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Now that the dust has settled, I'm glad we can all admit this game didn't live up to the hype and was actually pretty bad.
It's a game for babies just like the rest of gen IX and VIII
it’s a spinoff. I’m not sure discussion of it should even be allowed in this board
It has the right idea. But the execution is lacking.
did anyone on this board even played this game? the only screenshot of it i could find in the archive was 1 or 2 post in the shiny hunter threads.
It’s only popular with the trans community on twitter. No one less remembers this shit exist.
> It’s only popular with the trans community on twitter
ah, that explain why shinyfags like this game so much then lol
It's a fucking SLOG. Slow-ass start, lots of cutscenes, and repetitive ones at that (lol potato mochi dinner time) can't go to the next area until you've grinded for the next starwhich involves tedious shit like watch bidoof fart 5 times. The worlds are also empty and ugly as sin. The volcana island looks like fucking baked beans. And don't get me started on the boss fights where its easier to just throw bags then ever have to send in a pokemon.
Garbage game overpraised by people starved for some kind of win from game freak
Because thats the only activity to do once the 10 hour campaign is over
It's just a glorified extremely tedious VN with a rolling minigame
>live up to the hype
There was no hype, the game had some of the worst marketing of any Pokemon game and pretty much the entire internet was skeptic about it based on the shitty trailers' only noteworthy trait being the atrocious performance. It wasn't until leaks and people actually playing it that the game being good was apparent.
But keep trying to spin the fake narrative.
Wrong people were excited at the prospect of open world pokemon and normies though it was the botw pokemon style. People were dying for it to leak to experience the new gameplay style.
The trailers did suck though, they only ever showed the kleavor boss and some super vague shit
It's a pokemon game. They're all basically the same.
Currently playing it right now and i gotta say that it's not the worst game in the franchise but it isn't the best either. Whoever made the "catch 20 Pokemon without being spotted" thing deserve to be shot however
all of you haters still seething about goated legends god arceus game and legends ZA are about to be BTFO'D again when said game comes out lmfaoo stay mad bitches LOL
no one gives a shit about legends, it’s a trash beta test.
I had fun
where did this meme that PLA is a VN come from, I didn't find the dialogue/cutscenes to be that intrusive at all. and it's wayyy better than some mainline games like SM. I guess if you just rush through the main story and sidequests it might feel that way, but if you actually spend time filling out the Pokedex in between missions it has a perfectly fine gameplay:dialogue ratio imo.

idk I feel like a weirdo sometimes for actually enjoying the Pokedex completion, it was my favourite aspect of the game so I spent a lot of time on it during the story. it was exactly the kind of grind that scratches my autism itch
> Now that the dust has settled
But you JUST kicked it back up
> I'm glad we can all admit
/vp/ collectively agreeing on one (1) thing.
kek. my sides.
>this game didn't live up to the hype
what hype? As soon as screenshots appeared it was immediately and unabashedly shit on for looking like a [insert old console here] game
>and was actually pretty bad
Bad by what standards? By Switch Pokemon game standards, it remains the best one. PLZ-A
might be better. But I'm not holding my breath.
Hi verlis
There's an insane amount of dialogue and cutscenes, way more than SM. And unlike SM, there's no batting, no training, barely any fun in catching pokemon. You crouch behind a pokemon, throw a pokeball to it, roll around like an idiot, wow such gameplay. PLA is some weird gacha/VN hybrid and it just fails at everything it tries to do.
>And unlike SM, there's no batting, no training, barely any fun in catching pokemon.

