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That guy is an idiot for thinking again year means we're getting a masterpiece
*leaks on you*
>gamefreak can't neither make good games nor good cyber security.
Cash out on the biggest most successful franchise on the planet that just prints money for them?

LOL why because of leaks? They dont care its annoying but the games are not there focus any more as you can see from the lacklustre crap they put out.

Its all about the merchandising thats where the real money is.
This has got to be the most buck broken fanbase
It triggers twitter trannies too?
Never even thought it would, but this is just icing on the cake.
shills get btfo. Go ahead an sit there as I rape GameFreak in front of you. Touching all of it's private files, in all the wrong places.
If someone saw a benign design document that I got paid to make years ago I would probably set fire to all of my current projects then kill myself in a gruesome and messy manner.
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Stop being mean to tourists guys…
Twitter troons spaz the fuck out over everything they lay eyes on manically to grind worthless likes on social media until they kill themselves
I would feel bad for GF if they weren't so damn incompetent at their job they'd make Ubisoft blush
>Saving inside Lumiose would delete the save file in XY 1.0.0
>Tembo's exe file was misspelled inside its folder
>Cash out on the biggest most successful franchise on the planet that just prints money for them?
especially when they can just DMCA or patent-troll the competition
They accidentally left their mouse cursor on screen in the SWSH credits FMV.
What leaks? The only thing they posted was rejected stuff
kek thanks for reminding
>attempt to destroy an indie dev because they made a better game than you
>Literally everything gets leaked a few weeks later
You get what you fucking deserve
Make me, cunt
how many times are y'all gonna keep trying to lynch centro you don't have the balls to do that just stop before you embarrass yourself lmfao
If the leaker did that for this reason, his cause is fucking divine
twitterfag has a point, suits (japs especially) get mad as fuck when stuff gets leaked and there's no telling what kind of punishment they'll get for it
I do have the balls to do it
>caring about pokeshit past gen 4
>Caring Pokeshit in the palworld era
Lmao even, pokeshit is dead and everything need be leaked now
prove it then come on you won't because you're a coward ass bitch lol
Point me to Centro's house, faggot.
>GTA VI got leaked: *people had fun*
>any Shittendo game gets leaked: *tendies seethe to no end*
you know the answer
>Game Freak is finally given the time they need from The Pokemon Company to make the game they want
What a retard. Game Freak always set the timelines. TPC is only responsible for marketing and merch. When GF tells them the game will be ready next November, then there's no stopping the marketing machine and it has to release then.
GF could always tell them the game will be ready a year later, but they never before chose to.
Putting the onions corporate worshipping asides, why would they care if beta sprites or stuff like planned lore that didn't make it gets leaked
>Say "Hey!, stop stealing my stuff!"
>/vp/: All Game Freak staff should be quartered and their families raped!
soys cannot comprehend the fact that tpc is owned by game freak because that would completely shatter their "poor indie dev" victimhood narrative
>nor good cyber security.
I mean, you say that but have they been hacked before?
That's why this leak is so exciting! Seeing unused designs and concepts for when I actually cared about the games is cool!
> families raped
I didn’t say that, you did
I just want endless chaos
>crash out
Yet another white teenager from bumfuck Ohio using a word completely wrong
This was insane karma
this but unironically
>because they made a better game than you
Do people genuinely think that Palworld is better?
i think palworld is shit but it's obviously better than nintendo's latest turds
Okay, what your reasoning?
All things considered the game feels hideously half baked and the monsters themselves feel like an after thought so what makes you think that it's better?
Everyone at Gamefreak should be executed by anal bug insertions, and this was deserved before the patent trolling
Nobody would play scavio or PLA if they didn't have the pokemon name attached to them
What are the implications of the leak though? It's not like anything substantial is being revealed and it's just a bunch of content that didn't make it into old games. Who the fuck cares?
That's not what I asked anon.
Also I'm pretty sure SMT, Digimon etcfans would be happy with an open world monster tamer with 400+ monsters and no exact recolors.
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He claims he got ZA itself + some future titles and assets
If he stopped being pussy and released the fucking thing someone would care eventually and will demand his head
lol. the LEET haxor aren't going to post new shit and the old shit is stuff they no longer sell. If anything this is a massive PR opportunity to make any of the betamon in a real pokemon/regional form
Honestly the modern people constantly leaking shit for twitter clout is rather obnoxious
I knew this site now belonged to tourists but not to this extent holy shit
Some games have literal leak cartels and leaker drama, this so far is nothing yet
t. Centro
You're not my leak supervisor!
