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Why does my Metang always come home carrying a nosepass?

Previous thread: >>56485936
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>live in farmlands
>life is peace and quiet
>one day a fucking Galarian Zapdos decides to make the surrounding terrain a part of its race track
This fucking discount Road Runner kicks up dust and I just washed my windows and my car last weekend. Everything went to shit. The stupid chicken just runs without a care and nothing can catch it, it's so fast.
Every time it passes nearby, all the Herdier nearby go into a frenzy. Barking goes on for what seems like forever.
So much for my fucking peace and quiet. What can you do about this shit?
If I was in your position, I'd be amazed at getting to see such a rare pokemon
It made a friend :)
Nah, it brings them home and eats them, I don't know where it gets them
The only way to deal with it is to catch it
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Hah, you can barely catch a glimpse unless you're expecting it or watching from a higher place. Once it passes, all you can see is dust.
Oh. Makes sense.

>I don't know where it gets them
Which region do you live in?
I live in Kanto, so I have no idea where it could be finding them
And yet even then, it would be noticeable
Maybe some autist is breeding them with a ditto at the pokemon daycare, or maybe some team rocket weirdos trying to import pokemons from other regions for profit only to get BTFO'd by your metang kek

Speaking of team rocket, i feel like there's something sketchy with that daycare that always felt weird, how do the pokemons even level up there? Do they put them up for manual labor or something as training? I dont wanna sound like a SCHIZO type trainer who goes around claiming that everybody is actually worked or is working with team rocket being all like "that old man near ss. Anne actually had funding from team rocket and lost it all when that red guy stopped giovanni!!", but man, how do they level up so fast while i cant get it to work in my free time for free??
Do Alolans really still worship the Tapu?
I'll be honest, they could be from practically anywhere since Metang fly fast and don't tire easily
>Letting his pokemon roam unsupervised
That's how you recognize a bad owner. Not only that, but it's invasive species to your region so you're disturbing the natural wildlife by being so reckless. I hope some Nosepass owner reports you to the police in the end.
Oh fuck there's a Beedrill hive, nest, thing in my backyard, how do I remove that?
Well, I'd suggest a strong rock type and some repel to deal with the beesrillss
Yeah, I should probably bring it to the power plant to it can eat it's natural prey: magnemite
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Treating my wife to a spa day at the resort area
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Paradox Pokemon were a mistake, who the heck bring them here?
Why are Sinnohans and Paldeans like this?
Not even the Unovans are as bad as you 'people'
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Enjoy yourselves, anons. It's a rainy day here and my wife usually prefers to stay at home too.
Say that to me again after my harem obliterates your team of shitmons, pussy.
Somebody touched my sandwich!!
She's getting her claws done and trimmed
You mean being nice and treating our wives?
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I've only watched from the outside, but it's pretty straightforward:
>put together a bunch of different Pokemon from different Trainers
>they pass the time sparring and learning more about each other
>this makes them better at fighting
Pokemon don't exactly enter stasis whenever we're out of sight, and fighting is pretty fun.

>You mean being nice and treating our wives?
More likely they mean pretending you have wives. Don't play us for fools, we all know what site we're on.
Are you doubting my marriage to my lucario?
Who did, is there any type of residue or something left on it?
Have you ever been to a Pokémon strip club?
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Personally no, I don't see a reason when I've got a lovely pokemon of my own
But Pokémon don’t wear clothes.
are you sure? I saw some Pokemon wearing karate gi. I thought they were people but they had blue and red skin.
Nah, I’m pretty sure that’s their skin.
You'd be surprised how erotic it is when they take them off.
Fair enough. I guess it’s a psychological thing.
I thought those were a myth, although that might just be my region having pretty strict anti-prostitution laws.
But Pokemon are surprisingly pretty easy to manipulate, befriend, and then romance. Especially if they're in the humanoid egg group.
But then again the most desirable pokemon tend to be pretty rare, so I guess a couple enterprising trainers might have set them up.
