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FYI: None of this comes from the "Gigaleak" that happened some years back

We have:
>Source code for Platinum, HGSS, BW, and BW2 as well as files relating to USUM
>Unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"

Additionally, we've just now gotten another huge payload of stuff to sift through:
>Shitloads upon shitloads of design documents, old spritework, music, and such things relating to other series titles like RS, DP, and GS
People are sorting everything out as we speak, and it's possible there could be even more to come.
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Now what?
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huh so Lusamine 4 gens early
Can someone link to the Quitny roms
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Anything about the Original Dragon yet?
>may isn't tomboyish
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someone link the archives with the leaked 3d models please im gonna make a nude variant for hilda just to rub salt in nintendo's wound
Oh poor Takuto Takabe. What even happens to him now? Firing squad? Sepukku? Will he ever get another job?
let's stick to one thread boys
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I’m going to bed it will all be data mined by tomorrow
off to >>56567178 bros
sounds like an early magma and aqua
>Her catchphrase is "Ja!"
I didn't know May was German after all..
What happens to the guy that doxxed and hacked him is the better question
It literally is, we already knew the internal names for Aqua and Magma were Marine/Tunnel.
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Was this real or fake?
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Ok yeah, looking back at Castform's final designs and there's no chance in hell that the "hail" form is an actual hail form, they straight up just repurposed the unused windstorm form as the hail version
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>the entire thing turns out to be an elaborate troll spanning years of work with actual leaks mixed in to throw people off
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if it's fake, then so is this nincada
you caught me dude, I made a terabyte of data including fake sprites, entire fake source codes, concept art, fake pictures of the devs, fake documents, fake music, and more, just to troll and have a little laugh haha
The rocket was an ark??!
looks like an early silvally
crazy how much better the story was, it's like it made sense then they deconstructed it to work in two mirror version and make the story beats apply either way.
I always knew fucking Devon Corp was corrupt.
They hint at that in ORAS, at least
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is this sprite real or fake?
shoulda named it the leak thread instead of whatever ppg is supposed to mean
Fake but Based
Is there one for Brendan?
i fucking knew it
pack it up fellas it's over
Early loudred?
Already at bump limit kek
Is there anything on Brendan?
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>beta back is the same as final
>but the front sprite was completely changed
i get gulpin vibes
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Be sure to archive everything in one place niggers
>Wally was going to be a Gym Leader
Damn. I guess ORAS Wally was our consolation.
>May has additional quirks
>Brendan doesn't
oh my god they had wally in an insane asylum
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>Even back then there was complaints about how some Pokémon were better than others to begin with.
ppg is Prototype Pokémon General.
Manectric X Arecus = Sivally
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>even back then people wanted more depth from the characters
its real, someone converted the files in the leak to be viewable.
It's not the same.
Elektrike is 361, Magnetric is 362 and condom dog evolution is 363. There is no Magnetric front sprite.
I want to see art of this now.

Where are the gen 3 and gen 4 character bios coming from? Is it all of the characters or a select few?
looks like something from quartz

Fucking really? Get that garbage outta here 4channer!
Aww, this is cute! Why didn't we get it!?
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>XY data coming soon
>official model rip of non-chibi Serena inbound
muh fucking DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK is not going to survive the next 24 hours
>Official character bios for protags
This leak is awesome, please tell me they made more for the other generations
Is leaker putting out xy tonight?
PLEASE have the power plant for the xy leak
nah its over go to sleep
No need for general, it's over for today
This shit will scare the kids
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Is there a torrent of everything?
I've definitely heard this as an actual song before. Can any Japanese music fans help me identify it?
not a torrent but there is a gdrive
I don't recognize this
This is a song from Eva.
how do I get the cyberjake links to work
XY is the one I’m the most interested in, mainly because AZ and the actual power/meaning of the eternal flower weren’t really explored that well in the actual game.
You're right...? I think this is a pop song? (like JP pop)
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Ya i wanna know if lysandre and sycamore fucked
you dont and you use the gdrive instead
Yeah I've heard it sampled once in future funk but I can't pinpoint it for the life of me.
>Aus will not appear, and will not be allowed to appear
They were playing us like a DAMN FIDDLE from the very beginning
Is Gen 10 looking like 2026? I don’t want to get the Violet DLC now if it’s close
It is really interesting to see how many of these requests were directly answered by modern games like XY.
Honestly it seems like BW did this whole moderation thing way better when used in its actual story and it's own legendary myth.
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So do we have any data on the mons themselves? Like, what their types and dex entries were?
Don't we already have rips of that since XY's release?
If gen 10 is 2026 it won't be out till Nov 2026, that's 2 years away anon..I still think it's coming 2025 in Nov with the DLC being for the 30th anniversary.
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Look at the adjective.
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Got it, it’s a song by Mariya Takeuchi.
Yeah makes sense. Is the DLC worth getting?
huh, DP don't really focus on the balance of humans and Pokemon at all, but Legends went all in on the idea
Rabbit with a floaty is really good
thanks! I guess someone at game freak was testing the undella beach soundfont using it
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lost art of picasso
>Game Freak knew about how annoying forced unskippable tutorials were all the way back in Gen 3
These fuck faces don't deserve any defense, THEY KNEW FOR 7 GENERATIONS STRAIGHT THAT THIS WAS BAD.
please tell me someone is making an archive is this shit lmao
of course this had to happen on the weekend I'm busy with gacha game ranking events, lmao
good job
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>no beta oshawott line
Does it not exist?
there's the rentry, but people should seriously be mirroring the files. having it all in one location is incredibly retarded. it's a massive shame Internet Archive is currently down, it'd be perfect for this
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The fuck?
They're better than the base game I reckon.
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you could always stop doing losershit like gachas oh who am i kidding we're both on the pokemon board
Why are there 2 threads
He was already perfect form the start

this song got some familiar sounding drums

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Still waiting for alternate toukos to show up from the 3 years worth of WB dev history
I think the head wings and curled antennae looks closer to something from a manga I saw once, but I'm drawing a blank what it was. In any case, probably was hit with the "too blatant a reference" stick.
>wears glasses while reading
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masuda isn't right in the head
Anything about Colress?
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Lunatone has seen some shit
I was thinking Queen Sectonia, but Q Bee is a pretty good comparison as well.
literally already happened
No, asshole leaker decided to go to sleep. It’s all over and we’ll never see it.
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Is there more?
>source code
What coding language are the games in? I'm just a rookie but I think it'd be a good read.
>still no beta original dragon
This is fucking ridiculous. Game Freak literally made SiivaGunner mashups in their free time
Here's "PL\提出用書類\塵\mash\Bad Monday.mp3" a fucking dogshit mashup of New Order's Blue Monday and Michael Jackson's Bad: https://vocaroo.com/17IH6hguTfJX
Q Bee would have actually existed before it was made. There's no way it wasn't intentional
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lol holy christ. this is amazing
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24 gamefreak mags + comics just dropped, pretty sure I remember them mention those in interviews
Yeah, this is certified kino
god stone was bw2 wasn't it? and bw2 hasnt leaked yet iirc
C, I think?
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>Have to go to work in 90 minutes
I'm jealous of the neets who get to comb this over all night.
game's gonna freak
God stone was in b/w 1
>no beta cynthia yet?
Cooking chicken so I can keep going for another 8 hours.
in which of the archives is this folder in?
who are you quoting
It’s a fucking Saturday night / Sunday morning, most people have one of those days off.
It’s written in cobol, better start brushing up anon
So, which country will Gaia be based on?
Where can I get access to the files?
That changes nothing I said.
it's been confirmed in interviews that the other two lines were finished before they even started on the otters
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theres a whole beastles album in here lmao
someone at GF really liked mashups
Imagine if Junichi Masuda actually submitted something under a pseudonym and it was rejected.
>the Cyberjake links expired
>the google drive links are at their download quota


