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I love middle-stage mons.
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Stealthy samurott hate thread
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Me too
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There's some good ones out there.
Big fan of how temporary the designs feel. You see a lot of first stages in the wild, you battle with the end stages for most of the game. It's this brief window of time that you see some of these designs.
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i agree
>Stealthy pokefucker thread

Disgusting freaks get off my board
Floragato is the best middle stage starter, maybe even the best middle stage Pokémon in general. He’s so cool.
Its just a cat standing up...
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With a cool boot/mask fur pattern and yoyo vine whip
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I like it that on some Pokémon it's just them getting older
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>no actually good ones posted yet
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Hi guys, are we allowed?
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>blocks you are path
yes but without whatever the fuck that shit is in the middle of the bottom
>Too afraid to post what they considered a good one, because they know they'll be burned for it
um, all of the other ones in that image ?
5/6 is a good record; take the win anon
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Post your middle-stage mon, NOW!
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I'll do you one better
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He either comes with us or we don't come
this is among the fakest screenshots I've ever seen
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Roselia is the cutest!
Which one has the tightest pussy?
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And it's still better than the other grass starters, her evo line is the first time that made me want to pick the grass type starter
Torracat, because i wouldve fucked floragato a bajillion times by then
>hurr durr this is the first time the grass type gets a shitty furbait shit so now I like grass type for the first time
fuck off
Anon, i like sprigatito's evo line because i'm a cat person, so i see this grass kitty and her anthro feline evolved forms, and i feel like choosing her. If sprigatito's evo line was dog-based, i wouldnt choose it
Based. Floragato is the only good grass starter.
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morgrem is cool :)
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I want a water cat starter
Gen 11

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