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>Bunken finishes Infinity's main game and starts the postgame
>Wow does the ending suck
>Tiramisu starts up Desolation in the company of two cute girls
>Wagie and Mercury finish Sky Blue's current version
>Ose returns to play some Unbreakable Kino, quickly finding out Eda is a bit retarded
>John finishes the absolute hell that is chapter 12 of Empire and then also starts Unbreakable Kino
>An anon trudges through Unbound and learns some of the unfortunate modern changes to Pokemon
>I try Olympus for a bit, it sucks

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator
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This whole situation seems a bit (((peculiar))) to me.
This game made team rocket go from a bunch of poachers to full on Cubone genociders.
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you know the loop in reborn where you'd do some quests involving legendaries and somehow you would end up doing the elite 4 again? well that's what is going on right now, but in this the elite 4 is randomized, with all of the game's leaguers+kanto+some of sinnoh, don't have them all unlocked yet.
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Based retard.
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>teleported to johto past to swipe gs ball because thorn (you) is a klepto
>ho-oh tries to stop me
>gets snatched
another timeline defiled
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In Unbreakable Ties???
In this economy????
They kind of deserve it don't you think
Bottom right is the final evo of the rock/dragon fakemon based on the statues right?
yes it is
Sheesh man and I thought I was the damn thief.
Ah, the good old days.
Nah, Cubone's are too cute to go extinct.
SwoobatGODS.... we didn't solo sweep...
Swoobat ate his first two mons for breakfast before going down to a dishonest mach punch
Riolu (level 25) got oneshot and Machop told my chinese friend about how he should actually have 5 level 100 rayquaza and a magikarp

Unfortunately female rival made me remember that I was leveling half my team (and forgot to, you know, actually level them) and wiped me in front of the gym so
Total Whiteouts: 1
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Thanks kiddo, yous ain't so bad yerself.
GG and kek, Riolu is gonna have to be tarwrangled by his peers for quite a while, I remember my Scyther and Gardevoir had to pick up his slack all the time.
Fortunately Swoobat takes care of literally everything solo other than important trainer battles so I won't really be relying on Riolu for much
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>You can catch the Marowak ghost
>The ghost Marowak came with perfect IVs in literally everything
Nani the fuck?
must've been training with king kai
I get trying to make Blue more sympathetic, but this really doesn't feel like him at all, there's none of the sass or competitiveness, he just seems like an innocent little kid who has no clue how the world works.
Kek, hopefully it learns kaioken.
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I still don't get why my Golbat still can't learn Fly.
Anyhow, calling it a night, I feel like shit after the pokemon tower guilt trip and remembering that one scene from origins.
did the kanto and johto missions, did a few tournaments, caught the sinnoh trio, and caught the big snake. that concludes the first section of postgame, I now have to see 25/28 unown forms...hooray. stopping here for the night
To think I used to dislike Gligar/Gliscor and now I love them
Crazy how things change
male rival has an absolutely insane magmar (it knows fucking psychic btw) that nearly wiped me and I think that's a good place to stop
Uhm... it would be uh... dangerous! To allow trainers to fly! What a chaotic airspace that would create, planes could crash! And I'll read the entirety of this 539 page essay describing in detail why!
what if arceus had a dad seems a bit goofy but I guess I don't really know anything about infinity
In Unbound can you change the ball your pokemon is in? I'm one of the autists who cares about the throw out animation.
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The Myth2 devs suck. They keep farming interactions on discord with the promise to release a gameplay trailer but it hasn't happened yet. I've lost all interest in the game.
Well, not ready to fight her yet, but she's cute I guess.
Need to train a couple more mons I like. Does the EV house scale to your highest pokemon or the highest in party? Kind of annoying to swap back and forth if the former.
I don't think Golbat has ever been able to learn fly, just Crobat.
Need one more Not Kecleon and one more item
Thank God it's easy to edit the dialogue with Hex Maniac. Fuck Pokecommunity forum for being triggered by homophobic dialogue. They're bad guys ffs.
I like that it coils around in an infinity symbol.
Kek, Empire changes a man.
It does, the issue is it specifically doesn't learn Fly during the gen 3 games apparently.
They're a bunch of faggots and trannies who lose their shit over nothing, that and the site is shit.
thanks bro. infinity is basically a schizo coma dream so anything goes
that's neat, didn't notice that. it's also one of two pokemon with cosmic typing
100% done with SkyBlue. I wish I knew how to read. At least Zero Island looked cool!
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Got peer pressured into taking Ayahuasca
I’ve decided upon a plot for Pokemon Unchosen. Of course it leans into 2000s edge, because why not, that was the peak of internet culture.

