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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Darkrai (October 17th)
- Psyduck (November 14th)

- Armarouge has been released
-Sylveon lootbox and Lucky Ice pop event has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56479644
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>1st match of the day
>Our bot goal is destroyed by 8 minutes
>All goals destroyed by 5 minutes, team surrenders

>2nd match
>Bot goal destroyed by 8 minutes
>Absol feeds and goes AFK by 7 minutes
>Surrender at 5 minutes

>3rd match
>Bot goal destroyed by 8 minutes
>No surrender at 5 minutes
>Team ignores Fug

>4th match
>Bot goal destroyed by 8 minutes
>Enemy Decidueye is level 13 by 5 minutes
>Team gets destroyed every single fight
>Enemy gets Fug, team surrenders

This has not been a good Unite day.
After two or three losses I just stop cuz I can tell it's gonna be a rough day.
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>play support
how can this be happening?
Whenever I play Clefable I end up going Draining Kiss from how absolutely retarded everyone seems to be in the first couple minutes.
>play support
>find that one real ass bro that works to keep you alive, doesn't overextend forcing you to go with them but also doesn't pussy out when they can survive an engagement with your help
>completely shit on the enemy team
>pushes a goal at 2:15
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sounds like he threw
>Always in the high pressure lane with 3 enemies
>Our jungler is still farming, not at least creating pressure for the other team or just joining our lane when he sees 3 enemy icons
Anyone else getting a Nintendo eshop communication error on switch mode? Started after the update haven’t even tried to buy anything just has a pop up every time I hit a menu option
Jokes on you for thinking literally any random is using the mini map. I’m convinced they just disable it
Been happening randomly every now and then for a long while now
Happens to me too. So I wasn't the only one
if these retards back cap when rayquaza spawns one more time
>backcaps in your path
nothing personnel kiddo
>Azumarill Backcapping
For the very first time.....
....I've officially seen EVERY character now, done it.
Damn. Normally they’re bros who try their best only to get cucked by good allrounders
greedent needs a commando skin for the covet/bullet seed users out there
her loving grip...
Greedent needs actual CC, it's the most outdated Pokémon in this game currently.
Covet and Unite Move have CC.
ChatGPT give me a recipe for apple fritters.
They do but not much, and then there's belch with the most pathetic speed decrease.
>Draft starts
>See a mimi that could benefit me as support for stacking
>Pick comfey
>Match starts and snorlax is AFK
>He ditches top lane and stay bottom
>top lane pikachu throws the match pinging and following lax
>Mimikyu keeps engaging even when it's about die
>TFW the opponents broke both of our tier 2 goals in 5mins
Yeah never fucking again
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>pick clefably
>try to set up easy kills for lane buddy so he can start snowballing
>he's afk farming in lane 5 feet away and doesn't stop until the enemy ganks him after killing me
>try to stack score specs for max healing
>entire team suddenly wants to jungle until the 2 minute mark
Support life is PAIN. Fuck these incompetent assholes ruining our sup matches.
>Greedent the most outdated Pokémon.
Lol, did you ever play Snorlax or Gengar their abilities and skills are outdated at this point they have been powercrept so bad even the shittest pokemon today at least has a good passive ability, Snorlax ability is obsolete at 5 min and gengar's ability is 10% movement speed outside combat, try and justify this shit.
At least with Mimikyu unite, allies cannot deal damage to enemies hit by his unite. But it is still broken since Mimikyu gets to escape from any bad situation with Play rough > Unite > Play rough again.
Both of those mons are doing fine even with their garbage passives. Snorlax's slam/yawn set has been performing consistently great for months now with the other two moves needing buffs and maybe a rework on flail cause it's a retarded worthless move meanwhile the last Gengar buffs helped it a lot and brought it to a decent level. Greedent has been floundering for far too long now with bullet seed getting interrupted by everything under the sun and the other set being an annoyance at best, other mons survive better, other mons can score better, other mons are far better damage and/or CC and not even the few extremely dedicated mains can shift its terrible position.
stay bad at the game then I guess
her creamy clenching...
Snorlax only shines in stacks where his teammates follow up on his CC, Gengar needs to land his one, two dream eater combo to do shit and sludge bomb needs an enemy team that is retarded and without CC to work, Gengar doesn't have an escape tool outside unite which it usually uses to engage with it's not like the cancer that is leafeon or an annoying retarded cockroach like zoroark, anything can be fixed with a slight damage increase to the struggling mon but that is a band-aid solution that won't solve shit in the long run.
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>Trevenant tethers to someone
>That someone keeps beating on Trev instead of breaking the tether
>They die, Trev is fine
Snorlax has a respectable pickrate, it's doing good in more than just stacks, the CC it brings can easily protect and enable whatever carry your team has. Gengar needs to be careful yes but it's still able to do its job of blowing shit up and it has great chain kill potential too. Look at Greedent anon, what is it defending with its moves? What role does it serve that it isn't completely outclassed in? The other two Pokémon perform what they're meant to do and they do it well, Greedent is a relic of the past that simply doesn't have impact on the game no matter how good you are or if you're even in a full stack.
>Be Absol
>Hiding in the grass on the enemy's side of the fug pit
>Enemy Duraludon walks past
>Hit him with a Psycho cut
>Run away
>Look at Greedent anon, what is it defending with its moves? What role does it serve that it isn't completely outclassed in?
I think you are right, greedent is more of a nuisance than a defender it Acts a lot like the cockroach gremlin.
Greedent and Sableye are both suffering from their early success, Timi hates touching the both of them.
Sabeleye can chain CC you before they nerfed him confuse ray and the other move that steals aoes energy so guess that's fair for the gremlin cause I hate that little shit so much with the shit it throws that provides vision like the little filthy cockroach it is, I hate it so much I want to kill it If I ever saw it in real life.
One dude got the skin for free in the first box.
Bullshit luck.
post proof
Wasn't me, so don't have any rn, heh. Just a dude from a chat my friend's in.
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>Closing servers

End your suffering, end your pain, start having actual fun.
>spreading false information like a cuckold
They're only shutting the game down in 2 countries.
>30 minute rounds
Hey sorry Tetra think I was pushing B as you invited dude
There's 5 slots available in the pug squad so like join if interested
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Hey, yurop.
How's your new job?
I really hate fighting Pikachu.
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>be low rank shitter
>enemy team curbstomps us the entire game
>somehow steal ray
>enemy team immediately surrenders
these cuckback mechanics are frucking broken
Gremlin player here, you will eat my CC and like it while I sneak around fights to annoy the shit out of you specifically.

