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Why was gen 9 having a kid in elite 4 such a BIG deal when gen 7 already did it?
gen 9 was actually good and memorable unlike 7
Poppy got there through sheer skill. Acerola got there because her uncle is a lazy ass and didn't want to do it.
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People naturally recognise Acerola as a powerful trainer
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Cause Acerola looks semi mature enough, as Poppy looks like a literal toddler.

Now my question is. why the fuck does she have so much giantess shit???
Nobody played gen 7.
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Some of it is probably due to Alloy drawing her a lot and characters who already get specific type of fanart are more likely to get more of that type of fanart
Acerola isn't a kid
because Poppy is a continously inside joke that kids are as capable as adults and Acerola looks like a gremlin instead of a toddler
Because genwar
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Because SM took its time to establish her as a credible member for the Elite 4. She explains her pedigree as a descendant of an ancient royalty, she's a formidable trial captain before she becomes part of the E4 and is shown to a motherly figure to the island's orphans.

SV, being the shittily written slop that it is just throws a toddler at you as one of the final bosses and doesn't expect you to to question it.
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Is this the Acerola thread?
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Acerola at least looks like she could be in E4. Poppy looks like she's 6
She's a ghost, bro. She's older than you think.
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>It's another "someone made a thread about a rarely posted character so /vp/ pretends to love her and spam threads about her for a week" moment
Don't lie, if that one anon didn't used Acerola as the thumbnail on that other thread none of you fags would have made a thread about her
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We back? It's been a good while, how are you fellas doing?
What a waste. Such a good drawing of her too
I have the urge to edit it so she's sitting on a shelf or something. it really is a waste, especially with how cute her feet are drawn
It was only memorable for having the worst character designs in the franchise
Not that anon but I definitely agree with you.
I'd argue Nemona, Penny, Miriam, Tulip and Iono to be stand outs.
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whats that?
Have to admit Nanu was pretty smart about that, he didn't have to go do more work AND he was able to get rid of that annoying noise
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Been missing those threads
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I thought she was just a midget, like Hapu. Acerola has to be older than the protags at least since she's a trial captain. I doubt she got any special treatment in that regard.
You sure? Feels like people already memory holed non-dlc parts of SV
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I could never forget ol' Rika.
I wonder how many people remember who this chstacter is
Did you know? You can max out your evasion after only 1 use of Minimize, if you hide between Acerola's toes afterwards
She was slightly popular when her movie came out. I'll never forget her garters and deep voice.

The only way she won't be flat is if shes dynamaxed and her ass and tits are now physically bigger than you
I wish we had a normal Acerola thread, instead of this giantess shit.
I want her to filter me
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I don't think anyone is stoping you from making one.
You can continue taunting her by shrinking in respons so the curviture becomes impossible to feel at that scale, just like you don't feel the earth is round when walking.
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your wish is my command! :D
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always the way I think of it, honestly.
also makes me feel better about being 20 and having a crush on her since I was a kid, really.
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Cool. Now we can all enjoy our stuff in piece
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Thread theme melted your brain a little?
ye -w-
win win for everyone
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Maybe in general, but base game girls get more size content

I still think her hair is fucking stupid, but I'm starting to like her.
Now that there's a dedicated Acerola thread with no giantess, I can finally say