It will be the greatest fan game ever, surpassing even Empire in depth and breath of dialogue and Reborn in like-ability it of the cast.
I've been in the shitcode mines for too long, and only have crests to show for it kek
I'll play this for now, I'm curious on how much has changed they've also apparently added on to the bullshit postgame since last time, and my masochism can't resist, haha...
Gonna base my types on whichever role/class/whatever I roll
>Dark knight
EdgelordGODS...it's time
Types are Steel/Ground/Dark then
iirc that's one of the later roles, so that's not great kek
wait pathways got updated
It's been at 9.0 for a good bit iirc, I just haven't played it since 7.5
I see the edge is in the mc's blood kek
>Quicksave is f8
>Speedup is f7
I'll probably change that
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The cg's new
He has more hp than I remember, h-haha...
Still ez, but really time consuming since you can only deal damage when it blocks, and have to be on the defensive every other attack after you trade special attacks
Time for my second attempt at the 2nd gym in Desolation.

People in the previous thread were congratulating me even though I lost my first attempt, kek. Should've made that part clearer.
Here we go, really wasn't hard in comparison to fights considered hard in Rebornlikes. Didn't even lose a single mon once I've switched my team around.

If this truly is the hardest fight in Desolation, I am disappointed desu.
Desolation is overall a way easier game than the other rebornlikes. It has a few annoying fights and one of the fields makes going for the special 6-0 dialogue miserable, but just playing through normally it's not tough at all. Bosses have extra dialogue if you beat them without losing a single mon, so if you want added challenge you can go for those or add a level modifier to enemy trainers with a password. Making all enemies 15% higher feels just right to me in rebornlikes.
What a beautiful screenshot. I hope you're enjoying Unbreakable Kino so far, but realistically almost anything will be fun coming off Empire.
>If this truly is the hardest fight in Desolation, I am disappointed desu.
I think it used to be, because of how overtuned it was for that point in the game, but after the nerf, it's not too bad anymore
Most of Deso's difficulty comes from trying to 6-0 autism for the dialogue, and the retarded original fields later on imo
Have the devs of these games ever looked at this place for feedback? Feel like a lot of Romhacks and RPGMaker projects wouldn't be so bad otherwise
Rumours say yes, but there’s little proof

One particular ROMhack got improved specifically to a users’ suggestions here, but there’s no way the big names like Jan or Octavius browse here. They have literal armies of worshippers
most devs just surround themselves with yesmen who will happily nod along to whatever they say and eat up the slop provided back
Admitting you lurk the evil hacker known as 4chan is taboo in those circles. Even if they did, they'd never admit it.
Very rarely some happen upon here, but I imagine the ones that visit somewhat regularly mainly view these threads as a source of entertainment rather than looking for suggestions/potential improvements and whatnot
It would be nice, but I'm sure a lot of devs just hang out in their discords ignoring/blocking any criticism
Damn wtf her sprite looks worse than the earlier versions.
the whole Tranny/Faggot not being word filtered pretty much deter them frominteracting with us.
>Here we go, really wasn't hard in comparison to fights considered hard in Rebornlikes. Didn't even lose a single mon once I've switched my team around
Deso is mostly built off the assumption you use a single team for most of the main story, with Aderyn being the only fight that pushes back on that due to how bullshit her field is
There might be some sidequest fights later on that are 'harder', but you'll have so many more resources by then. It's still a 'hard' game but only in the sense that bosses will be somewhat competent compared to like, the main series

Yeah, you can search '4chan' in any of the major discords and you'll probably see us get talked about. One Reborncord thread (the one for virtualization) talks about us all the time. As far as absorbing what we say and using it as feedback, well, haha...