>The most desirable tend to be pretty rare
You're telling me, some dude in the iron Island cave gave me a riolu egg, and that's how I met my wife
Get out of my thread, Shaun
You're such a sad little jewjoke
Even /pg/ thinks you're a faggot
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>dude trust me the Sinnoh champ is dead
>it was a, uh, a Seviper, I mean an Arbok, I mean her beloved Garchomp, er, uh
>and th-that's not really her televised live at that tournament! it's a, uh, Zoroark! Photoshop! Rotom tricks!
This is just plain sad.
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Oy vey
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...is this why weird creeps have asked to see me shed while I'm trying to nap in the park?
so my litwick just evolved a few weeks back, and whenever i take him on a walk, once we pass the retirement home he just stops moving and begins to stare through the window. i also woke up in the middle of the night last week to a call from the caretakers saying he managed to sneak out of his ball, out of my house, to the retirement home, is staring through the window, and is creeping everyone out. i had to pretty much drag him back home and have the burn marks to show for it, should i be worried? i really don't wanna lose my bro
I already told you
Not my fault you can only read hebrew
That'd probably be why, yeah
>oy vey nooo jannies stop deleting my posts
>this is just anudda shoah like the holocaust aaaiieee
>>56522423 is from /vg/ btw.
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And you haven't even seen the Mudbray show, amigo
>live in glimwood tangle
>so far, 3 fairy types have decided I'm training them now
>I'm pretty sure one of those hats is questioning it too
>former gym leader giving me weird looks
please help
You know that creepy thing some trainers do where they raise a pokemon for the purpose of marriage.
Well, pokemon have an equivalent to that where they decide no matter what you're going to be their 'trainer'
Maybe get a fire or poison type? Steel types are really expensive but are the best bet, and also the least likely to try to groom you, outside of Lucario and Mawile that is.
>outside of a mawile that is
hah... haha. guess what my 3rd mon was. I swear that old hag was planning this shit from the start.
Whats a Road Runner?
You poor bastard, I wish you luck.
Just don't get a Salazzle. Those girls are even more suspect than the fairies are.
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>i really don't wanna lose my bro
So teach him not to do that. As much as I despise the contraptions, getting a pokeball lock for nights might be a good idea - if the problem keeps up (or if he ever decides to hurry along his spirit-harvesting), you might find the local authorities questioning your fitness to train him.

Old cartoon featuring... a speedy Doduo and a Growlithe, I think? My first Trainer used to watch it sometimes, but I never paid much attention.
My dusknoir does that too on occasion, but I've heard they tend to be more welcome there than lampent
luckily, I don't think those are around here. that mawile I'm not even sure how GOT to this region considering the border security.
thanks, I think I'll need it.
Mawile and salandit are both in galar naturally, they're just only in that big open area
fair. on a side note I will have to be back shortly, first time in a bit I've been outside that hell forest and I think a mon has spotted me
I have four fairy types please help
Another one? Which one is it this time?
a ribombee, won't bugger off and practically dove in the way of a ball. it's joining grimsnarl, shiinotic, and mawile.
I was aiming at a metang for a method to make those fairies fuck off, for crying out loud. and I got another fairy from it.
A Metang? Not only are those guys smart enough to look at you and smell the trouble a mile away, they're choosy even at the best of times. A super-intelligent Pokemon isn't gonna settle for any old idiot, and with the way you keep letting fairies walk into your life, you're blatantly a certified dumbass of some sort.
man they're the first steel type that came to mind, which I needed for... you know.
locking the door so these fucking fairies stop walking into my life.
Maybe you can make friends with a Lairon?
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She’s so cute when she’s pensive
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My girl is adorable when she's flustered, also her spa treatment is done now
With how much you attract fairy pokemon, it wouldn't surprise me if you somehow brought enamorus out of hiding
Took a big dump in the local Pokecenter today.
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Give him back!
Fun fact: female Laprases love human men. In fact, they prefer them to the males of their own species. A female Lapras' g-spot is at the average depth that a human's penis can reach, and the male Lapras' corkscrew-shaped penis is uncomfortable for the female. They pair-bond very easily with male trainers, and that's because the simple act of riding on their backs, feeding them, and even polishing their shells registers to them as a courtship ritual of sorts, and it's far gentler than the way the typical male Lapras will force himself upon them. Seriously, if you've caught a female Lapras of your own, pay special attention to the way she treats you. When one pins you underneath her soft, pillowy belly while you're trying to feed or groom her, she isn't just playing around. She loves you, and she wants nothing more than to know you carnally. So don't be shy, anons: do as I've done and take the Lapras Pill.
