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I can’t find a flaw
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>yet another masterpiece of a region that’s gonna be bastardized in a shitty ball throwing simulâtes that only apeal to people that hate pokemon
plass was a mistake
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>nooooo! you can only give an isulting nickname to thé games i dislike! not to those that i like!
cry about it plakek
>Berry trees still die
>all based posts
Sagie is NOT gonna like this
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>I can’t find a flaw
hey the Red version is on the RIGHT this time, that's something.
We get it you cocksuck your childhood game and turn a blind eye to any possible flaw it has like the spoiled vermin you are. There's the thread.
Pokemon appearing in a Pokemon game, is in fact, not a flaw.
but enough about unovabortions
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die sagie
No I don't care that you hate PLA but the fact that you're so obsessed about it you can't help but bring it up in every thread you're in is kinda sad.
kek the seethe causes the infighting, Kalos is shit in a vacuum. There, bomb away in 3...2....
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The most forgettable gen
samefagging sagetard change your whatsapp filenames retard
>I can't refute the founded flaws in the images
didn't post either, get to it
“I can’t remember it”, is in fact, not a flaw.
"it's negative qualities lead to most people not remembering it as a result/symptom" is in fact, a valid flaw
>i-it has negative qualities it's just a coincidence I can't actually name any
the yawnfag doth protest too much, methinks
I don't understand the context
Ugly graphics and music
>masterpiece of a region
jesus fucking christ you cannot be real
You have to be a good game to have a flaw
Much ‘zard
it's flaws have literally been discussed for a decade, since the game came out. you know this and have deliberately chosen to ignore the criticism so that you can keep this conversation going. but nobody else wants to keep repeating themselves over and over again ad nauseum, it's only you who can't let it go.
I didn’t ignore the images. It’s just that the images don’t actually show any flaws.

>it's flaws have literally been discussed for a decade
* The most forgettable Rivals/Friends/Gym Leaders/E4/Champion/Villain/Villain Team.
* Super Easy
* The most pathetic rematches against Gym Leaders/E4/Champion.
* Only 72 new pokémon
* Santalune forest and Viridian Forest
* Snorlax roadblock
* 12 out of 28 megas introduced in XY were kanto megas and only 1 Kalos mega (in ORAS)
* Legendary hunt only has one Kalos mon. It has Mewtwo and Kanto birds
* Pidgey is always the first wild encounter
* Gift Mega Kanto Starter
* Gift Mega Lucario
* Mewtwo and Zard get two megas
* Lysandre is a copy of Cyrus
* Team Flare is first encountered the exact same way as Team Rocket was, right down to picking one of two fossils
* Lysandre labs is a copy of the Rocket hideout with the spin tiles and elevator key hunt
* Poké Ball Factory shares several similarities with the Silph Co in Saffron City: both places are involved in creating Poké Balls, are located in the same city or town as the sixth Gym of the region, get taken over by a villainous team at some point, and both companies' presidents reward the player with a Master Ball after driving the villainous team out of the building.
* Immigrants from or tourists to Kanto talking about how great it is
* The kalos regional dex is made up of kanto pokemon more than any other region (Kanto: 111 (24.2%), even more than fucking kalosmons who make up 15.7%)
*the first of many obligatory generational gimmicks
*native Pokemon are excluded from said generational gimmick
*box legends have zero lore
*bloated encounter tables
*not a single interesting trainer battle in the game
*another shitty circle region but with somehow even less interesting landmarks
*lumiose blackout when the lights are obviously still on
*anything that could be called a dungeon is braindead
*literally nothing to find in the postgame beyond one of the aforementioned braindead “dungeons” and the first of several reskinned battle towers
* It created the most autistic, self-inserter and toxic anime fandom
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Too short. That's literally all that's wrong with it. The worst thing you can say about gen 6 is it was so good you want to stay with it longer.
You can tell it's the best because it makes the schizos seethe most despite saving the series after the flop era nearly crashed it with no survivors.
>No Battle Tower
Big flaw
>* The most forgettable Rivals/Friends/Gym
“I can’t remember it”, is in fact, not a flaw.

