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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext, etc.

Previous thread: >>56425125
Thread question: How would your husbando remind you to take care of yourself? Or how would they be there for you when you're going through a rough time?
He would want to take care of me, he would smother me with love. If I didn't feel better after a while he'd assume it was his fault and he'd get angry at me. And I'd have to end up taking care of him which is generally fine for me because I work better when I don't think about myself and how much I don't really like myself. Thinking about him and taking care of him takes my mind off myself. Thanks babes
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He has plenty of weighted blankets at the ready and will let you keep one
Btw weighted blankets are a verrrrry good investment.
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These dumbasses would give you a free train ride
Emmet would force you to ignore the six Ratatta fighting over a bagel
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need a private history lesson about trains from them because... reasons
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I'd bet Grunt Husbandos are the best at lifting your spirits. We could go pirating together
they were born in Anville Town
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I want to hear them sperg about the Battle Subway trains like that worker in Anville Town. Emmet would textwall over the minute differences between the Single and Double trains and Ingo would give him a super bravo.
Hello everyone
I love him so much
That is all
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Despite him being a cunt (and me hating his guts) I feel like he’d be there for me. I mean, he’s not a complete cunt all the time. He spoils the shit out of his pokemon so I like to think that he’d do the same for me. I like to think that he’s the type to slip notes under my door reminding me to eat enough food. Or he’ll chuck a pillow at my head to make me sleep enough. Maybe if I’m feeling particularly depressed he’ll use his telekinesis to make a teacup spin around in the air or juggle oranges or something cool like that and it works because I’m easily entertained. Or he’ll give me a much needed pep talk that’s something along the lines of me not being as bad as I think I am (but still not being anywhere near his level of elegance). A begrudging acknowledgment but he means it
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>loss memory but RIPPED!!!
...As in, his clothes? Don't mean no disrespect towards Ingo, he just didn't appear particularly ripped to me during my playthrough (I mean, ripped out of his former life, sure, but...). Am I missing something?
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Surely he is a bit more toned with all the climbing now
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Once again, I somehow procrastinated an entire thread without saying what I wanted to say. So I'm saying it now:
This image gave me a hefty urge to trail two slow, gentle fingers across the soft, tender underside of Will's forearm.

I was also impressed by Avery-anon's card decoration to the point of saving it to my hard drive. The flowers suit him so well. Unrelated to that, the card's artwork was quite lovely on its own, too. Lucky Avery-anons!
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Based. Will is cool, I always wondered what was underneath that mask of his
I’m flattered, decorating that card was fun. I need to buy more cards of him just so that I can cover the top loaders in cute stickers
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I can see Arven doing some things ahead of time to make things easier to do, like prepping lunches or meals the night before to make eating healthier easier. He's pretty active, so he'd probably want to go hiking or camping together and I think doing it together would be a good motivation as well as good way to spend some time together.

I can see him greeting you with "Didja eat yet?" as a way to check in on you but also because food is one of his major love languages. He'd probably fuss if you haven't eaten and make something for you and scold you a bit, but quickly get over it once he sees that you're eating.

Having gone through lots of hard times himself, he would make absolute sure that you don't struggle alone and he'd be there to cuddle and comfort you. He'd make your favorite meals and listen to you vent and stay close to you until you felt better.

God, I love him so much.
He's such a mom
He absolutely is and I love him for it
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I support you and
I agree
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Did you eat today anons?
Did you get enough sleep last night?
Did you drink enough water today?
Did you get some exercise?
Did you talk to your friends?
Did you have your favorite meal today?
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Threadly Lance/yng appreciation post
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Not VP related, but I have been binging the OG Rugrats this week, and I feel a bit more comfier than I have the last several months.
That's good to hear :D OG rugrats was quality tv
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Depression-induced insecurity anon from the last thread here, I just read through the replies and got teary-eyed, I appreciate you all so much. Veepee’s husbando enjoyers are once again proving they are one of the warmest, most supportive communities out there and it’s moments like this that make me truly glad I never grew out of my simping for pixel men phase.

I’m the slightest bit better now and I’m convinced it’s in no small part thanks to you. I 100% agree with the anon who said we may not know each other, but it’s easy to care about everyone here. I care about you too and want you to be happy no matter what terrible shit life throws at you. You and your husbando WILL power through everything together and I’ll always be here to cheer you on.

