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Sygna Suit Kristal Edition

>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous Thread: >>56502531
>sync grid sim still not fucking updated
Giacomo cute
Update: got Lear in 2 multis and now Cynthia is making my gems disappear
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To 'Lodge' your waifu means to _____ her.
>exhausted from an 8 hour work shift
>pull ArcCynthia
>move on to Steven
>run out of gems
>impulse buy $35 worth of Applebux
>buy a ton of gems from the current gem specials
>use up all newly acquired gems
>~400/500 on Steven
I think I need to kill myself for this one fellas
Dodge all responsibility for her after
At that point. it would be stupid to stop now
Chart, Eenjoyyy, Evil Women bullying Glacia edition
Glacia vs The registered 6ex offenders
A battle for the ages
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Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up
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I love my cute wife Whitney! She's the bestest cute wife in the universe!
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Miltank alt when
Why are you earning that money if not for wives/husbands
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>sinking money into this game when it's getting closer to eos
that's gonna be a cringe from me dawg
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For the chartanon
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Valerie alt when?
>Miltank pair with Whitney as the mon, support with a TECH role
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All-male chart.
I think I forgot to use Sawyer last week, during his debut, so here's two Sawyers to compensate.
Impressive as always. And all-male supremacy, too. Very nice.
alright, I have to ask
what the FUCK are the role specific 5 star move candies even for? I just went through all my 5 stars and not a single one uses a role specific candy, they literally all use the standard gold 5 star move candy.
I never questioned it till now, always assumed it was just bad luck that the ones I wanted to upgrade used the non-specific move candy, but nope. Went through every single one and not a single one of my guys uses one of the role specific candies.
What do I do with these and all the coins I have to exchange for them?
wait what? you only use the golden coins?
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It was nice to see her get her 15 minutes of fame. Even if the only thing she accomplished in the story was coming just shy of calling Ariana a dumb broad.
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My cute wife Whitney takes her rightful place as the most adorable girl on the chart!
You need to exchange the candy coins for the candies first, then bring up a 5 star unit whose move level isn't maxed out. I am presuming you have not done one of those things.
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a tale of triumph and chart
I clapped
Also, once you have those omni-candies that are just yellow, SAVE THEM. The Arc units will only take those, so you can save them for when you pull a powercreep broken Arc unit of a character you like or tolerate and use it there.

They're some of the rarest items and I am not sure if I have used even one at this point?
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How do you guys get good enough at this game and enough shit? Just money?
I can't even get the full 3,000 with weaknesses
Well alot of us have been here since the beginning year or second, so we've amassed units and resources so that's the main thing. Just try your luck and get good pairs
Yeah I just lack resources now, I just really need Champion Spirits most of all.
It's probably your parameters. The only other possibility is you haven't been playing long enough to level up enough
>I just really need Champion Spirits most of all
Yeah those are a pretty significant timegate.
If you don't have a comfortable amount of 6EX'd/leveled trainers then it's hard to recommend that you attempt to tryhard CS, especially not one of the harder ones like Hoenn. Just look at the ladder and adjust the points for what you need for now.
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Giacomo is one of the tallest characters in SV. I'm guessing he's supposed to be like 16-18 years old. Not that that means much since Arven is probably the same age but quite a lot shorter. My headcanon is that they made Arven short to hint towards him suffering from malnutrition as a child cause of the parental neglect.
I feel like gen 9 character scale is a bit off, they are consistent among each other but seem weirdly big when compared to other gens.
Oops, I didn't mean to spoiler the last paragraph. And I wanted to mention that Larry is really tall, probably like 6'3 or so.
It's OK, she has her short king hilbert to look up to
Why is Ortega such a manlet
He's probably like 10 years old.
I know tulip use high heels, even then I think that is exaggerated
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>two banners with hoppa lear
wait what?
>just roll on the worse one that doesn't have other lodge pokefairs on its pool :^)))
What if I don't want those shitters?
not an option because the alternative is some oc shitter
>Trainer Lodge spoils an upcoming Sync Pair
Iono (Fall 2024) & Flutter Mane
Man hese side games REALLY don't like Violet do they?
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He's better than 90% of pokémon characters including slop shit like Lillie and Cynthia
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>Save up ten interactions
>Buy ten tier 3 gifts
>Interact once outside of Max Vibes
>Interaction over
I hate this dog shit mode so much you have no fucking idea
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He’s so cute…
Didn't screen but at the end he told you something like "Aside my retainers you are the person I talked the most" such a tsundere
I'm really surprised that Clavell is small...

