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more polished than Scat and Toilet btw
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There's no way
what the FUCK
Is this the "delta episode" my stepson goes on about!?
what the fug
Can you stop talking about your fetishes? no one wants to hear those
True kek
No fucking way that was a dream for me to play a game set in Holon
if you faggots turn this deepcut shit into another genwar thread I will straight murder you
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Blame the retard who can't stop talking about scat and toilets
Region exclusive from Pokémon cards. The experiments conducted here led to Pokémon having a different type called Delta Species (Rayquaza being a Fire type etc.)
holy shit ur right kek
Any Holon lore?
Please OP tell me you have more
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gaia = holon.. it all makes sense now

holonxisters stay winning
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Is this from a game or just the CG model they used as TCG art?
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I remember the last Holon thread. Great times.
Very likely the latter.
Judging by the date of Holon's appearance(2005,) always intended to be a CG model. Still interesting.
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Posting the rest, might as well give everyone a refresher. (2/6)
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(earliest renders of holon)
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early holon tower featuring fug
This leak has been a miracle. Hoping it'll provide some answers.
Cute fug.
I missed that thread, thanks for posting the recaps
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early version of the op image
Holy shit, what game is this from?
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Sadly this is the last Holon image I could find in the TCG leak section but I have saved the best for last
TCG exclusive
>TCG leak section
What else is there for TCG stuff?
They 3D modelled this whole city just to take screenshots of it for cards? Based
God, Holon and Delta Species were so fucking cool I was so mad as a kid that I couldn't find that shit in the games no matter how hard I looked. I hope that anon gets around to making a proper fleshed out fangame for it, I'd play it Day 1, honest to god.
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No problem. Did my best (ruin my sleep for 2 weeks) to archive almost everything I could find about it on the internet.
Since the last Holon thread, I found more information regarding those sets while searching through archives on the TCG as a whole. These include
>full versions of the missing EX Delta Species wallpapers
>a news article from the official site referring to Holon as a region: https://web.archive.org/web/20060109133051/http://www.pokemon-tcg.com/p_news/archives/news_1179.jsp
>proof of English commercials for Holon Phantoms and Crystal Guardians, videos still not found
Posting the 4 wallpapers from EX Delta Species. (1/4)
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Really random shit but there are holon card sketches tcg wise i only see e reader stuff up until gen 4
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Ralts in the garden area
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Holon Scientist sketch
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Holon Voltorb sketch
Thanks for posting all of these images anon.
As much as I’d like for Holon to make a comeback, I really enjoy how obscure and mysterious the region is. There was a lot of care put into it and it felt very different from any other place in the Pokemon world. Having so much room for speculation is what makes Holon special to me.
Based Holon scholar
Taken from the doc in the folder with holon shit translated with DeepL






Background image

The setting is “Holon,” a facility that researches Pokémon and energy.

Pokémon type mutation is being researched.

The third energy of Pokémon is being researched.

A town with uniquely designed research buildings lined up around a central spire is formed.

See separate 3D (rough) image of the town of Holon.
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This time, they plan to go for a slightly “cool” image.

The main Pokémon will be “Recuza” and “Mewtwo.

The research building is being created with reference to the German “Schneiter architectural style.

It has a Gaudi-like snobbishness, but a little more sophisticated? It is a bit more sophisticated than Gaudi's.

As an example, it looks like this. (image is from the leak folder I believe it might be from the URL as well but it brings up a 404)
Y'know, this explains why Rayquaza seems to have a focus in Holon. It's just a hold over.
fuck i forgot to post the original text here you go













○Image of Card Game Mechanism

Appearance of Pokémon of different types

Steel-type Pokémon “Recuza” and Lightning-type Pokémon “Caillou” (tentative).

Pokémon with different types will be named something like “XX Pokémon” to differentiate them from ordinary Pokémon.

Pokémon itself will be an energy card.

Inorganic Pokemon of Virilidama, Marmine, Coil, and Rare Coil.

1 One card has two elements of “Pokémon” and “energy”.

For differentiation, it will have a name like “Virilidama of Holon”.

This is the case with “Virilidama,” which is drawn by Mr. Unno.











