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the official origin of Arceus and the Pokemon universe

Leaked from the Platinum files
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this explains the flavor text from the plates
"the power of defeated giants infuses this plate"
>literally just the Pan Gu myth with some names changed
Primordial Chaos/Void legendary incoming.
So each of these "giants" represents a different core type? I wonder if game freak will ever make them into pokemon. A line of primordial legendaries that embody every type sounds kinda cool.
why, my peanus weenus of course :)
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)
Is this a schizo thread?
Nah this came from the same leak that just dropped the Gsn 3 beta sprites and the Gen 3 pre-alpha concept art, which looks like a bunch of bootleg Shin Megami Tensei type-shit.
>one day
Proof that this is bullshit. Not even gamefreak is this retarded.
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>Somewhere in space, the literal corpses of dead gods float aimlessly through the void.
Fucking dope pokemon concept tho
Official yes but canon?
Would be interesting if the corpses chunks are actually the planets of the universe.
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This is an official and real diagram of Arceus’ symbol explaining the Legendary Pokémon hierarchy

Leaked from the Platinum files
>don't understand something
>is this le schizo?
Fuckin Gordon
wtf is a Giant?
who are the giants?
>All of these idiots who don't play the games nor read all dialogues
Off my board.
Nobody. Arceus killed them and made Dialga and Palkia (and the plates) from their corpses.
aren't they meant to be dialga and palkia before arceus transformed them?
Missing text:

Aus commanded them to create a world of prosperity and abundance for their people, and they fell into a deep sleep.

When Ia neighs loudly, there flooded the place with light.
After Ia walked, a glow extended and gently illuminated the area.
When Ia neighs loudly, time was released there.
After Ia walked, everything began to move slowly.

A vessel was created there to hold the world.

Though the forms of Ia and Air were very different, they loved each other and had three children.
Rei, the god of eyes, Ai, the god of hearts, and Hai, the god of voices, were born.

When Rey awoke, all things appeared there. Colors and contours were born.
When Ai wished, everything was felt there. A sense of calm spread.
When Hai shouted, everything trembled there. A happy tone began to echo.

Ia and Air gave the three the seed of life and commanded them to nurture it.

As the three prayed in a circle, the seed of life sprouted.
The sprout grew and grew, eventually becoming a giant tree of life.
However, the tree of life, which never stopped growing, soon filled every nook and cranny, and no one was able to move.

The three of them had no choice but to cut down the tree of life.

Ray wrapped his body around the tree of life.
Ai and Hai slammed their bodies into the tree of life.

Soon the tree of life collapsed and shattered into three pieces.

The three prayed again, lamenting the fact that the tree of life would decay away.
Then three deities descended on the pieces of the tree of life.
Lekuza, god of the sky. Gradon, god of the earth. Kaiyoga, god of the ocean.

As the three deities neigh, the shattered tree of life transformed into the sky, the earth, and the sea, respectively.

Lekuza transformed into the main pillar that holds up the heavens.
Its shadow, soaring through the sky, became the god who sustains the heavens, called Caillou.
The atmosphere enveloped the sky and the stars twinkled
you had me till you said caillou
Palkia/Dialga are literally just chunks of arceus. The giants are literally just the plates.
it's probably google translate fucking up kairyu
Where do you think the meteors that Eternatus and the Original Dragon rode in on came from? They're obviously some of the giants. Send some suspicious looks at the meteor Xerneas, Yvetal, and Zygarde came in from too.
Nobody knows, we've got all of one line written on the Fire Plate in the gen 4 games to go off of.
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I finally have my answers.
Its Dragonite.
That's the name of the beta Giratina
It goes on to talk about how Dragonite, Gyarados, and Tyrannitar were the next Pokemon created, to watch the sky/sea/land by the trio.
Can Sinnoh get any more KINNOH?
Someone drew this please.
In addition to being altar egos of Arceus, they're also technically part giant. The creation trio certainly got more interesting basically birthing the Pokemon world's plane of existence.
>we learn more about arceus lore from this leak than from the fucking game with arceus in the title
is there a version of this where the resolution isn't crunched to hell
so many of these names are unreadable
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Legendaries not in the triangle are official cucks
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Is this the lore thread? Because I'm posting this anyways
I really wonder what the two on the right are. Manaphy and Shaymin? Darkrai and Cresselia? Some Pokemon who didn't make it into the final game at all?

Since it's mythicals on the outer ring, I guess Manaphy and Shaymin? Darkrai and Cresselia are my guess
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Ya this is a schizo thread.
Maybe early early ideas for gen 5?
>size of circle = power
is the weather trio not meant to be way stronger than ho-oh and lugia in lore?
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Why would these giants attack the newborn Arceus? What did he do to make them that hostile?
Horrifying thought is that the giants are the primordial chaos given form
Ho-oh mostly just hangs out on top of a tower. We don't really know how strong it is in lore. It can casually raise the dead, though.
>Dragonite is described as a gentle and just wants to help save people
>Gyarados and Tyranitar are constantly flipping out on murder sprees