I just talked to him and remarked out loud how depressing that was. uoh touch starved clingy prince boyfriendo
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Last minute chart. Oak makes poison stages much easier imo
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It's there for Sycamore
try not being a retarded cocksucking faggot ;)
>Have one of the most complex and weird hairstyle for a lodge character
>It change a bit when he have his SS look
>Not in Super exciting
And here I was sure that it was the default choice for male trainer..
Sina in the game soon.

Sina has a Glaceon
Eevee Day is coming up
Trust the plan!
I hope so. I know someone who'd be happy to see her in.
God i wish i was that grunt
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Please don't start again
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Look! My cute wife found a party hat! Doesn't she look festive?
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The last thing Wallace hears before death
I started late. Ngl I did buy the $4 bundle (was 3 originally) several times, but my condition was that I HAD to log in and play and earn as many gems as I could. If you don't fling gems at every new unit and only aim for the newest most broken units while saving for favorites, you'll do okay. I made a list of characters I absolutely would spend money on if needed to, which eased my guilt about blowing gems on an extra unit here or there. But all in all, I was able to cheese a lot of the game with just NC Marnie after I got her.
Any of the normal 4 star vouchers sync pairs worth picking up?
Supports usually are worthy, even those without crit buffs, Morty is good at flinching and healing for example, then latest additions like Will, Lusamine and Rose for super effective match ups do great, Will hits hard in general.
But if there's a unit I'd put at the bottom of priorities to obtain for a new player that would be Karen & Umbreon, garbage kit and performance. There is only one good Umbreon among non egg pairs and that is Variety Selene's one.
Looked at the available units and I'd say again
Supports (Barry > others because he is useful in the damage challenge battle mode) > Will - Lusamine - Rose - Valerie -Sophocles > Olivia* - Cheryl* - Erika (champion stadium poison stalling as only main relevant purpose) > Candice > Falkner - Zinnia >>> Karen

*These supports aren't exactly great and mostly serve as sole meatshields or to be exploited in poison and other forms of stalling in champion stadium with defensive parameters or work better on modes like legendary arena
Morty definitely get, defenses and heal and flinch.
Clemont is similar to Morty but a bit less good.
Janine is one of the best pairs for team evasion buffs.
Candice is a hail setter with evasion and offense.
Surge gets Thunder Wave and some okay team physical buffs.
Erika is Toxic & trapping in one.
Valerie & Rose are decent attackers / flinchers.

Thats not all but thats I think a good list of utility to pick from. Pick what you need, and slowly add more pairs. Use 4* move candies for them, events give those out fairly often

But one last mention. Barry & Roserade. Due to the utility with Paralysis and boosting guage when using it, Barry is very very very good for Damage Challenge. Can try to spam para to skip ahead to sync move repeatedly. Colress is technically better, but Barry is go-to if don't have Colress set
Sinnohs strongest trainers, after the Champion and E4*
Colress isn't exactly better as he doesn't add EX Support buffs while you can slap Barry even on physical stages. Colress is more situational, a bit more than Barry once you get Paralysis + Sing sync rush more common duos.
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Exactly, they are the strongest, that's why you unlock them after stomping Sinnoh garbage league and champion.
And now provide evidence Barry managed the same feat.
His Hall of Fame entry should suffice.
>provide evidence
Asking for evidence while ignoring blatant evidence saying who Sinnoh's strongest are, wild
Sorry troony, none of them could beat the league or the Champion
thats why they had to settle for less

At least Caitlin graduated to the more prestigous E4
All you're saying is that Unova's E4 is stronger than Sinnoh's champ kek
No you just have brainrot, likely from losing to Cynthia a million times back in gen 4
This is it, the Cynthiaschizo admitting the Unova league is better
>when your local region's league is so shit you'd rather leave to a better region than be affiliated with them
>blatant evidence
Correlation does not imply causation
You don't know how to use that phrase, the text is straightforward
>text states you need to be champion to challenge
>Barry challenges
Ergo Barry is a champion

