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Betamons and early designs from Gens 3-5 have been dropping, what have been your favorite so far?

I don't think there are as many bangers as we had with the Gen 1 and 2 mons, but I do like this mantis shrimp guru one, it's a really fun idea to take its rapid punching speed and turn it into something mystical. I could see this mon being some mix of Bug/Water/Fighting/Psychic, though my preference would be Bug/Fighting with a strong Special focus. And definitely an ability that gives it priority moves.
The white bird is Rayquaza, is it not?
That book bird is unironically such a neat design Id have on my team.
i like that swalot
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I love the entire Nincada family, they're one of my favorites in the series. I really love the Nincada design here, not sure if I prefer it to the final or not, but the simplified colorscheme and eyes I think help it. And holy shit Biblically Accurate Shedinja is so fucking good. The arms actually reaching out and the gaping maw add so much to it. We really could've used more genuinely scary Pokemon back in Gen 3.

I wish we could've seen what an early Ninjask looked like.
stop posting the fake image with tentaquil you gigantic faggot
>Apple chipmunk thing with giant ears that maybe close to disguise it - Applin?
>Ferrocrab - Sandy Shocks? A Crabnemite paradox would have been sick
>Snowmoth - Frosmoth?
>Babpipe/Bassoon line - Exploud?

There are so many little nods and design elements that seem to carry on it to the final games, like the pseudo Scraggy at the bottom, the Ferroseed looking Bonsly Evo, etc.
I'm trying to imagine what floaty bnnuy would evolve into. Maybe something lifeguardy.
I would guess an otter or beaver (treecko and torchic both became fast and lean, so I could see them going with a beaver or something to balance it out, like Swampert does). Shame nothing else around him seems to have survived, the design looks great.
tentaquil is real and he's my friend
i like the pixel background
Only like the peacock because still not a Pokemon
Is there a beta Ninjask? Or does this imply they came up with Shedinja before Ninjask? That's interesting.
this UI is so sovlfvl
I would have sex with the first one
That's beta pelipper
I'd salvage maybe 2 designs on there
everything else looks like trash
I like that Castform
it's crazy how the beta banette sprite is so similar to the RS sprite
idk why they never updated it, it looks terrible
So that's why Banette looks so out of place in the final game, it's literally just the same since beta and did not change at all
Final Gen 3 dex is better imo other than
>Beta Pelipper
Most of the RS sprites are very awkward and janky. Nosepass is a good example, it looks nothing like what its design is supposed to be.
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Warabbit Evo3 not existing has robbed us of untold amounts of porn
the gen3 ones look so weird, the gen 1 and 2 early mons had a cohesive but simple feeling to them, while the gen 4 and 5 ones have a sort of drafting process to them, while the gen 3 ones are like designed, but just fucking weird. they look like ai but not like modern boring ai but like 2021 ai where it just made vague splotches that kinda resembled what you put in it. its very interesting to recognize the ones that eventually became who they are, but how they went from this state to the final is insane, and just lol at that jirachi.
I like looking at prerelease stuff, but these are all so fucking bad.
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Mega Sableye was based on beta Sableye?
Cute bunny
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>A gold clapping-cymbal monkey becomes a smug gold stalagmite ape
His Mario & Luigi-looking ass can stay, I like him
Seems vaguely like Shuppet too, but the gem concept was moved to Sableye, who doesn't have the body gems in the beta art. There's also the boxing ape that reminds me conceptually of Rillaboom, looks like it even has a 'drum' chest
There was an early Wobuffet design that looked markedly similar to Shuppet, it's weird how one design seemed to go on to influence a bunch of entirely unrelated ones.