Beautiful, beautiful nerds, all of you

I’m printing this post out and putting it on my fridge
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show the printout
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He will? I'd rather have him leave me alone, that'd be nice.
Glad things are a little brighter for you today (bravo)
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Forgot image
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I can't unsee it
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How would having a foursome with them realistically be like?
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He's a menace
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please post more cute and silly pics of your husbandos
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>All this submas
I had a silly husbando dream where he didn't even show up in person. Rude!
It was common knowledge that Emmet used to shitpost on this very board a couple of years ago and I was tracking down his old posts. He casually dropped hints about his identity and actually wrote shit like 'verrrrry', which I hate being overused irl but apparently my subconscious brain accepts. He gossiped about gym leaders (Skyla only dates other aviators apparently) and shared his art, all while namefagging as docholliday for whatever reason. A strangely comfy dream overall.
I once dreamt Ingo died and I cried over his body
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>>All this submas
well, someone brought up mental health struggles, and I responded with my own with pic related
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I hope he dies
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i think he's cute and silly
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Oh the more submas the merrier, it just reminded me about my terminally online dream! They're also keeping me going through a crappy time, if only the husbandos were as real as the struggles
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i love his stupid ass, the end
who is that?
It’s supposed to be Avery
Probs awkward and ungainly while everyone tries to figure out how we fit together. For some reason I think each would be trying to get himself off in this situation instead of trying to get the others off.
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M-maybe he was just sleeping
no, he was bloodied and beaten
Oh God, poor dream Ingo, hopefully you have less traumatic dreams ahead!
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I had work today, so I just got around to strolling around the Gear Station event. There was a surprising amount of nonJapanese booths this time. Did any anons here happen to participate? It's still ongoing so check it out if you're interested:
Not participating but checking all the amazing creators around there
So jealous of the people that can get all the doujinshis and merch available during these events, though they sell out quickly because I think everyone barely makes 50 copies of each thing. Even if I could buy, most of the artists don't set their shops for international buyers because of the outrageous shipping fees ;-;
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I use a forwarder but, yeah even when the items are cheap, shipping is expensive if you want it fast. Any books in particular you were interested in? I usually manage to pick up a few of the NoboKuda ones so, I can scan one if you want. Well, I plan on scanning stuff anyway but, I have too many to pick from and I'm lazy.
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I did! It was really cool. There were a lot of creative booth designs and I found some new artists to folllow. I did end up ordering a keychain and some doujins, but I got fucked by international shipping fees. Oh well, worth it.
You're too kind! Don't worry, most of the stuff I was interested in I was able to see a few sneak peeks from their private accounts, but yeah, buying an acrylic stand or keychain to support them would have been nice too :c
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Awesome! Glad to hear you had a good time, minus the shipping part of course.

It's fine. I hope you have the chance to to buy what you want in the future anon.
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silver a cute!
Rename it to “Ingo and Emmet general”
Post your unpopular/contoversial husbando opinions

I don't like Ingo and Emmet because they're bald headed
Only PLA Ingo is bald because he's old, Ingo and Emmet as you see them in Gen 5 probably aren't
Speaking of, I only like PLA Ingo, Gen 5 Ingo (and Emmet) looks like a fucking muppet
I think Lance is really boring, he's literally a Vegeta knockoff and has barely a personality
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just saw in real time a BOOTH opening being announced; not even a minute later, it was sold out lol now a few people are lamenting having lost the chance, F

I don't know any other husbando fandom that has this kind of hype for fan merch stuff
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Assuming the same store, I managed to get the stand in my cart but didn't even make it past checkout before it was sold out. Annoying, but good for the artist!
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Interesting how it works so differently for everyone, I fell for him even more when the PLA guide pics started leaking even though I’m not particularly into bald men irl. The eyebags, the receding hairline, all the little imperfections made me appreciate him more. Maybe it’s because I’m 30+ myself so regular bishies aren’t doing it for me anymore idk
if it's the one from your pic, they just announced they will be reselling a few in the future