Funnily the dev in this screenshot threw a huge melty over us and said we weren't worth listening to ever, but I do think RG and I posting basically our reviews into a google docs form for feedback got him to change a lot of the bad shit about his game kek, especially the side content and trainerspam faggotry, just because so many of the other reviews I saw on that google docs were just generic 'yeah this game good' bullshit
Yeah but it’s an infalsifiable assumption then. Maybe they browse 4chan. Maybe they’re leaders of a satanist pedophile cult. Maybe not. Who knows.
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Okay game, I let the intrusive thoughts win. This was the last thing I would think would happen.
It's beginning
Do you want to play something to give feedback?
That's a really cute battle UI.
I wonder when the cgs were added
Yeah, it's really neat
it's so fucking over

autists in charge of character namings
How long do I have to play odyssey before it gets good?
Apparently Odyssey got an update a little bit ago.
I forgot Pathways has been on my backlog for ages, how'd you rate the game? I recall it at least seeming interesting from your last playthrough with the whole class thing and the tutor mechanics.
GG, she really isn't that hard anymore, she and Tristan used to be complete bullshit and they filtered way too many people.
Octavius supposedly reads these threads when we play Empire but he's a hyper autistic fucking retard who has a massive ego and always thinks he's right, Ayrei has taken suggestions from the thread sneakily in some of the patches for v3 of Vanguard that I noticed during my short time replaying the early game, but past that....hmmmm...some of the things I complained about and suggested in the form for Unbreakable Ties were heeded but it wasn't in the thread, I wrote up some of the recommendations for what the game needed in Spanish in the previously mentioned form.
>Faggot talks shit saying he could 1v6 the teacher's full team
>Get forced to team with him as punishment for intentionally failing the quiz
>He gets raped by ONE pokemon while I ohko the other, then die due to the teacher focusing on CHADther
sasuga, edgyfaggot, I would've won if it was a 1v1
Couldn't even use your FIRE TYPE vs the bug/grass teacher, good job
Yeah, it's just qol and more regional forms though iirc
>how'd you rate the game?
When I played it last time, it was pretty unpolished, it seems better now though
How much you'll like the game probably depends a lot on how you like the progression though, I'm trying not to speedrun through it this time at least, so maybe my opinion will change
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I still find it hilarious everyone assumes Red's super power is just sheer unbridled battle autism.
Noyed, I like taking my time with games, so it remains to be seen how my leverage will be.
This game feels like a really elaborate genwar post.
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>Game outright says women are worse trainers than men
Uuuuh Chuddie, it’s literally Pokemon Hitler (evil team leader) saying that, so it’s obviously a false and evil thing to think.
thanks bro
>arceus prongs
never escape it
Red being mute was my headcanon sic e playing Pokemon red, it makes the most sense
My exploits are finally caching up to me, stores ain't selling me stuff no more due to the bounty in my head.
>The man in question who says this seems to really care for his wife and son and be patriot for his home of KAAAAAAAAAAAANTOOOOOO (in this game at least)
He truly is the most evil man in the planet.
He does speak in the gen 1 games thanks to the copycat.
Joskeks...it's over........
>they don't even all fit on the screen
bro designing routes like the safari zone
Fuck I nearly had a stroke writing the last post, weather shifts really fuck with my head.
Also I really hate how obnoxiously difficulty it is to time the roulette in this game for whatever reason.
Encounter bloat bros........
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Am I gonna have to babysit the boss' kid too? Shit man, I am not payed enough for this.
Also, wasn't Rocket Edition getting an update or something like that? I recall hearing it a few times.
the dragonsden one is complete, it's just missing the last two dlcs to get translated
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Oh you can heal me anytime nurse.
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You dare, ACTUALLY DARE keep the fossils that we PAYED you to get for US?! HAND THEM OVER 4 EYES!
If that kid's Charizard is god.....then my Aerodactyl will be the devil!
What makes early games comfy is that you're free to use random shitmon in battle, like non-mega Altaria, or Toxicroak. Later on, you're railroaded into using competitive mons.
A well-designed game will give you a lot of random shitmons to use early on.
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>Suspiciously semitic looking man keeping women as slaves in a shady underground tunnel
>Has a bunch of Hypnos in his disposal
Desolation is a fair lot more generous with what it lets you have early on, but the encounter pools are questionable to say the least, Dunsparce for instance is looked absurdly late as a boss for instance and they nuked Ralts and Magneton from the early game because retards whined about it.
desolation is usually easy going other then a few spikes...unless you try perfecting fights. there are two in particular that are hellish to do that for
S-surely stealing a Pokemon from Daisy w-wouldn't end up p-poorly..h-haha....