There was a previous card that Marmine had a special ability called “energetic” and then

But this is the first time that Marmine is transformed into energy while still alive,

This is the first time that Marmine becomes energy while still alive.

(Currently, it is still in the test play stage, so you may not need to worry too much about it.)

Metamon Henshin

This is a special kind of Metamon that becomes a card while it is already transformed.

(It is still in the test-play stage, so don't worry about it too much.

About new energy

Key Energy” and ”Synthetic Energy

By “synthesizing” one “key energy” with another “synthesized energy,” energy cards with various effects can be created.

energy cards that can be “synthesized” with a single “key” energy to produce various effects.

That's all.

This seems to be a scrapped energy mechanic
and that's all the holon stuff i could find images and all
Awww, love this lil guy
what is the filepath to tcg stuff?
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That further explains the SYN from the JP Holon Energies. I wonder what kind of effects they planned to have on these proposed cards.
Thinking about it, maybe the Synth-able cards were going to be regular energy types and the affects we got on the Holon Energies were just repurposed for that. It's all speculation, either way.
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梁瀬のひきつぎ資料\カード\CRカード\ホロンのイメージ is the Holon stuff

梁瀬のひきつぎ資料\カード\過去企画\jim_pokemon has some gen 4 card art

梁瀬のひきつぎ資料\カード\カードFCまとめ seems to have more card art including this silver pokeball that i don't think i have ever seen before
excellent thread, OP. def using this for worldbulilding in my fanfics, thanks for compiling all this!
So just reading through the email text that is in the directory that card would have been the Legend Card. They were still working on the effect for the card however it's intention was to be the ultimate ball card just like how the games have master ball as the ultimate ball this caused some pushback from the higher ups because
>master ball exists in the tcg world and at the time it was a meta card on top of the fact that it's supposed to be known as the ultimate ball all around
>changing the effect of the master ball just to add the legend ball would be confusing for players and would also make the master ball no different than any other pokeball
>there needed to be an actual purpose for the ball to exist. OC balls exist like Aqua, Magma, and Rocket Balls but their existence in the TCG world is just that they're pokeballs used by evil team members
>ultimately they settled on having some sort of upgrade to the master ball and then another idea of just turning the Legend Ball in to something else
It doesn't look like nothing ever came out of this since this is the only known instance of the Legend Ball
That design could've made for a cool Poké Ball used by Holon scientists without any of the broken powers.
I need these. Which zip are they in?
What a nice place, the TCG made it so mysterious and pretty much overlaps with Steven's interests. This would have made for a nice gen 3 game.
Wouldn't want them to release now unfortunately since it would look nothing like this. It will stay a nice mysterious place deep down ;_;7
Already exists, kind of
I said it back then and I'll say it again, I'm very grateful for your hard work because I adore delta species
if one day I manage to make my dream romhack in the wonderful land of Holon, it'll be mainly thanks to you
So are these all just renders or do we now have the actual model itself?
So we dont have the actual model to play around with then? Thats sad to hear
Gen 3 PTCG was the golden age
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Oh, when viewed from above, the tower looks like the metal symbol. I'm not sure if that's evident in any of the actual pieces of card art.
Kino. I hope you’ll achieve making your dream romhack anon, I’d love to play it.
any link to the TCG Section?

Or where is the TCG Section in the FreakLeak files?
I just want full artwork from the TCG to be leaked
Someone should soo decimate this model in blender and import it to zelda ocarina of time or smth as a level in the debug rom
yep issa truke
Looks like a soulful early 2000s jrpg for the PlayStation 2
How did I never notice that? Fuck, that's brilliant.
Here's an example.
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Any chance the leak contains other TCG original content such as clean art of the e-Card Mysterous Contintent?
Is this based on the US?
>no rattata
dropped instantly
Looks like it to me.
Based Holon enjoyer.
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are there any other 3d models in there? i really wanna see if some of the 3d pokemon renders from the tcg have their models in the leak

