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Walking together edition
Previous thread: >>56536799
Thanks for the new thread, Anon.
I wanna take Kiki for a walk in nature too, and hold his hand and sneak a peck on his lips...
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id do more than sneak a peck
Same, and way more, but I can't horny-post constantly, now can I
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you can, but where's the fun in that?
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I wanna sneak up kisses on him so he begs for more.
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Horny kiki
anon, his head's already cluttered! if you add horns it gets too much!

pull his hair back and it works again for "some reason"
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There seem to be a lot of beta version leaks about the past game. I want to see beta versions of the kiki and other switch era pokemon character's design someday.
My boy <3
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Hornier Kiki...
Same, I'd love to see the creative process that brought us our boy
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Who mister beasted kierki
I want to rape his tiny boy hole
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Sorry Kiki, you looking miserable just makes you look hotter.
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Do not make this shit gay
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Bodyswap? Kinda cute.
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Sentret Kiki is sleeping
requesting kieran getting an atomic bomb dropped on him
>Do not make this shit gay
too late
Fluffy boy
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Love me my fluff
I think we can see his beta version design..
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Waiting for GEN9 beta version leaks...
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What racial epithets would Kieran say to the protagonist?
>And Kieran fell.
>A gentle plop and splash announced his arrival into the world of the tadpoles.
>His white uniform was drenched in the tepid water as a high pitched yelp escaped his mouth.
>That and the ripples that emanated from the point of impact drew unforeseen attention.
>The Poliwags residing in the pool were aroused by the sudden intrusion into their domain and began to flagellate towards the intruder.
>Wallowing around, the clumsy movements of Kieran's waterlogged and tired limbs only heightened the interest of the swarming Poliwags.
>Too focused on keeping his head above the water, the BB League Champion to be only noticed the presence of the Poliwags when a sudden jolt went climbing up from his crotch, the feeling climbing up his nervous system and stealing his breath.
>A warm wet and slimey sensation enveloped his developing manhood, parting the flaps of skin that not even he himself dared to play with. The sensation was overwhelming, overpowering and Kieran's mind couldn't understand it, couldn't do anything against it.
>All the backed up stress, rage and indignation churning within only meant that the white hot pleasure filling his body was stronger than it would be ordinarily.
>Kieran whited out.
>And as he wordlessly moaned in numb pleasure, his seed spilling out in spurts, the ministrations of the Poliwag grew bolder and more daring.
>Some of the tadpole Pokemon found their way up to his chest, swimming and jostling past his waterlogged and loose shirt and began suckling on the cute little pink pebbles they found there.
>Instantly, Kieran's nipples hardened in tandem with his little Torchic, pleasure being wringed from from his body from the soggy touch of the Water-type Pokemon.
>No thoughts were permitted to take residence within his mind, no sensation outside the world of moist pleasure he was enveloped in.

You redlegged wog, a filthy rockspider polaco, dare take another foul greenhorn greaser step towards me?
>It was in this state, that Kieran's lust addled brain conjured up a fantasy world, one where he wasn't a failure, a loser of a trainer and one where his first time wasn't being taken by a pile of tadpoles.
>Instead, it was that trainer from Paldea, on their knees.
>They looked up at Kieran with an look that conveyed an incomprehensible admixture of feelings and emotions, a look that could only exist within the realm of delusion.
>Manic lust and adoration, the submission of a lesser being to its superior mixed in with a tinge of fear... and genuine love.
>All this, while they made the best use of their mouth, making Kieran feel very, very good.
>Kieran smiled... and whited out, over and over again.

>Kieran returned home, completely and utterly drenched.
>Carmine called out to him, but received no response but the call of a Politoed.
>Well, I guess I don't need to worry too much, she thought. He just tired himself out, catching Pokemon.
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"Kept me waiting, wetback"
So far the leaks go up to Gen 5, but there's supposed to be more that's getting drip-fed. What I've seen posted on this board is incredibly fascinating, and it seems like characters from previous gens also had a bit of thought put into them. Would've never bet on that.
I'm hopeful we'll see something, anything, from Gen 9...
"Baka gaijin" sounds pretty obvious, although it's not really racial, isn't it...
>A warm wet and slimey sensation enveloped his developing manhood, parting the flaps of skin that not even he himself dared to play with.
Uooooh... so innocent and shota-ish...
>on the cute little pink pebbles they found there
Indeed cute...
>his little Torchic
Nice euphemism

Not the first time I read about Kiki getting raped and dissociating as a result. Extra depressing, but I suppose also realistic. The blow job with MC is hot
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>"Baka gaijin" sounds pretty obvious, although it's not really racial, isn't it...
Dumb foreigner is probably broad enough to use. And probably about as vitriolic as what Carmine actually says too.
Originally, I was thinking about adding in anal, but I couldn't properly figure out the logistics of it.
Oh and "Kieran whited out" was going to be more of a recurring thing/an extended running gag, but that didn't really pan out.
Dare I ask where else you wrote that? Also, the inspiration for this scene was a /weg/ I played quite a bit of recently lol.
I'll probably try to write something more wholesome for my next romp.
*read that guh
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I would love to read the wholesome one when you get around to it. :) Kiki is too pure for seggs in my little mind
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>Originally, I was thinking about adding in anal, but I couldn't properly figure out the logistics of it.
Fair enough. I think what you went with is more interesting.
>Dare I ask where else you read that?
It was a particularly fucked up series of fics with Drayton on AO3. Teetered between appropriately grim and extra fetishistic. I can't really stand Kiki suffering (wouldn't have cared much with other characters) so reading them was pretty much like a kick to my stomach, but that's the kind of writing level I aspire to...
>I'll probably try to write something more wholesome for my next romp.
I'm looking forward to it!

Honestly, I'm constantly horny for him, but I get you.
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Hey hey, I said more wholesome, which meant more wholesome than what I have written earlier. But I guess I'll try to write something properly wholesome for you, anon.
Honestly, I don't think I'm too appealed to by the concept of sex with Kiki, he just makes me feel horny. Does that even make sense?
Well, I mostly thought that people would complain about the theoretical size difference between Kiki's cute anus and the size of a Poliwag
Ah, right.
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>Spoiler 1
I think it makes sense enough. Does it mean he mostly just makes you wanna stare at him "respectfully" while he gets lewded in other ways?
>Spoiler 2
I wanna play with his cute anus well, he doesn't necessarily have to fit a whole Poliwag in there. Maybe just its tongue. But I'm not into Poképhilia, fuck do I know. What you wrote is more appealing to me, but the decision on what ideas to go with can only be yours in the end.
>Spoiler 3
The ship with Drayton still has wholesome potential, I don't mind art of the two of them, they have an interesting dynamic and all. It's just that my femdom/straight shota-loving ass could never main-line that ship...
Nah, more that I think I'd enjoy non-sex things with him more than sex.
>well, he doesn't necessarily have to fit a whole Poliwag in there

Drayton... I mean I get what he wanted to do but I still harbour a grudge that makes me want to do very mean spirited sex things to him involving Kiki.
She's a billion+ year old smug lolibaba. It only makes logical sense.
>Nah, more that I think I'd enjoy non-sex things with him more than sex.
Perfectly understandable. I'd enjoy anything with him as long as it makes him happy, personally.
>Spoiler 1
Kek, fair. What's the game that inspired you?
>Drayton... I mean I get what he wanted to do but I still harbour a grudge
Oh Anon, you get me. You really do. I like how you think. Please elaborate more if you wanna, I find the idea of bullying someone else in tandem with Kiki also pretty appealing
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Degrees of Lewdity.
Well, if you since you're asking...
"Hey champ, how's it going-" started Drayton, in his usual lackadaisical and laidback tone as he saw Juliana approach him. If his half lidded eyes were paying full attention, he would have noticed the erotic determination filling the transfer student's eyes.
Instead, he was left blindsided as the Paldean champion reached down into his pants and grabbed his dick. Expertly moving her deft fingers around the dragon deadbeat's shaft, Drayton was left sputtering in shock and pleasure, each stroke of her skilled hands sending waves of raw pleasure throughout his body.
It was too much, too quick, and someone swore they could hear a high-pitched squeal come from the inside of the League Club Room.
As she wiped her cum stained phalanges clean on Drayton's cape, Juliana leaned into whisper disdainful venom into the Dragon-Type Elite Four's ear.
"Quick shot. Kiki lasts ten- no twenty times longer than you did. Oh, and no one will believe you."
And with her mission accomplished, she walked out of the Club Room.