can somebody please reupload everything

those links are down for me now, unless there's an updated rentry directory

Is Hai giratina?
Did the source codes drop?
Are we getting some next level pokemon gaming for the pc now?
if you press download all on drive it still works
I just hope game freak doesn't delete all this shit from their archives
thanks, game freak was silvagunner all this time lmao
If this place has such good hackers wouldn't it be easier to find the leaker themself through the discord that posts real leaks and access the PLZA stuff there?
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I was supposed to work today but I didn't go in. I told my manager I can't do Friday or Saturday evenings and I still got booked for today. I told them a couple days ago I wasn't coming in, and then I got my schedule for next week and they got me for both Friday and Saturday evening next week as well. Fuck them. Our whole department is falling apart and employees are quitting rapidly, they can either respect what I told them before I signed the contract or they can continue to add fuel to their own self-immolation by either firing me or pissing me off enough to make me quit.
I miss being a NEET so fucking much
Doesn't exist.
Keep in mind that anyone caught using leaked source code is gonna have their shit shut down. They are not in the same legal gray area as decompilations.
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Sinnoh Underground mockup
link to the drives pls
Based Kukui poster
>If this place has such good hackers
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Is this concept art real or is it bullshit?
Can anyone make out what the unown say? The right side is totally unintelligible to me but the left seems like it might say something in Japanese, but I can't quite make it out. Something like
nintendo is going to launch nukes the moment this data reaches the surface
I'm all in on nothing ever happens
Based, as long as you have the receipts then you can keep telling them to fuck off.
we just have to summon the hacker known as 4Chan
the game freak comics have loli in them what the hell
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I can see why Gamefreak must be suffering, the new Arceus lore is top-to-bottom fucking awesome and I have no idea why TPC watered it all down. The Blood of Christ-esque bit? Sure, I can get that. But Arceus's own eggshell fighting him in the empty universe immediately after his birth, and those pieces later becoming plates? That's cool as shit. Fuck you TPC.
The fuck is this
wasn't Alder originally christ like?
They want to keep him vague and mysterious, Legends revealed literally nothing about him. Least we know now
No, because then the download stops midway through when it hits google's max zipped file size
you do know their history right?
Good luck and fuck em.
it's definitely in the folder with the rest, specifically it should be this file i think?:


i don't have a PSD viewer installed that displays it correctly though, it shows the transparency layer behind the outlines instead of the insides
So all this time, Arceus was just a worthless, lazy, sleeping upper-management deity while Dialga actually created humanity? I need to start worshiping the demiurge.
Nintendo can't sue all of us.
Where can I access the folder?
Legends revealed one thing, that Palkia and Dialga are split off directly from Arceus rather than were created from him. I don't recall seeing Giratina in that loredump but I'll have to check back tomorrow in the morning, point is they absolutely can write and I hope to god they keep being allowed to reuse concepts a dozen years in the making.
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This is cool and all but I'm not enough of a fan to wait hour by hour to find out new stuff.
I'll come back in a week and check the wiki and hopefully download a sorted torrent of the final collection of files.
Have fun guys
It won't stop them from trying
So Wally would've been the fire gym leader?
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Still annoys me they made a whole game about Arceus and still didn't do anything with it that was meaningful aside from:
>Forcing a child 100 years into the past.
>Having a Pokemon talk directly to you through telepathy for the first time in the games canon
The second one is kinda cool I guess, but come on they should've went all out, I get keeping it mysterious and all but at least giving it a origin forme and maybe giving some context to what happened between it and Giratina would add to it. Having it be a mystery box with an answer we'll never get is just lame and boring. And now we'll probably never get anything else about it ever again, Legends was the extent.
The Arceus lore is fucking cool. But was there any info on the Switch 2, or are they withholding that?
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post yfw the final boss of the Pokeverse is a giant Bad Egg
Using source code is retarded because it's provable, using knowledge from source code is smarter because it's impossible to prove. Doubly so if you split development across a team which all projects do anyways.
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just think, the pokemon from legends arceus are the same ones from the mainline games
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it's real, here are a few more i found in the PSD's
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I got this
reposting planned features for DP
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Bank was planned as far back as Diamond/Pearl, but never came to fruition until later
wut, pics?
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Download the HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt.7z file, extract that, extract ポケモン_ルビー・サファイア.zip file, and then open the キャラデザイン folder and the 新キャラクター4 file should be in there. (It has no psd extension but it is one as far as I know.)
>Having a Pokemon talk directly to you through telepathy for the first time in the games canon

What, really? Which Pokémon? Dropped PLA after the kricketune.
Does someone have the entire pokemon universe lore PDF?
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continuing from here >>56568742
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Well the nip who leaked is fucked lmao
I hope they themselves don't nuke these archives from their data
Mossdeep City, the psychic gym leaders
>Head wings
Probably Siren from that spscifically
>Having a Pokemon talk directly to you through telepathy for the first time in the games canon
calyrex did it first
anyone got that blocky map of unova?
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>for the first time in the games canon
Are you dumb as fuck on purpose or a complete retard?
Moo deng
I mean Arceus itself. It was at the beginning of the game when hes a ball of light talking to you.
To be fair that was using another human to communicate with you. Unless I'm misremembering?
>not opening shit in japanese locale
Where is the 7z file? In the discord?
Anyone got the sprites of latias and latios without the dumbass discord link overlay?
So all the super-edgy fangame/romhacks were much closer to the real Gen 4 all along? I fucking kneel.
use a better text editor

□PokemonWB の リビジョン管理するためのtxtです。

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are you trying to imply the SS dlc wasnt canon or
i dunno why i forgot to install locale when i did this win10 install 2 years ago
thanks for reminding me
no bully
It's just using Gen 3 sprites to block out the concept.
check the link under it on this page rentry dot co/freakleak
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It was cynthia's grandmother
Ok, you're retarded. PLA is hundreds of years before the current games. We're talking game canon, not release order. Yes, the DLC came first, but that's not what original anon was saying.
>The female protagonist is the more developed version, favored by the devs, because cute girl
many such cases
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the lore dump doesn't talk about giratina, the leaked arceus circle is also missing a circle in the center of it from the HGSS event that signifies giratina too
Reminds me of the bigass fish monster that eats you when you go out of bounds in Spore
an add-on? could be a bonus disc considering the filenames allude to a dvd
so did he just not use his normal email account?
Centro sisters are there any more leaks :3
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If this is real, I'm way too harsh on rando's fakemon
This one looks like a Denju
So Giratina wasn't planned at that stage? That'd make sense.
bro dvd just refers to the dvds wii games were released on
one would assume Giratina was conceptualized later in development
anon, the rivals are some of the few characters with non-chibi 3D models
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these do NOT give off the vibe of Pokemon, I wouldnt be surprised if this artist was let go cause none of these fit
Somehow I doubt that. Beta Giratina looks like a cat and the lake trios were apparently called cats.
This looks a lot closer to a regular Pokemon design than the other freakazoids
Lorebros how are we feeling?
celebi/jirachi bonus disc
They are VERY Pokemon, they just use different artstyle.
I don't understand the direction game freak was trying to take with early gen 3. They look like telefangs
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That's not how concept art works. Pokemon are designed by many people, these are clearly CONCEPT arts that the sprite artists and or Ken Sugimori himself would finalize, just like from any artist.
They're a bunch of autistic nerds. Like most game devs, but still it's nice to see a more human side of them
I think Giratina was called “Chimeron” or something similar to that in the gen 4 sprite leaks, maybe it was a Mewtwo sort of deal where Team Galactic uses the lake trio’s DNA to make it
Who is La (Air) in the cut Cyrus story? Giratina?
yeah im saying it wouldnt be downloadable addon or one you get from ds connectivity
I wouldn't say beta Giratina looks like a cat, but I can see what you're saying.
Not sure if you know this, but concept art is meant to draw eyes.
Could someone reupload the Gen 3 sprite dump to anything but catbox? I can't get my computer to stop detecting zipped catbox files as false positives.
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XY leaks could be a goldmine
Nah concept artists going nuts then getting pared down to a final vision happens constantly
I feel like this guy's work is wasted on a game for 10 year olds though, cool stuff
Concept artists just draw concepts. Doesn't matter if they fit. Their job is literally to throw shit at the wall and other people will decide if a design is worth exploring and changing into something that fits better
cacturne and clamperl are in the final games so why would the artist be let go
Works on my machine.
What's the BST of Shin, Gau, and Reek?
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literally me btw
stone tablet Kecleon
I love it
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There's an even earlier draft of the Arceus story in the leaks where Arceus gets mad at humans going to war with each other and Dialga/Palkia are born from its tears. Then start massacring humans as gods of destruction.