Alternatively, go mage and let me cc people for you to aoe FUCK UP.
>blind pick
>decide to play falinks since i haven't played it in awhile
>enemy is dedicated to shitting out stuns so we can't play the game, one of which being pikachu.
>also a petalsaur cuz lol
>Talonflame + Comfey
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comfey is unironically the worst support in the game.
Fuck you, too, buddy.
That's Sableye but yeah Comfey is pretty bad too.
You mean worst as in worst cancer, right?
>Sableye but yeah Comfey is pretty bad too
I think you just haven't seen a good Sableye.
Today went up against a Sableye backed up by a Trevenant and Pikachu and I was just flat out not allowed to play.
>trying to make a squad name
>Bruh, Pub, Cafe, Toast, and Night are all banned words
These nazis really don't want us making Squads.
It's ok bro thought you were busy, we could play another time.
I replied to the wrong anon again but it's All good have a good day.
update: also can't use grill, inn, shop, tavern, last, payaso, call, or any pokemon name
>any pokemon name
fuckin what lmao
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I tried using Miltank but the faggot game was like "That Unite squad name cannot be used." What does 'stc' stand for? It won't let me use those letters in that order either.
Shoot the Chinese.
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After some more obnoxious trial and error, it appears we're not allowed to use spaces in Unite Squad names. I can use "Miltank_Tavern" or just "Miltank" with no issue, but as soon as there's a space involved, the system becomes more triggered than a feminist at a Valentine's Day party.
>team is a band of submissive cowards
>team feeds the enemy 24 kills by the 7 minute mark
>lose all objectives except for a regice
>lose almost all goals by the 8 minute mark
>steal rayquaza
>instantly win
this victory was bullshit and you know it.
>Gremlin player here, you will eat my CC and like it

I eat your kind for breakfast, I take it upon myself to hunt you down and make sure your life is a living hell, any time I see you I will shoot a hole through your trolling butt and laugh like a mad sadist psychopath when you finally die like the little cockroach you are. wish you a good day anon.
Just join /pug/ lol.
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The defender we need but don't deserve right now
>some faggots throwing bot lane keep trying to surrender
>we're not even that far behind overall
>win fug
>win game
Sometimes I really want to hit the surrender just to let them get the L they deserve but then I get one too
Funny thing is no one seems to understand how exp works at all in this entire community. Early game literally does not matter. You could go afk for the entire match and only start farming 7 or 6 mins into the game and still hit level 10. One kill on a player higher level than you brings you up to a level or two under them. For solo Q the only thing that really matters is winning the fug fight.

It's over bros.
>Leftovers Frog with the new Goal Hacker item
Not a great first impression of this item
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>There's another Ninetails player with over 20,000 games and 41% winrate
I even had to double check the api to see if that autist changed his name, nope there's 2 of them now.
They've gotta be either an 8 year old girl or an extremely low functioning autistic furry
I just imagined Crustle with self-sustain and I feel terrified.
>Hyper Voice vs Speedsters
>Mystical Fire against a huddled-up team of ARs and Defenders
Why does this keep happening? And why is it always SYLVEON!?
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>losing all game
>Ray's about to spawn
>I clean house by taking out the entire enemy team as they all stagger into me after they wiped half my team at regi fight
>they surrender
>not a single teammate Good Jobs me
Right proper miffed about that
>Playing sableye
>rough back and forth game despite having stacked mons
>forcefeeding idiots with kills with my cc
>Finally win Ray fight with 40ish seconds left
>Barely get in 2 full dunks to squeak the win as the match is over

Fucking hell. Got my last dunk as the timer ended and barely had any ray shield left. If I hadn't stopped a backcapping Buzz at Ray for a good 30 sec and keeping him out of the fight, it woudn't of been enough.
Add the Litten line
it's always the ninetales or eevees
I pick MF when the enemy team has special attack based carries and HV when my team has many special attackers.
Maybe he had a different thought process.
my girl's smooth and silky softness...
ONLY if it runs like this.
sex with armarouge
I'm getting so many useless Sableyes on my team I'm probably going to start banning it whenever possible.
What role, all rounder?
I wasn't going to share this as it's forbidden tech.