What went wrong?
Gyardos and Tyranitar were made by Kyogre and Groudon.
definitely Manaphy and Shaymin. Birthlee and Smilay were probably code names for them, considering Manaphy is the only mythical that can breed, and Smilay fits Shaymin well enough
Gen 7 onward ruined Pokemon lore. How can UBs and stupid Digimon shit like Eternatus and Necrozma for into this. GF worldbuilding is complete ass.
So was I.
definitely manaphy and shaymin. the other slots are all mythicals, neither name makes sense to be darkrai, and arceus is already accounted for.
smilay might be shaymin since it's the gratitude pokemon, and birthlee could be manaphy owing to its unique ability to produce phione, but that's just a guess.
Is this actually real? Because it looks mighty interesting.
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Where did they get Garchomp, Cresselia, and Heatran from?
>Gen 7 onward
>not Gen 4 that introduced this retarded PokeGod shit in the first place
it's so fucking cool to discover what the hell that glyph actually means after all these years
>not Gen 4 that introduced this retarded PokeGod shit in the first place
No because gen 4 brought it all together. Afterwards they just stopped giving a shit.
Pokeblue and Bruno my beloved.......................................................
Into the primordial chaos along with giratina
if by "brought it all together" you mean "ruined it and jumped the shark with retarded retcons" then yeah
Eternatus and Necrozma are from different worlds. You can ignore them.
GF should just make these all the canon legendaries, retcon gen 5+, and start making games solely from the first 4 gens.
To think there would come the day where we would find out what that thing was/meant...
We knew what it means when it first dropped anon.
>Eternatus and Necrozma are from different worlds
What does this mean? We have Pokemon that can travel to any dimension like Arceus, Giratina, or Palkia. So surely Eternatus and Necrozma were created by something too.
Bullshit that people accurately predicted Tyranitar, Gyarados, and Tyranitar
>ruined it and jumped the shark with retarded retcons

What exactly did it retcon? There were zero universal tier Pokemon prior to Gen 4. Unless you're gonna cry that Mewtwo is no longer strongest or Mew is not the ancestor of all Pokemon. Gen 4 was a natural progression from the planetary forces of gen 3.
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Yes but clearly they are not from main Arceus line. They are more like knockoffs or demigods.
Where's the Sinnoh pokefucking lore?
Odds are, they're either children of Dialga and Palkia like the rest of Pokemon and humans or they were spawn from leftover shells somewhere in outer space or a different dimension. You can never really tell with a completely different reality or space.
No, but we matched almost other pieces, also we remember we figured out that rings = power
>have a sea serpent who grew wings watch the skies instead of the sea
>not having the skies watched by the dragon who wished to fly
Who at Game Freak has a hateboner for Salamence?
It sounds like the DPP lore went through quite a few drafts.
It’s objective fact now lol
>What exactly did it retcon?
"It's the real world with these creatures that happened to appear in it" to "DUDE LE UNIVERSE AND EMOTIONS WERE CREATED BY POKEMONS LMAO"

>Gen 4 was a natural progression
no, it was just them running out of ideas and mindlessly increasing the power levels to absurdity.
Seeing the idea development is nuts.
Ut's to be expected, but man, I honestly didn't expect this kind of stuff from a leak. This is huge.
The surprise lore and character inspirations is the real eye popping stuff. That's pre-production early ideas stuff
>no, it was just them running out of ideas and mindlessly increasing the power levels to absurdity.
Nothing you just said there was contradictory.

>no, it was just them running out of ideas and mindlessly increasing the power levels to absurdity
Why is absurd power levels a bad thing? Not sure how going from a flying chicken to literal God of sea, earth, and air is fine but from going from that to God of time and space isn't. Its the same jump you retard. Sounds like you just are jealous that they took time to actual develop them instead of your shitty Johto borderline fanfic that is Lugia and Ho-oh.
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I made this
you sure? because in-game cynthia refers to the outer three circles as palkia, dialga, and giratina, but we know from this that they actually represent the three trio masters from past gens.
This undermines Kanto too.
Yes we teorycrafted here on 4 chan. Sadly I dont have original picture with sprites. We spend HOURS.
That's what I meant, when I heard there was another leak, I expected the usual: cut content, beta designs, scrapped pokemon and sprites, that sort of stuff.
Getting insight into the lore of the games that they were planning and developing was something I did not expect at all.
>character inspirations is the real eye popping stuff
Haven't seen much of that besides Hulk Hogan apparently being an inspiration for Drayden, but I'm definitely gonna have to look into it when I get the time.
It's gorgeous.
>Nothing you just said there was contradictory
everything I just said there is contradictory.

>Why is absurd power levels a bad thing?
because it makes no sense and devolves the universe into a retarded deviantart fanfic.

your game will always be shit.

>literal God of sea, earth, and air
except the Hoenn legendaries aren't literal gods. You're making up fanfics to make Sinnoh look less retarded.
Reminder all of this is non-canon until it's officially acknowledged by the creators.
Most of this is confirmed by PLA.
This basically confirms that almost all of this information ITT is non-canon early-dev stuff, since it describes early versions of Dialga and Palkia as gods of anger and sadness with no connection to time and space, and seems to describe some sort of unprecedented beta designs for both (dialga has nothing on its shoulders, palkia has no water spouts incorporated into its design)
Funny how the gen 3 beta sprites are the least exciting part of this to me
how so?
Only (some) of the Gen 4 specific shit is. The lore about the super-ancient Pokemon? Scrapped and non-canon.
>because it makes no sense and devolves the universe into a retarded deviantart fanfic.
How can you bring sense into a franchise where the objective is to catch creatures with nonsensical powers.