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This guy also looks like Banette/Sableye fusion
no wonder in gen 3 they hired new artists most gen 1 and 2 were zugimori and nizhida
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XY2 beta
AI generated
Obvious AI wow
Honestly most of these are really bad
Is he stealing a TM?
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>absol had a more pronounced yin/yang theme
even nerfed, it's still one of the coolest mons
For a dex created entirely using Paint, it isn't that bad.
>Blue grovyle
Was it supposed to be a completely different pokemon that they repurposed into a second stage evo?
I like having your party status on the screen.
Yes, similar to what they did with Totodile, Cyndaquil, and Blastoise.
>lady's arms look like licked candy canes
>another who has horse legs
hello saar
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I understand why most of these designs were scrapped and even agree with most of them, but NOT getting this or any equivalent is criminal
I like it, but prefer the modern one, makes it feel less alive and more mysterious
Ninjask seems untouched
>Sableye is based on the Hopkinsville Goblins
>an alien encounter where little humanoids peered at rednecks through windows
>Sableye beta sprite has it peeking through a piece of glass
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Supposedly it was Rock/Flying, I wonder if it was like the original concept for Archeops.
Is there a file with just concept art and game graphics? I don't have 1tb to spare.
>no beta gardevoir
Ayy lmao
It's literally the first one
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All of them have been posted in a thread I think, and neither do I, there a drive somewhere with the stuff we have now, we aint even close to a terabyte yet. Im more curious to see more of the gen 4 front sprites
I genuinely have an easier time picking enough mons for a full team from the Quartz dex than from the last couple of official Pokemon gens
modern AI isn't boring faggot, learn how to use it.
What am I looking at here?
Any beta Steven stone?
lmao the gen 3 beta designs are dogshit aside from Latiziken and Water rabbit, everything else is either worse versions of existing mons or just awful like at least the spaceworld leak had some interesting designs
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>Water rabbit
what if the evil team blocked your path
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you heard me nigger, also I forgot unown2 >>56573546 motherfucker is sick as hell
why is the latias x blaziken so cool
It's pixel art, the program you use literally does not matter. What are you fucking stupid
That one's good, I'll give you that.
Because it isn't furbait shit.
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hes got to be unown2, hes got the unown eye on the bottom
It looks cool, but I can see why they dropped it. It would have been hard to figure out what the hell it's supposed to be without movement. And by the time we got to 3D the Unown were no longer relevant.
But it's still a really cool chameleon scorpion thing. I love Pokemon with no eyes.
What if I am, huh? What then, bitch?
aint this nigga metagross
Don't forget the Unown alphabet all over its pillar/tail/massive dong.
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They are labeled, I think these two are part of the group of files called newcharacter 1-6. I also think this one is metagross
The most interesting part of this leak is the Pokemon candidates drawn in a style that is nothing like typical Pokemon art.
So is the weird Ice foot Pokemon some obscure youkai or something? Are people out there trying to figure out what exactly these designs are trying to be? A few are able to be matched with Pokedex entries and typings that explain them a bit more, but not much.

This might've become Stakataka.
There was a weird unown-like creature with black body and a few eyes over body and scizor-mouth-claw hands in one of the early threads. Was that legit or annoying bullshit being tossed in?

