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>cartoon animal chuds really thought that the physical/special split would save their precious mightyena and zebstrika
>”b-but muh karen!!!"
>"b-but everything's LE USABLE in LE PLAYTHROUGH!!!"
There's a reason only zoophiles like these shitmons.
>"y-you're just a hater stop making fun of my lapras that I leave to rot in the box along with meganium because it's so shit!!!"
Dilate and 41%.
I like to smell grass types
u will never be yawnchad
t. cries over the type chart because their shitty cartoon animal (see: Lapras) got raped by a monster (see: Pikachu).
least obvious falseflag
i like to smell poison types
>another falseflag yawnie thread
You're not going to make vp stop hating you by spamming schizo threads yawnie downie
threadly reminder /vp/ would in nearly all cases shoot yawnfaggot if they had the chance. I knew you fellas weren’t so bad
sabor PLEASE ban ribby she's sending me nudes again
yawnie on an extendo-meltie
That poll fried his mind.
Anyway, how come mods never delete his genwar threads? They are rule breakers
damn i hated it when the physical special split introduced in gen 4 did not help my zebstrika introduced in gen 5
>that redesign again
your shitty redesign looks like shit and is disconnected from the previous more than samurott. The prevos always had their bodies majority blue, just getting darker. Yours went black, which Samurott just went with a darker blue as its main color. The """redesign""" gets even darker by poorly using what was just claws+stylized gloves on dewott to make it an undercoat color for no reason, while the previous two stages had the darker color as an upper layer in their fur. It also flipped the top-lighter-than-bottom" design that the previous two had for no reason.
Regular Samurott makes it seem like the fur tufts of dewott took over the whole body, as well as progressing from bubble-like "protection" with oshawott, a more robust samurai-apprentice "skirt" with dewott, and fully fledged armor on samurott. Yours abandons this by keeping the shells to two and just adding the helmet, which looks worse and less believable for no reason, while mixing use of warm and cool colors in a way that does not mix well at all, revert claws to white, revert ear color, ruin mustache-face geometry completely, ruin light sources, make running look stupid, and make it a COMPLETELY different animal order entirely; all for what benefit exactly? To address a gripe you have that could be fixed with some better Samurott animations? A slight tweak even?
It's bad because it looks like a fucking mole for no reason, while completely having shitty colors and shitty geometry all over. It's lazily made. Why is its skin suddenly black? Why did it ditch the sheaths of proper shape, which are a natural next step. Why is it an awkward fusion of cool and warm colors? Why are the shadows coming from inconsistent directions? Why is the mustache more akin to plaster in an unnatural position, with it somehow becoming the face? Why is the ear randomly contrasting? Why is the helmet so deformed? How can it even get around any better than base Samurott when base Samurott stands? You could have simply made Samurott with those proportions without changing everything else and it would have been fine. But that would be too much cognitive dissonance for you. You'd have to answer tough question like "is it a redesign if Samurott can already stand?" But you don't wanna do that. Instead, you made an intentionally shitty design and continuously shitpost about it being better than the official when it's obvious it's a downgrade.
nah the redesign is objectively better
>Physical/Special split

Hi bait-nigger, just thought I'd mention that Zebstrika didn't even fucking EXIST until AFTER the Physical/Special split.
>split is fundamentally wrong somehow because mon viability got reshuffled
>mons only exist to be competitively viable
>animals bad
>fursuits good (probably)
>pits oldgenfags against one another
>hating literally any of those designs
>seething about samurott for no reason, shilling retarded redesigns
Yawnfag is confirmed the heap of all bad opinions on the board. let me guess, forced exp all is good? Dexcut good? Zodiac theory lives? Imagination theory lives? You ought to have been permabanned upon birth papers.
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Then explain how after I just dissected it to be the worst redesign I've ever seen, point by point>>56541445>>56541447
you didn’t dissect anything and your copypasta has been debunked multiple times, sagie.
how can people be such losers and still not kill themselves
>you didn’t dissect anything
Translation: you're blind
>your copypasta has been debunked multiple times
No it hasn't. Your copypasta'd image has been BTFO'd multiple times, and you just seethed about it every time.
they probably would except the attention they get on /vp/ makes them feel like they still have some power in their life
What is yawntard trying to accomplish desperately shilling ugly fakemon?
>Translation: you're blind
said the person who thinks samurott is a good design, kek

>No it hasn't
yes it has

>Your copypasta'd image has been BTFO'd multiple times
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>you disagree so you're bad
I have an argument while you don't. There is no objective criticism you can give me that makes Smaurott a "bad design".
>yes it has
then show me where it has
yah, it has. see>>56541445>>56541447
*objectively worse, in fact, I'm sure you made it intentionally so just for the bait. Great example of >>56537708 regardless.
>objectively worse, in fact
It can use its swords while walking so nah
That makes no sense, just like that redesign.
And so can the original, what now?
>sagie is so retarded he legitimately can’t tell the difference between claws and handheld tools
see>>56541748, especially the second gif

It makes no functional difference. A quadrupedal creature can frequently run on three legs with ease if it needs to hold something.
A difference that makes no difference is not a difference.
kys Raphael "faggot" Borg
I really can't tell what the hell you are trying to say but what the fuck is going on with that pikachu?
>It makes no functional difference
It’s cute that you think this.

>A quadrupedal creature can frequently run on three legs with ease if it needs to hold something
1. No it can’t
2. You know what would be even better? Being able to hold TWO things and being bipedal rather than being quadrupedal for literally no benefit.
>It’s cute that you think this.
State the functional difference then, aka your whole argument.
>no it can't
that archived thread proved otherwise with two gifs so try again
>being able to hold two things and being bipedal
good thing that same thread included an image of Samurott doing just that. It has the best of both worlds of locomotion. I'm still waiting for your actual grievances about the design. All I've got are non-issues you convinced yourself change something when they demonstrably don't.
bort thread
i like to smell fire types
>le ebin "I responded to no one to pretend I wasn't BTFO"
You could tell from the tranny obsessing.
>samefag spam because it's so butthurt
You're supposed to camp outside.
>thread breaks three rules
>instigiating a flamewar
>never gets deleted
Yawnmod, you are so pathetic
>still spamming angrily
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Thoughts on this, yawnfag?
>still kwabbing
>seething intensifies
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Three times! Every time!

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