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It was consensual. Slaking is the rapist
How many of these Pokémon sex stories are there? Besides the Octillery and Slaking ones.
the concept of age of consent in old pokémon times probably didn't exist
Hisuian Typhlosion makes perfect sense now
there's a Rapidash and Ursaring one.
there's a variant of octillery story with lapras. it's not as sex focused but one story says a man married a female ursaring
Can you post them? Also why is Typhlosion in the OP?
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There's a Typhlosion one.
>It was consensual.
Not really. The Typhlosion tapped her on the head and fucked with her brain.
Jesus, the Pokémon world has some fucked up mythology.
She stayed with him deliberately before that though. She also thought that he was very handsome. And she loved him even after he died.
kek no way this is real right
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>"Pokemon Ecchi Version" is now canon
Just like real life!
>the fuck-me eyes
oh god what the shit
It is real, you can check it for yourself.
I don't get it. Who wrote this? Why? Why did anyone think it be a good idea to write this? Why was this saved?
That's what I thought. This kind of thing makes for interesting worldbuilding, as fucked up as it is.
>"You can check for it yourself! Just download this totally random .zip file containing just text excerpts that's totally real, I swear!
Even worse someone was paid for this
Is this based on some real myth? It kind of resembles Hades and Persephone, but maybe there's a Japanese myth more like it
maybe they wrote it on their lunch break and forgot to delete it
he looks like he fucks human girls exclusively
Considering this stuff lives in the same directory as the Arceus lore, I doubt it.
>the yellow human meme was real
We can’t keep getting away with it
Humans and Pokémon can fuck AND make a baby? What the fuck, everyone talking about the rape but not this??
btw this has two other versions involving a Slaking and a Piloswine
We already knew Typhlosion was the most based starter this just cemented it
the thing with stories like this is there's no guarantee it was ever even intended to be canonized or ever made public, gamedevs write a lot of lore and myths to give themselves and the other people working on it an idea of how the world works, it's stories, how to design new things
it happens with everything fictional a lot of people work together on
These stories don't really make too much sense considering how Pokemon seem to die way to easily to stuff like arrows, etc. when they shouldn't.
It clearly states the purpose at the top of the page. It's probably an exercise for the purpose of improving one's writing in the Pokemon universe.
since human and pokemon were seemingly more alike back in the day it is possible pokemon were weaker and/or humans were stronger when the line was more blurred than current day
No... not Piloswine... please
WTF... we better forget about that
Its creative writing to integrate Pokemon into a world with spirituality, which was the central idea of Gen IV.
Does the Piloswine version mention it being handsome? This will confirm that it was transforming into a human.
Why do they have to ruin my favorite pig, it's not like it's hell to look for good hypno art but it's going to ruin the swinub line too

Ursaring and piloswine are involved in this mess, what's next an human getting frisky with a Slowbro?
The moral of the story is you can get away with anything as long as you're handsome
I hate everything about it
The people obsessed with mystery dungeon are loving it though
Never understood the appeal of transformation nonsense but this gave them a lot of fuel
you have to deeply hate your life to understand the appeal
PLA already had that, with a human male and a Froslass having many Snorunt babies.
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I thought of that too.
Post it.
So being a teenager?
Don't forget him using his powers to make the girl forget about going back to her family.
>When your Typhlosion starts looking at other woman
How do I deal with this?
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>Slaking : RAPE
>Typhlosion: PEDOPHILIA
>Rapidash: GANGBANG
>Arceus: Vanilla, handholding, mating press, childhood friend, sex for the purpose of procreation
Arcanists... I kneel....
>Lapras/Octillery just dumps a kid on the guy after fucking him twice and skips town
Water girls are such sluts. Would Vaporeon do the same?
Theme: Relationship between humans and Pokemon/Human(ish) way of thinking
long ago. A time when the line between Pokemon and humans was blurred.
There was a village somewhere.
One day, a girl from the village went to the mountains to collect firewood.
The girl found a dry, dead tree deep in the mountain, so she went deeper and deeper.
Before she knew it, the sun was setting and the girl was lost.
There was Inomu's feces lying around, and the girl became worried.
Then a man was washed from the other side of the forest.
The man's face did not resemble any other man in the village, but he was very handsome.
the man said.
"Are you lost? I know the way down the mountain, but your feet make it midnight. I'll take you home tomorrow morning, so you can rest at my place today. Isn’t there?”