Also, I have the files, what is the best way to open the pm3b_ files for sprites? Changing to .png doesn't work, haven't tried .bmp or otherwise yet.
Banette's one of my favourite Pokémon designs so I'm glad they haven't changed it much. I do agree the RS sprite sucked ass.
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Seems more like an early Snover.
where iz beta gaztrodon, he waz from gen 3
wow wtf that catsform is actually cool
also incredible they had an even better design for fucking sharpedo
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Personally I like this little goobster
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This nigger looks like he's ready to turn away my pizza for not having enough toppings.
On later thinking, feels like it became Dusklops
>Rough drafts from phase one of the design process are bad
Wow, great insight
they wanted sharpedo look more like torpedo
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The anchor Sharpedo could easily be a third stage for it. It's like one of those terrifying massive deepsea sharks. And I think it's thematic for Sharpedo to be something very fast, and then evolve into a massive anchor and become very slow.
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Anon, you're describing Unown king, a creepypastamon
Ah, thanks.
>Full Trapinch line was in that early
I'm assuming it was originally planned to be a pseudo but that got scrapped in favor of the Bagon and Beldum lines
>Beta Castform and its forms
Neat. Also, for the plant waifu thing at the top, I have a feeling that it's beta Roselia/Roserade.
It's Gardevoir actually
where's the deoxys one? was it fake?
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Not sure, this all was altogether. Either that one was fake or it's in another file from later in development
I like the yinyang Absol form
>tfw we had sandstorm castform but it got replaced by hail form
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a perfect design that didn't need changes
Anyone got the Sugimori art of the mons that was posted a while back?
Trapinch was unrelated to Flygon?
It reminds me of that one Clovermon with a tree trunk stuck in its ass.
These all look like shit besides proto-blaziken
babos, my beloved...
this is what delirium turns into if you fought elgyem in depths
How weird, I thought it was a super late addition to the games consiering its index number in the final game. Maybe it got scrapped and then brought back at a later stage in development?
That Relicanth is hurting.
It's a possibility, but until we find more sprites or a rom file who knows
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We were robbed of a lot of insect porn
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Shiftry is red like a tengu.
>Makukita had a pre-evo
>Spoink's shiny references its beta design
Cool stuff
so glad I wasn't the only one that thought these looked like something straight out of quartz lmao
Love this one much better than the official ones
I just thought this little dude was gotse'ing me
Kinda eerie isn't it? They look like something you'd see in rom hacks from back in the early days
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>Absol's horn isn't a crescent moon at all
>Actually an yin yang
Holy fuck.
I was kind of hoping we'd get Kotorra one more time with a spheal-like sprite so it would all come full circle.
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Is the dog the child carry pokemon? Or which other one could it be?
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Indeed. I could easily see someone editing this guy into a screenshot and calling it a beta design.
>yeti with mouths on its feet
imagine the porn
There's still time
The black bunny
Not gonna lie most of these are ugly, especially compared to the spaceworld beta that had a ton of heaters.
Honestly I was confused by Trapinch even back in the day. He looked nothing like his evos.
Wobbuffet’s beta JP name in GS was later passed to Banette in beta RS, and finally Shuppet in the final version of RS. Banette also had shadow tag in an early build, but this ended up going to Wobbuffet in the final version.
They were getting experimental around this time and there's likely more we haven't seen yet. This leak's massive anon, there could be more
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This one? What could the hard objects reference?
antlion moment; the larvas look nothing like adults
What are you on, Shedninja looks like ass here
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It matches its body's colors to its surroundings and doesn't move for several hours. When its prey approaches, it extends its long tongue to catch it. Its tongue movements are so fast that they are hard to see with the unaided eye. // similar to final Sapphire Kecleon, same species name as final
>sablEYE was the name used for the first design
>they didn't change it for the final version
I do not like a single one of them besides the water bunny, I'm actually impressed
I like a lot of the GS betamons but none of these are inspiring in any way
Why do you like the water bunny? It's so generic.
Huntail was a Girafarig situation... Explaining the name Hunt Tail
Huntail and Girafarig's names make perfect sense with their final designs though.
Ha, can't unsee it now
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It alternate entry makes references to a tail that acts as a cradle.
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Definitely robbed
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306: The moss growing on its body feels amazing to touch. However, since this is an energy-draining moss, it is for one's own good to avoid carelessly touching it. // "Peat Moss Pokemon"
They absolutely destroyed the Huntail line. This is by far the biggest robbery
>pearl being bait for sentient clam evolves into pretty fish tail being bait for big fish
>split huntail into 2 mons, they are now both some of the most forgotten and irrelevant shitmons of all time
Bravo Gamefreak!
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thankfully most of these never saw the light of day.
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idk if its real but i saw it in thread and its soooo cute
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331: It strums the balls on the disc on its head with its tail to generate tones. The tone seems to change depending on the size of its body. // "[Musical] Scale Pokemon"
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I am grovyle enjoyer... I wanna know his deal, desu!!
Honestly, unlike other leaks, with this bunch? We were absolutely not robbed, a vast majority of this is utter garbage.

