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In this thread, we post not just Nemona, but also Arven, Penny, and Florian/Juliana! Carmine and Kieran are welcome as well, but I'd rather the focus be on the main four. Ogerpon is welcome as well, she's the honorary fifth member.

Which one is your favourite?

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKOuJ0yBiLs

Previous thread: >>56500013
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I honestly don’t find their dynamic that engaging especially with how fast it happens. Still find some enjoyment in it and their event in Masters made me appreciate it a little more. My favorite is Nemona.
Hugging Nemona from behind and taking in her scent before trailing kisses up her neck
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That's fair. I just like imagining entertaining scenarios that they might find themselves in, as well as the interactions that follow. I haven't checked out the Masters event, but i probably should (I don't play it, nor do I ever plan to). My favourite is Nemona as well, if that wasn't obvious enough.

Never letting go as you hug her as tightly as possible, her scent making you feel relaxed and at ease...
I prefer Penny the most. Love shy nerdy girls.
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There’s a person on YT who uploads all the events but they don’t have audio. I’m sure there’s someone who has them with it though. And that’s fair I do love seeing the fan art of them. I think part of it is that the MC is kind of the center of their dynamic which feels limiting. Base taste with Nemona. She’s my favorite from SV. She was the first Paldea character, first to get an alt, and is generally just fun in events. Kind of losing my interest in Masters but she’s one of the reasons I stick around.
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She's adorable, isn't she? She has a completely different appeal compared to Nemona, but they're both very lovely.

I've seen a few youtube videos of Nemona and Penny's dialogue, and it's very cute. I quite like how Nemona's interaction draws attention to the fact that Pawmo evolves after walking a certain distance, and how that relates to her condition. I also liked Penny's dialogue about a Galarian folk tale about a Sylveon that slayed a dragon (although is it really a folk tale if it's true?).

>I think part of it is that the MC is kind of the center of their dynamic which feels limiting.
True. When the centre of your group is a self insert, it can limit the things you're able to do. I guess that's what fanfiction is for! Although I still write Florian as a self insert for the reader, you can still infer his personality from the way certain things are described.

I'm very glad that Nemona was the first SV character to be added to Masters. It just feels right. Not only is she basically the face of gen 9 (at least in my eyes), but an island full of strong trainers sounds like heaven for her. Her sygna suit is also very nice, she definitely has a bit of a cheerleader vibe.

>Kind of losing my interest in Masters but she’s one of the reasons I stick around.
I can't think of a better reason than that. Nemona is always worth it.
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Finally, the return of the most wholesome anon with the most wholesome thread. This is a comfy oasis amidst the mochi eating wasteland that are the other topics
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After a nice break, I'm ready to get back into the Zona Nemona, as I'm sure a lot of other people are as well.
>Nemona 49.jpg
post Nemona 48,jpg
There's not a lot of art with the full gang (w/Ogerpon), but whenever I find it, it feels great.
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Gladly! I moved all of my SV friend group pics to my computer, so they all have filenames now.
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Setting aside the MC, what’s the best ship among Paldea’s group of friends?
Nemona, get your hands of mah man.
I'm honestly not sure. Maybe it's the soggy heart inside of me, but I don't think any ship within their ranks would be too compatible in the long run, given everyone's own neuroses. They'd have to undergo some serious character development. Then again, part of relationship in of it self is to do that anyway.
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Idk really. I think they all work great together.
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I feel like Arven and Penny would have a good dynamic together, romantic or otherwise.
Juliana/Arven/Nemona/Penny foursome.
Simple as.
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Seems a bit unfair, doesn't it? Carmine's great and all, but Florian seems to be getting the short end of the stick in this situation.
por fin
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Based Weezer anon, glad you could make it.
This is so Nemonanon-like
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Marriage doesn't really appeal to me, but It's a very cute and beautiful image either way. Their rivalry will last a lifetime.
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Hey that's me
Nemona with her hair down is too fucking kino.
No it isn't. I'm glad you love Nemona, but I'd rather people don't get confused.

That's a very nice pic. That's definitely a Masters alt if I've ever seen one.

If Nemona were to ever let her hair down, she would be too powerful. Fingers crossed an official source shows her with her hair down at some point.
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They, but with weapons
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I feel like Penny would be surprisingly skilled with a firearm for some reason. Nemona would be enthusiastic, but her wrist might be a problem.

What anime is this referencing?
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Thank you for this thread. They have one of my favorite dynamics in the series. I got choked up and shed some tears at the end of SV. The part that got me was when Arven looked so defeated after the encounter with the AI professor ended and the friends made him know they were there for him as they were heading out of Area Zero. Hard to say which I like more between Nemona and Arven but I like both a lot. I wasn't really fond of Penny at first but I see some of the charm to her now (although I still prefer the Team Star admins over her).
NTA but at first I thought it was a blue archive or GFL reference but looking at the original pixiv post, the only tags are pokemon tags.
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And saved, thanks for that pic.

Nemona and Arven seem to be the most popular. They both have very deep and sympathetic backstories that resonate with a lot of people. Idk why I love Penny so much, but I do. Maybe I just have a thing for girls like her.

