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Team Magma edition

>What are you running?
>How are you running it?
>How's your run going?
>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?

>/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.

>Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke generator
>Guide to running the generator locally
>Links to official games (thru Sw/Sh) (outdated)
>Romhack links (outdated)
>Definitive emulator info (note that OpenEmu is the best option for Macfags period as RBY through B2W2 may all be played on it and all run smoothly)
>Difficulty list
>Pokémon Nuzlocke images
>Pokémon Bank sprites
>Pokémon Home Sprites
>Additional templates
>(UPDATED)Anon's Level Caps Doc
>Level caps/general Nuzlocke info
Previous Thread: >>56527612
I once saw a randomizer run where someone got Regirock with Explosion as a starter, it can always be worse.
Does anyone else cheat on nuzlockes? I often restart battles or use save states.
I try not to do it so much but I dont want to restart the entire game because I fucked up hard or some random crit
in silver, I caught "illegal" mons to show Bill's grandfather to get evolution stones (I needed like 3 of them). then I released them without ever using them in battle once. I had already seen the credits roll so I don't feel too bad until Exeggcutor got 1-shot by Misty's Starmie using Ice Beam.
I once ran into a trainer just trying to see their vision/range (seeing if I could get past 'em), and my team was already weakened from a previous fight, I just wanted to see if I had to prepare for that fight or not, and evidently, I did
So I just... reloaded and pretended that didn't happen, but then I fought 'em properly after returning back to town and healing up
I'm not proud of it, but I think I can allow myself just one of these
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>Watchog with Illuminate instead of Keen Eye
>Rattata with Run Away instead of Guts
>Woobat with Klutz instead of Unaware
Weaker pokémon are fine but when they also have a completely useless ability is the point where i deem them unusable and send them to the PC box for all eternity
Illuminate and Run Away are not useless in a nuzlocke
yes I have often ignored deaths I considered bullshit. but the thing is it snowballs, I think ignoring one death a run isn't that bad, but once you rationalize one to yourself you start to rationalize it again. and at some point it's like I'm barely playing a nuzlocke at all.
that's my sign to take a break for awhile, I realized I can only handle so many nuzlockes in a row before I start doing this.
Should I catch a 2nd Poliwrath for my Fighting type only run in yellow Currently I have:
> 3 Machamp
> 2 Primeapes
> 1 Hitmonchan
> 1 Hitmonlee
> 1 Poliwrath
You already have several repeats, so I don't see why not if you have a water stone.
Apparently Illuminate has been buffed in the newer games which i haven't played so i can concede that but any ability that doesn't help me win the actual battles i.e. Run Away is useless to me.
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Run Away is certainty niche but it can be a godsend when you actually need to escape from a fight you cant win, specially because it is on weak pokemon.
They changed Illuminate in SV to prevent the lowering of accuracy and ignore foe evasion stages. In every other game, it's just a quicker grinding strategy.
I think everyone cheats at least once in their Nuzlocke career, but thebother anon is right, it gets easier to justify each time you ignore a death or catch your second encounter.
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Ended up beating Pyrce but lost my Voltorb Tangerine in the process to his Dewgong, that thing was probably more dangerous to my team than his ace since it almost cost me multiple pokemon. Sadly I didn't get to use Beet here as he didn't have a good switch in, Long Pepper the Arkbok didn't do much due to missing Glare twice in a row, despite being one of my better pokemon.
Plum the Skarmory was okay while DagonFruit Gyarados and Lyche the Seaking did most of the work.
Price had always felt a little awkward to prepare for since he can easily counter your counters.
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Took out Roxie and Burgh with little issues, then went to the desert resort and failed to encounter a Sigilyph again. If i ever do another marathonlocke i really need to champion every single mon from that place before the last B2/W2 playthrough.
Never cheated but i do get the urge to savescum when i forget something i was planning to do. I meant to capture a guaranteed Onix from a dust cloud in Relic Passage so i could trivialize the Elesa fight. Went in, forgot to turn on repel, took 3 steps and encountered a Woobat instead. At least i can guarantee an Aron from Mistralton cave now if i get a hankering for more steel types
Got the Super Rod and went past 4 of the gate keepers to fish up LV40 Poliwhirl and bought another Water Stone before fighting Blaine. Couldn't teach it surf because though I didn't have the HM (traded my first one from a gen 2 game).
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uhh… I can’t think of anything interesting to say
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What's the most "fun" game to nuzlocke?
I'm looking for a game with a good variety of Pokemon that isn't a breeze to get through.
At first I thought of the Kalos games for its insane variety, but then I remembered its piss easy.
I think it's either Platinum or BW2 right? Thanks in advance.
"Fun" is subjective. Platinum is difficult but the encounters only open up after the third gym. BW2 is also difficult but it has a great selection of mons.
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Sometimes risks bite you in the ass, sad but that's how it is, rip Octillery.
Gonna replay FireRed for the first time in a decade
Gonna aim for this team