That said, there is a couple of bangers, I especially mourn Magnet Crab
Strum my balls faggot lmao
thats the worst one
that's dustox, right?
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They're all shit, all betamons are shit, no exceptions. Betafags are the worst cancer in Pokemon.
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Yeah, he's really good. He should've made it in.

Magnet Crab as a concept is neat, but having his claws be literally magnets is a bit too on the nose for me.
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what the hell is this?
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Is constantly on the move. Lacks a [permanent] home. It constricts its opponents with its long body and attacks using its sharp beak. // "White Dragon Pokemon". Seems to be Taikuun
Ok hear me out. You're telling me we could have had a flying Lapras 6 generations ago????
Real rabbits have to regularly chew on things because their teeth grow constantly, "gnawing on hard objects to brush its teeth" could just be a cutesy version of that.
Gorebyss? It shares the purple with clampearl and huntail and mermaids were know to lure sailors to their doom.
What I learned from those beta sprites is that the only difference between pokémon and fakemon/pokeclones is that pokémon works on polishing the designs instead of going with the first draft, remove that and there's no difference
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374: The scales on its arms have come to resemble wings. It flies through the air in a gliding fashion. A living fossil from the dinosaur age. "Archaeopteryx Pokemon"
wasn't rayquaza said to be white with feathers? If this is it....man this sucks ass
we have tropius
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This is a prime design for a regional variant.
Those chickens look like Sonic 1 enemies. Off topic to that, any sight of a beta Mawile?
The spheal minigame in pinball rs could've been so much better
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297: A Pokemon that lives in warm regions. It often acts as part of a group; when three of them congregate, it tends to get loud. // "Tokonatsu Pokemon"; "Everlasting Summer Pokemon" or "June / July Pokemon" depending on how you want to interpret

It is said that if you give its head petals to someone you love one-sidedly, your love will be granted. If you try to take its petals, it gets violently angry. // "Tokonatsu Pokemon"; "Everlasting Summer Pokemon" or "June / July Pokemon"

The kanji for noisy is three women.
We were robbed of another Jynx situation
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298: It takes a lot of water into its body and sprays it out like a shower while rotating. Convenient during the hot days of summer. // "Shrub Pokemon". Concept is a kanji pun incorporating 灌 (in 灌水, to spray / sprinkle water, especially onto plants, and also contained in the word 灌木 (shrub) that makes up its category name).

298: Drinks 100L in a day. If the water it has stored in its body gets low, its the leaves on both of its hands wither. // "Shrub Pokemon". Specifically noted to have 2 hands here, if you want more imagination-inspiring deep lore about a sprinkler Pokemon.
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God this would've fit so well in Gen 3 which has so many mons with relationships with one another, the more I think about it the more upset I get. It explains why the later evos drop the ball thing entirely, there's no point when Spheal's prey is gone.

Highlights for me are the Mantis Shrimp, Gold Primates, and Chickenbird Bowling Pin. I also prefer Gen 3 Scraggy to the final. The rest are really fucking rough.

