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>This Is what sinnohfags find hot
She's part of an unovan legendary quartet doe
which live exclusively in sinnoh, yes.
shitsui isn’t sinnoh nor is it a mainline region nor does it appear in any mainline game. tranny pandering tech demo accidentally sold to the public
>live exclusively in sinnoh
You didn't play the games
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>This is what johtoddlers find hot
>Instead of new forms for anything from sinnoh, they made a new genie for 0 reason
they hate Sinnoh.
>instead of breaking their lore, they upheld it
Go be retarded elsewhere 'tardpants.
ok show me the lore thing tying forces of nature to sinnoh
There is non and that's why Enamourus' addition didn't interfere with Hisui/Sinnoh. Bvut they weren't going to regionalise anything that existed in a modern game, when going back to the past. This is where it gets hard for low IQ's to understand, the events of the modern games had occurred when the events of Legends take place, meaning the pokémon shown in Sinnoh couldn't actually change or adapt, as that was how they natively developed. The blow-ins regionalised, because they didn't originate in the region, but migrated then adapted.
Like I said, go be 'tardpants elsewhere.
yes lets pretend the new sinnoh legendary forms didn't happen
>they weren't going to regionalise anything that existed in a modern game
did placucks even played the game they shill?
>ignoring h-sneasel
So there is none and they just shoehorned in some ugly nigger on a cloud for no reason
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>nothing for the starters
>instead we get....this
>isn't sinnoh
it is
>nor is it a mainline
it is
>b- but...
no, cope
>it is
no it isnt
>it is
no abilities
>"The blow-ins regionalised"
>forgetting how to read
How many of them were introduced in Sinnoh, you dumb little cunt? I mean, you're the obsessed 24 yo ESL seething they did a faithful remake and a love letter to Sinnoh, instead of a copy/paste remake of ORAS, so tell me exactly how many of the pokémon in your image were introduced in Sinnoh, like a good man.
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And forms aren't regionalisation, you simpering little fuckwit.
ORAS was a better love letter than whatever the fuck PLA and BDSP were, lol
>Regigigas is slow to get going
>Arceus' Multityype allows it to change Type
>Cherrim's Flower Gift activates in strong sunshine
So it's a mainline game, thank you for conceding.
I think the hoennnigs realising they'd fucked their childhood (The Battle Frontier Project has started!) AND fucked any hope of the series doing something other than endless remakes every two Gens (we didn't initially play a hoenn remake, until we saw the reaction from fans on the internet and saw the demand was there) disproves that.
>no abilites
there are some though, still coping I see
nope, not mainline. Garchomp doesn’t have sand veil and can’t learn earthquake
>love letter to Sinnoh
>no cities
>no trainer battles
>region is an ugly open field tech demo for the PS1
>shillmon from the game are zoroark and rowlet; not even from Sinnoh

>b-but muh faithful remake
The graphics are crap, the game is still a top-down two-dimensional view, and the design is old, there are almost no new BGM or designs, and some parts are outright inferior.
The content is also the same as Diamond and Pearl from 15 years ago, so it 's a boring rehash of the same things. Up until now, remakes have made up for the fact that they are just rehashes by improving the graphics or adding new elements, but BDSP doesn't have that at all, so it's obvious that it 's just a direct rehash of the same things. As a result, you're just playing the same Diamond and Pearl you know and have played before, with crappy graphics, crappy BGM, and worsened side elements, with the exact same content again.
There's no new excitement that has evolved, it's the same old boring stuff that has become disgusting.