...levels lower than my starter
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so anon
who is your favorite /size/ pokegirl?
I have a soft spot for canon stuff, so Sabrina and Monica, but omiting them, due to the unfair advantage, it might be Sonia
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Like... twenty inches tall?
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holy fuck this is hot. I love alola so much. How come no one has posted this before?
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>How come no one has posted this before?
Probably because that picture is like 2 days old.
Not only the most current gen gets fresh content
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Gimme scenarios involving pokegirls bigger than other pokegirls and I'll probably draw them
Giant Valerie dressing up dragon type users as dolls.
Giant Rachel sneakily dropping the Masters girl MC down the front of her pants.
Lisia's contest performance gets interupted by Iono picking up the contest hall and bringing it to her larger than the building eye to look inside
i love big chicken, bros...
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i want a pokegirl to hum the jingle that plays when you catch a pokemon when she drops me into her cleavage
ngl I just wanna see someone throw the epcot ball
rosa trapping hilda in her bra cup
Not a request but hot damn that image is great, stupid E-thot Klara swallowing Bea on livestream, a girl who's spent her whole life training as hard as possible while Klara's lazy ass just puts in half assed work every now and then.
Klara makes such a good giantess, but also a good tiny since she'd probably lose her shit. The ultimate size girl.
Square Lumie thread
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Coloring took forever so I might not bother in the future
This guy gets it
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OR, love this. Shame you aren't coloring more o them because you did a great job here, though i can see it must of take you a while with how good it came out.
Honestly almost all of my favorite pokegirls that I'd most want to be in size scenarios around have little to no artwork. Of the ones that do, maybe Selene, May or Acerola
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I tried making a Klara thing based on this image, cause that pic is living rent free in my brain now.
I'm not a great blenderer and the model didn't work in my usual setup. Hopefully it turned out okay/10.
The taunt about being part of her ass is great
>my favorite pokegirls that I'd most want to be in size scenarios around have little to no artwork.
Who could that be?
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Halfway through I realized Rosa probably wouldn't be wearing her hat in her underwear, but then I realized Rosa's goofy hat and hair buns are 90% of her design
Holy shit this is amazing. I can't believe you were inspired to make this from my silly doodle
I like how Bea appears to shrink again between the pictures
It wouldn't be Klara without shit talking or atleast passive aggressive talk.
I'm happy I could impress the one who drew the image I went gonzo over, I haven't made an image in months but your image got me off my butt.
Might be a doodle but it's one of my favorite depictions of Klara in size content. I just love how she's letting Bea try and crawl out so she'll get good footage, meanwhile Bea wont stop trying despite it clearly being a useless struggle. Good characterization from both of em.
I originally made her smaller than that, but I went in and made her a bit bigger. Since someone who didn't know it was Bea would have to zoom it to even notice.
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OR here, thank you for taking.
What are they gonna do to them?
View from behind of BW2 Bianca handing Rosa her starter pokeballs.
There's a tiny Hilda flattened on Bianca's ass
I want to be non-sexually cared for by a giant Wicke.
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Held in her arms. Pressed against her soft chest. Kissed. Massaged by her delicate fingers. Resting on her tummy.
I'm not a fan of the "UOUGHHH MOMMY" stuff and quite frankly find it annoying, but Wicke really activates that part of my brain. I guess I associate her with a better time in my life.
How much size difference anon?
Hapu meet Eri ....in the ring
In my ideal scenarios, Wicke is normal sized and I'm about the size of 15cm (around 6 inches).

What about you? What's your preferred size difference?
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varies but always 3 inches or below.
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i want rosa to drop me down her shirt to keep her hands free, and proceed to entirely forget that I'm in there
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Pure kino
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I could try colourfagging the ones you don't have time to do
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It's incredible to me that you recognized the judge from rse and colored him correctly lol
That's why Rosa doesn't meet Hilda in the sequel
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https://files.catbox.moe/qmzxn8.png Working on some of the requests I didn't get to last thread, in the mean time what would you like to see
>Please wait a while before making a post
could you post that catbox link again the link is broken
and for a request could i get hilda in jeans looking at the outline of a tiny spread eagle on her butt
His link works for me, so you must be doing something wrong
Skyla, Zinnia, Clair, Green, Iris, Shauna, Bianca, Hilda, Mallow, Erika
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Surely Skyla or Hilda aren't in that dire of situation.
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I guess you'd call this situation an
eye oh no
A giant hand appearing over Hisui, revealed to belong to the player character's mom from Diamond and Pearl, and that the Hisui region has somehow become no bigger than some grime on a table in present-day Sinnoh.
The mom crushes the grime-sized region under her palm and wipes the remains on her ass without a second thought.
They do not have a lot that doesn't look like complete shit
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Emerald was the only time i actually bothered contesting, so i saw that one judge a lot. Me and Castform did alright

Speaking of rse, i hope i recognised the og Hex motif correctly
RQing more tokusatsutism, if that's okay:
>Carmine sees a giant Pokemon monster wreaking havoc (UB, fake Groudon from the movie, etc.)
>consumes a bunch of mochi from Pecharunt to grow into a giant heroine
>grows up in full hero pose, her clothing turning to a Toxic Chain-laced leotard, with a dashing heroic grin
>immediately gets the monster in a headlock and starts violently punching it in the head, full rage-face, to the horror of the citizens
Then part 2 where they swap heights
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Requesting one of pic related keeping the other two as pets in hamster cage and making them do tricks.

Oh hey! You finally did it! Thanks! I waited a few weeks for this!
You don't mind if I reline and recolor this do you?

