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Samurott is cute.
>samurrott get a new fotm busted form in comp
>suddenly people are now pretending they always liked it
funny how that work
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I would prefer base Samurott to be get busted in comp tho.
Always like it.
Leaked Samurott Holowear for Unite
(It's never gonna happen. The Hisuian form will get in 100%)
It would've been top-tier in gen 5 if it got Shell Smash, since Rain was at its peak.
Even if a remake fixes that, rain wouldn't be permanent anymore so no weather boosted Surfs :(
I've always liked Samurott and Gen 5 but I've never been allowed to say it
Imagine Weather-Boosted, Torrent-Boosted, Water Gem-Boosted Surf with a Shell Smash boost...
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>+1 252+ SpA Water Gem Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Multiscale Lugia in Rain: 266-313 (63.9 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

>+2 252+ SpA Water Gem Torrent Samurott Surf vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Multiscale Lugia in Rain: 265-312 (63.7 - 75%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

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Never played Gen 5
I like OG Samurott
Edgy Samurott is fine
I'm not gonna hate you for having an opinion on either
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cute samurai water doggo
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I dig the weeb starter trio
Ugly shitmon
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same, best trio
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regional variants were a serious mistake
Still cute tho
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shiny hrott best rott
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Pretty neat you can find one in a snow setting, blends nicely with the environment
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Sex with samurott!
>furfag shit
Well then, now we see what's his appeal for these autists.
>Edgy Samurott is fine
no it isn't
it's peak gayfreak laziness
regional variants only exist to make the original mon look bad
Regional variants exist because the originals are considered bad by the fanbase.
>"buh muh liek it"
And you're irrelevant, which is why they started re-designing shit and calling them regional forms.
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Do you feel in charge?
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what's wrong, it's just Akari with her water doggo
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>Regionals are for mons people dislike
>The most hated mon in the franchise doesn't have one
What did you mean by this?
Where the fuck are Emboar and Meganium’s regional then, smart guy?
Wow, guess being hated on 4chan doesn't mean everyone hates it kid.
Just the same way that most of what the normalfags love, /vp/ can't stand because they're weird, shut-in obsessive addicts.
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Wowsers! I didn’t know the everyone who voted in that 2020 poll was a 4chan using shut in!
>proving my point
Yeah, fat lot of good coming #3 in Alola did for Decidueye avoiding the re-tool brush, wasn't it? Newsflash kidder, internet opinion /= reality. And the reality is there's never been an *actual* legitimate poll undertaken in the west, because no baby bastard retard can accept "one vote only" results. Has to be a multi-day or freely-abuseable (you only needed a gmail account. I have two as it is) poll, so westies can cope by saying "lookit, dis ANM poopular" while reality ignores their feelings to re-design things they like, because they identified with it more than the athletic stud or the pretty popular girl.
>the 30th place Unovan Pokemon did better than 14 other Pokemon
Wow. I'm actually impressed by that. I don't even like Genesect.
cope is real
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Rather be a furfag than a genwarfag
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>I argue with Samurottfags for years but now I'm pretending they only started to exist now
So why did they start with the regional roster most adored by the fanbase to try regionals out with?
>people still reply to the "muh regionals are for unpopular mons" autist
>"Muh kanto" meme
Because the only shit that's really, really popular from Gen 1 in 2024 is the shillmon shit (Pikachu, Eevee+lutions, Charizard, Gengar, Snorlax the base stage starters). I mean, Game Freak are fucking savvy enough to outright state no-one gives a fuck about Raichu, because of Pikachu's popularity and still you bastards squeak "buh MUH liek it" as if you're actually worth a fuck to anyone at TPC, Nintendo or Game Freak.
Sorry your favourite got re-designed, I'm not sorry you had a mental episode over it.
>n-not shillmons!
>not super popular = not popular at all somehow
Biggest cope ever, you are an insane patternfag who fails to realize that if they really saw RFs as "unpopular mon attempt 2", they would start with the LEAST, and choosing the most known and popular dex overall is antithetical to that at its core. Just admit your meme is shit, to the point where you pretend Raichu, Diglett, Arcanine, aren't popular and the Hisui starters somehow aren't the most popular of their trios outside of coomster circles.
