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because someone wished for it
She has a good design, but why do I feel repelled by her?
Did she put a curse on me?
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no clue, honestly.
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Yay Acee
Best captain
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I think she should have been a main character in the anime along with Mallow and Lana instead of Lillie
wasn't she a main character for an entire arc of the sun and moon anime though? I never really watched it so I don't really know
Lillie is best girl but Acerola is a close second. I don't know who I would replace for Acerola, they're all great.
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Sadly don't have many new pics I've found of her since last thread...
>Doesn't want people to lust over Acerola (his waifu)
>Makes a thread about her on the board with the most porn addicted permavirgin pedophiles on the site who are guaranteed to lust after her
OP i...
I mean, yeah, but lookie here, nobody here is being overtly horny.
the worst you get is some guy chiming in about feet stuff and some off-hand comments.
(..besides, there's already a thread with semi-nsfw conversation to do with acerola, the giantess thread, so..)
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Yay, Acerola thread! Now I can post pics of her cute feet! :D
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Can you really call her your wife if you're not willing to preform your husbandly duties towards her? She's not really your waifu if you don't find her sexually attractive!
I can, though. don't have a need to bang her, just want to treat her like the royalty she is.
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I Need to get around to actually buying the card itself. I Love this art of her so much its so cozy
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I've got 2 full-arts with her in it -w-
She is like 9 years old anon, and the closest thing to a parental figure she got (Nanu) is a cop. I don't know about you but i don't want to end up in jail for many years just for a few minutes of sex with a loli
NTA (thread OP actually), I think she's just, short? like hapu.
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He let a whole town get taken over and destroyed by some hoodlums, I doubt he would care about some orphan. Besides, everything in that world can be resolved with a Pokemon battle. If he has a problem with it, he can challenge my Ultra Necrozma.
Nah, in fact she is implied to be a ghost child so she is forever 9-11 years old. Also Hapu is a child too, she just have thick eyebrows
not.. entirely. just a ghost pretending to be her. I'm still pretty sure she's a grown adult, just short.
>She looks like a child, talks like a child and act like a child but she is definitely an adult guises
Do lolifags really?
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not.. really?
look it's just cope because of the fact that my brain hasn't let go of her since I was 12, so cut me some slack okay
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I'm actually stumped.
this could work for both normal age acerola AND ghost acerola. so this is kinda awkward to do.
I think they intentionally leave it open to interpretation. Also right before that scene, Acerola is somehow awaiting Lillie and it seems like she already has the relevant book laid out for Lillie to read. Spooky stuff
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honestly, with how the pokemon world works, she probably just ended up hearing word-of-mouth from someone. (probably samson oak)
That's just simping for a girl, being a girl's husband kinda requires sex. Otherwise you're just husband in name and name alone.
Is it wrong that I think Acerola would sound like Konata from Lucky Star?
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brother thinks you need sex to have a good relationship. point and laugh, fellas, point and laugh.

honestly? not really. I can understand the vibes.
Nice, The own piece of merch i have of her is this single card shelve i got off of mecari for like a 2 bucks (Which is also super adorable and cozy)
wish i could order it off amazon
so the ghost of mimikyu is the ghost of her dead mother kanata? do we even have enough girls to do the molteke sailor fuku dance?
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oh nice! I planned to put my entire deck in these sleeves, but man..
..that's too much money for a set of sleeves
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oh hey that's my photo! glad to see it's making the rounds
I'm once again requesting any headcanons

Does she have a favorite food?
Where does she sleep? (Aether House? Police Station? Thrifty Megamart? Apartment?)
How long has she been a Trial Captain?
Which Pokemon was her starter (and how did she get it)?
What happened to her family?
Did she have any siblings?
I am going to Acerola
What does that entail?
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whatever this guy is doing
Kek, I think of that guy whenever I hear “Acerola”.
honestly he's always in the back of my mind whenever I think of acerola, purely because of that pronounciation.
gotta love it
He was my profile pic on discord for a while. He just stuck with me.
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I will now consume your beverage.
the girls of alola would make perfect sailor scouts
Well? Don't keep us waiting, what does her cunny juice taste like?
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Just a friendly reminder for everyone here that she is still just a child. Please refrain from having any sensual thoughts about her.
>Here comes the pedos spamming lewds
Just ban pokegirls posting already, /vp/ are incapable of having a thread about them without it devolving into a glorified /e/ thread
Sounds like someone didn't have their juice today.
I want to kiss and suck each of her alolan toes!
>inb4 Shaun comes into this thread & posts Acerola devours a jobber.jpg
based and same
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based :D Acerola's toes need more love

Do you guys think she would make a decent mother?
The store I used to work at sold this drink that had Acerola cherries in it. It was great
Yes, something you and the other pedos on this board will never do
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You crazy sonovabitch, you've done it
A cute opinion thinking /vp/ is that bad but /v/ and and /jp/ are far worse if you hate loli posting
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It’s time to drink up, /vp/
Atleast those boards arent 90% coomer threads unlike /vp/ and atleast the jannies there do their job unlike here
Those boards are actually active and you can discussed various things that aren't related to a specific dying franchise. Any threads related to a specific girl would just naturally get pruned due to inactivity. Pokegirl threads stay active because one or two autists can keep a thread alive by only posting every few hours, there is nothing against the rules about these types of threads. Anyways, Acerola.
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Acerola won.
Say something nice about my two daughter wives.
The fuck, I didn't know Acerola was so fit, she looks like she would fuck me up in a fight!
they have lickable armpits
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Can someone draw Acerola in this scenario?
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Making Acerola's cunny go squish squish squish!
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>Acerola with tits
I don't see how anyone can be a fan of a character who's barefoot or wears sandals and hates that footfags likes them.

It's like being told it's gonna rain tomorrow and deciding not to bring an umbrella.
How squishy is it for it to make those sounds?...
>just a child
>Please refrain from having any sensual thoughts
You are sending mixed messages here.
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Acerola's dainty, ghost type feet!
I'm surprised she has so little doujins of her too. I think there's only 5 in where she's the main girl
You should draw her. Think how many new Acerola pictures there'd be if every anon in this thread drew her.
Id draw, the problem is making the art look different from my usual style.
Which are sexier when she's not wearing any footwear!
Based. I agree!

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