They had a lot of ideas for a Grass/Water mon this generation, didn't they?
There is a sheet stating that it is based on gyaru, as Jynx is. Probably because Game Freak's headquarters were close to Shibuya. They probably skipped her due to Jynx controversy + Roselia
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I am pissed we missed out on this cutemon. I could have given her huge tits for years, fuck you GameFreak.
I'm pissed we missed out another gyaru pokemon and one that was actually good wtffff
Proto Absol is just silly
Literally QBee from Darkstalkers
I like it. It needs a second stage, though.
you still can anon!
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bloo deng
The thing in the middle could evolve into any Pokemon aparrently
Was it the lottery pokemon?
350: It is documented to change its appearance when evolving, but the cause for doing so is unknown. Center of attention among Pokemon researchers. // "Lottery Pokemon"

Its mode of life is largely unclear. It does not have a visible mouth or ears; the only thing about it that is known is that it responds to light and sound.
snom if hippopotas
rodents file down their teeth by biting rocks.
I like how proto relicanth has a map of Asia on its body, like you can
Which of these have wings and horns and can carry a person?
334: A Pokemon that loves to let people ride on it as it flies. It flies silently, so it feels great to ride. When it gets tired, it floats in the sea and rests its wings. // "Sightseeing Pokemon"

It has a calm nature and dislikes conflict. It has cells in its horns that work like magnets, allowing it to take the role of a compass. // "Sightseeing Pokemon"
yes, very cool, but what does the key of Sol have to do with that guy?
Matoi squid is based
very likely to be the blaziken looking guy given his look and that one old art of a woman flying on one
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The designer must of been a big Darkstalkers fan.
This design to me is so impressive. There's no discernable face to it, something that's pretty much unseen in Pokemon designs. They were really testing the waters with these designs.
Just tentaquil
>discord dot gg /76rERBHc
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Feebass was supposed to be green and Milotic red according to the beta data.
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do we have his frontsprite yet?
Wait wtf, new sprite leaks?
>the fucking yeti with mouths on his feet
How long until we get R/S/E Reforged with these guys?
I'm glad they changed the art philosophy/style/direction(?).
These colors feel "weird"...
I'm pretty sure those splotches are supposed to be its eyes. And there's no visible mouth 'cause squids are just like that, it'd be between the tentacles.
beta discord
thank you saar please do the needful and leak more
I still cant tell what that thing even is
is it because you're in it?
that's his eye magnified through the crystal
So gamefreak purposefully shafted the battle ui's look so that it would look like shit?
Mantis Shrimp, an animal known for it's insane punches at speeds that are absurd. OP mentions it.
That would be kind of fun, particularly if it was an early-game mythical like Victini and you can only get one per save. Basically a lottery.
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I think this might be the Imp pokemon.
305:Absorbs the electricity from lightning with its horn.
Recently, it seems to have learned to absorb electricity from power outlets in homes.

Appears in areas where lightning strikes.
The horn on its head falls off once a year.
Those with bigger horns gain respect from their friends.
There is no beta discord, don't join or you will be doxxed
Wait what does this mean for Mew lore if it can evolve into mew?
Mew's drunk cousin
Jynx was not based on a gyaru, the timeline doesn't line up for that at all. This thing probably was though.
explain why the timeline doesn't add up cause i don't know anything about it and never heard that counterpoint before
Doubt it, they're both just based on spiky armoured animals, armadillo lizard vs an actual armadillo.
as one anon said, it really looks like a Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga enemy lmao
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>All these beta mons
>many of them are derivatives of currently-existing 'mons
>someone had to go through all these awful designs and say "yeah, this looks good, but can you make it look better?"
These designs are all fucking awful. Saying this is part of some philosophical design process is maximum copium.
If someone gave me these designs, I would have thrown them out on the street.
Gen 1 released in 1996, gyaru culture (or more accurately specifically the tanning trend) began pretty much exactly that year and didn't become a widespread cultural phenomenon until a few years later so it would be an incredibly tight window and seems incredibly unlikely for them to pick up on and decide to reference this at the time tiny trend that was only beginning just a few months before the games went gold. Even considering that their offices are in a trendy part of Tokyo that seems very unlikely.