Something like this.
>Degrees of Lewdity
Ohh, I remember it was discussed on early /Kiki/! Supposedly there's a character that's reminiscent of him. Might be worth trying out but from what I've read of it, it's not exactly up my alley
Dom/bully Juliana my beloved. That's really, really hot. Innocent little boy Kiki being the winner in sex comparisons with literally any other guy makes me diamonds. So shine on, you crazy Anon
>I remember it was discussed on early /Kiki/!
Haha, that's kind of amazing.
Kylar? I mean that name's certainly similar and certainly in vibe, but they're more pathetic and submissive than Kiki, I'd say. Similar but still quite different.
Honestly, I was mostly tickled by the fact that there are several questions on the Dev Q&A site wherein they ask "which (Galar) Pokemon would the various characters have". I personally like the game the most out of the life sim WEGs I play, but by it's nature it's very grindy and time consuming, so I get it if you don't play.
Actually, I have a very dumb idea for a proper crossover between the two, but I feel like I might need to familarise myself with Gen 8 more before I do.

>Dom/bully Juliana my beloved.
I was kind of more going for "so promiscuous that this how she resolves slights to her man" but that works too.
Kiki's not so innocent anymore in this headcanon... probably.
Hah, and thanks.
Pokemon boys are gay (fact)
Wrong! They are bi.
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>Kylar? I mean that name's certainly similar and certainly in vibe, but they're more pathetic and submissive than Kiki, I'd say.
That one! I think those discussions happened pre-ID, when the yandere Kieran head canon was more prevalent, but I may remember wrong. More submissive would mean more appealing to me on paper, but then I looked the character up back then and he seemed a bit *too* clingy, yeah...
Yeah, time-consuming basically means eternal back log fodder for me, sadly. I haven't played Gen 8 either, my computer can't handle Switch emulation that well. It's interesting that the devs for that game basically implied Pokémon cross-overs
>I was kind of more going for "so promiscuous that this how she resolves slights to her man" but that works too.
Also hot. I can't lie, I have thought about writing similar scenarios, just nothing involving Kiki or non-OCs. Kiki being no longer innocent after a relationship with MC... also extremely hot
>checks pixiv tags and artist's previous works
Holy shit, that's actually Kylar from Degrees of Lewdity in a piece of artwork with Kieran! I am genuinely stunned and amazed.
And wondering if there's Whitney (Akane) with Whitney...
>he seemed a bit *too* clingy, yeah...
To be fair, you can dump em into jail... not that I've done that myself.
>It's interesting that the devs for that game basically implied Pokémon cross-overs
Well, it was more of a fanservicey, not too serious Q&A (and the dev has only played Pokemon Blue, Yellow, Gold, and Sapphire).

>Kiki being no longer innocent after a relationship with MC... also extremely hot
Well, the boy's not a nun... (or is he). Eventually a cherry has to be popped at some point.
>Holy shit, that's actually Kylar from Degrees of Lewdity in a piece of artwork with Kieran! I am genuinely stunned and amazed.
Indeed! Nothing more relevant than that for me to post. When I saw it posted on old /Kiki/ I went WTF at how (still vaguely) similar they looked.
I'd prefer dumping them into the basement as opposed to jail at this point, if you know what I mean
>Eventually a cherry has to be popped at some point.
I wanna pop Kiki's cherry and be his one and only forever but I'm sure it's very blatant at this point, haha
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Kikiss time
Me either anon..
Apparently there's S/V (DLC included) stuff in the leak, I hope the leaker(s) doesn't get ninja'd or something
I'm fiending for that Kieran and Incineroar sex prose
Hot damn, Anon. I'd just be content with stuff like age, height and some background info
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Leaks will reveal a scrapped sex scene with Kieran. He subs to you, no matter the gender
Too good and hot to ever be true
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boy marriage
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do not fall to leaks
Don't worry my Kiki fren, I'm not letting that happen either. Though these leaks are the most interesting thing that ever came out of this franchise imo barring Kiki of course. Waiting for S/V leaks...
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you are most valiant, lol. leaks basically confirmed pokefuckers are canon, which mon would kiki fuck first, and fuck the most, if they arent the same mon that is
Same to you! What I find most fascinating is indeed all the lore dump with the Poképhilia, the creation myths, and stuff like official confirmed ages/heights/inspirations for human characters and Skyla being fucking Jenny from the block. Poképhilia being canon is still pretty fucking surreal to me but maybe I should've expected it. For me it's Hydrapple licking Kiki in every spot that can be licked and more, but I must admit I'm not into Poképhilia so I'm not the best Anon to ask.
I hope he's enjoying the Sprigatito I gave him.
>but I must admit I'm not into Poképhilia so I'm not the best Anon to ask
thats perfectly fine. my thoughts were his furret after a long, exhausting day of training. what better way to cool down than with some one on one bonding?
That's actually so adorable. I've never wanted to be a rodent before, but I do now.
? i mean, ive no idea what furret oughta be, but rodent isnt up there on what it is imo
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I have no idea either, I fully admit to my ignorance
Furret is a ferret, which are mustelids.
also good morning /kiki/ gen
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The usual "regional rodent" denomination fooled me. Good morning Anon!
>Everyone's (least) favourite Kiki bully is now apparently of German descent.
Does this change anything? Any Deutschlanders in this here thread?
>Does this change anything?
Not particularly but it kind of confirms my head canon about Drayton (that he's lazy because he's experiencing burn-out because his family has high academic expectations for him. I mean, makes sense if his grandfather is supposed to be this cultured politician, right?)
>Any Deutschlanders in this here thread?
Not me though I have some distant relatives who live in Germany who I've never met and never will meet
And Drayden seems to be a pretty big hardass in general, yeah. Although, according to the lore doc, Drayton is apparently living alone during the time of BW. Maybe he has abandonment issues?
Also, I was honestly just fishing for ways to bulli Drayton more based on this but oh well.
If anything about Kiki gets leaked I’d love to know the thought process behind him. If they made him shotabait on purpose, if his mole on the neck was made deliberately sexy, if he’s actually 14 or not, maybe some beta hairstyles.
So...Can we get hidden information about Kiki and Carmine's parents?
I think Kieran x Florian is fucking gay
and cute
and I like it
Carmine x Juliana is hotter though
>Drayton is apparently living alone during the time of BW.
Really? Wouldn't he be a bit too young during B/W to live alone? Wait...
>Son, daughter, grandson (living alone)
I took it to mean Drayden lived alone even if he had these family members, not Drayton. But who knows though?
Aw, sorry...
You took the words right out of my mouth Anon. My opinion:
>If they made him shotabait on purpose
Yes and no. He's such obvious yume bait but at the same time so different from the usual yume bait from other franchises, which I think is usually older. One of the reasons why Kiki hits all the sweet spots for me when so many other characters failed to do that.
>if his mole on the neck was made deliberately sexy
More than deliberately sexy in itself, I think it's a product of a particular design philosophy according to which a character is more attractive if they have imperfections. Him not having completely flawless skin makes him seem immediately more human at a glance. It's a subconscious thing. Thanks, manual for writing effective descriptions.
>if he’s actually 14 or not
Yes, probably. First year of high school implies he's around that age, I think.
Holy fuck yes, I need that too. Gimme more Kiki lore.
But is it cuter?
>Really? Wouldn't he be a bit too young during B/W to live alone? Wait...
To be fair, it's a lot more loosey goosey in Pokemon.
>I took it to mean Drayden lived alone even if he had these family members, not Drayton. But who knows though?
Yeah, it is ambiguously worded enough for both my and your interpretation to work.
Hah, it's fine. I'll just throw in wiener schnitzel innuendos the next time the mood to bully Drayton strikes up.
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You could call him a schnitzel beater aka a meat beater aka a wanker.
Considering the state of /vp/ I'm surprised you still live guys