The girl had no choice but to do as the man said.
The man took the girl's hand and started walking.
As the sun was setting, we arrived at a large cave.
"This is my home. You're hungry, right? Wait for me."
After saying that, the man walked out of the cave.
A while after the man left, I heard the sound of trees shaking in the distance in the mountains.
Eventually, the man returned home carrying a large number of red nuts.
the man said.
"After you eat this, let's go to sleep tonight. If you wake up before me, don't look at my face."
When the girl woke up the next morning, the man was still asleep.
The girl kept her promise to the man and lay down waiting, but eventually fell asleep again.
The girl woke up to the sound of a man's voice. When I looked outside, the sun was already setting.
"Let's eat green fruit today. Wait for me."
After saying that, he walked out of the cave.
A while after the man left, I heard the sound of trees shaking in the distance in the mountains.
When the sun had set, the man returned home carrying a large quantity of green fruit.
the man said.
"After you eat this, let's go to sleep tonight. If you wake up before me, don't look at my face."
The girl said she wanted to go home early because her family was worried.
The man yawned loudly and patted the girl on the head.
Then the girl completely forgot about her family and home.
Then they both ate green fruit and fell asleep.
The next day, the two woke up just as the sun was setting, and the man went to pick some nuts, ate them, and went back to sleep.
Things continued like this for several days, and eventually the girl realized that the man was Innomu.
As winter approached, Inommu dug out the depths of the cave. And he said to the girl.
"Gather some wood for firewood. Break off the upper branches of any tall trees you can find."
The girl tried to do as Inomu said, but she was afraid of tall trees, so she could only climb the lower ones.
Inommu said as he gathered some branches and headed home.
"No, if it's not a higher tree branch, humans will find it."
When the snow began to fall, the two lived in a deep hole, sleeping.
There was plenty of food. Sometimes I woke up, ate, and went back to sleep.
One day, when the girl woke up, she was holding a child in her arms.
Several days and nights passed, and when the girl woke up, Inommu said,
"Your father is looking for you. But you are my wife so I can't give you back. I have to fight him."
the girl said.
"Please stop it. Please don't kill my father. How can I live with you if my family was killed? You are a good person. So don't go out and sleep here."
"Okay. Let's sleep here."
The man nodded.
The next night, Inomu woke up the girl and said,
"Your father is right next to you. Look outside."
When the girl went outside, there was a blizzard. The girl climbed a low tree and broke its branch.
When Inomu returned to the cave, he was singing. It was a song I had never heard before.
"You broke the tree branch. Your father will be here soon. From now on, I will go to do bad things to your father. If I am killed, you will lose my eyes, my voice, and my heart. Take it, and I want you to light a fire where I was killed and let it burn, and I want you to sing this song until it burns out.”
the girl said.
"Please don't kill my father. Please don't. I want you to be killed."
"Goodbye. We'll never meet again."
After saying that, Inommu went outside.
After a while, the girl heard a loud noise and looked outside.
Then, the girl's father killed Inomu.
The girl ran outside and told her father.
"Father killed my son. I have lived with him until now. He is my husband. Give me the eyes, heart, and voice of my husband."
The girl lit a fire where Inommu was killed and put her eyes, heart, and voice into the flames.
Until she burned out, she sang the song she had learned from Inomu.
The girl's father built a hut on the outskirts of the village and let the girl and child live there.
Spring finally came.
The young people of the village often teased and bullied the girl and her child.
It got worse day by day, and one day I tried to cover it with Inomu's fur.
The girl returned home and complained to her parents.
"Please tell the villagers not to make fun of us. If we put on that fur, we'll definitely become Innomu. We're already half Innomu."
Even when his parents spoke, the villagers did not listen.
On the contrary, he became even more amused and covered the girl and the child with Inomu's fur.
Then the girl and the child cried loudly and disappeared into the depths of the forest.
The two never returned to the village.
That's how people found out.
Innomu is half human.

(Inomu is Piloswine and it's just the Typhlosion story as you can see)
she liked it
>eventually the girl realized that the man was Innomu.
>Inommu said as he gathered some branches and headed home.
Why does it remain transformed even after being found out?
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>Typhlosion started the humanoid fire starter trend
>the part about not looking at their face at night coming from Eros and Psyche or fairly tales like east of the sun, west of the moon
kino, someone really put thought into their pokefucking stories
Oh to be Typhlosion's wife...