good luck anon!
It is, thank you! Fingers crossed
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This. Lance is so ugly in all official media and only a few fanartists can redeem him and make him good looking. I think the biggest problem is his hairstyle and it could be fixed easily with making it more realistic looking instead making him look like a knockoff super sayjajin like pic related
thought this was mpreg from the thumbnail
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Hassel and Larry are one of the only few good things that came woth sv
Pretty sure Hassel was what convinced me to finally buy the games and got me fully back into husbando faggotry.
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i wish volo would have gotten some post game scene for some more closure. he is really one of the best villains the series has to offer
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I hope one day they make a hisui movie adaption where we get to see more of volo's madness
As in Korean/Chinese? Baka gaijins are probably not allowed, right? I have no idea how online doujin events work but I've always wished I could go to one and dreamed about selling my own, unfortunately I don't live in Japan kek. (Also, everything about western zine culture is a mismatch for me.) You'd have to be selling digital-only products on an online event as a foreign person, right? What's the ratio of physical vs digital even like on there? Can digital doujins 'sell out' too?? I'm so clueless about this.
Stop replying to this troll, they always say the same thing.
Show me the BULGE
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Dragon Ball-looking ass on the right, Final Fantasy-looking ass on the left.
If I sprain my wrist again from this...
I wouldn't say he's ugly, but even as a Dragon Ball fan, I say he certainly looks a lot better the less "straight from Dragon Ball" his design is and also less whatever happened to him in LGPE, which really only happened in HGSS.
Maybe Master SEX will do something about it. My hopes aren't high.
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Opinions on body hair on husbandos?
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i don't think guzma's dad beat him with golf clubs. it's such an extreme form of abuse, and that they would walk back lusamine's narcissism but not that in usum is just unbelievable to me
BASED as hell. We need more of it. I curse the Japanese and their lack of body hair since it means you don't really see it depicted in their art outside of bara shit.
The fact that I don't even have a pic of Arven with bodyhair saved on my phone upsets me...
>i don't think guzma's dad beat him with golf clubs. it's such an extreme form of abuse
my mother once hit my sister's head on the toilet over a dispute about earrings.
yet that woman was never arrested, even after driving my other sister to attempt to run away.

that dispute was because she had trouble understanding instructions for cleaning the floor in a certain way

so no, golf clubs aren't out of left field
I think anon meant that it's excessive for Pokémon
I agree with anon, I think the broken golf clubs are supposed to show anger issues, not that he beat him with them
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I never got the appeal of N. When I first played the Unova games as a kid I thought he was just some autistic weirdo and didn’t care for him. Now as an adult I still think he’s an autistic weirdo but he’s still one of the most popular pokemon characters. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Gotta be into autistic weirdos to like him, yep
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The japanese fandom uses the platform called pictSQUARE to exhibit their works [linking their pixiv, xitter, available limited prints, etc] or sell physical doujin, stands, hand-made stuff, etc. with a link to a BOOTH store [that works with pixiv or another doujin friendly e-commerce website]. Some even show art that you can only find in their stand. As for digital doujin, some make mangas limited to the event and others upload their physical ones months/years after the events

Map sections to visit are divided by pairings or themes. Custom made by collaborators/organizers

The venue looks like a RPG maker game and you can see everyone's custom avatars and participant spots they were designated by the organizers. Everyone can customize their stand, and when you click the little image at the corner their info pops up. Window/UI size sucks because it was made to check on phones iirc so even while in a desktop browser it gets set to a mobile display

The registration process is months before the event. It's all in japanese but this time they translated and added some guides in other languages so more people can connect. I don't know if foreigners are using BOOTH to manufacture things in japan, I would think so because of shipping costs

Attached pic has 2 example spots to hang out and an area designated with a pairing/theme in mind. This message became way too long kek
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He’d probably make a type of tea I like as a way of reminding me to stay hydrated. His quiet presence seems like it’d have a sort of calming effect, whether I need someone to vent to or just don’t want to feel alone.