>Game states you get into Hall of Fame when becoming champion
>Barry has no Hall of Fame entry
Ergo Barry is no champion

It can only be one, so what is it?
tfw even in the pokespe cynthia casually encounters palmer in johto and the first thing she notices is his stronger trainer aura, she can't take a break
Masters is canon now?
That's great news for all the Pasio characters.
Less great news for the MCs in the game, I guess
Masters is far more canon than whatever you're rambling about
>Frontier keks need a special timeline to amount to anything
Sounds about right
Are you not in the general for it yourself? What a dumbass
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It's out! Thanks PomatoolsDevanon!
Damn Clavels grid gets good at 5/5, but he's a sprint... suffering. Shauntauls grid is also neat but she needs so much energy, also suffering
>but he's a sprint
Sprint/Field - delicious 2x Rally modifier
What field anyway?
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Chart is here ! SS Morty end September at the top while Irida have to suffer alone knowing her husband enjoy a nice week with an evil woman and a twink.

An important note before the usual shit : Yesterday the Tier list I use wasn't updated with Giacomo and the rest so I had to found where the fuck these icons are... And when I found them guess what ? The tier list was updated... But this mean that now all the eggmons will have a normal icon and not a flat one. They will all have the Strike symbol but no one care right?

Side notes :
-With the change for the eggmons the only 6EX added is Flint but we will have to wait the 25th to see his hot black collar and red shirt
- SS Krys got only one use, Sabrina and Alakazam are unused and Janine got a nice bump in usage (previous best wes 3 at Week 16 and 38)
-Wulfric is also above 1 wich is a first for him
-Giacomo is at two nothing to say it's kinda normal let's hope he can rank well next week against Will

Next week first rank

>New Pairs
Barry and Floatzel
(Maybe Lear and Krookodile)
>EX Roles
Tapu Bulu Tech
Duraludon Tech
Tapu Fini Sprint
Eternatus Support
Kyurem Black Strike

Chart for September in an hour or two.

As always you can still post your clear. See you next week or in a few hours !
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I hate Hoenn
PalBea fell off hard lol
I can already see a new event on her concept art casual outfit doing stuff with Eri
I hate Drake so much it’s unreal
>people sleeping on Cinderace & Gloria
When I need a waifu with hard HARD hitting fighting or fire, she's always got me
I have all Gloria's 3/5 except that one. That uniform looks like shit.
Actually, that reminds me. Need to check if I have any Pokefair at 5/5 for that November update

>new 46mb update
Anyway, just Marnie & Morepeko. And technically Tina & Rachel. Otherwise I rarely go past 3/5
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hags won
>belittles (You) even though he's technically talking himself down, being aware that he's a weirdo no one wants to talk to
Fuck, maximum tsundere moe
eggmons a cute
hiding my shotas from them
It's so annoying. What's the point of tier 3 gifts if you never even get down to 80% attention before they give up?
To feel like a sugar daddy spoiling your waifu?
you know shit's getting serious when this kalosian kid is bigger, taller and wider than the usual hisuian and paldean fucked up scaling huge models
The perspective is also weird but yes Tierno is a fucking obese hamplanet freak and needs to burn in hell
>body shaming Tierno just because he has better moves than you
Arven is only 165cm (5'5) tall fwiw
Cute manlet...
Total fatso death
Tierno's head being twice the size of Akari's makes me want to vomit
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brutally mogged
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>Was the only Lucy user in a Poison weak CS stage
other times there was at least another anon who used her without there being a Poison weak stage
Wouldn't the AI Professors need Terastal to be present on Pasio first
maybe we get actual professors since Pasio lore is a major stop asking questions
Yeah Masters' "lore" would be perfect for having the real profs show up.
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Remember to save enough gems because you WILL pull for Iono
But Shauntal
I'll do the daily discount and nothing else
Wish me luck
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Then save for both her and Iono!
Good luck! Post your brand spankin new Iono when you pull her.
>those hair colors
it can be...
>>new 46mb update
Apparently FallIono was shown early at the Lodge photo book. Add that one to the rabbithole lol
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September Chart
Added >>56517428 and >>56516944
So yeah nothing to tell you can see the result
just to be more precise if the year ended today here are the total use for the Arc Suit and the normal trainer
Metagross vs Arc 41-73
Garchomp vs Arc 46-22
Dragonite vs Arc 54-19
In one month Arc-Steven is 93th
Solgaleo-Lilie is 125th
It's pretty big
Not gonna talk much about that until late october
>Tina's status
Still in the top 10. 7th with 223 uses. We gained one place in the ranking thanks to Iono and Zygarde going down. Keep the faith !
omgon bans metagross but elaine and ss lyra legal?!?
Chuckyear, the only way is up!
>400+ dualdefenses stallmon
The fanfic meta was a lot slower than usual on him
Help me max out the damage in the Training with N challenge