>your game will always be shit.
Not my game.

>except the Hoenn legendaries aren't literal gods
Semantics isn't an argument. They have free reign over their domain which is essentially godhood.
The giant stuff made it into the game, so I'm assuming the egg myth with the tree as the closest to current canon.
kill yourself yawnfag
rayquaza is HEAVILY implied to be a god of sorts in emerald. groudon and kyogre are whatever, an argument could be made for them to just be demigod level, but rayquaza comes down from the sky in a beam of light while organ music plays and then the two retards instantly drop their blood feud just because ray-ray showed up, clearly subservient to it. it's on another level.

◎Ia (IA)
A Pokémon with many myths of being the god of time.
It has the ability to manipulate time.
The god of time who controls the past from the Big Bang of the universe to the present. It is said to know the future as well.
Ia was born from Aus.
It is said that all time flows through its body, which shines like a diamond.

A Pokémon with many myths about it being the god of space.
A Pokémon that manipulates space.
A god of space that can expand and contract space at will, even into A-space and other dimensional space.
Air was born from Aus.
It is said that Air can see other dimensional space when it looks into its body, which shines in rainbow colors like pearls.
◎Kongo Dama (= Diamond)
A shiny tool.
When Ia holds this, she is able to use time-based techniques.
Ia will be able to display her greatest power when she is associated with the Kongo Dama.

◎Shiratama (= Pearl)
A beautifully shining tool.
When Air is given this, he will be able to perform space-based techniques.
Air will be able to display its greatest power when it is associated with the “Shiratama.

Once you have a Shiratama, you can sometimes find a small Kongodama (Shiratama) in the coal mines.
small “Kongodama” (white balls) will sometimes be found in the coal mines.
Did Takeshi Shudo have any influence on this Pokemon lore because he contributed a lot more to Pokemon than just creating Lugia.
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I'm still worried as to what the fuck these mythological giants could mean given how fucking insane this lore sounds. We're deep in the cosmic shit now, how many orbs of true knowledge do we need to collect to know the secrets
turns out she was just wrong lmfao
> How can you bring sense into a franchise where the objective is to catch creatures with nonsensical powers.
It made perfect sense until Gen 4 jumped the shark with the retarded god shit.

>Not my game.
yes it is.

>Semantics isn't an argument
they are, actually.

>They have free reign over their domain
so you think apex predators are deities? Stop being retarded.

It’s not implied to be a god anywhere outside of fanfics. Meanwhile Shitnoh introduces LITERAL gods that contradict the series.
Masuda is madman and I like Sinnoh even more now.
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>Arceus send pokemon to help humans be better
>History is repeating itself (3 times now) because humans and Pokemon dont fully coexist still.
>Continuing aspects of Nature and Technology needs harmony
damn i didn't realize it was him until i already replied to the guy. what a waste of time that was.
or maybe it's them completely repurposing a design from early in development they didn't want to go to waste
If the beta mon designs showed us anything, it's that gamefreak does that a lot.
>It made perfect sense until Gen 4 jumped the shark with the retarded god shit.
This is how I know you're not being serious.

>so you think apex predators are deities? Stop being retarded
By this logic only Arceus is a god. Or can you stop pretending to be stupid and accept their are different tiers of deity?
Oh shit, I just realized what's going on with Ia and Ea's names:
>d IA mond
>p EA rl
DP General plot and Beta Cyrus
>Groudon has appeared in mythology as the creator of the land
No. Pretty much just Lugia.
It worries me too. Apparently they're the plates now but the whole thing about the primordial chaos is freaking me out
This is why I wish Takeshi Shudo was still alive because it has now been confirmed that Shudo was the only person that wanted a Pokemon anime that remained consistent with the Pokemon mythology before Game Freak higher ups decided to break Shudo's heart and toss him aside. For example, Shudo planned for a Pokemon movie that featured a civil war between humans and Pokemon, leading to true coexistence between humans and Pokemon.
>This is how I know you're not being serious.
I wish I wasn’t serious.

>By this logic only Arceus is a god
Things that control literal aspects of REALITY count as gods. “This sea creature that can form rain clouds harder than these other creatures that can also form rain clouds” isn’t a god.
>Johto and Ho-Oh are irrelevant
>Please ignore how the area that contains the Pokemon most associated with Arceus (that isn't one of the Creation Trio) has a Ho-Oh mural
He didn't come up with 95% of this.
>. For example, Shudo planned for a Pokemon movie that featured a civil war between humans and Pokemon, leading to true coexistence between humans and Pokemon.
I remember this. The Pokemon army was lead by Pikachu and Meowth was an ambassador. I remember rewatching this movie and was surprised how so much felt like that idea. I wonder if they took from it when they made it.
>>Please ignore how the area that contains the Pokemon most associated with Arceus (that isn't one of the Creation Trio) has a Ho-Oh mural
The one that meant nothing until Gen 4?
Catbox those
Instead of looking at kino leaks, he's seething about sinnoh lol. Fucking autistic subhuman
imagine if it's AZ lmao
>I wish I wasn’t serious.
Then I guess just delusional.