I fucking love those
this one is even better than the octillery one.
I feel as if it all comes down to
"Is it okay to fuck a mentally retarded person if they give you consent"
Not if you make them mentally retarded by some means, even temporarily. Then it's coercive rape.
>Eventually, the girl noticed that the man was a Typhlosion.
There's an entire genre of myths around the world about how certain animals are actually humanoid once they take off their "animal skin", so some dude marries one. Like I know there's one from some culture about a dude who fucks a seal that took off her seal skin and became a human woman, then contacts him later in a dream to warn him not to kill a specific seal or her child the next time he hunts. Then he does it anyway it turns out to be her and his son.

The part about not looking at his face seems like it was taken from The Grateful Crane, which is a Japanese myth about a dude who unknowingly marries a bird who makes him rich. Her only condition is that he not look at her when she's sewing. One day he does and discovers she's a bird, then she goes "well, you broke the rules" and fucks off.
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Typhlosion was one of my favourite Pokemon ever since GS released but now I can't ever look at him the same way ever again
Why don't you want him to be happy with his wife?
None of it happened, Game Freak hated that Typhlosion was popular so they’re trying to Me too it.
>NOOO stop feeding berries to your wife!!!
Weak faggot
Normal Typhlosion only, Husuian Tyhplosion is still normal
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Become one with CHARIZARD, not that yellow freak.
Those berries were probably some kind of hallucinogen though
are we sure thsi is real and not someone adding shit to the leak?

its too fucking good to be real
Ah, a Rocko's Quest fan I see.
no way this is real lol
Did he ask for 3.50?
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>Eventually, the girl noticed that the man was a Typhlosion
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Arceusbros we win
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what the fuck
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Doesn't Arceus literally turn into a girl and get fucked by some dude? It's hot though.
Typhlosion is more sexable than Charizard
Wait nvm im a dumbass.
Piccolo's Pokemon?
Typhlosion was literally just trying to be a good husband and gave his wife food and shelter
I hate you.
Arceus is a woman and has a human husband? Is that where the sinnoh legendaries all came from?
Are they still together? Would explain why you can a newborn palkia or dialga.
It's a creation myth draft
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They do nothing with Typhlosion for years, no real way of getting one for nearly a decade. Do you think one of the lead devs read this, and refused to put him in to prevent this gooner from getting off?
>captcha: HRT 0N
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I don't know if I should be sickened or impressed that this feels like an actual pre-disneyfied fairy tale, except they swapped the fae and trolls with pokemon.
alright imma need to see that Rapidash story
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Actually that's for the jannybot to not recognize this edited OP image as a porn pic stolen from Paheal or another hentai website and delete this thread instantly
The guy who spams VidyaButts on /v/ has made over 13000 edits of his OP image to get away with it before a human jannytranny's manual deletion.
So no one's gonna mention the whole "take my eyes, voice, and heart" thing?
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someone should actually translate these instead of us constantly throwing these AI wokecleansed ones around
That's in a lot of the stories, it's linked to the lake guardians
based thanks
Recurring theme in a few stories, remember these are Sinnoh stories, they're meant to tie into the lake trio.
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More crazy stuff from the leak.
>MFW the "my mom's yellow human" meme is now canon
Fuck everything
That fic strengthened my love for typhcutie
What's the big deal? None of this is canon lore. They're exercises for writers and extremely common when making a game.
Incineroar fucks delcatty to impress his bro male meowstic
If you picked Kris in Crystal and chose cyndaquil just know that typhlosion raped you (and you liked it)
If you picked Lyra in HGSS, Thyplosion raped you as well (and you liked it even more)
Typhlosion fucked Flannery as well btw.
Typhlosion does not spear any human women and they all crave his BPC and it's cannon unlike Machampcucks.
it shows that gamefreak endorses and/or is fine with pokephilia.
We have gamefreak's support on pokephilia, no matter how much you want to cry about muh degeneracy
Good thing I picked Ethan and female chikorita, huh
Have you ever worked on a game? If a worker wrote a paragraph about chanseys having gigantic futa penises then trashed it, is it canon now?

It's shocking how many people are learning how game dev works.
How many kids do you have with her?