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And you're a malding little bastard, seething your shitty self-insert got ignored by kids to the point even spamming google telling them what you loved didn't stop it getting fucked back in the re-tool boix.
When Charizard gets a regional, when fuycking Pikachu gets one, not the shitty fat derp that it evolves into, is when I'll concede popular shit gets regionalised. The whole point of the re-design is to increase interest in the thing, with an aim to increase merch sales featuring them.
And no dude, arcanine's popularity fell off with kids as years passed and the roster grew beyond 151 critters. Which is why Game Freak re-designed it, but gave Charizard every gimmick going (two forms in some cases), the first shill raid and the only Kanto starter raid until this year's pokémon day And a special distro featuring the anime Charizard). ACtions speak louder than words and nothing regionalised has actually been something seen as a perennial favourite or a pan-generational thing like other Kanto pokémon like Mewtwo and Snorlax.
The fucking coping is incredible. Samurott is a bad design. You don't need to feel guilty about posting off-model stuff, but dear god don't act like fan-stuff fixes what the design is.
seethe, oshawott was my first pick for my imported copy of BW in high school so samurott is straight up nostalgia for me.
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I like samurott and I agree.
My first game was b2, and my first starter was a female oshawott. Samurott will always be my favorite pokemon. Love ya, Sedna.
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Always liked it + wanted Shell Smash over a whole new form
>shitty self-insert
If you're talking about Ash he's shit too, don't know who you're seething about
>I'll concede popular shit gets regionalized
far cry from "originals are considered bad by the franchise". It's insane how you shift to only the hyper shillmons not getting a regional as proof, where even if one of them did, you'd just change your definition of them being non-shillmons because they happened to have gotten regionals. It's almost as if they were never meant to be replacements like compfags would have you believe, but rather intentional comparison-provokers to show dichotomy.
>The whole point of the re-design is to increase interest in the thing, with an aim to increase merch sales featuring them.
So exactly the same as Megas' purpose to higher ups you cocksuck?
>arcanine's popularity fell off
more votes than snorlax kek.>>56535041 You just keep moving the bar higher and higher for what "popular" is to make your pattern still fit
>raids count now
So....Hisuian starters together with their counterparts being prominent? Thanks for proving my point that they were never meant to be replacements like compfags would have you believe, but rather intentional comparison-provokers to show dichotomy.
just like so many "regionalized" mons like Zoroark (extremely popular btw, ruining your theory)
>muh gimmick forms
these aren't actually different from the purpose of regionals. You can't say they were meant for just shilmons because the shittiest of shitmons get them too. Same is the case with regionals. Just admit your pattern doesn't exist.
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Bad design? Maybe so. Still cool and cute? Hell yes.
I don't mind, fanart is fanart. Even if I prefer more on-model stuff, pic unrelated
Why is any new pose considered off model by seethers? Even if it has identical proportions....
Too much cognitive dissonance for them to handle. It forces them to realize that their criticisms of the design basically boil down to "nothing is actually stopping it physically except that it was never animated as such, so that means it's somehow unable to be bipedal even when shown within the design".
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>"buh muh MEME poll"
>ignores decidueye did great in the meme poll and still got a regional
>ignores CHARIZAAAARD did fucking amazing in both Kanto and overall and didn't get a regional
>ignores Lucario did fucking amazingh in both Sinnoh and overall and didn't get a regional
>ignores Snorlax got a gimmick dance move and a gimmick grobig form but no regional
Wow, it's almost as if the only polls Game Freak actively care about are ones where children are the only or majority responses. Because there's your meme poll results and they still didn't stop the unloved shit from getting total re-designs nor force the actually popular shit to get a re-design..
if Game Freak doesn't care about the poll, why even make it?
>it's a meme poll if it shows my narrative is extremely retarded
>proceeds to list things that disprove the pattern he shills
Yes, all of those are popular. Decidueye got more votes than Snorlax, yet it has an RF while Snorlax doesn't. That shows there is no correlation between being unpopular and getting RFs. Zoroark has more votes than Mewtwo, yet got an RF for its while line while Mewtwo has two Megas with less popularity votes. There is no relationship. They give RFs to whatever they fucking want to.