Instead it has a better version of the Battle Tower with more formats. Not a flaw.
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The worst villain ever
Battle Chateau is objectively worse than the Battle Tower
Then good thing it has the Battle Maison too, huh?

Nope. Cyrus is worse.
I skipped it
For a game about megas there are only two megas you can use until the postgame, and that's really odd
This game and BW/BW2 are so bad
same, SM are perfect too
>inb4 zoomzoom
I'm 36 and don't care for BW
>all those boring minigames
Ghetto mario party lmao
Cyrus actually has a character unlike the red haired copycat
sm are the worst games in the series.
there was no shauna sex scene :(
also the game was kind of short
Imagine being a c*rdie.
“spirit le bad” isn’t a character
So we learned once again that Kaloskek pretends there are no flaws, gets presented with flaws like every game, and proceeds to say that there are no flaws. See you tomorrow.
>[intentional simplification of the character] isn't a character
Try again, Cyrus's motivations make perfect sense given his personal experience and his logic steps at least make sense, while Lysandre's do not.
"it is inherently hard to remember due to not being good" is in fact, a a valid flaw.
yeah, way better than crystal
> Try again, Cyrus's motivations make perfect sense
“my parents were mean to me so I want to kill everyone :(“ doesn’t make any sense, sagie.

>it is inherently hard to remember due to not being good
And yet you can’t actually reference any ways the game is bad. Curious, sagefag.
>gets presented with flaws
“pokemon are in the game” and “I can’t remember it” aren’t flaws
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That ridiculous "argument" used only by kalosperm is the most pathetic form of coping I've ever seen. Just because XY isn't memorable doesn't mean you can't recognize its characters as if you had amnesia or Alzheimer's, they're just so bland, boring or ugly that they don't leave a good memory and you even forget their names, and the latter is something that happens very often in the fandom with XY chars.
>it is inherently hard to remember due to not being good
You remember and post about it every day and had a list of like 30 complaints saved.
>tranny hates kalos
wtf gen 6 is now based
>held items aren't gimmicks
>falling for ironic shitpost tweets that are making fun of you
>TiErNo iS gOD
>GeN 6 iS bAsEd
this but unironically
Kalos fans consistently only want to argue Gen 6 is better than Gens 4 and 5, the gens they consider the worst in the series, some going as far as to say those gens were when Gamefreak forgot how to make proper pokemon games. That doesn't tell me Kalos itself is good. You never try to tell me how Gen 6 stacks compared to Gens 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, or 9. All Kalos fans ever tell me is that Kalos is third from the bottom.
Cute headcanon.
Point proven.
The jealousy towards the DS games has to be studied.
Victim complex is studied alot.
It's fun, megas are based, good designs, good multiplayer.
"emotions cause all suffering so I should eliminate all emotions and make a new world myself" is obviously wrong, but makes sense for a villain. "I want to preserve beauty by ruining everything and preserving only the ugliest retards" doesn't make sense in any way.
>can't reference
done many times ITT. The characters are so bad they give you no reason to remember them, so most people don't. They're just written retardedly.
"the way pokemon were used in the game in some cases was wrong" is a valid flaw
"it is inherently hard to remember due to not being good" is in fact, a a valid flaw
Stop putting unrelated words in people's mouths to pretend there are no flaws
People have to force themselves to replay it because all they remember is that there was no enjoyment out of it. The complaints are copy pasted because you still have no refuted them.
Held items aren't gimmicks.
Agree to disagree. I like a handful of designs, including some Mega designs, I think most are pretty shitty. This is subjective, so don't seethe. Multiplayer is overrated but still good. This is because when there's a standout good feature to lift the gen up, its fags prop up its importance when it isn't really.
Introduced 3D models, the exact point at which pokemon lost its SOVL
based and truthpilled
>samefag seething due to lack of an argument
Meds and BBC
>but makes sense for a villain
"my parents were mean to me so I want to kill everyone :(" makes zero sense for a villain, sagie.

>I want to preserve beauty by ruining everything
Cutting the population and creating more resources isn't ruining everything, sagie.

