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Make Normal-type attacks super effective against Fairy types.

Give the type a reason to exist, instead of just being a catch-all dump for mediocre Pokémon.
If normal was strong against anything, it would completely miss the point.
>struggles against rock and steel
>bullied by fighting
>can't touch ghost
>oh but it's immune to ghost, so you have that
is the point for the type to just struggle and underperform forever?
Normal type attacks aren't strong against anything, but they're often the most powerful (hyper beam, boomburst, explosion). Plus, it teaches the value of neutral damage, as opposed to going for super effective damage every time.
>Plus, it teaches the value of neutral damage
every type has neutral matchups
Normal is already decent offenisively as not many types resist it. At least its not Poison and Bug
Normal attacks exist to guarantee neutal matchups
Why don’t you try actually playing the game instead?
I agree, we should nerf Fairy.
What is it with campaignshitters always thinking that you need super effective hits to deal damage?
this but unironically
Yes, because Normal beings don't believe in magic. Look at Ferngully: not only was steel equipment being used to destroy the fairies' homes, the humans did not know the fairies were even there.
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Poison should be Super Effective against Water so people would use it more than just as a niche Fairy-counter over Steel. Water is a faggot type that shouldn't be as good as it is
I'm open to it.
Delete gens 6, 7, 8, and 9, and then start gen 6 from scratch without including Fairy, and then make buffs and nerfs to typing from there
>make the game balance worse so I can continue to not play the game
>dude don’t delete the most broken type in the game, you’ll ruin the game’s balance!
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>Delete gens 6
that's a non-starter
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That's not the Steel type
>it’s the most broken bro that’s why only flutter mane is OP and literally nothing else
>Inverse Battle
Now it's strong against everything.
Most type systems intentionally have a "neutralizing" type that has few interactions. In terms of design it's usually intended to make the units in it be less volatile, giving you something that can work decently well in most scenarios, but probably doesn't excel in a specific one.

That's Normal in Pokemon and it does that job well. Normal having more interactions defeats the point.
then why is it ineffective against rock and steel and weak to fighting?
Glad we agree, let’s all pen a letter to gamefreak demanding fairy’s removal
yes but only after we remove water, steel, ghost, and dragon first
>fairy type is still making people seethe
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It's sad because the answer is right in front of them but they're bad at the game so they get swept by bitch ass Cleffa or Mime Jr.
Idk about super effective vs fairy type but I do agree normal type should be shown more love than just being the dumping ground for le basic bitch pokemon
You don't play the games so I don't know why you try to share your opinions.
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Sorry you lost to a Togepi using Moonblast on your Dragon Team. The answer was in front of you the whole time but I guess your ego had to be hurt first
Because having no interactions AT ALL would be taking the concept too far.

Every type has a flavour that defines it. Steels is that its defensive and has a lot of resistances. Normals is that its neutral and has few interactions. Asking "why does have it the interactions it has then" is like asking "why does Steel have the weaknesses it has if it's meant to be defensive". Because balance.

And if you want to get more specific, having the "neutral"-like Normal type be resisted by Rock and Steel makes those two have an even stronger defensive identity. I'm not sure how I'd pinpoint why Fighting is SE to Normal from a design perspective but I do think it having one weakness is important simply because I think there's value in not completely ignoring interactions. An identity can exist without being the logical extreme.
Because those types(except Steel) need something.
Rock is there to be an physically bulky type that shrugs off neutral hits and is weak to elemental magic... Steel is Rock on steroids as the premier walling type, and Fighting is the balls out offensive type that smashes through most things.
Normal is the "neutral" type that allows kids to still be able to deal some damage when their magic attacks fall short
>Because having no interactions AT ALL would be taking the concept too far.
but why can't it be beneficial interaction?
why the fuck are weaknesses and being resisted okay, but one super-effective matchup is over the line?
All I did was say you don't play the games, which is true. Not sure where you got all that from.
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>And if you want to get more specific, having the "neutral"-like Normal type be resisted by Rock and Steel makes those two have an even stronger defensive identity. I'm not sure how I'd pinpoint why Fighting is SE to Normal from a design perspective but I do think it having one weakness is important simply because I think there's value in not completely ignoring interactions. An identity can exist without being the logical extreme.