I sometimes like to daydream and imagine he sends his Misdreavus along with me to keep me company when he can’t be there to cheer me up himself. She’s pretty cute and always seems to be depicted as happy around him. I felt a little inspired by this particular husbando thread to do some mental self-care and took the “treat yo-self” approach; I ordered a little Misdreavus plush so I can secretly pretend husbando sent her to watch over me. I’m excited for her to arrive, it’s been awhile since I had something nice to look forward to :3
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The gear station has a gift shops where they sell all kinds of knick knacks

There's also one of those penny pressers so that you won't put coins on the tracks like a moron

You know who you are
the items sold include but are not limited to....

forgot to link posts
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NTA you replied to, but this is actually very interesting to me, can you tell me more or direct me to a place where I can read about it in more detail in English?
Here's the event page translated with google, it should give a basic idea of how things works, what to do/not do, etc. Reaching the end you can enter the venue if you want to check out a random area (NoCP/BL/etc). It ends Sept 23 at 21:50 JST


I can't find any guide in english right now since the hashtag has been flooded with all the event stuff, but I do remember someone mentioned what I previously posted, you can even post your ko-fi, youtube or any other website for galleries
It's a guide for a different event, but it should be the same general process/rules.
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I wish Steven would be shown more cool and badass than cute
What's inside the coat?
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deep sigh
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It' sexy. Which husbandos do you guys think are the hairiest? I can see Leon being one of them.
Have this one.
hairy pits, HAIRY PITS
Give him some body hair and he might.
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armpit hair and happy trails are disgusting i prefer husbandos smooth and cute
Thank you for this gift anon <3 Fucking saved!
While I disagree, it's nice to have variety. Steven does strike me as the type who is very smooth though.
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I agree, but no hate to those that love the hair
someone needs to make that body hair chart we discussed a few threads back
If you're still here anon, what forwarder did you use? Was it for prints too or only the BOOTH merch?
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I need to bury my face into his tiddies or I'll die
Seconding this question. Also wondering how discreet they are or if they write "DOUJINS AND SMUT" all over the import slip.
Cute bulge.
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I'm sure one of my regular insults would be calling him mom, because I have a feeling he nags about shit like taking supplements, getting enough rest, diet, getting up and moving, doing more than whatever I'm already barely managing... and I just don't need that when I'm crashed and burned.

Hopefully he just holds me and we can chill and cuddle around the house, take it easy, because what I need is to slow down when ~life~ happens... but I doubt that's what he's like. He'd probably be sympathetic enough to try to help with chores, at least to take his share of the burden. Maybe he'll offer to get takeout so I don't have to cook that night.
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Why did they gave him shorts over his pants?
Vacuum sealing the package for freshness.
Idk, because they have no fashion sense or put people who don't care in charge of it? All they had to do was turn it into a medieval doublet or overcoat.

It just makes me think COCK even more because no sane guy would wear something so short that frames his junk, not even over pants. Not to mention, how the hell do you go to the bathroom?
Leon at the top of the chart?
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Wallace is underrated
i imagine Rose to be even hairier than him.pic no related.
I say Lysandre would be hairier than them.
Yeah both Lysandre and Sycamore would probably be at the top
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I use Big in Japan for forwarding. I don't think they will pick up netprints though. The only proxy I know that does is Goody-Japan because I asked them a couple of years ago. It's 200 yen per print and 1000 yen if you get 4 or less. Import slip will just have stuff like book/comic written on it, I think. I don't ever bother checking.
If you're new to importing from Japan, check out this guide first: https://buyfags.moe/
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nah I want a proper chart like the butthole level of autism. With all the different parts of the body.
Nice, thank you! I'm checking Goody-Japan, but what do I have to put in the URL when making the order if I only want to get prints? I've used other proxies with the more convenient way of adding things directly to cart and paying right away
I wish my husbando were real purely so that he could forcefeed me or something, every time I eat food I get nauseous and it sucks
Sorry. Even though I asked back then, I ended up not using it so I'm not exactly sure. I'm trying it out now by putting in a direct link to the Xwitter image for the URL and filling out the specifications (size, paper type, etc). Anything else I felt the need to specify I added in the comment box. Hopefully that's good enough.
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I was unlucky and saw emmet drawn like a fairly oddparents character wearing an onceler outfit. Have your husbandos ever been destroyed like that, anons?
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Beautiful! I want to kiss his juicy homosexual looking lips!
I've definitely seen some ugly ass Western drawings of Arven. I can't look at them, it makes me cringe real hard
Well this did for me >>56482100
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I've seen so much dogwater art and hc's about Volo I can't stand.
I husbando Avery so yeah, par for the course. I get to see his character ruined by not only genderspecial minors on the internet but also pornbrained trap addicts, so I’m living the dream. You just learn to ignore it eventually.
Not really. My brain smoov, memory shot, nothing sticks. When I see anything exceptionally horrific it goes in the cringe folder of my phone, but husbando cringe just get insta-deleted by my brain.
which husbando has the lowest iq?
Leon is the himboest himbo who ever himboed
might not be your husbando but I hope he feeds you like this
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Whenever there's an artist who draws characters barely looking like themselves on top of tons of shitty headcanons and tons of better artists lick their ass and follow them, I always wonder if they're just being polite or genuinely like their work.
And yeah, I've seen some shit. I envy this anon >>56487369
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I'm not a Mortyfag but if they made him an onmyoji alt I would instantly blow all my gems on it. I'm surprised they haven't done that for him yet, seems like it would be a good New Year's alt
Personally, I want to see Emmet smiling like the Grinch when he gets an idea....