Interesting. It's still really cool, though! Those are some very nice alternate outfits for them.
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When I die, I want that to be the last thing that flashes before my eyes.
i feel penny would use an m4 or m16, and definitely frequent /k/
as for nemona, i feel her wrist wouldn't allow her to go above 9mm, most likely a glock or 22.lr
i see arven as the type to use a mossberg or rifle, but that may just be my lack of knowledge on him
Penny definitely seems like the type to browse 4chan.
you think she'd go along with tits or gtfo?
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Probably. It's anonymous, so nobody would know it's her. Although she doesn't exactly have much to show off...

i honestly prefer flat to modest chicks
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Same. Penny would be glad to hear that (although she'd be really flustered and embarrassed).
i doubt i could say it to her face though, i struggle with talking to strangers, especially females
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So does she. You'd be a perfect match.
Been waiting for this thread, thanks
I'm still on holiday in a fancy hotel, so I've been fantasising about the gang going on holiday together. Arven and Nemona would barely need any sunscreen and tan easily, while Penny doesn't dare to go into the sun without slathering her entire body in SPF 50 sunscreen and would mostly stay in the shade (and then still gets sunburned somehow).
Nemona would be a surprisingly bad swimmer because of her mystery condition. Penny would have some sort of pool inflatable, and Arven would roll it over at least to make her fall into the water on purpose.
They'd absolutely fight over TV remote control (again)...
Wonder if they'd all share the same room. Who snores the loudest? Who kicks in their sleep? Who falls asleep way before bedtime?
nemona would definitely want to watch a battling channel, arven would want to watch the cooking channel, and i am unsure of what penny would want to watch
Definitely not Penny for the last, she stays up. I think Arven snores the loudest/would kick the most/be the most inconsiderate sleeper because he spent most of his life growing up without other humans. .
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Absolutely! I imagine that would be the case. Penny would definitely sunburn very easily. Not only does she have very pale skin and spend a lot of her time indoors, but it's also really cold where she's from, so she likely wouldn't be used to the heat. The scenario you described is very nice. I recently got back from a holiday as well, so that kind of thing is still fresh in my mind.


I imagine Penny would just cast anime from her phone or something.

Arven snores the loudest, Nemona wouldn't be able to sit still, and Penny would stay up all night on her phone before falling asleep at like 2am.
i think nemona would talk in her sleep about battling
i've woken up sleep talking about my hyperfixations
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does penny have shrimp posture
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Thankfully, I don't talk in my sleep. At least I'm pretty sure that's the case.

Pokégirls are my current hyperfixation, so that would be very humiliating.
to be honest, this thread did a much better job at convincing me about penny than the original penny threads
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Glad you were able to come around on her! Yeah, Penny threads tend not to last very long, and they aren't as high quality as these threads. That's kind of what motivated me to make this thread about the SV friend group in general as opposed to just Nemona. Penny is very nice, but she doesn't seem to get much love here, unfortunately. I feel like there's a lot to discuss about all three of them individually and together.
penny being practically a reflection of who i am along with her physical aspects just make her seem so perfect
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Honestly? Same. Nemona is still my one and only, but I definitely relate to Penny more. She's very fun to write as a result. It also helps that I've met a few girls like her.

You have a Weezer song for every situation, don't you?
pretty much
i've got a song for arven too
Kek, I can see why you’d be reminded of him. The lyrics fit Arven perfectly.

(I’m out on a walk, so I don’t have any pics on me at the moment)
enjoy your walk nemonabro
>>56554601 here, I was at the breakfast buffet earlier so I've been thinking.
>Arven tries different food every day, putting a well balanced meal on his plate every time
>Nemona only goes to the buffet once and puts a whole heap of food on her plate cause everything looks good. Ends up eating way too much every time and doesn't even always finish her plate
>Penny literally only gets nuggets, fries and pizza
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That sounds about right. You have a very good grasp of the characters. I'm glad I'm not the only one who autistically imagines how they'd react in whatever scenario I'm currently in. It's the textbook definition of "me when I have a special interest and apply it to everything regardless of relevance".
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>Nia always told me she'd take me somewhere like this. Somewhere with shining lights...

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Larry's just along for the ride.
kinda awkward because that's the only art piece with nemona and acerola on it at the same time .w.
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Hey, it's better than nothing! Good to see you here btw.
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same to you! :D
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Fucking based pic, saved.

How have you been lately? I'm doing pretty good at the moment.
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emotionally? a bit anxious
mentally? tired as all balls
physically? my calves hurt like hell
but I'm still doing okay! I'm back home now and that's what matters -w-
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That's great! I got back from a holiday a couple days ago, and I haven't had much time to relax until today. Although I should probably go out sometime tomorrow, as I've pretty much spent the entire day on 4chan (see what I mean about relating to Penny?). Glad to see you're doing well! Japan must have been fantastic.
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Gee Penny! How Come Professor Turo Lets You Battle Two Nemonas?
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No mortal would be able to handle that many battles. It sounds good in theory, but if there were two of her, then she just wouldn't be as special anymore.
Fucking Nemona so good that she starts speaking almost entirely in Spanish...
I am genuinely amazed and grateful that is a real line of narration in the game lmao
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You can always headcanon that she has a lost twin sister or cousin
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God, I wish I took a screenshot of that. I've always felt that Nemona was the textbook definition of "they knew what they were doing", and that text box basically confirms it.

You're the anon from /kiki/, right? Good to see you here.

True. Or maybe she was duplicated by some kind of strange invention. That sounds like a fun one-off scenario. Arven and Penny would dread that kind of thing, that's for sure. Nemona's already a lot to handle, but two of her would be quite overwhelming.
>God, I wish I took a screenshot of that.
Well, not to worry. I have been fairly dilligent in terms of spamming F8.
And this is the line she says right after that lol
Yup. I'm actually the sixth post in the thread but don't tell anyone :V
Paradox Nemona. Dresses in different colored clothes, but otherwise, it's just Nemona
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Jesus, doing it right out in the open? I knew she was adventurous, but that seems a bit overkill, don't you think?

I had a feeling it was you. The filename gave it away.
Golden nemona
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Is this implying that Nemona is the exact same in both the past and future paradox timelines? That honestly sounds very in character.