Man.....I don't wanna risk it but that Chansey.......
Oh, the edgyfaggot gets development now? all he did last time I played was be an edgelord and rise through the ranks as I did kek
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gary's gonna get his cheer squad to collectively spit on your corpse
Narcissistic kids putting up a sassy facade makes sense through
Blue actually still likes you even after this event, for some reason. He doesnt rematch you over what you did nor anything
kek, what
L-look I am sorry lady, m-my coworker has less impulse control that a nog, please understand!
Uh oh.....
I guess, but it just doesn't fit Blue.
I guess him and Daisy didn't get along.
>You can't steal the leftover Bulbasaur
From terrorism to tentacle rape, I'm not sure if that's a step up or down.
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The what now?
DuraludonGODS...we won
gardevoir is a borderline shitmon as is anything thats very frail without being fast, gatekeeping it is utterly retarded
Back, had to run half a mile into the middle of the forest in complete darkness to save one of my hens from a fox.
Yes, but Reborn trannies put it in the their heads that Gardevoir and Gallade are "le overpowered" even before Gallade gained Sharpness in gen 9 I think for no better reason than they are popular Pokemon, it's a fucking circus with those clowns.
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KAAAAAAAANTOOOOOOO bros.....my Golbat is looking weird all of a sudden.
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>Hmmmmm chuddie, did you just assume you could get Zapdos?
Gardevoir is actually decently bulky. Not being fast hurts it though
It shouldn't be kept farther back than Alakazam
>Crobat learns Acrobatics
>Kadabra evolves into Alakazam at level 33 (or via high friendship, I am not entirely sure)
>I was facing a Kadabra with my Slowpoke and it clicked Magic Coat before my Slowpoke clicked Yawn
>Slowpoke gets put to sleep and gets hurt by Nightmare despite Kadabra not clicking anything afterwards
>Koga is a commie
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Calling it a night.
>Earthquake is a TM reward for being a good boy who dindu nuffin
>I have a bounty of 40k on my head
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Myth 2 waiting room
1) Radical Red
2) Unbound
3) Vanguard
4) Myth 2
5) Myth
6) Rejuvenation
7) Reborn
8) Insurgence
9) Desolation
10) Seaglass
The fuck?
Is the trannydev attention whoring again
I forgot that the base games referred to EVs as base stats kek
seems completely useless then
>it raises IVs
...okay, whatever i guess
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Sort of, the trailer keeps being teased but never dropped.
How much you want to bet the collage is going to be screenshots with Myth slightly altered enough to make people think it's an entirely different game
Oh are you playing Pathways? Make sure to make one of your bonds 100 asap.
Probably, these developers have a tendency to bait and switch, like with Myth, Variance, Pokecommunity 2.0, and Myth 2. At the very least they lied about the C&D that Myth got.
is it that hard to scrounge up 5 minutes of gameplay footage? add some filler with the title, generic professor introduction, show off the starters, rival, etc. can the game not run long enough to get 5 minutes of footage?
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Remember when they cut ties with myth.
Why are people UOOOHHHing?
Aye, it's certainly a big step up from Empire
It's nice not to have to fiddle around with natures or IV/EVs or have to look stuff up in the PBS to figure out what kind of insane changes were made (I still think about tyrogue's base attack and defense stats being made unequal and then being asked to trade an NPC a hitmontop)
One thing that's driving me a bit mad is that there are a few pokemon that have changed (Ledian got a BST boost, Delcatty changed from mono normal to mono fairy but still kept normalize for some reason) but there's no actual list of pokemon that have been changed. I don't mind the changes but a heads up and/or list of what changed would be nice. But I guess it is still a beta
A small part of me misses how chaotic everything was when I refused to figure out what each terrain did but the rest of me values being able to just press my highest BP attack
>have shown to be liars
>will just suddenly give up and move on from a project
>intense backpedaling from doing something “new and original”
>can’t even drop a five minute trailer on time
why would anyone be excited for this
>for making fangames
I do not understand how there are "people" still excited for this sack of shit when you factor in the absolute shitshows revolving around this "game" and it's devs.
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Did the quest for Koga and got a trainer loicense so I can actually face gyms and potentially steal their Pokemon, which is pretty interesting but I don't think any of the leaders have stuff I might want.
Also, dunno if this is an oversight but the pokemart in Vermilion still sells me stuff, which is pretty neat.
Another thing I noticed is that Pokemon seemingly have ever so slightly different movepools from normal, I strated training my Sneedoking back up and he learned Poison Tail at level 23, I was hesitating in evolving my Gloom for a long while but now I'm fairly curious if Vileplume might not get horribly fucked by losing a ton of really good moves on evolution.
>Wasn't planning on stealing much anymore since my team is fairly solid
