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What do you like about Starmie
It's design and shiny and movepool and the anime episode and uhh everything top20 mon for sure
That it's like a giant shuriken and spins to attack
the french voice
Staryu's voice is better
What does french staryu sound like?
i love starmie competitively. it's so cool that it could be an offensive powerhouse or an obnoxious stall machine. of course it got powercrept eventually but at least it got a some new toys like flip turn
>YouTube kids
Fuck off
You won't believe it when you find out who pokemon target audience is.
That it goes “HIYAH!”
nostalgic millennials?
nah, they don't consume as much as you think
Real audience and target audience are different things. That's one of the few things Digimon has going for it: the series has generally grown up with the audience, at least as far as the games are concerned.
When I was a dumb baby I downloaded NetBattle and got absolutely mollywhopped by a Starmie, which my ten year old brain considered a totally unremarkable Pokemon. Ever since then I've just sorta thought it was rad and wound up using it a bunch during the brief time I played comp Pokemon.

Besides it's got a glowing crystal core and shoots thunderbolts and ice, it's pretty sick.
That's Staryu:

I like that anon that really likes starmie
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I always liked it. Starmie has that gen one strangeness about it. If it was made today it would have a smiley face and super hero tights.
Even when happy he screams violently.
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>Sick ass alien design
>Amazing movepool
>Good typing
>Good stats
>Kino voices in the anime
What is there not to like?
Like Ditto and Machamp?
No, Starmie is based on ultraman, therefore if it was made today it would be the gayest shit imaginable, like a literal yellow cartoon star with a wooper face and tights...
give water shuriken.
nothing because it's literally my mom's starfish
Doubt that would be the case.
What’s so strange? No eyes?!
It's fucking cool
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simple but elegant design
Starmie has always been satisfying to use. He can recover, rapid spin, and has great coverage. Love starmie
It’s a nice Pokémon
>good special attack
>movepool that other mons would kill for
>cool design with good colors
>usually good animations, with the back spinning and all that
if illuminate was swapped with a better ability like regenerator or somethng that fit it as a starfish or cosmic force then it would easily be in the top 3 gen 1 mons
Illuminate not boosting beam moves pr lowering evasion makes me seethe, like dod keen eye really need a clone
Unironically yes. Name another pokemon line with no eyes. Roggenrola is the only one besides some of the ultra beasts, which are deliberately weirder and still have mostly humanoid shapes anyway.
the SPIT set
It's funny how 2 of misty's pokemon change voice genders when they evolve staryu goes from a masculine voice to a feminine one and it's backwards for goldeen and seaking
I like how symmetrical Starmie is.
Water/Psychic that can learn Thunderbolt and Ice Beam
Zubat has no eyes, golbat and crobat obviously do though
Let me rephrase then. No eyes or face. Zubat still has a face with ears and a mouth. It doesn't look alien or inorganic at all unlike Staryu and Starmie. Roggenrola just has a gaping hole instead of a face, and Boldore is somewhat similar but has more bilateral symmetry that vaguely resembles a nose and eyes. Gigalith just straight-up has eyes and a mouth.
Ice Beam
I think if Starmie was made in modern gens it'd be psychic/rock or steel since nowadays lives in water doesn't equal water type like before. Also golduckfags like to say Starmie doesn't seem like a psychic type but imo it fits that type more than it does water, it looks more like an ancient mystical artifact than it does a living organic being
its a really good special sweeper with a nice dual typing and coverage.
otherwise I wouldn't have really cared for it, but in animation its quite interesting which makes up for its pretty basic design
One of the greatest and deserves some buffs in the next game it’s in.
He spins and says HIYAH, that's pretty cool. Probably the genesis of the unnecessarily-pushed Water type power level, for better or worse- mon has a learnset like a Normal type.

>the series has generally grown up with the audience
I'm so sorry to hear Digimon fans are all dead, though that explains a lot.
Anything with BoltBeam access is automatically good.
It's their ears believe it or not
Is this bubblebeam or power gem
Maybe Signal Beam?
Fuck this cunt, GF really thought it was a good idea to have the SECOND GYM leader's ace be a ridiculously fast FEP with Icebeam so it can OHK your Ivysaur.
here you go
Starmie feels like one of those gen 1 mons gamefreak inexplicably hates.
it certainly didn't get much love in the anime, either
Starmie doesn't have ice beam
>looks cool
>neat typing
>Bolt Beam

Shame the anime made Misty's a jobber.
It's also Lumineon 's favorite prey kek. In new snap it gets bullied by Tentacruel and Lumineon
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I’m a little confused how Staryu/Starmie were allegedly some Ultraman designs. Its just the color timer I guess. Starmie was rad in gen 1/2, never had a chance to use it much since then though.

It would be neat if it had a mega. Give it a design like Pestar, two stars holding hands.
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Staryu and Starmie are pretty cool, I'd like to use it in playthroughs without trading but just about the only game where you can get one early enough without going out of your way is GSC/HGSS
pretty art
Looks weird
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I wish there were more (and better) cards for it, artwise. It has some decent cards, but none good.
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that it does not have the horrible tube feet of real starfish
why just WHY
looks like puddy lol
and very pretty
I like the red and purple but this would of been so cool
Did mega starmie get leaked

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