the canonically strongest champion.
>Sinnoh > Galar
Wrong, SwSh are the best games in the series, in the best region in the Pokemon world.
Not even a character, just a player avatar.
So you're surrounded by child rapists and don't do anything about it? That's sad.
>the strongest
>fuck Shaun
Of course.
You seem to know a lot about them. Why don't you do anything about it?
The AI has a little advantage, they can calculate damage.
If Pursuit is higher as a result of switching they will know.
nah Leon is a joke compared to Cynthia, especially team vs team
He was only really depicted as ~world-level strong in the non-canon ashnime and even there Cynthia was better since she had a Mega + Dyna and he only had Dyna. He never even fought her in the ashnime kek
Part of the issue is that the AI on Diamond and Pearl is broken. Entirely. It's literally just an RNG fight.
Anime is canon, games aren't.
okay but like
genuine question
BDSP cynthia, any tips to beat her? I thought I could play through the gen 4 games without the worry of team limitation or power level and now I'm paying for it big time.
my team is Torterra, Pachirisu, Bastiodon, Spiritomb, Bronzong and Lickilicky.
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If it were we wouldn't have Generations
So true
>gen 4
hi lily
Who is Lily
Bronzong should be able to deal with Chomp assuming it is Levitate Bronzong.
Generally, you can usually set up on Spiritomb and sweep, but I dunno how well your team does that.
no sweeping moves from what my memory remembers
and it's heatproof iirc. the main issue is somehow the milotic.
>the main issue is somehow the milotic
Unsurprising, it is tougher than the Chomp to deal with a lot of the time and people don't think of it.
Pachirisu can probably abuse Super Fang on it until it is in KO range.
BDSP is much harder than Plat, the only reason people say it’s not is because the existence of amie mechanics triggers their autism since the AI can’t do it and thus they can’t pretend it’s like pvp
I say that because my chomp has a higher level than Cynthia's by playing normally, better moves, actually useful held items, maxed out EVs and all of that from regular gameplay.
And it's 1/6th of my party
hm.. yeah that could work. only issue is that it basically OHKOs it with a scald
And her fix was ruined by the fact that flamethrower never KOs anything thanks to its mediocre special attack. DP Cynthia was random, sure, but she still had a 3 out of 4 chance of hitting you with a 150 base power physical move.
generations is shit
The BDSP level jump from prior content to the E4 is massive there is no way you would outlevel without grinding
Even then, Garchomp is Gyarados tier as far as broken bullshit for an in game playthrough
>Cynthia's not hard bro you just need to have bulbapedia open to know her team, have 20 years of hindsight, taylor-make your playthrough to have a team to counter her, EV train all your team, overlevel all your team and spam revives and full restores! Cynthiaschizos are just delusional!
Cynthia will always be the most iconic champion fight besides Red's. These cucks will always be fighting an uphill battle.
Its proven and well documented that your average/casual/first time player without prior knowledge mostly gets destroyed by Cynthia/Sinnoh E4 in both DPPT and BDSP
And Shaun outside of the games
it's pretty fucken hard desu
like, as said before, I used BDSP as my "I can relax through sinnoh, all is okay" kinda playthrough
but man
what the fuck did they feed cynthia?
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based trips for Goddess Cynthia
>Cynthia will always be the most shilled champion fight besides Red's.
Fixed, it's completely inorganic

>Its proven and well documented
No sources given, I rolled over her effortlessly with fucking Torterra first try and if my retarded ass can do it anyone can unless they're farming engagement or shilling their first gen

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