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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext, etc.

Previous Thread: >>56508434


How does Husbando handle the shifting season to Autumn? Does he instantly get ill? Does he miss summers heat and sun or is he looking forward to the cooler weather. How does he feel about Pumpkin spice?
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That's a jew
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Arven wears layers already and is outdoorsy, so I don't really think the weather affects him much. Camping in the summer is comfortable and it still is during the fall, even if it's a little bit chillier. The leaves start to change colors so it would make for some pretty places to go camping. Plus that just means snuggling around the campfire with mugs of something hot to drink. He probably doesn't mind pumpkin spice at all. He's probably not a picky eater or snobby about things like food trends.
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He doesn't like the cold so Im sure he would be a little grump with the weather changing, I would think he would enjoy pumpkin spice its a usual hc that he doesn't eat sweets.
>teacher x student Volo x Shou
>the glasses
Are you trying to kill me?
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He lives in Ecruteak. Autumn is his element! I think he’d prefer Pumpkaboo to pumpkin spice though
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Threadly Lance/yng appreciation post
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Fantastic OP image, made me kek out loud
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assuming alola has hawaii's climate, for him it's the start of the rainy season, but it stays balmy and the ocean won't start getting colder for another month. the end of the busy season means fewer tourists, so more space to relax, but also fewer opportunities to pick easy battles with loaded tourists for cash.
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He gets exactly one cold per year when the weather goes from warm to cold in the autumn. Used to get sick much more often before he joined the dojo, but the amount of exercise he gets greatly improved his immune system. However, the temperature jump in autumn causes him to get sick regardless.
Otherwise he prefers autumn to summer, because it's more elegant to train without sweating buckets from the heat.
Haven't seriously checked shitter in a while now but I once reverse image searched a Volo x Dawn shitpost from here (no idea if it's Dawn or if Dawns around Volo automatically turn into Shou) and came across this account that is into doll making. Picked up some cool stuff while scrolling through it
Ah, apparently it's the same person that drew picrel. Hydrus makes finding things so easy. It's nice.
fucking kek
Different view along with (what appears to be) 2 or 3 more Volos in the background
I'm always so impressed by people's ability to make accurate dolls like these. If I could, I would make a bunch of my husbando too, but it seems like black magic to me
Another cute closeup
I love this artist so much!
Out of sheer curiosity, how many drawbros frequent these threads exactly?
I'm here all the time, just haven't posted my art in a while lol
Same on all accounts. I tried messing around with dry clay years ago (with the intention to git gud (or decent enough) and hopefully be able to craft a nendoroid-like husbando someday - basically something like picrel), but that shit was just a pain in the ass to work with. Stuck to skin so much that it made sculpting more difficult than it needed to be and was overall not a very enjoyable experience (had to either work with lumps on fingers that deformed the clay in undesirable ways or stand up to wash that dried clay off my skin every 3 minutes). I tried that particular clay exactly 3 times before I couldn't be bothered to fight with it anymore. And when I wanted to revisit it (came up with a different way to approach sculpting with it), the whole chunk of clay was already dry as bone (despite my efforts to store it airtight)... Might try again someday (I actually have another, smaller batch of clay still sealed from a different brand) but for now, I decided to stick with barely creating any art anymore because all of that time is now put into chat bots and existential dread
Oh well, it's nice to observe those who have the means and excel at their craft, at least.
Haha holy fuck, oh god

I meant more like a number, since I counted two since I came back, and I was wondering if there is more.
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I'm a drawfriend that tragically has a lot of trouble drawing the husbando. It is agonizing, but at least I have other husbandos I can reasonably draw well. I'll likely never be posting my art here because I don't wanna be perceived lol lmao
That's okay, I'm like that with my main non-pokemon husbando too. I'm never satisfied. I think that might be a sign of love.
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Also picked up this cute (wip?) DIY Volo plushie (as in, saved the picture from their twitter. unfortunately I don't own that little fella). I actually really like the shape of it - DIY plushies tend to always have SOME small thing wrong with them that makes me not like them as much. This one is pretty great as far as its general shape, proportions and of course craftsmanship go. Fits perfectly into one hand as well... So cute.

