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Was this change necessary?
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Sounds like a you problem
they were as necessary as Gen 3 remakes
Necessary? Of course not. Appreciated? Somewhat.
I like leaning harder into them being pirates. The darker skin makes sense as people at sea/ outside a lot would be tan. I think the grunts look a lot less generic, you can see how much the art direction has shifed in their faces. I don't like what they did with Shelly. Archie looks a little too goofy to me, they went over the top with him. Matt looks good though.
>Game Freak was so embarrassed about Shelly's redesign being a flop they repurposed it into Nessa and it worked
honestly I think both could exist at once as part of the same pirate themed group. No reaon everyone is that group has the same sking tone or got toned to the same extent.
They ruined Magma too. I miss the cool capes they had
Shelly is a downgrade, but the Grunts are an improvement
if it was wokeness I think the characters would be uglier
new designs should have orange hair too
Yes it was. Now go back to /pol/ to complain about da jooz
The male grunt is hotter, so that's all that matters, but the two femoids look retarded.
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you might not like it but it's the truth
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I would've liked both coexisting
They do in the adventures manga.
Made for BWC
Yes and no

Personally, I wish they kept some of the OG grunts, and Shelly fighting as a duo. Also, OG Maxie > Remake Maxie. I like more the triad pirate look than the wetsuit fighter.
They're tanned
They're literally just tanned
It's like Tetra from Wind Waker
It's a fucking tan
considering you are using a fanart for old shelly, yes
yeah and that still gets retards like op to blow a fuse
>make shelly brown
>make her hair *less* curly
to what end???????????????????????????
Why do they keep turning gingers black? I guess black people are the superior race.
yeah but where's the selfcest
Oh so whitewashing is racist but blackwashing isn't? That said, I do prefer the new designs but there's a clear double standard. You can bet GameFreak would've been raked over the coals if the reverse had happened
imagine cumming in her
Raping Shelly or domming her
White people aren't boring
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Original Shelly is so much better it's ridiculous.

Gingers don't tan.
Man, I want to fuck redhead Shelly.
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Brown women are hot
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For me it's original Courtney.
New Shelly is so much better
I want to suck on those Staryus
>OG Shelly
>Jobs to kids, and even her strong persona crumbles when defeated
>Basically shotasub bait

>Remake Shelly
>Confident, direct, and speaks more innuendos than a japanese comedian
>Shotadom material

I guess they changed more than just skin and hair color.
Their personality is literally unchanged
And yet Shelly having sex with shotas is still the same. I do want to see bratty shota trainers mating press OG Shelly.
>nigga dragqueen with blue makeup
zoomer twittwat
rent free
It was an objective improvement over the ugly slop that was the gen 3 designs, delicious brown > soulless ginger.
No one besides maybe a couple autists cared about the original teams. They were featured in the anime, and still no one cared much. They had generic boring designs and not much personality beyond being generally thuggish like team Rocket but didn't have the same edge because they were ecoterrorists, not gangsters. I don't remember people being excited for them in the remake UNTIL their designs were revealed. Then everyone was generally on board and fell in love with the admins having real developed personalities, unique designs, and Archie/Maxie being a lot cooler. They all got tons of fan art. There was that guy that made the amazingly popular "Dating a Team Magma Grunt" comic. There was just generally tons of hype and excitement around their new renditions. So if you ask me, it's one of the best and most successful redesigns in the series.
>evil dumb oragnization of pirates
>make them black
>evil but intelligent scientifically advanced organization
stays white
They’re just tanned (like Marlon)
Red looks better with the blue uniforms.
She's hot, but she's just a different character that could've been used in her own role in a later game.
They weren't tanned initially, why would they be tanned now?
>inb4 it doesn't matter
Why change it then, tranny? Unless it DOES matter, huh?
I remember that happening when Pokemon Origins released and Brock was less tanned than in the Ash show.
The one good thing about BDSP is that they didn't fuck with the designs, and I am forever thankful for it.