>Things that control literal aspects of REALITY count as gods.
Says who? You're going to need to research Greek and Roman mythology if this is what you actually believe. Get a grip.
Shin sounds like a proto human. I guess in this version, at least one of the giants didn't instantly attack Arceus.
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Schizo theory time
The giants represent the types, as shown in the Plate engravings
"The power of defeated giants infuses this Plate."
My headcanon is inside the egg there were 16 other Arceuses each representing a type and representing the elements of the universe which were fighting each other for dominance, which made the egg sway
The Normal Arceus won and became the absolute god, but the other types still wanted to fight Arceus by becoming giants from the eggshells, still wanting to be god themselves and wanting to shape the universe instead of Arceus
This made the current universe the normal type universe, with humans that could be classified as normal type dominating the world
So the giants aren't actually humanoid titans or Regis, they're "giant" in the sense that they're 720/680 bst legendary pokemon
Imagine if Game Freak never back stabbed Shudo for making Lugia male. He would have never gotten so bitter and depressed over Pokemon and instead, would have enthusiastically written more Pokemon novels that would flesh out the lore about the characters and world.
>The one that meant nothing until Gen 4?
Why would it need to be expanded upon before they introduced their God Pokemon? It provided lore at the time that alluded to the origin of Pokemon and that was sufficient for when it released.
Lugia's design looks so masculine though, especially those wing hands...
>He didn't come up with 95% of this
Did the leaks have Gen 3 shit in them too, or was it just Gen 4 and onward?
>Arceus has hands
Is eternatus one of the FUCKING GIANTS????
Idk about lore, but there was a bunch of other gen 3 stuff leaked
This one really looks like two different drafts instead of one cohesive one. These also sound a lot earlier than the last one found about the tree and stuff.
what's the path for this?
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there was some lore leaks about devon corp being a front for team magma and team aqua wanting to save the pokemon that team magma was abusing by sending them away on a rocket
Did you know, in the Abyssal Ruins in Unova, the King was described as fighting off a hand. The Original Dragon (or Kyurem) was said to have arrived on a meteor. The lore is out there. There are many more hands to find.
One of the authors is listed right here >>56568333
I've been wondering what the connection was between both arceus and eternatus being shaped like hands for a while. It might be a coincidence, but it's hard not to identify Eternatus with the giants given that giants were the whole theme of SwSh
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>thousand armed giant gods in a brutal war with each other
I'm out. This is getting too deep.
>Says who?
The English dictionary.
>the hands are the giants, and they're all stuck in meteors that occasionally rain down from the sky
Are we going to get more meteor dragons?
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>reset to first 4 gens
>go back to regions based off Japan
Tohoku bros... it could be our time
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shitty fusion sprite, fuck off
There is always a fag like that
If Ea hates seeing anger and sadness, why do Pokemon like Cubone have to suffer so much?

>It is called the Lonely Pokemon because of its tendency to keep to itself and avoid social situations, due to the trauma caused by the death of its mother. Cubone will often weep at night in mourning of its mother. When Cubone cries, the skull that it wears on its head vibrates and emits "a plaintive and mournful sound." On the night of a full moon, the cries are said to be especially terrible. Cubone seems to recognize its mother in the full moon, and so it howls with a particular sadness. As mentioned in Pokemon Sleep, Cubone is known to cry while sleeping. It is theorized that Cubone's dreams are about its deceased mother. The dreams Cubone have make it cry, but crying makes it stronger.
The ruins said he defeated a GIANT.
SO history about defeating the giants one by one also repeats
what if Terapagos is a product of this shit?
>in the Abyssal Ruins in Unova, the King was described as fighting off a hand
Sauce? I can't find this in the translations I'm seeing online.
So people can learn compassion.
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You know, if the giants were defeated, I bet they'd be pretty fucked up looking in the modern day, since they wrecked by god. I wonder what that would look like? Maybe just a skeleton stripped of all its meat? Or just an arm and a hand, all that remains of a full body? That full body must have been huge. Practically giant sized.
You know, this is kinda sad to find out about.
It really shows you, tells us, how Gamefreak and fucking Masuda had so much passion and so many ideas they want to show and tell and do.
Like, we memed for years that Gen 5 was Masuda's magnum opus but the man single-handedly wrote down all this autistic lore and backstory for Gen 4. There's no way Gen 4 is not the one he put all his heart and soul into.
Instead all this cool stuff gets constantly cucked by Nintendo.
Such a shame. What a waste.
He’s right though.
Something must have caused that crater, and where did Terapagos find that source of stellar power? Stellar is a fun word, with some very obvious implications.
Given that Aus can bleed, stuff like eternatus is definitely a "skeleton" hand.
When fighting off Eternatus years ago, I thought about the king that fought the giant that was just Calyrex. I'm starting to think the outerspace in the Pokemon universe is just filled to the brim with chaotic junk from Arceus' early days and we get those visitors in the form of Deoxys, Kyurem, Eternatus, etc.
The unsung hero born in the blind spot of Arceus, along with Salamence.
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The only thing I'm getting from all this is that the one thing from early development that DIDN'T change and HASN'T been explained (ingame) are The Giants.
The plates still talk about them so they're still out there, or once were.
>The OP literally says that the giants is LITERALLY just the fragments of the shell of Arceus' egg getting too cocky and uppity and Arceus is the One and Only and Absolute GOD
>Nu-Gen cucks still trying to shoehorn the gimmick mememons from eurogens that weren't even a drop on Masuda's balls for his next peeing into the OG lore and tack them on into Arceus somehow