You unlock the gold skin for Nemona after having 1000 battles with her. Although that probably wouldn't be much of a challenge.
But why, Anon? Do you think /Kiki/ Anons (me) are annoying? :c
>N3-M0 (Na)
Android version of Nemona from the far future, powered by the salt of the trainers she crushes in battle with her iron algorithms.
The reference her is obviously l33t speak, plus the fact that Nemona's original JP name is Nemo, so I added in the Na (as in the elemental shorthand for Sodium) in brackets
>Green Streak
An ancient cavewoman Nemona... who isn't that much different from her present day counterpart.
Was kinda hard to figure out a past paradox name for Nemona but I kept it simple by referring to her most distinctive feature, like most other paradox mons do. Sometimes simplicity is best.
Erabe (Choose).
uh oh, I can't believe people can look under spoilers
It's mostly a joke, but also, have you ever heard of the Aesop fable that pertained to the bats?
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Based ideas for both. I had an idea based on some AI gens I saw about Nemona ending up in the past paradox timeline (or "the Savage Land" as I call it) and having to survive and make her way home. I had planned on actually writing something about that, but that kind of thing is way outside of my skill level.
Yes. Nemona is so battle obsessed that she (in part) resisted the mochi brainwashing. So it's safe to assume that no matter the timeline, she'll retain her core trait
Nemona Dorada
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These two count, right?
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Next week, it's her turn.
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I'm very glad we'll be able to see Carmine in all of her flat glory.
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Carmine finally gets the love she deserves. I've always wondered why Kieran gets daily threads, but Carmine doesn't, and when she does, they don't last very long.
Carmine's feet in anime form! Yes! I can't wait!
As much as i hate 4chan's lame slangs, my guess is that Carmine isn't "autistic" enough for the audience, and she surely isn't as notable as other waifus
I think she has a lot of mainstream appeal.
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Total Nemona Love.

Hug Nemona. Kiss Nemona. Tell Nemona how much you love her. Battle Nemona to your heart's content. Go on lots of lovely dates with Nemona. Walk on the beach at sunset with Nemona. Stare into Nemona's beautiful sunset-coloured eyes. Take in Nemona's scent as you hug her. Invite Nemona over to your house. Have passionate, loving sex with Nemona (but only if she's ready). Fall asleep in Nemona's arms. Feel Nemona's heartbeat as you drift off to sleep.
My beautiful sisterwife in law.
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True. She doesn't really have much to her besides "tall, pretty, and has a short temper". But sometimes that's all you need.

(also, I never got the impression that "autistic" was 4chan slang, I always assumed people here just used it to exaggerate things for comedic effect. Although I have autism myself, so I might just be used to that kind of thing)

She very much does. She gets a lot of fanart.
That's true. But also, consider that Kieran has more relevance overall, and there's the meme factor that you the player stole his waifu
>She very much does. She gets a lot of fanart.
Well, sort of the point I was getting at was maybe she's more popular in the mainstream and less so in the periphery?
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True. Kieran definitely has a lot more going for him in regards to things that can be done with him.

I'd say so. By "periphery" do you mean this board?
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It was! Had some stomach issues but it really was.
How come no one ever talks how goofy Penny must have looked walking through Uva/Naranja with her hoody down, trying not to bump into shit as she makes her way to the meeting point?
I bet she thinks she looks cool, what a dork.
>I'd say so. By "periphery" do you mean this board?
Well, more this entire website as a whole, but yeah.
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Fantastic (the trip, anyway. Sucks about your stomach, though)! Like I said, I'd love to go back to Japan sometime.

If I'm being honest, you've definitely given me a newfound appreciation for Acerola (not in a lewd way, don't worry).

She definitely did. Maybe she walked slightly differently as well, either with her hands in her pockets or with a very edgy stride.

>Well, more this entire website as a whole, but yeah.
I thought so. It's funny that you post a pic of Penny, because she's a pretty good example of thus kind of thing. She gets a lot of fanart, but she's not very well liked here.
Holy based
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Three. Three threads for Carmine, and no less.
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Thanks. I had the idea for that post for a while now, I just needed to find the right words.

I'm off to bed now, here's a pic that captures the current state of the thread pretty well. Goodnight everyone, I hope the thread stays as fruitful as possible. It's been a fantastic thread so far.
Eep tight, Nemopal.
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yeah she really is just the best -w-
You seem like an anon who likes FEET
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funnily enough, no. I actually think they're really weird looking. there IS another acerola anon who does, however.
Ah, i thought you were Footanon himself. I mean, he also uses silly emojis and is close to Nemonanon. And that's a good fanart. I would advise you to create an Acerola thread, but i think you're safer here
Yes, that would be I, Footanon :3
but why do you think feet are weird?
I do, dont know about the other anon.
Yes that me. though I try to not use too many emojis here. and me being close to Nemonanon... well...
There he is! The Footanon! Genner of Feet and Nemonanon's BF! When are you going to gen a Brazilian Nemona for this thread?
Yes here I am! :D
minus the Bf part...
I might gen some tomorrow when I get more buzz, cause Civitai recently changed their whole buzz system thingy. rest assured, I'll get u some content ;)
Take your time, and remember, you're doing this for Nemonanon's sake!
good morning nemobros
>Penny sitting between Arven's legs
>She's blushing
I think Arven's a bit too happy...
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Honestly? I just think they look odd. Maybe it's because mine have always been weird and fucked as well as just not really seeing it. I can't argue though, I've got other interests on the similar levels of weird .w.

I would make an acerola thread but desu I want the nanu thread to stay up for longer. He deserves it more atm.
Hello there, anon. Are you having a fruitful morning?
He has reasons to be
That's very selfless of you. Good Acerolanon
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i dunno if anyone's posted this yet
>You have a very good grasp of the characters.
Thanks anon, I try. Those dorks have been living rentfree in my head for almost two years now... It's very fun to imagine them in all sorts of situations.
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Good morning, anon!

Absolutely! These characters mean the world to me. Their dynamic is very entertaining, and they came into my life at a very rough time, so I like to imagine they got me through it. It also helps that I have a massive crush on Nemona and Penny, but I love all three of them. They all have a place in my heart.
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If it's AI slop of Nemona in a swimsuit you want, I'm happy to help!

I really like this swimsuit for her. It's a good idea for what an official Naranja Academy swimsuit might look like. I headcanon that the academy has swimming classes (as well as a bunch of other classes), you just don't get to see them because you don't do them.
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Yeah, we all got our kinks, even if some arent the most sanitary. I spent a lot of time looking at the ground back when I was wee lad out of shyness and sometimes I just saw girls that wore open footwear, and they paint their toes pretty that it sorta awoke something in me? idk, but my feet are weird too, and its not like I get off to male feet, ew, I just like clean girl feet, toes especially.

