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How often do you get a pokemon's type wrong?
None because i'm not a fakefan
Poison/Dark and Bug/Poison
>How often do you get a pokemon's type wrong?
If I feel like a Pokémon is a certain type, and Game Freak says otherwise, they are wrong.
Bug/Poison Bug/flying
Here's an easy trick to remember

Drapion is in Aaron's team in the sinnoh e4, a bug specialist, and thus is bug.
He's also a scorpion, like gligar, so ground.

Venomoth is in Sabrina's team, a psychic specialist, and thus psychic.
It also has wings and doesn't have levitate, so flying.
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I remember being so fucking confused when the Flare Blitz from my Infernape wasn't super effective on Drapion. And then after losing and battling Aaron again, I hit Drapion with Flare Blitz several times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I had similar experiences with Grapploct in more recent years.
every time
>not fighting/water
what were they thinking
Pre-evos of Water/Ground types are the only ones that I still get confused with sometimes, also Azurill
They can't make it super effective against CHARIZARD
Based and delusional pilled
Keep forgetting Chansey/Blissey aren't Fairy types
with these newer games, the pokemon dont look like their types at all, so all the time now

back in the day id learn em all and remember
You mean you remember something you spent 20 years learning? Woah...
Even in generation 1 there was gyarados.
You're half right.
Pokemons still "look their type", it's just the type philosophy changed drastically after gen 1 and slowly shifted towards a more "themed" approach as opposed to "biological".
Drapion's drops the little dick bug type for a sick new dark typing. Hardcore.
Gliscor would be a better example than Venomoth. Venomoth's name literally tells you its typing.
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it took minutes to learn and remember you gimp
its a hovering blue fish thing, i didnt have trouble with that
hey see this spiky metal fish, with metallic sheen and sharp edges? its a water/psychic type
there are a bunch more examples
Hey see this dragon? It's actually not dragon.
I'm not sure if you're disagreeing with me because you literally just posted an example of what I said.
Veluza typing is about its theme, not its biology.
it doesnt look like a psychic type
Yes? That's what I'm saying?
no thats what im saying
Ok so we agree
no, i said that they dont look like their types and you said that they did, but in an esoteric way
No, I said their typing is based on their theme, not their biology.
You know, their legend, their abilities, personality, etc. Veluza is psychic because of its themes, not because it looks like one. Not trying to defend Veluza, that's a pretty shitty one, and a pretty retarded theme, but still an example of what I mean.
Not a pokemon, but I keep thinking ice resists water and grass for some reason.
From gen 1 to 7, not very often. Except for Lugia, I still think it's a water type.
for some reason i thought budew was grass/water for a time
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>Pokemons still "look their type"
this is what you said and what i thought you were trying to say
I can see it
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And they do, in the way I meant, that's why quotes are there.
Let me give you an example. Imagine there was a pokemon based on pic, and it was a psychic type. By just looking at, idk, a bird with a white afro, you wouldn't be able to tell why it's a psychic/flying type, it certainly wouldn't look like one. But if you know its theme, or what is based on, you can tell it is a psychic type because you recognize the thing it is based on.

This is how the design philosophy for typing changed. The problem is with more recent gens, they have been failing to properly convey these themes visually as well, or are just picking dumb as fuck themes like a psychic fish that mentally fillets itself to become faster.
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the logical leap from "its a carnival dancing duck" to "its a fighting type" includes the step "it kicks, which is a dancing move, and also a fighting technique" which is neither intuitive nor apparent in the design even if you know its theme
i know what you are trying to say, but it doesnt work; part of the issue isnt that you can see what they were going for after its explained in a magazine interview, but that the designs have multiple interpretable type themes
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>What's your type?
Cope I ould tell immediatly
even they have a bear and a bull
>Cope I *could tell *immediately
wtf how are you so smart
Drapion always used to trip me up more than any other pokemon because the design doesn't change all that much from Skorupi, but it loses bug type for dark.

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There are a very large number of paradox mons with seemingly nonsensical fighting types, and I’m just coming to accept the fighting type as implying “unga strong tard rage primitive beast” in some cases. A prehistoric elephant isn’t a fighting type in the same way Hitmonchan is, but it maybe is a fighting type in the same way Mankey is.
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totally bro, totally.
Water/Wind, actually

I feel like if Sableye had been designed after the introduction of Fairy type it would have been fairy/dark because it makes no sense as a ghost. I also don’t know why Darkrai isn’t a ghost when thematically it has so much more in common with ghosts. And you can insert your own comments about Gyarados not being a dragon here.

I think stupid typing has always sort of been a thing and after a while you just get used to the canon typing and stop being bothered by how obviously incorrect it objectively is.
I guess more of a dual type thing, but a lot of people seem to forget Indeedee is part normal as has a ghost immunity.
ain't nothing normal about those hips
I keep on forgetting that Shelder isn't an Ice type yet
Suicune's an Ice/Flying type
Entei's Fire/Rock
Raikou's Electric/Water

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