Because TPCi like to earn money off adults and kids, instead of just kids like TPC gets money from both markets in Japan. It's also incredibly untrustworthy, because there's people voted once, those who voted every day and autists who had reams of burner gmails, just to log multiple votes per day. The west can't accept anything but obfuscated polls because they're too up their own arses about their personal choices (probably why Cgharizard triggers the feeble-minded here. Everlasting popularity greater than anything their personal favourite could ever manage).
Cool. So why haven't they made a shillmon regional then? because the old adage goes "if you lie with the dogs, you'll get fleas". And nothing there is shilllmon status in the previous 6 years. Hell, they regionalised Farfetch'd, just to finally give an excuse to give it an evolution (because it was a meme, a food reference in both verbal and visual form "Duck with leeks").
And they did break their necks to make regional Woop and an evolution that's basically quadruped Quagsire, because Quagsire has a rabid fandbase in Japan and they strangely didn't regionalise it. Sorry you can't accept the truth
>It's also incredibly untrustworthy, because there's people voted once, those who voted every day and autists who had reams of burner gmails, just to log multiple votes per day
Isn;t Japan like decades ahead of the west tehcnilogy wise, if anywhere is going to have a disproportionate number of of people using shit like extra emails to cheat it would be Japan. Even assuming every cheater is from the west, I highly doubt they are common enough enough to have an major effect on a poll, and if "autists" are so common that they can sway the poll like that and are so invested in the franchise and their favorite Pokemon that they would bother doing so, then hell maybe TPC should market towards them.

>And they did break their necks to make regional Woop, and an evolution that's basically quadruped Quagsire
What? so you're saying Japan hates wooper but loves Quagsire?
>incredibly untrustworthy
so it's come to this, the google poll used to be the only poll /vp/ tried to not dismiss as a "meme poll" (probably because the west had more influence on it)
>why haven't they made a shillmon regional then?
Am I reading this correctly? Zoroark has a regional.
You weren't listening back then (or, just weren't here), there was plenty of us laughing at it because of it being open 10 days and actively encouraging multiple votes. That Game Freak went on to prove it was irrelevant to their needs just proves us right.
So it's come to this, the pokémon /vp/ bashed since Gen 5 for being a failed shillmon, is being used as evidence for a shillmon getting a regional form. Would it have gotten the regional form if it hadn't failed to utterly catch on outside a sect of their market and the online furfag demo? Sad you still can't admit the truth.
Most the polls Game Freak care about are single-vote only dealies aimed at children. TPC and TPCi take notes on adult tastes in their polls, but change is rarely effected from those results, because they're being used for metrics for merch, than taking surveys of fan interests for Game Freak.
yawnie meltie in the threadie
Sure, I wasn't here at the time the poll was going on, just seeing /vp/ usually trust that poll above any others.
>the pokémon /vp/ bashed
TPC cares about what /vp/ thinks now? Just had to mention it since it's considered a shillmon and you like to speak in absolutes.
So did your point change from "regionals is for pokemon noone loves" to "regionals is for pokemon kids don't love"?
Well yeah, if kids aren't buying into the pokémon for itself so they buy merch and buzz about it, it's prime for a regional. Which is why Decidueye got regionalised but Cinderace with its fursuit shillmon squadmates and collaboration with the JFA's youth football development will never be that unlucky because kids love the fucker. /vp/ likes to think it has agency, to give things greater weight, or dismiss effects of other things to fit their beliefs. Truth is what they think is popular rarely is, unless it lines up with kid and normalfag tastes. And they prefer to shun the shit the normalfags like, but cry when shit they do like gets re-tooled for the normalfags.
>muh failed shillmon
Nothing indicates this. it's still heavily shilled even to this day with Raifort, yet got a regional. Stop the cope.
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Hey remember when this thread was about samurott?
Wait why does she wanna fuck him :(

all unpopular according to anon btw
>Eiscue that popular
m-my goat... getting the respect he deserves...
>anon thinks becvause she likes all these, everyone worldwide does similar
Once again, where's the regional Charizard? Pikachu? Eevee? Why are they picking also-ran shit if what you listed is popular? Could it be you over-estimate exactly how popular something is, because you apply your own experiences to it?
>The first time the player participates in the Academy Ace Tournament, they will face Arven, Jacq, Dendra, and Geeta in the listed order.