It's bizarre this entire time how Rock and Ice are still pushed as slow, defensive types when their weaknesses are so exploitable. Majority of the reason these Pokemon are bad is because they're balanced wrong and the type chart hasn't been altered to reflect what the actual intention was. Shit it took until Gen IX for Hail to be replaced with an actually good weather condition

Is it because of Water being broken? Most likely
>but they're bad at the game so they get swept by bitch ass Cleffa or Mime Jr.
I’m curious, do you actually believe this happens in any capacity?
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If you're going to project, so am I. Especially if you actually think Fairy is broken and it's not the fact that half of the older, shittermons have been ignores in favor of more optimal new mons that actually take advantage of the balance changes made since 2013

I forget this board is autistc as fuck and thinks hyperbole is literal
It’s hard to believe someone is being hyperbolic when the majority of retards here believe their own shit opinions are the truth.
I'm not projecting anything, but you do you if that's what you're into. I'm just confused how you think I'm a dragonfags when you literally replied to me saying kek over their still seething. Or I would be if you weren't a proven illiterate avatarfag. Kill yourself and make your family happy for once.
Is water still that strong after the Scald nerf? Is Fairy actually as strong as people say?
Ice should be immune to Ice. I will stand by this until the end of time.
Okay, I'm listening. Why?
Holy ESL Batman
I'm not rich but I am white, so I guess I'm kind of like batman.
Flying types are immune to Fissure, Ghost types are immune to Horn Drill, and Ice types are immune to Sheer Cold.
No other Fairy types are used in VGC because of Flutter Mane.
Why use any other Fairy type other than Flutter Mane?
Flutter Mane isn’t allowed in the current regulation and there aren’t any remotely broken Fairy types. Try again retard.

>Why use any other Fairy type other than Flutter Mane?
If Fairy type is broken like campaignshitters claim, why not?
and are these campaignshitters in the room with us right now?
Making normal better offensively isn't the way to go. It'd be better if we cut the coverage of non normal mons (maybe so that at most they have 1 really good move outside their typing) and keep mono normal type movepools the same
Yes, actually.
not true
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Personally 2-3 SE would be optimal so we avoid having situations like this
They tried this in earlier gens, but botched it by making physical/special be based on typing, leading to shit like Gengar being unable to use STAB Shadow Ball effectively, but could throw elemental punches that hit harder than Hitmonchan, you know, the mon dedicated to punching things
So now you have people bitching about things like Sceptile not having a rainbow of special coverage despite the wide array of physical moves and access to Swords Dance
>So now you have people bitching about things like Sceptile not having a rainbow of special coverage despite the wide array of physical moves and access to Swords Dance

Is there any Starter that has ever been nerfed this hard? Sceptile legit went from being decent, but the most mediocre Pokemon of its generation to being legitimately unusable. It's still mogged in ORAS by its objectively superior competitors who got Megas that actually DO something. It's utterly bizarre how useless Sceptile is, at least with Meganium it makes sense
>unprovoked shitting on Meganium out of nowhere
utterly obsessed
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I like Typhlosion and Feraligatr. Meganium was just a miss and Sceptile was turned into a complete miss when it was a decent option

Prefer Johto over Hoenn btw
Oh, Sinnohzooms... your gen objectively ruined a lot of mons, there's no getting around it.
What the fuck does Sinnoh have to do with any of this? Anyway, I'm not particularly fond of Meganium personally, but there are far too many comp schizos on here obsessed with hating on it.
nta but i like meganium (well, all the johto starters, really), at least in a campaign playthrough. good bulk (especially with screens), synthesis for reliable recovery, and access to poisoning moves makes it perfectly fine at poison stalling, which most NPC teams can't do much about
sure it's not good competitively but not many starters are. for what it is, it works fine
Meganium also hilariously roflstomps Brock, since this goof made his entire team 4x weak to Grass
Meganium's biggest issue is Hoppip legit mogs it in terms of support capability since all Meganium can muster up is Dual Screens as its defining feature. The region basically hates it and makes it the hardest starter to play with in the series and not in a fun way, which defeats the point of a starter since they're supposed to be good on their own. Charmander avoids this barely because even though it's hardwalled by the early game, mid-late it gains the firepower to actually strike back as hard as Venusaur and Blastoise. Meganium never gets anything better than the nerfed Razor Leaf and there's so many options for Grass types early on you can't really say Sleep Powder is an asset either