RiP old Shelly. You will be missed.
Shelly is the only ORAS design that I like.
But at the end of the day, we still got them. Keep seething, hoenn denier.
As someone who likes both redheads and darkies, i’m sick of everyone turning evey character except Rachel Roth and black rangers black. And redheads seem to be reoccurring victims of blackwashing. The more time passes, the more I think blackwashing is done out of spite and only spite. To blackwash supporters, if you don’t like the franchise, you don’t have to watch/read/play it.
>but she's just a different character
more like, more like she already has her own role but she is an actually character while the original shelly was just an NPC with slighlty stronger mon than the average grunt.
Why didn't they keep Shelly's outfit? The curly hair would also work better with the darker skin her oras design is so retarded
I don't give a shit taking old Shelly and just tanning her a bit would be one thing but instead the just completely replaced her the designs of old and new Shelly have nothing in common. Old Shelly was much better
Not necessary but the grunts look better. Shelly looks like shit. Maybe it's a good thing bdsp didn't have redesigns
and what 3rd world shithole are you from
No, most of the redesigns were unnecessary. Changing outfits a little here and there like what FRLG/HGSS did is fine (though even HGSS went over the line at times, no reason to replace Lyra with Kris and Sabrina is just a really odd change) but radically changing a design to the point of being completely unrecognizable like Shelly is fucking stupid. What's even the point, just use it for a new game (which they more or less did when they repurposed her design for Nessa). It's especially bad when the retards at Game Freak couldn't bother to do trainer customization so you're stuck with the new designs for Brendan and May.
>Representing pirates as blacks
Based, It's just GF making representation accurate
Ginger is an anagram for Ni-
If it's just a tan why can't Shelly and the grunt have their red hair

No, but you know how it goes with nupokemon
At least the designs aren't exactly bad but like Archie went from just a pirate dude to ARRR MATEY SHIVER ME TIMBERS SHIVER ME NIGGERS YARR
>generic grunt looks the best
>Male grunt
>Female grunt
I don't mind the change in design but I'd prefer if they somehow remained red-head.
They wanted to make them look less generic and add a little of diversity which worked because whenever you see up Team Aqua art, most prefer the Dark Skin ones.

Team Magma had it worse when it came to generic looking though, that is why Tabitha got fat and Courtney got hotter.
>They wanted to make them look less generic
Lmao they look way more generic now
Stay mad
I always thought fat Tabitha was an odd choice
Tabitha is so fascinating from a design standpoint, because it seems like nothing can agree how he looks like.
>RSE - fearsome looking dude in a slightly altered uniform
>Anime - similar to game appearance, but tones down the scarier look
>Manga - big buff fuck with long hair
>ORAS - fat fuck
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Tabitha was designed as the polar opposite to Matt. While Matt is buff, dumb and fiercely loyal to Archie, Tabitha is a fat smart scientist who wants to usurp Maxie as leader.
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>pants that low
>bush not visible
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>team aqua becomes okinawans
>/pol/brains only see niggers
I really hate you retarded election tourists from the bottom of my heart
Too dark to be okinawans and they will have features similar to brock if they were okinawans.

The Team Aqua lead is based on Captain Nemo who's Indian (submarine, volcano base, even directly quotes him at one point: "The sea is everything" https://www.google.com/search?q=gutenberg+leagues+the+sea+is+everything&sca_esv=8a9c246bb402f2a4&source=hp&ei=ZV0LZ760A4PbptQP1pPD2Q0&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZwtrdbuHnJsnNkyDtQnEYkjpT6Mmuuo9&ved=0ahUKEwj--tzO0oqJAxWDrYkEHdbJMNsQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=gutenberg+leagues+the+sea+is+everything&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IidndXRlbmJlcmcgbGVhZ3VlcyB0aGUgc2VhIGlzIGV2ZXJ5dGhpbmcyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRirAkiTFVCBDFiBDHABeACQAQCYAWigAWiqAQMwLjG4AQPIAQD4AQL4AQGYAgKgAokBqAIKwgIQEAAYAxjlAhjqAhiMAxiPAcICEBAuGAMY5QIY6gIYjAMYjwGYAxGSBwMxLjGgB9oF&sclient=gws-wiz ) so in his case it kind of makes sense.

I regret loss of the ginger tho. Her Ariel vibe was cute.

Jesus fuck you ESL learn how to post links.
I'm old and don't know how to post a link to inline text in an HTML file. I didn't even get a typewriter until my late teens. When I learned HTML two decades ago it didn't support this feature. Sorry!!
Yes, down right design fills me with lust and a craving for chocolate ice cream.
Top right does neither of those.

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