I mean, I was the requester, but I suppose it's only fair to ask the artist before hand.
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Do you like big/growing Wicke scenarios much too, or do you have an overwhelming preference for you shrinking instead?
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NTA but I love growth stuff with Wicke just as much as shrinking
Im that anon. I will prefer shrinking 95% of the time.
It is more personal to experience a larger Wicke like this. I'll be her tiny secret you can say.
>I'll be her tiny secret you can say.
She's very neuron-activating for me too, instant sizemommy since day 1 of sun/moon. I've had occasional dreams about her too which are fucking rad.
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>instant sizemommy since day 1 of sun/moon
Fucking agreed. The only one who comes close is Melony but I still think Wicke takes the number one spot.
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Small Hilda
Big Hilda
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Klara is such perfect size material. She's one of those characters where it would be 100% fitting for her to shrink someone and toy with them.
That failed music star career is a nice touch.
Making her seam pathetic at regular size makes her all the more threatning when towering over you.
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forgot the reference pic
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this one by far
it would just be render stuff but what kinda size situations were you thinking of for one from that bunch of girls?
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She's melting like a candy. The longer she stays in Klara's mouth the smaller she gets.
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>Klara building up an immunity to her own poisons
>she can literally swish it around in her mouth without shrinking herself
>her favorite way of shrinking someone is getting them to swallow her poison-infused saliva, either through forceful making out or just spitting in their mouth
I presume she starts with saduction and a kiss and starts spitting once you're small enough to be easily overpowered by her.
She lives for that moment when her newest victim realizes they’re too small to fight her off and it’s all downhill from there
>since Klara's mouth shrinks you she suggests you should kiss her ass to see if it has the opposite effect
>it doesn't, but she gets a laugh that you did it willingly
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I would try to force my way into her asshole if I were an inch or two tall or smaller
I hope she plays around with trainers half or quarter her height before commiting to making them bug types
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>want to be Pokemon master but keep losing to little girls, milfs and gilfs
>they let you go after a week of playing with you
>think next time you will finally win but it never happens so sent home tiny
Cynthia but they are all great
I thought fetish posting was agaisnt the rules, why do they never get nuked on this board?
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Because you specifically are a faggot and suck on dicks. Stop being a massive dick sucking faggot, and things will change.
>come out of your house after whiting out again
>all your previous captresses are waitng for you right outside, wanting a rematch
As long as it isn't something repulsive to look at im ok with it, don't know about everyone else. If mods ban giant pikegirls then any giant pokemon would also be considered fetish even if it's a game mechanic. There are way more furries.
Iono gaming with tiny Juliana sitting on top of her controller
>Not being into giants means you are gay
Ok porn addict
Ok immigrant, how about you fuck off to your oofie zone over at Weenie Hut Jr's with the rest of your outrage culture basic bitch smoothbrains and gossip how famous streamer is le bad because he had consenting sex with a CIS heterowoman in her mid 20's?
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anime really should have had a handheld scene
Not that guy but you should render something with one of the girls panicking on a seat Bianca is about to sit down on.
For me it's the scene with inconsistant scaling that implies Sabrina should be picking up whole houses instead of putting her hand inside one
Jasmine and Roxie battling for fivehead supremacy with a shrunken Pokegirl of your choosing stuck in the middle.
this dude has like 200 pokemon drawings locked behind excessive paywalls and i'm mad
I think most of it leaked already
Last time I checked only some select gumroad packs got leaked, unless you're referring to somewhere else besides kemono
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Yes please
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Ultrawoman version of Klara, similar to Iono, but with stuff like Magnemites swaped for Dustox and maybe a slight evil vibe
Cute. What is she playing?
12 > 4
I can't decide who I'd rather travel with between May and Hilda. I love spats but pocket stuff is severely underrated too.

Now we need: Alpha, XXL, Titan, GO Raid boss, and Neo-One view
She's getting wobbled in her favorite game
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Acerola growth comic

Now this is the giantess content I can get behind. Cringe foot play to a minimum and everyone is having fun.
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Obsessive stalker Hex with occult size powers will always be number one
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Hilda is for gentle and teasing pocket rides, May would probably lean towards entrapment or straight smothering if she humored your complaints about it being too cramped in her spats.

Honestly Hilda would probably be one of the kinder girls to travel with.
What's your analysis on this one?
May kindled my interests in size way back when I had size dreams that were sometimes like that.
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Probably kind, but dehumanizing. You'd be more of a pet than a person, so even if she took good care of you it's not like you'd have any rights or real freedoms.

I think losing the first time I did the route 110 match vs her cemented wanting to get bullied by her into my brain
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need more content like this
>Hex causes you a fatal accident and traps your soul in some voodoo doll like body
Now you can be her toy forever
give me Acerola based render or animation ideas NOW and I will do them :)
A tiny man trapped between Acerola's clothed buttcheeks.
Still render idea:
Acerola and Chicken-Chan less than half her heigh.
Acerola is ruffling Chicken's hair with one hand and pointing to a "you must be this tall" sign with the other.
Chicken isn't tall enough
We need a tier list on how each pokegirl would treat you if you ended up shrunk and in her possession. Ranging from kind and gentle to seeing you as nothing but a toy for her amusement.
Acerola trashing a tiny city and having a great time of it
>gen 9
I keep forgetting that exists.

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