Man people really can just make shit up on the internet. Do better, you won't be able to ace your English if you string together random words like this
People who play things besides pokemon know PLA is trash.
Other way around, it's the people that only play mainline Pokemon who get filtered by something different that hate it
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>was actually pretty bad.
Yea i agree it was.
The sad part is, it was still by far the best Pokemon game of the last decade.
No wonder they were so afraid of Palword, creating a massively superior game in just one attempt.
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>lowest sales
>only 20 new pokemon
>ugliest starters
>ugliest legendaries featuring: pink trans genie and squidward dialga
>only 5 landmarks across the entire region
>no online
>no abilities
>1 city hub
>only 12 trainer battles in the entire game
>smaller dex than gen 2
>shittiest battle facility across the series
>less moves than rby
>instantly abandoned by GameFreak for SV
>no replayability because the first 3 hours are nothing but boring cutscenes and tutorials
>the only people who defend this garbageheap are transgender twitter faggots who simp for Volo (aka trans cynthia) and pajeet shills
Is there a bigger fucking flop than shitsui?
>4 games
>still btfo by swshit
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I really liked it and it's on of my favorite Pokemon games. I wish there were more battles, more story lines and postgame though. Also more Volo!
I just got it for my birthday, and I've been playing it a ton since. It's genuinely the best Pokemon game in the franchise, it isn't generic "go fight the gyms and trainers for badges and the champion title" shit, it goes back to the roots of the franchise where the focus is catching pokemon and studying them as well as creating bonds between pokemon and humans.

It is, bar-none, the best Pokemon game I've ever played. It embodies the spirit of adventure that Gen 1 tried to give you and doesn't put you on storyshit railroad like gens 3 onward do where you have to spend 30 minutes sitting through NPcs chattering on about shit you don't care about every 5 seconds and there aren't artificial roadblocks keeping you out of areas.

Like, I was exploring some caves and found a big obvious roadblock. I was like "oh I can't go here until I do the story stuff" but then thought "Fuck it let's throw graveller at it just to see" and lo and behold it came down, I got some iron ore, and was able to keep exploring. This is the good shit, this is what Pokemon SHOULD be. You should be on an ADVENTURE, not a shitty railroad with a poorly-written "story" and godawful NPCs who interrupt you every 3 seconds to spout exposition.
>It's a fucking SLOG. Slow-ass start, lots of cutscenes, and repetitive ones at that (lol potato mochi dinner time)
They're nowhere near as bad as the ones in Gens 5/6/7 and the game largely leaves you alone to fuck off and do your own thing.
>can't go to the next area until you've grinded for the next star
It's incredibly easy to get stars. I was at Star 3 before I even crossed the first bridge.
>The worlds are also empty and ugly as sin
There's plenty to do because of the pokemon and they look fine, I don't know what you're on about.
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>where you have to spend 30 minutes sitting through NPcs chattering on about shit you don't care about every 5 seconds
>They're nowhere near as bad as the ones in Gens 5/6/7
Do shitsui jeets actually play the slop they shill or are they reading from a marketing memo?
>lumping gens 5 and 6 in with 7
those are not even remotely comparable
They absolutely are. Gen 5 stops you every 5 seconds for an unskippable cutscene or to have a shitty NPC ramble in your ear about inane bullshit.

How much of that video is actual cutscenes, and how much of it is gameplay leading up to or after them like boss fights? Because I've seen maybe 3 cutscenes, I'm about 20 hours in, and I haven't even touched the Kleavor fight.
Glad you're having fun with it, but I found the game to get exponentially more monotonous as it goes on. It's the opposite of the core games in where those are at their worst around the beginning.
>Gens 5 AND 6
don't lump gen 5 with kaloshit. The DS alliance is as strong as ever. Pt/HGSS/BW/B2W2 is the Golden Age.
You can't join our club, XY.
dialogue boxes, cutscenes, and tutorial battles.....what a fucking piece of a shit
>its so good goys
>thats why i never talk about it
yeah, sure…
>It embodies the spirit of adventure that Gen 1 tried to give you and doesn't put you on storyshit railroad
I didn't feel like I was out on adventure why tranny cyrus ordered me to watch bidoof bark 20 times until I got my permit to enter the next zone
tere's tons of gameplay in that video lmfao, did you even watch it? of course you didn't. you're also not accounting for the fact that there's plenty of gameplay in between cutscenes, unless you literally just rush from mission to mission without doing any other content.
But enough about XY.
there isn't. just a handful of forced NPC battles through tutorials

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