Where does it specify that it's a habd? I must be missing something
The whole "Masuda's magnum opus" became a meme after this
And history repeating itself.
That explains why the gimmicks feels so otherwordly and out of place in arceus's world
>he thinks sinnoh garbage is og lore
how cute
Crazy how this cutscene just gets more and more insane as time goes on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi6WyRP6Cog
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The giants are still canon according to Legends Arceus. If they weren't they would have been removed. Thus the question remains, what the fuck is a giant, do they still exist or were they just eternally BTFO by God? If so, what might they look like? Where would they come from? I think we should just keep an eye out, even if all we have are theories on potential candidates.
>Giant skeleton arm from space
>from games completely based around giants
I mean it's not conclusive but not something you can ignore either
This is completely accurate though. There's literal contradicting lore within some of this.
I need info of the humanXpokemon marriage
Is this canon?
pmyth5.3.doc is the latest edited of the docs in that folder (7/28/2005) and seems to have the most comprehensive lore of all the pmyth docs.

In pmyth05.1 there are some lore notes at the bottom that specifically say that giants are NOT pokemon
>The giants are still canon according to Legends Arceus. If they weren't they would have been removed.
Never said otherwise.
>what the fuck is a giant
>Where would they come from?
The egg fragments.
It says so in the document.
>do they still exist or were they just eternally BTFO by God? If so, what might they look like?
Considering the powers are now in the plates the answer is obvious.
Sinnoh? The best region
It's not hand Its Giant.
>that slow reveal of each circle and such

pmyth07.1イアエア.doc makes specific reference to the pokemon and human marriage

>To the people of the east, there was no difference between people and Pokémon, and people were Pokémon's husband and wife.
Well, humans are descendant from the Diagla portion of Arceus so there's that. Its Pokemon and humans loving one another and overcoming any adversary and obstacle together is the primary objective of Arceus.
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People raised in monotheistic religions cannot comprehend the concept of a pantheon of deities, where each are classed according to their status and power with one Almighty above all (Odin, Zeus). Pokémon is a Pantheon with several Gods assigned to watch over the different aspects of the universe with Arceus at its centre.
can someone post the original docs so i can translate?
>also has by far the highest BST of any pokemon, showing that it's one hell of a step up from even stuff like the pieces of arceus we get to catch
it kind of lines up but there's not enough to go on to say either way

mirrorace org /m/4D7t5

The fact that it's still being used, like the Arceus boss arena in PLA. Masuda must have wanted it shown no matter what.
I mean, for the sake of argument
>In life Eternatus were the Giants birthed from the shattered "egg"
>Defeated, power infused into plates
>skeletal remains of one crashes into earth
It's not impossible this is what they had in mind come Gen VIII
Sinnoh? more like kinnoh
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Since war makes Aus angry and sad every time it happens, does this mean Aus was the one responsible for ending the world war that Lt. Surge participated in? Did Aus appear from another dimension and force humans to sign a treaty to end the war?
I thought the leaks have humans coming from palkia
If they were defeated, maybe when they got converted into plates, Arceus only got most of each one? He turned the main bodies into plates, but then remnants and shards like hands survived and drifted in space.
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In order to summon Aus, you have to start a war.
What would that say about AZ's war with the ultimate weapon?
Who are Daabu. Saan, and Gordon?
Didn't read the rest of this back-and-forth, but this is made weird by arceus describing himself as (arguably) one of his hands made flesh, like Jesus or something, as opposed to being his true form in all its power (which might not even be a pokemon but just a literal god for all we know). If true, this would make him fundamentally different from every other legendary pokemon, because with them what you see is what you get.
I'd say AZ ended it pretty handily himself. No divine intervention needed. Maybe if Surge got to drop the nuke on someone he could've won the war.
The Creation Trio's spheres are awkwardly put together, it looks like a 4th sphere could fit there.
Sugi re-did it to fit their style and clearly to make it less female compared to their Ho-Oh (they had always decided to focus on that, to the point Shudo even put it in the first episode of the series). Shudo just huffed his own farts to the point he was the reason for Pokémon's success and could do what the fuck he liked with the tv show as a result (ignoring his job was to shill Game Freak's creations).
if there was ever going to be a fourth sphere, it would have happened in PLA. there's no room for a "long-forgotten ancient deity lost to time" because that's giratina.
There are so many drafts of this story. Has anyone made a list of all of them yet? What's the most recent one/final version?
If we take the swirling chaos before Arceus in the Greek sense of the word, then perhaps we can say the true god was just called the Original One.
>In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos. At the heart of chaos, where all things became one, appeared an Egg. Having tumbled from the vortex, the Egg gave rise to the Original One.
>The Original One breathed alone before the universe came.
>The Original One is in all things. The Original One is nowhere at all.
>When the universe was created, its shards became this Plate.
The Original One 'created' everything, by taking the everything that was chaos and defining it into one coherent universe. Everything in the universe is part of the Original One, all that remains is Arceus, merely one of its thousand hands.
Looks like the concept of Primordial Chaos could become the 4th Sphere
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>Kitakami, Iwate
>What's the most recent one/final version?
The one that's in the final product.
Also did nobody post the general plot outline for DP written by Masuda in here?
it makes me actually think Masuda isn't lying when he talks about designing the games as being very difficult and how he considers GF a 'small indie company'. you really understand from peeking behind that curtain, that at their core GF are just autistic nerds, not that different from us. who wanted to make little passion project rpgs. but it became something way bigger than any of them ever anticipated and now they're in over their head, having to meet the demands of shareholders, massive and diverse audiences, juggle multiple lines of media, appeal to kids and the evolving landscape of gaming etc.