The gyaru explanation also doesn't explain why Jynx has the exaggerated giant lips which isn't a part of gyaru culture but is part of blackface. The scrapped design here matches the stereotypical gyaru look way more closely. In reality Jynx was just another Japanese blackface stereotype the same way Mr Popo is, I don't think it was created with racist intentions (Mr Popo wasn't either) but that is what it is.
They would have looked different through your GBA screen.
Eh I thought of this style of fakedex too, there isn't a single pokémon in OP's pic that truly catches my eye
It is interesting how a lot of those betamons have a serious case of just draw random circles and then connect them like the average fakemon does
But that's how the design process work, you don't need to focus too much on the looks but more on the idea
Flygon there looks like ass, but the concept can work
Extremely fuckable
I think it's supposed to resemble a tornado or hurricane. Not a sand-form Castform, I suspect these "Castform variants" were originally just placeholders for the Weather trio but were reused as variants of the Pokemon Castform. The candy-corn smurf that follows the main legendaries in this order would probably be the Gen 3 mythical, just like Mew follows Mewtwo and Celebi follows Ho-Oh and Lugia. He/she would later be replaced by Jirachi and Deoxys in the final game.
anyone got the gen 4 and 5 sprites
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i want her to be real so bad bros
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we. were. ROBBED.
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It's not fair. I already like this mon, but this is the ultimate form of Simisear
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Because fist jinx was based on Kaiju
This became Kacleon.
This is fucking Pawmi.
It's borderline identicalvto final
It's snover. Likely the missing gen 3 weather seter, since Drought, Drizzle and Sand were all in gen 3, while snow warning waited till gen 4
Yeah, glad they toned it out.
The Yin Yang is still noticable on absol face.
was that thing about cyrus being autistic real or a meme
Ilumise imo
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Yes, we do
It was a mistranslation
Nah, Smogonfucks are the biggest cancer. Games would have been better without competitive battles at all.
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Poochyena's in-game sprite in the final game being based on his mockup artwork is pretty cool. Explains why he's so off-model.
It's probably Lairon it was known as the armor pokemon and was brown.

It digs holes in mines and settles down there.
It loves coal and iron ore. Although usually friendly, it becomes intimidating when it sees people coming to take its coal.

Eats a lot of coal and iron ore.
Because it has a strong territorial consciousness, it is intimidating when it sees people who come to pick up its coal.

