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Licute (Nuevo Forma) Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>October 11th: PM2023 068 - To a New Sky! Brave Asagi!!


Future episodes:
>October 18th: PM2023 069 - I'm a Pokémon and You're Me?!

>Upcoming episodes previews:

>Previous episodes:

>OS-JN filler guide:

>Web series, specials, and audio dramas subs and links:


>Music, manga, and more:

Previous: >>56518692
Is hisui canon in the anime? I know kleavor and h-growlite are gonna show up soon in the kitskami arc but it’s still odd they not keep Inf them for sinnoh. Especially since kleavor dosen’t exist in kitakami.
Orio needs to be killed off.
She needs to fuck Roy.
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>PoV: You successfully pranked your Poketuber kohai by getting her to catch you masterbating.
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Punchable gut.
When will Gurumin be relevant again? It's been Dot Dot Dot, but what about Gurumin?
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New ending song got announced: Pi-kaan. The singer stays unknown but it is produced by the same folks who made the previous ED song Let me Battle.

Onto the next question, newer promotion material dives into the truth around Rakua and it is seen rumbling in one of the preview footages.
>Did Rakua met it's demise? And if yes, what was the cause?
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Liko and the Bishoujo looking to restore his honor.
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>my wife Perrin is in the anime
>they gave her a nice chest
When Zir finally gets his own episode
>Did Rakua met it's demise?
It was dosed with rage inducing rakulium. I think it was self-destructive end. Liko might see the fallout of the demise
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I hope we get more Ameliko kino in this arc
Probably. Might end up as a reversal of the mole theory where he hops up on board
Liko will see one of her deceased family members in that lake
After Kitakami us Blueberry. Cynthia is going down
It's Canon and it's Paldea, the region of Paradox and timetraveling. It can basically get away with anything narrative-wise.
Rude! Oreo needs to stay
>Tastugiri doing the German salute
Wtf this is fine for kids?!!??
Any ideas or concepts for the other interiors of the Pokeballs?
Love ball is a PokeStrip Club catered to the opposite gender
Safari ball is a Pokeball with some drawings over them
Friend ball is the first week of becoming friends before getting unceremoniously dumped
Dark Ball is a death metal concert
Rakua got rampaged by angry drugs. It got USA'd lol
>Liko and the Bishoujo looking to restore his honor.
Very accurate btw
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I have several questions, most of them involve the implications.
Orla has multiple "firsts"?. This changes my perspective of her a lot.
The fuck?
Damn, I was hoping we'd get to see an updated Let Me Battle with Crocalor instead of Fuecoco, like how it was when Quaxly evolved to Quaxwell.
Liko is not only surrounded by corrupt guys but now also by corrupted women.
Fuck bros, she might end up completely nuts.
>Did Rakua met it's demise? And if yes, what was the cause?
Terapagos. It is evil.
Berserk Pokemon
She is not cute.
Says the brat
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Nanjamo will take Doto-shi all for herself.
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Ash x Dawn
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This is a mole
Amethio's wife.
At least she's based.
Grade A mole. Not running away while in the eye of many witnesses is a good call
So Friede was a virgin when he completed his PHD?
Arceus fucking Christ...

Can this guy at least chip in to help test if he's gonna do this?
>Resting Volt Tacklers
>Not even a slowed version of this
Why bother TPCI
Why bother?
What's wrong?
Tell me you did not open that link. I guess he got annoyed by the new anti mass post filter.
Oh yeah. That one. What a manchild
Net ball would be gross.
Licute is a menace.
CuteSpinel will tear her insides apart.
Can I watch?
Fast ball is fast
>Is hisui canon in the anime?
Pls post more
I need Lucca and Alex to have sex in front of Liko before she runs away to Kitakami while crying
That's just mean D:

Add Anne to make it cruel :D
Anne would never.
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yw anon
More desu
Where the fuck is my NTR PORN OF ALEX AND LIKO?!???
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>Lofi Horizons
Wasn't expecting it but I'll take it.
Are any of these even songs from the anime?
I will never understand why they change the music.
So what happens at the conclusion of this series?
>Liko brings the heroes and Terapagos to Lucius through Terapagos smoke. Lucius doesn't recognize any of them and doesn't know what she's talking about
>Terapagos accesses Rakua and reunites with Lucius with the other heroes
>Terapagos opens gate to Rakua and all the pokemon disappear inside with no conclusion
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Soon it's that time of year again
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hisui has never been name dropped in the anime.
oh no she's gonna snap again
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Mamgko would never pass such a Chance up
Chances of FrieLiko endgame?
Literally 0. Age difference too wide and this isn't some shitty self inserter's fantasy where a 10 year old gets shipped with an adult.
gibeonbros not like this..
Unironically has the highest odds out of any Liko pairing
Retard. It's clearly going to be endgame.
I'm pretty sure they're remixes of the dub tracks because there's a remix of the dub op.
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The endgame is
Liko x Amethio
Roy x Dot
Friede x Oreo
Sando x Onyx
Spinel x Agate
Ann x Clavell
Mollie x Ludlow
Murdock x Diana
Gibeon x Lucius
Rayquaza x Zygarde
Weedpussy x Gay duck
Croc and Kanuchan x autismo
Tebrim x Brib but she will cheat with wild Annihilapes
Terapagos will die alone
In the future they reveal Sango is actually 10 Years old.

How would you feel?
>Friede x Oreo
What are the general opinions on M23? I don't really browse this place, but I bingewatched the "trilogy" the other day and kept thinking about it, needed somewhere to post.

Dunno if it's an overrated opinion or not, but I really do think M21 is the star of the trilogy, in fact it was so good I showed it to my online friends who play a Pokemon TTRPG, they stopped caring about the anime but even them admitted it was a hell of a good time. M20 felt a bit rushed, even if I like it in a conceptual level, M21 might have a quick pacing, but all and every scene contributes to understanding the plot, I do like how it feels like a big puzzle of plotpoints and character dynamics all coming together, it felt good to rewatch because I realized even more stuff and made new theories. M23 in comparison felt simpler again, both in terms of plot and direction, it was decent but not "I need to show to my friends" kind of good.
I miss the xy/z times in here, literally the golden era
Alain and Serena really breathed life into that shit anime. Makes me wonder why they didn't become the main characters next gen.
I miss adamant too
>Love ball is a PokeStrip Club catered to the opposite gender
>Safari ball is a Pokeball with some drawings over them
>Friend ball is the first week of becoming friends before getting unceremoniously dumped
>Dark Ball is a death metal concert
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Kabu tapped that btw
Onyx fucking Sandwich while Sango watches
Just realised that Serena had same orange hair like Yumemi Hidaka from Munto on the first XY movie.

If Serena has this shade of honey colored hair in the main anime with sideswept and J-cup tits as adults then it would be enough for her to surpass any girl without beauty mark in looks.
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Just realized that Roy has girl sidekicks like Ash except he has only girls which is proof he is not gay which Ash was
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Ash x Dawn
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Blue hair is Dawn's weakness so I want her to get this shade of stale gray hair with a body like Kanade Suzukawa.
>Did Rakua met it's demise? And if yes, what was the cause?
The Rakulium probably was set off, dosing that entire paradise with the smoke.
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I hope Zir and Conia finally get focus in the new chapter.
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Those two are dorks.
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I like it.
You mean Ash, his Greninja and his love interest that carried the show.