It sounds like Giratina was probably its own thing until they realized they should probably have a third mascot ready.
I think it's meant to be Dialga and Palkia. Meaning that they were planned as mutually-exclusive boxart legendaries from the beginning.
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I still can't believe what I read. That ursaring story was fucked up. There better not be gen 5 or 6 lore documents, I think I'd lose it at the deep N lore.
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Something I unironically find really depressing about Pokemon leaks is you can very clearly see how creative passion at Game Freak is constantly suppressed by Nintendo / TPCi. I'm not going to call Game Freak competent developers but they clearly had an absolute fuckton of passion but it seems to just get diminished more and more with each generation, with Masuda's big world building lore seeming like another culprit of this. It's no wonder Sugimori is so fucking depressed despite being the original artist and designer for one of the most iconic game series of all time
This and B2W2 are the more exciting ones since there's a lot of stuff they could've cut or thought up but didn't continue especially since no Z
It's going to be fun seeing what they borrowed from them for LZA just like how they used a ton of old scrapped DP lore for PLA
Do the Unown spell anything out? I swear I can make out some Japanese words in them but they’re sort of messy and some of them are obscured
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kay last one
these look like SMT art to me
>his dream is to one day run through the fields with a ponyta
Heartwarming and endearing.
>may was always intended to be an NPC as well as protagonist
>given additional NPC information as a result
Even when you're given the answers, yis still can't understand what's going on.
It probably is the other direction. They wanted someone with an outside view to try ideas for monsters, and then worked that into conventional Pokémon style.
Any sign of Zygarde in the BW leaks?
Agree'd but I hope we get some "Original Dragon" lore when people dig into gen 5 deeper. The leak seems to stop at gen 6 but I wonder if they'll touch Complete Zygarde at all for the gen 6 stuff.
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>Ichinose-san we need more pop songu mashups!
>B-but Masuda-san shourdn't we be makingu tree dimensionar Poketto Monsuta?
>Fuck itu we just give dumb chirdlen 2D spritesu on 3D prane MORE MASHUPSU

