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Legends Arceus has less content than Pokemon GO lmao
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>region with the lowest sales
>only 20 new pokemon
>ugliest starters
>ugliest legendaries featuring: pink trans genie and squidward dialga
>only 5 landmarks across the entire region
>no online
>no abilities
>1 city hub
>only 12 trainer battles in the entire game
>smaller dex than gen 2
>shittiest battle facility across the series
>less moves than rby
>instantly abandoned by GameFreak for SV
>no replayability because the first 3 hours are nothing but boring cutscenes and tutorials
>the only people who defend this garbageheap are transgender twitter faggots who simp for Volo (aka trans cynthia) and pajeet shills
Is there a bigger fucking flop than shitsui?
If you group everything together than put Legends with the other Sinnoh games. Johtocuck.
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>highest-selling single title Pokémon game
>mindbreaks kids of a certain age due to not being a carbon-copy rehash of an earlier game
Yeah but Pokémon legends let's you explore
Your home is this thread, yawnie.
See ya, bye bye!
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>>region with the lowest sales
>I have room temperature iq (in Celsius)
Bro, Kanto got the most remakes of any pok game, of course it has "the most sales"
Also splitting gen 4 from Arceus is pretty retarded. Or comparing them in general, given that it's a completely different type of game, or tech demo. XY was a tech demo of the same formula as previous games, so its fair to compare it to other mainline pokemon games.
It really isn't that hard to shit on Arceus, but you failed even at that.
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>10 hour game
>6 hours of it are cutsenes, NPC babbling about dumb shit, and forced tutorials
>"exploration" is shit anyway since the maps are all barren unityslop
Arceus deserves to be shat on more for being a 12 hour game with 0 replay value or online, where half of its duration is exposition dumps or tutorials. The crafting shit is also gay and adds nothing to the experience
First time I'll agree with you. Your image is still terrible tho.
Those 5 locations?
Damn Gamefreak must be tired
Legends Fuxeus doesn't belong with Platinum.
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plassfag thread
legends won
plassfag lost
Why aren't you using the shitsui mons in your garbage memes like the tranny genie and tranny typhlosion?
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why are you crying over the superiority of Legends every day of your life?
why is ever>>56544051
ything a tranny to you?
>shitsuifaggot is ashamed of what her shitty tech demo produced so one she's aping from other gens
sad as fuck
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answer the question, why are you doing this?
you realize that you're not convincing anyone and never have?
How embarrassing!
>if a game appeals to the masses that means is good
No wonder Dawntroons defend this mobile garbage, they got pandered with tranny Cynthia and a new Blacked bitch
Legends flopped
Legends is just a crappy rehash of LGPE with uglier graphics and gayer ridemon.
fucking kek, not hiding that it's bait
There is no way you've played both and can still make this claim in good faith. They are completely different mechanically and thematically. Come up with better bait.
Oh you’re right Legends is just GO with some shitty crafting mechanics. LGPE is better
And yet the quality of the content in PLA is exponentially better than any other game in the franchise.

>10 Hour
I've been playing it for close to 30 now, having just gotten it recently, and I haven't even fought Kleavor yet. PLA has literally weeks if not months of content unless you're some speedrunning faggot who does the bare minimum, which I mean if you like Pokemon Go that checks out because you're a brain-addled Zoomer with ADHD.
catching 40 bidoof then watching them dilate isn't content retard
And killing 40 bidoof and watching number go up is?
I'm 150 hours in and still having fun.
Nah, Legends wasn't made by a washed-up oldfag with a nostalgiaboner after teaching Niantic how to Pokémon. Nor was it a carbon copy retelling of a previous game, only changed enough to be AU but still a blatant re-tread of a game, like LGPE was to Yellow. That's why it makes you so mad, it's NOT "the" Pokémon games of your childhood and yet still canon to the series.
>catching 40 bidoof then watching them dilate isn't content retard
Then it's a good thing you only have to catch 25 and whatever the fuck dilating is isn't one of their tasks. Hell, bidoof even has its own side quest in PLA, and doing research tasks is way more fun and interesting than "I mash A 50 times to auto-win every fight because mainline pokemon games are baby easy mode".

The pokemon games of my childhood are steaming hot dogshit, and even moreso now that I've experienced PLA for the first time. PLA is what Pokemon should have been from the start.
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Helloooo, the question? Are you going to answer or are you a bot?