>runs like a monkey
that's a strat not a tech
You're not supposed to reply to it.
ok fine here's a tech.
Explain to me why there's always an asshole that waits till the last second to confirm the match? It happens too much to be an accident
Normies texting or scrolling on their phones
Petal venu is the best allrounder.
Either children/casuals too preoccupied with twitter/tiktok/youtube or it's legitimate lag not letting them press the button until the last second.
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I do it because I dodge depending on how many avatars look a certain way.
>Team beating up Enemy up top-goal during Rayquaza
>It's just me and the enemy Charizard, I can't beat him in a straight-on fight.
>Lure him into the Fug Pit and launch Surfs and Telekinesis while Fug hits him with tornadoes and beams
>Surf him one more time and at the end of the 3rd wave, immediately Slow Beam
>31 Seconds till respawn
>Team finally shows up, we take out the Dragon and win
I've fought so many Charizard, I can predict when they'll use Seismic Slam.
Used to be that if you accepted at the very last moment it would fuck with the pokemon select screen for everyone. It'd make it lag to hell, names wouldn't load, and sometimes no matter how much you tried you couldn't actually select a pokemon, only hover over them, so no editing loadout.
I haven't seen that happen in a while, so I think it got patched, but that bug lasted for almost 2 years.
>press a to ready up
>look away to read a message or get a drink or something
>look back
>game didn't ready up for some fucking reason
the menus in this game are more unresponsive than an elderly sloth on sleep medication
231 game to the sticker. An average season.
>press ready
>grab a drink or something
>someone else doesn't press ready, the button pops up again
>press again at the last moment
>1 Circle bar on Wifi
>Inputs are executed 1.5 seconds later
>And I chose Buzzwole just before this
It was horrible
i bet that blue-eyed cutie pulsates real nice
Ho oh is fucking miserable to play. Entire team acts like retards and hides behind me instead of going in and trading off kills so I can actually use my unite to win the fucking game. I hate this playerbase.
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>can't directly invite friends to a Unite Squad
The paradox of the character and the player. I lost one of my matches because we all went in and died, then our Hooh with 50 points... ran away to backcap while the enemies burned fug with whoever survived.
I just go afk if my teammates don't group up when they screamed for a defender. Doesn't matter if i lose good girl points since they are easy to get back and no point in using the mic because people will report you even if you tell them to group up.
see you next match boyo.
Masters 1700. Last pick jungle sylveon rescue hood scope lense score shield. What the fuck lol.
>the enemy team had 2 duoQ's while we only had one
Why is this allowed. We still won of course despite having a 48wr shitter and a sableye on our team.
>Delphox and Armorouge on my team
>Neat looks like an easy game
>Fox doesn't take fire spin and Armor takes fire spin and charge
All you retards had to do was spam your stuns on cooldown but no you just had to play as shitty carries instead of stun machines.
>psyshock/cannon has reached 54%
Shit something here is going to get gutted.
Shits broken, I do more damage than a Chandelure while stunning from longer range. Such a blatant case of powercreep.
>Entire team acts like retards and hides behind me
Because you're the defender.
>Because you're the defender.
Not when I have unite I'm not.
My unite has no value unless you are KO before me.
When will these gay niggas learn!
does mewtwo y + blissey boost still works? I never see MY2 in any games
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What are these items? Why are these people allowed in masters, let alone draft mode?
>it's another support with no exp share
>all-rounder Clefable
>support Zeraora
>auto-attacker Pikachu to make full use of his paralysis passive
Nothing wrong here
Didn't even notice it before but wise glasses is maybe the worst special attack item you can use on Pikachu besides score specs. But I won't be autistic about that one since nearly no one pays attention to scaling ratios or attack stats.
>Enemy Leafeon kept Ulting me
>I'm a Goodra with Muddy Water and Potion
It was an easy victory during Rayquaza.
>guy with the lowest elo and vaguely Hispanic name locks in lane greninja with our last pick despite the fact that we already have 2 attackers and proceeds to do the worst out of everyone all game and we lose
Post your items
Muscle Band, Resonant Guard and Slick Spoon
Muddy Water / Power Whip (the dash on Acid Spray isn't my style)
>pikachu wants to abuse its ult more often, increase its sp.atk, and use its autos more often for the paralysis
>clefable wants to increase its sp.atk since that's what its healing scales off of, do more gravity damage by ignoring sp.def (though it could be throwing by going draining kiss), and use its healing ult more often
>mewtwo Y's going the auto-attacker build (though if it really wanted to go all out it'd use muscle band, too).
I can at least understand the logic behind those.
Zeraora is just fucking retarded on all fronts.
Lmao this guy is using muscle weight and focus sash on a defender.
I'm getting so tired of losing matches because I'm handicapped with having awful players. How are we the same ranked rating? Why is it so easy to tell within a few minutes of the match if your team mate is 40% win rate?

It wouldn't even be so bad if I knew which players were 40% win rate before selecting our characters. If I knew my jungler was 44% win rate with 8,276 matches then I'd pick a difference character. If I knew my lane partner was 47% win rate with 19k matches I wouldn't play support or even lane with them in the first place. This game could have been so much more enjoyable if the ranked system didn't move everyone up the ladder with enough matches and then pair them with higher win rate players to force them to carry dead weight. And the duo/trio baddies shouldn't even be in my solo matches in the first place. This game isn't fun if you're a good player. It's only fun if you've no idea what you're doing and get to get carried by better players.
Shits dumb I’d take longer queues if it meant everyone on my team was 52-55%+ let the sub 50% tards play with eachother and let 50+ play together
>it's another double support game
Hoopa elde or wiggly + x is fine but yeah I’d be pissed if it was something useless like mime and sableye
You are a fucking retard. I hate this player base.
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I LOVE LOSING matches not because the enemy team played better, not because I myself played poorly, but solely because the worst player in the match or 2 worst players happen to be on my team this time.

At least before the hyper carries were nerfed you could hard carry them at the risk of getting even worse players on your team because of having a too good hidden mmr. If you don't happen to own the latest broken mon you are at the mercy of match making. I quit this game. I'll probably be earning more gold while quiting the game than players who play every week anyway. This game could be so fun but it's too frustrating to be forced to carry dead weight every match. At least in something like League, you can expect your teammates to be roughly equal to your skill level. You can easily swap roles with most teammates if they also main the same role. Half the time they will even perform better than you. In this game that never happens. When has someone ever taken jungle from you and they turned out to actually play jungle well? I never see it happen. No one understands anything about how to play or do anything or where to be in this game.
>but it's for kids
So are the mainline games but you're not going to see trash players at the top of the pvp ladder.

If the Chinese launch doesn't fix the match making/ranked system i quit for good.

ps. Everyone is using their unite wrong. You should be spamming your unite on cooldown vs the highest leveler enemy player. That's far more exp than anything else in the game.

pps. Early game doesn't matter. Scoring doesn't matter. No objectives really matter. The only thing that really matters is winning fug fight and being able to take final objective.