That's not shilling sunshine. Shilling is making sure 100% of the people who buy your game will see it, not the dedicated few who played your game to completion AND sat grinding NPC battles instead of playing multiplayer.
Tranny pokemon
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white woman... nah, I don't know, I just saved it for the small samurott
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>Starters didn’t get a ride mechanic
Gamefreak being lamefreak as usual
I'm talking about the debut mon in the anime, retard. Raifort is using it in the anime, with its debut illusion being of Terapagos, THE shillmon of the series for over two years at this point. It also is a part of the top five percent of uber shillmons that made it into Unite. Face it, the thing is popular.
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I remember that theory, a shame that
How would it have worked? I get you'd Fly with Decidueye, run around with Typhlosion (weirdest one, probably climb instead idk) and swim with Samurott, but how would you get access to all three?
Why did the Hisuian form take his pecs away
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The starters would likely be optional alternative of the current ridemon(after unlocking one of them to understand the mechanic). Maybe come with differences too(speed, maneuverability, etc). Typhlosion could be a hybrid of Wyrdeer and Ursaluna(lighting fast movement but doesn't jump or dig for items).
>shilling after the regional's addition TOTALLY means it's poopular
Just stop lad. You're not providing any evidence to show its popularity, just seething endlessly over the truth of my words because if this shit HAD took off, it'd be treated like Lucario and Greninja at this stage, got added to the fursuit shillmon squad and pushed everywhere they wanted little Japanese boys' attention. Not used as a side character's only pokémon in a one-off episode.
>having more votes than fucking Mewtwo still isn't good enough, it has to be in the top five in the series for my point to stand
It IS being used as part of the fursuit shillmon squad. It's merch sells intensely, it got a movie, it go into Unite, it got a whole regional trailer that's the best pokemon reveal in probably a decade, and is primed to take a big role in the anime. People love the thing. How ISN'T it a shillmon? You're using it having a RF as evidence for it somehow being a shitmon, and using your assumption of it being a shitmon to substantiate your retarded theory that popular mons don't get RFs when Zoroark, Decidueye, Typhlosion, Arcanine, and many other are living breathing proof. Why won't you just admit there's no correlation between RF's and supposedly being unliked by the fanbase? If that were true, they'd focus on the bottom tier ACTUAL shitmons that people don't get excited for instead of the popular ones, so long as they aren't the top five pokemon or something. You're inventing a pattern when it doesn't exist. If you were right, why did they choose the MOST POPULAR fully evolved starters of their regions to give RFs in Hisui? Why did they choose the MOST POPULAR DEX to be the exclusive source of RFs on their debut crack at them? Why did they choose the MOST POPULAR legendary sub-trio to give RFs to? You have ZERO explanation for these and are deflecting away from answering because it shatters your retarded headcanon. You whole noition hinges on maybe five mons not getting RFs. Even if by pure chance, they wouldn't have been regionalized since there are only like 50 RFs anyway. If you were to take the 100 least popular mons none of them probably even have RFs either. Just concede your headcanon is headcanon and we'll al be on our merry way.
No it's not, or it'd be making stage appearances with Lucario, Greninja, Cinderace and Zeraora. It got a movie which failed to generate any significant adoration from it (except from furfags and confused children on the bubble of puberty) or much imapct in the Gen that followed it. Unite is aimed at older players and if they're not under 10, they're not the demographic. And if people loved the thing, Game Freak wouldn't have felt the need to redesign it, alongside shit we KNOW failed like a fucking damp sqiub with the target demographic (picture VERY much fucking related, given H. 'Eye's existence). Cry more you hilariously immature little bastard. Just accept reality does not give a fuck for your fee-fees, which is why Zoro got a regional with the other underperformers (and I say that as someone who liked Zoro from reveal way back in 2010).
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Typhlosion could have a secondary ability of helping you find wisps
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I’m convinced this was a scrapped idea. It even shares the same number of spirits Spiritomb does for some reason
>failed to generate any significant adoration
and what would the symptoms of such adoration look like? High poll numbers, high merch sales, and general popularity, which Zoroark exhibits.
>Unite isn't the demographic
That's not th point; it's quite literally a shillmon-only game as it's whole point and Zoroark is in it to service the fans. You're just coping at this point by making up a demographic analysis about Unite with ZERO source.