That's all I wanted to share of that particular artist. Really cool stuff.
My main gripe with DIY plushies is the double chin stitch. I don't know why it's so popular, when other stitches exist that imho look better. Still, it's very cute.
I draw, but rarely post any art in here
What got me drawing again was an anon in here saying "be the reason he smiles" some time ago, but looking back on what I've drawn, I've only ever drawn him smiling a handful of times lol
We have 5 at the very least
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Definitely one of mine as well though I guess for Volo it's just canon, kek >>56518877. It's wild to me that even official merch likes to use it. I feel like for that particular DIY one at least, the stitch is far enough under the face to not stick out too much when viewed from other angles I actually have a Toon Link plush with a similar stitch, but the chin seam is this close to merging with the neck. It looks cute and feels nice in my hand, that's why I bought it. I also saw a cheaper version of the same type of Link plushie sold (bizarrely at the same store I bought my cute, good-looking one from) - had a puffed double chin (the seam was now farther away from the neck, closer to the mouth) and the colors looked different, quite obviously a change in manufacturer. Remember feeling like "yikes, thank god I bought mine when I bought it", those cheaper once would've been an insta-pass from me. From that comparison alone, I believe a plushie can look good even with that stitch, it just can't be too high on the face. Meanwhile the official one in picrel, the stitch is so close to the mouth... It's still cute and well made IMO but the stitch ruins it a little for me. I'd need a good think about if I wanted to buy that or not (a "is the face cute-dumb enough to justify the price" kind of evaluation, I think I'd need to hold the little guy in my hand and turn him every angle possible to be sure is what I wanted to write and leave at, but...that cute little sparkle in his eye... The more I look at that picture, the more I fear official Volo plush would probably win and come home with me despite his double chin. Damnit...).
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I'm glad Avery has no merch because my wallet wouldn't survive it desu
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Ingo can bear the summer heat to an extent

Meanwhile for Emmet, summer can't end soon enough bc he wamts his weighted blanket
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Emmet has the right idea
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Drawfriend here. I have recent pogeymon drawings I've done, but they're either still WIPs, non-husbando related, or weird AU things that I'm not sure anyone would like.
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You should post your au stuff, I do it a lot
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I am but it's like once every month or so I do a husbando art
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I'm notorious for hoarding WIPs that will never see the light of day, so here, have a husbando sketch/WIP dump.
I've posted some occasional things but not too often because I'm bad at disguising my art style.
Wahh, volo
I want that cooking Emmet

Also why is ingo a harpie and lamia
Hey your lil Arven is really cute! :3
I’m also digging Froslass Elesa, it goes together!

I draw stick figure husbandos but don’t post them for obvious reasons… also they’re usually in the margins of my work notebook and don’t want my job info online. Even the WIPs on here seem really talented.
Hnnnnng my sandwich baby ;A;
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He is the autumn husbando. I bet he feels happy now that he can start wearing all his favorite sweaters.
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page 9 already? not on my watch!
But seriously, weighted blankets are a verrrrry good investment
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Even in summer I have my blanket on around my waist. It's become more of a comfort thing
I want you all to post your favorite piece of art of your husbando and explain why it's your favorite
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Oooh, I love this. I have so, so many that it's kind of hard to pick, but I really adore the way that THXZMGN draws Arven and this one is always one of my favorites.

The overall palette is so warm and the textures are so good. I love it when you can mimic traditional art really well digitally, but obviously what draws me to this is his smile!