A shitty tech demo and the most barebones, ugly, and lazy port of Diamond and Pearl. We deserved better.
>b- but Garchomp doesn't have this thingy...
don't overdose on copium now
> I think the hoennnigs realising they'd fucked their childhood (The Battle Frontier Project has started!)
They did the same thing to Sinnoh but even worse lol, at least ORAS had the national dex, redesigns, new bases, online play, etc.
? its the truth
>t-there are some!
it's false equivalence
Doesn't matter, abilities are in the game and Game Freak spent studio time making it. It's mainline, sorry you lost.
no eq, not a mainline game
no argument, concession accepted
Better than its other form
Sorry environmental storytelling is wasted on you.
But this shit hasn't been yours since 2011 and them moving onto the next Gen.
>REGIONAL forms aren’t regionalisation goys
why are placucks so fucking retarded?
It's not, and I don't even like Dialga much. Primal Dialga is a simple recolor and looks much better than that abomination.
where are the cities?
>no argument, concession accepted
you haven’t made any arguments
Oh please, all the hoennnigs seethed over ORAS, the only bastards seething over Sinnoh's remakes are the ones who unironically wanted a sloppa copy/paste. there's enough Sinnohtoddlers outside these walls adore L: A.
You're delusional if you think ORAS isn't better received than BDSP.
>sloppy copy/paste
Exactly what the Sinnoh remakes were, with an awful beta test to go along with it.
Origin forms aren't regionalisations though. that's why I could swap my shiny Dialga from US into Violet, buy the Adamant Crystal and turn it into Origin Dialga.
In stark contrast to the idiot hackers who got kicked out of worlds for hacking a regionalisation straight into an off-region game and got pinged. Sorry you got dropped on your head, but that's why you didn't see the problem.
> the only bastards seething over Sinnoh's remakes are the ones who unironically wanted a sloppa copy/paste.
That's only because you're a nostalgiatard little manchild and are mad a spin-off didn't get canonised like you assumed MUST happen, because you're an idiot manchild.
Bdsp made more money than or-ass by dexcut ring megashit
switch has a way bigger install base.
This. Plass will never be canon
and yet plass Is the worst selling non third version pokemon game ever. How strange…
>b- but muh cities!!!
more cope
officially listed among mainline games, officially called sinnoh, but you'll just ignore it
> officially called sinnoh
in game source or gtfo
>more cope
so….no cities,…no abilities….
can you tell me where the battle arcade is at least?
Not really. It's been 8 years between the two, meaning 8 years for kids to grow yup, get freelance work and seethe over pokémon just being a kid's game like it's always been for the last 28 years. I'm talking internet reception, vs normalfags who don't write chapter and verse on the fucking IP. There's a fuckload noise, yeah. But there's also been 15m sales, you can cope with that as much as you want, but I'm seeing remakes almost reach original new Gen pair sales and seeing what nostalgiafaggotry in the extreme does to people negatively, the numbers prove its effect on people with a more positive outlook on their childhood.
Pla is canon unlike Orass
And yet they seethed at the faithful remake and dedicated effort to expand Sinnoh's lore and explore something other than a trite traipse through their childhood, claiming all they had to do was do it like ORAS, hmm.
>m- muh g- gameplay doe...
keep coping keks
BDSP sold like 300,000 more units on a console with 50,000,000 more players, lol.
>can’t back up Is claim
placuck momment
dang sad you can’t prove it’s sinnoh
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This Pokemon has a severe lack of fanart
I can though
>keeps moving goalposts endlessly
plassfag moment
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It's the highest-selling single title ever dude (even pairs need to be nominally split in two, even though we know one version always outsells the off-version by an extreme number). Noi other title or set of games break 15m p/u. Even Gen 1 only does 10.3m or 11.42m depending on if you count Yellow's sales totals in (despite it only ever being counted as a rehash in the west, it was its own special separate unit and falls short with 14.64m).
>sinnoh in 2006
493 pokemon
>sinnoh in 2022
200 pokemon + faggot genie