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I've got a foolproof method that can help you out.
>catch a Nosepass
>train it near your local power plant so it'll evolve into Probopass
>teach it Explosion
>have it rile up the hive
>the Beedrills will come spilling out and relentlessly attack it, only to do jack-shit since it resists all their attacks and is immune to poison entirely
>use Explosion
>no more Beedrills
>no more Beedrill hive
It really is that simple.
Is breeding for "Shinies" even worth it anymore? From my research it requires a ridiculous amount of time and financial investment to even acquire the foreign Pokemon and the ideal breeding environment, my biggest worry is that I will get into legal problems from causing an outbreak by over-releasing breedjects into the environment, as the matter of facts shits like this is why daycares no longer permit deposit Pokemon with the sole purpose of pumping out an rare variant like that.
In case anyone is wondering, I am aiming for a shiny Nidoking as my final goal.
I mean it's a huge waste of money if you're not going to sell it, but personally while it may be harder breeding a high demand shiny is exponentially better investment wise.
Something like a shiny Gardevoir or Lopunny, people will pay a hefty price even for a male one.
>speedy Doduo and a Growlithe
It was a doduo and a Lycanroc actually.
This isn't a pokemon RP thread
There's plenty of canon Pokemon that are smart enough to use the internet.
Serperior is not one of them, specially since it can't use a mouse or keyboard.
Sure they can, Serperior still has hands, they just keep them behind their backs. It's part of their signature look of superiority.
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Yo, look who I ran into while visiting Glaceado Mountain to visit Grusha's gym.
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>Zoroark mildly waving his hands off to the side
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Could've sworn they were both Kantonese, but that does sound familiar.

Yes, but nor is it a human RP thread, so I see no reason to pretend I'm one of you.
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Ever since I got into the competitive scene my mimikyu has been constantly jealous of all the strongmons. She always keeps screaming at them whenever she is out of the ball and her attitude whenever she loses a battle to someone else is never sportsmon-like. Her mood seemed to go up ever since my lovely wife started making him new clothes, but she's still jealous of me giving attention to my more viablemon, even getting into fights. She has been stitching herself some new clothing that seems kinda human like and feminine, I take it she is making a attempt at a Gardevoir.
I think she has a crush on you, anon
anon, that's a fucking (red) chocobo
Personally, I blame champion/chair woman Geeta. Have you seen her? The lady looks like she was born for evil and she barely even does anything about the Paradox pokemon, not to mention the league being in shambles.
The Elite Four have to fucking yell to each other because she's too cheap to get a new bell, two of her subordinates practically run the league themselves, one of her elite four is a child, and she GAVE HERSELF THE POSITION OF CHAMPION WHAT THE FUCK.
I don't want to be assaulted by pokemon from possible pasts and theoretical futures! Whats wrong with the pokemon of the present time!
This league is seriously corrupt and I don't doubt it's the chairwoman's fault.
i swore i saw two gravelers raping a nosepass in mt. moon once
did you get her autograph?
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>She’s so cute
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So how does this list hold up, any thoughts.
And yet you stick out like a sore thumb
Actually, yeah. Especially since I made it clear I wasn't there to try and catch her.
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Sounds like you could use some help. Where are you from friend?
Theyre just a pokemon using Internet, nothing strange about letting your 'mons use pokechan
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Most people don’t know or care what species you are if you don’t avatar-fag.
i know i'll get flack for this, but i am sick and FUCKING tired of all these horn enthusiasts lately shitting up this board. the defining feature of seaking are its FINS, not its horn PERIOD. without fins, it wouldn't even be a fucking fish pokemon, let alone a seaking! i seriously just don't understand the appeal of some dumbass small piece of keratin, when every seaking is adorned with such beautiful, graceful works of natural art. with how horny these trainers are for their seaking's horns, i bet these sickos don't even take care of their poor 'mon's fins!
