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My favorite Pokémon is Chien Pao
They stole this design from palworld. Looks like Chillet.
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It's one of my favorite pokemon now, love this ice noodle cat.
Chillet isnt based off of an ancient Chinese artifact though
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cute snow kitty
Where's the concept art?
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Noodlekitty likes playing with other pokémon.
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full image since it's cute too
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disaster scarf
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Jacq would never wash his Pokémon
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He/she/it/gender intermediate pronoun used for non inanimate objects killed a large number of people!
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>favorite 'mon came from the latest gen
What was your favorite before this?
what are some other long bois
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I find this pocket monster to be quite humorous to be quite honest with you family
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I guess other mustelid pokemon can count. Then there are the snakes and serpents.
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Tub. TUUUB!!
Why's he so fuccckin long?
He's not getting out of there without help
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Look at him goooooo!
That's okay. He likes it in there.
is he just going to lounge there all day
Can you snuggle with it, or will that cause it to melt?
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Lame answer, but depends on how hot it is? Since it's the sword that generates cold and its body, I assume the lower part of the body is more prone to melting, so it has to replenish itself with more snow.
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Might want to worry more about you turning into a popsicle, or a chew toy for that matter
Then you are not a real pokemon fan. Chien-Pao is not a real Pokemon
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this is why I don't babysit
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melting :(
Ugly ass Weavile
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