ty to the niggas who got the files, i'd dig through them if i had them but i missed that boat
Is this anon right, are these models actually not used anywhere besides cards?
Yeah, there's a lot of shit that gets 3D modeled for the TCG just to be used in single cards.
Cards, package art, official website material, and commercials.
Imagine if we had the original photos for the Yuka Morii cards or even albums of different shots of the models. If TPC had any business sense, they would look into releasing artbooks of the TCG.
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OP here if you guys wanna dig or have a look for yourselves here is the link to the tcg stuff
there's also anime shit in there but i don't really care about that the directory for the card stuff is here >>56571538 the emails might be in there too if not you may gotta dig around but I did see some e reader stuff though
there was thought that the gen3 cards used models that were a part of a scrapped game. They modeled 3d mons and environments and have them in settings that look like an in-game environment. It would have been a lot of effort for just cards.
was looking for this folder in particular
thx anon
no problem i want to keep this thread up in case there is more stuff but with the fucking flood of pokefuckers having a field day i doubt it'll be up much longer
thank you based anon, i'll post what i find
That's awesome. I always thought Holon was cool.
>If TPC had any business sense, they would look into releasing artbooks of the TCG.
it's mind boggling to me this doesn't exist already, along with artbooks of the games
they would sell like HOTCAKES
>There was a previous card that Marmine had a special ability called “energetic” and then
>But this is the first time that Marmine is transformed into energy while still alive,
>This is the first time that Marmine becomes energy while still alive.

Marmine = Electrode, so the mechanic of pokemon becoming energy cards came from wanting to replicate electrode's energy gimmick without having to kill it.
There's a symbol on the side of the tower, above those windows. I wonder if it's appeared anywhere else.
Does this mean we were supposed to get another TCG video game?
Not during holon era I think, but some anon found a boxart for a seemingly scrapped TCG gba game/app with eReader mechanics, eReader cards were found in early 2000's TCG extensions
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You're most welcome. I don't want any of this lost to time like it almost has.
Many thanks. Looks like it mainly contains Gen 3 and early-mid Gen 4 and a dash of late Gen 2. It also seems that all the relevant easy to find images have already been posted. I did find this along with 5 other images similar to >>56571165, but for Dragon Frontiers.
Tell me about it. That's how I ruined my sleep on the last Holon thread.
IIRC Holon is a few countries in South America, hence the Nazca lines present in one area
that looks like a card pack that little circle is meant to be a hole punch that you hang on the racks in stores actually
i dont recall emerald having e reader battles or minigames though so this was definitely scrapped or just repurposed for FRLG's e reader content
Damn good eye, yeah I don't read moonrunes
Did you mean the Mysterious/Puzzle Continent? Bulbapedia mentioned it, but I think that's just speculation. Could be North America, could be South, could be both.
Holon's is >>56570875, but is also speculation.
>artbooks of the games
those do exist
in the West ?
it became legend box
>e reader stuff though
Like dot codes? Unreleased apps?
Why does it look better than SV?
that is for battle e-card
Cool songs.
I concur with >>56583415, thank you very much.
I can't wait to see the Drill Dozer documents within...
Some finished Holon card art from the leak.
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Holon Scientist.
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Holon Researcher.
One thing that made me so excited for Gen 7 was it made Delta species game canon
Any Orre leaks? That was a game exclusive region only used in Colosseum and Gale of Darkness
Please post as much TCG content as possible, I havent played any of the vidya since hgss so I dont care for it.
None because Game Freak didn't make or touch the Orre games
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Here's high quality TCG card artwork in PNG format. Game Freak artists only, 2004-2008.
Anyone have the old Team Rocket TCG art was that in the leak too?
Technically speaking Orre games should have sent in some stuff for review.
Which is why this leak has stuff like this. Of course GF clearly sometimes remembers to delete irrelevant stuff here.
luv holon
simple as
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does anyone has the mega link with everything from the link? im looking for the psd file of the Pokemon Logos, i wanna know how they were made
all smiles :)
this looks like a weird mix of southern south america
this ?
https://mega (.)nz/folder/R8lhRa6T#NDsYlbKMTJdavRN4BKubQw/folder/VkcFEbKC
>mega nz/folder/R8lhRa6T#NDsYlbKMTJdavRN4BKubQw
this is only the 05_ section labeled in the rentry
its in the folder labeled ロゴ
the only interesting parts are the masks for the textures inside the words imo
thanks anon, i really appreciate it.
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>>56582058 anon from before. wanted to share some insight
rtf files can be opened in wordpad, but it seems to be just to be staff emails. a LOT of e-reader stuff is in the files, seems to have full files of trainer data to load into the gba's ram for the e-reader battle tower. seems to also have colosseum's e-reader stuff too.
Highest-res Hoenn map I've ever seen but the color profile is all fucked up.
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i converted one of the .ai tcg illustrations into a png, but because it's a vector it can be exported to as big of a file size as you want