/vp/ loves Legends Arceus btw
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>all that falsflagging and schizophrenia in order to push their victim complex
plafags are borts 2.0
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>Complains about the formula
>Praises forced padding that ends in the same shit
This literally proves PLA is a mobile Game lmao
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plassfag absolutely seething, kwab
>forced padding
Unlike the shitty mainline games, it feels like you're actually researching pokemon and gives you a real incentive to catch them all. No other game in the franchise rewards you like PLA does for 100%.
arbitrarily roadblocking the Nintendo 64 maps until you see magikarp use splash 80 times isn’t a reward
>wow, bidoof the normal type shitmon dosent like being hit with rock smash in the head 50? such research.
plassfags are disborts 2.0
Let me guess, it's because of those Unova pokemon?
Did smogon give your gf back yet verlis?
Pokemon Go is a horribly managed game, everything is monetized and Niantic manages to be an even shittier developer than Game Freak, regularly breaking gameplay with each "update".
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The only difference is that PGO has like another 5 years to live and isn't likely to get an offline release like Mega Man XDiVE.
At least i can play my physical Arceus forever on my Switch.
>placuck calling anyone an omgonfag
>when plass shitmons are only relevant in the fanfic meta
Sure thing furfaggot
Catching pokemon works more like it does in the mainline games in Legends Arceus than it does in GO or LGPE. Stronger pokemon and legendaries still need to be battled most of the time, and even when you can get them without combat, it's because you're utilizing the mud and sneaking mechanics, which are similar to the original Safari zone. There's no waggle or screen-stroking mechanic like in GO.
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Last post is making fun of plassfag
I agree though, plassfag could be verlis, nobody else lets Legends Arceus live rent free in their head as much as he does
IIRC he made a 2h long hate video for PLA lmfao
Good chance the plassfag might be yawnie as well both seethe at smogon and unova.
>he made a 2h long hate video for PLA
based real fan of the franchise
>implying borts aren’t the one making pla hate thread
Hi sagefag
>people make fun of a shit tech demo
This board is retarded
go fuck a dog verlis
this, plass doesn't even have online lol
>shit tech demo
>still better than the game that released before and after it
Really makes you think...
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>Bro you just need to imagine it does'nt have mobile tier gameplay
Saying that like verlis isn't "shilled" here quite often and is well known for his opinions on pla.
i haven't seen a thread about that faggot in months but ok retard
You either don't hang around here often enough or you're a lying faggot. I couldn't give a fuck about pvp, single or vgc, yet I still see my board shat up with wankers crying over it and the ecelebs shilling it.
>plafag outing himself as a fakefan that actually hate Pokémon
this board is slow as shit and i dont see any eceleb shill threads or whatever your gay boogieman is to defend this shit game
Lurk more newfag.
Take your meds, schizo faggot.
Lurk. More. Newfag.
don't forget
>sneasel with croagunk typing
>inferior tsareena
>white female barney wearing diaper
>slow frail avalugg
>qwilfish but bigger
Shitsui trannies dont even like their own pokemon. That's why they put shit like luxray and gyarados in their faggy memes >>56544045 LOL
Shitty bot poll.
gross, stop bringing up your fetish
>shitsui fag doesn't like her pokemon
every time kek
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diaperfag and an illiterate retard, no surprise there
plassfag having a nuclear meltdown over the fact that he wasted the least 2.5 years trying to convince /vp/ anons to his denial of reality (which is Legends' superiority)
note that he still hasn't recovered from his supernova sized BTFO he served himself there >>56544077
in this state of distress he can no longer process inputs, putting him at a level below AI or chatbots
I feel bad for him, he should never make a hate thread again and do something worthwhile with his life instead of developing lolcow-like tendencies. I wonder if he can be helped, or if he's already too far gone like shaun and ack
Oh he's entirely far too gone, not only did he spend 2 years shitting on it, he'd desperately tried to convince the world they weren't going to make another, despite them announcing L: A as "a new direction for the Pokémon series", pointing to the possibility of more in the future only to get totally mindbroken by the reveal earlier this year.
>posts the obese diaper wearing tranny slug
thx for proving the point i guess?
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Where? The only point I see proven is that you need meds and glasses, diaperfag.
see >>56544879
>seeing things that aren't there
Kalos sisters, I thought we saved Pokemon?
>she doesn't see what she's posting
no wonder you think shitsui goodra isn't ugly as fuck
Kalos is the only region to introduce more pokemon that Shitsui, lol.
Are these supposed to look cool? Do shitsuifags really?
if PLA failed, then why does PLZ-A exist?
Who are you quoting? Meds, schizo
>ugly as fuck
but enough about your mother
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>Are these supposed to look cool? Do naturefags really?