I missed you ;_;
That's the power of dedication to /Kiki/!
Welcome back Anon. I also missed you, whoever you are.
Heh, that feels a bit too easy.
Hey, I've only barely arrived in this general, like hell I'm going to let it die so easily.
Kieran appreciation will continue onward!
needs more incest
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really hating how all kieran florian fics have florian being some flavor of tranny
>Hey, Kiki! Straighten up a little.
Sugupocalypse and fuck i think Kammy? beg to differ
Hey Anon, I'm honoured that you remember me! My fics have Juliana though. Just a not particularly girly version of Juliana. Is Kammy KamenOH? Another Anon I miss dearly.
I'm not touching any kind of discourse with a ten-foot pole tho. I think people should be allowed to write whatever they want, and if anything Kiki fics have pretty decent variety in terms of self-inserts.
>that Kiki doujin with him stuck in a wall got uploaded
>albeit without an english translation
you're good cuties! Remember to back up all info regarding kiki

nhentai, again.
Doujins almost always get uploaded as raws first, it might still be picked up by a translation group. Now to look for an actually good upload since Nhentai compresses stuff to shit (I've checked)...
>Remember to back up all info regarding kiki
If we get something regarding Gen 9 I'll be sure to scour the leaks! Hope it happens sooner than later
Honestly, I might try my hand at translating if people are interested. No promises though.
I'd appreciate it a lot but I understand it'd be a lot of work...
I can look for a high-quality upload elsewhere (should be on exhentai, presumably?) and if you wanna translate I could do the type-setting, I've tried my hand at that in the past
Seeing Arven and Kieran being friends makes me so happy...
So true.
They both deserve to be my husbands.
Kiki playing with a litten!
Gonna have to go to sleep. I trust you guys will take care of /Kiki/ just fine in the mean time. Good night Anons!
eep well friend
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baby waya
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bigger version
>When he first caught it
>What's with you!!
>Listen to what I say!!
>Good friends
I kinda double taked when translating Kieran's dialogue, because I got hit with that Tohoku dialect.
I want to be a dipplin..
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cute edgy couple
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Shiny/Albino Kiki's return!
White hair kiki
Beautiful and pure
Cute. How many eggs did it take for you to hatch one?
Over 2 thousand...
I had no ditto
Could I have a Kiki breed-ject or ten, Anon?
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Would you watch them though?
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Watch them do what? Make sandwiches? Pet each other's Furret and Mabosstiff? Or uh "go at each other"?

>she focused on getting BB points to get the Terrarium upgrades instead of instantly beelining the Elite 4 to fight Kieran
kiki can't compete
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Always interesting to see art where the MC isn't completely smitten with Kiki. I mean, can't relate, but hey.
Boy am I glad it wasn't one of my favs instead...
Typhlosion was already pretty popular with women before it, I'm sure his female fans are too busy schlicking to the leak.
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Born to please old men
zomg is that the legendary genderbent kiki?
>when I woke up I was huge
>everything is longer, my clothes are tight, my view is too far above the ground, its scary!! WAAAH!

>do you want me to lend you some clothes, we have some size L
>ehh, thats fine. I'm borrowing some from ne-chan

>Carmine's clothes huh... heh
>What are you imagining?
Mostly the latter but all the other things too actually
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Makes sense, girls hit their growth spurt earlier so she's already getting tall at 14. Loli kiki would be kino, though. The lolisho and loliyuri uooooohhh ToT
It's very funny to me that so many anons here seethe about Kiki but would nonstop goon to him if he was female lol
That's a thought I was better off not thinking
So pretty, would brush hair
Meh. Nothing can top shota Kiki in terms of uoooh imo
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Absolutely. That's true for any popular male character, sadly.
no one seethed about onion
I kinda have a fetish for rule 63/genderbending, but I think Kiki is the sole/one of the few exceptions to my attraction, in that I think gurl kiki and boi kiki are of equal sexo to me.
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>Kiki is bi
>I'm bi
It's was destiny.
Anon can I have sauce?
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Thank you! File name looked like it was from Poipiku...
Found the highquality on EX.
Have a goofy thing I threw together.
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*breathes in.*
*breathes out.*
That is all.
I see you haven't been on /vp/ in late 2023
Thank you Anon, very much appreciated! Is it a full translation? I can try type-setting if I have enough time and if PS doesn't shit itself. It shits itself three times outta two but I can make it work
I do this every time I queue up for a battle in pokemon showdown
>4 people have downloaded my janky first time translation of anything longer than a single page
uh oh
>Is it a full translation?
Of everything but the title and back pages yeah. Oh and I left out most of the onomatopoeia...
Sort of was my honest reaction realising I was free to get back to posting in /kiki/ after finishing the translation.
Check them digits.
You have a way better work ethic than I do if you could pause /Kiki/ posting in order to finish the job
Kiki, live
on what platform?
you said he was live...
Typhlosion rape cave except the girl is Kiki and the Typhlosion is Furret
I wish I could say on the shit-tastic platform that is real life, but...
what were they seething about? No one had a problem when SS came out
About how he looks like a faggot and that he's a lame cuck crybaby and that nu-pokemon is woke and full of shitty tumblr characters
There was a lot seething, especially whenever he won a popular content
*popularity contest
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It's almost like Kiki was lovingly engineered in a lab to be the perfect bisexual bait. It's impressive.
Honestly SV is full of bi pandering but Kiki really feels like the cherry on top.
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Made to be loved
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Kiki sexo.
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aww, so dapper
What's that Kiki has in his hands?
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Good morn-
uh oh
Do you enjoy edgy Kikis?
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... cute kiki
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>taking Kiki back to Paldea
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Good to see Kieranbros keeping it up despite all the chaos
Anon I just realised I neglected asking you for proper permission for using your translation to actually edit the doujin. I also took a look at it and it looks a bit harder to edit than I thought, haha
I love that earnest face...
/Kiki/ is strong!
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Kiki and Porygon about to ratio half of the DLC playerbase
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>Anon I just realised I neglected asking you for proper permission for using your translation to actually edit the doujin. I also took a look at it and it looks a bit harder to edit than I thought, haha
Guh, I kinda though it'd be obvious based on everything else, but yeah. You have my permission and my encouragement.
>I love that earnest face...
I love that, based on the context of when that conversation takes place, he's obviously thinking about giving an Applin to (you). So cute!
does anyone else think Kiki's kneecaps look erotic in this picture?
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I hope he got a toy
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He'd be better off visiting a thrift store after pulling out of the drive-thru
pic related is the current "toy"
He can get https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/meal/5-dollar-mcdouble-meal.html for five bucks, and most thrift stores will have a toy aisle with actual fun things in it for like, 10 bucks at most.
He's still technically a kid; let him have fun instead of crocs[/spoiler
Alright, thank you Anon! Can't guarantee I'll be able to work on it soon, sadly.
So, so cute. I wanna kiss and pinch his apples (red cheeks)
Cutest Kiki shoop!
Holy fuck I had no idea these Happy Meal toys had gotten so lame
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I'd get him both
Fucking kek
carmine was so unbased and cringepilled for this
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Why dost though wish to provide our beloved Kieran with POOR QUALITY ZOOMER MEME FOOTWEAR
Well, I guess the most important thing is that I managed to translate an entire for the first time, and it was for Kiki.
I'll take that as one for Edgykis.
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>Named after a blackcurrant
>loves apples
>falls in love with a student from a school named after an orange or a grape.
Why is he so fruity? :3

