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4chan's Ingenuity Edition

Previous thread: >>56499368
Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/
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Glad carpal tunnel anon healed. Drink lots of chocolate milk!

I didn't have any other good ideas either, >>56527501. Best that came up when I looked up "4chan Eevee".

Honestly, I hate Reddit but I will admit it's a great archive to find shit that is now otherwise lost media.
does it still not learn Flitz naturally?
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It's the best time of the week, yes oh my, yes oh me!
It's the best time of the week, yes it's true, can't you see?? (~˘▾˘)~

It's time for ee-vee fri-day! (yea yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (alright!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (uh huh!)
Ee-vee fri-dayyy~! (YEA!!!)

It's the best time of the week, gather around, if you seek!
Yes it's ee-vees all day, it's for you, yes for free!! ~(˘▾˘)~
It's time for ee-vee fri-day (it's here!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (that's right!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (woo hoo!)
Ee-vee friii-day (YEA!!!) ~ (ゝˬ ∂)
Ee-vee fri-day! (cha cha!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (aw yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (you made it!)
Ee-vee friii-day (EE-BUI!!!) *+°\(*'ᗜ'* )/°+*

- ripped off from an old tripfag in an old thread
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Not in gens 4 & 5
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You forgot the title! But don't worry about it, we can still find the thread by searching "Eevee"
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I was slow, so wasn't able to talk about making a VICTORY edition with this pic, but there's always next week!

Next week!
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But I find all these threads by searching for Chappy!
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It happens, we've all done it. If you haven't, then you're a newfag who hasn't made enough threads yet.
It isn't my first time fucking it up, but I wish I would stop.
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You could recreate the thread if that bothers you, but again: Don't beat yourself up over it, it's nothing serious and happens a lot with these sorts of general threads.
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I mean it's too late now, multiple people have posted and I can't delete the thread.
It just bothers me because I do it the most consistently out of everyone here.

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Which means you're probably the one who starts most /ef/ threads too.
As I said, that happens often. It's easy to forget the thread subject when you're tired or have lots of other stuff on your mind.
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Even I haven't been able to do that with my magic :(
This also looks like it could be from Mugita, but I can't find the signature
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at least you got the day right.
I made that one thread on a Thursday a few threads ago.
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Weekly reminder~
I unironically just tried making the new thread myself but my dumb ass mistyped the captcha--good thing, too--there would've been doubles.
Though I literally stumbled on this thread by sheer chance, as I alwaus Ctrl+F "/ef/" or "eevee friday" in the catalog.
It was "I got impatient Edition" 'cause I be going through it & wanted to get the reminder up before life chewed me up & shat me out (& not a way the vorefags would enjoy).
One of these days, I'll make a vocaroo singing this in my dumb anime girl voice just for shits & giggles.
Hey, you know what? Everyone was happy about the early thread. Keep it up and we might have /et/.
Actually, I have an idea... let's see if I can remember to execute that idea.

Woohoo! You're here to save the gray day!
Apologies about that...