Covered in steel armor from head to tail, it can counter any attack.
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>But that's how the design process works
Throwing shit at the wall is still throwing shit around
I would rather just take a written description of what they want to realize visually instead of this hot fucking garbage
It's a gen 5 mon, lad
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Hound of Tindalos lookin' dude
Saturn looking fruity
>written description
Thank god you aren't part of a creative process lmfao
Why does it have the Team Fortress logo
Are you stupid? Or do you simply think every design is perfect round one? This is part of every video game, movie, cartoon, etc.
>there are people on this very thread who think professional artists work by just drawing random shit and bringing it to a committee to decide what's passable and what's garbage like a 6 year old bringing doodles for their mom to hang on the fridge
way to show that you've never made anything lmao
actual truth is that the design process varies from project-to-project and design-to-design but autists can't comprehend that
Would work as a paradoxmon
>art by commitee
Looks more like a Digimon
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I am so fucking mad, this never came to be.
Now I am mad that it 100% won't be now that it's leaked
Damn it, robbed of OG Jynx, Beta Bellossom and now this. Fuck it all
Based on the cyan and pink color scheme, I'm assuming it's for DP? Art style looks more like BW though.
The blue lizard with yellow pants is a very early Scraggy
its the concept for the bw trainers
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This dude already pre-coping for when betafags talk about preferring the beta designs
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Does this disprove the whole "Shellos was going to be a gen 3 mon" myth?
>shelmet if you never traded with a karrablast
These designs are itneresting to look through but also horrendous. Now it makes sense that gen 3 had mediocre designs, because their initial prototyping was full of even worse ideas
If we had this maybe I wouldn’t have hated gen 3 as a kid
Too bad Hoenn is still shit
There are some pokemons missing that were in an early beta so shellos must have been designed later.
Hoenn has the best designs aside from Kanto, aside from the pointless dex filler like Volbeat and Illumise or Huntail and Gorebyss.
Huntail and Gorebyss are cool fuck you
They basically had other artists make them and the OG artists from previous games basically changed them to fit a uniform style. Sugimori says this in the interview that Dr. Lava translated.
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>tfw no plapass
someone post the scraggy from the gen 5 beta please
The leaker has been nothing but a liar. Why do you retards fall for this shit over and over
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Someone really wanted their huge eared roden pokemon
Which eventually became Elfilin
where is my fossil sceptile?
Looks like someone making a second attempt to get Beta Suicune into the game. Especially since it has the same color scheme.
He's here.
The feathers on its scales are very sharp and hard, acting as weapons that are strong enough to cut iron.
They move in a flock of about 10 individuals
It was rock flyiong.
It's not a myth. That info comes straight from Matsuda. Hell, they might have been a later draft of >>56580217
To think we almost had two different Bug/Ice lines in gen 3
what if the water bunny's concept got reused for the fire sports bunny in gen 8?
Yeah, when I first saw these all I could think about was amateur fakemons or rip offs.
where are these sugi portraits located?
Literally robbed of this
I think more of Buizel
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real or fake, i like it
How big was her ass
If it really could evolve into literally any pokemon at random it could be pretty broken and cause some playground fights
It says almost any pokemon, so legendaries and mythicals are not included
I think it's only fair that:
>No middle-final stages, it can only evolve to first stages
>No legendaries or mythicals included
>The Pokemon that it'll become is decided the MOMENT you catch it, sorta like Wurple becoming Silcoon or Cocoon, that way you can't keep savescumming as easily.
>Optional: No pseudo-Legendaries either.
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Beta scraggy is fucking cute
Glad none of them turned real, especially my mom's dog.
F for the yokai squid however.
>clown croc bad
>clown trunk good
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It’s crazy how this leak, along with the previous Gen 2 leaks/Pokemon RBG, show how there were like one or two competent artists at the company cleaning up the designs and the rest were drawing random blobs.

Like clearly Sugimori just knocked out Steelix/ Skarmory/Donphan/Smeargle/Ho-Oh here years before release while the rest of the team was making Oddish 2
Is Serebii allowed to post leaks or will he be punished ?
Definitely. Good Digimon design, bad Pokemon design.
galar moment
tourist here. anything about the front sprites of the original 190 from gen 1? thats all I care about
No, go back.
Sobble's evo :^)
Beta Mudkip.
Would have been a better applemon than whatever that thing we have now is called.
Suicune's hot mall emo gf
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More like Flatass, where's the rest of the body
I wonder why they scrapped the thing on slowbro's tail that clearly isn't a shellder. Maybe they thought it was too late to say it's some other species.
I fuck with this hardcore. I probably woulda used simisear as my main if he looked like this instead of a copy pasted stupid toothpick
Giving Tree-mon
The missing link...
That's this one: >>56575917
Reminds me of Friender from Casshan
Judging by its name (Troyika), I imagine that it's actually an unseen being hiding in an urn shaped to look like a squid, similar to Mimikyu's deal.
Is there a pack of all the 02_ポケモンアニメ設定.7z files?
Is this a website or from the files?
I still can't believe Latios, Latias and Latiken all existed in-game at the same time
The imp Pokemon is the one that looks like a Dragon Quest enemy reject.
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Makes sense when you see what they're based on.
makes sense when you've seen any bug at all
They probably came up with a dragonfly first and designed a generic dragonfly larva then found out about antlions and thought it was more interesting.
I think they might've looked at this thing when they came up with the Zygarde dog form.
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Because its face is always the same, what it is thinking is completely unknown. Looking at it produces a calming effect.

After it rains, you can see it rubbing and polishing its wet body using a leaf.
Once it has attained a black luster, it seems to be satisfied.

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