>thing is ugly
>posts ugly thing
kill yourself
Looks a hell of a lot better than the shitsui abomination.
>anon is a retarded diaperfag
>posts retarded shit
no, kys diaperfag
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You were supposed to point to the diaper, unless you are already admitting defeat.
And to answer the questions: >>56544058
who said anything about diapers retard? shitsui-goodra is just ugly as fuck
>posts shitty shitcario clone #7272
What did the shitsui tranny mean by this?
Point to the diaper (your initial claim)?
Answers to questions? >>56544058
Address them if there is a semblance of sapience within you.
>golden joysticks shitendo award
...is this supposed to be impressive
here >>56544573
and here >>56544836
you're the only retard here, clearly
>ugly as fuck
but enough about your mother
I’ve never said anything about a diaper.
Maybe you should ask the anon who made those posts and stop spamming ugly art of shitsui-goodra?
>verlis is still seething over PLA
dont you have a dog to fuck
>2 posts that prove him wrong, showing it's a shell
>just spammed shitsui’s furfagbait
>n-no u want to fucks dogs!
>2 ugly images of an ugly abomination
yeah i know faggot
Shut the fuck up retard
>he apparently knows what furfagbait is
lol kys dogfucker
No amount of shitposting will take away from me the joy of playing PLA, and that alone is enough.
>admits to being verlis

And again, answer this post >>56544058
Of course you won't. A testament to the irreversibly broken state of your mind.
Doing what, diaperfag?
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I'm starting to doubt he's verlis, he might be more pathetic than that. Verlis sometimes addresses things in his own narcissistic way, this dude shows no signs of intelligence. It's like emus which keep pecking at pictures of seed to no avail, yet they keep doing it over and over and over again. Webm related.
i too enjoy eating feces, anon
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>plassfag is into scat
>borts make pla hate threads
>a lot of pla hate threads shit on unova and bring up borts
sounds real schizo
I didn't say anything about eating, just enjoying. Don't project your fetishes onto me creep.
>>plassfag is into scat
true, look at the ugly ass shit she's spamming like goodra
plass is shit so u enjoy eating shit
Kalosfags are crypto shitsuifags with how much they like Goodra.
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>plassfag projecting both his diaperfetish and scatfetish
>kalosfag shitsuitroon back to spamming fat porn
Their ugly pokemon really are an affront to the eyes.
Don’t (You) me retard.
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You really are not a sapient creature.
Cute snail dragon!
>accuses others of being into scat
>keeps spamming ugly shit
Half of plass is watching Bidoof shit as part of dex completion. If course shitsuifags are into it.
I'll be shiny hunting for h goodra today!
Where’s Goodra, shitsuifag?
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sure is, even better that it makes retards seethe
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Good luck! I found her as Sliggoo.
>implying they like their shitty pokemon

why do you think their shitty game is named after a pokemon from a different region?
Imagine loosing your mind over a slug
imagine thinking this gay shit looks good
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Can't say "Goodra" without "good".
Arceus is from Hoenn though??
hoenn isn't shitsui tho???
Badra amirite
True, it’s not like they could name it Pokemon Legends: Enamorus. No one would buy the slop with a trans genie on the cover lol.
Such a cutie
more like
>literally a fatter and uglier goodra
how does shitsui do it
Arceus is the creator so it belongs to all regions
>rolling in the dirt while an obese LGBT slug follows
Nuke shitsui.
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Damn I love these cuties
nice ps2 game
Yeah, that’s what you meant right?
arceus is a movie mythical. shitsui fags only have pink landorus.
Yeah hoenn isn't shitsui.
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Thank you!
h sneasel is one of my fav, shiny is also really cool, may take some screenshot soon to join the thread!
And Arceus is from Hoenn.
Australia lost a war to THESE fuckers?
yeah and hoenn isn't shitsui
So ugly
Where is the AA
pretty sure it's a thinner goodra tho
Right, so the game’s named after a Legendary from another region, since Arceus is from Hoenn
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Sounds good! The more the merrier.
yes, what's what was said, faggot.
>implying anyone wants to look at it for more than 2 seconds to see
landorus is from unova doe
I'm sorry shitsui can only make tranny genies
pink landorus is from shitsui just like goodra but gayer is from shitsui
And I’m sorry other regions are stealing Unova’s pokemon since it’s not getting anymore games
And I'm sorry shitsui's only software is an upscaled gamecube game already forgotten for Paldea.
but what about dialga and palkia
See you on the switch 2, retard. Thanks for beta testing btw.