>"hurr durr the horn is best for battle because of seaking's attack"
have have you ever heard of waterfall, buddy? you'd probably do better with fucking water gun, and i'd like to see you try to not get laughed out of a contest hall using only horn attack! seriously, i don't think horn enthusiasts should even be included to be classified as seaking fans.
>forest has been oddly quiet recently
>noticed I've been seeing fewer and fewer Pokémon in it too whenever I go for a walk down the trail
>actually for the last couple of days there's been nothing, not even things like Caterpie that are are normally crawling all over
>it's as if everything living in the forest just left
Is this something I should be worried about? Does anyone even know what's going on?
listen up finFAG, the mighty and powerful HORN is the defining features of Seaking, not some gay ass frilly fins. Take away the horn and you just have some generic ass fish Pokemon but once you see that brilliant piercing sublime extension of Seaking's very being you INSTANTLY see that it isn't just some fish but motherfucking Seaking. Why do finfags not realize how stupid they sound when they say that Seaking's defining feature isn't the HORN that is emblematic of Seaking but something all fish Pokémon have. You might as well start talking about how the defining feature of Machamp is the fact that it has legs.
The fake fans of Seaking are finfags like you that can't appreciate that the HORN is what makes Seaking unique from the other fish Pokemon, might as well masturbate over Lumineon's fins if that's all you care about.
Yes, you probably stepped in a Muk and now smell like shit.
As long as you don't see an Absol it should be fine, or a roaming legendary is in the area.
Lads, I've heard from somewhere that, given enough time, the fermenting berries inside of a Shuckle's shell turn into something similar to a rare candy. Do any Shuckle owners out there know if this is true of not and if so, what sort of berries should I be giving to my Shuckle to store? I'd like to get some candies to supplement my pokemon's training and maybe sell off the extras for a bit more pocket change.
Where are you? Could be that a Zoroark pack has taken up residence there and is trying to conceal themselves.
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Can't believe the Federal Government released a Kyogre in fucking Appalachia, since when is our Secretary of Homeland Security fucking Archie? The floods are so bad, and I even heard Officer Jenny was threatening Corviknight fliers with arrest for flying in to rescue and drop Poke Blocks.
That damn Lithium Mine is there too. Is this just a Galar Mine incident again? Gov after energy and resources for cheap. Kyogre capabilities need to be disclosed there is no way it was Castform. Whatever war in Orre is "mOrE iMPoRtAnT"
>A Kyogre
I didn't think any government would go so far as to release the god of the sea, or how they would have went about it
Not true, you end up something closer to a potion. Better than an Oran berry I guess but meh…
Darn, I guess those poke maniacs from Johto were lying to me. You think there's another way to get ahold of rare candies without having to shell out a fortune?
At least my Shuckle enjoyed the berries I gave it.
There was an old guy around my town who (alledgedly) knew how to make rare candies. His how blew up, I don't even know if it was beacuse of the rare candies "manufacturing" or beacuse they got him
proof or gay
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>a flock of Murkrow nested nearby
>sometimes wake up at night to see a Lampent or Dusknoir hovering outside my window
>this morning open my door and see an Absol standing outside staring dead at me for like a good minute before leaving
Should I just end it now?
Someone should get those team aqua guys to appear, the government always switches their opinions up whenever they feel threatened, so they'll simply lock the god of the sea back in once that happens.
I'm pretty sure they disbanded years ago
Is the guy who married his ditto in this thread? Just wondering how he's doing
Was that the guy who was in that legal battle about whether it still counts child molestation if it’s a ditto transformed into a kid?
I'm starting to worry that the guy who fucked his Ditto is actually "guys"
Or you could start feeding it proper food that won't carry potential diseases and stop letting your free roaming pokemon slaughter local wildlife.
Trainers like you only learn when their Pokémon don't come back home one day, and then there's the crying and whining because "How dare the wild fire types melt my precious Metang"
There have been some locals around trying to revive team aqua, sort of like how those team rocket grunts kept trying to revive team rocket again.
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>The primitive motorbike dragon is raiding the local sandwich shop AGAIN.
How do I make him stop? This is like the third time this week.
Hey, he's at the cashier line and waiting in it like the rest of us, cut him some slack, eh?