>And if people loved the thing, Game Freak wouldn't have felt the need to redesign it
Then how come Megas and Gmax exist to redesign the most and least popular pokemon alike just like RFs?

>he's still pretending only the top 5 mons of the franchise are "popular" and everything else flopped to pretend his narrative has weight
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>"NUUUUUU, it AM poopuler"
>"that's y it gotted am recolour, an new designs and associated with a literal ball, a purple rat, a ball of pollution, the ignored evolution of the mascot and a tree"
And they didn't see fit to regionalise Charizard, Lucario, Gengar, Pikachu or Eevee, cinderace, greninja - you know, the proven authetically popular pokémon that /vp/ dismissed ignored and seethed over because kids and normalfags LOVED them, bought their merch and generally hyped about them in stark contrast to Zoro, 'Eye and the Kanto birdies. Squealing harder isn't going to change reality here. Best get working on that time machine, try and re-do the last 28 years and see does owt change.
>kids and normalfags LOVED them, bought their merch and generally hyped about them
This happened with Zoroark and Decidueye. Sorry you have no pattern. Regionals are given to shillmons and shitmons. Your pattern fails this simple test. You still didn't answer why they chose those, the most popular in their categories, to get regionals, if you think they only go to the shitmons. I'll be waiting for your response.
I'm sorry you're autistic. But that's why you're throwing a tantrum over being lumped in with the boring shit like a ball, a 3-tailed bull, a puffer fish and a darumaka doll. the disliked shit, like Mr. Mime and stunfisk and the meme shit like a Japanese menu item.
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Yes because their silly moustache will never stop making me think of a LEGO fire piece that's been spray-painted white.
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Seems like it's a good choice scarfer in VGC. Sadly, Night Slash >>> Ceasless Edge
>no u on autism, as I push an autistic pattern with no evidence
You mean how, according to you, Zard is on the same tier as Manectric, Sableye, Audino, nd Beedrill. Shitmons all the way down as well, just like how Zoroark and Decidueye (shillmons) got RFs alongside shitmons. Just admit they give these new designs to shitmons and shillmons alike, RFs or Megas. Your claim doesn't hold weight.
Ignoring the fact they haven't once given something really really popular a regional, hell the fact they regionalised the MASCOT'S evolution is evidence enough it's not for things that pull their weight. Why change was fucking works? Why risk changing something that lots of people like, just to make something different? That thing in the corner most people aren't fucked about though? THAT'S prime for a re-do, maybe try and fix what made it become an unloved ignored thing in the modern era. Stamp your feet, screech all you want. But a failure being lumped in with the rest is not "patternfagging", it;'s calling the premise what it is - a way to fix shit kids didn't take to, even if autistic adults online still believe they're relevant to the devs.
>first and second form are bipedal
>third form is a dog that hobbles around on four legs with a sword

lol why does ever gen v starter blow so hard
>they haven't once given something really really popular a regional
You mean like Zoroark and Decidueye?
>his own personal logic
clearly doesn't apply to Zoroark, Hisui starters (most popular in their trios) legend birds (most popular sub trio) and the kanto dex in alola (most popular dex). I ask for the fifth time, if they wanted to stay away from redoing things that work better, why did they choose the best in their categories? If they really had your logic in mind they wouldn't do this the way they did. Your logic would hypothetically make sense for Megas as well, but that's not the observed reality. Same with RFs. It's quite telling that you're desperately trying to avoid the premise of my challenge to your claim, which is why didn't they stick to the least popular? It can make as much sense in your mind as it does, but it isn't reflected when you look at those choices. Those choices do not make sense with that logic, so it can't be their logic. Where are the elemental monkey RFs? Where's the RF for all of the ACTUALLY unpopular mons, as opposed to your argument, which is the "not popular enough but still shillmons getting a boost by being "replaced"". The other front you avoid answering is how come your shity logic doesn't apply to Megas as well? With Megas, Mewtwo and Mawile got them, and same with RFs. Zoroark (more votes than Mewtwo) got one, while rattata also did. You really need to accept that your pattern isn't coherent with their choices. It's really ironic how this whole time you bitched about manchilden's wants and wishes being under the devs (while I never even mentioned what I WANT to happen), all while you seem DESPERATELY eager to force your pattern to fit by restricting it to super duper uber shillmons that are just a handful that you preselect to fit in your mind, and any popular mon with an RF just magically doesn't count in your mind. Seems like your source for them being "shitmons" is them getting an RF, which is circular logic.