I ran Green/Blastiose with Blue/Zapdos & Rosa/Meloetta, went with the paralyze then spam Sing strategy to get Sync Moves quickly from the Supports for their buffs, then to crank out as many with Green before the time was up. Even with her at 5/5 and a sync grid that maximized Sync power nodes, she could only get around 250,000 damage in 3 to 4 Sync strikes before time was up. This is with Lv15 Water Gear as well.

Do I need to switch to a different unit? Or am I using Green incorrectly? My water options aren't terrible but I'm missing some of the staple nukes. I've got enough items to bring 1 more unit up to 6StarEX so there's still room to buff
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all according to the plan
my golden boys should be released between december and february for hoenn months and it between genpool ones might get ex unlocked, hopefully paldea courier freebie because for me he's better than anything else paldea has produced

by the way where are the other two furisode girls?
are they making one for each seasonal event?
For me, it is 3/5 NC Serena
Not bad. Thanks for the charts!
Each new year
Will I pull Iono?
only if you are a faggot
I wonder if the Pasio Academy will lead into whatever coop thing they have planned, or it’ll just be a plot line used for most Paldea students/teacher debuts
Your wasting so much time with NC Rosa that it’s unreal. Use Barry and Roserade or Colress.
Tierno is literally the Fat Albert of the Pokémon universe. Albert was as tall or taller than adults in that show.
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Tell me your spookiest story, /pmg/
Mystery Stones required for the new power ups regarding the 5/5 fairs. So far they are only rare drops at the Lodge and Training Area where you have to grind redundant mats using stamina, this way they'll convince you to use gems to buy stamina too.
The recent Mystery Stone title wants you to collect 10,000 of them, which means they might or not add some new modes or other reworked content, maybe co-op.
I rolled for a unit I wanted and I had to spark
Sure, what do you want to hear? All firsthand experiences, so pretty meh stories because I don't embellish.
-ghost girl
-christmas party
-the whistler
Tell me of this ghost girl
The game didnt EOS
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>Battle Rally starts with Sprint + Support
>8 Sprint areas
Klara is older than Iono and Shauntal?
Waiting for the summer alt where she looks like Gura before she retires.
Sorry got distracted
>driving during work
>pouring rain, driving alongside river
>come to barren stretch where there's no sidewalk, dangerous on a normal day, just fence on one side protecting you from the river and a cliff on the other
>fucking insane young woman walking along road on cliff side up ahead where there's very rough rocky terrain, white party dress, pale and blonde, no rain coat, doesn't seem cold even though it's at most 60ºF
>she must have frost resist equipped
>guess she's walking home to her house around the bend way up the road
>she's navigating quite effortlessly despite swampy rocks and boulders at 30º angle in driving rain
>feel bad she's out in the storm, kind of want to offer her a ride
>start to approach and pass her, she's not more than 10ft from my car
>see she's not wet despite the HEAVY downpour and having walked at least 1/2 mile from nearest building
>she turns toward the road as I'm passing her
>oh fuck no, I'm not getting charged for manslaughter today
>she halts and looks up, I'm already going 'round the bend
>watch rearview mirror, I have to see where this character is headed
>she never comes out from behind the cliff despite it being a 90 degree river bend with nowhere else to walk besides follow the road/river
>there's no way she scaled the muddy rock wall up to the fucking cemetery
>how the fuck was she so dry in all this rain
>months later
>another heavy downpour day, driving that same strip
>even darker, worse visibility
>'heh, remember that psycho that walked in this that one time?'
>see car taillights pulled over ahead, no blinkers, blocking lane because no shoulder due to same rock slope
>slow down as I approach, don't want to kill anyone
>see a woman leaning by passenger window to talk to the driver
>wtf is this psycho really dropping someone off right here where the river could flood and sweep them away
>give short honk like an asshole bc angry I have to go in oncoming traffic lane on blind turn
>girl straightens up to look at me over car hood
>notice she has same hair, is wearing white too
>no way she's wearing that same dress, look in mirror to get a longer look
>she's not there, but the car still is
>how did she get in the car that fast, the door already shut
>she STILL looked dry, wtf