If it was available in another region, Meganium probably could flourish but it has to deal with the fact
>The first real dungeon focuses on Grass/Flying/Ghost types
>The first Gym is Flying
>Team Rocket mains Poison types
>The second Gym is Bug
>The fourth Gym is Gastly hell
>The sixth Gym is Steel
>The seventh Gym is Ice
>All Legendaries bar Suicune and maybe Raikou hard-wall Grass
>The eighth Gym is Dragon

As someone who REALLY LIKES Johto there's no reason for me to vouch for Meganium over Typhlosion or Feraligatr unless you're planning to drop it
Actually made a quick pass over smogon's gsc movesets for the starters cause I got curious, and Meganium is funnily enough not even close to being the worst starter to use competitively. Lots of mental illness on this board.
Because GSC comp is the most different in the franchise and Meganium actually has bulk while the Fire starters are legitimately useless and Feraligatr is 2 generations too early. But you're not using any Starter competitively outside of Venusaur or Blastoise in Gen II
He's also solid UU in third generation, only really falls off hard from fourth gen onward. Which probably answers my question why Sinnoh ruined everything.
It's 100% true. Ice became immune to Sheer Cold the same generation its base accuracy was lowered to 20% for non-Ice Pokémon.
i'm actually playing through HG right now (though i'm not sure if your ppst refers specifically to GSC or not) with chikorita as my starter, it hasn't really been all that bad. he hasn't been carrying every fight or anything but i wouldn't say that's a bad thing, i have five other team slots for a reason, and he's still come through with status & bulk at times, even if he's not KOing junk left and right
also, as far as the type disadvantage in the first two gyms goes, it's not too insane. falkner's only flying move is gust on pidgeotto and with how often it uses roost you can hit it neutrally with razor leaf (in fact a resisted razor leaf still hits better than tackle after factoring in STAB)
bugsy really only has one pokemon and that's scyther, who honestly hits hard at that point in the game in general. yeah kakuna has poison sting but that's also poison sting. it's not gonna do shit even on SE hits.
dunsparce and geodude have been hard carrying the run though, i have to admit you're honestly better off with cyndaquil or totodile but unless you're solo running you still have the same team options you would have with any other starter
Fairy does not need any more weaknesses. If anything, Grass should resist Fairy instead of Fire.
It's weak to two garbage offensive types and resists useful stuff. It needs a balancing weakness.
>b-but non-broken pokemon
Fairy having trash Pokemon slotted into it doesn't change the fact that it's inherently a strong type.
>meganium is a supportmon
When will this meme die?
What is it then?
A bulky mixed attacker with decent speed, like every starter from the first 2 gens.
fairy deserves 2 more weaknesses and steel should be weak to electric
there. I said it.
>make a type weak to THE type that every Pokemon has access to
No, that's a bad plan. Make it weak to bug instead.
>>grass type with its best stats being defense and special defense
I don't think this qualifies as an attacker. Especially when its only moves it'll be learning are Razor Leaf and Return
>make a type weak to THE type it makes literally no sense to be weak to
No, that's a bad plan. Play the game and stop obsessing over the type chart instead.
If you don't think 80 offenses are great for in game you're hopeless. Chikorita also learns its STAB attack the soonest and it's the strongest one. Razor leaf will do more damage than water gun or ember against the hordes of normal types and won't be that much worse against flying types besides zubat.
>hurr zubat is so common tho
So are geodudes.
>It needs a balancing weakness
no it doesn't

>doesn't change the fact that it's inherently a strong type
water is inherently a strong type, should we make it weak to normal too?
>no it doesn't
Yes it does
>water is inherently a strong type, should we make it weak to normal too?
I never said it should be weak to Normal you troglodyte clown.
>THE type it makes literally no sense to be weak to
The type chart is arbitrary.
>Yes it does
No it doesn't
>I never said it should be weak to Normal you troglodyte clown.
Leave it to the low IQ campaignshitter to not know what hypotheticals are.
>Grass should resist Fairy instead of Fire.
Play the games. What a shit take.
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I think they're fine, especially Gen I-III, but when your defensive stats are 20 points higher I don't think it's supposed to be emphasizing its "attack"