and his hair looks like an onion
>Why is he so fruity? :3
Original sin...
Onions are vegetables...
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That's why it was just a side note anon, I thought that was obvious
Well... I spoilered it too.
Not really a dedicated fan of Kieran, just passing through (I'm a big fan of Nemona), but you guys are a nice comfy safe haven. Thanks for remaining sane.
I mean, maybe brat Kiki just didn't want his breath to stink
>but you guys are a nice comfy safe haven. Thanks for remaining sane.
Hey, thank you Anon! I greatly respect your love for Nemona, too.
Thanks. I'm the anon who made the Nemona and friends thread, in case that wasn't obvious. I'll make a new one once things die down. I'm going to bed now, you guys are chill. Glad to know the comfy SV spirit lives on.
Sleep well, oh gracious Nemonafriend who allowed for my screenshots.
>I mean, maybe brat Kiki just didn't want his breath to stink
I personally really enjoy onions as a food, hmm...
His unamused face when he orders Hydrapple to use Fickle Beam is so cute though...
Good night Anon! I appreciated your thread and not just because of the collateral Kiki posting.
I like onions too. Just gotta be careful when I eat them and how much.
>His unamused face when he orders Hydrapple to use Fickle Beam is so cute though...
Very much. Brat Kiki's snobby exterior is adorable and makes me want to mess him up...
>Very much. Brat Kiki's snobby exterior is adorable and makes me want to mess him up...
It's such a common sentiment, I realise now.
It was especially funny to read it from the author of the Kiki hole doujin too.
Wtf are you talking about, zoomers did not invent wellingtons
See >>56631657
The person I replied to said they'd "get him both".
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Three kikis...
It always gets me that MM and ID Kiki have practically identical appearances, so to distinguish them, you have to go by their expression/attitude.
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>Loves apples
Based. Keeps my Kiki happy and healthy.
An Applin a day keeps the Nurse Joy away...
Yeah,it's like the artist took the words out of my mouth. Seeing Kiki so broken in that doujin makes me kinda depressed though, I hope their next work (as they implied) features
a happier Kiki. Speaking of, I made an exhentai account to download it and then realised I'll have to wait a week first, haha

Happy and healthy Kiki best Kiki!
To be fair, from my point of view at least, Kiki is "only as" broken as he is in canon. At the end of the doujin, he picked himself back up and decided to train more Pokemon, so all things should end well, assuming the stations of canon are followed...
Oof. Well, best luck on the wait and everything.

>Happy and healthy Kiki best Kiki!
But he's so lovable when he's gloomy and edgy..
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>Yume typhlosion threads
>/trash/-tier ERPing from sexually confused males
Never leaving this place again.
True that. Admirable little boy
>But he's so lovable when he's gloomy and edgy..
Oh, he's always super lovable, don't get me wrong.
Kiki has always been my only instance of yume-ing but the Typhlosion stuff is particularly alien to me. Besides that I gotta admit the board has been pretty fun for me with the leaks
Pretty sure most anons there were actual females but ok
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theyre eating condoms...
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Oh no...
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mio amore
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Not to mention being tormented by a peach
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Why is Furret making a face like that
Goood morning /kiki/!
>When Aoi-chan (Juliana) pranks him
>happy smiles
>When Kakitsubata (Drayton) does it
>When Suguri (Kieran) sees this fruit, he wants to crack it open.
He sure is...
>Oh, he's always super lovable, don't get me wrong.
True, but he feels extra lovable then.
Gonna kiss his forehead all better
Good morning Anon!
>True, but he feels extra lovable then.
Makes me wanna kiss him even more despite his protests (which are just tsundere-ness)
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Would Kiki watch Thomas the Rolycoly Engine?
Probably not. Doesn't seem like Galarian TV would air in Kitakami, he's probably too busy in the BB Academy, especially when he goes full edgelord.
Though, who knows. Maybe Penny is a closet train otaku as well and introduces it to him.
>Makes me wanna kiss him even more despite his protests (which are just tsundere-ness)
Cute denials from Kiki...
more kikissing!
(Nemonanon stopping by once again)

Former train autist here. Believe it or not, Thomas actually has quite a following in Japan (that's how it is with trains, after all). I can't imagine Kieran would watch it (he's very clearly at the age where he wants to look cool), but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.

I don't think Penny would be a train otaku, but she would definitely be rather knowledgeable on how they work. She's good with machines, and Galar has quite a few trains (it is the UK region, after all).
>the 3d models have such long legs!!
Lo again Nemonafren!
>Thomas actually has quite a following in Japan (that's how it is with trains, after all). I can't imagine Kieran would watch it (he's very clearly at the age where he wants to look cool), but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.
Hah, I forgot about that. Yeah, it's true that he is at that age, but he could have watched it before...
>Galar has quite a few trains (it is the UK region, after all).
Quite so. But yeah, you're right. She does seem more like an IT (and EV) focused nerd. After all, it was Ortega that made the Starmobiles.
>If Ogerpon is going to be Juliana's...
>Then Juliana just needs to be mine!
LGPE Green reincarnation....
>the 3d models have such long legs!!
They knew what they were doing with the mochi mochi dance.

>Yeah, it's true that he is at that age, but he could have watched it before...

>She does seem more like an IT (and EV) focused nerd.
She might have some knowledge of engineering, but she's clearly more experienced with computers. Like you said, engineering seems like it would be more Ortega's thing. I have a bit of a headcanon that Ortega gave Penny a Varoom as a thank you gift. She's not much of a battler, but it only makes sense that the boss of Team Star would have its signature Pokémon. Although this might be getting off topic, sorry.

(Sorry I took so long to respond, I wasn't paying attention)
Still, the issue is that Kitakami is a bit in the boonies still...
>I have a bit of a headcanon that Ortega gave Penny a Varoom as a thank you gift. She's not much of a battler, but it only makes sense that the boss of Team Star would have its signature Pokémon.
That's such a cute idea!
>sorry. Sorry
Hah, no worries. I myself have taken way too long to reply to stuff and gone massively off topic at times, so it's not like I can really say anything. Plus, I think this thread is slow and comfy enough for a certain allowance of this.
Also, it's still on topic if I post related images C:
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i am going to kiss his sister on the mouth
why are there two people in Florian's thought bubble?
>Still, the issue is that Kitakami is a bit in the boonies still...
True. Maybe his grandpa had a few old VHS tapes that he watched as a kid. My grandparents did.

>That's such a cute idea!
Thanks. I've come around on the Team Star bosses, so I've been incorporating some more Team Star elements into my interpretation of Penny. Her true loyalty still lies with the main friend group, though, and Team Star respects that.

Another headcanon I have is that she commissioned Giacomo to compose her battle theme. He was commissioned anonymously to compose a song that was, and I quote, "Luka Luka Night Fever, but cooler". He got to work, and the rest is history.

True. I guess I'm just used to threads being filled with constant discussion, and I have the compulsive urge to reply to any (you)s as soon as possible or else I won't get a response back. I will say, maybe the thread being slow is a good thing. The last Nemona thread died in just over a day.

>Also, it's still on topic if I post related images C:
Fair enough. I really like that pic, it's very cute. I'd love to get a translation of it.

I'm a big fan of ENF as well, and Penny is perfect for it. Although let's be honest, she probably isn't that much bigger than Kieran in terms of chest size.
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>TFW Penny might be the only one that knows the meaning behind Kieran trading (you) an Applin
>Sorry, but I love it.
>Half naked with a big bag is so lewd
>But if he's still going through puberty, aren't his nipples girl nipples?
>Is it fine?
>The thinner and more petite, the happier I am.
>True. Maybe his grandpa had a few old VHS tapes that he watched as a kid. My grandparents did.
Hah, nice.
Mind if I take that headcanon for myself? Man, the Team Star boss theme is good, though my personal favourite tracks are the Terapagos fight and Kiki's champion theme.
>True. I guess I'm just used to threads being filled with constant discussion, and I have the compulsive urge to reply to any (you)s as soon as possible or else I won't get a response back. I will say, maybe the thread being slow is a good thing. The last Nemona thread died in just over a day.
I can't say I don't have a similar urge, but hey. Sometimes it's nice to have a comfy slow thread. Plus, translations take time to do.
>>TFW Penny might be the only one that knows the meaning behind Kieran trading (you) an Applin
??? I'm curious.

Thanks for the translation, I appreciate it.

>Mind if I take that headcanon for myself?
Go right ahead. Here's the song I was referring to, if you're curious. I originally associated it with Penny because I imagine it's the kind of stuff she listens to (I have a list in my head of the kind of music her and Nemona listen to, my autism for them runs deep), but I noticed it kind of sounds like her battle theme, so I decided to lean into it.