It's a beautiful piece and reminds me that he's a little messy around the edges, but at his core he's bright and warm and really shines when he's happy. I would do anything to protect his happiness and make him smile like this. He expresses a lot of his emotions deeply and very openly and I think this captures his joy really well.
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That's a 3-day vacation bait if I ever saw one.
There's so much good art of him, it's hard to pick just one. For now, I'd have to say this piece with another husbando who also has lots of good art. Have you ever seen a piece of fanart that makes you think, "This is Pokémon."? To me, this is one such fanart.
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Unfortunately for Jacq, I feel like fall would be a bit stressful for him since that’s back to school season. Lots of meetings and lectures from Clavell, plus the stress/excitement of new students coming in. I’m guessing that the academy opens its doors for the new school year sometime in November (if the Occulture magazines and release date of SV is anything to go off of) but that’s just my headcanon. The good thing is that summer has ended so he’s less sweaty and gross. He probably sweats a lot in that lab coat (I’d still sniff). He gets sick every once in a while with a mild cold but quickly recovers as if he had never been sick within a day or two.
I made myself a comfy fall Jacq bot a while ago, so I like to think about getting cozy with him when the weather cools down
I should have specified sfw kek
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There’s so many pieces of art of Avery that I love. I stare at them longingly as if this anime art of some blond twink is actually an old framed antique photo of a long-lost lover. I like the way @ohayoakihiko and @sutei_2 (pic related) draw him, but there are so many great artists out there, especially on the jp side of twitter. I generally like any art of him that doesn’t tumblrize him to hell and back. I keep telling myself that I need to draw him more. I’d like to get to the level of all these great artists but of course that takes time and effort. I got the Avery super fan title in mastersex today and that’s ignited the competitive spirit in me again
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That’s my favorite Steven artist. I have a bunch of their art of him saved. They make him seem so comfortingly normal somehow.
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I like this one. The atmosphere, the small details of his glasses on the bedside table...There's something so very humanizing about his psychic powers affecting his day to day life. I wish I could see more fanart of him like this.
I think it's really cool that we both picked one related to sleep
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I’m kinda picky because a lot of art of him doesn’t look quite… right? But I like this one because they did a decent job of making him look close to official while still clearly being fanart.
Also he looks like such a confident badass here who just KNOWS he has every right to feel that way about himself and KNOWS others think that too (even the haterz). A nice departure from his usual depressed depictions. This is the expression of a man who’s ready to fight god and win or maybe just a Zapdos or something.
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Taking the bait is very tempting.
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Another one of theirs that I really like (sorry you get more than one, I just love this artist and Arven so much) is this one. This one is actually my background on my phone, haha.

I love the two white Flabebe flying around him as a nod to them appearing only in Area Zero and the color white being the color of mourning and death in Japan. It's just such a moody piece and it reminds me of the famous painting of Ophelia from Hamlet drowning, surrounded by flowers. Arven's grief must be so overwhelming at times that he must feel like he's drowning, and it would be easy to just let himself get swept away by it.
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I wanna see him share a room with Volo and Cyrus.
I haven't noticed until now that he has a Giratina themed outfit
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Tough to narrow it down to one pic, but this has to be one of my favourites. There's something so candid about it, like it's been a long day at work and he's just casually unwinding with his Pokemon.
The fact they are all pre-evos also lets me see the image as either from when he worked at the casino before he got serious about battling, or that as an E4 he just keeps a bunch of shouldermons at home. Every part of the pic has something cute going on and it makes me feel warm whenever I look at it.
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I just wanna see him in general to be honest but same. I also wonder if fanart of him and just Volo exists (I've seen fanart of him and Cyrus waaay back in the day when his movie was still recent)
Stupid husbando thread, giving me a thing for sweaty husbandos…
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So pretty
Why is this thread filled with walls of text and half of that text is spoilered?
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This artist draws my favorite Hassel and the way they depicted this mundane moment is just incredibly hot to me.
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There is something about husbandos putting their hair up.
I think it might be >>56518956, which is why I posted it again this week. Idk why. I like Lance's build in it? And the shape of his jaw. And his hairline. And expression. I like the way yng colored and shaded everything, and the angle; it's Art.
It kind of captures what I want and it makes me smile.