it doesn't excuse the current state of the games, I think by now there's no excuse for not just hiring new talent to help them navigate this stuff. but I do empathize with them. they were too successful for their own good and couldn't handle it. it's kind of sad
It's Necrozma. An outcast god of light opposite Giratina, its design mirrors the other children of Arceus and much like them, it went on to spawn its own facets of reality, albeit on its own, rather than co-operatively. That's why Ultra Space is so empty and weirdly hostile. Notably, despite being the source of Z-power and the Ultra Wormholes, Necrozma itself is NOT an Ultra Beast.
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>When the swell stopped, the egg spilled out and broke.
>The absolute god Aus was born.
So far I've only seen two drafts. The one where Dialga and Palkia are Arceus' literal anger at warmongering humans and the one that fits quite nicely with what we know of the giants which is the Pokemon universe being made and seeded with life by Dialga and Palkia.
I've seen 3 drafts https://new.tcrf.net/Development:Pok%C3%A9mon_Diamond_and_Pearl/Documents
This page claims there are at least 7
>they had passion because they wrote drafts for terrible lore ruining fanfics involving gods
So an average gryados is like 1/18th of the existence of the universe?
They were making primarily handheld games for a while. 2012 b/w2 was still primarily 2D and in 2013 they made the full jump to 3D

They seemed pretty able to make these low intensity graphic games in the 2010s and even by sun and moon they weren't that graphically intense and could still get away with their amateurish programming and such.

Then suddenly nintendo told them that handhelds are dead and they NEED to make a game for a console. They have almost no experience with this shit aside from some spinoffs but now they need to make a AAA level game. How the fuck do you go from your dinky little team that made ORAS and then you're told "make botw but for pokemon"

SWSH was a guaranteed disaster. Like you said though there is no excuse for continuing this trainwreck well into the 2020s. They should have learned and hired more talent and prepared more
that circle with most of the unused pokemon seems to be all pseudo legendaries. Could "Dahabu, Saan, Gordon" be something like Garchomp, Hydreigon, and some other?
>Pokemon is a baby game!
>It has an entire origin myth with pages and pages of Genesis and a kabbalistic arrangement of legendary Pokemon
This is why I love Japan.
it only took two decades to get it
They're basically the children of the Kyogre species.
What's the best nature for Gordon?
Imagine if something like this leaked during the pokemon = Satan craze. They would've gotten the games banned lmao.
Origin Dragon obviously
>origin forms
>represents energy and also plasma as the state of matter
>Ghetsis had the creation trio items for some reason
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No.In Its own dimension, Arceus is the Supreme One, the One Above All, Omniscient and takes the form of a glowing ball of light as the human brain can't comprehend Its true form. It takes on an Avatar (Arceus the Pokémon) to walk amongst Its created universe but usually stays away from the affairs of the Earthly, designating Its subordinates (Gods of Time and Space, of Emotion, of the Land, Sea and Sky, etc, etc) to intervene on Its behalf.
And we KNOW this because A) what makes the games is Canon, thus any pokémon described as a "God" of something IS a God charged with attending the thing and B) the plot of L: A outlines how Arceus did not take DIRECT action against Volo and his plot, but instead drew forth the trainer who'd bested another's plot to remake the world, proving Its omniscience and reluctance to use Its own power to sort the problems of humanity. Play the fucking games once in a while, it'll help you parse this shit better than pokétubers ever will.
>ruining fanfics involving gods
>b/w2 was still primarily 2D
Lies, it's mostly 3D, but the 3D is very simple. I agree with you otherwise.