I keep getting 10+ KOs as Leech Life Buzz and it scares me.
What other move and item are you using?
far left: raw but not deep
far right: deep but not raw
Posting multiple clips of the same match doesn't help your point.
Also in clip 3, wasting that ult on the decidueye costed you the game. The absol ambush itself was fine since you forced him to unite but you shouldn't have ulted back in response to him. Your team was still alive so you could have afforded to trade a death for a unite
clip 4 is the logical conclusion of you not having the unite needed to instakill Owl. Instead you had to use waterfall to reach him which costed valuable DPS time, allowing him and absol to get Rayquaza as a result.
>losing a 4v4 at Ray. lmao
AFK team mates exist but you had the tools to win that match specifically.
You let one bad player affect your mental and it lost you the game. That's all.
>shouldn't have ulted back in response to him.
This is hindsight stuff. I was very close to dying.
>Your team was still alive so you could have afforded to trade a death for a unite
If I died then I wouldn't have finished the owl and the buzz. They'd probably just rip fug while I'm dead. I generally lose games if I die at fug.

>You let one bad player affect your mental and it lost you the game. That's all.
genuinely didn't even notice he was afk until after. I hate this retarded player base. You all are so fucking stupid and bad at the game.
>4v4 at Ray
You stupid fucking retard. You probably think you're smart for saying this but they have 5 members. It's only 4 of us. Sure, there may be only 4 of them there but it still costed health, time, and unites to kill their 5th member. You stupid fucking retard. God I hate this fucking playerbase so fucking much. Look at my mewtwos health. The thing is I don't care that the guy was afk. I am genuinely just sick of always having to carry dead weight in this game. I didn't post these videos because the guy was afk. i posted them because of who i was playing against.

anyway I'm just tired of this playerbase being all retards.
the new shop set is cute
>If you died Owl and Buzz would have ripped Ray right away
Not true. Realistically Buzz does garbage Rayquaza damage meaning Owl was the only one who could still rip Ray. But M2y and Goss still had their unites up and could have easily threatened a KO if Owl suddenly starts wasting his 5 seconds of Razor leaf time on Ray instead of enemy targets. 24s respawn is still enough consider you would have died barely 15 seconds into the Ray fight
Wish I could have seen that fight between clip 3 and 4 though. That was probably was the big fight where everything was decided
You are also right about hindsight being 20-20. I honestly don't really care if you played well or not. Still, analysis like this is the only feedback you will get from posting clips like those
>i posted them because of who I was playing against
>losing to chanh of all people
Oof, I'm sure that hurts.
Also you're taking this game too seriously. Rather than being the carry all the time why not try being the retard once in a while? Or all the time?
Out of all the people in /pug/ you know full well how biased Timi's algorithm is the more you win
Therefore, why not just lose on your own terms?
You've quit the game before, but now you came back. I can tell you like playing the game, even if you hate the player base. So just quit worrying about winning. Leave that stupid shit to the dumb winrate 1600fags
Life is a marathon, not a race. Fuck around with some funny builds and have fun once in a while.
supple... sensual...
>3rd clip
>only absol and umbreon left
>has a healer and mewtwo by his side, greninja has just respawned
>could freely rip and secure the game-winning objective but goes to backcap instead
Ignoring your shitty micro skills, you still had every opportunity to win that game but of course only your teammates are to blame and never you, wise sage-sama
Never come back
No one can stop Chanh
>Sing Wiggly + Trick Hoopa
I'd take just ONE of these but not BOTH!
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double supports is the new meta
>Double Hit Sciz
>Vs. a Bulky team with very little CC
>Not true. Realistically Buzz does garbage Rayquaza damage meaning Owl was the only one who could still rip Ray
Man this is exhausting. Their team has an owl, an absol, and a gardevoir. I am level 14. The highest leveler person in the match. If I die. My team auto loses. It would a 3v5. Please just shut up.

>Rather than being the carry all the time why not try being the retard once in a while? Or all the time?
Sabeleye is literally my most played champion. While blastoise is literally my 3rd most played champion. I intentionally play long streaks of no carries, and even go out of my way to avoid playing in a way that results in me getting 10 or 20 kills every match when I do play hyper carries by focusing on objectives. Because I know that my team mates will be even more useless, in the long run, the harder I carry.

>Still, analysis like this is the only feedback you will get from posting clips like those

I'm not posting for feedback. Again I didn't post this because there was an afk. You're not getting it. I'm tired of every match being me carrying at least 1 person who's just absolute dead weight. Sometimes it's even 3 people who are completely dead weight. It's just not a fun experience. It could be. but once you're too good at the game, it's clear how often you're burdened with players who would never make it out of bronze tier in other mobas.

>Oof, I'm sure that hurts
I don't mind losing to chen. He's actually a much better player than most people here. I don't agree with how he plays but its understandable because of how useless your teammates will often be.

>Never come back
Eh probably won't unless there's some fun release. Only came back this time for some other reasons. This game is just trash unless you're a bad player or support player. Then you get to carried by the algorithms.
Chanh would arguably be one of the best players in the world if he didn’t completely ignore his team all game and do shit like autistically farm the map while he’s already level 15
>my team picking their favorite Pokémon with no sense of team comp, counter picks, or synergy
>enemy team picks an all meta stun and cc machine
Gonna start running trick since people refuse to heal in my portal
Hey, I think I might've been in that match.
shut the FUCK up chanh
Been gone for 5 or so months, holy FUCK they murdered this game lmao EOS is actually gonna happen soon
If they brought pikachu and charizard back down to earth the game would be in a good spot
>enemy has 3 squishies and I'm the only one who can kill them
How little faith you have in your teammate, didn't they show up at Ray to group with you? You might be playing all-rounder and supports but you're still stuck with the speedster mentality of "i have to immediately kill everything by myself or I'll lose"
Numbers don't matter. Look at that Buzzwole in clip 4. He's doing just fine holding back 3 people by himself while his team rip Ray. If you can't make a comeback from a disadvantage then you're honestly not that strong at all
Also think for a second. Do you really think kills are the only thing that contributes to MMR? Assist counts too. Scoring counts too. I suspect different classes have different scaling for measuring these parameters but the conclusion is this: what is your final rating at the end of the game? Any above 80 point and you're doing too well. Hell, anything above 60points is enough to impact your MMR.
You're not sandbagging properly. Play an actual squishy shitmon like Duraludon or Glaceon and see how it feels to play an entire game without getting kills
You're still obsessed with winning every match. And that sort of thinking is burning you out. Maybe you should quit the game after all
>wipes enemy team on rayquaza
>instead of helping killing ray, the ratard aegislash goes score
>enemy blastoise steals the last hit
The level of throwing is fucking unbelievable
Having to deal with both armors the whole game to end like that
>Chanh would arguably be one of the best players in the world if he didn’t completely ignore his team all game and do shit like autistically farm the map while he’s already level 15
He's very good at 1v1s but again. I think farming the map and getting level 14 or 15 is more important than showing up to objectives while your team steals all of your jungle camps, because the playerbase at large has no idea how to play the game. Getting objectives don't even give enough exp to be worth anything. The buffs from bot don't really matter much because if you're doing that then the enemy could just be taking top objective and top objective really doesn't even matter most of the time. Most people waste time defending from it on their outer tier goal with only 5 health left instead of letting it go in or defend it from a goal during fug. It really only does anything because the player base is so god awful.