But dont feel bad Acerolanon (I assume dats u :3), we're all frens here

Arvens lucky to be with 3 cute girls (though if your male, I guess its pretty balanced dibs on Penny for me)
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If only Game Freak knew...
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If that's the case, then they shouldn't have given her such tight clothes.

Besides, if a girl's outfit covers a lot, it lets your imagination run wild.

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Thank you very much for making yourself present in this thread, little aardvark sister
>Game Freak knows you masturbate to pokégirls

I can tell. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, Nemona is the textbook example of "they knew what they were doing". Her design, her tight clothes, her personality, her devotion to you, I wouldn't be surprised if Nemona was the first crush of a lot of kids growing up playing SV. Hell, when you defeat her, she lovingly stares into your eyes as she twirls her hair, for fuck's sake. Back on the topic of "they knew what they were doing", they specifically gave Ash new female companions for the explicit purpose of having more eye candy for male viewers, so they definitely know how popular the girls are.
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>though if your male, I guess its pretty balanced
That's part of why I prefer Florian over Juliana (besides the self insert aspect, of course). It just feels right having two boys and two girls in the group.

If that means I can have Nemona, count me in.

what ever you do, dont look at the spoiler
it was Footanon all along
Tha cat face fools no one who knows your ways!
Yes, i too have heard this rumor about Ash's companions
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> It just feels right having two boys and two girls in the group.
Yeah, that way theres some balance. also makes splitting up fun :3 and on a more lewder side, it means nobody is left out... the question is who gets who.

If I was in Florian's position, I'd take Penny and Arven gets Nemona. I'd assume you'd pick Nemona
though if it was you and me, with one of us replacing Arven, we could always take turns with each one

Ah! i've been found out again! how does this keep happening!?
I'm pretty sure one of the writers of the show literally confirmed it in an interview, so it's not much of a rumour.
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>they definitely know how popular the girls are.
I'd require a lot of time to make a collage of moments I'd consider eye candy, but point is, yes, they are VERY aware, and yet they act like they dont. It's funny but also frustrating.
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It really pains me that Florian gets barely any art compared to Juliana, and whenever he does, it's just gay stuff with Kieran.

>Ah! i've been found out again! how does this keep happening!?
It's comforting that somebody else knows the pain of having very distinctive speech patterns.
Just like Nemonanon said, you two are very easy to spot
I tought it was more common to have Kieran be cucked out of a relationship between the player and Ogerpon
Hey, pokégirls are the biggest example of "don't ask, don't tell", if you know what I mean. Besides, I feel like it's better when they aren't explicitly sexualised, if you get what I'm saying.

>you two are very easy to spot
I really wish I wasn't...

>I tought it was more common to have Kieran be cucked out of a relationship between the player and Ogerpon
True. I just search for art of him on Danbooru, and that's just the stuff that comes up.
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Well Juliana is a girl sooo...
And yeah pretty much, though there are some gems...

>very distinctive speech patterns
Sometimes I hate myself for this, though I do get away with it sometimes, at least I hope so... Im also trying to stop it

b-but I cant stawp it uwu~ FUCK!

I feel like it's better when they aren't explicitly sexualised.
I like it too, but sometimes I just like it when they go fuck it and sexualize a character because they know they're sexy or they don't even realize it till they walk it back. I feel like Miriam was a good example. they knew what they were doing with the shot of her feet and the whole "help me get a teacher position" event. Carmine and Perrin also slightly fall in this category, Perrin more than Carmine. They're really REALLY close to making them kiss the protagonist, yet they cant due to "kids franchise" and nintendo in general.
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I feel like you two are getting too horny... Please control yourselves so i won't have to apply a cautionary Anti-Horny BONK
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>Well Juliana is a girl sooo...
True. Also a lot of the more emotional fanart is probably drawn by women, so that probably plays a part in it as well.

>I feel like Miriam was a good example.
Based, always nice to find a fellow Miriam enjoyer. Although I never really noticed anything explicitly sexual about her, she is very pretty. Her animations are very charming (the shrug she does is just adorable). Although when you the fact that she was designed by the same woman who designed Bayonetta, it's no wonder people end up falling for her.

>Carmine and Perrin also slightly fall in this category, Perrin more than Carmine.
This. Perrin really gets me going. The funnies part is that she has the Diamond Clan logo on her butt, so you have no choice but to look there if you want to fully appreciate her design.

Thought so. There's only been one lewd pic posted, and while lewd pics are nice, they're best as an occasional treat.
>Based, always nice to find a fellow Miriam enjoyer.
Yay! I loved her ever since I met her in game (and the fact they showed her feet first guaranteed I'd love her) I love her animations too, she's so sassy but also so kind, like a nurse would be. I REALLY need to see her in the anime...

>Although I never really noticed anything explicitly sexual about her, she is very pretty.
She is pretty, but come on, shes pretty much sex appeal. If the shot of her feet wasn't obvious, she also has a short pencil skirt, and a sizeable chest. her little mannerisms can also be very flirtacious and even some of her lines. Nurses are usually depicted as being sexy anyway. But oh well, everyone has their own tastes (maybe its the horny talking)

>she was designed by the same woman who designed Bayonetta
Huh... no wonder, now I have a boner.

>she was designed by the same woman who designed Bayonetta
I love that detail, and her butt is very nice and tight.

I am horny. Im trying my best anon :'3
dont know about Nemonanon though, hes pretty chill. and either way, its not like he can do anything about me...
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forgot pic
but again, how is this not hot? even if your not into feet, her legs are gorgeous. (I also like her cute bandaid)
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This is getting a bit off topic.