Why does Sinnoh and Unova cause so much anger in the /vp/edditor?
>IP grabber
you’re getting desperate.
can you show me the contest hall?
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And by the wonders of division, sold roughly about the same as Platinum did in its lifetime, what's your point? that two games can sell more but actually rank less on a per-unit sales metric? bvbecause you've just proved it, it took TWO vgames to outsell (barely) L: A (and being REALLY mean, only 300k kids thought it wasn't worth buying, 15m sinnohkids bought and enjoyed both).
>j-just count the two versions of the same games as two different games goys…please
platards are pathetic. you spamming that same pic whenever somebody shit on your favorite shovelware is proof of that
>muh gameplay cope again
>too afraid to go to the official pokemon website
plassfag moment
>non canon website
irrelevant and outdated
>different starters
>different legendaries
>different pseudo legendary
>different name
>different villian
>no cities
>no natdex, battle frontier, contests, or landmarks
>it’s the same region because uh….it just is ok?!?
>land sparsely populated by humans in having no safe passage for migration of pokémon shocker
>film at 11
And America didn't have German Sheppard's until 1906, 7 years after it got introduced. Shocking there's not the distribution of pokémon seen in modern times, when there's no migrants, large trade or other reason to facilitate their habitation.
>the pokemon website isn't canon
>muh gameplay cope again
y a w n
>it's the same region because uh....it just is ok?!?
this but unironically, if you have a problem with it send a complaint to nintendo
It’s sad how much of a GF cock sucker you are.
So it’s not the same place, glad you agree.
i don’t know the name of a region was “gameplay”
So it's the same place, glad we agree now
Here, freshly grabbed from the only canon website then.
It's sad how much of a manchild melt you are. But that's why you're crying they didn't shit out an ORAS clone of your childhood but did something creative.
you haven’t even answered one of these, so no >>56524627
>she knows how to use photoshop
live there, so this actually further proves it's sinnoh
>different legendaries
>different pseudo legendary
>different name
so? implying sinnoh isn't named all the time in the game
>different villain
>no cities
>no natdex, battle frontier, contests, landmarks
>live there
not the starters
enamorus and origin palkia aren’t in sinnoh
goodra isn’t from sinnoh
hisui =/= sinnoh
yes it is
it's discord raiders from the pro-shitsui server. they hate sinnoh and unova as you can see by them shilling the tranny genie to make a mockery of sinnoh and ruin unova's legendary trio.
Wrong answer
Correct answer
Whatever you say falseflagger
>live there
Turtwig also lives in Alola, so nope.
says the guy shilling shitsui
>not the starters
>enamorus and origina palkia aren't in sinnoh
>goodra isn't from sinnoh
>hisui =/= sinnoh
秘邃 hisui (mysterious)
神奥 sinnoh (mysterious)
regardless, name =/= land.
>yes it is
glad that we agree that your points are irrelevant
pull up the video of professor brownie handing the player a piplup then
different legendaries
different pseudolegendary
>regardless, name=/=land
correct, now and none of the land is the same since you can’t show me any cities, facilities, or activities
>glad we agree your points are irrelevant
>pull up
>different legendaries
>different pseudolegendary
>cities, facilities, activites
>none of the land is the same
objectively wrong
not the starters
enamorus and origin palkia aren’t in sinnoh
goodra isn’t from sinnoh
no it isn't
>objectively wrong
show me the cities
>off model
and just like that you know that the design suck
>But that's why you're crying they didn't shit out an ORAS clone of your childhood but did something creative.
And PLA is a shittier version of Let's Go with uglier graphics and gayer ridemon lol
>being creative…le good!
clearly not considering how hard plass flopped
>enamorus and origin palkia aren't in sinnoh
actually, they are, since they are in hisui, which is sinnoh
>goodra isn't from sinnoh
cities =/= land, irrelevant
>actually, they are, since they are in hisui, which is sinnoh
pull up the video of professor brownie handing the player a piplup then
different pseudo legendary, not sinnoh's
>cities =/= land, irrelevant
ok then, the starters are different, the legendaries are different, the pseudo legendary is different, the name of the region is different, the evil team is different, none of the cities are there, none of the activities are there......yeah it's not the same region
>different pseudo legendary
dishonest argument
>ok then, [muh gameplay]
true, professor and the starters are different
>>different pseudo legendary
goodra's not from sinnoh
>>ok then, [muh gameplay]
names and cities aren't gameplay
>goodra's not from sinnoh
names =/= land
is gameplay, also =/= land
so we reached the point in the pokécycle where we pretend that pla was good right?
no the same starters
no the same psuedo
>names =/= land
>is gameplay, also =/= land
different name, no cities, no activities it's no the same
names aren't really different, see >>56524716
the rest of your post is irrelevant
the names are different, the rest of the post is relevant
see >>56524627
Just finished PLA and it was fun except for some shitty game freak moments such as the genie battles at the end
They travel around the world, retard.
>can only be caught in pla
>I-it live in other places too goys
you mean like when it released and /vp/ loved it?
>people totally loved throwing berries at bidoof 50 time to progress the story guys.
anon uou can’t rewrite history
>sinnofags hate this thing
>borts hate this thing
>coomer hate this thing
>objectively the least viable genie and a borderline shitmon so even compfags hate it
who the fuck was this thing even made for?
lgbt pandering, look at what they did to typhlosion in shitsui
but it’s 100% female tho. Wouldn’t the lgbtdroids have rather it be male or gender unknown to shill the trans right and non binary crowd?
damn, if only those nots had actually bought and played the game too.
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You mean how they made him handsome and he gets all the girls now?
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He still doesn't get anywhere as many as Chadteleon

yet nevertheless, i do wish it had more porn, even as the thai ladyboi.
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Of course, not doing bad though

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