>done many times
Nope. Which is why you need to keep resorting to non-arguments like "I-I can't remember them even though I seethe about this game on a daily basis"

>"the way pokemon were used in the game in some cases was wrong"
You haven't explained how it was wrong, sagie.
>"it is inherently hard to remember due to not being good"
You haven't explained how it's not good, sagie.

>Stop putting unrelated words in people's mouths to pretend there are no flaws
I don't have to pretend anything, sagie. You literally can't reference any flaws.

>People have to [FANFIC]
meant to respond to
cordie samefag thread
>my parents were mean to me so I want to kill everyone
You mean "emotions cause all suffering so I should eliminate all emotions and make a new world myself"? Yeah, makes sense for a villain. Meanwhile, Lysandre doesn't.
>cutting the population
nuking the region/world decreases people AND resources, dumbfuck. It ruins what's left of the world to be less beautiful in every metric. on top of that, he values the EXPERIENCING of beauty, yet his plan is to reserve it for the most retarded and ugly people only who are spoiled from being rich. His plan shouldn't make sense in his own head as a businessman.
So this is your endgame huh. Ask for flaws, get them, call them non-arguments by putting words in people's mouth because you can't actually refute them, and continue pretending XY is flawless. Go ahead and prove them wrong instead of just saying they do't exist ITT. Speaking of....
>You haven't explained x2
It's been posted. You've just ignored. Here you go>>56542462>>56542851
>You can't reference any flaws
So this is your endgame huh. Ask for flaws, get them, call them non-arguments by putting words in people's mouth because you can't actually refute them, and continue pretending XY is flawless. Go ahead and prove them wrong instead of just saying they do't exist ITT
Spend any time on the internet and you'll know XY is unpopular for this reason on all sites and all corners of the fandom>>56542564
No, I responded to the right guys, which are >>56545292>>56545300
>emotions cause all suffering
They don't though. Did the writers make me want to think Cyrus is a retard? If so they succeeded.

>nuking the region/world decreases people AND resources
Nope. If he kills a bunch of people there are more natural resources for the people left.

>get them
Never happened, sagie.

>It's been posted

>Spend any time on the internet and you'll know XY is unpopular
It isn't unpopular though, sagie.

>No, I responded to the right guys,
No you didn't, sagie. Next time you samefag don't make your posts exactly 1 minute apart.
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>ctrl + f "sagie"
>11 results
mind: broken
>sagie posting gay fetish images
>They don't though
Yes they do. World without emotions = no suffering possible
>if he kills a bunch of people
not by sniping. He's setting off a nuke that will destroy the region as well if at full power. That eliminates the beauty he's trying to preserve, which is inherently stupid.
>Never happened
Ignoring doesn't mean they stop existing, kid. Neither does screeching schizophrenically about boogeymen.
Ignoring doesn't mean they stop existing, kid. Neither does screeching schizophrenically about boogeymen.
>It isn't unpopular
Yes it is. I reference proof. What's your rebuttal?
>No you didn't
Yes I did. I pointed out two guys who are obviously the sam while pretending to be different people.
>"my parents were mean to me so I want to kill everyone :(" makes zero sense for a villain
>cordie posts her Crystal one
>yawn chad posts y
70+ replies
How sad :(
>World without emotions = no suffering possible
thanks for admitting your retardation
three bullets for yawnfag
3 hours with no response and counting.
you get the exp share very early in the game and it makes your team feel uneared. there's no new areas to explore after you beat the story. there's way too much unskippable fucking dialogue that slows the game to a crawl (though this is an issue with every pokemon game from bw onward). the incredibly expansive online modes that the game is built around on every level are no longer functional (though this is not the game's fault).

the new pokemon designs in this gen were really good though, so were the new IV breeding mechanics. it also looks really good for a 2013 3ds game; all of the areas with alt camera angles are super well curated, you can tell the artists worked hard and were proud of it
>you get the exp share very early in the game and it makes your team feel uneared
But you do earn it. Not a flaw.

> there's no new areas to explore after you beat the story
Why would there need to be new areas after the story when there are new areas during the story? Not a flaw.

>there's way too much unskippable fucking dialogue that slows the game to a crawl
Nope. It’s significantly less than Gen 5. Not a flaw.