>All Game Freak staff should be quartered and their families raped!
You are forgetting the rest of the Nintendo staff.
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imagine coming home one day and your mom telling you that your dad died of ringma
I'm waiting to see Mistah Merikku defending monke rape on Twitter
Why do normalfags reflexively
recoil from antisemitism?
Yeah, pretty much. The sad thing here is, GameFreak could make som,aething like Palworld but even better and didn't do it.
not the meeting minutes from twenty years ago!!! gamefreak was totally going to make a good game for the first time in 15 years you guys
>Someone from a team of incompetent programmers fell for a phishing scam
Am I supposed to be surprised?
Joe Merrick is currently in Japan. Coincidentally when this leak comes out. Interesting timing...
Why are jews (you) so obsessed with rape?
We don't bully tourists enough
They dont even actually care that their game and anime stuff got leaked right now, they're more upset over the fact employees got doxxed. Which makes the whole thing about the leaker not leaking ZA and gen 10 stuff but totally fine with leaking the employee stuff all the more, funny I guess you could say? I hope the leaker gets caught and hit hard asap because that is jusy messed up.
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No. Here is some leaks now.
>Implying they are using the extra time to polish the game and they aren't just holding out to accomodate publishing schedules, the palworld lawsuit and making gen 10 release the year that pokemon turns 30
Does he know?
They're well trained.
Twitter isn’t ready to wake up and learn about the new slaking lore.
Conditioning from birth.
Thats like the safest thing that can happen here
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If palworld stole from Pokémon it wouldn’t be a better game. Ford and Toyota didn't steal from the Benz.
>a better game
lmao not even modern pokemon is that bad
All I said was "free Palestine"
>discord dot gg /76rERBHc
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what do you mean? the unfiltered worldbuilding like pokemon and human stories were great and I'm grateful for them
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>left their mouse cursor on screen in the SWSH credits FMV.
and in the opening too
You clearly haven't played a modern Pokemon game
>/pol/ helps gatekeep normalfags
never again cry about gatekeepers doing their job
Better than modern/post DS pokemon at least. Arguably better than post GB pokemon but that depends on the person.
This guy got rizzaped in jail KWAB
i leak a lot
What's wrong with bwing against kikes? Maybe people wouldn't be mean to them if they weren't actively gleefully genociding the people in Gaza.
Aww, did regenade get so mad that he came to 4chan personally to cry about the leaks?
It's not hard to be better than Switch Era Pokemon
It's weird, through. Leftists hate jews because of the palestine conflict and the right-wingers always hated jews, so in theory they shouldnt give a fuck about antisemitism
Still can't believe Skyla is a latinx.
Well, they should do a better job at it, then. It clearly isnt working
they aren't appreciated so obviously they are going to stop caring
Huh? More people played it for a reason and none of them were toddler Christmas gifts.
oy vey, someone disagreed when i suggested we need to import a gorillion simayans to crossbreed with all the sexy female gym leaders and trainersm, very antisemitic
May you get caught. May you get caught.
No. I will continue to shit on Game Freak until they make a game at least on par with Gens 1 - 5. They don't even have to be better, just something on that level of quality again. Until then I hope every single one of them gets executed by bugs in anus.
You're all falling for a fucking lie whipped up by a discord group corroborating this lie.
Nah, you have a toddlers understanding. I'll use greentest so your shit attention span can keep up.
>Leftists hate Israel because its a violent ethnic state
>Leftists love Jews (disaspora) because they are left wing and a minority group
>Rightoids love Israel because its a violent ethnic state
>Rightoids hates Jews (diaspora) because they are left wing and a minority group
It's not complicated.
no, cRash out, i.e. zoomer terminology meaning "violent freak out"
I got 400 hours out of palworld and did the entire thing with my friends or wife.
It was a very good game.
>Better than modern/post DS pokemon at least
You'd have a hard time arguing that anon.
The gameplay loop is even better than Legends Arceus at least by 200%, both in execution and how addictive it is.
Not one person who replied to this post has said why they like palworld.