Found out a couple years later that she's well-known by the locals. She got hit and dragged along that strip of road on a rainy night while walking home from a party back in the 60s. She's buried in the cemetery at the top of the cliff.
what is this character's name?
Quite spooky! Thanks for the story! That'll kick off the month
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Kris. The first female protag from Crystal
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>avery at 5
All me ;)
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I still need to watch the new story event, but I'm hearing some people speculate Atticus coming next month because of a line Clavell says about needing to design new uniforms

Steel weak high score is next month, and there is a decent shot he's a steel unit despite his type specialty because his ace is Revavroom with a signature steel move. Maybe he even comes with Eri with fighting also being the next highscore vent

This is assuming they release the next chapter of this Pasio Academy story next month
yay more skips
technically yes
I raped whitney and then I killed her stupid cow in front of her
Eri does sound likely
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Same, but I'm not sure who to pair with. I got 1.3 mil out of Red and SS Mina (for rain) without doing extra tries yet. Just attacking and debuffing ramps up the damage enough to hit high numbers, I just feel there are better ways to buff her than what I did....
Don't have her but it's just easier to go unga bunga with Victini
Champion Serena is top tier cute
Never binge through the Villain Arc. You'll soon hear it, everywhere.
Tierno would mating press them both easily
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>Giacomo's lucky cookie is Vigilance
Never gonna roll for that fag but lol why the fuck is Dena so retarded?
Klara is probably 30 and pretending to be younger. Iono does the same, but at least Iono looks like a kid.
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Maybe the real treasure was the 2.0x rally multipliers we got along the way
It's fighting and electric weak champion stadium. It's going to be the protagonists.
ngl was kinda hoping his EX would be the Violet uniform
same, hoping they keep it back for some alt...
>got Clavell on a daily pull
Quaquaval, my beloved, will never betray me
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So glad my Man got Quaquaval and not one of the other freaks
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Lilliebros, let's go. Second from the peak ain't bad.
The most efficient way to get the happy box ticket thing is to do single pulls right?
But it’s still not guaranteed that you eventually get it is it?
Single pulls are safer for progress, yes.
I think somebody did the math and claimed there are enough coins to get to the end, but who knows.
Just don't be a lucklet, I guess
Fuck Clavell, where's Clive?
6th Anni
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Was bored last night
next april fools
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Holy based
God I wish I was Bruno
>Klara is probably 30 and pretending to be younger
Just look at it
Ey I like this song
The usual CS2 is preferable over most of these lol
Except wounded power for Vanilla Lance when he doesn't sync.
How much of a buff is CS2 anyway that its almost always picked over things like Weather Warrior 3 or even things like Klara's Tox 4 one?
cs2 applies to both sync and normal attacks so its preferable over lucky skills that only apply to one or the other
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should the fatphobia issue be more addressed in pasio?
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Chuck just keeps winning
WW3 and SP3 also apply to both but CS2 is just the easiest to roll and take advantage of, all you need to do is have crit up. The former two are more desirable for units meant to always be on weather or on stages weak to them like Silvally
It must be the dumbest question ever but I bought an Incubator last year and like I can't find a way to buy the second one. Only thing I can buy are the pass and egg box expansion
Is the third incubator only related to the pass thing?
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Dod I miss a rework on these stones being farmable now or something?
the third incubator is limited time locked behind the pass, correct
I have joined the war on fatphobia, on the side of the fatphobes
The training stages drop them. Probably buys the daily stamina login bundle.
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look at those aesthetics and arrangements, that's some kino shit right there, and rhyme isn't even available yet
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Clive would 100% be the best April Fools pair for next year, be right up there with Ball Guy

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