And Johto is the generation where you see Geodude the least, compared to Gen III and IV slapping that stupid rock on their first two Gym Leaders. In contrast, Silver's team specifically hard walls and counters Chikorita and doesn't get any better. It's a mon that needs more support than either of the other two Starters just to function, which makes it the weakest starter to rock. Again its biggest assets are Dual Screens
>The "cute" type should be weak to normal Joe
>Not weak to icky bugs
The chart has logical flaws but I urge you to actually try a playthrough with the change you proposed. I've tried it, it makes fairy types almost unusable unless you use the fattest ones.
>No it doesn't
Yes it does
>Leave it to the low IQ campaignshitter to not know what hypotheticals are.
>projecting this hard
not an argument lmao
No it isn't.

It should be weak to neither. The type is fine as is.
>The type is fine as-is
Yes, although I wouldn't mind poison getting another tool or two to deal with it.
I could find a single fight that walls any starter. I think you have mud slap by then anyway if you want to fight gastly and zubat is so weak that a normal attack will suffice.
>Again its biggest assets are Dual Screens
It's one of the few pokemon that can learn body slam by levelup. And since you want to bring up whitney, it's the only starter that can solo her without relying on retarded ai choices.
>it's the only starter that can solo her without relying on retarded ai choices
Does only leveling your starter count? Because I know for sure you can have a Feraligatr before fighting her if you solely use Totodile for every trainer battle up to that point.
Croconaw can probably handle Whitney just fine, it's really Quilava that fails to her cause of Rollout. Both would need for Rollout to not stack for it to work though, even if Bayleef is bulkier it won't really be able to withstand 4 or 5
>The "cute" type should be weak to normal Joe
hate to play devil's advocate but one could argue that fairy is a 'magic' type and normal being a 'mundane reality' type, like reality beats magic i guess. that said i agree that gameplay wise it wouldn't work out too well, and i think normal is fine as-is. it should be weak to bug, or at the VERY least not resist bug. tinkerbell would get BTFO'd by a mantis or scorpion or something and not even clapping your hands could bring her back
making some more offensively oriented poison or steel types could also help bring fairy down a bit maybe
>poison isn't super effective on almost every type
Seems pretty arbitrary to me
Psychic is more magic than Fairy. Fairy boils down to pink, pastel, cute, fairy tales, and non-fruit food.
I guess in that case you got me. I've never had a fully evolved starter by then even when I'm basically only using it so I didn't really consider that.
>even if Bayleef is bulkier it won't really be able to withstand 4 or 5
It can with reflect and posion powder will help you ko it faster than the others. I'm playing crystal right now and that's exactly how I did it. Razor leaf crit helped a bit though, probably.
yeah i mean like i said bug works better
>icky gross bugs beat fairies as pastel cutesy
>aforementioned "scorpion vs. tinkerbell" situation
>bugs are known to go for sugary foods, which beats fairies as foodmons
ig fairy is more fairytale magic (no shit) where psychic is more esoteric/mystical magic
Yeah, Totodile line just gets a big advantage since you get Feraligatr really early.
You have a gross misunderstanding of what fairies are.
Why is Gardevoir Fairy-type?
yeah and so does gamefreak, i'm just bringing up bugs against whatever bullshit metrics people use for fairy as a type
What are they then?
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Well, I can't account for all of Gamefreak's oddities.
Just make normal moves inherently stronger and/or with fewer drawbacks than other moves. Bring back Return. It can all be balanced by it never hitting for super effective damage.
I am fully convinced ESLs don't understand what fae are, they are nature spirits and supernatural beings, them being weak to Normal makes no sense unless you apply fucking reddit atheist logic to Pokemon, which is obscenely retarded, not to mention the entire point of Normal type as is would be ruined. It's not even that overwhelming of a type, Water as a type is considerably better both offensively and defensively, Fairy as a type only spawned into existence because Dragon and Dark were (and still are) incredibly strong and hard to check, ironic considering that Dark was spawned into existence as a half-hearted attempt at fixing gen 1's issues.
It's so funny how angry this type makes DSzooms.
>t. clefable
Fairy was spawned to shill Sylveon and gen 6
Gen 5 was a complete shitshow of Dark, Dragon and Fighting types raping the meta, it was a kneejerk reaction, the shilling part no doubt was intended to some extent but it was only part of the full picture.
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in the official NC2000 format, the one Game Freak likely balanced PvP around, Meganium is actually a fine choice, its just the Game Freak stopped loving Johto while the Kanto and Hoeen get constant shilling and buffs so the Johto starters got uniquely crushed by powercreep, Ironically Gatr survived the best since Water is such a broken type its impossible for water type with 530 BST to be a shitmon.