Anyway, the reason he farming is precisely because if you're a higher impact player, you can't count on your team to do anything at all. Why should I go to an objective, as the highest level player in the match, when my team is off doing some retarded things while the enemy sets up an ambush to kill me and feed them massive amounts of exp?

It would be different if the player base was different or at least played with nearly skilled players but as it is right now every match only has 1 decent or good player on each team, a bunch of players to weigh those players down, and maybe a few players who are just kind of there and don't hurt their team much but also will not hard carry.
I have no idea if you're actually a good player who I should take seriously or some retard who has no idea what's going on so I don't really want to respond and explain when it's probably not even in good faith. I've been playing this game from season 1. I honestly do not think most people have anywhere near the understanding of how this game works. I wouldn't even have this understanding if not for my unique situation of having someone watch and record so many of my matches and making comments but then also playing on their account and seeing how different things are when playing from multiple accounts and Leveling up/ranking up using different characters or watching others play.

>have to immediately kill everything by myself or I'll lose"
It's true. My team will nearly always lose if I'm dead. In those clips I'm level 14 bro. Everyone else is level 13 and 12. They're not going to win. If they were they'd already be winning and on top of that a guy is afk. You can't just let yourself die when you're the highest level player. I'll be away much longer and I'll give free level ups to anyone who kills me. Me having to explain this to you makes me think you aren't someone who has to carry your teams because your hidden mmr isn't as high.

>If you can't make a comeback from a disadvantage then you're honestly not that strong at all
I never said I can't make comebacks. I make them all the time. Stop strawmanning. I quite literally have been saying that the early game doesn't matter for years now. There is no real comeback or being ahead because the only thing that really matters is winning fug properly. In 99% of matches that's pretty much the only thing that matters since before fug it's hard to score much more than 400 and winning fug can give up to an easy 500 or even more.

>Do you really think kills are the only thing that contributes to MMR
Where the hell did I even say this? Stop putting words in my mouth. I have literally never said this.
>conclusion is this: what is your final rating at the end of the game?
Dude, everyone knows that rating doesn't mean shit. It often times goes to the absolute worst player in the game who focuses on backcaps.

>You're not sandbagging properly. Play an actual squishy shitmon l
>You're still obsessed with winning every match.
Sorry but I don't think this is in good faith so I won't be responding to you after this. I've already said that Sableye is my most played champion. I've mentioned that I play streaks of other characters to artificially lower my hidden mmr.

The problem isn't that I'm losing and can't win. I don't even like winning some of these matches because it feels awful to hard carry players who are detrimental to the team and actively make it harder to win. You seem like a newer player or someone who is pretending to be retarded tbqh. The problem is that it is not fun to be forced to play constantly with teammates who shouldn't be in masters. You can't even rank away from them because the better you play the more awful your teammates will be.

>Duraludon or Glaceon and see how it feels to play an entire game without getting kills
I can play literally every character. I've played comfy matches. You either just can't understand because you're a new player or not a great player, or you're pretending to be retarded or are retarded.

The way the match making is set up and the way the ranking system is set up is retarded. If you play enough matches you'll hit masters and if you play too well you'll be weighted down with awful anchor players. This game is awful if you're good and very fun if you're bad.

Try an experiment and play a new account but only play supports or defenders who can't heal much or do lots of damage. You will get designated hyper carry players on your team. Pro players and random 70% win rate players. The worst you play the better teammates you get.
>Enemy Greninja taunts me constantly and at the end of the game. We've already lost with only 10 seconds left. (I was a Mamoswine)
>New match, he's back, this time he's a Dragapult. So I pick Buzzwole, now it was personal.
>Lane with a Pikachu and destroy a Zacian and Charmander. Dreepy's on the other lane and getting his ass kicked.
>Eventually, the Drakloak sees me scoring on his T2 goal..... and he just spins, so I immediately KO him.
>For the rest of the match, Drakloak comes to our Home Base and just spins. Every time he respawned, that's all he'd do.
>We won and he gave me a Thumbs Up.
It was a weird experience. I almost felt bad.
>retard picks mime with first pick
>enemy team promptly picks pika and charizard
I hate these autists with my entire soul
This game is much more fun to just spectate matches and announce the action like spragels would except using the N word sometimes
casting shitty soloq games would be peak
I'm not trolling, but I'm pretty sure my point isn't getting through to you.
>Your method of lowering you hidden MMR clearly does not work since you're still getting shitty team-mates.
That's all I have to say. You seem pretty set in your ways but so am I. Looks like we will just have to disagree for now.
In the end, I'm probably not even playing the same playerbase as you are.
>I'm definitely retarded though. This game will definitely give you brain damage if you play it long enough
Sorry BJ we had a dc
creamy legs of shapely smoothness...
Anyone want to get serious about duo looking for a good bot or an even better top
It's really cool when you get the person who instantly griefs when one bad thing happens to them.
I keep hiding my pokemon by not hovering over them because I don't want the enemy know what I want to pick.
Even though it doesn't matter because the screen doesn't show until they're already picking.
Thinking about returning to the game but I've been away a while. Much rather play duo than solo. Was a good tryhard player that can fill any role although jungler was my main role.
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what's the best tank buster and/or solo boss killer other than garchomp?
Holy meta fags
Sorry boys, gotta go. Good games tho. Would be so funny if that Eleki push went through
Ggs! Thanks for playing was a fun one lol
Draincrown leftovers muscle band talon..
Gg nj and youra fun matches.
The owl you benefit from the snipes while also having your auto attack burn objectives fast.
Gg nice play.
Same gg have a nice day.
Because they are faggots that's why, timi likes to pander to faggots too although it's a niche group of people but timi likes to be a greedy little bitch.