Normies wouldn't even know it's pokemon unless they can ID Dratini and Gyarados, and for that reason it's hanging in my locker.
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I agree, unf
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I think for me with 'favorite art' there's several categories: cool, cute, funny, thirst and shitpost. But for overall, maybe this one for Emmet because I like the art style and dynamic pose. Generally my favorite art of him is anything where he's relatively onmodel and that captures the creepy vibes of his OG art, plus getting across his strength (which also goes for what I like in Ingo art)
Shoutout to seku though because I love her art style so every Emmet she draws is gold
Also... To be honest, I want to be the one to draw my own favorite art of him and I've wanted to draw the coolest possible art of him that I could ever since their designs were revealed. Even though I've drawn him quite a lot already, none of it feels like it 'counts' because it was all doodles or comics and I haven't drawn that ideal art that's still in my mind.
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Shitpost fave is probably this one
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I have a hard time picking favorites, but I really like this one. I had it set as my phone wallpaper for the longest time. He looks so cool here, and the little smile... it makes my kokoro go doki doki.
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On the other end of the spectrum, here's fave cute for Hisui-Ingo (or maybe I just wanted an excute to post it)
Kek, I like this
>This is what Volo sees when he comes home

Spirited Away reference aside, I imagine Ingo expressing guilt over not remembering his family.

bc let's be real, I'm sure looking in the mirror should stir up some memories, right?
>drawn to his reflection, doesn't know why
>looking at it only ever causes pain and longing for something he doesn't understand
>watching others goof around makes him miss his bff, but he doesn't remember ever having any friends, so he writes it off as just feeling left out
Maybe he stopped looking at his reflection and that's why he didn't remember shit for 10+ years, it would also explain letting his facial hair grow (I know the real reason is plot bullshit but this is me trying to come up with an explanation)
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I can't think of a specific piece but this one is one of my favorites because he looks so comfy and maximum kissable. I really gotta go and hunt down more art of Larry in general, nobody writes self-insert stuff for him anymore... Makes me sad. I should talk to my bot again to fill that void.
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What kinda self-insert stuff would you like to see for him? Maybe I can accommodate.
Honestly wasn't expecting to be asked such a thing, but I'm somewhere between wanting to see him getting smothered in affection when he's just trying to chill on the couch and having him lick whipped cream off his chubby wife's body or something because I've shockingly never seen foodplay done with him. Though I think I'll be saving that second one for the bot but it might be forever because I'm trying to learn how to make better ones for chub because c.ai's filter pisses me off and the quality dipped on me a few days ago with a different bot and that was the last straw I guess.
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Hard to pick just one but I really admire this image. Here’s my man Morty with a literal nightmare, and he’s just calm and chill as always; happy even! Plus the colors are just so vibrant, it’s such a refreshing contrast to most other pictures of him because “gHosT tRaiNeR=dArK n spOOkY”. His smile here also makes me melt inside… I just want to be the reason he feels this warm and fuzzy… it hurts anons ;_;
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man that's a tough one, i have a lot. i think this one might be it because i assume it's at mt. lanakila, so to me it's symbolic of guzma starting to master himself. also he looks cold but unbothered and i would smooch him
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Here, I see a man driven to his breaking point due to grief and stress.

In my specific case, the stress is worsened by a massive move due to suddenly becoming champion in a region halfway around the world

He also gets hella sick in the first year
This is my own i did for a tiktok

It's Emmet's first summer in the Scnadi region, (specifically the Iceland part) and it's 11PM