>Meganium's biggest issue is Hoppip legit mogs it in terms of support capability
fair point, appreciate the informed opinion since most people who shit on meganium are just parroting memes and throw all grass types under the bus
>If it was available in another region, meganium probably could flourish
All that would change is giving it a slightly better early game, the only reason other regions would be easier for it is most them ape KANTOOOO and have Rock as an easy win for 2/3 the starters. A closer look at the gym shows it isn't quite as stacked against Chikorita as it would seem basing this off GSC

>The first real dungeon focuses on Grass/Flying/Ghost types
No trainers use Gastly, and there only Flying types is the bosses's Hoothoot who only knows tackle for offense. All other Pokémon only know Vine Whip which Grass obviously resist. Totodile is the one at a disadvantage here
>The first Gym is Flying
>Team Rocket mains Poison types
>The second Gym is Bug
>The fourth Gym is Gastly hell
Most villain teams screw over the grass starter except Hoenn's Aqua , but otherwise true
>The sixth Gym is Steel
yet the best moves on 2/3 of the Pokemon are electric and the ace doesn't resists Grass
>The seventh Gym is Ice
yet all of them are weak to grass
>All Legendaries bar Suicune and maybe Raikou hard-wall Grass
Grass resists Electric to Meganium still has the advantage over Raikou making it 50/50
>>The eighth Gym is Dragon
Which screws over all starter types, Megnanium resists the majority of the coverage moves, and the Ace doesn't resist Grass.
were dragon, dark, and fighting actually that strong in vgc?
Yes and in singles as well, Outrage spam nuking everything, Draco Meteor doing the same, Dark being notoriously hard to check, Fighting types like Terrakion and Keldeo raped the meta, it was basically impossible not to see a Fighting type in each and every single VGC team, BW's VGC was largely focused around the genies but it still had a large presence of all the 3 types, heck Haxorus became incredibly popular for a bit because thanks to Rivalry and the genies always being male made it a braindead choice band/scarf Outrage spammer.
>which defeats the point of a starter since they're supposed to be good on their own
That has only recently been the point of a starter pokemon.
I really dont fucking understand why people say this, why the hell would normal be super effective against fairy???? Poison and Steel make sense. Steel because fairies have an aversion to iron and poison is just a general common trope in fairy tales. But why does normal make sense?? Also almost every pokemon knows a strong normal type move so this would be too huge of a nerf. If I were to nerf it in anyway it would be to remove the bug resist. You are RETARDED !
>Normal attacks exist to guarantee neutal matchups
except against Rock, Steel, and Ghost
Uh no
Uh yes.
They're supposed to be usable. They were not supposed to be good. That wouldn't make any sense.
Imagine putting your cock in one of explouds holes and getting the cum vibrated out of your balls with sound waves.
We're talking about pokemon, not your faggy fae.
if anything fairy lets you click outrage faster as opposed to steel walls with recovery
>530 bst and loaded movesets
>they aren't even good
Rock resisting normal is one of the few things the type has going for it.
Why do campaignshitters obsess so much over the type chart? A Pokemon’s type has nothing to do with why it’s good or bad 99% of the time.
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Why not make normal resistant to fairy? It's already immune to the other mostly supernatural type ghost.
Probably because they actually play the games whereas you just sit on 4chan.
Playing the game is meaningless if you’re fucking terrible at it and barely understand the mechanics beyond “hurr rock beat scissors”
>Playing the game is meaningless
The point of games is to play them. You should try it.
>campaignshitter can’t read
Checks out.
Let us know when your mono rock team wins the world championship.
Let us know when your mono fairy team wins the world championship.
>no u
Oh pablo.
What happened, campaignshitter? I thought fairy was broken? So clearly you should have no problem winning with a mono fairy team, right?
If a Pokemon’s type has nothing to do with whether it’s good or bad shouldn’t you be able to win a championship with a monotype team?
In theory yes, if there are actually 6 pokemon of the same type that accomplish every role the team needs, which doesn’t exist.
>everyone I talk to is the same person
Those roles are? I'll make a team for you. There's only like 170 water types to choose from.
I don’t trust a campaignshitter who lacks fundamental understanding about the game to know how to teambuild.
The roles are
>something to deal with incineroar 1
>something to deal with incineroar 2
>something to deal with incineroar 3
>something to deal with incineroar 4
>something to deal with incineroar 5
>something to deal with incineroar 6
hope this helps
Fair enough. That shouldn't stop you from saying what roles you need, but it will because you're a little bitch that can't answer a direct question.
It depends on the meta. Telling a campaignshitter who has no knowledge about the game is meaningless.
Why would anything but the current meta be relevant? Just answer the question.
>dodging the question
False flagging campaignshitter. Post ELO
>now fanfic formats matter
>shifting the goalposts once again
Surely you play VGC on Showdown
The “current meta” literally changes every tournament.
>s-spoonfeed me!
>brownskin still can't name the roles he insists are the only thing that matters
Why are ESLs like this?
It's because one of the roles is something like "type or mon specific counter" completely ruining the whole "types don't matter" thing. Thread closed.
What rock type speed control can I use?
What rock type sleep user can I use?

