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Going by possible hints, what area do you think will be the basis for Gen 10’s region?
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It's California whether you like it or not
Gen 10 is out AFTER that you dumbass. August 2026 is still Gen 9.
You know damn well we're going right back to yearly rushed games right after ZA comes out. Late 2026 is gen 10
Australia i'd say
I hope Japan though
Either Wyoming or the Central African Republic. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up being Bahrain.
That's exactly what I saying, retard. Gen 10 is only after those 2 california tournaments. Totally unrelated.
That means it gets announced before the 2nd tournament and will get a news update during it. California is absolutely related. Use your brain, dummy.
there's no official designation of when a generation starts or that it's even a term. We could be on gen 11 now if we count them as mainline games that add new pokemon, or even gen 16 if it extends to forms for all we know.
Please be Australia
I feel bad for Spain and England. Those games felt nothing like them, at least it did like France a little
Germany or Italy
As much as I hate it, Brazil has a decent chance, Italy and Greece are pretty much a given at some point, there's a few hints towards Australia, the decisions for which regions are chosen is basically "is this a popular tourist spot for the Japanese" and thanks to Gamefreak's laziness and the Japanese being hyper autistic, I actually dread seeing these countries realized in the form of Pokemon regions because I know it's going to be lazy, shallow and boring, there's no passion for the series anymore and expecting good things from it is a mistake.
They did Portugal and Scotland even dirtier, pretty much didn't even consider them unique countries when attaching them to their neighboring nations and calling it a day, the Galar dex at least had references to British culture, Paldea's dex has almost nothing to do with Spain or Portugal's nautical prowess or the south American colonies aside from Quaqaval and Skeledirge's inspirations, I guess Tauros too, but the regionals are so lazy and boring that I barely count them. I can only imagine it getting worse from here.
I believe it's Australia since it was hinted at in the history teachers classroom or something
Australia or Italy (hinted in the picture in the player's house).
Although apparently not hinted, I think Germany will probably get a region too at some point.
>Portugal and Scotland
Scotland isn't currently a Country the same way Portugal is, it's in a political union with Britain, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Portugal isn't in a political union with Spain.
They can't keep ignoring India forever. It's the cradle of the greatest civilization the world has ever seen.
There's already a thread for this.

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Well, Italy and Germany are the only ones still missing to have the Relevant Five of Europe
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Does it even matter? Paldea barely had anything to do with Spain despite being directly inspired by it. Its legendaries didn't even fucking have anything to do with them, they were fucking China and Japanese based
Austria-Hungary region would bring attention to all the smaller present-day countries that once composed the former empire.
How did Austria manage to fuck up this bad?
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Brazil, it has the biggest japanese population outside of Japan and has been getting traction in japanese media as of late (Splatoon 3 for example), lots can be done there too like jungles, beaches and so on. I hope they come back to making the evil teams just mobsters like Team Rocket and straight the fuck up introduce a animal trafficking cartel
My personal choice would be Italy, im a fucking weeb for that place and I visit a different region in there every year, it's so fucking beautiful and so much could be done there. Sadly modern day GF will butcher it but I hope that the piss poor SWSH and SV sales alongside palword are making them reconsider the quality control.
Why not Turkmenistan?

>gold statues everywhere
This is probably the most likely of all the BRICS. Not very likely, but still.
>Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau
Im big on russian culture but they would just end up making it: ICE TYPES, the game and not make anything cool with russian history because that would challenge the age rating a bit too hard.
India and China just forget it, who the fuck would want to play a game set in India and with pokemon being such a big franchise for them, the economic fighting between Japan and China would not allow it.
South Africa is too obscure and if they were to pick a country from there it would be Egypt (ground types, the game)
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It's true, most of western Paldea has some very clear Portugal inspiration, but it's so well integrated that most people don't even acknowledge it. Mesagoza also immediately reminded me a lot of Lisbon even though I haven't been there in years
i always thought portugal was part of spain wtf.
at least the language is the same i guess?
How dumb are you
I think using a pair of games that introduce us to a new region isn’t that hard an idea to follow. The people who try and argue are trying to be obtuse
He's just American
this cant be real
I haven't been to Portugal since I was kid but yeah the azulejos and very coastal culture remind of me Lisboa/Lisbon too and it's depressing how much Gamefreak overlooked the incredibly interesting and rich history the country has, especially considering I think Masuda himself visited the place and mentioned he wanted to make a Pokemon based on the famous clay rooster legend, feels especially retarded we didn't get a single legendary based on the several legends of Iberia or even any animals based on the cool fossils found there.
>all caps
he mad tho

i always thought portugal was a province of spain because the culture looks literally the same and ive never heard "portuguese" in my life.
and try not to chimpout this much.
Brazil speaks Portuguese, you speak gibberish with that stupid accent
It should be, dumb non-country. Most smaller states in Europe should be gobbled up by their big neighbors, Portugal first
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>I've never heard of "portuguese" in my life
Is this the average american? How the fuck...
Damn I don't even have words to say, you guys are just really fucking stupid
GF would not make a russia game
Japan has disliked russia for 100+ years now, they still hold onto islands Japan claims and most japanese people are pro-ukraine as a result. We're not seeing a russia region in our lifetimes
It went oh so well when they did that last time...
On another note, balkan pokemon region would be based beyond belief.
Meant to reply to>>56504949
I call bullshit. No one around here knows about Moomins.
How the fuck did they manage to make it look worse than what it was based on
This is true for every pokemon region based off somewhere though
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>They did Portugal and Scotland even dirtier, pretty much didn't even consider them unique countries when attaching them to their neighboring nations and calling it a day
Scotland is not an independent country. Portugal should not be an independent country.
Kalos looks 100000% times better than Fr*nce
>a 1000 year old nation state should not exist
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Absolutely! Fuck your special snowflake meme microstate!
It's not a microstate though
America is the big one, I advocate we divide it in at the very least 4-5 countries based off how culturally different each part is, same goes for places like China and Brazil (Russia, Canada and Australia dont apply because its mostly wasteland)
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>waaaaahhhhh i hate americans

Your country is a socialist eurotrash shithole. You are in no position to call anybody else "fucking stupid," you fucking stupid lazy-ass greasy pig.

Pray tell, how much foreign aid does your broke country give to the rest of the world?

Muito obrigado senhor.
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One for you, one for me.

It happens.
We've already got 8 of those
source: japan loves brazil
Im brazilian I just like Portugal a lot, travelled there and it's pretty and they have a really good art/lit scene to this day unlike my own country.
>region based off spain
>no pokemon based off wine or grapes
>no pokemon based off spices
>no ghost type living windmill pokemon
>no royalty based pokemon
>no soccer stadiums like Galar
How the fuck did they miss the mark so badly
what "possible hints"?
there are no hints, this is all just wild mass guessing
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Just play the romhack
It's gonna be SEA, isn't it?
is the champion king felipe?
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Yes, but for some reason he's the only member of the league to not have pokemon iberia pokemon, no idea why
Franco is a funnier gym leader
Should be China
india or china to appeal to a wider audience
US states are irrelevant.
No one needs to know the internal subdivisions of a country he doesnt live in.

The equivalent of Americans placing European countries is Europeans placing American countries.
Someone who can't place Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia...etc is uneducated about basic geography.
Not Quixote, it's like a poke-New York without a hotdog or the Statue of Liberty ...oh wait, that tail

Reshiram is Lady Liberty!
and Zekrom

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