Kek, of course. My favourites are Penny's theme, the AI professor theme and the Academy Ace Tournament. I like the last two because I'm a massive fan of Toby Fox (I could tell immediately that he did them, he uses the same guitar in all of his Pokémon songs (except the remix of Celestial). Listen to the song "Hopes and Dreams", and listen to his Pokémon songs. You'll never be able to unhear it).

>Sometimes it's nice to have a comfy slow thread
Absolutely. It feels nice being able to not constantly be posting for the whole day.

>Plus, translations take time to do.
Your time was well spent. Fantastic job.
>??? I'm curious.
It's said that, in Galar, giving someone an Applin means that you're confessing your love to them and that that love will last forever. In a League Club chat with Penny, she talks about how the Flying Taxi uses different bird type Pokemon, what with Skarmory in Unova/BB Academy, Squakabilly in Paldea and back in (her) home, Corviknight. Which is a point to "MC isn't from Galar, or at least wasn't there long enough to truly be filled in their culture."
From the dialogue Kiki has before the Applin trade
It's obvious that he's thought he's been thinking over it quite a bit, so I guess he might know also.
>youtube link
Wow, I can certainly hear the resemblance.
Haha, you don't need to tell me to listen to Hopes and Dreams, I was pretty well and deep in the Undertale fandom nine years ago. I might go and listen through the SV ost though.
>It's said that, in Galar, giving someone an Applin means that you're confessing your love to them and that that love will last forever.
Aww, that's adorable. Where does it say that? I checked Applin's Pokédex entries, and none of them say that. It's a very nice interpretation, though. I don't personally headcanon Kieran to have any romantic feelings for the player character, but I can see Penny making a joke about it.

Although as long as he keeps Juliana away from my beloved rival, I'm all for it.

>Which is a point to "MC isn't from Galar, or at least wasn't there long enough to truly be filled in their culture."
That's pretty interesting. I didn't pick up on that. I never really headcanoned Florian to be from Galar anyway (although that's mainly because I find him being unfamiliar with Galarian culture and mannerisms more interesting).

Based, same. The specific songs he composed were the raid theme, the AI professor theme and the Academy Ace Tournament. He composed the leitmotifs for the academy and Area Zero themes as well, but those were arranged by others. He also helped with Terapagos' theme, but that's probably because he provided the leitmotif.
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>Aww, that's adorable. Where does it say that? I checked Applin's Pokédex entries, and none of them say that.
It's part of a sidequest in SwSh
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That's adorable. That's how you get his evolution items, right?
The one and only Amarys supporter in this thread, kek.
Well, the reason why I brought up being from Galar is that MC's mother has a Skwovet, which other people have used as evidence for a theory that SV's MC originates from Galar. But given that they show up in Kitakami too, and that they're literally fucking squirells it's not like Britain has a monopoly on them irl, I don't think it's a particularly watertight theory. Though, then again, ignoring the countries that were part of the British Empire, Spain has the second highest number of British expatriates.
Listening to the Paradise Protection Protocol fight music again... yeah. I can really hear it.
Really appreciating the discussion, Anons! I didn't think Kiki would know about the Applin thing, but it does seem possible...
Technically not the only one. Well, it's not like I really support her, but I don't hate her or the ship with Kiki like most other Kiki fans
hehe, it's just a silly joke. Kiki is for everyone.
>spoiler 1
Amarys has grown on me, I will admit.

The player character's mum asks Clavell to join her for a "cuppa", which is British slang for a cup of coffee, so it's not entirely out of the question.

>spoiler 2
It's cool, isn't it? What's even more interesting is that the Area Zero leitmotif is pretty similar to certain parts of the True Lab theme, as well as the unused theme for Alphys' lab.

Timestamp: 00:47
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y49b8aiQVBg [Embed]

Timestamp: 00:21
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC7g7PKfETc [Embed]

The coolest part is that Terapagos' cry samples the Area Zero leitmotif, so Toby Fox has officially been immortalised in a Pokémon. It's really cool seeing two of my main special interests come together like this.
(deleted and reposted it because I didn't think all of the spoiler text looked good)
>Amarys has grown on me, I will admit.
I am mostly just playing up a one-sided rivalry with her. Probably. :V

>The player character's mum asks Clavell to join her for a "cuppa", which is British slang for a cup of coffee, so it's not entirely out of the question.
True enough. I think it's left ambiguous enough that neither interpretation is invalidated.
>Area Zero -> True Lab
Well, all I can say to that is that's very fitting.
>It's really cool seeing two of my main special interests come together like this.
It is nice indeed, kinda like when I saw the Kylar/Kiki fanart earlier in the thread.
>I think it's left ambiguous enough that neither interpretation is invalidated.
As a lot of things should be.

>Well, all I can say to that is that's very fitting.
Very much so.

>It is nice indeed
Precisely. If I ever include music in my fanfics, I would definitely use "Lost Girl" as the emotion theme. I feel like it fits the kind of vibe I want my stories to have, if that makes sense.

Although if I'm being honest, I might end up cancelling my next fanfic. I'm not sure if I'm feeling the idea, and it wasn't even my idea to begin with. Plus, it involves a Pokémon battle, and I cannot write those very well. It would also have serious ramifications on the dynamic of the characters and how the events play out (I guess I subconsciously want to have continuity between my fics). I have another idea for a fanfic, which is a bit smaller in scope, and I quite like. I guess I also haven't had the time to write in general, I've been distracted by a lot of other things. I may or may not pick it back up eventually, but who knows at this point.
>Girls carrying Kiki in their arms
Cute, cute, cute!
>Plus, it involves a Pokémon battle, and I cannot write those very well.
Anon I feel you. I think battles aren't the easiest thing to write in general. My new Kiki fic is supposed to have two and I've managed to squeeze one out somehow, I can try and give a little bit of insight if you want to. Besides that I'm pretty much in the same situation as you, I've been really fucking exhausted recently and I haven't written a word in a week or so.
>I can try and give a little bit of insight if you want to.
That would be good. I asked for help in the fanfic thread, and it looks like I'm going to have to put a lot of effort into writing them. My descriptions are mostly just "thing happens", similar to how battles are portrayed in the game.

Although I'm probably just rushing through the battle because I'm excited to get to the lewd part.

>I'm pretty much in the same situation as you, I've been really fucking exhausted recently and I haven't written a word in a week or so.
That's good to hear. I love these characters so much, and I want to tell as many beautiful stories as I can involving them.
Ha... ficwriting. Now you guys have gotten me thinking about writing a fic with battle elements, though I kinda want to fulfill that other anon's request for wholesomeness first.
Good luck on both your endeavours.
>if you want to
*if you want me to. Damn, me English's failing. I'm preparing a more reply containing some advice, so don't worry about me abandoning you, Anon :D
>I asked for help in the fanfic thread, and it looks like I'm going to have to put a lot of effort into writing them.
I'm guessing no one actually offered advice or at least examples of well-written battles, right? Buncha fuck heads. But yes, yes it needs a lot of effort. I've been writing my new fic for... six months I think, and that battle took me at least two months, and I wouldn't even call it good.
I'm rushing for both the romantic and the lewd part, but those are hard too. Writing well is hard and you never stop learning, and for your sake I really hope you don't catch the comparing-my-writing-to-others' syndrome.
>I love these characters so much, and I want to tell as many beautiful stories as I can involving them.
Same for me, really. My drive is borne out of the primal need to make Kiki happy...
Thank you Anon, I'll need the luck! Good luck to you too. I'm always here for discussion.
>a more reply
*a more insightful reply
God fucking damn it
Here's what I've written so far, if you're curious:


>I'm guessing no one actually offered advice or at least examples of well-written battles, right?
Quite the contrary, actually. It's just that it involves a lot of flowery language that aims to show, rather than tell.

>I've been writing my new fic for... six months I think, and that battle took me at least two months, and I wouldn't even call it good.
I think I've had the idea for this fic for around two or three months? Or maybe even four.

Hopefully, I don't. There are anons who write Nemona fics that are very beautiful, definitely better than mine, but I have a different vision than they do. I write for my own pleasure first and foremost, I just post them here because other anons like them.