The Switch is still a handheld though. They didn't HAVE to make a game that's "on par" with Xbox 360 games. They could have made a "smaller" game still.
I hope the BW stuff has things like this. Don't have a lot of hope for XY lore.
>who'd bested another's plot to remake the world
Aren't they completely different characters despite their looks tho?
Oh yeah, maybe this will end that Team Flare aliens meme.
>its design mirrors the other children of Arceus
Also notable that while the "true" Arceus)/Almighty Sinnoh may or may not be a multiversal singularity, Dialga/Palkia definitely aren't, as the Cyrus in Rainbow Rocket managed to control them and take over his universe, IIRC. This means Necrosma may be MORE unique than the Creation Trio, given that as far as we know, there's only one in the multiverse. This also means there's unlikely to be any relationship between them and the creation trio imo
Pokephilia was going to be fucking canon (even more so than the official JP version of the final D/P releases)
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>it was real in my mind
Are you a Catholic Arceusian or a Protestant Arceusian?
>having to meet the demands of shareholders
They don't have shareholders, you stupid little cunt, Tajiri, Sugi and Masuda own the shop and Game Freak in turn own TPC. you're right about this being a passion project RPG and them being autistic fucks about it, but that's why it's STILL a kiddy game. They're all intent on keeping it as such, because Game Freak only hire and keep people who share the studio ethos and mentality. If you don't get it, you're not gonna stay there and by sounds of it, none you cunts would be able to last 6 months, let alone a dev cycle.
According to the phone game, they're completely different people. This is also ignoring the meta context with Arceus sending You a flute to your BDSP game to catch him because I guess Arceus really wanted to try the wild Pokemon getting caught experience.
Neither, Orthodox Regigijew.
Who is the Demiurge, Jesus, and Sophia in Pokemon?
Doesn’t really line up desu, unless there is something beyond arceus.
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Lutheran Arceusian
No. Play the games. The player character is DPPt's protag (Lucas/Dawn) time displaced (modern clothes) via Arceus' dimension. The opposite gender player character is the ancestor of the non-protag DPPt (Either Rei or Akari, depending on what gender the player chose). It's all a reference to DPPt, where Lucas would be the assistant if you played as a girl, or Dawn would be the dogsbody if the boy was chosen at the start.
I'm not sure, but the Demiurge is Gnostic
OBVIOUSLY the Legends Arceus protagonist.
Arceus is neither male nor female, so no need for Sophia.
>Don't have a lot of hope for XY lore
But seeing how the xy beta lore lines up with ZA would be kino
Odds are, we're going to be spoiled some plot lines for ZA from the decades worth of unreleased X/Y information.
>Don't have a lot of hope XY lore.
Why not? It's a fact that the two Z were scrapped meaning they planned as much of a expansion for Kalos as was seen for Unova with BW2
If that beta lore dump from 2014's true, most that shit got repurposed for SM and the last XY lore revision that matches the games most closely will likely be the basis for L: Z-A.
ok sorry I don't know all the details of gamefreak's business arrangements, I stand corrected. my greater point is that they bit off more than they could chew and have to live up to a lot of outside expectations of the market which make it more complicated to make the passion projects they want to.
Or they intended for a USM situation where it was a whole new universe either.
weird assumption
>the actual content of your post
I don't think I put what I was getting at clearly. Dialga, for example, is both canonically a god of time and a pokemon with 680 bst you can take control of with the master to warp the universe to your will, as shown in (iirc) Episode RR when the Cyrus of another universe successfully did pull this off. On the other hand, the pokemon Arceus is as you describe it, just an aspect of his true form. This makes him fundamentally different from those whose existence as pokemon encompasses their entire existence, regardless of the scope of their power. Other pokemon are physical gods, whereas arceus transcends traditional biology. I don't think we disagree on that diffence as far as I can tell.
With Pokemon's physical designs, it's all about eye/face shape. Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza all share a similar aesthetic. Looking forward, it could be argued that Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Xerneas, Yvetal, Zygarde, and Necrozma all also share this specific trait.

Also, I submit that "Ultra Necrozma" is nothing more than Necrozma's Origin Forme, and "Ultranecrozium Z" is just a Prismatic Orb, like the Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous Orbs before it. If Giratina represents Arceus' shadow, Necrozma is its radiance.
Sometimes asymmetry is important.
Well I mean it's easy enough.
Legendary Pokemon are deities
Arceus is big G God, or YHVH.
But they don't. They don't give a monkey's about adults, even though adult sales are great and they adjusted mechanics to make it more casual friendly. All they have to worry about is pleasing kids and that's what they stress about (as kids are a volatile market, even if this shit sells like water to them. GF WORK to make it so). You bastards say it yourself with your cherry-picked screenshots and clips, people buy it anyway because Game Freak kept to their concept. It's still at it's heart a colourful world of magical elemental creatures to befriend regardless if you started as an oldfag in Gen 1 or as a kid 2 Gens ago. They're still selling the same thing Tajiri dreamed up - an adventure.
Regardless it's going to be juicy. Couldn't we potentially see information specifically from when they were planning Z rather than from XY seeing as how we've already had unreleased Game Freak games shown through this leak?
Actually after googling it it's apparently never explicitly confirmed Cyrus can control his Universe using Dialga/Palkia, as he's teleported to USUM right after his plan succeeds, although he does imply he can for what that's worth
This. Nothing's like Pokemon not because nothing has catchable creatures. It's just a specific THING it has.
Or as I said, Zeus, with Ares, Poseidon and Apollo and the rest the Greek Pantheon beneath him.
Mate, it's not a vending machine. Can't put a fiver in and press an "XY rehash leaks" button.
so Arceus >> Creatioin Trio >> other legendaries is indeed correct and canon

SINNOHGODS WON (literally)
Nah I think Arkyoos leans more into the "conceptual monotheistic god" angle more than the pantheon. Only thing clashing with that is him doing a Titanomachy. But that's just a theory.
I remember in the past, some people claiming Mew is either Adam or Jesus but looks like this theory is now debunked.
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>A bear
It's a translator issue. It's picking the word "ringuma" (Ursaring) and splitting it into "rin" and "guma" (from "kuma", bear), then it goes "ah yes ling bear". It somehow got the final "ringuma" right though.