i'll post the other one, tho it's smaller res than this. you could probably use both images and some editing magic to make the highest res hoenn map to date
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god I hope there's more vectors in these files
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a quick file search for "ai" does pull most of the vector files, but sadly doesn't seem like there's much in this zip
why is shaymin so smug
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saw your boner or something, idk i'm not a slaking
Holon is real ? Holy sucking shit I'm happy
GF's cumguzzlers on suicide watch
No Holon is said to be north of Kanto
Thank you
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So who's gonna recreate this in GMOD?
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I assume this is just the models they used for ads and card art and stuff like that, not a game.
I love Yuka Morii's cards. I've started collecting them but damn man it's going to take a while.
>Gen 7 [...] made Delta species game canon
Wait what? How?
I assume he's referring to the regional forms
That's different from delta species though
no, these are all the renders used in various cards and card packaging. you can see the exact angles in the background of pack arts.

its not meant to be a map to walk it and I doubt the actual 3D files are in there. That would be cool if they are though

They did release a pair of TCG artbooks during the 2010s, only the smaller one got translated to English and was bundled in a TCG premium box. The larger one goes for stupid money these days because it came with a fancy Charizard promo that everyone wants to grade and flip.
New link, should last longer.
tera crystals are just a modern remake of holon lore. I gave up hoping they would bring back holon one day I saw that back the times
I don't think experimenting on pokemon is the same as a pokemon's power influencing others
Honestly Delta Species = Tera because they're both type change related is such a brainlet take.
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fantastic thank you
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Is there more card art from the rest of the artists as well, or just Game Freak?
how large is this?
Just Game Freak.
About 97MB.
something about the gen 4 tcg art feels so soulless i can't put my finger on it but it doesn't capture me the same way the gen 3's art did
Extremely. The same goes for Crystal Pokémon from e-Card. All three may involve type changing and crystals, but that's as far as the similarities go. Each one plays differently in the TCG.
It would be cool to see someone mod it into games if we ever do get a model of it.
If you're getting SSL errors, go to catbox.moe, then click on the litterbox link there, then click that link again, and it should resolve this time.
This but for the franchise. There's a definite art style shift between the generations.
It hasn't.
You can't imagine how fucking happy I'm to see these. I started the original thread when I was finishing my studies and was stressed as fuck and now I'm at first day at new work which I already know is going to suck. Furthermore I'm going to sit in car for next 5 hours so I'm going through the leak and it's so fucking great to see high quality images (with fug on the tower!!!) but most importantly to see that people still care about this topic and obsess a little about it. great threat anons, should have called it Holon general #2
I thought there wasn't a database of high quality tcg art? Are there more like this?
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This looks newer. Is somebody at GameFreak holding the Holon candle or something?
And it barely covered anything outside of the showcased art themselves, though one did give some lore to one of the early XY era sets.
Oh wow... so eventual Gen 10 stuff? Or this Delta Species sound like Tera Type in Gen 9.
Given that the cards in question are nearly 20 years old and the leaked files all date from that era, it’s very unlikely that the Holon/Delta Species stuff will ever be relevant to any future Pokémon media. The excitement is more about unearthing historical artifacts.
Did we get any other TCG renders? I want the Gen 4 “X” card renders.
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Fucking nice to see a happy ending anon
Fpbp. I'm a tourist here to read the pokesex lore. Any game withiout the nationaldex is fucking aids garbage. The correct game to make is Pokemon:BotW but triple A.
There wasn't, and still isn't—a small amount of it incidentally ended up amongst the leaked files, but don't expect any more than this.
>Abra was robbed
love holon, bros
simple as
the real world building this staircase is from is called the Goethaneum, designed by Rudolf Steiner. A lot of inspiration for the structures in Holon were taken from this building
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The background in this Porygon card also matches that staircase so this porygon card is taking place in that building

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