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it's his hair
either way it looks stupid
no it doesn't, he looks cool
This would be a god-tier protag design if it weren't for the odd shorts-outside-of-pant thing. I imagine it would be practical when trekking through the wild foliage of Route 119 to prevent nicks/poison ivy and whatnot, but it must be very uncomfortable for the most part. Hoenn has a very humid environment, save for Verdanturf.
Shut up
It should be his hair and it's sick-looking.

Emerald male protag is one of the top 3 protagonist designs in the entire mainline series. Unique and out-there yet cool and sleek. Embodies the best of Pokemon.
I wore a hat like that and got laid
Did you wear it during sex?
fuck off boomer
Reddit's down the hall and to the left, you can't miss it.
>Forward hat
>Backward hat
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His backsprite shows his hair.
Yeah? So, why aren't his eyes red?
The back of his hair isn't dyed white like the top. It definitely looks like hair, there are no beanies that're shaped like hair.
You can tell that's not the case because it's really fucking dumb
this retard mixed orass and emerald
Ken Sugomori himself confirmed that it's a knitted hat, the debate has been over for over a decade now: https://x.com/SUPER_32X/status/40800048816209920
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Based Hoennbaiter nabbing up these delicious replies, have a well-earned (You)
It's hair.
It's a hat and you'll never be a woman
The green band is also hair.
You're right I will never be a woman because I am a man and I am right, unlike you tranny.
>It's a hat
No it's not. It's his hair.
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Again, Reddit is down the hall to the left, you can't miss it.
sex brendan
Just how retarded are you holy shit
You are brown
>if I call them reddit, they won't know I'm from reddit
Reddit? Oh yeah, it's right down the hall to the left, ya can't miss it.
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I know someone has that Dragonborn comic with Brendan in it that everyone hates. Post it
It should have been hair, I agree it's a very odd way to draw a "knitted hat"
I think Gold is the coolest looking protag, Brendan might be actually bottom of my list out of the first 6 gens (i can't recall later ones, idk if they're more generic now cause of customization features or just cause I never look at them)
Sure is.
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How the fuck you get white hair at 10
and the HAT stays on during the sexing!
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true, it IS his hair
It's obviously bleached.

Honestly I'm not surprised to see how many virgin pedos don't know about this, when I was 16 I dated this 15 year old girl who'd bleach her hair and dye it different colors every couple months, I really liked her bleached hair it was very cute.
Maybe I am schizo, but I do genuinely beleive at some point in developement it was meant to be hair but something got lost and it got turned into a hat instead. I just can't comprehend in what world someone would design a hat with jagged tuffs like that not to mention with such a thick band. Pure white is an odd choice for color as well with the rest of the outfit and the female counterpart has a bandana so a headband seems like the more obvious thing. Especially in the implied humid climate of hoenn. I think it might of been hair and was supposed to be colored with the rest but couldn't get the shading right or something and got picked up blank so they decided it was a hat.
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The double pants yes
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Bigger mystery
Is the black part of her hair or a headband?
>idiot confuses Ruby from the Pokémon Adventures manga with Brendan from Pokémon Emerald
It's hair, you retards.
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Hair, according to official media.
yeah I've never understood how this bitch's hair works
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Anime hair
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It's hair.
look at how they massacred her legs
Facts, it IS his hair.
it's his hair
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It's eyes
>Wearing two pair of pants
That's stupid
Especially cause Hoenn's climate is fucking hot
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I was not expecting his banner to be a Peach shrine

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