A wonderful, awful idea
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I think Riley has a really timeless design and is truly one of the most handsome men in pokemon
I wish I understood the appeal of weighted blankets. I tried one and it just felt suffocating, I kinda hated it.
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Based taste anon, I agree. I think he was my first Poke-husbando or the closest thing to that as a kid, with my second being Steven.
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I liked Riley when I was a kid, he’s pretty cool. I wish he was fleshed out more though. The one good thing with the newer games is that NPCs have a bit more personality, I’m sure that Riley would’ve been super popular if he was introduced in the newer games
friede love!
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Young Hassel
Sometimes I wonder if he's trying to nudge Drayton into being less lazy because the kid reminds him of himself when he was young.
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Archie is only mad because he wanted to see Maxie naked.
I dream of him
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I would very much like to see him drawn as a G.I Joe character
How long would he study for an exam and would he pass/fail? Asking because I have an uni exam on Friday and I feel mid prepared because of part time work and another more important upcoming exam (2nd try oof) I hope I won't get exam anxiety again that's the worst and I lowkey hate my degree during exam season
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He would have psychic types help him study so he'd have more time for battling
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He would probably put off studying until the last minute and try to cram the night before or just half-ass his studying, thinking that he knows the course material already so he doesn’t need to study. I think that the latter is more likely. Either way he’s lazy and has no discipline. Then exam time comes, he fails, and he ends up crying in the hallway or something. He wouldn’t cheat, not because he’s above it (as if) but because if he did cheat, he would get kicked out of university and he can’t risk that. Good luck on your exam, you got this!
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Shitposts are fine, have to nail it though
I couldn't find the fairly oddparents one. I spoilered it because I hate it kek at that point the only thing resembling Emmet are the sideburns
But would he pass?
Thanks. He's such a mood
something something feral late bloomer type
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I stumbled across the Pokegoddess thread and they had an image about nails and heels for each character, we should do something similar too I thought it was funny
Checked their thread, so what would be the male/husbando equivalent of that?
…fingerless gloves and… lawn mowing shoes?
still nails and heels because yassified
I guess handfaggotry and dress shoes, which is just another flavor of footfaggotry so I’m in
Rings, watches, ties preferred method of restraint...? Unlucky that men have less options to accessorize...
>inb4 a dozen hands that are nearly identical unless you're a handfag
>a bunch of dress shoes that are either brown or black, and one pair of zesty heels under Wallace
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but is he dumber than picrel? ORAS matt is undeniably a grade A meathead
Don't forget 2 pairs of clown shoes and sandals for Nanu
RIP poorfag husbandos (are there any, even?)
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I like to think that Guzma stole the watch from his dad but the chain is fake
>Maybe Master SEX will do something about it. My hopes aren't high.
Has Mastersex ever resolved a dangling story thread in a satisfying way?
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The Touya and N parts fultilled all my fanfic dreams and then some, so that I guess. If the same fujo on the writing team is also doing the current Rei/Volo stuff then I'm mostly happy with that as well.
>tfw the Pokémon world is seen so much as a uptopia that there are almost no poorfag husbandos for us to love, fix, or suffer with
Nah I had forgot about Guzma, and Piers counts too (maybe?)
I guess there's also AZ the hobo and maybe Beni and Kamado, in their backstory at least.
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That's why Pokemon villains keep trying to remake the world even though it's a utopia. They need there to be more impoverished men in it.
Arven, maybe? He strikes me as somewhat of a Pokémon-world equivalent poor college student. Not the starving or “all I can cook is ramen” kind, so at least he has that going for him.
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You're right, and I also completely forgot about broke Alolan Grimsley, how could I?
Maybe Wes might count given that he's an outlaw type in the Pokemon world's biggest shithole region.
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The Ideal Formula is the best example. There's a reason it won the recent Trainer Tales Championship among the Japanese community and reached Top 15 with Global's. A Golden Future and Chase the Northern Wind were also highly ranked and had somewhat similar resolutions for Morty and Eusine. Beyond those, there's not much else or at least not much relevant for this thread.
Isn't Larry on a tight budget? He has to work 2 jobs and in the anime he was not delighted that hr had to pay for the meals of the kids
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I feel like Nanu’s not a poorfag, he’s just a huge fucking cheapskate. Surely being the police chief pays alright, plus he used to be interpol so I doubt he’s completely broke. His rent is probably 5 dollars and a half smoked cigarette. He probably buys Meowth food in bulk, he has one pair of sandals that he uses all the time, he drinks black coffee. Maybe he splurges at the sushi high roller every once in a while. He seems like the kind to have money hidden away in his house somewhere, but not under the mattress because that’s too obvious
>sushi high roller
Thanks for reminding me of my sugar baby phase
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New headcanons accepted.
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Is Masters a worthwhile husbando game? I may have to resort to playing a gacha...
It's very indulgent fanservice. I suggest you read or watch the events related to your husbando(s) and if you enjoy it enough, maybe consider picking it up. It's not very newbie friendly right now, but if you don't mind daily chores, being curb stomped on levels you can't beat, and saving to gamble for your favorites, you might not mind.