>Block has the fossils
I straight up can't steal from him yet, I assume since my rank isn't high enough, that sucks since I really wanted a Kabutops, but I did get a badge and a TM, which is neat I guess.
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>Misty hits 2 crits in a roll with her Golduck (whom I think is Water/Psychic in this hack)
>Immediately after she hits 2 Sheer Colds in a roll with her Dewgong
I am so glad nothing's changed.
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Genuinely what's the point of farming reactions or whatever they're called kek, do you even get anything out of it, or is it just the usual attention whoring mental illness shit
I'd be more surprised if it wasn't t b h, that or it eventually gets swept under the rug and anybody that talks about it gets banned kek
Oh, that mechanic got fully implemented? it was barely functional when I last played kek
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>Tfw Johto's hard, thick wood is preferred over KAAAAAAAAAANTOOOOOOOOO's
No kanto bros.......not like this....
What the fuck am I reading? Is Kanto's entire fishing industry made up of /vp/ posters? There's certainly a lot of baiting.
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>Supporting Kanto's baiting secrets gets you a shiny Magikarp
Neato, anyone wants to name the fishy? I'm gonna see if I can get one with tolerable IVs as usual.
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Oh my soiensce xisters, this evil CHUD ableist game is finally bending down to our demands of inclusivity-
>Erika immediately says she's joking
Call it orevald
>Hidden Waterfall HM
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It's not rocky enough for dat.
I haven't talked about it, but the homework bit is sovl, it's neat
Because I can't access the department store, training Chansey is pretty much impossible, gambling is a giant pain in the ass because the roulette is way too fast to time properly, cripes, I might have to put all my chips in money farming via Pickup or somethin', but my Meowth army is way too underleveled by now.
>Can't get acess to a buncha Ice and Electric mons because they just so happen to be in the same place as a legendary
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not content with having arkchaos I'm now teleported to the birth of a new universe to swipe an arceus, holy moly what an egg
make the mother of all omelets with that bitch
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Finally got my anti-CHAAAAAAAAAAARIZAAAAAAAARD measures online, anyone wants to name it?
I wonder what a divine omelet tastes like kek.
zardwrangler would be great if it fit
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He hath ascended.
Now to spend half a lifetime grinding this boy up.
Keked and named.
Maybe if I was lucky and got myself a Chansey with a lucky egg, but none of that so far, Aero has an abysmally bad EXP gain rate.
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after seeing 25/28 unown I can catch the god of them. missed opportunity to revisit the unown movie with entei but fucking no one does that or the celebi movie where it becomes an ent, which is a shame. also I can't help but dislike it has the arceus prongs, but it looks cool as fuck
>Caught yet another Chansey with amazing nature, IVs and ability
>Still no lucky egg
Is there any reward for filling your Pokedex in Desolation?
Nope, though there are some trades occasionally that require rare mons, you can get a Munchlax and Treecko later for a Pikachu and Jynx respectively.
Whiteouts: 1 (2 if you want to count the obligatory loss against Red)
Sabrina as it turns out is a massive pain in the ass, especially considering a good chunk of my team gets fucking mogged by Psychic.
your dark types?
>Tries to train in the grass
>Gets poisoned every 10 seconds
Ah the KAAAAAAAAAANTOOOOOOOOOO experience..........
Ah yes, Dark types in Kanto, let me check my options real quick, hmmmmmmmmmmm..............hmmmmmmmmm........aaaaah..........hmmmmm......s-surely there's gotta be something right?!
porygon with conversion?
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The fag somehow never showed up in his "early" area
Alolan Meowth, Ratata and Muk
Houndour (GSC)
>Training for nearly an hour nonstop on arguably one of the best spots fro grinding alongside getting some side EXP from gym battles
>Only gained 11 levels
Kek, I guess that counts, shame the cyberduck is 5k in the casino.
FireRed has none of 'em I think outside of Houndor and that's fucking postgame.
Uuuuh I only have two badges doe, isn't it to early to summon the story's legendary already?
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I really want the birds, but I have so many Flying mons both on my main team and in reserve.
Nova used to straight up summon Moltres here in previous versions and yet never used it in her team.
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become the better fuckner
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>catch the 3 honenn legends
>translate braille to open doors to regi, catch em
>bring 3 regis to another door to open it
>take 15 minutes to solve ice puzzle for regigigas
once I catch this fucker I'll be at 9/13 postgame missions, which means even more tournament wins
Did that game do anything for Regigigas's usefulness?
Was considering getting either a Tauros or Kangaskhan since I never used either in gen 1, but no fucking luck so far.
Ima shows dose birdbrained Johto schmucks who's boss!
Holy kek.