Do you think Pokémon anime will ever be based to make a magical girl parody with Agatha and Drasna for sake of comedy after OS series?
LiPagos is fucking powerful
I'll keep it playing in the background. This is nice, especially surprising that they do a official Lofi tracklist to begin with
>I need Lucca and Alex to have sex in front of Liko before she runs away to Kitakami while crying
Kek pls do
> Intimidate Incineroar vs Mega Charizard X.
> Intimidate lower Mega Charizard X's attack.
I can't help but feel that Incineroar with Intimidate is better than Mega Charizard X considering its mainly a physical attacker.
I know they're setting up Nemona to be Roy's climax battle but I really hope it's Friede
They're both gonna be his climaxes.
>Nanjamo will take Doto-shi all for herself.
Larry fucking paid for Iono's streams, Dot can bite the dust.
>This is a mole
Cute mole desu
Serena won btw
>Mamgko would never pass such a Chance up
Manko is cute desu
>Liko is not only surrounded by corrupt guys but now also by corrupted women.
And that's a good thing.
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What happened to not-Jessie with the Golduck and not-James with the Rhydon?
>hisui canon in the anime?
>Liko and the Bishoujo looking to restore his honor.
Diana namedropped Hisui before leaving the Asagi.
>Is hisui canon in the anime?
Amazon Prime Special confirmed it to be canon.
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Fucking brat
Spinel is basado.
What a fucking prick.
If what I guess is true then they'll see Amethio sooner than later for a longer period.
Yes it is
She pleases oji San cock
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The last licute
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Oh no I fucked it up
>Licute breaks the dimension
Fuck, she's too powerful
Alex will never notice Liko. AWNL
My heroes.
You know what they say about girls with big feet...
What does it say?
Brock >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hundreds of Dot.
Yeah he was the only straight main character up until Roy showed up.
Is there NOW a translation for the JuliNemo Webnovel
Nah, fuck
That they belong in kingdom hearts
The amount of melties would be glorious.
They maybe get some attention.
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Big feet, big MEAT.
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A week or two ago, some anons were asking about wanting to tell how PM2023 has been doing in the ratings, and how little info there is. As if on cue, PM.net started updating their ratings chart again. It turns out that if a show doesn't get into the top 10/15 or whatever, then their ratings aren't shared. As a result, even though the chart's been updated after 6-7 years, PM2019 doesn't show up much on it. The Masters 8 and Koharu's finale are present, but prior to episode 120, there are only three episodes: The Battle Frontier ep, the first return to Alola, and the episode where Koharu met her doppleganger in Johto. PM2019's highest rating was a 3 with the finale and Ash's retirement. PM2023 debuted with a 2.4 and has been in the top 10/15 much more consistently. It still has an overall trend downward like pretty much every series before it, but with 67 episodes in, it has more than double the number of appearances compared to PM2019.

So yes, in terms of TV ratings (not streaming, not social media, not Nicolive favorability rankings), PM2023 has been a reversal overall from PM2019 not doing so hot. The "experiment" of retiring Ash seems to work, and here's hoping for more success in the future. Here's the source: https://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/ratings
Ashsisters... it's over. Our boy's never coming back
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>Remove nostalgia from the program
>It actually stabilizes instead of crashing and burning down
This is Pokémon, they could get away with unironice war propaganda but regardless, this is impressive.
> PM 2023
> Barely appears at Japanese animation TV rankings.
> Youtube viewership is lower than PM2019.
> Two live streamer site dropped it
> Pokémon Company had to hire Del consultant
> Even this fanfic chart from random site shows PM 2023 barely keeping up with a handicapped PM2019 while MPM higher than both.
What is even the point you are trying to make? If anything, PM 2019 proves how bad it was for the anime to bet on OC like Goh and Koharu. PM 2019 would have been more successful with Gloria and Alister accompanying Ash.
Quiet retard, adults are talking.
That settles it then. They can do whatever they want and that ESL will continue to deny everything like a little bitch.
> The chart itself shows that PM 2023 highest rated episode is nowhere near highest rated PM2019 episode.
>T-the ESL denying everything.
Aren't you in the denial?
>Damn, I was hoping we'd get to see an updated Let Me Battle with Crocalor instead of Fuecoco, like how it was when Quaxly evolved to Quaxwell.
You can't have everything, anon. It will take time for those steps to be taken into consideration.