>arceus and go thread
>unovafags start talking about trannies
Weird but not unexpected.
enamorus is shitsui’s only legend
Can't blame them when a faggot is shilling H Goodra, lol. Literally a tainted thread.
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You're an obsessed faggot too and should try feeling sunlight.
>dialga with a fork in its throat
It’s genuinely incredible how shitsui can make landorus, goodra, and dialga even uglier than they already were.
tainted by your retarded ugly ass, bam!
You're an obsessed troon and should try not cutting off your dick.
that's just a gimmick form because hisui still only has enamorus.
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>zoomzooms when they never saw that dialga always had a neck fork
Where's the shit in its throat and gay horse hooves
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Holding hands with Lopunny!
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>Now she’s posting Pokémon from other regions after her Shitsui Goodra spam flopped
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Snail hugs <3
>only 250 hits on pixiv
holy kek, this faggot could post every art of that fat ugly fuck and still not even make the thread hit bump limit
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Rent status: FREE
>spamming off-topic coloring book art of xher ugly pokemon
Why are shitsui troons like this?
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>spamming the catalog every day of his existence for 2.5 years with opinions nobody on the planet agrees with except for verlisify
>seethes when hisui thread has hisui
what did he mean by this
>shitsuischizo thinks more than one person can’t hate her shit game
Hi tranny
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>some retard shit on hisui or pla
>instead of letting the genwar thread die by not feeding the obvious troll or at the very least sage them, they get into super autistic argument with them and bump the thread to oblivion.
im disapointed by you guys.
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Shitsuifags are the lowest IQ posters on the board.
even worse, they start spamming ugly ass screenshots of that ugly ass game and its ugly ass pokemon.
Reminder: PLA was a tech demo to gatekeep poorfag's Pokemon for VGC. The actual "game" is slop.
the spike shit is clearly going through its neck retard
like og dialga?
Where's the giant blue tumor?
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here, marked it for you
that’s a chestplate yawnie
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>drew it on a shitty piece of toilet paper
kek that is where shitsui goodra belongs
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>"nu, se it duzen't cont bekuze i'm disingenuous
It's a blue round tumor for no reason but "poigyemans kant be kewl" per sugi. Why is it whenever you troglodyytes try to shit on something, you invariably paint what you're trying to defend with the same shitty argument?
kek i can see the dilation blood on this one
and so is this btw >>56545176
taht's through its neck
clearly not if you look at it for more than 2 seconds >>56545256
but that's asking too much of you adhd zoomzooms
>she think that the chest of a centaur Is its neck
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thank you sister for showing us how ugly this shovelware is. but you can stop now.
you must be +18 to post in this website.
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>back to the off-top off-model art after the game shitty visuals were criticised
no u
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Oops, looks like nobody gives a fuck about anything said by plassfag
And it's literally always been this way >>56544077
>more ugly fucking off-topic screenshots of this dogshit game
>this time half her team isn't even from shitsui
Pokemon Legends Arceus sucks ass and here's why:
>240 pokemon, less than gen 2 game boy
>said roster is spread thin across 5 empty unity maps
>they introduce dark souls rolling but this is pointless since you can just throw the ball and catch everything without engaging in combat
>unlocking each area is tedious since you have to sit through boring overly long cutscenes, and do mudane "tasks" like watch a pokemon perform a super effective move. This is bullshit padding but people defend it under the premise of lore (??? fuck off, you'd shit on this in mobile games)
>the game doesn't do anything interesting with its ancient past premise and gives you a fucking smartphone because zoomers can't go 2 seconds without looking at theirs
>lame characters like a nigga who is scared of ghosts
>the game just ends after 10 hours, half of which were mind numingly boring
>all of this was sold at a $60 price tag mind you
>doesn't even have the spin-off excuse since its mainline by game freak's own admission
If you're excited for Z-A at all you have absolutely zero taste in games
truth nuke
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>1 pokemon = 1 content
if legends fans think watching bidoof fart 5 times is content then yes I'd say it's fair to claim 1 pokemon=1 content
>shitsuifag doesn’t even try to refute any of this
>just keeps spamming the bread with her ugly pokemon
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Gross spamming faggot.
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Genuinely why does a $60 AAA game look worse than a fucking Gamecube game?
its a spinoff anon, dont be to harsh toward it
nah you are.
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Die plassfag thread
sure, whatever helps you sleep at night sweetie
Kill yourself, pajeet shill. Shitsui is shit and all 20(LOL) of its pokemon are ugly abominations.

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