strength has a chance to increase attack in this game, that's about it
Not even a minute after I made my last post I found both a Kanga and a Tauros, better keep this big boyo away from Ariana.
>Umbreon was actually available all along
Dark bros......
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Lawds xisters.....how could they allow this?!
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Name finally payed off.
>psychic but better
Silph.co is still a horrendous pain in the ass to traverse even after all these years.
You're late yawnie shaunie, did you get BTFO'd by niggers again? Are you still butthurt no woman will ever approach you? Sad, very sad.
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won another tournament which unlocked going to space and catching the illegal alien
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Ever heard of Kill Bill? Cool movie right? Want to see a reenactment?
How many tourneys did you even go through so far? Infinity seems to fucking love 'em.
so far 5 times
Seems pretty excessive.
This game has a lot of sexo designs
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>MC is still scared shitless of Red and chickens out
She's pretty cute.
Why the fuck am I even entertaining Bill's proposition when he's proven to be a completely untrustworthy faggot throughout the game?
cult leaders are good at persuasion
Ronnie's has been nothing but a raging fucktard the entire game, can't say Giovanni ain't justified here.
I nearly forgot about that kek.
Fuck you faggot, we played a game where Cynthia was the villain and you didn't do shit. Fake Lee
The Red shit is definitely retarded desu
If you beat him in the intro the game just goes "teehee that didn't happen ;)"
Holy fucking kek
Yeah the mystery and everything is great but everything surrounding Red and even Blue in this game is way too fucking retarded.
after beating the tournament on ultra rank two times I unlocked the next mission. basically thorn put another version of himself in time out because it wanted to unleash some evil thing, but now he wants to send me in to see what he's been up to. I wasn't expecting to see this fucking thing
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lucky me, another quest without doing a tournament, I can't wa- oh.
it's one of those games.
my pokemon are gone
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hope this isn't a long segment. I'm using shitmons for this, I'm getting bitcoin from battles and the music is very chiptune
By all means kek, I don't want it
inb4 this is the second half of the game
it could be, this entire part isn't listed on the wiki
Zainbros we are so fucking BACK!
I really liked the mechanic of stealing at first but I feel as if with time, I started liking it less and less, not because it isn't good, but because the game's mechanics feel like they heavily punish you for it, you barely get anything for having a high bounty on your head, the only relevant quest that requires infamy needs you to be a hyper nignog and have a 120k bounty, the rewards for thievery are practically nonexistent and the ones from keeping a clear record are typically amazing, then the game even goes so far as to lock you out of markets too, again punish you for committing to the game's main mechanic and there's no alternative method of getting TMs and such, it feels bizarre.
Empirekeks.....it begins once more.
Wait, wasn't Infinity the fangame that randomly had digimon for whatever reason? Because hearing of a digital world and seeing that thing there between the bushes reminded me of it.
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so progress seems to be the cave, but I can't get to the cave until I find a digimon with a drill in the desert, and I can't go there until I find some blue berry for the digimon with shades. I can't find anything about this on the wiki so I'm in uncharted territory, postgame might be longer then I thought
yeah I've basically been isekai'd into the digimon world, no pokemon allowed I'm forced to build up a team of digimon. trapped in a different franchise, god have mercy on my soul
One thing I probably should have recommended is to use the 0 exp mod where you don't gain experience from battles. Makes stealing much more necessary and feels like it makes 'sense'
Unfortunately it crashes the game during a lategame part and it's pretty brutal early on
oh you did see the cynthia villain game? thanks, hope you reading the playthrough
>trapped in a different franchise
to be fair that's the case for like half of the fangames we play
Apparently there's a few events I missed but I have no clue how to start them, so Mewtwo time it is I guess.
I get the feeling this is one of those fangames who's dev doesn't like feedback.
That sounds really painful, I really just thinking the infamy system needed to be reworked and the thieving mechanic should be handled better, it feels like the game actively punishes you for exploring and doing a lot of stuff that it wants you to do.
it's a lot more fun than it sounds. obviously you'd be forced into high infamy but it gave the game what i thought was a really nice difficulty
>this week at work will be absolutely brutal, forcing me into hours of overtime if i want to get shit done on time
>will probably need to be in office most of the time
>also studying for a certain professional exam
>already dead tired just sitting at my computer
you know what time it is.....it's shitty fangame time
can't believe you even have spork on the wheel
i'm getting even more tired looking at this title screen