Here's this funny delivery I got in the drawthread.
Hypothetical question: You want to hang out with Nemona, but Wednesday keeps cockblocking you. What do you do?
(Also, Perrin reminds me of Splatoon, for some reason)
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Forgot pic...
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By Wednesday, you mean Scarlet, right? In that case, I'd tell her to fuck off. (I actually really like Scarlet (she's really cool), but if she's getting in the way of me and Nemona, then I have no choice)

>Perrin reminds me of Splatoon, for some reason
Kek, she does, now that you mention it. Her and Shiver have a similar vibe.
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Bold Nemonanon, risking getting webbed by the Edgy Scarlet just to get wuality time with Nemona
Ah, yes... It's because of Shiver, i knew it. I just forgot the character's name
This is making me a bit uncomfortable... It's the stare...
Not Perrin, but there is art of both Adaman and Shiver. I guess Shiver is Adaman's/Perrin's secret love child
Now this makes so much sense that i'll adopt it as the truth
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Don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us.

(saving that pic btw)

>Bold Nemonanon, risking getting webbed by the Edgy Scarlet just to get wuality time with Nemona
It's a risk I'm very much willing to take. I don't care if Scarlet has probably killed people in the past, as long as there's a chance I can spent time with my beloved rival, I'm willing to do anything.

>This is making me a bit uncomfortable... It's the stare...
Yeah, it turned out a bit creepier than I would have liked. But I've learned not to be too picky when it comes to deliveries, I'm just glad it was done at all.

Maybe Shiver based her look off of old artifacts from the Diamond Clan that she found? I could see that.
Beach friends!
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for me its her
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Nemona kind of looks like Ivy from Pokérogue dressed like that.

Wrong! The article is talking about her Pokémon, not her! Although she is very lovely.
why is everyone here writing like an ai bot?
is this a like 3 person schizo threat? it's a bit scary desu
No, it's talking about HER and MY penis penetrating HER virgin vagina
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How am I supposed to talk?

But that's lewd!
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You've crossed the line, bad anon! >>56557851
Now you shall receive the Anti-Horny BONK
>Nemona kind of looks like Ivy from Pokérogue dressed like that.
Oh... Ivy my beloved...
Here are some sprites that you'll definitely like.

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Everyone goes on a theme park visit!
1. Who buys the most cotton candy?
2. Who's the best at the various arcade games?
3. Who manages to stay on the spinning cups the longest without getting sick?
Ah, the nude sprites. They never get old.
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I have something that you'll definitely enjoy and never gets old either!
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Yes! I love brainstorming these kinds of scenarios!

1. Penny would definitely buy the most cotton candy. She will eat anything as long as it isn't healthy. Although Nemona would probably buy a lot as well so she can share with her friends.

2. I feel like Penny would know a lot about whatever arcade games the park has, as well as various exploits that she can use to her advantage. I have a slight joke headcanon that Nemona played a bit of King of Fighters when she was young back in her home region, but she probably wasn't very good.

3. Nemona, definitely. She'll probably have so much fun that she just forgets to be sick. Either that or she's built up a tolerance for that kind of thing. She loves those kinds of rides. Penny would throw up due to her godawful diet, and Arven probably would as well because I imagine he has never been to a theme park in his life.

Ouch! Sorry, I couldn't help myself! I'll do better next time, I promise. I hope.
It did get me curious, though. Who is this Ivy character?
>I have something that you'll definitely enjoy and never gets old either!
That's so true because I have Sap Sipper.
>She will eat anything as long as it isn't healthy
To be fair, she said she'd eat veggies if Arven could back up the body mush thing with a source.
I kinda thought for three it might be Arven, given how thrilled he felt on Raidon's back diving down to Area Zero but you might be right.
She's the rival in Pokerogue assuming you play as the male character.
Fun fact, Pokerogue is what made me play mainline Pokemon again after a sabbatical longer than a decade, made me fall in love with Kiki and then Nemona and is basically there reason why I'm posting here.
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She's the female rival from Pokérogue, a Pokémon fan game.

Of course a fan of Ogerpon like you would be intrigued by the name "Ivy".
Hummm, the name isn't familiar to me, but looking at the screenshots, i think i've seen this game before
I thought I am the only one who thought some people seem to be ai posts... I feel kinda relief now, oof...
I do approve her design! Can't go wrong with girls with glasses
Lies, i must confess that Penny doesn't appeal to me. Please BONK me
sniffing Penny...
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What makes you think that this anon here is a bot? It can be a dinossaur too
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>To be fair, she said she'd eat veggies if Arven could back up the body mush thing with a source.
I love that line of dialogue because it basically confirms that she has a British accent. If they don't give her one in the Horizons dub I'm going to be very mad.

I also headcanon her to have an ever so slight pot belly due to her diet, but her body isn't very mushy besides that.

It had a general here for a while (which is actually what got me to play the game), but it stopped due to frustrations with the developers as well as general dwindling interest in the game.
Now that I think about it, she'd smell like a variety of different things, assuming she cuddles up with all her veevees
Absolutely based designs for both. The descriptions are also really cool.
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That's actually a very good point. I always thought that she doesn't smell very good (maybe a mix of stale ramen and wet Eevee, as well as general odour), but that sounds pretty accurate.
i prefer my penny flat as a board, but i could see her lack of activity and diet doing that; i know of females which have the same diet and activity level as her but remain flat
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Same. Like I said, it's ever so slight, barely noticeable.
understandable have a nice day/night anon
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Goodnight, anon! If that's what you were trying to say.
I have no idea what's going on here, but i'm sure some anons would like to trade places with Arven
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I love that artist. The way they draw the characters is fantastic, and I love the funny and lewd scenarios that they end up in.

And yes, you're right. These two pics especially.

>Just changed into the Summer uniform
From right to left.
>Pepper's (Arven's) arm is so squishy!
>You're right! It's so squishy!
>So soft
>You guys, it's way too hot!
>The fat cooled by the air conditioner is cold and flat. It's really squishy and soft. Pepper's (Arven's) arms are squishy!!!! It feels good.
>It's muscle!
Based, thanks for translating.
Yes please! I'd love to be surrounded by them!