I was pretty tired. It was 12 in the morning when I posted the thread.
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This is probably some advert but it's adorable as all hell. I wish Pokemon had that ability!
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I just use the catalog's Search function and type in "/ef/" or "Eevee".
It's how I found this thread!
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You only did Eevee this time. /ef/ doesn't work on this thread because I forgot the subject like an absolute TOOL.
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I wish you wouludn't feel bad about any "mistakes" when making these threads. In a thread like this, they just add to the cuteness.
>I forgot the subject
It's far from the first time this happened, hence why I always try searching for "Eevee" if "/ef/" doesn't work. If neither work then I search for "Edition", if I still don't see an /ef/ thread, then I consider starting one.
And hey, at least you got "Eevee" somewhere in the post, so don't feel too bad about it.
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I only now found this thread
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Don't be mean to OP! He's just testing our commitment to Eevee, as only true fans will bother to look for this thread.
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do you have any idea how much effort it takes to type "eevee" or "Friday" in the search bar?
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Yes, but it's worth enduring it for the Vees.
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You've proven your commitment to Eevee. Now let this pretty bow turn that frown upside down!
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I think I pinched a nerve in my neck... Wishin' I was nearly 100% water right now.
I want to stick my dick inside all of you and breed until my balls run dry
Thanks anon! Didn't realize chocolate milk helped. We do have packets of the stuff, but I'm worried sick about opening them in front of this fox-like fluffball dog. Gotta keep him healthy enough to go
Boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff
Oh, and don't worry about the title :( The Chappies have been flagging all these threads for a single search
Well, really anything anti-inflammatory does. I'm just addicted to the cocoa. Mix some tumeric with your rice, and it'll be something your boff boy can handle!
We also have lots of turmeric for his itching, but he never liked it much :( I do need to finish up the chocolate, since I dunno how long it'll keep
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Chocolate is one of the things that can prevent you from sleeping. Maybe not as much as coffee or soda, but still bad news if you're drinking it at night, or even late in the afternoon. And insomnia can contribute to depression. And/or moodiness.
Now, I'm not saying to quit chocolate entirely. On the contrary, it can be nice in the mornings or lunch. I'm sure it'd be much nicer to be strict with your schedule rather than some online mistakes or other items of frivolity. It's through this steely self-discipline that you can exercise mastery over your own body, after all. And through your body, the world.
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don't bully the baby vee :(
hehe thanks for saving my art, were you the anon who requested it?
does anyone know if this artist is active anywhere other than twitter and pixiv? or if he used to go by a different @?
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forgor image
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>were you the anon who requested it?
No, but I really liked it! You draw cute stuff. Wish I could make my stuff would look this clean.
As for that artist, I could only find his Pixiv account. Sorry :(
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Forgot I shoudl've been saving those for halloween :(
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>Bank ruins this now
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>Chocolate is one of the things that can prevent you from sleeping
Okay? I have an "addiction"(it's just one of my favorite drinks) but I don't drink it at night. At worst I have a powerade, and I only say that because I have one like once a month if I have a headache.
My insomnia is genetic. Caffeine literally isn't responsible for it in the slightest(and caffeine is what is in cocoa.) I've literally gone days without sleep and weeks where the most amount of sleep I got was 2 hours a night when I was younger solely because of said insomnia.
My parents knew better than to feed me caffeine and sugar before bed, and I didn't exactly have an unhealthy upbringing, judging by the fact that all of the meals were home cooked and chock full of veggies, fish, and other meats.

Sorry, this feels like a lecture from both of us.
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Speaking of poor sleep, my neck's killin' me. I'm struggling to get good sleep because of that.
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Might as well get started early.
Glad you're here. Love the gif! Is that an in-game event?

Nope, it did not learn Flitz when that thread happened.

Glad you're on the case! I worry for the day that we cannot search for Chappy.
Might add it the OP of next thread, if someone else doesn't do Victory edition first.
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Thanks for starting it early! The two halves are probably from two different videos or gifs. I just stole it from the same tripfag who made the song!
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New thread, new candle to light
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Something curious just came across my attention while I was looking up the prototype poster.
I had always wondered why all of the Eeveelutions had "eon" in their name. It turned out that Eevee was supposed to be known as Eon!
What a different game.

Vaporeo hue hue hue
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>ywn wake up in the morning with your fluffy friend Eevee excitedly bringing him/her to the train station, riding the train and looking at all the beautiful scenery out the window, then stopping for a fun filled day in the big city, containing lots of window shopping, good food and dessert for you both, going to the big fountain and splashing around, sitting at the outdoor tables taking in the local atmosphere while Eevee plays with a new ball you bought for him/her while wearing a new hat made to fit Eevees, and finally you take the train back home, and Eevee falls asleep in your lap while looking at the sunset out the window, and you go to bed waiting to do it all over again tomorrow while Eevee curls up in a ball on the remainder of the pillow your head isn’t using
>you instead have to live in the shitty real world where there is a massive immigration crisis, inflation, wars breaking out every 5 days, and satanic world leaders that eat the flesh of children in a stew
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Weekly reminder anon has the fucking flu.
Very cranky about it.
Send Espeons & soup.
& also take care of yourselves--Eevee loves you unconditionally, but our bodies are conditional & fickle at times.
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I wasn't able to check if this was from tontaro or somewhere else :(
Inspired by TTT, but I've seen the original.
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Thanks, anon! Maybe I could try copying those instead
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Get well soon
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I made this for Espeon Day, very much inspired by your Weekly Reminder posts. Not my best work, but I'll share it again hoping it cheers you up.

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