>Somewhere in the Pokémon mystery dungeon world, the icy kingdom of Neverwinter has a virus spreading around without anyone knowing and the king is trying to keep it under wraps by having the Neverwinter Guard kidnap sick Pokémon and locking them up to perform cruel tests on them. Which leads us to our young hero, Zack the Zoroark. his sister became sick and was taken by the Neverwinter Guard. Zack became furious and started his search for her. On his journey, he will bump into other Pokémon having a connection to the Neverwinter Guard and the king.


>* Has side quests
>* Talking protagonist
>* Some puzzles
>* And optional story content in the form of Special Episodes
this is all a game needs TEE BEE A*CK!*

because it's extra shitty even compared to the rest of them? idk anything about it only that it looks bad and the dev was a schizo
man i remember the last time i played a game with PMD portraits

i like how the pokemon here all live with things like bookshelves and human beds
this certainly is a video game alright
>intro says the zoroark is 16
>his actual level is 5
I hate IVs so much, so fucking much......
Noted, I just don't like being bottle-necked.
Hope you don't get burned out bro, that sounds really rough.
Wow, the faggot can't even stick to PMD assets, the closest to a human location I remember in PMD was the broken down powerplant, which looked like it had been broken down for an eternity.
it has literally just been nonstop cutscenes without me being able to control my character, bro I thought I was playing a pokemon game not Sony Exclusive (soon to be on PC) #4

i wonder what would happen if you lose >>56542299, would the game just bug out and softlock

eh it's fine, it only gets extremely busy like a few weeks out of the whole year for me (and is mindmeltingly boring 90% of the rest kek) so it's an alright tradeoff
>Wow, the faggot can't even stick to PMD assets,
probably tough to find actual PMD tilesets for an essentials game? i dunno
that's just the average israel vassal state living experience doe
well, on the one hand i'm glad i'm able to control my character, on the other....
>start game with a zoroark and a glaceon
>both of them only know scratch and tackle and shit
you calling me a zigger, water boy?
uhh bros....is grovylethethief 'secretly' based?
>oran berries per the item description now heal 100 HP like in PMD
>think "huh, that's retarded and doesn't sound balanced at all for regular pokemon fights like this game" but whatever
>they actually only do heal for 10 HP
nice 'surf'
even though the floatzel gets you across with aqua jet, it doesn't actually know aqua jet itself, very epic

i guess i should try and talk about the gameplay a little bit, he emulates PMD by having wild mons on the overworld and they fight you as trainer battles
the route design i guess isn't terrible or anything so far? so that's one thing
>Wanted to get a Starmie to use during some later fights
>Been trying to steal the same one for over 40 minutes and it always has extremely low IVs and a bad nature
Sometimes I regret relying on debug so much, but then I'm reminding why I rely on it in the first place.
Holy kek, Vince sure seems to like hanging around chuds huh?
i will say, the lack of any good fucking moves does mean almost every battle i get my shit rocked and am forced to run back a few maps to the one healing spot