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Any remaining complaints?
No, like Charizard and Pikachu. Adults mean fuck-all to Game Freak, that's why when Decidueye failed so badly with kids, they went and re-designed it the very next Gen. DESPITE western manchildren spamming le pobgyemans of da yeer pulls because they thought it actually had weight and import to Game Freak.
Regionals don't actually delete the original son. You're perfectly within your remit to like them still. But you need to understand, they only get done when kids don't care for them.
>Adults mean fuck-all to Game Frea
then why is Game Freak so obsessed with pandering to KANTOOOO-obsessed boomers?
Because kids ALSO like the shit they're pushing (them being perennial favourites) but please don't insult my intelligence and infer they've been pushing Goldeen or Jynx in the same circles as Gengar, Snorlax, Charizard (and the also-rans) or the Mascots. Just as you lot were spergy "alternative" little fuckers who picked decidueye and skeledirge, normalfag kids took to Charizard, because it's a fire-breathing dragonalike, in the days of Eragon and Toothless My First Dragon. If you'd pull your head out your hole for one minute, stop huffing your own farts, you see the reality of the world (I despised Gen 6's wall-to-wall Greninja. But the fact Game Freak didn't feel the need to give it a re-do means kid and adult tastes aligned with forg. Whereas Decidueye failed to hit the mark with kids, won the POTY poll and still found itself changed after 5 years).
>Decidueye failed so badly with kids
Source? You're saying only what you deem in hindsight as a shillmon is a shillmon? And I should believe you why? Popular is popular, not whater you of all people consider as popular.
>But the fact Game Freak didn't feel the need to give it a re-do means kid and adult tastes aligned with forg
So here's where you admit your circular logic. Now explain why Charizard and Mewtwo got Mega forms without contradicting this.
And TPC ran a poll in Japan after Power of Us movie where it once again came dead-last to Primarina and Incineroar respectively.
What circular reasoning - they're all bone fide shillmon, popular since kids first clapped eyes on them (Greninja's part of the fursuit collective along with Cinderace, Lucario and Zeraora). ANd since Game Freak decided they weren't going to keep megas to shitmon, they gave gave them to shillmon and gave the granddaddy shillmon special treatment with two.
Explain how Decidueye is any way alike, when it polled dead last of the final Alolan starters AND got fucking mogged by its base stage to boot. Because you keep saying "it's popular" but onlyu point to evidence adults care about it. And had you paid attention, I said Game Freak only care about adult tastes, when the kids have the same opinion (that's why Primarina started to get pushed in Gen 7 more at the end - it was out-and-out favourite of the final starter forms. It has since avoided Dexit two Gens running).
>still didn't asnwer the narrative shattering questions
>relies on what kids see a popular without sources about what exactly those mons are besides what he arbitrarily decides to be the case
Hisui starters (most popular in their trios) legend birds (most popular sub trio) and the kanto dex in alola (most popular dex). I ask for the fifth time, if they wanted to stay away from redoing things that work better, why did they choose the best in their categories? If they really had your logic in mind they wouldn't do this the way they did. Your logic would hypothetically make sense for Megas as well, but that's not the observed reality. Same with RFs. It's quite telling that you're desperately trying to avoid the premise of my challenge to your claim, which is why didn't they stick to the least popular? It can make as much sense in your mind as it does, but it isn't reflected when you look at those choices. Those choices do not make sense with that logic, so it can't be their logic. Where are the elemental monkey RFs? Where's the RF for all of the ACTUALLY unpopular mons, as opposed to your argument, which is the "not popular enough but still shillmons getting a boost by being "replaced"". The other front you avoid answering is how come your shity logic doesn't apply to Megas as well? With Megas, Mewtwo and Mawile got them, and same with RFs. Zoroark (more votes than Mewtwo) got one, while rattata also did.
>still ignoring reality
>still crying like a manchild bitch because her vauted polls didn't stop her boyfriend getting a make-over
Alright fag. Just remember, I told you the secret, but you were too immature to accept that.

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