>/vp/ wrote fanfics about Lyra fucking Quilava
>Turns out GF themselves had beat them to the punch
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why can't I be entertained by development material? even when it's not canon and even if it's made as a joke or exercise?
like 5
The deal for me is that these are examples of prime world-building material, along with the whole creation myth stuff, which could make for really interesting and in-depth stories in the games and yet we consistently get served shallow slop and only vague hints of more cool stuff out of our reach, not to mention that this kind of richer story could affect how they approach gameplay if they put more of this stuff into the games.
Yellow human.
He reacts when his bro's there in the hopes of roping him into a threesome so he has an excuse to be in a sexually charged context with his bro. That cat gay as fuck.
that's NUTS
They revisited these documents, they made Hisuian Typhlosion.
Can somebody post the arceus one
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>Us? We're already half Typhlosion.
>Put the skin of a dead animal on a person
>person then TFs into said animal
Typhlosions are skinwalkers? This is literally how they're stated to work in myth.
Also, I'm late to the game here - where did these text files come from? What games are they supposed to be associated with - a DPP beta of some kind or the new Legends one that's coming out? Can anyone verify that they're actually real and came from an official source?
what did they do to my goatttt NOO
The horsefuckers are going to have a field day with this one.
>All this copium and tears and rage from anti pokefuckers
We can't stop winning, pokefucker bros
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Feraligatr is now the undisputed GOAT starter of gen 2
>rapes Silver's mom
>rapes protag's mom
>rapes Whitney because why not
Eh, nothing personal Feralicuck.
why doesnt he get a story of his own then?
doujins when?
>does not get a story where he rapes little girls
but that is a win
that's one way of seeing it i guess...
The fanart was right.
Made for tight human pussy.
There's a badger yokai within that same shapeshifter class as tanuki and kitsune.
I'm actually impressed. This reads much closer to a genuine folk story or mythological tale from a naturalistic religion than you'd think they would be capable of writing.
Whoever wrote it knew his stuff.
It's just even more infuriating that they have the capability of writing stuff on that level, something with a clearly thought out world around it, yet deliver some absolutely cookie cutter-tier generic story in the actual retail games.
To carry on what the other anon said, the "not looking at your partner" element is both found in Armor and Psyche but was also popularised in the west by the Melusine story. That one comes closer since it involves a half human being.
The other element is the Animal Bride motif.
Anon, this is a kids game. They cater to the audience with the final product and you are not it
Anything decent they write probably gets rejected and then they write stuff like this to let off steam, before going to write the cookie-cutter stories that make it into the games.
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I want to go back to yesterday when the worse thing about my favorite starter was some autism making shitposts on /vp/...
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Tonight... you...
Oh no, I don't expect them to put any lewd stuff or what have you, I just wish the lore and world-building of the main games was better thought-out/presented and that the side games - where they can cut loose a bit more - was more daring in terms of overall characterization.

They have a lot of untapped potential in this franchise as a whole and yet they waste it by focusing on stuff like sandwhich/picnic gimmicks instead of polishing up the basis of their games.
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cyndafag cope
meganium CHADS won
This shit is fucking hilarious, so much for that child friendly shit Game Freak tries to be.
My sides
someone post the rapidash one
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Never thought this would be how Feraligatr wins the gen 2 starter offs, but a win is a win.
yeah nah
Bravo anon

Our mon will never beat the Typhlogations...
He always was the GOAT
>typhlosion was my first starter as a kid
>always had a crush on it and ampharos but was in insane denial until relatively recently
I'm going to get raped and impregnated, aren't I?
It's so over... the Pokemon I first played through HGSS with as a kid was a rapist all along...
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>Typhlosion are half-human beigns
But then how did Typhlosion exist in the first place?
God did it.
the lore itself says that at the begining there wasn't much difference between humans and pokeymen
>>Typhlosion are half-human beigns
The first pokemon with a job
A human wore a Quilava pelt and turned into one.
>They are my husbands. If you need, you may hunt them. Don't kill the female Rapidashes or Ponyta
Rapidashes are fucking traitors.
Same thing happens in the Ursaring story. Seems like female mons will offer up their husbands to be killed once they have kids. It's all a fable about sustainable hunting
Someone draw this
The juxposition between at some point humans and pokemon fucking, to humans shoving pokemon into pokeballs and forcing them into battle and pokemon liking it is such a tonal shift. What the hell happened?
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>the lore itself says that at the begining there wasn't much difference between humans and pokeymen
i think most of these myths are about how they don't know what their differences are and how they should treat each other
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Canonically this one would fuck human shotas.