literally my only stab is floatzel with water gun, or i guess brine if i buy the tm

ayrei popped up in that chat too...ayrei, the guy who made it so that both of the niggers in vanguard die first (and a ginger character too, spiritually black in hollywood's eyes) and has no progressive and diverse LGBTQIA+ characters in his game...
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Dynamax adventures are pretty annoying t b h, wish I could just use my shit
Godspeed, bro
>single use TMs
but actually why
nice area transition

oh and yes i know it's because PMD does it but no that's not an excuse
kek, thanks
that UI is really fun kek, would have been cool had SV done something similar since i guess it's kind of a similar premise
jesus fucking christ kek
>cutscene shows a midday lycanroc and a midnight
>the midday is even called 'day' and the midnight is called 'midnight'
>their icon in the battle is a midday lycanroc

>there's no actual midday lycanroc in the battle and instead 2 midnight lycanrocs

don't let demice see this, it'll give him ideas for how to nerf this mon in the next update of ashen frost
this fucking glaceon talks a lot of mad shit for someone who is literally completely useless

the best move it has is quick attack

god...it's worse than i thought...
She was being normal(ish) up until I hit A rank kek
Yeah, this is probably one of my favorite custom UIs desu
>a book in a library literally anyone could pull out by accident opens a gaping hole in the floor that half the pokemon are basically just looking at here
maybe it's supposed to be 'secret' like the emerald secret bases
Is that Zoroark lactose intolerant by any chance?
She looks like Amelia now that I think about it.
legitimately no clue which one he's supposed to be referring to here, is it the MC? it's implied the MC is way younger than the glaceon. would pokemon even really care about that much? idk

e-enjoy the inevitable sex scene they'll probably implement with her later, bro...
i'm just kind of boredly playing through this shit but for some reason i do remember some prompt about milk kek
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>get the blue apple
>go through the desert
>get the drill digimon, door opens
>this shit
I've had to do 7 tournaments just to get to this digital dumping ground, don't make random fights the way out
anypony else think about playing a fun game?

*raises hoof*
roll credits

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>Insert obligatory Jojo reference here
Holy fucking kek, it just gets better.
Ah trainer and battle spam, always so much fun.
>find the move reminder
>he finally lets me be able to learn STAB moves on zoroark and glaceon
>i didn't get this by levelup or anything, by just talking to the move relearner to have a halfway functioning moveset
that seems a bit scuffed
You’ve never played Spork? I thought you would might have since this game was first developed on 2016.
>pokemon battle gone wrong?!?
>go into some place called icicle cave since i forgot where to go
>first few trainers smack me around a bit, fair enough
>have to walk back four (4) whole maps to get to the healing center
why are you like this

d-don't get banned from twitch..
vince we know it's you
and no
real cocky move to have so many unlocks around fights and encounters when your game will frequently crash when starting one
>mining minigame
>you can get fossils from it
uhhhhhh...how does that work exactly, all of my party members so far have joined via story

>said mining spot is infinitely repeatable
>Mewtwo starts talking about pleasure and my muscles
>Starts spewing some weird shit about wanting me to FORCEFULLY "battle" it
>Starts talking about craving milk
I.......hmmmmm.....suddenly don't want to be here.
he did a good job with this character, it's the only one i feel anything more than a dull annoyance for (in this case, i feel extreme annoyance)
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I am scared.
i can't tell if she had a stroke or if she's mocking him

it looks like all of us in our respective games are getting fucked, in different ways
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I-I'd rather save first, but ok
a-arctica sexo...?
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ez, even with only 5 pokemon, I really need to get on that kek
>typhlosian ace gets washed
i wish i had more things to say, i mean what do you even say about this shit

kek'd and GG
>wake up
>oh yeah your family has 30 minutes left to live
Kek, I thought it might have been a poor use of words, but Mewtwo's dialogue is weirdly really kinky.
Aticuno is infamous in the first PMD for buckbreaking a lot of people due to how difficult it's fight can be (especially if you're a dumbass like me who got a Grass starter).
GG, does the game actually have fields?

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