>the incredibly expansive online modes that the game is built around on every level are no longer functional
But the game isn’t built around it on every level and the game still has tons of content. Not a flaw.
>Nope. It’s significantly less than Gen 5.
And? That doesn't tell us anything.
It tells us a lot, actually.
You don't particularly respect Gen 5 in the first place so no it really doesn't.
>Battle Maison
Ah yes, the only battle facility fungus with their electrical impulses connected to the A button could get high streaks on until SS. It doesn't help that's one of the two brand new formats, and it cut WiFi from the previous games (and technically Japanese Crystal) meaning that even if every other one worked as intended (they don't) it would still only be equal to shit like DP or BW.
>saying this when swsh exists and whatever the fuck gen 9 was
It does, actually.

>Ah yes, the only battle facility fungus with their electrical impulses connected to the A button could get high streaks on
Evidently not, since most people here never cleared it.

>they don't
They do.

>it would still only be equal to shit like DP or BW
DP and BW’s don’t have triple and rotation battles.
Let me break it down for you since you're so slow. You constantly argue Gens 4 and 5 are the worst gens ever in every way you can think of. Your only arguments for Gen 6 being good is that it beats Gens 4 and 5. That simply does not tell me anything as the entire rest of the series beats Gens 4 and 5 too according to you.
>Evidently not, since most people here never cleared it.
Most people here haven't read the optional dialogue in Platinum that explained Pokemon shrink, and that's about as mechanically engaging as Triples in Gen 6. If you would like though I can give you a screenshot of my ORAS triples streak if you need evidence.
>They do.
So you're saying it's totally fine that the AI gets lobotomized by FEAR? Because I don't think it's fine that BW caused issues in singles with Truant Skill Swap Durant. Thankfully, the only way to legitimately get Truant Durant is no longer available so I'm willing to let it slide in Gen 5. On the other hand, it is available in XY and it isn't fixed in Gen 6's version, so unfortunately it doesn't work as intended. Unless you think it's intended to fuck over the AI that hard, in which case we agree that it's the easiest battle facility.
>DP and BW’s don’t have triple and rotation battles.
You're correct, they have
>Singles (which as established earlier BW has some issues with True Ant)
>Two Flavors of Multis
>Wifi (given this is also singles the BW problem technically exists but due to the weird nature of what player teams are like the meta could at least evolve to attempt to counter it)
While XY has
>Singles (ruined by True Ant)
>Doubles (ruined by FEAR)
>Triples (ruined by FEAR even more)
>Rotations (can theoretically solve the True Ant issue but I haven't extensively tested so I'll give you it)
>Two flavors of Multis (can theoretically solve the FEAR issue but I haven't extensively tested so I'll give you it)
So like I said, given Triples don't work properly at all, it's the exact same number of formats. If we consider ones that don't work, being incredibly generous to XY and incredibly uncharitable to BW we have these final totals.
>DP: 5
>BW: 3
>XY: 3
Do you disagree with that basic math?
>i-it’s easy if you use a specific team!!
This applies to every battle facility ever. Get a better argument.
Bumping for sage friend
>its all ruined by things I go out of my way to do
Have you ever thought that this is why no one likes you?
>yawnie overdosing on copium
Are you going to start spamming gore like the other thread? Just let it go, all the board hates you yawnie, we wouldn't if you weren't so annoying.
>100 posts
>the best flaws anyone can come up with are “I-I can’t remember it even though I seethe about it everyday” and “I’m assblasted pokemon exist in the game”
Why would I spam gore in a pro-“yawnfag” thread sagie? You are projecting, thanks for outing yourself
You’re absolutely seething this thread is still up like a true cordie
Okay, name one team that makes any other facility mash A braindead aside from the ones I mentioned.
I mean, Yawnfag all the time says Pokemon games are easy even though he goes out of his way to play in a very specific way that sucks all the fun and difficulty out of every game, so I get why that would be an annoying character trait. However, I feel like there's a difference between playing the easy campaign made for children like a child that can't read and playing what is supposed to be the challenging post-game content like a child that can't read. One is probably intentional, the other seems like a massive fucking oversight. Balance issues just exist in most games, it happens, but it just feels like they didn't care at all about the Battle Maison (and given their statements around ORAS that could very well be the case).
I think I brought up a pretty solid set of flaws. Hell, I consistently bring up better flaws about Gen 5 than Yanwfag has ever done, and most other Pokemon games as well (although some of them are a lot easier to identify than others, I'm not innovating on most of them).
Because you're getting BTFO in basically every post? Furthermore, I find it really interesting you're assuming Gen 5 fans have a genwar discord as the only known genwar discord we have records of consistently use Yawnfag-style arguments and targets. This is furthermore exemplified by the creation of "sagefag" in response to the term Yawnfag having a resurgence recently, despite sagefag being so poorly defined that it's not useful for identifying anyone and also the very real notable posting style of a single autist that consistnetly shows up in your threads. The fact that you have trouble identifying I, chronotriggerfag, to the point where there's a single page of the insult despite fucking pages of sagefag says to me you're fucking retarded dude.
>However, I feel
Yeah we know. When games you like do it it's okay. No one takes you seriously or even reads your shit because you've called 80% of the posters on this board yawnfag. You've shown time and time again that you aren't worth actual replies.
Another quality thread which is just Yawnfag talking to himself.
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For it to be a quality thread, yawntard needs to get shot three times again. There, now it's all better!
>Can't even talk about any DS games without this guy shitting up threads
And yet mods do nothing when it's easy to point out his posts since they reuse the same tired arguments.
Gamefreak needs to reveal something new.
>sagefag getting so assblasted by this thread hitting 100+ while his Gen 5 worship bait threads die at 10 replies
I chortle
Get a job yawnie
Get better threads sagey
This is the same person. He is so obsessed with ruining this board that he does this every day.
>Sagie so ass blasted he’s pulling out the samefag card
It’s not a good weekend for him bros
>sagey thinks iPhone has f5
Unova sucks dick. You're a faggot that should kill yourself. You're brown, have nothing to your name besides a cell phone, and have no friends.
>I-if I say unova sucks he won’t think I’m sagefag!
>page 1 still
>saying cell phone in current year
Kwab sagey confirmed esl
based retard posts
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insufficient Serena content
Three bullets for Yawnfag, just like the amount of moves Wulfric's level 56 Abomasnow has
beauty is good is a bad character motivation?
I mean, it's not like countless dictators throughout history thought that
Or just like the amount of Pokemon Brycen has lol
It has the base game flaw: not enough content after the credits.
Still one of my favorites.
>thread up for 3 days
Sagie is NOT gonna like this
There's the kanto starter, Lucario, Gengar, Ampharos and Aerodactyl, but yeah, I don't like it.
3 moves is worse however
>less chance for the AI to fuck up
nah its actually better LOL
Your game's AI can't handle 4 moves? For "the next step" that's kinda sad...
this thread has successfully convinced me to let go of my hatred and loathing of XY and accept it as "mid".
3ds nugenner zoomies, for my sacrifice I will accept your cutest, most autistic female pokemon fan. send me a dm when you're ready.
Oh, right.
Abomasnow and I think Medicham too.
Yeah now it has to select actual good moves insted of astonish :D
My big issue with Gen 6 id I never felt like it was confident enough to make its own identity.