It's not even good, it's just some faggot dicking around like he's on soundclown. It's shit like this that's probably why we've been given the same Pokemon models for over A DECADE.
>They'rr buy itu anyway
probably I mean giritina is kinda just fucked off in wayward cave in DP
>arceus creating dialga and palkia as gods of destruction
>arcues sleeping, and dialga and palkia creating the tree, etc.
Are these the two creation myths we have so far?
and you're not gonna post any of it?
I'm starting to understand zoomers when they dream of a simple game from their childhood that secretly had some dark shit in it. This is unironically elevating Gen 4 from one of my least favorite generations to top tier for me.
>Scrapped Megas
Can't wait
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I'm very happy with the Arceus information.
they're just like me... frfr....
>The world of space and galaxies that I had longed for as a child. It was full of dreams and hopes.
>In the middle of the night, I looked at the sky with a telescope in my hand and saw countless stars. It felt good. I felt safe.
>Before I knew it, I wanted to become an astronaut.
>I took the plunge and told my parents about it.
>My parents praising me is my one happy memory
>Memories of their smiling faces
>My first and last family memory
```The world of space and galaxies that I had longed for as a child. It was full of dreams and hopes.
In the middle of the night, I looked at the sky with a telescope in my hand and saw countless stars. It felt good. I felt safe.
Before I knew it, I wanted to become an astronaut.
I took the plunge and told my parents about it.
My parents praised me for that one happy memory. Memories of smiling faces. The first and last family memory.
>My parents, whom I hated.
>However, subconsciously, he named the organization Ginga-dan, or the Ginga Galaxy.
What the fuck? Why didn't we get this Cyrus backstory in the games?
I think they have the passion but the business side says that none of this expanded lore would increase sales numbers, so why bother? We have no proof that this would increase sales and it's possible it could hinder sales if they're terrified of the powers of NoA and Christian mothers.
I want answers to that supposed scrapped mega jynx cry in bank
I want to see Z concepts. Whatever the fuck they were thinking with AZ and Zygarde. I also need anything on Unova's original dragon.
That's because they'd decided it was going to be a mythical starting off, you dumb bitch.
So, we have the beta sprites for gen 1, 2, 4 and now 3, right? I wonder if there're gen 5 ones too
What's even more depressing and has been visible for years is Masuda's very own blog. Up until Gen 5 he made posts regularly, went in depth, told personal stories, shared his passions and what not but at some point after Gen 5's release he completely shuts down and becomes this safe marketable soulless figurehead that only posts whenever he needs to announce a new game. His XY and onward posts are completely devoid of life.
The world of 2024 is not ready for giganigga Jynx.
Ever since I first learned that Sugimori hated being "the Pokemon guy" I realized that fuck, there's so much stuff they want to do but can't by virtue of being the biggest fucking franchise on the planet by accident.
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this is exactly it, they wanted Gen 3 to feel cooler/edgier than Johto. so they started at the extreme end with these designs and then worked them back into being suitable for Pokemon.
When would he tell you this? You can meet his grandparents in Sunyshore, but that includes personal information.
We got a very shortened version of it in Platinum which is honestly sad, I wish we had gotten these instead even if it would have been cutscene hell
Semi related (and won’t be revealed here since there’s no gen 7 stuff) but I wonder what the duplicate Celesteela cry was all about. I’m guessing either the baby form from the anime or it was gonna have a superfluous ‘active form’ like Xerneas had
where was the ursaring story?
A sanatorium is a hospice.
I like these mspaint gym leaders.
I wonder who had to draw them, and why.
His granddad is on the survival island, isn't he?
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It's crazy how good the games were before GameFreak decided they could use Nintendo's money to travel around the world forever instead.
For those who are curious:
From left to right, the files are labelled:
Esper Rocket, Psycho Dog, Saboten (Cactus) 1 and 2, Deoxys Rough 2, Evil Fish, New Character 1-6, and Armored Scorpion. The one pictured here is entitled New Character 4.psd
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>faggots had meltdowns over not being able to get KANTOOOOOOOOO mons in BW1
>ok fuck u i stop caring
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i did it, i checked out the whole black/white SVN
Placeholders for the battle intro scenes maybe
been there, fuck em
>It has lived for 4000 years in a temple that people built to calm its rage.(Kimairan dex)
Its old dex also just sounds like a generic legendary. So yeah they probably just retroactively slapped him on.
Kek why do you think they named themselves freak
Placeholders for the little character busts during the ‘vs’ screen before gym battles. Also the trainer card screen.
Take note that they seemingly use the original outfits for the characters, so these were presumably before they came up with/finalized the new looks.
Yeah, I messed up. Conflated the two places.
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Could you post エスパロケット.psd (the first one) as well? Curious as to what that is.
jesus what the hell goes on in that office
Detective Pikachu?
I think they're cute, do we have them all compiled?
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>we missed out on skiing
yeah apparently theres some stuff about the second movie in there
Top right is me when I play bluaka
A bunch of grown ass adults chopping their ideas down for a kids game
Oh we are treading dangerous fucking grounds right here.
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I can't believe they even thought for a second this would make it into a kid's game, what the fuck
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Here you go, also includes E4, Lance, and Silver
qrd? didn't see this in previous threads, assumed this art was for the first game given the time frame of the leaks we've seen so far
His parents are from sunyshore though so you were close
Autistic people are like this, sadly. They've managed to wrangle him quite well.
It was nice to see everyone in their old outfits again, minus Blue who’s wearing his updated outfit from gen 3. Guess it wouldn’t make sense to have him wearing his old stuff though.
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Aren't these old
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>It matches this
2nd movie files where
Use ChatGPT to translate
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It's hard not to keep reading it as the sexy file type
Thank you kindly.
Maybe? I found them in one of the leak folders regardless
Most of it is Japanese text docs I can't read
The N and AZ lore is going to be crazy
i know we haven't hit image limit, but we've hit the bump, and so i went ahead and made new bread with an updated OP before i sleep
night anons, can't wait to see whats new tomorrow
anyone know what this could be referring to?
pretty sure theres nowhere called central park in the series
this is a stretch but is this why there's that pit stop with steven and the devon scope revealing kecleon? obviously it's used for progression purposes but it makes me wonder if kecleon had this kind of design earlier on in development, and it was meant to have a bigger role than it does in the final game
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It is so fucking awesome that these circles finally mostly have meaning. It was easy to guess the center was Arceus, but I always thought Dialga/Palkia/Giratina were the closest three orbiting circles, not the overlapping ones (though it's obvious now), and from there it was hard to determine what was what, especially since even now there are circles we can't affix names to/are of mons that never came to fruition.
I loved this event as a young teen but thought it was mostly random. But now, watching the circles appear and build off the center, knowing what they signify, fucking cool.

It isn't exactly a left hand of god/right hand of god organization though.
Unova area?
Fuck no, LLM's are already on record for hallucinating shit.
link to detective pikachu stuff including cancelled poketoon about it
I can attempt to translate
Nation Park?
The little area right above Castelia City?
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Translated some of the meeting notes for DP preproduction. Pretty much a transcript of the ideas Masuda, Morimoto, Nishino, Kawauchi-maru, Sato, Omori, and Nakatsui were spitballing during preproduction.
too much for me to dump individually.
I could read them
Entralink in B/W is central park
yea looking at this its just pokemon is the most tragic franchise of all time it makes me really sad
>custom balls were originally a deeper mechanic
feels like GF always fucks up everything
Maybe that one spot in castelia city in BW2?
Well they had to make adjustments when making PLA and Giratina became relevant
That said, I wish we got more on Giratina's role in the lore. All we know is it got banished, but we don't really know what it's job was before that
Seems like something we haven't seen regardless, Roy is called "Rei" (Ray) here.
>It sounds like Giratina was probably its own thing until they realized they should probably have a third mascot ready
That could explain why Turnback Cave wasn't important in DP, and Giratina just has the normal legend music originally.
Pokemon is missed potential : the series. I think more people like the idea of Pokemon than the reality.
i don't know about "of all time" but it is definitely the most tragic relative to how successful it is
Giratina must be the devil. The fallen angel Lucifer. It's the only role that makes sense.
Sucks that it took having a man ruining any job prospers for life for us to get it, but well, that's life
You mean TPC and Nintendo?
Anything nuclear whatsoever? If not i'll go back to fapping to arezussy
>hey we should let people customize balls
>NOOOO TOO CONFUSING NO TOO MUCH CUSTOMIZATION IS BAD think about the extra employee i'll need to pay to code this in a week
get shit sticker thing
Sounds like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sankebetsu_brown_bear_incident
Post some Arezu please
No beta gardevoir? wonder when it was designed then
Needs to have a reason to exist before rebelling.
are we reading the same image
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yea i beat uranium recently and it made me realize how much i just love the idea of pokemon like the idea of going across a massive space with 6 buddies sounds awesome but usually the execution isnt that great and honestly looking at these leaks i dont really blame gamefreak
Nah, it's surprisingly good
Go figure out - passion ends where corporate bullshit starts. They can't do what they want anymore, they must listen to what investooooors and other soulless creatures want.