That's a cute pic of Nemona's thighs! kinda wish there was a full body version.

fuuuuck.... im fapping to this now... I want to be in Arven's place so bad...
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Hey, let's not get too lewd. But yeah, I'm quite jealous of him.
So you've find out. You would normally lament the lack of Florian there, but i guess the scenarios are so good that you just accept them. You're even enjoying Juliana's presence for a change!
Thanks for the translation, noble anon
sorry again... old habits :'3 but that image is so nice to look at... I can imagine Penny is having a lot of fun inspecting Arven....

Also found this nice image of Penny by the same artist. I can see her cute toenails!
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>You would normally lament the lack of Florian there
Believe me, I do. But who am I to be mad at something for not 100% aligning with my vision? The pics are still great either way. The pics focusing on the main three are the only ones that I've saved, though.

>You're even enjoying Juliana's presence for a change!
I can handle it.

I was going to post that! I had a feeling it would be right up your alley. She looks cute when she's getting dressed, and I like the small peek at her panties.

(Is this pic too lewd? Should I delete it just to be safe?)
maid arven... cute
>(Is this pic too lewd? Should I delete it just to be safe?)
I think your fine? I mean as long as she's not using it, it should be fine... also, you can delete?...
look at the bottom of the screen, right above / wsg /
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Please get in line. Thank you
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He would definitely be the maid of the group. I feel like he would be the straight man in terms of how he engages with the rest of the group's shenanigans.

Below where it says "Advertise on 4chan", to the right, you'll see a button that says "delete". tick the box in the top left corner of the post you want to delete and click delete. If you want to delete only the image, just tick the box that says "file only".
Ooohh.... now I feel embarrassed... this wouldve helped a lot in other times.. is there a penalty to it though?....
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I'm sorry! Normally there's a mix of lewd and wholesome stuff in Nemona threads. Besides, all of the lewd stuff comes form a place of love, rather than raw pleasure. Sorry.

I don't think so. You have to wait a minute after you post something if you want to delete it, and you can't delete posts that are too old.
Ah yes, love is what makes this thread different from others in this board. Very well, you're forgiven
But only if you watch the YOASOBI video as penitence
i'm so used to pallid penny seeing one with a normal skin tone seems wrong
getting healthy amounts of vitanmin D is good!
Im sorry :c I cant control my horniness, its all I ever come here for! Im constantly horny....

I blame myself for this. I know your a changed man and are not as horny as I am Nemonanon...
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>love is what makes this thread different from others in this board.
Very well said.

What did I do to deserve such a cruel punishment? Very well then, if I can survive having my heart broken once, I suppose I can do it again.

Hopefully it won't kill my interest in Nemona like last time...

Oh yeah, her skin tone is slightly different. It's not too different, so I can let it slide.

Exactly! Maybe she's been spending more time outdoors with her friends? She needs to go outside for her sake, rather than an excuse to make sure Leafeon gets enough sunlight.

Don't worry about it! You're good.
At this rate you will evolve(?) from Footanon to Hornanon!
Sorry, i guess it's too cruel indeed.. Well, why don't you draw a pic of Nemona then? No matter how unskilled or ashamed you feel!
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Fake, Penny's breasts are nowhere near that big.

(I would post something related to that, but I've already been bonked twice, so here's Penny in a cute summer outfit!)
Well feet is what makes me horny to begin with... plus Hornanon doesn't have a good ring to it yknow? ;3

btw, idk if im spacing out or what, but your Acerolanon, right? or am I speaking to a new anon?
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>Well, why don't you draw a pic of Nemona then? No matter how unskilled or ashamed you feel!
Holy shit, you practically read my mind! I've been thinking about drawing her lately, but I'm only good with a pencil and paper (even then, my art skills aren't really that good), and I REALLY don't want anyone to find my sketchbook (there's nothing embarrassing in there, but I don't want any physical evidence of my love for Nemona). Although it's not like they're going to look there anyway. I'll get right to it as soon as I can! Thanks for that.
I'm not Acerolanon. I'm the emissary of Ogerpon. And as a punishment for your endless horniness, i want you to stare at this photo of you and Nemonanon together, so you can see that you're both blockheads!
Are you saying that your room isn't full of Nemona's memorabilia?
Ooooh.. I see... is that you Katieanon? I remember you from a certain board, always calling me a Meowscarada.

First off, thats a cute little build, I love it and I want one for myself.

Second off however, me an Nemonanons dynamic is not as.. "close" anymore... so the photo, while cute, is inaccurate...

Here, have this odd, but cute pic of Penny and... Shiver???
as always... forgot THE FUCKING PIC.. sorry..

if I delete a post, I can redo it again right?.. is that how it works?..
Holy shit, those look fantastic! It's nice to see Nemona with her canon starter (at least in my eyes).

(You're aware I just love Nemona, but I don't pretend to be her, right? That's just weird. Btw, I'd rather you not draw as much attention to "thread personalities" if that makes sense. Idk, but I feel like it might open the thread up to targeted bullying or stuff like that.)

>Are you saying that your room isn't full of Nemona's memorabilia?
Surprisingly not. My love for her is entirely in my head (and on my computer). I've thought about getting her scale world figure, but it's around $120 where I'm from, and there's no way I can justify a purchase that big on something so small, especially something waifu related.

Please keep discussion of that to a minimum, I am deeply ashamed.
well Nemonanon... and Katieanon, if that is u, im off to beddy bye. have good rest of your day, or night! :3
Im sorry.. I know you are.... blame Katieanon, he brough it up :c
Goodnight! And thanks for the adorable pic.

>reproduction is prohibited.

Oh, I don't think so.
Please, for the love of god, have some self awareness next time. Goodnight.
Katieanon? I think you're mistaking me for another anon again. But you keep using cat emojis from time to time, so i guess it fits. And that's the Pokemon that i associate with Nemona anyway, regardless of canon
Sorry, i thought the anon players were common knowledge here. I shall stop then
Can you show me this figure? I think i know the one, but i can't post it right now
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>that's the Pokemon that i associate with Nemona anyway, regardless of canon
He matches Nemona’s hair colour very well. Plus, I chose Fuecoco as my starter, so I’m just used to her using Meowscarada.