Let the man cook
enjoyed it brother
For me its cinderace for using the feint/kick set. Outplaying speedsters will never not be great
Rowlet, if you're going to stand for 40 seconds, at least stay for the entire minute.
>swinub laning alone against an umbreon and scorbunny while his lane partner doesn't even move from base
I thought I'd at least be okay if the match ended earlier but NO!
>He just had to wake up just before the vote.
What do you mean? Defender killer or objective shredder?
this happen a lot and it's more annoying when it happens on the enemy team but they get the vote disconnect
/ourincel/ is streaming bros
>blind pick
>team has instalocked two defenders and two attackers
>pika goodra easy lane
>greninja mid
>crustle top
>pick zard to round it out
>pikachu changes to be top
>change to say I'm going bottom
>pikachu changes to say he's going bottom
>...ok, I'll go top?
>pikachu changes to say he's going top
>he spends all game following me around trying to last hit everything
What? Why?
Sorry cuck, /vp/ is cowboy territory and his hot wife.
Armorouge is FUN, seeing a massive chunk of damage will never get old and if they brave your onslaught and get within melee range of you, your basic attacks conveniently transform into a shotgun blast chunking dumb speedsters faster than they can burst you.
I'm enjoying the flexibility of being a ranged or a brawler, dancing around speedsters with charge shot and the dash and landing shots on their garde/venasaur is very satisfying.
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good ideas, thanks

someone that can 1v1 big beefy things with ease, whether they be defenders or high hp boss monsters
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If you're looking for a 'chomper substitute, outrage dragonite
Also worth mentioning, to kill fatty defenders more efficiently, ancient power/dark pulse Tyranitar for it's shield piercing attacks (good for killing crabs) and Aegislash (defense ignoring autos)
If you don't mind being a meta-slut, Blaziken, Gyrados and Ceruledge also excel assuming they don't get nerfed in the future
That said, killing defenders and killing objectives is two entirely different skillsets since one of them can eject/x-speed away like a little bitch.
Crowd control stuns is essential for killing other players while being mostly useless for objectives, be wary of this when picking your movesets
The best way to kill a defender (or anyone, for that matter) is to reposition and hold them down while your team attacker shreds them to pieces, that's why I would also recommend M2x, Machamp and Buzzwole
Happy hunting young /pugger/
Worth it and all my luck
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you lucky bastard how much money did you burn
my woman of creamulous caliber...
>Karp holds right all game
>Did exactly that

Kill yourself
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>get the skin
>get more tickets to get the skin
Free to play. But yes this event does suck because 1 out of every few thousands of players getting this EX lv of luck isn't a good event design. Plus if you are free to play you most likely won't be able to get the holowear at the end of the event unless you are stupidly lucky like me to get the holowear.
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>Your method of lowering you hidden MMR clearly does not work since you're still getting shitty team-mates

It would only work if I only played supports forever. And it's still working to some extent, my teammates arent as bad as they can be when I go streaks of hyper carrying. I don't get why I need to explain this. I'm guessing you aren't very intuitive.

Luckily I was just sent a video by a friend, picrel. It should demonstrate what I've been talking about and why many are frustrated with this game. Basically the better you perform the worst your teammates will be.

Here's a video of the good player tax in effect. And also why some of you have so much fun. Because if you're a lost puppy with goal getter and no idea where to be on the map you'll be assigned to teams where you get to be carried.

>someone that can 1v1 big beefy things with ease, whether they be defenders or high hp boss monsters

Not sure what the best answer for that is with so many nerfs on recent months. But before the last couple of Zacian Nerfs I would say Zacian. Since it dealt really great damage to bulky targets before the last nerfs to its hp% damage.

Garchomp can solo any defender but it probably takes too long in a team fight skirmish. It's great for ripping but not securing objectives. 1v1 chomp shoild easily beat any defender but in a group setting the cc placed on chomp by a defender will cut into your dps/life steal and get you killed quickly.

Tyranitar shreds bulky defenders but takes too long to get online, most people think that's level 9 but it's really 13.

Aegislash is great for ripping through defenders like tissue but it's too squishy in attack form to defend itself against most other all rounders. Also, if you use muscle band and attack weight, 5 boosted autos, shield move into an attack, should get that on an objective. 5 boosted autos will instantly shred over half of any objectives health if you also have muscle band on. iirc it's about 2/3 of fug even before fug nerf. And it's unite is ok secure. The problem is it takes too long to build up the 5 boosted autos and needs another 3 or so to finish. Or something close to that iirc.

All of the auto attackers are great at ripping objectives but most aren't so great at 1v1ing defenders.

not sure how badly meowscarada was nerfed but it used to be an even better garchomp when it came to auto attacking and lifestealing

Basically the characters that are best at shredding defenders usually have some kind of true damage or percentage hp damage.