Emmet requires complete pitch black darkness for him to sleep
I shall stow that idea away in the idea bank. Haven't felt the urge to write for a little bit, but having an idea/expectations from others usually gets the train rolling.
I haven't written cards for Chub so unsure what formats it plays nice with, but I'm a botmaker and have notes on how I write mine. Maybe you'll find them useful. I also have my own Larry bot on CAI if you want to get messy with him. :^) rentry.org/spaceramenbots
Ok the plague doctor is a gym leader who helps Emmet adjust to Scandi.
>what I get for multithread posting
Such a good question and responses! Tough to narrow it down, but I love little slice of life snapshots like this that portray them as normal guys in their downtime.
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On the other hand, this is a favorite that has no right to be so poignant.
Ingo has the clan, Emmet lives in the most heavily populated city in the region, yet without each other they're still alone. For the longest time one of my favorite quotes from The Silence of the Lambs, of all things has been "Some of our stars are the same", and here they are. Same stars, but severed.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go cry over fictional train twins and hope that Z-A fixes this injustice
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i just want to scrunch him
>Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go cry over fictional train twins and hope that Z-A fixes this injustice
Here, here
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>top 1 husbando
>4500+ images
>top 1 husbando #2
>1200+ images
>top 2 husbando
>200+ images
>can't decide on one single pic for any of them
I love and hate this question.
Picrel is probably not my "favorite" favorite piece, but it's definitely one of those I take more time to look at. The contrast between warm and cold colors is very pleasing, along with something else that's hard for me to describe (regarding him not wearing his full uniform and also his facial expression). It also makes me imagine a pleasant floral scent. Would love to be there with him. Very nice art.
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Late to the party but gratz on Clavell and Giacomo making it into Masters, though I found out Giacomo is pronounced 'Yacomo'. Dunno if I can rewire my brain for that

Can we get some art of either of them in here?
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Young Clavell uoooooh
Clavell kinda cute and his Mastersex voice is hot af
I'll keep pronouncing it the Italian way I don't even care
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I have a mighty need to see them piss fucking drunk
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Whoever lets Emmet get drunk is directly responsible for the things he does while drunk.
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Or how about how they dress?
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Emmet is a lightweight and has no control of his actions while drunk
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Giacomo is starting to grow on me a lot, but I keep trying to read his name like it's similar to "guacamole" but now I can just call him Yakko lel. I bet he would hate it. Pretty sure the reason his name is pronounced like that is because that's how the Spanish say it, apparently.
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Well since you asked anon :)
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Despite my hatred for Volo, I have a soft spot for this image.

There is the implication of emmet being so far gone that he's forgotten who he was entirely, even his name in his desperate search for Ingo.

Only to be completely gone by the time he finds them
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Heck yes
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Also heck yes, love when they get an individual style instead of just different colored identical casual outfits
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There's this.

Akari finally breaks down after days/weeks of bottling up her grief bc she doesn't want to be at the mercy of what the wild has to offer her, and Ingo, feeling a sense of empathy embraces her until SHE is ready to let go
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I also have a soft spot for art that depicts them as kids with sideburns, which to be fair is pretty much all of it
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Speaking of getting piss drunk.

I have here a rootbeer float with some Maker's Mark added

The ice cream is Greater's brand, coconut chocolate chip.

Y'all should try it if you come to Ohio
I bet their hugs are tight as fuck
Damn sounds like a delight anon.

Was just up there and got some Graeters but got the buckeye blitz. One of the few things I miss about living up north… that and autumn
>One of the few things I miss about living up north
shit, did you get affected by the hurricane? ar you ok?
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Tbh, i have a ton of favorites bc I thought waaaaay too much into the submas lore

anyway, I feel like Emmet is about to engage in a serious battle and turns off the smiles and gets serious

Someone posted another pic as inspiration for him as a champion but I found this one more inspiring...sorry
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if you posted this as inspiration I'm sorry
Haha yeah I’m good and still posting in here regularly, thanks anon <3
We got some of the outer bands but mostly unaffected thankfully. Always gotta keep an eye out this time of year. Looks like there’s something brewing in the gulf that has a chance of coming across my way though. Hope not
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Here we have what could have been
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When you rough it like Ingo is, you gotta take the scars that come with it
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page 6?

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Horrible time fellas, gotta hurt the husbando
Fight me behind 711
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Doing terrible things to your husbando works wonders, keep doing it! I hope you feel better soon!
I haven't been here in quite a while again! I keep forgetting to check in on these threads a lot of the time. My guy got into Pokemas in that time! But there is not a force on this earth strong enough to get me into a gacha.