>Sorry, i thought the anon players were common knowledge here. I shall stop then
You can keep doing it, just don’t go as hard with it, if that makes sense. Idk where I was going with that, keep doing it.

This is the figure I was talking about! She comes with Pawmot and Skeledirge. Unfortunately, Nemona is the only scale world figure I’m interested in, but if I want Meowscarada, I have to get Juliana as well. It’s like they’re mocking me.

(I’ve gone out, so I don’t have many pics on me)
I'm used to seeing you two in the AI thread, along with Hexanon. I thought your closeness was well-known around here, but i guess i shouldn't be meddling with other anons affairs. Sorry for that. I shall limit myself to BONK horny anons
And that's the figure i had in mind! I didn't know there was a Juliana one too. Sorry for your bad luck
I shall leave for now. Keep this thread fruitful and wholesome!
Don’t worry about it! These threads are comfy, so I don’t think any bad actors would show up to ruin the fun (they can attempt to, but things will resolve themselves eventually). Keep doing what you’re doing. Idk what got into me.

See you next time, anon!
Btw, it’s not the idea of having a figure of Juliana that I have a problem with, it’s more so the connotations of the only scale world figures I have being her and Nemona. It’s stupid, but that’s just how I am.
Can you link the video of the event, if possible?
goodnight nemonabros
keep the thread fruitful
Goodnight, anon!
Update: I've only just started drawing her and I already feel like I've screwed her up. I can't draw humans very well.
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Had a remind of this old pearl of a penny thread
That's a funny pic, but that thread is fucking awful, jesus christ.
1: Arven. Probably trying a tonne of it for culinary gain.
2: Depends on the game. Mostly Penny, but I feel Kieran would do good at the "punch the bag" ones.
3: no clue but it definitely ain't nemona. her physical strength is ass from what's implied so she probably just implodes from it.
The delusional marniepedo claiming punk isn't woke is funny tho
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Some cute Nemona headcanons from a thread from ages ago (not mine).

>Born sickly, her family sheltered her as a child
>Despite that, she was an energetic kid and always wanted to go out and play, probably with her sister
>She's still physically weak, (gets winded easily, bad at throwing balls) but doesn't want anyone to notice or worry about her
>Always tries to seem competent, doesn't like asking for help because it makes her seem needy
even at things she's obviously incompetent
>Doesn't know the first thing about cooking. >Never learned to tie her tie because servants always do it for her.
>She's self-conscious about how she liked pokemon battling an inordinate amount. Sometimes she thinks life would be easier if she was "normal".
>She doesn't nickname her pokemon, but she calls pawmot "Champ" when no one's around
>doesn't like receiving help even if she needs it. Will either refuse or silently accept it and sulk like a kid
>always has been very competitive, wanted to do sports when she was young, didn't realize she couldn't
>wanted to be a "fighting princess" at one point (she saw a boxing match on TV)
>makes competitions of random, asinine things, sometimes she doesn't even tell anyone else, she's just competing against them in her own head
>her spanish interjections are old paldean words she learned from her grandmother, they spent a lot of time together since she wasn't allowed out as a kid
>her grandma died some time later
>thinks bug-like things that buzz or flutter are gross but won't admit it
(although since she uses Ribombee, I feel like this one has been debunked)
>not grossed by dunsparce because "it's a NORMAL type, duh!!"
>she'll hold her breath until she goes red to win pointless arguments
>would have been a national-level swimmer if not for her condition
>secretly hoped her parents and sister would have been impressed if she became the champion, she did and they still think she's wasting her time with children's sports
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it was built on social activism how the fuck do people have this opinion

damn. this sounds sad as fuck :c
Yeah, Nemona's backstory is pretty sad. I admit, I'll probably incorporate some of them into my own headcanons.

(ease up on the pics, we're almost at the image limit)
ah yeah sorry lads, won't post any more .w."
Don't worry about it! Although I'm not surprised we reached it this early. There will definitely be a new thread after this one. There's a lot of love for Nemona and her friends.
and I'm just here because this thread is pretty fun to be in/around.
It's my happy place. Nemona and her friends (as well as SV in general) have been my main hyperfixation for months now. I love thinking about them.
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Honestly, this didn’t turn out as bad as I thought it would. Sure, it isn’t the best, but I’d say it looks pretty good for a first attempt. Like I said, I’m not very good at drawing humans.
This is good enough! Now headcanon it as Nemona's look in the "Nemona & Friends" saturday morning cartoon, in which she's constantly describing things she enjoys as "fruitful" and adresses the audience calling them her friends
Cute. That sounds adorable. I might draw her more in the future (or at least colour in the drawing I posted). It might give me a chance to get better at drawing people. I took art class briefly when I was in high school, but we learned about stuff like clay sculpting and cubism instead of how to draw a fucking person.
Now ask Machine to gen a cubist Nemona. It's really fitting, given the Paldea theme
Kek, if you say so. Brassius would be proud, I'm sure. It would be very avant-garde.
Well, look at this https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/comments/zm0jgg/some_pretty_pog_paintings_i_found_at_nemonas/
Of course! Although I imagine those are more for her parents, rather than Nemona herself. I can't imagine Nemona would have the patience or insight to appreciate fine art. Then again, she has art class with you, so what do I know.
Nemona draws a sketch and claims that it represents her love for battles and her rival for life
Aww. It might not be very good, but you can tell that she put her heart into it. Kind of reflects how I felt drawing her, if I'm being honest.
Which means that the next step is drawing the other friends. Who knows, maybe you'll develop your own style? (not posting pics is making me sad)
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I'd love to draw the others at some point! That sounds like a good idea.