...or maybe he raced through the entire town while I wasn't looking, barged in through the front door, scaring everyone inside then charged his way through the entire line, startling the cashier desk just to get his forsaken sandwich. This is why you never want to bring your Pokemon to the store to buy foods if they cannot control themself, or just put them inside of their pokeball at all time.
Since this is where the experts reside, I have a couple questions:
>Is an Annihilape considered an "unethical" evolution like Runerigus, Parasect and the like?
>Can't we just artificially make more Augurite to make Kleavor common again outside that Terarium place since that's apparently all they need?
>be me
>have magmortar
the fuck is it trying to do whenever it shits its flames to the sky? it does that nearly every hour, and believe me, it isn't because im not feeding him.
I'd guess some kind of target practice or just seeing how far they can fire, as an owner of one myself I know they take pride in that kind of thing
I fucking hate Pinap pizza.
Did you ask the cashier if he did that? Because that sounds like you're reaching for a reason to yell at your pokemon.
I don't see a problem with this image at all
What are you, a couple of boomers? Just because you run into an Absol doesn’t mean it’s on its way to some kind of disaster or accident. It could just be minding its own business or looking for food. It’s only 3’11 and a hundred pounds anyways, you can easily punt one in the ribs and overpower it if it gets uppity.
Iunno hope this helped
I don't know, maybe. I have a friend who's born here but his dad moved here from Alola a long time ago. There's all kinds of painting/icons in their home. Kind of creepy if you'd ask me.
What's so creepy about it?
Hey guys, so i was going to the pokemart to buy some food for my pokemon like usual and i came across a building hosting some sort of tournament, i asked and apparently it's something about a "Smogon" or smthn and told me to back off because i suppose i didnt have an entry ticket, what's this about?
Smug goons? Think they were a cult dedicated to Snivy which they insisted was actually called Smugleaf. Records indicate they caught the interest of the self- fellating god and were destroyed after the god sent a great army of normies to battle them.

It’s all hard to figure out. A lot of esoteric bullshit.
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>knows grass moves
>plants itself to absorb energy
>has leaves and roots
>is not grass/electric
What are those shitheads at Aether thinking?!
Aether didn't make them dipshit they just found them
Well SOMEONE had to either find out and properly assign conventional types to them, no?
I am so fucking sick of Hollywood shoving Sylveons and Jinxs into everything these days.
Don't besmirch Sylveon with the reputation of that brand of insufferable faggotry. People should not be allowed to take good things and twist them into symbols for their poison.
>be me
>show an interest in archaeology
>everyone starts calling me a ruin maniac
wut do? I mean, I like ruins, but I don't want to make it my entire personality. Unrelated news, just bought a pith helmet.
Is it true that Yveltal is about to start a new thousand year cycle in our lifetime and end all life as we know it? I want to plan for retirement.
Where did you hear this
If I had to hazard a guess, probably that Occulture shit they're still printing out.
If you happen to get a Yamask, Baltoy, Sigilyph or Golett, just give into the gimmick. Otherwise, avoid if you can.
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Yeah I'm here, still married to my ditto and fuck it every night while it transforms into whatever I want. Thankfully it hasn't laid an egg yet.. I don't even want to think about what that might look like.
Good to know you're in a healthier relationship with the ditto

How is the trail going or has that a different guy?
anyone else get telepathically contacted by prof oak anytime they try to use a fishing rod and are not facing water?
My keys fell down an air vent in my house so I thought I’d use my super rod to get them out but ever time I tried that boom a psychic message from oak! Wtf?
These freaks make me want to go back to Team Plasma
Absolutely unironically kill yourself
Probably another Ditto? Pokemon eggs takes the species of their mother and some characteristics of their father, usually in the form of abilities or different skill sets.
At most you'd get a smarter Ditto.
When bred with Ditto, it takes the father's species, but we don't know what it's gonna be if the father is a human
>transforms into whatever I want
I think you need to take your meds
Why, for experiencing true love?
Can’t, some youngster burst through my front door and grabbed them off my desk, shoved em in his shorts , and ran back out while screaming “YAY RARE CANDY!!!”