I'm not a compulsive saver of husbando artwork (a lot of the time I just prowl danbooru tags) but I've always liked this one. The colours are very nice, his hair's nice, his body's nice, he looks soft. Huggable. Worthy of protection and all that. It's not a favourite because he's all sad in it, it's a favourite because it brings the thought of "I would do anything to make him happy". Except, as stated above, download Pokemas. The "why" is a little difficult now that I'm trying to put it into tangible words, huh? The mind is unusual and explaining your own machinations is confusing.

There's also one that I'm not too certain I can post here. Fan of that one for the obvious reasons.

These ones are also very good!
Thank you! I'm pretty sure that the one you picked is also from the same artist, haha. I just.. love how they draw Arven so much. It's definitely influenced how I draw him myself.

He did drop in Pomas and I had actually started playing again once they dropped Nemona to prep for him. I got really lucky with my pull and even though people dislike gachas, seeing him greet me every day brings me just a little extra happiness that makes it worth it for me. (:
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I've been playing a lot of Minecraft lately and this thought has been coming up often these past weeks...
>Would Roark enjoy Minecraft?
After picking picrel to post, I have some additional thoughts:
>Would he play with Steven and Roxanne on a server? Perhaps some other people?
>What difficulty would he play?
>Would his dad want to join in on the fun?
Of course there's a whole underground tunnel system in Sinnoh he can actually mine in, but it's cute to imagine him playing the funny block game to wind down after a busy day.
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A Roark anon... I finally have an excuse to post this
I'm not going to pretend I know anything about him, but Minecraft is different but same enough to actual mining that he'd probably get a kick out of it
I think Steven would be the type of player that just goes to farm and is mia for ages before eventually returning with a maxed out inventory
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I'm very far from being a Roark anon but he's been on my mind lately. He IS a cutie, after all. I have quite a bit of Roark art saved over the years.
Your pic is also appreciated! Judging by the filename, I'll assume you drew that? He looks really cool, thank you for sharing!
>I think Steven would be the type of player that just goes to farm and is mia for ages before eventually returning with a maxed out inventory

It just hit me that Volkner would probably also get a kick out of that game, mainly the redstone side of it.
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Despite the type weakness, he's grateful for the cooling weather because exercising during heatwaves is brutal. He does miss the long daylight hours, though, and consistently getting up before dawn is a discipline of its own.
His body is a well-maintained machine so he's probably one of those fuckers that never gets sick. He gets injured more frequently than he gets sick.
Pumpkin flavored things... idk. As long as it's not too sweat, he probably enjoys the novelty. I'm sure he gets excited over all the in-season vegetables being harvested this time of year; it's feast (and therefore bulk) season.
I don't get why most genderbend art gives them really long hair and makes them look like models, I think they'd be short haired flatties who still need to be kind of gangly and creepy still plus keeping oversized clothes, otherwise you don't have the clown theme anymore. Or maybe they'd be comically short ladies instead.

Do you like short, chubby women, anon?
Did you misread flatty as fatty?
*darts eyes* No *darts eyes*
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i love cuntboy but i can't stand mastectomy scars, big and ugly clits or that western anime style
that being said, i have the urge to draw volo getting his (boy)pussy raped
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Give your husbandos a gun
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I don't know why but if someone is heavily into the "uncle Ingo" wholesome found family relationship with Akari, they feel like they're going to be so obnoxious
No rush, I'm not in any hurry so don't feel the need to do it immediately or asap. I'm a camel, I can go ages without content thanks to being a self-sustaining content creator.
Hmm. Maybe I should talk to the bots of other people, I might learn something. I usually stick to my own but now I've been considering branching out. Some people make some very interesting OCs, too.

>Larry with a gun

I-I'm kinda worried he's gonna try to use it on himself, so I'll pass on that one...
I was told the models on featherless are pretty good
I don't like porn of him but I do like reading about him, is that normal? And by him I mean Peony. I just love the never say die, caring attitude.
The things that I would do to this asshole....oh man....

