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Has there ever been a case of one starter mogging all the other two this hard completely before?

Usually one of them is the odd one out (Gen 2 and 6) or all three are roughly the same in popularity (Gen 1 and 4)
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Total Meowscarada Victory
>Gen 6
>Odd one out
Only the frog mattered
Everyone picked the fox not the froge
Adults picked the fox, little boys and manchildren (of which there are many) picked the froge.
As Pokémon's pushed at kids, the froge took point by default.
quite a similar situation actually
>Grass starter that is obviously the most popular one
>Quadrupedal starter that has fans but carried by its first stage
>The one left behind
I hate this shitty grass cat and it's line so fucking much
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The first popular grass starter too.
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Samefag harder, foxtard
Delphox didn't even reach top 100 in Pokemon center merchs ranking when Greninja was near the top
Try again mongpants.
GayFreak intentionally sabotaged Skeledirge so they could have an excuse to exclusively design humanoid starters for all future gens.
>kids drive merch sales shocker
Man, you even walked adjacent to my point and couldn't even pick up on it. What part of "as pokémon is pushed at kids, the froge won by default" did you not understand when you specifically namechecked evidence of kids driving sales of it, because they were pushed towards it?
Why don't fox fags have money to buy merchs if they are adults? All of you are jobless?
Skeledirge is more popular than the duck if you didn't know
Except they've been switching up the sets since Gen 5, with the only tried and true bodyshape being a no-legged starter as objectively most popular in its gen (Serp, Prima), Gen 6's being the Gen most of /vp/ started with, thus "marketed" to pick the edgeforg, Gen 7's once again having a no-legeged starter ending up bieng the most popular and /vp/'s pick getting a redesign the very next Gen to salvage something (only to be outclassed by another pokésharing its exact typing being added same game and outclassing it, like its Gen 7 debut), Gen 8's being all bipedal again, leading to /vp/'s least favourite becoming most popular, because football is global and handegg ends at the East Coast and finally Gen 9 where /vp/ once again loses a popularity contest by picking the quadruped because "muh taste" and seething because "muh taste" is only seemingly popular with people of their ilk and not the rest of the fanbase - cumskulls, casualfags and kiddies one and all.
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Because merch sales are driven by children, you glue-huffing mong. And most regions don't have ready access to Pokémon merch, let alone Generational merch outside Generational shilling (I bought Prima plushies in Gen 7 through ebay, because there was no dedicated Pokémon site in my territory). Game Freak know how to pander to Phoxfags without needing the kiddy dollar to vindicate it (kids buy what they want them to).
No? Most Pokemon consoomers are adults. Just Look at those smelly TCG, funko, amiibo and plush collectors
serperior has a surprisingly solid fanbase, even outside of vorefags and snake fuckers (not synonymous) it's popular among women (female).
foxfags and catfags are so delusional
Trannies who keep making starterwar and genwar threads dozens times a day just because they are insecure and mad that their fake penises aren't working as intended
everybody knows it's you skeletroon
You are by far the most mentally ill person on this entire board
Btw I forgot to say that Meowscarada is male only (female)
No, most are kids. You justify your own obsessive spending by claiming it's other like you, but that's plainly false. Adults will buy kids cards quicker than buy themselves a piece of plastic to clutter the shelves.
watch any pokemon center video online and try to count the children there lmao
Don't need to, I know rightly adults don't piss away their wages on kiddy toys the way neets hand away their neetbux for it.
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The massive sex appeal helped the popularity, too.

Women have a thing for snakes. Eve was swayed by a snake pretty easily, Cleopatra chose to die by letting a snake gnaw on her tits, it's all connected.
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Feels like it's been pretty normal since gen 6.

Gay frog -> Gay Cat (bara) -> Gay Bunny -> Gay Cat (femboy)
lol no one cares about inceloroar
>Usually one of them is the odd one out (Gen 2 and 6) or all three are roughly the
All the Gen 2 startes are despised
The only Gen 6 starter anyone cares about is Greninja

BaraTigerofHealthyMeta is one of the most iconic Pokémon in the franchise
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>nobody cares about smash bros cat
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Greninja really mogged the other two last stages, but at the same time the phox fanbase looks like a civil war. No other line has this split.
>the non-furbait cute fox mogged the furbait foxes
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>red tony the tiger exists because Masuda wanted his fursona in
>shilled initially and flopped
>GF and co realized their mistake and went with owl instead
>tony is omitted from Pokken while Decidueye is in
>doesn't make it to Unite either while Decideueye is in
>owl becomes a starter again one gen after inception and gets a new form while tony is dex cut
>the next generation, tony needs to wait a full year until the 2nd DLC to be added to the game while Decidueye was in the files from the start
He's right you know, nobody cares about tony
And now it's time to hear the VGC pickrate cope
>owl becomes a starter again one gen after inception and gets a new form
You mean. owl was replaced with a regional along side Typhlosion (the most hated fire starter for being a bland eclair with no identity outside of being wingless CHARIZARD from Kanto’s backyard), and Samurrot (the most hated water starter for being a pooltoy that loses the ability to use its swords when evolved and being from Kanto’s Chinese Knock off)
coomspam bots need to stop creating fanfics by ChatGPT
>all three are roughly the same in popularity (Gen 1
lmao how retarded do you have to be to say something like this after nearly 3 decades of charizard shilling
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sometimes anons on this board just leave me thinking, what the fuck?
this is one of those moments, and I've seen plenty of schizos around here
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just failed to convey your meaning since you're ESL
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being less dogshit than the two worst starters ever created before plass isnt really an accomplissement
>having fans
good one anon
>retarded ESL samefag discord-tier bait
good one anon
Oh no its just the Samurott schizo. He's directly an autistic schizo who travels along the board with his hatred. You can tell if it mentions the forward body or weapons in any way.
>everything i dont like is le imaginary discord in my head
Unova moment
Mudkipz ofc, its the biggest mog out of any gen.
Charizard shilling is artificial. Japan likes Venusaur more organically.
No, they like bulba best of all the base stages, but 'Zard's always been popular in Japan.
Whole reason they evolved Ash's in the first place.
>ever given to popular pokémon
Sorry your boyfriend got re-designed, but that''s what happens when starters fail so hard with the target demographic.
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"clowncroc" have fans several more than the duck

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