Arceus became battle crazy, remember she created the battle reverie
You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this. *hands her a bowl of berries*
Joke about Ash's Chikorita/Bayleef wanting to fuck him.
uhhh no its about sex with pokemon this was made by gameFREAK after all they're appealing to the epstein diddy gooners
>Humans always produce pokemon offspring
So humans are like dittos.
Not exactly, the Lapras/Octillery story had a human son at the end.
If they release him from his contract I'd swoop him up for a five year deal with a ludicrous sign on bonus.
It's funny to me that him being half Octillery or Lapras has nothing to do with his story, he just hates Ursaring for some reason
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If her cunny was capable of producing babies without a C-section, then our gigabased Typoo isn't a paedo you dumb burgerstani fucktard.
It must have been a small egg.
You know it would be born a Cyndaquil, do you?
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Sadest one of the bunch.
The baby was a human
Since when are you under the impression in the pokemon world humans don't come from eggs as well? The games never showed any woman being pregnant
The egg would've been too huge for a child to lay
Fucking KEK!!!!
Fair point.

Also why humans would be different from Pokémon? If they "were the same" to the point of being able to PROCREATE.

Human-like egg group, man.
>not the jealous brother murdering his ursaring sister-in-law, causing hlthe brother to disappear into the forest in grief
Oh nonono
>people literally shidding and farding and developing ptsd over artists making weird shit that never saw the light of day.
Grow the fuck up holy shit.
Idk, it's just something about being raped and hiding the fact that you gave birth to an abomination only for it to be killed then killing yourself just gets to me.
The anime did, and it's canon.
You should ignore anything that comes from that pile of garbage
Sorry anon, Typhlosion is built for plapping human women and filling them with his seed. Charizard was always my favourite when I was younger but his dick just doesn't compare to BTC.
this is just one of the scratched ideas, theres many revisions to the docs
in the others arceus kills the giants and makes the others from their limbs
Not if you MAKE them retarded
only genuinely entertaining thing about this leak
better than un-unfinished content of games that were pretty much unfinished because they were rushed
>rapidash one
Please post it.
>find a woman out in the middle of nowhere
>marry her
>she has your kids
>suddenly after she gives birth she turns into a giant eldritch being probably destroying the house in the process
>Tells you shadow version of herself is coming and will probably destroy the world
>'Please raise our children with care."
gallop is rapidash
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The could have had cute babies.
So is this all of them?:
>What a beautiful story!
It was probably where the idea for Hisuian Typhlosion came from.
In universe, I think Typhlosion were originally Fire/Ghost type but lost their Ghost typing probably due to lack of use or spiritual places to evolve in.
Theoretically, you could probably evolve a Quilava into Hisuian Typhlosion in Alola (if Marowak can do it, why not?) but I don't think the devs came up with that idea in S/M.
Missing Ursaring, that one is tragic
well MY typhlosion isn't. We have consensual loving sex.
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here's Ursaring
Don't worry anon it's just an fanfic, not connected to the leak. It can't hurt you.
I just know Ohmori wrote all of these
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This drawing now has another meaning.
jesus fucking christ
We already know who wrote them anon. Suguru Nakatsui
I'm so lost what are these...?
Why would I be upset about Typhlosion being based?
Now I'm reminded of ainu stories about bears, this was probably heavily inspired by one.
this desu ^ he went up in my starter tierlist for sure
poke folklore stories that didn't make it into Diamond/Pearl/Platinum that were included in the big leak.
>massive Game Freak data leak happened
>people are looking for cut content from the games
>one folder has some writer's drafts for Sinnoh folklore that depict human on pokemon marriage, sex or murder
>people fixate on that tiny folder out of all things because lmao pokephilia
thank you.
Still can't believe pokerape is real now
>Out hunting
>Came across a BEAUTIFUL Ursaring
>"Oh no, poor me, just a lone Ursaring all by my lonesome in the forest with no males to mate with. Uwu, please don't shoot me I'll do ANYTHING."
>They have sex
I know these are meant to be lore/fables. But dammit if doesn't read like a furry's fanfic of a world where pokemon could speak.
What the fuck was his problem?
The younger brother didn't have sex with his Ursaring wife though, she had kids with male Ursaring that appeared after they stopped hunting them.