The fantasies are rampant lately for me because of pregnancy hormones.
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I wish I could say I did draw it, but no. It's a @itolife pic who also drew the Volkner I posted a thread or two ago, for one reason or another, it saves with that filename.
Why are you on /vp/ if you're pregnant kek
Because we are an accepting and welcoming thread

And girls just wanna have fun
Do you have ultrasound pics? when is the baby anon due?
>when is the baby anon due?
>baby anon
kek it isn't even out yet, don't curse the poor child
hope delivery is gonna go well, good luck anon
Well, an anon is pregnant, so her child will be referred as baby anon

That's what happens when you post here while expecting
My family is Jewish, making him the perfect husbando for me...
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Congrats anon! I hope everything goes well for you, take care!
Oh shit I remember this guy. Kind of a fusion of N and Volo. I bet he'd be a hugely popular husbando if he wasn't confined to one movie.
Nice, congrats anon!
Oh..........I never considered that. Thank you
Well I personally hate everything in that first sentence and frankly don't understand why you felt the need to share that in a male character centered general. Second sentence has shenanigans I can get behind with - unless it's connected to the first sentence and the pussy is an actual pussy, in that case you lost me again
It's not my kinda thing but I get what you mean
Cuntboys are like futas: they aren't trans, they just are like that
But cuntboys is mostly interesting to women, and most women unfortunately got infected by tumblr brainworms so you can't enjoy cuntboys unless it's le heckin trans representation
NTA but lots of girls are into cuntboys for some reason. Maybe giving the male character a vagina makes them self-insert better? No idea.
Compared to straight men and futa, I think less straight women (without gender issues) are into it.
That's because 99% of the time they are, it almost always comes packaged with pearlclutching over Akari/Ingo and Emmet/Ingo shippers. The family shit is like an overcompensation. Just you wait, if ZA Serena is 18 or older I guarantee she'll suddenly be 'acceptable' to ship. Unless she's 17, then she'll be Emmet's smol soft niece who acts like a 5 year old, because according to these types no teen has ever been horny.
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Interesting, never would've guessed (despite being one).
However - I know I said "I hate everything in that first sentence" but it wasn't because of the concept of cuntboys in general. The genre didn't do anything for me when I checked it out however long ago (basically looking through random pics on Gelbooru), but it doesn't offend me or anything. I could honestly see myself enjoying isolated cases where the cuntboy...ing? is put into some sort of context, even. Like a story where a couple wakes up and their reproductive organs mysteriously swapped overnight. "Whatever will they do?" If well drawn, I'd read a Volo x Akari doujinshi like this. There's quite a bit of room for entertaining happenings there IMO... Can't see myself unironically fantasizing about males with female parts but some context might wake some interest in me. It really wasn't just because "cuntboys".
It was the post as a whole that I found very off-putting. Just literally "all of it" (at once). "Cuntboys" with the added visuals of "mastectomy scars" and "big and ugly clits", then Volo being Schrödinger's pussy-haver in the other half... All of that unprompted in a "husbando" thread (Adam and Steve! NOT Adam morphing into Eve!!!), with no spoiler tags and outside of our usual shitposting hours... Just felt very off-topic for me and I felt confused about the "why". Could of course just be me
>It almost always comes packaged with pearlclutching over Akari/Ingo and Emmet/Ingo shippers.
Those people are gonna accidentally give themselves genuine incest fetishes someday with their weirdo puritan attitudes perhaps then they'll see the light
>Adam and Steve
Made me kek, good one.
I didn't find the post too out of place considering it's 4chan. Like where else will the anon complain, twitter to be doxxed over 'transphobia'? I agree it was random though.
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They have a perfectly good asshole. I don't like cuntboys. Puts me right off them
Let's be honest, it's 80% FtMs and theythems self-projecting and maybe 20% lesbian/bi women. Sometimes it boils down to ye olde homophobic 'eww butt sex gross' or just really wanting babies.
I think of everyone who does this as hetshipper-lite because you can always tell they'd rather be doing F/M. Fujo stuff is meant to be the opposite of self-insert.
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Men should have cocks.
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What a real and true thing to say
But are you ready to accept your husbando might have a small one?
Makes blowjobs easier, not a problem.
Small cocks are cute. I would always tell husbando it was big.
I have a short vagina anyway
i want to see men suffer!
Sometimes they're a grower. My (actual) husband was always squirmy whenever I'd make dick jokes before we'd had sex. Made me suspect he was on the smaller side. Then we did and when soft he was really tiny. But then when we actually got into it he was much, much larger. So there's always a chance
Have you guys ever met anyone who reminded you of your husbando irl? There's this guy at my work who I know of and vice versa who always smiles at me who reminds me exactly of Lance. Personality wise he's like Lucas in DP. Always chirpy, friendly and funny but laser focused on whatever is at hand. Melts my heart. Hope I get a chance to speak to him at some point, but I've put him on a pedestal too much at this point so I'll probably seize up :((
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God, meeting someone like Volo would be amazing and awful, literally would collapse on the floor
There's enough flat affect male autists out there. It'd be kind of insulting to compare him to those. Maybe if they were cute like him I'd feel differently
When I was in town a while back I saw a man with a really similar body type to Emmet/Ingo and I wished I could somehow snap permanent mental refs of him. Or put him in cosplay.
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uooooohhh hassel sexoooo
I had a class with a cute bespectacled nerd about two years ago. I wanted to get to know him but unfortunately he got terribly ill (I heard that he was hospitalized) so he missed most of the semester. He came back around the end of the semester so he thankfully recovered. It really was a shame because he seemed nice.
Yep. There's this guy I know that always jokey, unserious and super cheesy. Reminds me of Peony. He doesn't know I like him though, I'm too scared
I don't know why poipiku hates me. If anyone can manage to get this art I'll draw your rarest husbando for you, I swear
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Here you are anon. I love their art so much too! Poipiku's been shit loading everything these past few weeks
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Thank you for saving my life anon... I haven't been able to see any of their poipiku art and I don't know if it's just me (do I need to make an account and follow them?)
Anyway if you do want me to draw your husbando I 100% will
You're welcome! Yeah, you have to follow them now, last 2 have that requirement. No need to draw something for me :)
I tried to view it and said that the content wasn't available in my region (US) so maybe there's some block on that?
What they said
That's why toys exist. Besides, might make him try harder.