Giving you a Kanto starter, the Snorlax quest, a Lapras, copying the Viridian Forest layout for its own, having so few new Pokemon with a bunch of old ones every where you went, all the Megas being from past generations.

It just stank of trying to appeal to nostalgia rather than trying to show why Gen 6 should be appreciated in its own right.
>hurr durr he's mad theres pokemon in the pokemon game
Inb4 that retarded faggot. you're right.
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That part's fine, it's his "therefore" that doesn't make sense in its own enclosed logic.
How's that wrong?
>But you do earn it
No, the rest of your team gains EXPEREINCE without actually EXPERIENCING a battle. It's unearned.
>why would there need to be new areas
because all story-time areas are built in such a way to not replay the way postgame content is. Also, Kalos has the fewest areas at that point so it needed more in total.
>significantly less than Gen 5
It actually has more. Try again.
>the game isn't built around it on every level
Yes it is, because it skips over making the campaign remotely hard in favor of muh casualization and prepping mons for online, which now poofed.
>the game still has tons of content
Source? There's no way you're thinking of the same game we're currently discussing.
>No one takes you seriously or even reads your shit
Evidently not you either because all you just did was splice three words with no context. Do you disagree that there's a difference between playing the easy campaign made for children like a child that can't read and playing what is supposed to be the challenging post-game content like a child that can't read? Because if you disagree, that makes you stupid.