Parse the words "ling bear" as "Ursaring" in your head.
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pokesex is confirmed canon
If "Octane" means "Okutaan" = "Octillery"... This raises more questions than answers.
>The man mated with Octane
from apex?
Baldur's Gate...
What drugs was taken to come up with this and where do i get some
Look anons, all I'm saying is that when Pokephilia rears its head again, DON'T SAY IT'S NOT FUCKING CANON. It was a retarded argument to make, even when you tried to actively dismiss it as a misinterpretation. Now we have definitive proof that it WAS their intention.
You're still welcome to make your complaints though.
At least its not with a Illithid anon. I just wish the human wasn't so callous.
I know it's Ursaring, Ursaring is still a bear though. I think it becomes "Guma" instead of "Kuma" because lmao rendaku.
>female pokemon having female-species children with man
>female pokemon having male-species children with man
what the fuck nintendo
Easy on the tentacle porn....
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Lopunny was designed with this lore in mind, you can't tell me otherwise.
Literally nobody believes pokephilia isn't canon except for weirdos who think fictional settings should have real life standards.
Fuck's sake, Gamefreak was started by lolicons and nerds.
The next cope will be that it only happened in the past and never again which anyone with a half of brain knows is bullshit. Not even gonna be surprised if N is actual born from a Pokemon mother.
>Some hick from ye olden times fucked an Octillary and now everyone thinks that's just a thing people do.
>implying you wouldn't
Bro is.... is the boy Manaphy?
I mean if animals had human intelligence and could talk like the pokemon in these stories people'd probably be fine with fucking them too
Honestly surprised more people aren't approaching this from the "wtf pokemon could talk" angle. Then again, that's probably because these are supposed to be folktales that never actually happened.
I think Pokemons are sapient, just can't articulate words. Which is why those that speak speak through telepathy.
Just like the Manaphy folk tale that never happened?
I love this shit. It's the exact sort of shit that happens in ancient mythology - humans do fucked up things with supernatural beings, and then stuff happens. There are no rules, stuff just happens to further the story. Maybe there's some sort of allegorical meaning behind it but whatever that meaning might be has been lost to time. So as far as we can tell it's just a story of some dude fucking a squid and having a squid baby.
They have their own universal language (out of UBS) they to communicate with one another. They're basically people.
I like that theory
It would give the story purpose besides octo sex
People really love to downplay the sapience of Pokemon despite the fact that they understand words and actions that haven't been explicitly trained into them like most pets.
5 trillion hours in Photoshop.
i love slave trading and gladiator fights with sentient animals
fucking kek
Remember, it's not considered legally slavery if they're enjoying it~
Change Gardevoir for Vaporeon and you're golden
Doing it right now.
That's funny but Japanese it doesn't say "day"
so to summarize
>arceus, or aus, is born
>the shattered remnants of its egg become giants who try to kill aus
>they are instead destroyed and aus revives them as proto palkia and dialga
or the other one
>multiple original gods
>aus is more of an old testament YHVH type sending massive beasts to destroy humanity for being warlike
and then
>it becomes some vague combination of the two, with aus splitting himself 3 ways and the third god being killed and split into ray, groudon and kyogre

why didnt we get any of these in the end product?
because pokemon is a game series for little kids
outdated (also most of this stuff was in the og games)
bible scare in USA
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cut content is cut content for a reason.
Most of this is no longer canon.
Ciao Cydonia divertiti
That reason is typically a time restraint.
It's all canon now.
Space = light?
And where does Giratina fit into this?
That’s probably Giratina
Giratina was just a random legendary until last minute.
This predates him being relevant at all.
You actually see this in the Arceus event from HGSS
Holy cope
Because they realized it was fucking retarded to have a literal PokeGod and it was dropped in favor of it just being a creation myth
That’s just Norse mythology
That actually makes a lot of sense, since the cave where you find Manaphy and Phione in Legends Arceus is full of Octilleries.
Remember all these pokedex entries saying that Magikarp was much more powerful in the past?
This is your much more powerful, I suppose.
Necrozma in its original form is a kind of incarnation of light. He's not out of place.
It's Eternatus who's the problem - we're not sure what he represents, or how to integrate him.
Word of God is word of God. If the plans were to do it this way and we have definitive proof both 20 years ago and 20 years later of a direct reference to some of these ideas, then for all intents and purposes they're still relevant.
Word of God is that Arceus isn’t a god, this is cutting room floor content they don’t acknowledge
Z-Crystal lets you change Arceus types in Gen 7. Nothing else but plates could do this.
Knowing that Silvally, which shares similar mechanics, is not affected by Z-Crystal
>Word of God is word of God
Yes, and word of god said it's not canon because it's not actually in the game.
Where did you read that?
Masuda tweeted “Arceus is not a god” on Twitter in response to somebody question ik not scrolling through the entire timeline to find it
This shit makes for good fanfiction material.
Pretty sure they're a whole slew of Eternatus. Each part dragon with another type.
Necrozma is obviously an alternate Arceus or some such from the dark world dimension, previously having been its sun before leaving to come here UB style.
>image red blood cells shown
Necrozma's Z-crystals can canonically alter Arceus types, but they have no connection? What you're saying is absurd

I remind you that Silvally is not affected by Z-Crystal. And that nothing else, except Crystals and Plates, can change Arceus' type.
The plates came from the Giants.
Eternatus is made of armored plates that don't fully cover its ethereal body.
Cope. Seethe. Dilate, boomer.
Zoom zoom.
You will never be a God.
Mewtwo is too strong for Arceus' inner circle.
No, it's just a genetically modified organism that doesn't belong in the pantheon
Kinnoh rules over all
You're right in that the pokemon arceus is not a god because its just an avatar of the actual pokemon god.
Literally what I've been thinking, too. The next leakkedì is going to be fun
Thank you, guess I’ll have to wait until I’m at my PC.
Showderp is part of Pokemon mythology. Who knew?

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