you’ll be fine since you have infinite rare candies
emergency page 10 bump
Pretty good across the board, thr challenge will probably be keeping Pikachu and Diglett alive to evolve them.
Do people EV train while doing these?
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its kinda uncomfortable plahying on desmume
i tried oneLCD layout with main first (so that when i open menu the lcd will display the menu) but it has problems recognizing the right active screen
also both vertical and hortizinal feels wrong because of how the screen is split
what emulator do you use?
what settings?
I use vertical screen on Desmume. I think the HGSS UI is great for mouse and keyboatd but personally I use a controller.
My last several runs (all failed), I've been trying to force myself through a hardcore-style ruleset to try to break away from my babby easy mode syndrome. My last run (which I might retry) was vanilla SoulSilver but I could only use a shiny starter, which happened to be Cyndaquil.

For extra rules, I use:
>SD clause - I ignore deaths to random wild mons going boom (trainer battles still count)
>gift mons, such as eggs, can be picked up even in areas I've already gotten an encounter
>Sacred Ash clause - If I get a Sacred Ash, especially in runs with randomized items, I can use one to revive a dead mon, for flavor reasons.

I have absolutely cheated before, especially if I get attached to my weird little 1s and 0s. I've also done runs with Rare Candies because sometimes grinding is cringe and cheating is based.
The last time I cheated was because I was at a friend's house and started button mashing through battles while having my attention elsewhere.
When I regained my focus I realized I killed half my team so I powered off the game until I could concentrate again at a later date.
Used to cheat when I was a child. Now the only thing I do is save state in gsc when a non legendary has the chance to run away cause that's a bullshit mechanic. Save scum on starters a little bit, so that they're not the absolute worst, but that's functionally the same as starting a new game. When I was on phone emulation, I sometimes used .5x speed in order to do mach bike puzzles.
I did in my last HG run while leveling my recent team additions.
If you enjoy randomizers, the Alola games can be pretty interesting because different grass patches in the same route can have different encounter tables, making the amount of shit you can potentially get each time huge, but you'd have to deal with regular Alola game annoyances.

Plat's a pretty good choice, not only due to general quality but also because you get stuff like having two choices in the tag battle sections, but having to balance your AI partner in return.

I personally find the Johto remakes pretty fun if you use a more restrictive set of rules, but I'm very much biased.
I agree with plat and b2w2 but I had a lot of fun on my last USUM run.
Crazy how fast the board is with the leaks.
If I can I'll make an effort to put SOME EVs in the right place, but it's not a priority, no. If you play with Rare Candies, you can try to load up on EVs on low level shitmons and leave the actual leveling to candies but, when you don't have that option, it gets a bit too awkward to balance hunting the right EVs with getting the experience at all in the first place.
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Haven't mad much time to play lately, but I've been making my way trough Team Rocket's invasion of Goldenrod in Crystal Legacy. My DagonFruit the Gyarados was killed by my rival's Typhlosion, he first got burned in a switch in and then reduced to 5 health due to a 4x strong Thunder Punch and died on turn end due to Burn.
RIP DagonFruit, I'll remember to tear Silver a new one next time I meet him.
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>VS Elesa
>Kerak the Krokorok leads. He tanks an Aerial ace from the Emolga while hitting back with a Rock Tomb
>Kerak is now faster but Rock Tomb wont 2-hit so i opt to finish Emolga off with a Crunch but get paralyzed by Static in the process
>Joltik comes out. I swap in Sirnava who tanks an X-Scissor before outspeeding and taking the tick out with a Strength
>Flaaffy comes out. Sirnava hits another Strength but Flaaffy lives and uses Thunder Wave
>Elesa wastes a turn healing while Sirnava hits a third Strength
>Flaaffy Volt Switches and bring out Zebstrika who tanks a Strength
>I swap in Keral. Zebstrika uses Pursuit but Sirnava lives it with 7 hp
>Zebstrika Stomps. Kerak flinches
>Zebstrika Stomps. Kerak flinches AGAIN
>Kerak can't take more hits so i try to switch out to Marrow fully expecting Kerak to die to a Pursuit
>Zebstrika is a dumbo and uses Stomp instead so Kerak gets to live another day
>Marrow tanks a Stomp before taking the Zebra out with a Bone Rush
>Wounded Flaaffy comes out and gets taken out with a Force Palm

Just checking out the challenge mode level caps and not looking up what extra additions the gym leaders get is kinda fun. Was expecting to sweep with Kerak but the Joltik kinda caught me off guard

