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What do you guys think the original idea/concept for Sun and Moon was before they changed it to compete with Yokai Watch?
its funny how level5cucks are still pushing this "pokemon stole muh homework" narrative yet they have yet to show any proof of it.
Look at the image. You are naive to believe they didn't take notes. Same as Palworld ripping off Pokémon
>yokai watch created final attacks
>yokai watch created boss fighting
>yokai watch created dancing
>yokai watch created qr codes
>yokai watch created maps
>yokai watch created taking picture
>yokai watch created anoying comic relief charathers
smartest of all level5cucks
I think the concept was the same. None of this really changed the "concept" they're just features that GF mimic/stole cause they were sweating over Yokai's growing popularity and innovation.
QR codes though? Those took off and ended up literally everywhere before either of these came out, and a minimap? You can't give Yokai Watch credit for a mini map, lol.
You listed like 7 things. That's not a coincidence, that's a pattern anom
Pokémon never had a minimap and had no reason to until Yokai Watch had it. They proceeded to remove it in SwSh and future games until SV. And that's because you kinda need a minimap for open world games. Once again, why did they coincidentally add them in after the huge success they had in Yokai Watch, and then suddenly decide to remove them permanently after that?
>SV had a minimap
anon, stay in elementary school, you’ll learn what some of the words you’re using mean
Where in my post did it say permanently
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We already know from the gigaleak that Z-Moves were a late addition they had to make without making too many new assets, and the same sentiment was confirmed true for trials as well via interviews.
Original pitch for Sun and Moon was more focused on the alien/ultra space elements. The beta used Xerosic as a placeholder for areas that would eventually be occupied by the Ultra Recon squad. Character design was full-form like XY instead of the chibi-hybrids we got in the final.
I remember very early teaser video where they showed some in-works things for SM. Stuff like early model of Pikipek and hotel were in it but one thing that really stuck out for me were concept arts and early models of cars with people inside. Perhaps in early development Gamefreak planned car travel to be part of SM?
The third word from the end, you demented fuck
>Original pitch for Sun and Moon was more focused on the alien/ultra space elements. The beta used Xerosic as a placeholder for areas that would eventually be occupied by the Ultra Recon squad.
NGL I would've hated this since I hate the alien/ultra space/multiverse shit
>Character design was full-form like XY instead of the chibi-hybrids we got in the final.
I don't think that rushed piece of shit had another concept beyond "Game Freak's Hawaii vacation"
I guarantee you, the person who made this image has never played a Yo-Kai Watch Game in their life and just took whatever is superficially similar to what’s in Sun & Moon.
Cope & Seethe
I mean pokemon has always had a map, and having two screens, going 3d and abandoning the grid it makes sense they changed it this way for SM.
You can have the map on your bottom screen in gen 4 too. It's just the old-school map cause for one, the game maps are so simple you don't need it to be better.
But by Gen 7, GameFreak was assuming all players are lobotomizes 7 year Olds.
Hope you get it out and how it had nothing to do with Yokai Watch. And I even said myself they copied them, but the minimap does make sense. Of course GF would assume you would get lost somehow while on their rails.
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>yokai watch created dancing
the whole appeal of yokai watch, the first one, was the dances and the poop and fart jokes that was like honey to japanese children.

It's a shame that this board aside of being underage don't even play the games they complain about because at the end of SM there's a big party where all the characters do silly dances just like every ending of yokai watch
Well based on the direction they were going with XY, this is what gen 7 was originally going to be like:
>gender selection removed, you play as a ninbinary adrogynous character (male)
>your rival is also non binary adrogynous (male)
>throughout various hour long cutscenes in the game, you fuck each other
>game starts out with an hour long cutscene of the mc and rival having gay sex while crossdressing
>then he gives you a level 200 mewtwo
>you don't have a rival battle he just kisses you on the lips
>you walk outside of your house and you're on route 2
>you walk a few steps and you're on route 4
>no trainer battles
>you get to the elite 1 after a few steps and fight a gay guy with a level 1 pidgey and the background of the battle is the trans flag
>after you beat him the rival and the gay guy suck your dick and it freezes on the screen with "THE END"
NTA but he literally points out SV having it.
I don't know why he said permanently but it was probably an unintended figure of speech.
Also SwSh was supposed to have a minimal.
NTA but he literally points out SV having it.
I don't know why he said permanently but it was probably an unintended figure of speech.
Also SwSh was supposed to have a minimap. Not a minimal, thanks autoincorrect.
Is there any actual concrete proof from GF themselves saying that they made SM the way they did because of Yokai Watch? All of this is just schizophrenia because something barely looked similar to something else.
Just like Pokefags and Palworld then
That because the first yokai watch had almost the same sales as ORAS in 2013 and GF as usual enter in full panic mode.

Is gonna he fun if they do it again and newer games have Palworld features
That's not proof. Show me actual proof of a GF employee stating on record that they entered panic mode because of YW's sales.
There's no proof but you don't need to be Einstein to know how similar is the rotom dex from whisper from yokai watch

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