It's obvious that GF started making Pokemon as a DQ clone and in their eyes the target audience was Takeshi Yamada, 30yo, unemployed self proclaimed otaku, fan of Minky Momo and collector of loli magazines. Kids getting interested with Pokemon was unexpected twist that forced them to progressively tone down everything.
I'm curious if some of them are publishing something for doujin/indie scene under aliases. Pokemon is clearly holding them down.
We have some dex entries.
everyones saying unova but this is in the wii files not the ds files.
>Blaziken is called Cockfight
>I'm curious if some of them are publishing something for doujin/indie scene under aliases.
They'd have to be Kikiyama levels of disconnected from other people to do that, and sadly they're not that autistic.
i feel the same way, but if anything i think pokemon of all franchises has the best ability to realize its potential due to shit tons of money
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I did a thing.
Godspeed, anon.
Any chances you'd be willing to translate the stuff on HaveSomeFun RandomFromBoxEnt\HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt\DP\DP\DP仕様\pmyth since it is the most heavy lore stuff?
The egg shards just wanted to fucking kill Arceus for no reason. Maybe Arceus made Palkia, Dialga and Giratina with the latter holding all of the malice inside of it?

Or Giratina is just a later creation for Platinum by the time they had decided to never reveal any of this lore.
god his head is so empty rn
Ive no other sfw azzu
Unironically me when I first found out about them as a kid.
I think the implication with the egg shards attacking Arceus was that life itself was unnatural in the primordial soup that was the universe at the time.
yea i dont think that will ever happen because we gotta maximize profits guys! i really wish to see something like mario odyssey or baldurs gate 3 with 7 years of dev time for pokemon
This is mentioned in PLA, thats the story of Komado.
Weak fucking faggots. For thousands of years, children's stories taught them hard truths. Only in the past hundred or so have they been watered down to appease bitchy faggots like yourselves.
>Wahhh children can't handle a bear skinning someone
It's fucking nature, nigger. His dad skins bears so the bears skin him. It teaches respect for life and the harshness of reality of which you know neither.
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They really wanted to use the crazy shit from this leak
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they are just like me
That's a lot.

- First folder is about the Ash anime ending, apparently the 2020 anime / journeys is referred to as the Columbus Series
- Anpan is the code name for a 3D poketoon short about Detective Pikachu
- Bauer is the code name for a movie, considering it's dated 2022 it's an as of yet unreleased project
- Gumshoe2 is pertaining to DP Returns, Gumshoe appears to be the first detective P's working title
- Verne is the code name for the new anime about Liko and Roy
I don't think anon's themselves are the wimps here, just that like you said the perspective that children can't learn anything from things with violence or a scary nature is just seen as the norm nowadays.
Which is ironic, because FNAF.
Yeah the picture of perfect mental health, FNAFfags. They totally don't jerk off to animatronics.
In hindsight I realize saying "learn something" is the worst terminology here to FNAF, I should have said digested something. That being said, nobody likes the original Cinderella.
Is there any more info about Bauer? I thought the movies were long dead
>>- First folder is about the Ash anime ending, apparently the 2020 anime / journeys is referred to as the Columbus Series
See if there's anything about why they finally decided to make Ash fuck off.
nooo you can't expose children to the reality of the world, you have to gaslight them and raise them in an insular bubble so that they have an existential crisis when they're inevitably faced with it as an adult and weren't allowed to develop healthy coping methods!!!
How do I get entry to the discord, mostly so I can peruse files at my liesure?
Not that anon but we can all take a pretty educated guess on why given everything we knew prior and especially what we know now: they wanted to actually fucking do something new.
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This one is fake
pokemon fan vs fnaf fan gay retards fighting
fucking rip lol
Surprised, faggot?
Tajiri and Sugimori met on a doujin event. Their friendship started when Sugimori showed Tajiri how to draw Momo. They are oldfag Japanese otakus - the creative dudes spending hours sperging out about their favorite anime girls and creating art related to them.
Cool for you and your "educated guess". Still not a fact.
no one asked THOUGH
They do, but the point is that kids can absolutely handle horror. Or "horror". Like anon said, it's a story about respecting nature and knowing that the hunter can become the hunted at any time, a tale that history has millions of references to.
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>The spider lily monster that someone said was Gardevoir used to be female only.
I wonder why that was changed. lol
I did, retard.
Post proof
What does that even mean?
>anon replies to a post about gamefreak having loli in them
>company known to be started by two hardcore otakus
>roughly explains the original start of their relationship
I'm glad this one managed to get into the game despite being toned down
Unless you have several peer-reviewed scientific studies to back your claims I don't have to entertain these claims. Even animals get traumatized from horrifying experiences when they are young.
wait so TPC is the big bad all along and GF is ACTUALLY competent???
Anything on Switch 2? I just learned about this shit like 10 minutes ago.
Maybe things will get better when miyamoto dies. He seems like a fucking retarded asshole with retarded ideas that he forces on everyone.

Can you share more about Verne? I am curious if there are any scrapped plans or ideas for Horizons.
>GF is ACTUALLY competent
They're not, but they're not soulless gacha developers either.
>TPC is the big bad
with the way they raped genius sonority, obviously
I'm reading through the documents and the only notorious tidbit so far is that Horizons is meant to be an actual sequel of the Ashnime (as in, it takes place months after it).
>It's not an AU
Fuck this crap.
Moar HQ art please.
And I don't even mean beta art. I'm mostly after character concept sketches.
Though beta character concept sketches are potentially cooler.

This could be someone just making shit up. No proof.
>wanting children playing a video game for the purpose of escaping the world for a bit to grapple with the thought of their neighbors being torn limb from limb and seeing their own mother skinned alive
No one fucking cares how edgy you think you are, you don't win any points by pretending to be a hard-ass.
Could you highlight & screenshot where it specifies that
Literally my mom's god.
Viewership of animation is steadily declining.
With the cooperation of TV Tokyo and ShoPro, we have been able to connect with viewers by strengthening distribution through a wide range of video distribution services, including the distribution of missed episodes on Youtube,
However, as long as the program is based on TV broadcasting, the problem of viewer ratings cannot be ignored, including measures against sponsors.

Satoshi cannot be reset (he cannot start at level 1 every time), and it is difficult to create a story in which children become emotionally involved and see the story as their own.
I have always wanted to make them emotionally involved in the growth of the main character. In recent years, the tendency has been to make the main characters grow more and more.
On the other hand, we have left longtime fans wondering, “When will he become a Pokémon master?” On the other hand, the game has been making longtime fans wonder “When will he become a Pokémon master? The longevity of the main character has made it difficult to draw a line of growth that goes beyond a certain point. As a countermeasure, we tried something like the “Pokemon Sun & Moon” series, which has no vertical story, but we could not deny the difficulty in creating episodes.
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she kinda bad tho
It might not actually be the grandmother of Gardevoir and just be a scrapped plant waifu. More information is needed.
Phew, we really dodged a bullet there.
those are lessons your parents should be teaching you, not some random japanese video game, but i'm sure you wouldn't know about that since you're clearly fatherless
post cut waifus we learned of in response to this post please
It is also fraught with the risk of trouble on the part of the performers. Specifically, around Rika Matsumoto.
There are various other environmental issues as well.

Under these circumstances, we were looking for and considering what to do next in order to take the children's entry level.
There are various forms of media, but terrestrial TV broadcasting itself still has significance.
On the other hand, for first-time viewers (children), there is no need for the main character to be Satoshi.
By creating a new main character who is not Satoshi, we wanted to create an animation that would allow children to see the story of the main character's growth as their own.

ShoPro also proposed that we would like to create a work with a main character who can grow mentally and physically in a span of three years.

Ishihara agreed that GF is always taking on new challenges in game production, and that we should also take on challenges in video production,
TPC's intention was to work with ShoPro on the production of a new series.


>Random Michael Jackson mashup

this is hilarious

What are they even for anyway? Time and money is being spent on this LMAO
It would been based as fuck
>Man goes out and kills/skins bears
>This is fine
>Bears eventually return to kill/skin man
>Omg how horrifying! Kids can't read that!
The flower at the top left apparently had its dex entry overwritten by Gardevoir
Agreed, some of those designs could go well for an edgier spin-off game.
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Which google translates to:
>Verne is a story set in the world of Satoshi Pikachu a few months after the final episode of Columbus.
Yeah, she's bad, that's why she was scrapped.
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forget types and dex entries, there's sugi art in here. crunched as hell sugi art but clearly sugi art
I want to know who decided the Kalos League, I still want their head.
>Oh shit people finally started memeing about Ash never winning a tournament because then the show would end SHUT IT DOWN GOY
The entirety of humanity? The fuck? What kinda stupid drivel is that?
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>Satoshi cannot be reset

He has grown too powerful.
They are not competent, but they clearly have good ideas. I'm pretty sure if not TPC and Nintendo they would focus more on maturing and developing their ideas instead of focusing on corporate buzzwords like 3D, Openworld and diversity.