>more seething about "sageGOD" boogeyman with le "I responded to no one because I'm a bitch who knows he's BTFO"
>this thread has successfully convinced me to let go of my hatred and loathing of XY and accept it as "mid".
XY has always been considered mid. That's the thing with these XYfags, ultimately they never try to convince you otherwise.
>only 72 new pokémon
the new designs have quality over quantity. that's why several gen 6 pokemon are at the top of popularity polls
>XY has always been considered mid
Higher than every game except HGSS isn’t “mid”
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it's actually worse than every game except hgss
>the pokemon game doesn’t have an identity because…pokemon are in the game
Not a flaw.
The game doesn’t need content after the credits if it has content before the credits. Not a flaw.
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>added the trans eevee
>added the first trans npc
>added the trans fairy type
Fitting for the most autistic and mentally ill region
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^this was too started in unova KEK
>what about unova
obsessed lmao
Concession accepted.
>calls himself a man
Did you even read the post
>trans eevee
>trans npc
yayoi japs have minimal sexual dimorphism, so they probably just didn't know it was a bad thing
>trans fairy type
I can't believe all the celts were lame and gay
Who are you talking to schizo
Get well unovabro.
No post-game content unlike BW2 or PT and all the Kanto pandering is obnoxious.
>Mewtwo in the cave
>getting a second kanto starter
Also the story is just a shitty version of DPPT. Diantha doesn't do shit unlike Cynthia and we didnt even get zygarde 100% until the next gen.
Atreast Diantha dont be a tranny
>if i ignore the postgame it has no postgame
>unlike Cynthia
Sorry I dont speak ESL.
No ones considered this as true except for (You).
Why are you obsessed with the reply function and using it for retarded reasons? Are you a newfag?
XY has significantly less postgame and Diantha does less than Cynthia while looking retarded.
Diantha looks more like a tranny than Cynthia does.
How you finna be obsessed with beginning as a woman even tho you born a man ?
a lot of the post game content is in one specific area, so it's very missable
>Also the story is just a shitty version of DPPT
I don't see how the stories are similar, apart from "man wants to reshape the world in his image," which has been done since r/s
>XY has significantly less postgame and Diantha does less than Cynthia while looking retarded.
Diantha doesn't do shit and all the rivals are boring as hell all I remember is Shauna because of the fireworks cutscene .
it does need content, tho
Kaloskids grew up and now they're here to tell us Gens 1-6 were peak.
Gens 1-6 were peak
>i have bad memory
weird flex but ok
They dont actually flesh out team flare like Cyrus in or team plasma in PT.
>no answer
Concession accepted
Speak English and learn to read.
I don't think it's a LOT, but it does exist to be fair.
As for stories, Gen3, 4, and 6 are basically retreads of each other. At least Gen 3 and 4 were different enough from each other in structure of encounters between gyms and having different numbers of teams. Flare is just a Galactic clone.
Can't answer because theres no question.
Lowkey this is the truth. Gen 6 is closer to gens 1-5 than gens 7-9 no cap.
>No post-game content