I'd say try chomp and Aegislash. Also owl probably shreds objectives fastest but it feels also to play that build into other players. You might like Zacian too.
>3 darkies in your team
yea I would skip
Man, I've barely been playing recently, just played a couple matches recently and I'm surprised at how retarded I've gotten, like directly face checking at fug with a squishy.
my girl of silken stature...
At least you’re willing to admit it and not make excuses. Just fix it and you’re golden
>accept invite to trio
>none of them plays the meta at all
>get fuckin rolled by pika charizard umbreon for 5 matches
Thanks for helping me lose elo more efficiently I guess
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thank you for the insight, i appreciate it. sounds like i have a lot of choices to try out
Ah another riveting episode of gyarados takes a big fat reeking dump on my entire team
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>be bottom laner
>try to steal neutral indeedees to get ahead in exp
>lane partner just wants to farm the safe pokemon near the goal
>get wiped by the invading jungler
>teammate gets butthurt and steals jungle creeps and lets the goal be destroyed before the 8 minute mark
Done with this shit game today.
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sometimes this game is funny
>The enemy magicarp somehow magically lanes with the teams manditory sub 50wr duo
I love facing a level 9 Gyarados at 7 minutes FUN
>for once contest a late enemy eleki cause there's time to spare, team is nearby and an enemy push to suicide would be ideal
>for some fucking reason this is the one time my team doesn't want to autistically fight eleki
>geet stuck in place because the enemy defender is pushing eleki, can't ko it in time alone, end up late for fug, lose
>the 20k damage jungler starts rage pinging
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>defender support duo
>not defending or supporting anyone
>not even offensive sets or good synergy
>just wasting the team's time jerking each other off
She cute. Hope it’s actually a girl, I’ve been fooled like 12 times by twitch streamers.
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>unskippable ads
not deep nor raw
>good news
it's a real girl
>bad news
she has a kid
>I love facing a level 9 Gyarados at 7 minutes FUN

Aww your teammates were responsible parents and spoon Fed the enemy Gyarados until it's big and strong enough to snowball the match, such responsible faggots if I were you I would do the correct thing and invite one of them after the match ended just curse them in the chat.
>team picks a 2nd defender
>lose every time
fuck all of you for pushing this double defender meme
Just like the other anon said not deep or raw just the tip to be safe.
>team grabs goodra first pick for some fucking reason
>last pick goes umbreon
>enemy has dodrio and ho-oh but no healing
>umbreon goes foul play snarl
>get poked to death and trolled by ho-oh revive
I see it work much more often than it doesn’t work. I’ll happily take double defender or double support instead of the retarded double attacker owl+gren shitters I see so fuckin often. You NEED aoe (not single target) poke to make it work though something like beam venu
>that dude on your friends list who’s always on
This guy never stops grinding and just yoyos back and forth between 1700-1850 I like the game but I can’t see playing 20,000+ matches
Holy fuck give snorlax a real passive already just read umbreon god damn what??
You should know by now that timi likes to suck that sweet Eevee dick, they don't care about a fat guy in a furry suit only Eevee dick.
Timi FEARS the Snorlax Greedent combo

yeah it’s bullshit
Snorlax and Wigglytuff are guaranteed buffs when Darkrai releases.

Wiggly feels pretty good right now getting a lot of play currently with this allrounder meta and sleeping mimikyu when she dives
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I love Scizor but I his unite move is just so damn slow.
I can get it to actually do something maybe 1/3 times. People are moving too fast or the Illusions get popped by someone else. His passive slows just aren't enough to keep people from shuffling around and making it hard to properly stun them.
More often than not I'm just using it for the unite buff.
It's usually not a problem except when we're really behind. Trying to work into a fight with a level disadvantage and a Unite move that easily gets outplayed or otherwise interrupted just feels awful, especially against the meta lineup.

Scyther is alright but his unite move feels so. so much better. But I'd rather just play a real speedster usually.
Holy fuck falinks is such a useless piece of shit right now
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Why are they so bad?
Wiggs is good right now, but Darkrai passively buffs all sleep users due to the passive and I'd bet that they'll buff her just to make Darkrai look more appealing thanks to that synergy.
>bigger pool of usable spatk items
>spatk attackers typically have really high spatk (900-1000 at 15) coupled with low ratios so a flat buff falls off eventually
How does it stack with the medal color boosts?
At 1000 special attack lvl30 Wise Glass will give you +109, while a fully stacked lvl30 spc atk lenses will give +120, possibly much earlier into the game.
But I can understand not wanting to play in the enemy goalzone as a mage.
>+ 3.0 special attack with each medal = 18pts
with 6 medals fully equiped, green emblems boost your special attack by a whopping 4%!
I got mixed up and meant how does Wise Glasses stack with it
Are the 4% and 7% additive or does one get added before the other
>win with a bot in my team after someone disconects half way through
>doesn't give me extra points
What were they thinking
>teammate has leftovers+potion
>win despite him never showing up to a fight or dying instantly whenever anyone looks at him
>the devs don't arrive at my house to personally give me a good boy tuggy
life just ain't fair
Dead Thread.
Dead Game.
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It's additive.
>The formula is as follows:
[Base stat x (Item modifier + Emblem Mod + Move Move + Ability Mod)] +
[All Flats from Items/Emblems x (Item modifier + Move Move + Ability Mod)]