>My drive is borne out of the primal need to make Kiki happy...
Same, but with Florian, Nemona and Penny. And Arven too, by extension.
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>Here's what I've written so far, if you're curious
Yes! I was gonna ask you if I could read what you already have, so I could get an idea.
>Quite the contrary, actually. It's just that it involves a lot of flowery language that aims to show, rather than tell.
That's great, I'm impressed that they gave you advice. When I sought recommendations for fics with good battles, the general response was that they don't exist. But no, flowery language =/= showing rather than telling. You can very well show things without using flowery language, and there's a lot of stuff written in flowery language that's just telling. A good way to explain the "show, don't tell" concept is to compare writing with visual media, like movies/anime. Think of your writing like a scene where each character is an actor, and you're the director. The characters are never just standing around and talking, they're always moving or doing something else, because that's what real people do. And you gotta describe that.
When you're writing a battle - each move is a specific "choreography", so to speak. It's never just "Ceruledge uses Bitter Blade on Meowscarada, it's super effective, Meowscarada counters with [something else]", you gotta describe Ceruledge inflicting a flame-infused slash on the cat, and the cat meowing in pain and struggling to get a shot in. *That* specific slash, filtered through your POV character's... well, POV. Think about it, what would that feel like, from an observer's POV? The clanging of Ceruledge's armor, the smell of smoke, and its sound... When you describe a scene that's gonna make an impact, you need to go into detail on how it affects all senses. Same for sex and everything else, really.
What does kissing Nemona feel like? Maybe she holds your cheeks in her hands, and suddenly your cheeks are warmer. She leans in; her breath tickles your lips, her hands glide down to settle on your chest, and your heart jumps. Can you see where I'm going?
>200 word long paragraph about the impact of entry hazards
Entry hazards, such as Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Pointed Stones and Sticky Webs are an oft underutilized aspect of Pokémon Battling. These features are tilted as such, because they induce an effect, typically damage, whenever a Pokémon enters the field of battle.
Despite seemingly providing a free advantage to whoever decides to set up these entry hazards, they see little to no use in casual or low-level competitive battling, as most Moves that set up entry hazards are status moves, which do not deal direct damage.
It is when fainting an opponent is no longer guaranteed by a single use of a super-effective same type attack, that the true worth of entry hazards comes to light.
The ability Sturdy, Wonder Guard, damage reducing Berries Assault Vests, Focus Sashes and Bands or simply investing in a Pokémon’s defensive capabilities are all, in one way or another, mitigated by the presence of entry hazards and the damage they may inflict. Furthermore, their presence discourages the excessive usage of switches, preventing an opponent trainer for fishing for the perfect counter to the Pokemon already on field thus providing miniature tactical conundrums.
In turn, to counter the use of entry hazards, moves such as Rapid Spin, Defog and Court Change or items like the Heavy-Duty Boots that have little use outside of countering them have to be used, reaping an opportunity cost.
Technically, this is a hair over 200 and not really a paragraph but, I just had to. Oh, do you mind if I do some more general proofreading/feedback?
>>My drive is borne out of the primal need to make Kiki happy...
>Same, but with Florian, Nemona and Penny. And Arven too, by extension.
haha, I feel like I've read "only those without sin may pass" .
The wind was cold upon his exposed skin, his shoulders and shins discolored a bright red and dotted with goosebumps. His breath was that of a dragon, pained and laborious with each lung-drying heave even as he stood stock-still, watching as overhead a Wingull hanged motionless among the cloudless air. If one were to look close enough, they would be able to see thin patches of frost spread like a spider's web across his maroon hair. Twin tassels fluttered out of a yellow band as a lone strand shielded one eye from the sun like a submarine's screen door, while a thin, red tank-top barely kept his sleek, starving body above its limit. With a sickening crack, his lips parted once more, only so he could wheeze at a newcomer on a Kilowattrel. Shaking his head, the newcomer offered something unconditional, something less than sacred yet still revered nonetheless, as he held out his hand.
>flowery language =/= showing rather than telling. You can very well show things without using flowery language, and there's a lot of stuff written in flowery language that's just telling.
True. I guess I just use the term "flowery language" differently from most.

Your advice is very good, that's basically what the people in the fanfic thread told me.

>When you describe a scene that's gonna make an impact, you need to go into detail on how it affects all senses.
Couldn't have summed it up better. Thanks.

>Same for sex and everything else, really.
Honestly, I think I'm better at writing lovey-dovey/lewd stuff when it comes to descriptions and "showing not telling". Describing this stuff gives me pleasure, so I like to capture the appeal of such things. I've also discussed my fantasies involving Nemona and Penny a couple times, so I guess I have a knack for this kind of thing.

>Can you see where I'm going?
I very much can. Your description is so beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration.

Kek, thanks for the paragraph. I included that line to make things feel more alive. It's a written exam about battles, so I had to come up with a question that would suit such a thing while also being realistic at the same time.

>Oh, do you mind if I do some more general proofreading/feedback?
Go ahead! I'm more than happy for you to do so.

>I feel like I've read "only those without sin may pass" .
I don't get it.
>Can you see where I'm going?
What does being so close to Nemona feel like? Maybe, expecting a kiss, you've closed your eyes. So, now, everything that is Nemona is everything about Nemona that you can't see. What does she smell like? Maybe it's perfume, I don't know what perfume she'd use, or if she'd use one at all. You know that better than I ever could. But maybe you just love the smell of her skin, and she smells like Nemona and that's enough for you. Whew, I'm faithful to Kiki and about as straight as a ruler, you know the boring ones you use in school, but I'm horny for Nemona now. I don't know if I wanna kiss her, or be her and kiss Florian. Can you see what I mean, Anon?
>Hopefully, I don't. There are anons who write Nemona fics that are very beautiful, definitely better than mine, but I have a different vision than they do.
I feel the exact same as you. I've seen fics with the same pairing as mine, but with way better prose. The romance just wasn't what I wanted to see with Kiki. I've seen fics with pairings I dislike, with stuff happening to Kiki that I dislike, but with raw feelings. They felt real and made me believe in head canons I wouldn't have found realistic otherwise. I'm taking the good parts of those and learning from them to produce my next fic. I should've done that earlier, when I was writing my earlier fics, but that's still a lesson to learn from. You have a vision and that's beautiful, now we gotta support each other so it can come to fruition.
I'm reading your rentry now, want feed back/editing/something else?
This Kiki?
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yeah he cold like i am rn
Don't worry, I have a very good idea of how Nemona feels, how she smells, all that kind of stuff. I want to truly capture her appeal and why I love her so much.

>I'm taking the good parts of those and learning from them to produce my next fic.
That's a great idea! I might take some inspiration from sources that I might not take too kindly to. For example, the light novel starring Nemona and Anna is very much something I'm not into (I cried once over a piece of fanart based on it) , but I feel like it might have some interesting tidbits regarding Nemona. For instance, apparently her arm brace was made specifically for her by her father's company. I;m hoping someone makes a list of all the facts about Nemona from it.

>I'm reading your rentry now, want feed back/editing/something else?
A bit of everything, really. I'm quite new to this whole thing.

(I might take a bit long to respond, I'll be a bit busy with other things. I'll still respond whever I can, though, so reply to me regardless)
>Kek, thanks for the paragraph.
I feel like I could write more honestly, but I suppose I'll leave it at that.
>I included that line to make things feel more alive. It's a written exam about battles, so I had to come up with a question that would suit such a thing while also being realistic at the same time.
It does feel very dietetic and verisimilitude enforcing, and I tried to write that paragraph from an in universe perspective (in that I've left things out, like there's no mention of G-Max Steelsurge because I don't think they'd know about it.)
>Go ahead! I'm more than happy for you to do so.
>I don't get it.
Number of literary works I've written that involve Kiki being seggsed by combatitive animals: 2
Number of Hentai Doujinshi I've translated that involve Kiki being stuck in a wall (in a sexual manner, if that wasn't obvious): 1
I'm just saying that the track record doesn't look good for me lol.