Did your wife know that she was fucking your ditto, just wondering
Shouldve kept them in your pants then
Wtf I don’t want some kid’s hands in my pants!
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Hey guys, is it safe to declaw my pokemon? I want to do something with her but i like playing rough so i wanna prevent any injuries when she gets too excited
what exactly is something, anon?
Roughhousing with Pokémon is a quick path to an early grave when it comes to many species.
Claws are the least of your worries for something like that Floragato you posted.
Garchomp are smooth in all directions, trust me. I'm an expert, go pet one right now.
Most of them are
Don't declaw, but instead trim the sharp parts, it's one of the reasons I pay for my Lucario to go to a salon
It's better to evolve them first before trying anything rough, being more developed also means it's easier to talk with then on equal footing and convince them to do stuff.
Of course they're still as attached to you as they were in their past stages so they're also still about as easy to coerce.
Guys my Espeon, Aeon, keeps waking me up at sunrise because of his head gem thing glowing. If you're wondering why I can't make him sleep in another room, its because his pokemon bed is in here and whenever I try to move it, he starts telekinetically moving all of my furniture and posters by a few inches in retaliation. Any ideas? Also, side note, I just revived a Tirtouga (nicknamed him Tarrasque) from a fossil and I'm trying to figure out sleeping arrangements for him. I was told I could modify the mini-sandbox thing my Vibrava, Lanayru, used to sleep in when she was a Trapinch but I'm not sure, what with her being a ground type and him being a water-rock type.
Get a sleep mask and if you have a backyard get a pond for your Tirtouga, if you can't take care of him I'm sure a Safari Zone would be accommodating.
For your Tirtouga, the box should be fine since it's just sand, and sandstorm doesn't effect rock types

Odd, typically that gem thing only lights up when the espeon uses psychic powers. Have you tried talking to your espeon about the problem?
You should train your espeon in behavior, dont they have like those behavior pokemon training programs or something?
Oh, yknow, just some fun activities on the bedroom, nothing out of the usual.
Got it, i guess i can try that.
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Oh ow. There's my uber for tonight. Should I call off the ride? Anyone know this bitch?
Unless you can somehow keep your mind quiet, I'd say you should call it off
You were in team plasma?
I look forward to reading about yet another trainer being found naked with their neck snapped via vine whip. You are an hero to us all.
Are you saying you want him to die?
I’m saying his dedication to stupid games will inevitably lead to him winning stupid prizes and will no doubt make for an entertaining read.
His posts seem to imply that he intends to try to fuck a Pokémon that has fur know to get sharp as needles. Further he is worried about claws which would suggest that his Floragato either has poor self control or he himself has such a blatant disregard for safety that injury becomes a possibility.
If this man is to push his Floragato towards a combat like state during interaction with it how pray tell to you expect things will go down?
Oh boy it's Dustox season I can't wait for everything to be completely coated in POISONOUS POWDER and having a coughing fit for daring to breathe at night because of all the fucking Dustox, not to mention how if you so much as have a singe light on they'll all go insane and swarm that area. and they're considered a protected species here so you can't even get rid of them
>why don't you catch them
Why the fuck would I waste my precious time and money to catch thousands upon thousands of those shitheads and have to deal with having a swarm of flying biohazards that hump streetlamps for a living?
Get a bug zapper and a rotom
Protected species. He's better off getting a Shiftry and using its whirlwind to blow Dustox off his property. Bonus points for blowing away much of their powder too. It'll be someone elses problem after that.

I wonder if he could use another poison type to collect the dust. Weezing comes to mind as one that would probably really enjoy it.
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Hey guys check out what I found on my hike today!, I didn't even know dratini lived around here.
Hopefully you have enough food to keep it well-fed in its later stages of evolution, i heard that dragonairs eat more when theyre close to evolving into dragonite
They arent freaks, anon, but i wouldnt expect any less from a plasmafag, they're the most annoying kind of people, they even support peta.
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Should be ordered by ratio, not "yes" vote count. If nothing else, it would make it easier to compare across regions and fix Dragonair having a longer bar than several Pokemon above them.