I log in daily just to be greeted by husbando and chat with him in the lodge.
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Hello. I haven't been posting much but I'm always lurking. Hope the struggling posters are doing better these days. I've had brainworms for a different series for a little while, so I haven't been on /vp/ a whole lot. Not that much has been going on with Pokemon anyways... These threads have spoiled me, there's nothing like them for my new fixation anywhere I know of so I'm suffering. Being a yume in a fujo's world is hard.

>Husbandos are all in the top three (and Adaman I guess)

I'm so validated right now holy shit. I'm ready for the slightly different Larry alt where he has Staraptor and his shirt is blue instead of gray, I WILL be rolling.

On one hand he eats out all the time and likes to try out different places frequently, but on the other hand I think the joke in the anime was just that Roy ate a hole into his wallet. Ironic since his own appetite is so big lel. I feel like he has to get paid well if he's working 3 jobs (one semi-against his will but it still counts) and yet he looks like he can't even afford a new suitcase or new shoes (both have scuffs in his official art it seems) but I have to wonder if he has dad-logic and doesn't replace something until its outright unusable. He's probably no sugar daddy but he likely has a pretty good amount of cash saved up.
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Anon you asked here.
For playing it? Not at all. I've never played Masters EX and probably never will because I despise gacha games and how much of a chore they are.
>>56493684 is right about reading or watching the events, that's what I did. I recently finished watching almost every possible story the game had, a process that took over 6 weeks on-and-off. There's just so much filler (in relation to the game's main story) and the cutscenes weren't designed to be binge-watched. I wouldn't recommend going that route unless you're a completionist.
Forgot to mention another reason why I hate the gacha format and went for the videos: The majority of the stories outside the main one are limited time events. If the story in question isn't active, you can't watch it through the game.
I need to go watch the 70% of the game that I missed. When I started playing 2 years ago I think they were rerunning events kind of frequently; now, we're lucky if there's even 1 running, and they gimped the older shit to just be cutscenes? I feel a little cheated, I want those old badges!
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Wasn’t looking for it but found my new Eusine headcannon
>the 70% of the game that I missed
I died a little inside just reading that.
Guzma with top surgery scars.
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We’re getting a bad storm right now and all I can think about is chilling with a bunch of meowth. Why can’t he be real
he's a nice combo of comfy and jesus christ what an asshole
>But would he pass?
of course, he would.

He is Emmet
Polished my nails for my husbando, looks like ass but whatever
hell yeah, what color
Ice blue, I'll eventually get proper colors
What a coincidence, I did my nails today too! I bought a lavender gel polish on impulse but I fucked up a bit and I’m thinking of getting it off and trying again. The things we do for husbando

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