>the Kanto pandering is obnoxious

>Also the story is just a shitty version of DPPT
Diantha literally does nothing lmao if you think I'm wrong I would love to hear how?
>XY has significantly less postgame and Diantha does less than Cynthia while looking retarded.
Kek nice foresight>>56548052
They're so desperate to tag along with the reputation of 1-5. The shit actually hits the fan with 6 because nobody likes those.
Do you know what memorability means? What boring means? No? Got it.
>buttplug: inserted
>BNWO BBC sissy hypno: blasting on repeat
>clitty: locked
>dawn: picked
>lucario: gooned to
yep it's platinum time!
Mutts law
>Diantha literally does nothing
Wrong, shes the champion and battles you. Nice try though.
Yep true , they just dont wanna be accepint the facts
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>Do you know what memorability means?
Yeah it means winning the best Pokemon ever made vote.
Cracker fragility >>56548082
Because if it doesn't have content to do it's a bad game.
Not even close. Nice try, kid.
>post game
all storylime areas are built in such a way to not replay the way postgame content is. Also, Kalos has the fewest areas at that point so it needed more in total, so it needs more in postgame
>pokemon in the game
That's not the ompaint though. The complaint is HOW they're used and HOW they appear, which is pandering. If pokemon had sex on screen and people complained, would you still say "why are you mad pokemon appear?" ?
>Cyrus is worse
Cyrus actually has a character unlike the red haired copycat
Mindbroken whitoid >>56548088
This kills the Kalos detractor
>8 different polls with different sample sizes matched together as one
kek nice cope. Meanwhile, the dex as a whole is the least memorable in the latest poll:

>Paldea: 29,549 votes
>Kanto: 10,402 votes
>Unova: 8,466 votes
>Johto: 8,179 votes
>Hoenn: 7,857 votes
>Sinnoh: 7,822 votes
>Alola: 4,380 votes
>Kalos: 4,050 votes
>Galar: 3,805 votes
>A game is better than B game because it arbitrarily locks more content behind beating the game
why can't I do those things before beating the game?
Why do the DS games piss off pseuds so much? They're good titles, just play them lol.
>arbitrarily locks more content behind beating the game
Who are you quoting? You asked why it needs content at all? XY has less content in total. Even still, more postgame is needed. XY's storyline areas are built in such a way to not replay the way postgame content is. Postgame content is fundamentally different than storyline content because it's of a different nature besides placement.
If they are good titles why didnt you buy them? XY sold more than BW.
Don't tell me, I bought both but sold XY. How can people know what's good without playing them first? It was literally just the console boost + 3D scam marketing machine + recession being over that boosted sales. Parents buy these for there kids and don't care about the quality as mochas these other things.
>XY has less content in total

>Even still, more postgame is needed
“postgame” is literally one of the most meaningless metrics to judge the game’s quality on.

>XY's storyline areas are built in such a way to not replay
yes they are.
okay, but how are they similar?
I do kind of feel like when people talk about sinnoh that they only talk about platinum
which is understandable, it's serperior to base gen 4, but remember, gen 6 didn't have an upgraded version
I still don't see how flare is a galactic clone, maybe it's because I didn't play xy when I was younger, but I feel like a lot of the subtle themes are different
gen 6 has an identity, and its identity is shared culture (which is weird considering unova would have been a better fit for that)
They're so fucking sloooow.
>fleshed out
yep, count the locations in a. list and you'll see
Yep, there's nothing to replay. Postgame content is different because it's mostly repayable for a long time and designed specifically for when you beat the game, usually making it harder. XY sucks without this and the lack of it made the game worse.
>yes they are
Nope, all the cities except Lumiose have nothing to do in them, unlike previous gen cities.
>meanwhile in the real world and not a unsourced nigger poll
shitnova flop
>it "flopped" on the nigger site
now search each region's name
No one cares about your disingenuous location list where you arbitrarily left maps out, sagie.

>there's nothing to replay
There’s plenty to replay.

>Postgame content is different because it's mostly repayable
How is going through a route with shitty piss easy trainers I can’t rematch like what Unova’s “”postgame”” is filled with replayable? It’s the exact same shit as the non-postgame except arbitrarily railroaded to after the credits.