Thank you! Baby is due April 29th, and yep, got an ultrasound
small cock husbando... cute...
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that's almost my best friend's bday. hope it goes smoothly for you!
I have a long time friend who am i have been in love with for years who on the outside, if you didn't know him very well, seem like a massive cunt. He projects charisma and confidence and has leadership qualities. He has a short fuse and has the ability to verbally destroy people (It's really funny hearing people who don't know him cry about what he said to other friends in the group). Underneath he's got a lot of vulnerabilities though. A lot more going on than most people know and he keeps it hidden from most people including those in the friend group.

I feel like Ghetsis is more of an extreme version of him. I simp hard for both of them and I want to take care of them.
God, I'm so jealous of you.
Don't be anon, I'm already too scared to talk to him. whenever I get the chance anyway I'll probably just clam up I can already see it lol. It's my fault for building up an imaginary life with him in my head anyway. I just can't help it sometimes lol. I find guys like him very attractive, that kinda positive but masculine vibe is very magnetic to me. Especially when a man is focused...

But at least I got my husbandos to fall back on, 'eh? And there's hope for me if there's an anon itt who's actually pregnant!
Several of us in here have partners or are married and still love our husbandos, there's always hope
Yes but he turned me down. He was just as toxic as my husbando and I was really down bad for him, so that sucks.
Someday I'll let my life become enough of a trainwreck to have a Guzma-type in it. Not yet though.
Men exist!?
He sounds amazing. Ugh, guys have no idea how cute they are, or what they do to us just by existing. Don't sweat it anon, you'll be fine when the moment comes! If it's meant to happen, it's simply impossible to miss each other.
This is what perfection looks like.
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That's fine, thanks for telling me! What was the Volkner one?

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