The games would be much less impressive technically, probably still 2D because that's much easier to make for smaller, more casual studio. Maybe GF would experiment with things like first person dungeon crawling, dunno.
I believe that ShoPro will be the main producer of the animation, but I believe that TPC will make the decision to produce the animation and other aspects of the project.
TPC should be responsible for making decisions and adjustments.
On top of that, who is the one who is saying that they want Satoshi to quit after all?

I think it is the TPC:
The one who says he wants Satoshi to quit has been Ishihara for about 10 years, who has been asking me if I still want to continue Satoshi.
But the final decision as the officer in charge is Miyahara.

He is the one who is in charge of the project:
As far as I know, (Ishihara) has been saying that for 20 years.

Mi: As far as I know, (Mr. Ishihara) has been saying this for 20 years:
Ishihara has always said, “Take on new challenges.
For a while, there was an order to change the voice actor, although it was fine to do it with Satopika.
In the past, Rika Matsumoto and Ikue Otani and their buddies did not get along well, and there was talk of cutting ties.

But that's not all for the creator's convenience:
That's all for the creator's convenience.
The viewers have nothing to do with it.

>Ishihara wanted Ash to fuck off since long ago

Thank you. Can you tell me under which folder U can find anime-related information?
>For a while, there was an order to change the voice actor, although it was fine to do it with Satopika.
>In the past, Rika Matsumoto and Ikue Otani and their buddies did not get along well, and there was talk of cutting ties.
Now this is spicy.
Any more none pokemon stuff leaked?
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it was bad and scrapped so why did they bring it back
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Holy fuck BW, SM and Journeys fucking murdered the ratings.
XY somehow managed to revive things after BW but then it started to downtrend and while SM went up for a little bit, likely for the novelty, before it crashed like crazy.
I hope someday we will also see the beta gen 1 front sprites
Daft Punk? In my Pokemon? It's more likely than you think!
>realize viewership is declining
>Rica is getting older
>older fans are wondering when he'll fucking retire, harder to connect with younger folks
>should we retire him finally? Nah, let's double-down via the Sun and Moon anime
There's a 15 page transcript of a meeting, and a ppt, so it's a lot

But the decision came from TPC who are pitching it to GF, the meeting is about discussing how to proceed
- ratings getting lower and lower
- it's hard to "reset" Ash = restart at lvl 1 every season, so it's difficult to create stories for kids to relate to, as the non-battle stuff tends to be pushed onto the other main characters character development. Can't expect people to watch 25 years from the beginning of course, and older viewers wonder when he'll finally become a pokemon master, portraying his growth is difficult
- there have been apparently multiple problems with Rica Matsumoto (Ash) before and it could pose a risk to the pokemon brand, so if they were to keep making the ash anime perhaps a recast should be considered, also apparently she and ikue ohtani (pikachu) have never really been on good terms either. Sugimori: "But all of that is on the production side, it has nothing to do with the people watching the show"
- Ishihara has been saying for 10 years now "are you still going with Ash?"
what the fuck my guy this is actually FIRE
It's face might've been used for Milotic too
The very first 18 and more type Pokémon becoming giants is actually super cool
Makes sense, they were in an airship like a Jules Verne story. Too bad they abandoned that shit and went to adapting the games again.
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>paul actually killed the anime
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>Ishihara wanted Ash to fuck off since long ago
Should have swapped protags whenever a new game came out.
Damn, that's actually a bop.
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>Rika and Ikue have been in terrible terms for who knows how long
Wow, that's some Star Wars shit.
This isn't anything GameFreak did. It's weird that it's present though.
>anti-Ash schizo BTFO
>Gyarados looks after the oceans
>His Pokedex entry mentions annihilating towns or major cities on ramping rage
Gyarados got fed up with humans fucking everything up every, single, time
>Alain actually killed the anime
>Not only Shudo but Ishihara was also fed up with Ash for years
>They just keep going for 10 more years murdering the rates as they went
>Even talks about what to do with the VAs

I always imagined the anime staff shit to be spicy but makes me wonder how many of then were fed up with it.
This should've been the fucking plan from the start. Ash should've won in Johto and then the protagonists cycling through should've happened, with occasional cameos.
>Ash reaches his peak in DP
>BW randomly decides to make him a scrub again
You get what you fucking deserve.
>>children playing a video game for the purpose of escaping the world for a bit
>Even though said game involves ordering animals to slash, burn, electrocute, etc. each other to death
If kids could handle Grimm fairy tales they could handle this. Unless... you're saying kids nowadays are sheltered faggots like yourself?
Now the question who the fucking fuck was the autist who kept forcing Ash when it seems EVERYONE was sick of him.
>BW actually resets Ash
>People get bored and leave
>XY has "mature" Ash
>General sense that he wants to win and and is building up a strong team
>Also has Serena who seems like an actual romantic interest
>Completely drops the ball on everything
>People come back for SM because it's more of a slice of life
>People get bored until the league starts
>Journeys is dogshit from start to finish, especially the soundtrack
>They decide to finally end it and let Ash have a win while also giving him a finale series because it's been over 20 years and people feel a connection to him
That's why Rica went to Sentai after Ash was put down...
The other posts mention that someone else was in charge of anime decisions. So something must've been the straw that broke the camel's back.
Looking at it, that shit starting sinking after DPPt which means that godawful tourney really did it, but lets just take a middle ground and say both are fucking trash.
>Ishihara asking for Ash to be retired for 10-20 fucking years
no one? Not even the monfuckers?
The shareholders and higher ups who think no ash = no anime of course, the series had to practically bomb in the ratings for them to finally give up
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With that they could also swap the bad guys instead of "TEAM ROCKET BLAST OFF AGAIN" every fucking episode.
You mean Tobias.
Switch 2 is called Coulomb. Meeting minutes describe Masuda and ohmori meeting with representatives from Nintendo PTD. Representatives displayed a device with a modern chip and memory capabilities running 4K up sampled games including Pokemon sword for a demo. There's a bunch of mentions randomly about coulomb such as "project architecture must reference Coulomb design" etc
>In the past, Rika Matsumoto and Ikue Otani and their buddies did not get along well, and there was talk of cutting ties.
This is DEFINITELY never should have been seen by the public.
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Looking at the dex entries, it looks like they only show up to destroy everything when a war breaks out.
yo get me more of that shit
There barely is time to look at things beyond just the sprite. Some sound like unused RS dex entries, but there are more than spots of ones that don't resemble a final one.
what folder is shit like this/ there's like 10 archives of this shit, you could be more specific
You know what? I need to draw a NSFW sketch of it (her) now
damn bro

I guess I'll wait a few more days
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BW just screams of "well if we are forced to use Satoshi then at least we'll make people absolutely resent him"
The post makes it sound like Miyahara since he had the final say.
Also reminds me when Shudo did tried to end things with Ash and they told him they will keep doing the same thing for 10 more years.
The really stuck with those words.
Any anime autism who can tell us who this Miyahara faggot is?
Many people don't even know about this. So if you want peak fanart and such, that is the best way.
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i noticed that this thing has an eye on its stomach(?), the unown have one eye, the obelisk behind it has a bunch of random unown symbols on it, I think the lore was gonna be that the unown made the regi's or they are the regi's
More importantly, this is a Japanese statement. Saying they "didn't get along well" basically means they were actively getting into fights with eachother.
>XY was the last hurrah
Some people are pissed about Ash getting reset in BW
I'm still pissed about Tobias. What an ass-pull
Anime Elesa was hot, I wonder what changed, because by SM you can clearly tell sentiment around him had changed a LOT, SM Ash feels loved, he's just a silly kid, he feels like your nephew who can be a little annoying but in the end he's a kid with a good heart, they went out of their way to give him actual development, they allowed him to make meaningful relationships with people outside of his normal group, he has an actual group of friends his age, it's all so cute and nice. Something made them change their minds
what folder path?
Question for the anime doc readers is there anything related to that one attempt to end the pokemon anime early with the shit like Ash's father?
You mean the old, old script from S1? I'm curious too.
Anon they literally are saying that SM was a throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks experiment because they couldn't justify another BW-tier reset.
And as we can see, the experiment failed.
I honestly enjoyed SM more than most of the rest of the series. There was something about the background art that just felt nice, which was completely lost in Journeys. The final episode with Ash getting driven to the airport was pure kino.
>Ikue is still in the show as Sango
>Rica nowhere to be found
Rica was a primadonna?
God can you IMAGINE if there's shit from the old Mewtwo movie promo?
I'm a walking statistic, I regained interest in the anime with X/Y and dropped it like a rock after Ash lost and never cared again.
Wasn't the plan to retire him by the second movie and have his child take over?
If that one is actually a reworked version of the drillsquid, then that must be peak loser. Three gens and it still didn't happen.
SM would have been cool if it were it's own thing. Ash was always the problem.
mutation nuts
Literally me.
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XY and its version of Ash were the peak of the Ashnime. The equivalent of 2019 AEW wrecking WWE's shit every wednesday. Don't want to ever hear animefags suggest it was some ratings killer ever again.
Do not click. Forbidden knowledge lies within.
they REALLY fucked up having Ash lose the championship in XY, probably one of the biggest television fumbles ever