Snuggle up warm, anon.
I wish it was cold where I am...
southern hemisphere?
leak thread isnt leaking, my feet are cold but my shins are hot, and its nearly 7 am on a wednesday. ill do my best anon (:
If Kiki becomes real, I will feed him Vegemite sandiwches and Tim Tams.
Oof. Hang in there.
>Thanks for the inspiration.
No problem, Anon! I'm glad. Hope I'm of actual help.
>For example, the light novel starring Nemona and Anna is very much something I'm not into, but I feel like it might have some interesting tidbits regarding Nemona.
It's official content about Nemona, so I think you should definitely take some elements from it! I'd kill to get something like that with Kiki, even if it was with a pairing I dislike, because it would help me get close to getting the character right. Was the Nemona LN ever translated?
>(I might take a bit long to respond, I'll be a bit busy with other things. I'll still respond whever I can, though, so reply to me regardless)
Same for me, multi-tasking with IRL bullshit. Writing decent replies takes me a bit of time!
So, onto your actual writing.
First paragraph feels like heavy exposition, way too much telling. Depending on how significant its contents are, I would axe it almost entirely. Since Rika is in the scene, the reader can already infer the battle is supervised by the League. Penny, we already know she's not that much into battles, and likes programming. No need to tell the reader that - what if she brought her lap-top and Anon caught a glimpse of her screen, covered in words he doesn't know the meaning of, and with way too many curly brackets? Reader can tell she's focused on programming that way.
Arven - you don't need to tell the reader what he's doing. What if Anon took a look at his Rotom Phone instead and saw Arven's message, including a selfie of himself on Glaseado Mountain? The reader will know what Arven is doing, and that Anon is thinking about him for a moment, in one fell swoop.
Rika - maybe she finds it entertaining, maybe not. Anon is not privy to Rika's thoughts. Maybe Rika will chuckle while chiding Anon and Nemona, because she finds them entertaining.
And so on. I've already given advice on battles, I can try and go deeper.
I also strongly suggest avoiding indirect dialogue, and stuff like stating a Pokémon's weaknesses/resistances. Reader probably already knows all that.
>her scales lightly clanging as she slammed down on the ground
Good description. Maybe I'd axe "lightly" - the road to hell is paved with adverbs and I've learned that too late, they're kind of a bad habit that's hard to get rid of...
Want to know something funny? Because I like poking fun at myself. My stupid ESL ass, fifteen years old and just approaching the world of writing technique, thought "show don't tell" was the name of an actual show. Like the David Letterman Show.
Leaks still slow? God fucking damn it. Sending you the warmest Kiki hugs, Anon.
A fellow Australian!

>It's official content about Nemona, so I think you should definitely take some elements from it!
I definitely will! I'm definitely not reading it, though, I already had my heart broken once before regarding that kind of thing, as I mentioned earlier. It took a week long break from /vp/ and pokégirls on a trip to the Gold Coast for my love to reignite.

>Was the Nemona LN ever translated?
Not entirely.

I see. You have some very nice ideas. I can already feel the personality emanating from those descriptions.

>what if she brought her lap-top and Anon caught a glimpse of her screen, covered in words he doesn't know the meaning of, and with way too many curly brackets?
That wouldn't make sense. Not only is she outside, but she's recording the battle on her phone, so she wouldn't need to be coding or have her computer out.

>What if Anon took a look at his Rotom Phone instead and saw Arven's message, including a selfie of himself on Glaseado Mountain? The reader will know what Arven is doing, and that Anon is thinking about him for a moment, in one fell swoop.
That sounds fantastic! Maybe it can be a nice, encouraging message from him. I can just imagine Florian thinking "this is for you, Arven". Although he's actually on a trip to Kalos when this takes place. I just thought it would be neat. Paldea and Kalos are right next to each other (even more so now, thanks to recent leaks), so I thought it would be a nice bit of continuity. Maybe he just got off the train to Kiloude City?

>Anon is not privy to Rika's thoughts.
But the reader is. The narrator is omniscient.

>Maybe Rika will chuckle while chiding Anon and Nemona, because she finds them entertaining.
That sounds fantastic. It shows that Nemona and Florian's positivity is contagious.

Yeah, the whole stating weaknesses thing is a bit superfluous.

>Good description.
Thanks! I at least have some imagery I can convey.

A lot of the stuff I wanted to talk about has been covered by the other anon, so this might be less useful but
First paragraph is kinda gigasquished compared to the rest, due to the lack of line breaks.
I was going to say, “shouldn’t it be Nemona and you(r)” but then I realised… I’m not sure, since it’s not first person…
The first set of brackets is… kinda unnecessary but the second one does work. Just, you probably don’t need it anyway? Just use a comma, I’d say.
If someone new is talking in dialogue, then there should be a new line.
Type names, Move names and abilities should start with capital letters, though… I find it kind of hard to critique your battle scene in this format. How about instead...

Hey, confirmation of my suspicions.
>I already had my heart broken once before regarding that kind of thing
Ah, I get you. The amount of Kiki fics I've read that broke my heart one way or another heavily out-weighs the ones that didn't. Such is the yume life, or I suppose, since I've never lived the yume life pre-Kiki. Yet I can't stop reading them, because I need to remind myself there's always people who are better than me at writing, and I gotta keep trying, in order to at least equal them. In my mind, the moment I start thinking I'm the best, it's the moment it's over. But that's off-topic, sorry Anon. If a full TL of the LN comes out I could read it and summarise elements of it in a Nemona thread :D
>Gold Coast
Looks beautiful, I'm jealous. Maybe I'd enjoy going to the beach again, if beaches here were like this.
>I see. You have some very nice ideas.
Thank you! They're what comes to my mind when I think of these characters.
>That wouldn't make sense
You're right, gosh I'm stupid. But maybe, when she takes her phone out to record, Anon could catch a split-second glimpse of her phone screen and find out she's been looking at [Stack Overflow by any other name] before switching to the camera app.
>Maybe he just got off the train to Kiloude City?
Oh yes, great idea! One of the prettiest places in Kalos imo. The Glaseado Mountain thing was just me spit-balling of course.
>The narrator is omniscient.
Hmm, I think it could potentially take the reader out. Like, one moment they're in Anon's shoes, and feeling his tension about battling Nemona, and suddenly they're brought to Rika's mind. Could be jarring. I've seen contradicting opinions on POV stuff though? Personally I always find it jarring unless the POV switch happens between chapters.
>It shows that Nemona and Florian's positivity is contagious.
Yes! That's what you're going for if I understand correctly :D
Maybe I'd also avoid direct references to game mechanics like HP? Since HP is just an abstraction of a Pokémon's battle "status".
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>First paragraph is kinda gigasquished compared to the rest, due to the lack of line breaks.
Thought so. I seem to prefer writing prose/narration as opposed to dialogue and action sequences. My other fanfics consist entirely of prose.

>The first set of brackets is… kinda unnecessary but the second one does work. Just, you probably don’t need it anyway? Just use a comma, I’d say.
Thanks for mentioning that. I guess excessive use of brackets is just a speech pattern of mine.

>If someone new is talking in dialogue, then there should be a new line.
Thanks for that. I was wondering how I was supposed to format dialogue.

>Type names, Move names and abilities should start with capital letters
True. I'm usually very autistic about proper capitalisation, but I don't capitalise those for some reason.

That paragraph you wrote is absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much. Am I allowed to use it or is it just meant as a baseline? It invokes so much life and personality, I can just hear the music and visualise the animations.

>Hey, confirmation of my suspicions.
I thought the hours I'm active, as well as the way I spell things, might have been a giveaway. Still, it's nice to see a fellow Australian here.
Nice quads. Checked.

>Such is the yume life, or I suppose, since I've never lived the yume life pre-Kiki.
Same. Nemona came into my life just as I graduated high school. I thought she'd be a simple fictional crush like I've had in the past, but my time here caused my love for her to grow into something so much more. I haven't had any real girls in my life for a while, so Nemona and Penny are all I've got.

Don't be so hard on yourself!

>If a full TL of the LN comes out I could read it and summarise elements of it in a Nemona thread :D
Please do! that's a good idea.

>Looks beautiful, I'm jealous. Maybe I'd enjoy going to the beach again, if beaches here were like this.
It's the Australian equivalent of LA. Interpret that however you wish.