The rating of Liko vs Roy episode.
>Oxymoron turns a blind eye to the fact that the Likonime pops up way more often in the top 10 than the previous entry for the sake of a singular spike or that Koharu's episode is listed, destroying the OC boogeyman
Keep projecting bitchboy, that's the only thing you are somewhat useful for anymore. Won't bother replying to any other post of you since it's clear you're full of shit.
liko if she explorer
Spinel would have the most menacing housewife at their disposal.
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>liko if she explorer
Someone used hypnosis on Liko again, right?
> Ash comes to Paldea for Terastal training course.
> Heard about mysterious pokemon sightings.
> Goes to search for it .
> Meet Juliana who also searching for it.
> They race for it like Makoto and M20 Ash.
> They finds an injured Miraidon and decides to help it.
> TRio show up to steal it and gets blast off.
> Arven shows up knowing about Miraidon and gives its pokeball to Ash because he wants nothing to do with it.
> Ash & Juliana meet Arven again battling titan pokemon and assist him to get herbal mystica.
> After learning about Arven's situation with his sick pokemon, they decide to help him find rest of the herbal mystica.
> Juliana was a promising trainer who got overconfident & challenge Grusha early which lead to a devastating defeat & Grusha's ice cold word made her quit.
> Treasure Hunt is something Juliana doing to get her spirit back.
> Eventually Ash and Arven help her regain her battling spirit to finish her gym challenge.
> Penny secretly give them info on titan pokemon location in exchange for taking each Team srar boss down .
> Turo shows up who wants to do an expedition on Area Zero to find his wife & hold test to find suitable members.
> He is antagonistic toward his son because he doesn't want him to go to Area Zero.
Ya ya I know this is good but you all will pretend to hate it.
>liko if she explorer
>>Oxymoron turns a blind eye to the fact that the Likonime pops up way more often in the top 10
Its painfully obvious that you didn't even cheeked the rankings. In this entire month of September, only one episode took 11th spot in the Japanese TV animation ranking.
>Aggressively continues to double down
Sweetheart, learn how to count before blindly bragging about how one episode in September is literally still more adding to the TOTAL count than any episode of the previous show in September. I know you're desperate and miserable because this is the only you have left in your hobo life after ruining it over a kids show but c'mon, this amount of retarded genwarring to goalpost moving is just sad.
>liko if she explorer
Would watch a spin-off of it desu
>Liko will see one of her deceased family members in that lake
Her Great-grandma, right? Frames look similar. Would expand more on the anime story which I am looking forward for more. Probably will be a round-about way to the games but honestly, the Indigo Disk DLC was lacking with what was added in Area Zero at the bottom. What was the random tree down there for and stuff like that.
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Soon, Liko's team will enter the next phase.
So basically PM2023 mog Ashime and you are just a troll
>> The chart itself shows that PM 2023 highest rated episode is nowhere near highest rated PM2019 episode.
>>T-the ESL denying everything.
>Aren't you in the denial?
> Ash
Immediate flop. XY SM JN MES and PM2023 prove that Ash can't carry a show.
Ignore that angry manchild. It's not worth the time explaining anything to a runt who doesn't want to listen
Need another episode of Liko and Amethio. Their convos took a big 180 degree turn upwards after the cave-in.
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Manga Liko and Dickbird.
why did dickbird do it
He had to shatter something in his anger.
>why did dickbird do it
Manga Liko had it coming
You wouldn't do that?
>Manga Liko and Dickbird.
Least disappointed dickbird btw.
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>TFW remembering that artwork
It's been long in the making.
>Zir and Conia finally get focus in the new chapter.
Pray to the nipglowie that it will happen
>Friend ball is the first week of becoming friends before getting unceremoniously dumped
Delete this
Manko and Dick. A match made in heaven.
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What time in GMT are people usually free? I'm that anon who suggested to set up a shared stream thing where we rewatch the series, but I need to know what time is a good time to start the stream.
(Also, how many episodes to stream in a given day.)
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The turtle is ready to take to the skies again and survey its kingdom.
The kingdom it once conquered is doused in the blood of its enemies.
Sneaky little shit
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That's nice
Ann is not cute.
My hero.
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Atleast Liko will have the best lectures about the firsts.
Cute and gay.
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Ash x Dawn
The mole will get a dark type.