I'd believe it. She voiced the protagonist but Pikachu was the face of the franchise.
Without any knowledge of the behind the scenes works, watching it live, I could literally envision TPC's hand forcibly adding "...and then somehow, Ash loses" in the script.
The translation is wrong, use another tool. One line should say something like "Lower your sword, the son said"
Because she's working other jobs, dumbfuck.
If she's too busy to voice Chopper half then time then she's too busy to star in fucking Inuyasha.
Go away, Rika.
Jericho is the Ash of AEW
>Rica voices Gon in the HxH pilot
>doesn't voice him in the actual series
>Rica voices Jinpei in the Gatchaman OVA
>doesn't voice him ever again
>Rica voices Ash
>apparently struggled being in the same room with Ikue for over 20 years
I don't want to slander her, but this feels hella fucked up in retrospective.
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heh, nothing personnel
At least losing a type advantage to a "rival" hurts less than a literal fucking nobody pulling out a fucking Darkrai and a Latios.
Hell, even if it was a CLOSE loss, people probably wouldn't have minded as much, but nope, they hype it all up, make bit seem like he'll finally win... and then he loses, totally curbstomped by a charizard who didn't even break a sweat. It just really fucking cemented the fact that Ash wasn't allowed to win.
Nah, losing to Tobias still made Ash look good because he was the only one who beat Darkrai and then Latios.
And we also knew Tobias was coming from magazines and stuff.
Alan was a complete and total rug-pull and bait. Even if you can say it's more "logical" the problem is more on the emotional side. Everything was pointing to that one being the one.
I didn't say it hurt significantly less, I just said it hurt less.
iirc rica got caught from some crime (embezzlement?), her reputation probably tanked after that and it would be harder to get roles
>I just said it hurt less.
COVID-era, I forgot what year the news dropped. Pretty sure she blamed it on her manager or whatever.
I remember the meltdowns on /a/ and other parts of the internet at that time. What a retarded decision. But I'll eat my words if Liko's anime is doing even worse. If it is then maybe there's just not enough kids interested in the Pokemon anime anymore. Or even Pokemon as a whole. I'd bet $100 bucks that the current Pokemon fanbase is a lot older on average compared to the DS era. Obviously gen1-3 would be just kids though.
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It would have more legs if she wasn't voicing the main Robo in the current Super sentai series, still on a good enough standing to get prominent rolles in children's tv
Horizonfags never mention actual TV ratings in padt, so take what you will from it. It does, imho, make me believe that the Pokémon franchise has just stagnated in animation.
There's a reason why Alan caused such a meltdown.
Everyone hated Tobias but the general feeling was resignation. That it couldn't be helped.
XY actually gave people hope for reals.
>Or even Pokemon as a whole. I'd bet $100 bucks that the current Pokemon fanbase is a lot older on average compared to the DS era. Obviously gen1-3 would be just kids though.
That's a problem every fucking where.
There's simply not enough kids being born anymore. And I assure you that all the immigrants getting imported to fill in the gaps aren't watching pokaymans or chinese cartoons.
Demographics are fucked all over.

Main Character: Light 8 -> 15
Only son of a Pokemon Breeder/Pokemon Ranch in Fuchsia city, Kanto. Pure personality, easily believes what people tell him or what he reads on the net.
When he was 8 years old, a trainer named Jiji left a Pikachu at their place that is more pudgy than your average pikachu (styled after not the modern Pikachu design, but rather how it looked back in 1996). Fatchu doesn't particularly dislike Light, but it's hard to get a read of him, as he is fickle and starts kicking if he doesn't like something. Light looked up all kind of things about Pikachus on the net, but all the theoretical stuff he reads doesn't really apply to Fatchu, he's a weird being.
Light is 15 year old in the present time. While everyone around him started going on a journey at the age of 10, he kept helping the family business. He's fine with this, as he feels fulfilled by reading about their journeys on social media, but doesn't realize he's unintentionally narrowing his own world in this way. After seven years, it has dimmed on him that the Pikachu, who is now the oldest pokemon in their care, has been abandoned by its trainer. However, he then he receives a mail from Jiji, Fatchu's owner. He leaves his hometown for the first time to deliver Fatchu to Jiji and heads for Shikon City, a big city that has developed rapidly in the Kanto region in recent years. While enjoying the city with its large-scale festival coming up in a few days, he ends up getting chased by a mysterious man, but is rescued by a young girl named Akari and her Pokémon. After getting away and parting with Akari, he makes his way to Jiji's house based on the address he has. There he meets... Akari?! Akari is Jiji's younger sister, but she tells him that Jiji has already passed away. A mail from a dead person?! And what to do with Fatchu? Both Light and Akari are at their wits' end.
please leak emails between toby fox and game freak that shit would be so fucking funny.
Where is this from? In the folder?
>main character who can grow mentally and physically in a span of three years.
So Horizons has until April 2026?
>nintendo grooms a generation of manchildren
>they don't breed
>nintendo IPs lose popularity
uh oh
Because they perfected the design and created the perfect Pokemon.
I actually searched this shit up, there's actually NO mashup for both this songs

>took Horizons almost two years just turn Liko and her friends into competent battlers
>and now they have a year and a half to finish her story
I don't like this series' chances.
could we see some stuff from the cancelled Gen 6 games because of this?
Isn't this similar to the plot of one of those alternative universe movies? Never got around to watching any of them but the whole "stayed at home to work with the business" and "fat pikachu" sounds really, really familiar.
Out of all the Gen 3 concept mons this one pains me the most, maybe because they could have done something way more interesting with the Unown than we just ended up getting.

Speaking of Regis, makes me wonder if they were at some point mean to relate with then somehow, but it is probably because of Gen 3 being a reset why they probably didn't do anything like that.
So they just saved their personal projects in the studio's servers?
Liko still can't beat a single gym leader.
And somehow we're also still supposed to believe they can also content with Lucius mons which include legendaries.
Horizons has completely fucked up power scaling so it's better to not think too much about it.
>should be doing my job
>too busy reading up on leaks and juicy japanese celebrity drama who voiced in an anime from my childhood, some confirming long-held suspicions
So much knowledge, it's addicting.
Makes me wonder if the original concept Shudo had for his original movie 3 could be in there.
>Horizons has completely fucked up power scaling
>still remember how a bunch of petty thieves and glorified sailors managed to somehow gang up on black Fug
Remind me why this new writer is so cool again.
Is or was.

No matter how much you cope and seethe, Ash ain't coming back. ;)
Also, there's also transcripts of meetings, and a 30-ish page prototype script
One thing discussed in the meetings is whether it's okay to portray suicide

Fujiwara: It's fine for people to have problems and struggles, but we want to express the positives that arise from the presence of Pokémon in resolving these problems.

Sugimori: This does not mean that suicide must not be depicted in the Pokémon world.
There may be suicides in the Pokémon world, and it may even an active event in the work. But what I would like you to think about is "what would happen if someone commits suicide in the Pokémon world?" For example, if you commit suicide, you become a ghost Pokémon, or your pokemon partner arrives and is grieving, I'd like you to make it something that could only happen in the Pokémon world, not to say "it is a taboo to portray XY". As long as it is interesting and Pokémon-like, it's fine.
Any more of these, sounds like some of these did make it far if they go as far to have sugi art, at least before the redesigned or cut a lot of then.
Not even just blue Monday but it’s the fucking Orgy cover version kek
>Horizons is literally a sequel to Ash series
>implying he can come back
You lost btw
Imagine if the fabled Pokémon Stars is somewhere in all of this.
When was this conversation had? I want to know if it was before or after the light had finally been snuffed from their souls by the TPC sanding down every thought and idea.
Shit like this makes me wonder if they could try to make a darker and edgier take for older audiences, seems like they really want to go at it someday.
>but Ash-
I just don't like when legendaries are treated as jokes. What kind of retort is even that?
Sorry you overly excitable cunts but until anyone actually DUMPS the files I ain't buying any of that shit. Are we now seriously taking the blind word of supposed statement without even a attached image to EACH of the leaks?
>I'm too retarded to download the files so everything's fake
You should've complained about it when Arceus got tricked by Darius and killed. Maybe then it wouldn't have happened today
I'm actually totally cool without having to know the specifics of what happens when a salaryman in the Kanto Region does a nose dive off the roof of Silph Co.
The documents say that one-off appearances aren't out of the question.
Ash will sadly return someday sometime but thankfully it won't be for a extended period of time.
>filenames get dumped
>stuff you can literally check yourself
Kill yourself.
Nobody would know because they'd need the last Silph Scope.
holy shit there are a ton of old gamefreak magazine issues
Is Horizons CURRENTLY a sequel? Or was that the plan? I've also seen people say that Horizons was meant to be a movie. At the moment the show has done everything in its power NOT to connect to Ash's series.
I wonder if GF was gonna try to make an edgy spinoff at one point with all the cut ideas that got left behind, and then they slowly got beat down with trying to make everything as sanded down as possible
gamefreak dot 7z
>Was supposed to feature old characters
>Got cut in the final version that gets aired
>"you lost btw"
Lmao, they will go onward without relying on the nostalgia pandering of the last 25 years and there is nothing you can do about it.
were the og gf magazines ever properly scanned before this?
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>seems like they really want to go at it someday.
Well, they'll certainly have to try harder than the last time they did. They can't even animate Pokémon attacking each other without sanitizing them.
>Swampert can't punch Fug in the face, so they have to put this weird shield around it
And the funniest part is, if TPC really wants to appeal to a juvenile crowd, they could just take notes from stuff like JuJutsu Kaisen and Persona 5 and that'd be all she wrote. It's not hard to make a Pokémon show for teens.