It's like a damn cult.
Pretty sure that's another "4chan is bad" post and "look, I'm morally good for not looking at the leaks because of that" post more than anything, a large majority of posts in the leak threads are about the leaks, nothing else. You have to be the biggest hypocrite trying to purposefully find racist stuff here on your first post to say that shit, on Twitter of all things.
Because it's stereotypically literal nazi behavior.
So there is another game, not just the pokemon legends sequel?
They are goycattle.
the only reason why you think nazis are bad is because the people they were hunting down for having uncontrolled power over society used said uncontrolled power over society to rewrite history to paint themselves as perpetual victims of a massacre so disproportionate (and phsycially impossible) that it could never be recreated in history ever again, thus ensuring their perpetual victimhood
GF had it coming
It would never have happened if they had not starved us of any news for an entire year, thus forcing us to hack them in hope to get some
Jesus fuck, how much of a brand whore are you that you have nothing in your life other than pokemon?
>Do people genuinely think that Palworld is better?
Unironically yes.
At least it doesn't run like shit and environment props aren't on a fucking power point slide show when it comes to FPS.
>At least it doesn't run like shit
palworld absolutely runs like complete shit and it's a total RAM hog
>environment props aren't on a fucking power point slide show when it comes to FPS.
palworld does the exact same trick of halving the FPS of pals that are far enough away from the camera that pokemon SV does
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>At least it doesn't run like shit
Dude no, it's a game that looks like a early PS3 title but it needs 16gbs of ram minimum. That's absurd.
Let's put that into perspective though, a game like sparking zero, which is infinitely more impressive visually needs half of that.
> and environment props aren't on a fucking power point slide show when it comes to FPS
Until you look at something in the distance just like most games do.
Imagine really wanting to see the leaks then seeing a post that says fuck likes and having to close the page. That’s so pathetic lol
Everyone is just shitting on the kid too, it's hilarious.
Only jews and older normalfags do that. Zoomers are naming the jew and sharing AI translated hitler speeches on tiktok right as we speak.
All I said was death to israel
>Please feel sorry for greedy developers who's unironicly intimidated by cheap trash
Why are Hollow Knight furfags are so fragile?
Deleted in 3....2....1.....
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>our fans are busy enough with the leaks that they aren't gonna get pissed off that there's no Z-A news, and it'll reignite interest in fans who may have sworn off purching after the switch era
could be an inside job, but i'm unsure if gamefreak is really that smart.
either that or they're stupid enough intentionally leak a terabyte of masuda's internal palafin porn stash for a marketing stunt
Is this why Groyper skinheads became anti-orange man as of late?
They're in the Slaking dungeon right now
>mon on the girl's arm
New mon?
It's not that good of a game, but GF have honestly set the bar is set that fucking low.
>but GF have honestly set the bar is set that fucking low.
You know people say that but when you compare it to other tamers it really puts things into perspective and you realise why people always gravitate to pokemon.
Libs hate israel for they think it is white and palestine is black
Fair point, though I'd also attribute a lot of the gravitation to it to things other than the game's quality. Snowball effect of already having a playerbase/likely having a friend that's playing it too, brand recognition, etc.
I'm not saying I think it's better personally, I'm not sure either way, but even just being unsure is a far cry from where their bar used to be.
They probably just made it the fuck up. They're much more likely to stumble across furry porn than something that's a bannable offense outside of /v/. It's just a virtue signaling dumbass.
Now we wait for Pocket Pair to make pal/human breeding canon.
Damn this might be the most bad faith post I've seen on this site all year, and I'm from /v/
I like the way you interact with the pals, they are working at your base and when you go outside one of them follows you, when fighting you need to be somewhat careful to avoid other pals joining a current fight
Not everyone is autistic. The game is fun or it isn’t.
The part that's always baffled me about this is what their workflow looks like that allowed for this to happen--it's not like cursors have an opportunity to get accidentally left on screen during normal cutscene production, this could only happen if they fully pieced together the scene and chose, for some godforsaken reason, to screen record it rather than using something that could just export it as a rendered video. What the hell were they doing?
Jews trained you well
>Tamers GR-15 pfp for the guy asking
Has the series really reached that far?
>Snowball effect of already having a playerbase/likely having a friend that's playing it too, brand recognition, etc.