>They're what comes to my mind when I think of these characters.
You have a very good grasp on them! You know them very well.

>But maybe, when she takes her phone out to record, Anon could catch a split-second glimpse of her phone screen and find out she's been looking at [Stack Overflow by any other name] before switching to the camera app.
Probably not. She's standing off to the side, so Florian probably wouldn't see anything. Besides, I barely know a thing about coding (I did a bit of it for university earlier this year, but I forgot all about it).

>One of the prettiest places in Kalos imo.
I just chose it because it was the furthest down (and it's the only named portion of Southern Kalos), so it would logically be the first place he ended up. He's got a lot of sightseeing to do.

>Hmm, I think it could potentially take the reader out.
True. Maybe limiting the scope of the narration can allow the reader to appreciate the intimacy of the moment a lot more.

>That's what you're going for if I understand correctly :D
It is! Their rivalry is sacred. Nothing makes them happier than when they're battling each other (although Nemona obviously is a lot more passionate about it than Florian, he's got other stuff too).
>Thought so. I seem to prefer writing prose/narration as opposed to dialogue and action sequences. My other fanfics consist entirely of prose.
I can see that. But I think you'll adapt as you keep going.
>Thanks for mentioning that. I guess excessive use of brackets is just a speech pattern of mine.
Well, I can't deny that I haven't used my own fair share of brackets either. They're useful, but generally are used less in non academic literature?
>That paragraph you wrote is absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much. Am I allowed to use it or is it just meant as a baseline? It invokes so much life and personality, I can just hear the music and visualise the animations.
Either or, do as you will. Hardly like I attached my personal copyright to it. Honestly kinda embarrassed by this praise, it kinda was my first go around writing a Pokemon battle.
>True. I'm usually very autistic about proper capitalisation, but I don't capitalise those for some reason.
It's not a huge dealbreaker but it does activate my autism.
>I thought the hours I'm active
It was mostly that, yeah.
Still kinda amazed you're also a Queenslander, or at least within the vicinity.
>Maybe I'd also avoid direct references to game mechanics like HP?
True. Idk what I was thinking with that.
>But I think you'll adapt as you keep going.
I hope so.

>They're useful, but generally are used less in non academic literature?
I suppose. I talk in a very specific way, so maybe it's just my speech patterns rubbing off.

>Honestly kinda embarrassed by this praise, it kinda was my first go around writing a Pokemon battle.
What a first attempt! Congratulations. I wish I was as talented as you.

>It's not a huge dealbreaker but it does activate my autism.
Very understandable.

>Still kinda amazed you're also a Queenslander, or at least within the vicinity.
I'm not, actually. I'm a bit hesitant to mention the exact state I live in (I'm very nervous about giving away too much personal information), but I'm not from Queensland. I came there on holiday to celebrate my birthday (even though it was like three weeks ago at that point).
Yes, Kiki baby, maybe we could celebrate the digits with a kiss...
>I haven't had any real girls in my life for a while, so Nemona and Penny are all I've got.
I can assure you, even if you met a real girl, your feelings for them won't change! I'm in a relationship and that doesn't diminish my love for Kiki one bit.
>Don't be so hard on yourself!
Haha, being hard on myself has gotta be necessary if I don't wanna develop an ego :D
>Probably not. She's standing off to the side, so Florian probably wouldn't see anything.
Alright then, let's scratch the idea. I suck ass at coding but if you need an IT consultant for Penny-related things you can ask me, it's supposed to be my specialisation, so I'll figure something out.
>Maybe limiting the scope of the narration can allow the reader to appreciate the intimacy of the moment a lot more.
Yes. The scope doesn't have to be that wide if the purpose of the fic is just showing a bit of Anon and Nemona's relationship.
I think your attempt was pretty good, I can go more in-depth on what I think of it with you as well if you want :D
Can't believe no one has yet called me a cunt. Or is it just a stereotype? :D
Feel the urge to write Kiki battling now...
Does anyone mind shooting me suggestions on what Pokemon Team Plasma Remnant grunts might have? I am seriously considering the goofy Die Hard at Blueberry Academy thing.
Haha, you're making me blush.
Well, same country counts still counts as the vicinity I suppose. Glad you enjoyed your trip to the best state!
>I think your attempt was pretty good, I can go more in-depth on what I think of it with you as well if you want :D
Do it!
It mostly is. Also, for other things people don't really say... I have never heard someone say "daebak" without it being sarcastic.
>I can assure you, even if you met a real girl, your feelings for them won't change!
I imagine that would be the case. It's nice that you've managed to find someone.

>Haha, being hard on myself has gotta be necessary if I don't wanna develop an ego :D
I guess, but try not to overdo it.

>but if you need an IT consultant for Penny-related things you can ask me, it's supposed to be my specialisation, so I'll figure something out.
That sounds like a good idea. I did IT ealier this year, and I'm currently studying cybersecurity, but I have learning difficulties, and I'm not the best at retaining information (probably because I browse /vp/ on my phone the whole time).

>The scope doesn't have to be that wide if the purpose of the fic is just showing a bit of Anon and Nemona's relationship.
Thanks for that. I'll definitely take that into account.

>Can't believe no one has yet called me a cunt. Or is it just a stereotype? :D
It's a stereotype, although that might just have to do with the part of the country I live in.

Probably the same Pokémon normal Team Plasma grunts use.

>Glad you enjoyed your trip to the best state!
I very much did! I'd love to go back there another time.

I have literally never heard that term in my life.

I really need to go to bed now. It's very late for me. I've had an absolutely fantastic time chatting here, you guys are very nice. Sorry if it feels like I derailed the thread (I don't really intend to have Kieran show up in my fics very much, if at all, sorry), I just like talking about the characters I hold so close to my heart. Goodnight, /kiki/, you guys are alright.

Jesus fucking christ this conversation has lasted almost 10 hours.
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Maybe Kingambit? Since it's the evolution of an Unova mon. Or Pangoro, it strikes me as an evil team mon for some reason.
Your version of the battle still has a bit of an issue with indirect dialogue. Things like the conflict about Thunderbolt/Tri Attack could be shown a bit more effectively, I think.
>"Porygon-Z, Thunderbolt!"
>Electric sparks crackled in front of Porygon-Z and struck down on Kommo-o. It howled, whacking an arm to the side to send the sparks flying away.
>You winced. Misplay - not very effective. Tri Attack would've been better.
Something like that. Anon musing too much on Adaptability feels like it'd slow down an otherwise fast-paced scene?
>and I'm not the best at retaining information
I'm in the same boat. Always hated studying, but who doesn't...
>Thanks for that
No problem! Good night Anon.

>It mostly is.
>It's a stereotype
Fuck, all this time I've probably been sounding like a complete idiot. Sorry, Anons. I had no idea "daebak" was sarcastic either.
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Kiki Kiki Kiki Kiki

Sleep well, Nemona buddy.
There is a Team Plasma Grunt that uses Pawniard, so that fits. Probably because it's Dark Type, though surprisingly no one in Team Flare uses it, which is surprising given that that's its debut generation.
>Something like that. Anon musing too much on Adaptability feels like it'd slow down an otherwise fast-paced scene?
Yeah, you are right. Thanks for that.
>I had no idea "daebak" was sarcastic either.
Well, it's just my experience, honestly. It's probably mostly sincere in general.
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You're speaking my language
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Maybe we could think outside the box of typical grunt mons. Maybe a couple of grunts who use Escavalier and Accelgor?
>Yeah, you are right. Thanks for that.
No problem! I just really love discussing this stuff.
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That might work. If I want them to even be a vaguely credible threat, they kinda need to be the super veteran remnants of Plasma that have Pokemon that are properly trained and themed, instead of the random trash regular grunts get.
>No problem! I just really love discussing this stuff.
Well, like I said before, you're a good discussion partner.
But now, it's time for me to head to bed now
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Evil teams being actual threats is great. I wish it was the case in the games.
>you're a good discussion partner.
Likewise! Have some sweet dreams made of Kiki.
He's extra gay
Florian likes it in the butt too. Naughty boy.

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