Also for ego purposes; I can accept being less attractive than Gardevoir, Zoroark, and Milotic, but Kirlia and Absol? Unrealistic.

Oh wow, and a very curious little one, too! Think you'll go visit them again?
stop avatarfagging
You are way less hot than Kirlia or Absol, dumb vore worm.
I didn't catch it yet anons, I'm not sure that I can properly raise one, especially on my salary. But it's just been swimming by itself and I don't see any other dratini about, I'll leave a bit of food for it and check back later to see if it left, if not I may just bite the bullet seed and catch it.
People prefer their pokewives with limbs, yknow.
>dragon gym got built in my city
>now a bunch of scrubs come here with fairy or ice types but still fail then get mad at their mons and release them in the city
>now there are a bunch of fairies pulling pranks and stealing stuff and a bunch of ice types that aren't used to this heat
>gym team is still inexperienced so they can't handle everything
Releasing pokemon like this should be illegal, I am incredibly mad I can't even go outside with my Pangoro because even with Bullet Punch and Poison Jab there are just way too many faries
what's that anon?
I tried that but a fucking metang nigger keeps abducting my nosepass
Something you do to a misbehaving pokemon, or a trainer who can’t pay reward money.
>releasing Pokémon because you lost a gym instead of training them
Do people really do this?
You should train a steel type then
It's a common mistake beginner trainers make, they think they have a sure win just because of an advantageous type vs a gym but then the leader has moves and dual types that cover their weakness then they think it's their pokemons fault for being weak
Is there any low maintenance steel type you can easily get? I don't have much free space for something big, I am not a trainer but I do enjoy going outside with my (currently) only pokemon
You can keep a varoom in your garage and use it to power a motorcycle or something.
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Thanks for the tip, something like this might worm
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In my limited experience, humans sometimes don't realize that they're not cut out to be Trainers. But, after struggling to keep their team healthy enough to fight, let alone fight well, a crushing Gym defeat can make them reevaluate their decision to be a Trainer.
More pessimistically, they don't self-reflect and >>56546147 happens.
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Oh dear so much trouble with fairy types I wonder where this new anon is from?
Thats bullshit, i go out without my wallet most of the time and the people who beat me keep saying that i can simply pay them later
You didnt see those shows where people abandon their mons because they arent invincible from the get go or met those guys who abandon their pokemons the moment they lose even once because of a "nuzlocke" thing?
Do you have multiple Nosepass?
Are you from Fochun, Anon?
I always assumed those were faked as surely no one would be heartless enough to actually release their Pokémon for such a stupid reason
Not sure, my family travelled a lot Fochun feels most like home though.
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Get yourself an Archaludon. The alloys to evolve them are relatively easy to come by these days, and there's some in the snowier parts of Unova and Galar. They're not too difficult to find in trades either, a lot of Duraludon get used as trade fodder because they're not exactly quite the lookers. 600 BST mons barring Goodra are almost always good additions to a team, and it even comes with one of the best defensive abilities in Stamina. Just keep it away from anything that commonly runs Focus Blast.
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I've never actually been to that anomaly of a region before. Some people argue it doesn't exist, but I've had a friend from Fochun send me a pic of one of his pokemon
Well, i had the misfortune of meeting some of these guys, they tend to criticize your team for "not being good enough" and criticizes you because your mons dont have perfect IVs/EVs or something like that
I tried battling some of them but they said my set was banned by some guy named finchinator. Is that a villain team admin?
How about the Probopass trying to pass as Serperior above?
Didn't read
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These people sound cruel
Really I heard that they kill pokemon as well as the pokemon of trainers they beat in battle they're a pretty dangerous bunch and you should avoid them.

Yeah those "Nuzlocke" people are a part of team Smogon, a villainous organization obsessed with 1v1 full team style pokemon battles and who kill people they don't like and you who don't abide by their ruleset instead of the proper 2v2 pick 4 rule set used by pokemon leagues world wide. They're also known for using reality warping means and forced breeding camps to create their ideal pokemon.
So if you see any of these "Nuzlocke" or "Team Smogon" people you should report them to the police.
It's always nice to see trainers speak so highly about their favorite pokemon. It really makes me thankful that I didn't listen to team plasma.
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