While that's true ultimately that's a result of the quality of the games and what they offer. I mean, even if you want to argue quantity/quality pokemon SV still has 400+ pokemon without the DLC. Compare that to something like SMT VV, an expanded rerelease, which only has 270 or so including the old dlc monsters they bundled in with the rerelease and the new demons they added for Vengeance as much as I like SMT that's kind of inexcusable to me given they had more models ready to go between Dx2 and Persona that they could have just reused.
as is the removal of evolution
Not to mention everything else, when you finish the main game pokemon has a lot of minigames, sidequests and collectables. SMT basically just has the side quests and restarting to get a new ending, they didn't even add challenge battles which persona 5 had before it which is surprising but I digress

The point is that Pokemon, even in this dishevelled state, still offers more as monster tamer compared to anything else on the market. Especially against Palworld, I don't even think it's fair to compare them which is why I used SMT VV instead since that's a longer running series.
Anyway, I reckon it's because most people saying pokemon is worse have only ever played played pokemon so they only have the older games to compare it to.
I do love leaks, but I'm sure it is demoralizing if your work got leaked. So I do understand it from the devs perspective.
>tamers12345 fan
>not familiar with 4chan
huh...?? this is so strange
>Yet another white teenager from bumfuck Ohio using a word completely wrong
Every single time man
Nigger did you just say it was autistic to be able to have an opinion?
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>The leaker said they are purposely not revealing any ZA or Gen 10 info,
What retards, as if the ass rape they're going to receive by Nintendo's hitmen will be any less severe because of it
STFU Nazi scum.
>leaks from almost 20 year old games
Social media engagement posts are so annoying
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Yeah, unfortunately the movie has been in development hell since 2021. Here's true form Dugtrio for your trouble.
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>Their families raped!
>"You shouldn't take a machine translation as official word of mouth"
>"Japanese culuture is different and they didn't literally mean what people are reading into. Misinformation quashed."
>"Unless game freak themselves confirm it take everything with a grain of salt"
lol good 1

>t. /pol/
Lmao are those in the leak?
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This guy is a genuine retard along with anyone on twitard or elsewhere unironically going "But gen 10 is too soon and we didn't even get a trailer"
Do those kinds of retards actually think that they have a trailer made and THEN the came starts being made?
My opinion is that the game is fun. Your opinion is… what? You like to jerk off to npcs?
Why are Americans trained from birth to worship (((them)))?
Tamers' MLP videos are really ruining his demographics.
oh shut it. catching the premiere with /mlp/ was KINO
It's not about MLP itself, dumbass. They're just more popular and random twitter fags like it. And now they share the same space with hardcore gay porn loving tamers fans from /co/.
>it is demoralizing if your work got leaked.
>old work gets leaked
>longtime fans are ecstatic about learning what went on behind the scenes
>even stuff unfiltered by the nanny censors that would normally never be allowed to see the light of the day
>if there's anything bad you can just brush it off with "that never went into production"
>your only real concern is journo cunts kicking up a fuss, and the possibility of spoilers for work that was temporarily shelved to be released
nazis never want to own up lol cowards. be the devil you really want to be
Fuck off nigger us Ohio natives hate these wanna be wiggers
Its fucking fake shit just like all the other times on twitter
Nintendo has had it coming for years now, hope the leaker goes back on his word and leaks the source codes for the new games to especially fuck those white collar crooks over
The age of slop ends here
All it takes is him slipping up and sharing it with a "friend" and bam its over for Sloptendo
>Nintendo has had it coming for years now
Nah not really.
Anon, one pokemon game isn't going to do anything.
Let them burn.
>rushing games to the point of copy pasting source code from D and P into a 3d engine and calling it done
>shutting down indie devs making fan games for free
I could go on but you only need a handful of reasons to justify something like this happening. Fuck corpos, always take joy in them getting fucked over
>making faithful remakes after the fanbase got pissy over the updates done to Ruby and Sapphire, especially considering Legends would be an even bigger shakeup to Diamond and Pearl
>rightfully defending their trademarks as they're legally required to do in order to preserve them, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_trademark
>pulling the plug on an unsustainable development quirk of the franchise, just how long did you expect them to continue updating old models when the pokemon count has exceeded 1000?