Finished the Johto Manga, it's been fine but lackluster.
Blue hair is the colour of losing girl hair.
>Manga Liko and Dickbird.
Where is NurseKo?
>Diana namedropped Hisui before leaving the Asagi.
>mfw the anime actually might show Hisui itself this gen
Liko should pick up some tricks from Xavier-Sama.
Liko should pickup a chu and zard and replace Friede as the iconic anipoke trainer already
Friede can keep it, he's based desu
Liko should pick up some tricks from Spinel.
What kind of tricks? Hypnosis against Roy to do her bidding?
The one with Xavier?
What the fuck.
Did the singer of the new ED leak yet?
Not yet.
>Love ball is a PokeStrip Club catered to the opposite gender
Would pay for this
Not even on Twitter or the usual places? The Some-Stuffs server claimed it had leaked but since they don't allow leak discussion in the server they deleted the posts, so I didn't get to see it.
The last time leaked content were deleted were in response to a NDA statement so maybe they won't risk getting nuked. Besides it's only four days away, no need to get impatient.
>I need Lucca and Alex to have sex in front of Liko
No need to add further trauma on top of the spinel case already.
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Lucky bastard.
There are other places where such leaks get posted right? And I thought the leaks usually came from China? There's another server that focuses on leaks but I'm not from it (it's the same place that leaked that Liko was losing to Roy).
>District Tournament arc.
>RVT meet Ash and Alain.
>Roy loses to Alain.
>Alain loses to Ash.
>Years later, Roy defeat Alain in a League-like Tournament at the end Horizon.
They are other places but the point isn't about that.
If they deleted Leaks then there is definitely more going on than just enforcing the "no spoiler" policy since nothing stops them from reposting them. There is definitely a NDA involved, best not to push it unless you want to compromise future leaks.
No, I mean I was asking where to find the leaks, or if they were posted anywhere else.
Pay attention anon, a NDA isn't something someone isn't gonna be messing around with.
Just ask the ones who posted the them initially you should see the user icon despite the post deletion, if they can't share it in a PM then the NDA is in effect. Just literally wait FOUR days anon, the Likonime isn't gonna run away to keep the ED away.
Liko is a housewife?
Liko is /vp/'s housewife atleast.
I don't know why you seem so assed about NDAs when anons here have been posting leaks/spoilers since forever.
Why are you so hyperfixated on that out of nowhere? Leaks for episodes are one thing (Not to mention that I never adressed them but you brought them up unprompted anyway), leaks where actions are taken to suppressed them are another. I thought the animedia case two years was a good example but you don't get message. Don't be daft about it.
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>Any ideas or concepts for the other interiors of the Pokeballs?
The Heavy Ball probably is heavy on the inside.
Probably something that appeals to heavy Pokémon instead.
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Cutest Explorer
I see that thrown around a lot but how did that theory came into being?
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I would gaslight Terapagos into wrecking Paldea as a whole by saying that Gibeon cloned himself.
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Dickbird is based
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Dot is great.
The Likonime gets away with way too much.
Absolutely. It's gonna be the comeback of the century.
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Seems like next week's episode is about briar and the sync machine with the 25th being tinkatink trying to get some iron back from a bombirdier.
Aside from the first being known for a while, the latter is definitely the part where Tinkatink will evolve.
Lol, ain't telling you
I can't imagine a full rewatch working if it were just 4chan. People would get bored before the first season even finished. The rose-tinted nostalgia glasses would shatter and they'd realize how awful things were.
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Since Pokémon Legends Z-A coming out so my ideas
> New anime with Serena as the protagonist.
> Competes on actual contest in Unova/Paldea, not that garbage contest live.
> She wants to be a Top Coordinator and win the Grand festival.
> Serena become the girl that every guy has a crush on except Ash.
> Develop a harem of five ikemen guy.
> Encounter female version of Paul and Gary as rival.
> Develop a connection with a legendary pokémon.
> Ash is mentioned throughout the show and appears in the final arc.
I know that Dawn is the better choice but currently Pokémon Legends Z-A coming out which makes Serena important.
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>Liko should pick up some tricks from Xavier-Sama.
Do they work on Alex?
>> New anime with Serena as the protagonist.
Not happening, it's just a spinoff.
Liko anime will keep going for three more years at least.

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