>Nope, all the cities except Lumiose have nothing to do in them,
Play the game.
>shitdelure flopped too
>can't even beat fucking aggron
based aggron putting shitnova in it’s place
>XY has less content in total.
that depends on how you count content
in terms of pokémon catching, online features(rip) and minigames, it's larger
although barring things like that makes the ds games generally larger
>Even still, more postgame is needed.
>XY's storyline areas are built in such a way to not replay the way postgame content is.
I don't get why this is a bad thing, arbitrarily locking experimental battle spots behind e4 is bad
I don't like how the friend safari is locked behind postgame, but people would probably complain about that if it weren't postgame content
iirc, b2w2 did something similar with the pwt
>unova bad because you can't plant berries
>unova bad because /v/tards don't talk about chandelure as much as charizard
These baits keep getting worse.
>shitnova bad because it removed good features and has shitty pokemon
If the Gen 5 games were really that shit you wouldn't have to make so many posts for over a decade to convince people they're bad
this but Gen 1 and Gen 2 and Gen 3 and Gen 4 and Gen 6 and Gen 7 and Gen 8 and Gen 9.
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unovasisters... its over for us...
If the XY was really that shit you wouldn't have to make so many posts for over a decade to convince people they're bad
permacut for a reason.
This but with Unova.
But everyone knows shitnova is shit.
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"Peak" postgame content btw, only 2 moves LMAO
lmao!! that's shitnova's strongest??
Why are you trying to convince of this then?
parroting is an admission of defeat
*Everyone with a working brain knows shitnova is shit
Most sane people don't think Gens 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 are bad
Remove 7
Remove 5
most people don't know pokémon past kanto, so they don't think 6, 8, or 9 are bad either
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You nugen fags feeling entitled about extra content Fter the credits is hilarious. Let it be known that Yawnchad has the full support of the Johto Guild.
What defense is this?
that the average person doesn't care about this subject therefore their opinion is not warranted (appeal to authority)
for me personally, I like all gens except 9 (only because of the framerate issues)
You know what? Remove them all. Pokemon was never good.
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Sorry, slop-kun but we're not gonna pretend like your games weren't so shit that it bled over into the mainstream as absolute trash. Maybe have better taste in games?
the average person really doesn't think about these games when I ask somebody what comes to their mind first about pokémon, it's usually a pokémon itself, the anime, or the cards
despite what people online think, most people aren't terminally online
also, what games do you like outside of pokémon, may I ask?
Cope, normies love gens 6, 7, and 8 all the same.
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Nice try Slop-kun but we both know you're only asking so you can immediately say that whatever I answer with is bad. Jeez you're such a loser its pathetic.
you didn't refute the first part
and I'm genuinely curious but seeing as you're a wafufag, I'm guessing it's just VNs
>being anything other than a loser
>on 4channel
GTFO of my website, norman
>gacha slop
Do shitnooh trannies really do that ?
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"Normies" either think the game peaked with their old gameboy nostalgia picks or are modern boomers plugged in enough to know Nugen is trash. Try again.

Aww you're so desperate for an answer its pathetic.
trannies be doin tranny things
Fitting they come to defend their tranny mutt sisters
>location list where you arbitrarily left maps out
What maps are missing? Kalos locations are fewer and you're coping.
>plenty to replay
not even close
>how is [FANFIC]
ignoring all content doesn't give Unova less content. It just makes it obvious Kalos has none.
>it's the exact same shit
Nope, postgame content is different because it's mostly repayable for a long time and designed specifically for when you beat the game, usually making it harder. XY sucks without this and the lack of it made the game worse.
>Play the game
I did, nearly all the interesting things to do have been robbed from the other cities and crammed into Lumiose.
>it "flopped" on the nigger site
now search each region's name
I think there's more side content to DO with those pokemon in previous regions compared to Kalos
>battle facilities
you'd have a point if Kalos didn't have fewer, regardless of location relative to the credits
>fanfic x2
nice cope
That's part of a genuine mini game where the objective isn't to win, but rather fill the script. Sorry XY's shitty mini games never utilized the battle system in any interesting way
If that ere true you woulnd't be gaslighting people into believing it when it's not true and most people disagree with you.
Remove/add nothing.
>nuh uh
get a better argument, sagie
>*bang bang bang*
get shot three times, hymie
Needs an exhibitionist mod
Needs romhacks in general, really
nah, unlike platinum the game is solid on its own
good thing that isn't my argument had you actually read my post; we all know you either pretend any opposition to you doesn't exist or you're incapable of retaining read information for over a minute without crying wolf about some boogeyman like the schizophrenic that you are
>genwar thread involving unova
>its also about trannies
Further proof that unovafags are third worlders.
no, sagie just has a fetish for trans folkx.

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