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Rotten Pumpkin Edition

Previous Thread:

It's gonna be hard to go back to English cards after feeling Japanese ones.
Nope. Master "Set"
It's even in the name. If it doesn't have the MEW on the bottom left it is a part of a different set.
Cards with the same attacks, but different artwork, as often seen with reprints, are different cards and a part of different sets.

Unless you think that if I was doing a base set master set I should include the celebrations reprints? They're mechanically and visually more similar to their base set counterpart than baby shiny cards are, yet you'd look like an idiot if you said a base set master set should include celebrations.
There's no reason a "master" set can't be comprised of different subsets.
Unless you're thinking of trainer gallery and such then no. Just no.
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>Ordered Stellar crown stuff and a display box of One piece cards for fun because they were releasing on the same day
>Stellar crown stuff arrived on time
>One piece box still hasn't arrived and is apparently getting delayed later to october
Is this normal for one piece products? I have half a mind to just cancel the order and save the money for surging sparks or some other stuff
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That skarmory is such a nice card
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If you live in the UK then that seems to be common with Bandai TCGs in general, at least it happens often with Digimon.
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Gonna post pulls from a couple of boxes that I opened up a few weeks ago. Second box of Stellar Miracle, nothing that great once again.
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And here's Paradise Dragona, a bit better but still nothing crazy. Really like the ARs here and glad I pulled the Black Kyurem as one of my exs.
What brand are those sleeves?
>both min pulls
Whenever that happens with jap boxes, I feel like I lost. Anyone ever gotten more than 3 normals ARs or 4 normal exs?
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BCW Elite 2 Gloss finish, I think they're my favorite sleeves so far. I don't play though, just a binder collector.
I will, I'm not trying to complete the Master Set, I just want every variant of the English version of the 151 set. I'm content with it not being a Master Set.
That Kangaskhan is literally a 151 card mechanically and is essentially a counterpart just like the Zapdos, Alakazam, and Charizard Blackstar promo variants of 151.
A Master Set contains all variants within that era. Your comparison to Evolutions isn't valid. You need all the reprints within the Scarlet & Violet era. So if you really wanted to go crazy with 151 you'd had a ton of Switch Variants and potentially all the energies in Scarlet & Violet, or at the very least the Psychic ones.
Stop trying to bastardize or cheapen what a Master Set is so you can lie to yourself that you have one just because it sounds cool. Only less than 1% of people will ever obtain a Master Set. It's not for everyone, hence the word "Master".
People want a Master Set so badly but it's so difficult to obtain that instead they cope by making their definitions so they can run around with a fake master status in their head while everyone knows it's not an actual master set.
Why are collectors so pathetic?
Full Set
Extended Full Set
Complete Full Set
>207/165 + Reverse Holo's & Promo Cards mentioned in the Official Set booklet.
Complete Extended Full Set
>207/165 + All Reverse Holos & Promos & Stamped Promos & Reprints from that era
Master Set
>207/165 + All Reverse Holos & Promos & Stamped Promos & Reprints from that era, including all language variants.
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>Still altering autos
I just can't do it anon. Although that terapagos ex UPC is so tempting.
Just feeling?

Pay up paypiggies
I love how anon posted a binder page of Chamanders in the last thread without even so much as a mention or reference to a master set and immediately anons start sperging out what constitutes a master set. Lmao.
All that proves to me is even the mere sight of a slightly more completely sense shakes their reality.
this is how reverse holos should look instead of that shitty vaseline gloss
What do you get out of being a little disingenuous bitch exactly? The end of the thread already devolved into 151 master set spergary before the post you're referencing >>56534676 was made. Anyone can go and verify this themselves, don't even pretend like it wasn't related to the topic either.

>Verification not required.
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>still buying modern
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Gen Z loves fake cards…
>That Kangaskhan is literally a 151 card mechanically
Factually true.
>and is essentially a counterpart just like the Zapdos, Alakazam, and Charizard Blackstar promo variants of 151.
No, because "essentially" it's not a 151 bundle product like those others, it just released in the same SV era. Nobody cares, other than yourself, about mechanical overlap, any more than they care about an any numerically ≤151 Pokemon released in the same "era". It's $5 either way.
Once the chinks start printing cards with sexually suggestive AI generated on-model Pokemon on them I will never feel the need to buy real cards again.
They already do
>paying for AI slop
Have some self respect, man.
Your autism prevents you from understanding fabric reality.
Nice headcanon
Nice cope and seethe
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If Kangaskhan isn't apart of the 151 set, why is it on my 151 binder than?
Whatever dude, enjoy your incomplete set cope.
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>Nooooo you can't add more cards to 151!!
Watch me.
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Zippity Zap, hopefully Ninetales, wigglytuff, golem, and jynx get alternate art ex's as well.
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Do people actually don't want these in their 151 sets? It's fucking dope.
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It's almost like a sunset within the set, I don't understand the objections to their inclusion.
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I truly do wonder if Wigglytuff, Ninetales, Golem, and Jynx will get alternative arts to complete this 151 subset.
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Nice anon! I just got this card for my Base Set master set! It's mechanically and functionally the same as the base set card.
That's a big mental gymnastics leap.
If it was released during the same era, I'd agree with you, but this reprint is several eras/ gens removed from base Set.
Think of the gold energies as a sunset that interconnects all sets within a generation/ era.
Reprints won't count for 151 once Scarlet & Violet is over.
So you would then include this in a base set master set?
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And you'd include this in your base set master set?
Nah, but you're welcome to.
>are bundled with 151 cards
>are not
>are even explicitly from a different expansion

>I'm not trying to complete the Master Set
>I'm content with it not being a Master Set.
Stop trying to project your set autism unto others then
Once you realize how they were released in Japan, it becomes without question they're 151 variants.
Stop being shit a collecting cards, poor boy.
reminder that OBF charmander ETB promo is part of the new SCR illustration rares, so technically darkzard is 151 as well :^)
Yeah but mechanically it's Obsidian Flames Charmander and not 151 Charmander.
Which is a shame because the Squirtle & Bulbasaur are mechanically 151 variants.
It would of been nice to have that entire subset as a 151 subset, unfortunately it crosses into two different sets. An actual shame because the Pidgey theme fits 151 perfectly.
Mechanically ya'll bunch of homos
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>makes excuses to include otherwise unrelated cards in 151 set
>also makes excuses to exclude mechanics that are literally sold inside 151 products
wew lad
holy shit fuck off you absolute autist
Lads how many booster boxes is too much. I'm trying to complete the Stellar Crown Master Set. Only opened one so far
buy singles
Nah that goes at the back of the binder.
Still in the 151 binder though.
They get to hangout with the energies and code cards.
>no u
>pocket general is already long forgotton
They look very related, for being unrelated anon.
See >>56537051
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I just buy the cards I liek :))))
If you didn't pull the cards yourself, you cheated not only the game, but yourself.
>t. inheritance boy
>Comparing vintage to modern
Yeah, sorry, not picking up what you're putting down. V. Strawman.
I heard my LGS owner bitching many times about how late One Piece boxes always arrive, even wondering if they'll even get any at all. It seems to be a general problem with that card game in particular.
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>buy skarmory card on ebay
>says delivered
>wasnt anywhere in my mailbox
>ebay is probably going to blame the seller even though it mightve been a porch pirate
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I love 151
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Did someone say O n e F i f t y O n e?
So then any cards that don't have the MEW moniker on the bottom left are not a part of the 151 master set. Glad we cleared it up lest you be a hypocrite.
>©1995, 96, 98
Looks vintage to me! Guess this should also go in the Base Set master set.

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