(Sorry, I just wanted to conserve the image limit so the thread can last longer. Although I suppose it can still continue after the image limit is reached)
The future is now! Nemona would like this!
You! Drawings! Now!
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I would love to draw more, but I have to go to bed now. It's really late for me. Goodnight, anon, hope the thread stays fruitful. I'll make sure to have many lovely dreams about Nemona.
And then you shall draw your dreams! Goodbye for now, Nemonanon
Oh hey Acerolanon :3


ill only speak of this once and ill stop cause I dont Nemonanon to be pissed. but ok, I thought you were another anon, but I know ur from ftt cuz thats what they called me there. I need a name for u, but lets just say all of that footxnemo stuff is in the past...sadly..
Actually, i know you're names Footanon because of the AI threads, which are one of the few kinds i enjoy. So after seeing easily recognizable anons a dozen times, i just learned stuff. You can call me Ogerponanon, or Anonpon. Whatever sounds better
Anonpon sounds cute, so I'll use that :3 welcome to our little community then! (unless you were here already, in which case, nice to meet you!)
no clue what happened and I won't ask what happened, I just hope you're doing okay man ;~;

from what I've seen, they kinda use the sideways faces (:3, :), c:, etc etc) whereas I use more upright ones (-w- .w. ;w; etc etc) so that's one way to tell us apart sometimes
Thank tou very much! But perhaps i've been always here... No, that's a lie. I just appear on this board from time to time to see the AI gens or new games leaks. But most of the threads feel like asylums, so it's rare to find a comfy one like this
I wouldn't be able to tell the difference in that case
ah that's fair lmao
I also type a bit like this, too.
mostly due to how my brain works.
(acerola anon here btw)
I guess the only safe way to tell you two apart is that Footanon likes feet and you don't
legit LMAO
that, and any time I post an acerola photo, it's named "Acerola (number)" ordered from when I downloaded them.
> I just hope you're doing okay man ;~;
dont worry, im fine :3

>from what I've seen, they kinda use the sideways faces (:3, :), c:, etc etc) whereas I use more upright ones (-w- .w. ;w; etc etc)
well, I tend to use the upright ones too when I feel its appropriate, I also sometimes use kaomoji.

Yeah vp is just full of random bullshit, I like finding these nice comfy ones. I just always fear I ruin them with my constant horniness ( ._.) glad you guys like me though...
I think thats the best way to tell, cause sometimes I just type normally without using emojis, but 9 times out of 10 I'll always post a pic with feet.

is my typing really that obivous? cause know im afraid of being found it else where...
That too, i'll use this to identify you in the future
If your horniness gets out of control, be sure that i'll be here to BONK you. It's for your own good : )
huh? wdym? also is this nemo or another anon? (also idk if the footanon wants to be named something else, and if they do I feel I'd wanna call em that instead)
(god this'd be easier if the image bump wasn't so close to death .w.)
Im Footanon (I notice your name fagging kek) Nemonanon I think is sleeping. I'd namefag, but I like just staying anonymous :P

Idk, if you want to call me something else, I was named Footanon by the AI genes thread and it just sorta stuck.
nah I'm fine with that, foot, it was mostly because of the confusion with the ogrepon anon. (and the name fagging was temporary to just make the point across)
I guess to make things simple (and to show my growing collection of vp frens)

Im Footanon :3
and then we got Nemonanon, Acerolanon, and Anonpon
Does anyone have any Nemona greens saved? Or just stories in general is fine.
What are "greens"?
greentexts methinks
Ah, i see
In that case, Nemonanon did some greentextes and fics about her. Maybe he'll post them once he returns
i thought nemonanon and writeanon were two separate people? i coulda sworn i remember writeanon said he preferred a different pokegirl
I don't know who Writeanon is, but i know that Nemonanon does write stuff about Nemona, and sometimes Penny
writeanon/writefag is the guy who made the greentexts
Maybe you should search for his "name" in the archives then. I'm a newcomer, sorry if i can't help
is shaun samefagging or is it a different schizo
Nemonanon here, Here's a link to all of my stories and paragraphs! Fair warning, some of them are quite lewd.

>page 9
File: 1723699508611498.gif (244 KB, 600x600)
244 KB
244 KB GIF
There are a few well-known anons in Nemona's threads
Well that was the last pic of the thread
And the image limit has officially been reached! It's funny, I was thinking of posting that gif as one of the last two images. This has been a fantastic thread, I'll definitely make a new one when this thread dies.
That pic always makes me kek
Here's a very based comic by Kinkymation. It's very lewd, but it's very sweet at the same time.

Nemona prefers to be hypnotised by a different ghost/poison type.
Obligatory: https://files.catbox.moe/9e2jy8.webm
Thank you anons, it's much appreciated. I'd almost given up after searching the archives.

Nice, saved.

Sweet. Thank you!
No problem! Enjoy.
im missing the most recent ones, he compiled them methinks, but i could not find them
Strong desire to cudgel... But i can't... The image limit has been reached... How does it keep happening? So many garbage threads don't seem to die while this comfy place feels ephemeral
This guy has golden hands, one of the few respectable porn artists.
Sorry, but my love for Nemona goes both ways. I can't help myself sometimes! I guess these threads reach the image limit so quickly because I post a pic with every reply. I think it's also because Nemona and her friends have a very fun dynamic and they hit close to home for a lot of people, so there's a lot to talk about in regards to them.

I agree. She has a very nice artstyle, and the love between Nemona and Florian is very precious. Porn drawn by women tends to be very lovely and sweet.
Maybe these threads are in dire need of new content instead of repetitive pics. And you can help with that! By sharing more of your drawings
Yeah, I guess the pics can get a bit repetitive. I haven't done any other drawings (the Nemona one took me like three hours), and I'm not sure if I'd be able to invest the same amount of time into them, as I might feel a bit rushed or pressured. If I ever do more drawings, it will be in my own time.

Btw, here are the cubist Nemona gens you requested:

Humm... It doesn't really look cubist, but the results are very nice nonetheless. The second one looks like a stained glass... I shall dub it "Santa Nemona de las Batallas"
The second one is my favourite as well. It's very beautiful. The title you gave it is very fitting.
Saint Nemona
She's simply divine.
I wanted to share some of my own art here, but the thread reached its image limit
Share it in the next thread! Or you could just put it in a catbox link and post it here.

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