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it’s been 3000 years…

Password: Pokémon
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9 Terabytes of Palafin porn???
You wish faggit
Changelog tho
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>its real
where's the roms buddy i know you're hiding them
>find an exe file
>click it and opens a bunch of windows
>look at last popup
oh no they're coming for me
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not clicking that shit nigga
>google search: how to open obvious bait without giving my computer herpes
Is this a new or old leak?
new leak, its from the rgdwiki discord, someone there was hoarding it from the original gigaleak
Seems to be the wrong password, or at least it's not been working. The fact that they're all .xls files is oddly important, I forget where I heard this but I know GF was using them for game development related stuff for a while for some godforsaken reason. I guess it's an upgrade from assembly and that's all they really need.
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Tag yourself me as saur
all lowercase no accent mark
Do it again but pokemon not Pokémon
/ppg/ is back baby
file ÆÉMêΩùù.xls
ÆÉMêΩùù.xls: Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 5.1, Code page: 932, Author: Kinashi, Last Saved By: Kinashi, Name of Creating Application: Microsoft Excel, Last Printed: Mon Jun 21 07:18:59 2004, Create Time/Date: Mon Jun 7 07:40:21 2004, Last Saved Time/Date: Tue Jul 20 08:47:42 2004, Security: 0
This file seems to be about connections to other games, as I see GCN and the e of eReader in there. Can't read Japanese to say for sure though.

I shoulda named the thread that oops
When will we ever get BW/B2W2 and Dream World stuff?
5 hours
me as the rattata with the fucked up teeth
No. He died of brain cancer
i lived bitch
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It's legit, can't read nippon though
Don't bring discord drama into the thread
stfu evilsnow you stupid nigger
ok then whens the next ultra boys episode then huh?
no beytah. no data.
when i stop having a job
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look at us, all together again like this…

Really reminds you of those old times…

Could it be, that Beytah brings us together???
what the hell is this?
sea salt ice cream... WINNER...
your best bet is to get an old phone and download it to that instead.
so uh..
..what's actually IN the file?
stuff like this is neat and all but when are we getting actual gen 3 betas and not just random dev spreadsheets that ultimately amount to nothing
They will never be as interesting as the Spaceworld leaks.
fix your shift_jis bullshit
They deserve this.
I dont even disagree, based on everything Ive seen Im inclined to think the development on these games was pretty straightforward, but its definitely the last generation I care to see any early development stuff on.
Gen 3 was anything but straightforward, at least on the coding side. This game spent a bit over a year in development hell.
honestly yeah, spaceworld was actually insane, unless we find new sprites we're probably at the "end game" of it all.
RS leaks and XY leaks could be amusing.
Instead somehow we've only gotten fucking USUM and SWSH which are both post-Dexcut mandate slop.
USUM doesnt have the dexcut but it is a bad game
There won't be any sprites because gen 3 is when Pokemon were drawn prior to being sprited. Maybe you'd find some iterations, but not any wholly new designs.
I wish we got a Ruby/Sapphire leak.
It's possible some fully new design that was scrapped late in development got a sprite and were still in the data at some point.
For instance, whatever Chimecho probably replaced.
god I hope so, it feels weird getting leaks of the older games with no new pokemon. gen 1 only had back sprites for some reason though.
It has the dexcut, just not the transfer cut from LGPE
It’s just a list of bugs in the game related to stuff like the e-reader, battles, wireless adapter etc. The names of the people who reported the bugs, the dates, types of bugs, and the locations are all listed.
Gen 1 got a source leak that contained some development assets, namely the back and overworld sprites.
Virtualization. You might wanna look into tails
Meant to say qubes, guess I was on autopilot. On another note: I wish we could completely compile old pokemon games by ourselves.
The disassembly projects let you do that.
rip rgd
wonder if this lil nigga has gflib code
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I mean theres also Bank, HGSS and BW2 stuff. PPG is so back
depends on what's exactly in there, the spaceworld leaks were truly special though
But they're not the actual code but actually reverse engineered, right? I mean it's almost the same for my purposes but I'm just a complete freetard
i 100% believe that there are Red and Green beta frontsprites that they're hoarding
>svn checkout
we really do get the most retarded leakers every time
Yep, at this point I assume that pretty much all of them are just insiders. Even the ones leaking music tracks are smarter about it
It is indeed reverse engineered, but it recompiles into an EXACT copy of the ROM. I mean bit for bit. The hashes are literally identical, so it's basically the same thing.