i dont think so
I don't think the idea was to be edgy, but to simply have one more factor that can be used for storytelling purposes. For example, a Team Leader's backstory of his father or mother committing suicide after being worked to the bone at Silph Co. or some other new regions hyper-major company, causing them to take matters into their own hands and become a self-righteous terrorist taking down all their Mart locations. If anything they seem completely against using it for just shock value.

How that'd tie into a Legendary like most other Leaders have, I'm not quite sure, but Pokemon's definitely been open to telling those types of personal stories for them rather than just "lol money" or "lol evil"; that's like the one consistent thing with the growth of storytelling in the games over the past decade or so.
well shit, this is a goldmine at least from my perceptive
Fug, I don't have that.
Might I ask for the link?
I feel like I should know what game this is referencing.
i have never heard of a gamefreak mag encyclopedia before! there are two volumes!
Based Clairscholar.
>Not posting a leak
Have a good day retards
dragon buster
That's a different ribbon, feels like I have seen that version of Jasmine before but I can't recall where.
Good shit
What does that even mean? Is that english? Or are you implying shit hasn't already been dumped ten times over yet?
i found on a big google drive with everying a few hours ago, not sure where to find it

have this image from a GF comic collection instead
Actually nevermind found it now.
Jasmine bros, we're eating good tonight, I never thought I get to see official concept art for her
Also seems like beta aroma lady later became Jasmine's final hgss design
The contrast between her serious expression here and vacant gormless placeholder HGSS Jasmine is very amusing.
Wasn't expecting for her to be so tall and actually flat-chested.
I think it's from her gen 2 battle sprite where her ribbon does look longer. As well as the golden boys manga
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Game Freak sure do love lolis
Oh, hey, it's Minky Momo. Shudo's work.
Cute Rikia
>How that'd tie into a Legendary like most other Leaders have, I'm not quite sure, but Pokemon's definitely been open to telling those types of personal stories for them rather than just "lol money" or "lol evil"; that's like the one consistent thing with the growth of storytelling in the games over the past decade or so.

Pokemon Energy and Pokemon Inertia
One legend is boundless energy, always fighting, always moving, think Miraidon on CIA Nigger Crack, and the main villain blames it for working his mother to suicide at [Big Company], so he uses the other, Sloth personified Legendary in an attempt to stop work entirely, slow everything to a halt. Big tantrum to say NO, do not anything.
>Minky Momo
This shit was already fated to be involved with Shudo.
which folder is for the pokemon and characters' concept art? downloaded the rentry stuff but it's a mess
>For years a bunch of third workers gave Shudo shit for wanting to use new protagonists every generation in the anime instead of the sticking with the self-insert
>Leaks happened, turns out he's not the only one who felt that way
Fucking lmao, can actually compile that shit into a image? It's legit killing a year long narrative.
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Huh, I was looking up Jasmine real quick and pointed this image, how long has this image been floating around on the internet?

Oh! Yeah, the Golden Boys is where I saw it and good point about her sprite, never crossed my mind about that.

> Also seems like beta aroma lady later became Jasmine's final hgss design
Good point, I can see the similarities.
gamefreak ran until 2004??? wtf i though it ended before RG
Any possible leaks of Gen 1 and Gen 2 games? I'd like to see more info of Beta Gold
Personally I was thinking moreso something like Ogerpon, where the Legendary is just something someone stumbled upon, and this potential Leader of whatever Team it'd be would simply just be showing the Legendary the worst parts of the world to convince it to side with him against the world, and later (you). But I couldn't figure out a way to make that sound not autistic and frankly, it isn't a requirement anyways and is completely secondary to the main point of "Gamefreak can use horrible shit as a backstory rather than making it an edgy thing".
that image has been floating for years, though it has to be uploaded to a proper archive site or bulbapedia, i remember finding that anime art in your post from some random old neocities site that's still functional for some reason. I have that exact same jasmine gif file in my computer.
None so far.
It's been all pretty 3/4/5 focused so far.
is there really anything more to find about gold/silver? spaceworld was fucking massive I can't imagine anything more than that
Nothing yet
Not yet but the leaks are primarily focused from gens 3 to 5 with apparently some 6 in there.
I found it on some fandom wiki called Azurilland Wiki, that image has been on there since 2011. Also, good point, it should be uploaded to Bulbapedia or something.
yeah, I have ones of all the johto gym leaders saved, though some like Falkner have his feet cut off for some reason irrc. No idea how people originally got all those anime artworks by themselves bakc then. I know they were used in some random obscure electronic merch, as well as were the basis for the stadium 2 portraits
Maybe there was some sort of official site back in the day that had them?
That part is from 2022-06-01

The following is from 2022-06-30
Matsumiya: Regarding question 1, about the suicide, the question was if it's necessary for the story
Morita: For time being it has been dropped, and has become an accidental death, by the way
Matsushima: If the question is whether it can happen to people in the pokemon world, then the answer is yes. If the question is if it could happen setting-wise, then I can only say that it is possible.
Sugimori: I feel the it's not so much about the Pokémon world, as to whether it is appropriate for the movie itself. More than the suicide, having someone become twisted through social networks is something I object to. Not because it would be bad to do this with pokemon, it’s not about whether having twisted characters show up is a good or bad thing... it's more a question of what this work wants to ask the public. At the very least, I can't fully agree.
Matsushima: It’s like, “what they are trying to say by using the Pokemon world.”
Hayashi: Since we are talking about attracting female customers, I think this is a way to make a so called troubled character, but I feel like it doesn’t have to be a suicide.
For Conan which has been quoted, I get it, because in the movie already popular characters appear, but in this film, the character is suddenly new, so I think it will be difficult for the audience to get invested.
Sugimori: I can understand Conan because it's a detective story and the characters already are popular, but in this film you don't feel the need for Pokemon, and it’s hard to follow if there are flashbacks to people you don’t know. I think the whole story is well done and elaborate, but I'm not sure if there is any point in doing it with Pokémon.
Matsumiya: I thought it would be interesting if it wasn't a Pokémon story.
Wow, that's incredibly recent. I figured that'd be from a 2005 or 2006 interview.
Sorry, internal discussion.
anyone else playing present party? i think its pretty neat for what it is, its got a goofy battle system where your stats and moves are based on forming a totem pole of items in the overworld, and the musics quite nice too
Is it .nds or .cia or somethin like that? If so I could probably run it on "legit" hardware
im playing it on my new3ds thru twilightmenu. its an srl file but its functionally identical to the nds format and any emulator or such will recognize it
detective animated show
Where is Justice Smith?
I'm interested in it, but first I wanna know if it's a mostly finished product or not before I play it.
half cute half ugly pikachu
scraped for not being negro enough.
>Jasmine is tallflat as fuck
damn what a goddess
ah, so i'd put it in the /nds folder, aight
also this. if its mostly complete (just missing few textures n sounds), put it on catbox.moe or some shit and let us play.
it seems finished to me but im not to the end yet, im nearing what i think is the end though as it doesnt seem very long. its extremely polished for an "unfinished" game though and im starting to believe it was finished and just ultimately shelved for some reason (like some games in the gigaleak were)
is that eva
Are you the same anon posting about it from an earlier thread? Because if it's only like a roughly 6-8 hour experience I can put some time aside for it soon.
nope, i was looking for a thread where people were talking about it and couldnt find one lol
https://files.catbox.moe/xln6f3.srl heres the rom for anyone interested
why is his mouth so fucking big
Do we have any idea what the numbers in the corners of these indicate? If it’s age, it seems like they might not be exact ages but rather approximations (as the older reference for Jasmine seems to say 21), but that also puts Clair at 16 which doesn’t seem right (though she does kinda act like a bratty teen)
debug screenshot of pogo connectivity
They just look like draft sheet numbers to me personally
Yeah, that’s probably more likely in all honesty
this guy's work honestly looks more like digimon
Fucking soul. I loved secret bases, and am so disappointed the concept was dropped
I wish Tim Goodman a very die in a ditch. I wish they'd stop forcing that Christopher Robin ass kid sidekick.
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get it quick
does anybody have a link for all the character bio's like the one showing the bw gym leaders ages/ethnicities or at least know where to look in the gdrive for them?
Oh boy I can't wait for more urine loli porn.
insane that we got fucking dev tools gf is so fucked
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Drill dozer spotted!
Sending to Pock pair right now this will help their case.
doubt it. the information we've gotten is illegal in any court.
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Boomer here (Only played first 3 generations and dropped pokemon somewhere halfway playing Diamond)

Is there a youtube video or something that can tell me about pokemon creation myth or a complete retelling of lore for me to catch up on?
unused crystal logo
looks like fluttershy
koraidon and miraidon have different names for their overworld modes
Odds are they didn't- they wanted to have a parallel to real legends like this, so they just write that, with the intention of later revising it down to "acceptable" levels.
Or it could sinply not be supressed by external forces. A lot of initial concept for video games were batshit insane and simply changed because the creators themselves thought it was too bloated, too unfocused, too dark or another undesirable characteristic. Most of these are probably created on a whim even, because is easier to work in reverse when you have a lot of material.

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