I see nothing wrong
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>doxxes GF employees for no reason
>leaking game source code is "morally wrong" and he's not gonna do it
What a strange logic
>>shutting down indie devs making fan games for free
This is the only one you said that's actually related to Nintendo and it just proves you wrong given it's a result of monetisation and shitposting on their social media.
There's a reason why we kept quiet about these things in the past but of course you people won't stop running your mouth because of your irrational hatred clog companies.
>always take joy in them getting fucked over
Anon, a leak isn't going to fuck over a company. A leak only fucks over the leaker.
if you were in charge of a multimedia franchise you would take great lengths to protect what is rightfully yours from those who would seek to partake in it without your permission, but you, like every other leftard (only leftards use that "bootlicker" meme), have never and will never produce anything of value so you cope by stealing from the people who you think cheated their way into their positions of power because you can't accept the truth that they're simply better than you.
/mlp/ bros are great but tamers is leaking into the most annoying parts of twitter. all those "fandom" types
>you would take great lengths to protect what is rightfully yours from those who would seek to partake in it without your permission
meanwhile ZUN
>heheeee look another megamari
>even a puyo puyo clone? the absolute madmen
>oh hey there's a 3d danmaku game lmao
>another japanese company without strong cyber security gets hacked
not my problem + nintendo shillers lost bigly
you're just making up words at this point. take your meds
You know come to think of it wasn't there an article circulating a while back talking about how Japanese companies are ironically incredibly behind on digitizing stuff and being tech savvy
good goy
you seem to have lost the plot there bucko, the only people subservient to kikes are leftards
>i'm one of the good guys trust me! just do what the corporations want you to do, they are superior and perfect!
It's mewfags
I'm pretty sure they already did with that Lovander freak
>I came to this conclusion organically, it JUST SO HAPPENS that leftist discourse shifted hardcore to anti-corporatism and anti-capitalism when the united states JUST SO HAPPENS to be the strongest, wealthiest capitalist/corporatist country in the world and it JUST SO HAPPENS to have been coincidentally at the same time as George Soros JUST SO HAPPENED to donate a shit ton of money to leftoid think tanks.
I sincerely hope you wake up one day, I mean it.
take your meds, or at least go to twitter if you wanna talk about leftists so badly
lol it will be slop as usual
I don't support big pharma, cocksucker lol
Zun is the touhou developer. He doesn't really care about what people do with the franchise which is why you have everyone and their mother making games while he refuses to bring over the actual games he made to the west because of his own incompetence.
On essence he's been ousted from his franchise due to negligence with most people in the west not knowing of touhou as a shmup but for memes, porn and shovelware
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I thought this one was funny. And I haven't seen a single post about Horizons on here. No one gives a fuck
>nooooooooo other people know spoilers the show is ruined reeeeeeee
xitterdrones are fucking cancer
does the cat evolve? thats all I want to know
The anime was leaked too? What was there?
Nobody is even doing that, just screenshots.
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>taking pokemon anime seriously
uhh... how do we tell him...
I like the majority of palworld more than pokemon.

>pals are out there wandering around in groups
>Running in and AOE them to catch a bunch which is super satisfying.
>much better animations
>Graphics 10x better than switch trash
>Base building gameplay loop is cozy and makes you love your pals way more than you love your pokemon.
>Fast jumpy mounted pals are kino as fuck. Breeding for a superspeed one is even better
>much better, more predictable breeding system
>infinitely customizable. Ramp spawn rates to crazy mode and have epic battles everywhere
>guns funni
>lots of sexy pals

All they need now is a Palworld 2 on a civilized Pokemon style world to explore with gym leaders and shit and it will be the greatest monster catching game of all time.
>first person i saw was anti-semitic
all i did was call him a cocksucking nosepass
I really wish that at least 50% of what twitter people complain about was real
Sorry, Im a tourist from /toy/. This shit is better than the troon shouting matches in /lg/
only sub 80 iq retards get demoralized from a leak of old shit
and honestly if your new shit gets leaked only faggots and the weak willed would be affected. being able to see what people think of your work before its finished is extremely valuable information.
There was promotional and merch stuff leaked ages ago that point towards yes
Croc is evolving too
They choose the timeliness around the merch though. It's kinda obvious they do that because the games suck ass and never have enough time.

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