Go on and tell the class, campaignshitter.
You don’t need specific types to counter Pokemon, campaignshitter.
Excadrill and Tttar
Tera rock Amoongus
Any that learn icy wind or sleep powder, but are you trying to say that the type is affecting you negatively now?
>rock type
Uh oh campaignshitters can’t even remember Pokemon types anymore?

>Any that learn icy wind or sleep powder,
Such as….
That sounds fucking stupid kys
I don't know any that kearn sleep powder but avalugg and lunatone do both your roles.
>just use shitmons with terrible stats bro
Hisuian avalugg has beast stats. Max HP and SpDef and it can wall all day.
Yes campaignshitter-kun let’s put Icy Wind on one of the slowest Pokemon in the game so I can drop my opponent’s speed AFTER they already attacked me and have one dead weight Pokemon on the field that will always move last regardless.
He can’t tell you the current meta because he doesn’t actually play any kind of competitive format. Ask him to post his current ranked scatvomit rating he’ll make an excuse
kwab kys and make your favela happy. All you do is avoid questions and dance around the fact that typing matters. Keep coping. You will never be good at these games because you don't play them.
Ranked? I play for fun.
But Normal being weak to fighting and less effective on various type beats the point.
so you concede it's not the type that makes them shitty but their poor speed
Concede what? My entire argument is that type has practically zero relevance to a Pokemon’s viability.
I agree that each type needs to have something going for it.
So why does Normal have nothing going for it?
You would sooner use a Normal type than a Poison or Grass type
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>Ranked? I play for fun.
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>one weakness
>one immunity
>only two types resist normal and one of them is the historic underperformer rock type.
>normal mons have extremely large tm pools full of coverage moves to deal with most situations
>STAB on extremely powerful moves like hyperbeam and return before it was cut
Normal does exactly what’s it’s supposed to be. Be a great generalist type who can conceivably have a chance to deal with any situation presented to them.
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I don't believe GameFreak has never disclosed in any meaningful details what the particular philosophy of any type from a gameplay perspective is intended to be, beyond Bug being for early-game quick-evolving shitters and Dragons/Psychic being "powerful". Although that's obviously a very early-gen disclosure. Moreover vague.

Normal can be reasonably inferred to be a generalist type, sure, and it can just as accurately be inferred to be terrible at that role.
Fairy is only being brought up because it is overturned. Which is why in every "type X is bad" thread you'll find "I'll buff it by letting is shit on fairies" as a popular suggestion.

>but it hits so much neutrally
Ignoring that Steel and Ghost are externally popular types in every competitive format, neutral hits aren't what usually people what, especially if they're lacking in consistent&valuable secondary effects and/or cause recoil. That describes physical electric moves too, yet somehow even worse.