Also apparently we're having leaks right this second.
I don't mean like that, these "hackers" and "leakers" just don't know how to use software in the first place. It's like that sega hack where all they downloaded were gitlab zips.
>It is indeed reverse engineered, but it recompiles into an EXACT copy of the ROM. I mean bit for bit. The hashes are literally identical, so it's basically the same thing.
WOW that's amazing. I didn't think that would be feasible.
>Also apparently we're having leaks right this second.
I haven't taken a look at them. It seems they compile just fine, judging by screenshots like >>56561313.

Yeah that's also true. That's why I assume they are just slightly above average insiders that got access to something they shouldn't have had like that guy who leaked military documents to show that a tank wasn't designed properly in some game. Computer literacy is really scarce currently.
What's that mean. Sorry I have low IQ.
Dude the amount of times that War Thunder has received leaks because ONE GUY thought that the fucking piece of metal between the gun and the tank's turret was one mm off is fucking hilarious
That happened more than once? Man...
just a single revision, not the full development history
wrong password
It's "pokemon"
The .svn folder is like 1GB, that seems to have most history
The other platinum/hgss leaks are full svn mirrors with history too, a lot better state than other leaks
the .svn folder contains the original copies of all of the checked out files for diffing, likely redundant
How so? If you can transfer shit, it isn't the dexcut.
ah yeah looks like that's the case, at least it's only pokemon bank like that, the other leaks were full mirrors
I think the leaker is just downloading whatever backup files GF packaged them into, there's dates from like 2008 in some files still intact
I'm trying to open the zip but the password didn't work.
Is there someone who succeded to unlock it ?
Like 8 times
Password is "pokemon", not "Pokémon".
There's really no way to stop autists it seems
This new leaker is 100% going to prison. Zero opsec. But who cares as long as he shares his goods first.
Why do these retards post leaks on 4chan the site is the last thing but actually Anonymous.
Is it because youtubers hype up 4chan is some hacker central when it hasn't been that for over a decade and its mostly filled with degenerates and bots.
worse, it was on a discord server
Other sites have jannies that would remove it immediately or aren't big enough to stroke their epeen.
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It was on the RGD discord less than a day after wack0 claimed he never obtained HGSS source. Almost seems like he was setting up an alibi.
Remember same happened with the NSA leaks a while ago. Like do these retards not know about hacker fourms like BreachForums exist where they could sell it for actual money.
There are websites that have .onion links that will keep them up.
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Leak is fake and gay until discord trannerjans post za
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his friend ganix foolishly played his hand too early and said there was gen 5 material years back which never materialized, and the time also fits
>Like do these retards not know about hacker fourms like BreachForums exist where they could sell it for actual money.
Most do it for the clout. If they were interested in the info being out there they would seed a torrent with multiple boxes in different countries with different VPSes.
obviously the "2tb" rumor was nothing but a rumor, but "you really think it wouldn't have been publicly uploaded by now?" is a moot point when his friends were saying shit like "zammis showed me parts of the super mario galaxy source" way before these leaks went viral
Are you in this server? The invites are off rn so I'm wondering wth is going on
Everything from today has been deleted. Everyone's currently in /ppg/ or the new teraleak server
discord gg y9sRZt2gc6
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these gangster police leakers wont leak ANYTHING of note
Yeah pretty sus that it leaked out right after wack0 """spilled the beans""" on everything
Also that the discord mods just let the leak fully play out
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skarmorybros... are we fucking back?
>binary debug text
kek, this is so real bros
Wtf is this
Not real
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that binary translates to something like "that aint' real you gullible retards" you can't fool me tard
yeah man for sure
didn't bother to keep translating lol
sorry friends, hope you riked it
I didn't
? where was this from?
im pikablu
The file size seems small for what it is. Did the original leaker cut stuff out?
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>discord dot gg/MjT5WVZv
sharty reply dni
It's Lanturne porn, isn't it?
>tfw rs files are being found
Where are they? Link them!
leaking on discord to drive up that ego numbers

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