Didn't with 3rd and 4th gen. Did and will EV train in gen 5 as soon as i get the Macho Brace
It also helps if you have easy access to the IV you want, like guaranteed Rattata in Sprout Tower during the day.
That's basically what I meant. HGSS Violet has a lot of good spots to train, like Rat, or Ghastly for Sp.Atk, or Ekans in the grass below, etc. but at that early point, being too anal about your opponents just gets in the way and makes progression crawl to a halt. I still do it a little, what I can stomach, but it's damn annoying nonetheless.
To anyone else who's read the original Nuzlocke comic, this part aged well lol
Fuck, messed up the screencap
Better Ruby got that name from his father for a reason, anon.
It's "Good Ruby" Anon
Ah, guess I misremembered. Still, the point stands.
Officially written Pokephilia smut wasn't on my bingo card for this year.
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You think Nick is gonna find out?
Gonna play the Drayano Johto hack, Sacred Gold/Storm Silver. Any tips or things to look out for? Thanks in advance.
I know Spiritomb can cheese Whitney and Furret gets the elemental punches to sweep Falkner.
Be careful in Sprout Tower, Spinda spawn here at a 5% chance and they can wipe teams at that early of a level.
Depends on if he even keeps up with Pokémon anymore.
So did Norman.....
2 questions about dupe clause
if a route only has already caught mons, is it considered dead?
and does a mon dying make it eligible for catching again or is it banned from use for the rest of the run?
>if a route only has already caught mons, is it considered dead?
I consider it a dead route
>and does a mon dying make it eligible for catching again or is it banned from use for the rest of the run?
I consider it and the rest of its line dead for the duration of the run
Up to you. Some people determine that, once an evo line is caught, it's off the table. Some say that you *may* reencounter if you find a dupe OR you can catch the dupe. Some allow no leeway and what you get is what you get, period. This one hit especially hard back in gens 1 and 2 because of general lack of variety in routes and caves.
If you run dupes clause that is the general understanding.
I think seen one or two runs that let them catch the evolution family after death, but generally it's locked for the run.
>does a mon dying make it eligible for catching again
Sort of trivialises a lot of games if you abuse it
>Catch something strong but common like a magikarp
>Brute force tough opponents with gyarados, sacrificing it if necessary
>Just go and catch another magikarp from a different route afterwards
>if a route only has already caught mons, is it considered dead?
I've seen some people using the 3 strike dupe clause just go with the assumption that either the third encounter is the catch despite being a dupe, or the third being a dupe 'kills' the route.
>and does a mon dying make it eligible for catching again
It does. Which can either be abused in the way >>56596204 notes, which is non-ideal(in the end, you are your own rule-keeper), or it can act as a punishment if you consider a death a soft ban on the line, since now you lose the route regardless.
Of course you can just use a hard ban on anything you caught earlier as well.
One sort of fun method of doing it that I've seen is to have the mon that was defeated still be banned, but not other parts of the line. Say you used Gengar, it dies, but you catch a Gastly later. Haunter is allowed, but can't evolve into Gengar. This rule also prevents stuff like abusing Magikarp's lack of rarity.
I'm about to fight the E4 in plat, should I use my Umbreon or my Weavile?
Really can't decide between the two
That depends on the rest of your team, if you have mostly glass cannons then Umbreon, if you need more quick offense then Weavile, but it'll probably get outsped by Cynthia's Garchomp if that's your line of thinking.
>been using Ponyta all game
>it’s level 36
>growl, tail whip, flame wheel, stomp
never again. I invested too much time to turn back here but I’ll never train Ponyta again… probably.
>Poison Jab
>Flare Blitz
it learns decent moves but not until super late or with the help of a move tutor (which also comes very late). what’s worse is that it evolves at an incredibly late level. this was probably fine in Gen 1 where you encounter it in its 30s but its pain anywhere else.
Ended up bringing the Weavile and it died to Cynthia's Togekiss.
Still won the battle, however.
Yeah, sometimes GF just decides to screw over a mon's learnset for no reason, Litleo not learning Flamethrower until after its evolution level is the first example i think of.
I'm assuming this is Platinum(since it has Flame Wheel and not Flame Charge)?
Late evolution sucks, but I don't think Ponyta is bad at all there.
High bases for an unevolved mon help a bit, Flame Wheel is early, and Fire Blast, while not coming from the better attack stat, is quite potent regardless and is accessible before the fourth Gym.
This is way better than putting up with Quilava in GSC
Congrats are in order then? How bloody was it?
In RSE that's pretty much Game Over because in contrary to all other first rival battles, you must defeat Brendan/May to advance.
There's a very small chance to get through it, tho - if on one of the first two available routes the randomizer threw Pokemon with Damp you can safely burn through Explosion's PP and then Struggle-Grind to level 9.

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