In reality what Normal needs is something to leverage the fact that it has generally mediocre STAB option and decent coverage options. A 1.1x boost on all non-STAB moves when used by a Normal type wouldn't be bad, and also wouldn't upset the existing type chart.
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>Give the type a reason to exist,
Only weak to fighting type, and it walls ghost type attacks. Do you know how strong that is? Is that not enough for you?
>Fairy is only being brought up because it is overturned
no it isn't
>neutral hits aren't what usually people what
Only campaignshitters think this.
Why are Scald and Knock Off popular move options, even when they're known to be resisted hits?
Why is Outrage (and Dragon STAB in general) so uncommon.
>but Draco-
Isn't what is once was, now is it? The popular sets for Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamance, Dragapult, Roaring Moon, etc usually don't even run Dragon STAB these days.
Which is better than Normal STAB.

It is. And I hope GameFreak has enough sense to not "fix" it by introducing a new type.
Psychic, Dragon, Fighting, and Dark are all the worse for that sort of "fix".
>Why are Scald and Knock Off popular move options
Because they have broken secondary effects.

>Why is Outrage (and Dragon STAB in general) so uncommon
They aren't. What the fuck are you talking about?

>It is.
No it isn't. Play the game.
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>the broken type in question:
Grass nerf when?
this board is dominated by singleJaks, makes sense why this thread is the way it is.
Dragon Darts is an exception I would say, and a staple on pretty much all non-special/mixed Dragapult.
That's a 100% accurate signature spread move on a 142 base speed mon that outruns some scafers though, doesn't change the overall point.

>They aren't. What the fuck are you talking about?

You're free to look it over. You'll note the most popular dragon currently in VGC (Archaludon) rarely clicks Draco. It is a mix of Electro-Shots and Body Presses.
The Dragon STAB is pure coverage/filler. Not the main offensive threat.

The top dragon in OU Smogon Singles (Dragapult) is a U-Turn clicker with HDB that typically opts for tera-ghost, because that's the actually valuable STAB, even though the BP of Ghost moves is so much worse.
The second most popular (Dragonite) exists to DD and tera-Normal Espeed. Which isn't too divorced from VGC in prior regulations. Hey, that's a Normal Type win, right?

Usage order change slightly if you filter on ELO for any format, but not meaningfully so.

>not tera-ing into something Fake Out immune.
>not tera-ing into something Spore immune.
People would Bug tera if it was Spore immune and Grass wasn't. That wouldn't make Bug a good type.
>the most used terra type provides immunity to normal
>making the type good wouldn’t make the type good!
what did campaignshitter schizo mean by this
because of fakeout lol
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Yes I agree, make Normal immune to Fairy instead
I don’t know if immunity to fairy would actually help normal but it would be kind of neat that it gets both of the fantastical supernatural types.
Because it being "good" would be largely predicated on foiling a single mon in VGC.
If Amoonguss, and Amoonguss alone, didn't have Spore and Rage Powder (all other mons in the game still do, in fact you can add all cut mons not currently in the game too) would Grass still be the #1 tera?

Grass is also not "made good" because of this either, you realize.
Oh, and Amoonguss should be nerfed while we're on the topic.
>type doesn't matter
>but you can make a type good
>an entire status condition is a single mon
>only amoonguss can use sleep moves
what did campaignshitter schizo mean by this
nta but holy fuck how bad is your reading comprehension
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why are you replying to someone whose only goal is relentlessly shitting everything up
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because I am the normal-type of posters
>it teaches the value of neutral damage
...and that is?
>no u
have a high BP, good secondary effects, or possibly threaten switch-ins super effectively.

so basically don't be Normal
If anything, steel should be immune to electric. Faraday cage and all.
>have a high BP,
>good secondary effects
Body Slam
Poison was a mistake. Up to what gen G1 had over 50% of the poison mons? 6?
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Rectifying that would be really easy in this modern, Masuda-less era
never heard of her
>Body Slam
Ghost as popular immunity, very popular tera, electric with status immunity and not super-effectively deterred (ie scald to fire types), and yellow magic overall less relevant and inconsistent in current offense-oriented generation.
Do you think any type with an immunity is useless because of tera or is it no super effective normal moves that you’re hung up on?
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What if they made a chaotic type, or something like that, where it only loses to normal type, and beats normal (and fairy and a few more) for super effective?

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