It looks complicated but basically it means that they add all the % bonuses together before multiplying it with your stats.
Also base stats and flat stats are multiplied before being added together, they might be calculated seperately but the end result is the same as if you added all the stat numbers together and applied a % modifier.
>tl:dr: since both get a % bonus boost, Base stats + flat stats bonuses added together first, then multiplied with a % modifier
They’re good it’s that the real special attackers benefit more from spoon and don’t have huge %modifiers on their moves. It’s great on mime still and some other niche slots
Losing means you lose zero points, doesn't it?
Was anybody else just hit by a bigass lag spike?
Duo S?
oh sorry didn't see earlier, but I'm done for today
maybe next time
Yeah, if you win with a bot you get the regular amount, but you can't lose points.
All good man catch ya next time
comfy is worse Yuumi
Sabeleye is worse Shaco
I'd try to play it if fucking Pikachu wasn't everywhere.
How's Dragapult compared to Twitch? Or was there another stealth ADC?
How do you switch positions with teammates during draft?
If a teammate wants to switch, you press Y for team pick, then you scroll down to the teammate and select
Thanks, m8.
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>hey let's play some ranked
>I jungle enough I'll let this aegis do it
>Might as well flex support, I'm in a good mood
>lane mate goes afk
>aegis sits top for the entire game and afks in bushes for no apparent reason
>no one wants to surrender after we lose fug and just continue to sit by our spawn for the last minute and a half
>both of them end the game with less damage than me
I'm only doing it to myself
>comfey gyradaos
Fuck these ass cancer cringelords
My team's WR
>59% (me)
>57% (less than 500 games)
enemies' WR
>60% (with over 2000 games)
Wow cool matchmaking thanks game
Just won an ultra retarded game with 3 people fighting for jungle on our side, because we managed to kill the whole opp team right before Fug...
my tema suk
they team gud
>2000 games is a lot of games
how many games you got there anon?
The point was less that and more the disparity in games played (though I suppose I should've also posted that the second highest WR on their team had over 4000 games played to make that clearer). I have over 6945 games played and I've been playing since launch.
I try to make a post about
>enemy team suk
>my team gud
Whenever it happens.
that is the most generous matchmaking I have ever seen
the fact that only one person across both teams is below 50% is unfathomable
i've fapped to my trainer's creamy legs at least 706 times
Ranked only games games anon
Call me crazy but I kind of feel like there ought to be a 1 week intermission between seasons going from grind to grind is kind of tiring and stupid. forcing everyone to fuck off in standard for a week could be fun
an extra week of vacation... sure sounds nice...
Is the next battle pass owl or mimiku would be nice to have a special effects holo like Charizard for the owl.
Most likely Mimikyu with Trev skin for bp. It will be so funny to see more Mimikyu buffs
Fuck, I really wanted the Halloween battle pass theme for the owl, mimiku is doing good it doesn't need a buff and the owl is balanced too but I want the owl to have the skin.
That's how I do it. Reach the sticker, then fuck around till the next season.
>no one on your team below 45%
This is relatively kind by matchmaking standards lmao.
>mimiku is doing good it doesn't need a buff
That didn't stop them the last few times.
>That didn't stop them the last few times.
I know i just wanted a premium holo with effects for the owl, every starter got a battle pass holo already so I think decidueye is bound to get a holowear in the future if not this one.
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protip: if your defender/all arounder has a cursed bangle/incense, that's your cue to dogpile whoever they're attacking for fast and easy KOs
It's amazing how all it takes is one, and I mean literally ONE (1) retard to completely dumpster and drag down an otherwise competent team.
If our Slowbro just showed up to any fight -once- we would've been able to fight the enemy instead of constantly being at a numbers disadvantage.
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pro tip: if you start a new season as a returning player your mmr gets completely reset (2 free bot games to start and more along the way) and you get an easy fast climb to masters and 1600

you're welcome
protip: Comfey's a fucking nigger.
That is all.
>goal getter jungler espeon
eeveefags are so fucking funny
>bot regi about to spawn
>team is together at bot
>some faggot decides to ping "I'm going top!" and leaves us, dies alone then starts rage pinging at us
>also spends most of the match twiddling their thumbs indecisively walking back and forth while teamfights are going on
Top lane gamers will never cease to erupt a deep boiled rage within me
>get a shitty team that actively avoids objectives and teamfights, clearly lost, enemy predictably gets fug and dunks on us
>try to spin at enemy team
>faggot tryhard goes for the kill
lmao how pathetic do you have to be I'm not gonna suddenly solo you on your home goal man
>nooo my heckin spinarinos this is SO not reddit wholesome chungus
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If it makes you feel any better they would've killed you regardless of spinning like a retard
smooth and supple succulence...
>first pick all arounder
>retard team picks all all-arounders
>enemy team picks all ranged attackers
too many retards playing right now.
Spinning culture needs to catch on
Bought the holo.
Burned 5556 gems, which is ~$70.
The fucking last box rolled 100, so now I have 70 leftover tickets.
Fun fact: the largest gem purchases are actually worse than the mid ones. Good thing I've checked before buying, lol. Weird shit.
Do you play sylveon? If so cool but I can’t see spending anything at all on a skin I personally will never ever ever use. Wake me up when the only good eeveelutions get in (flareon jolteon vaporeon)
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Yeah, got my first sticker with him before all the buffs (at 1800 back then) and he's my fav mon, so. Was disappointed with the battle pass holo, but this one I do like, so had to get it.
Fair enough I’d probably piggy up if any of my mains had a high tier skin like that too
nah. not true.
patch when
gorgeous and graceful...
>too many retards playing right now.
End of the season anon this is the ripe time for all the retarded, faggot and trolling trannies to invade your game from discord with their retarded friends.

Timi: enjoy playing unite

sincerely, timi
Is ttar good right now?
Very mediocre like it's been most of the time, still too kitable and does no damage
Good on lower ranks though where people suck at positioning
Man, I haven't touched it much this season, still ultra 1. Time to abuse late season matchmaking I guess.
Yes. Ancient Power/ Dark Pulse is still the superior option
Ancient power is an X speed that you can pop every 10 seconds that can stun enemies in the end (not using the second part of the move will shorten the cooldown)
Dark pulse is spammable every 5 seconds while flinching enemies at less than half health
Ttar's unite also exerts a shitton of pressure against opponents with low health
Squishy ranges attackers counter it but Ttar's great at eating enemy tanks.
Use muscle band + rapid-fire scarf
Sand tomb/stone edge has been performing solid enough.
Never seen a flail lax pull more than 39-40k damage I hate these retarded fags so much it hurts
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>do nothing but running around the map scoring points
>lose every fight in the game
>still win

I love playing this retard bird like you wouldn't believe

Give it hinderance resistance and it would be playable as is he’s stunlocked and useless all game.
New thread
Block sorta does that but it only works on retards that click their skills on cooldown
Pretty situational I'll only pick it if my lane partner is a strong early game mon or if the enemy has mons which has shields or defense as a gimmick.
>65% wr 300+ games

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