The younger brother was a literal cuck.
they gathered berries together wdym
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>The man had relations and then threw it back into the sea
I find it really funny how humans are this capable of killing and eating pokemon.
His wife let him kill and eat her previous Ursaring mates though
i find it really funny how human are this capable of killing and eating animals
How else would he clean his onahole?
>Sir, I love your daughter and she loves me. I am asking for your blessing, not your permission.
>(You can take it girl, stop runnin', uh)
(You can take it girl, stop runnin', uh)
>(You can take it girl, stop runnin', uh)
(You can take it girl, stop runnin', uh)
it sounded like he nutted and then yeeted it back into the ocean with no regard to its safety
Not my pure Pokemon Brand being destroyed, think of the children
its a fucking myth, are you guys retarded?
>think of the children
Typhlosion definitely was
You're missing Ursaring and Milotic
Totodile nation wins again
Lemme see the Arceus one. I’m curious.
>He is male, he has no childern, so if you need, you may hunt him
Male incel rapidash bros are we in danger?!?!?!
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Probably this one, there are lots about Aus and the rest
And he was an absolute mad lad
can someone edit that "she looks like she fucks x" but with all these pokemon and the image of a pokegirl of your choice?
wish it would get worked on more
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>Typhlosion is a fucking pedo rapist
Charizard knows the truth, he works at Game Freak.
Isn't there a Norwegian folktale where a woman transforms to a werewolf with a wolf pelt?
What was the Milotic? There was also a Lapras one but it basically replaced the Octillery story.
Lucky you...
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>This scene from Pokemon Chronicles has more context now
There is no Milotic story. The document of the Lapras story just has Milotic in the header, supposedly it was about Milotic first.
It's really funny that we get an official instance of human X pokemon sex, and it's the human's consent that's brought into question. What a world.
yes, and it's a fairly common theme in folklore
Watch out Jimmy.....
>rapes Ivysaur
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Oh, sheesh, front facing 3d Typhlosion. It changed so much.
Welcome to the Club Fire Badger thing
>about milotic first
>the lapras and octillery stories are just the same one with the species swapped
Did they make a version of that story for every water-type?
Nah, just Lapras and Octillery
The cave mindrape story was about Slaking first, then got changed to Typhlosion, and the final version had Piloswine
But for some reason Typhlosion got all the blame lmao
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>But for some reason Typhlosion got all the blame lmao
Game Freak has been trying to sabotage typhosion or decades, so it became the automatic scapegoat.
Typhlosion is a starter pokemon, that's a higher level of popularity than slaking and octillery
My asexual autistic friend's favorite Pokemon was typhlosion. I wonder how he's taking the news.
It's literally just some dumb stories they made in their free time. People here are taking it way to seriously. Who wrote it? I think some anon in other thread said it's the same guy that write the fucked up dex entries and those pokestar studio stories. Don't trust me because I don't have the thread anymore though.
We won
Yeah feraligatr doesn't score any pussy so he is more relatable to feraligatr fans.
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I think adapting real world folklore to the universe of pokemon, especially in the generation where mythology was obviously a central writing interest, is actually a really inspired worldbuilding choice.
But of course media literacy is at an all time low so people see this and just go "wtf gamefreak are coomer furries"
No. He just prefers fucking older women.
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>exactly zero stories regarding hypno as a groomer
He doesn't need to hypnotize them.
I thought I was a meme but people are legit having meltdowns online over it
>pathetic concession of "come back"
Accepted, bye.
There is no literacy problem here. The stories become sexual very quickly.
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I will no longer be choosing Cyndaquil as a starter from now on.
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Why would he need one when he already had one in the games?
This is my formal apology to Hypno, Drowzee and those who enjoy these upstanding pokemon.
Slaking has another rape story
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Every time I see this post I keep thinking of someone bursting into a room and saying it like this:
>The stories become sexual very quickly
As did the myths they're based on. Did you know that sex & passion is a pretty common theme in most world mythologies? It might benefit you to be a little more curious.
Chris Typloshion
Not him and I know, and it means the cultures also want to fuck animals. Juist because you say "BUT IT IS A MYTH!" the fact that it is accepted and not rejected, tells a lot about a culture.
That's how they fuck donkeys in that south american country and nobody cares, or camels in the desert.
Those cultures simply weren't that much into it, just some.
Canonically he is the only legit groomer, since none of the other stories made it into the games
Im just glad retard faggots like you will never breed, or affect real life beyond shitting your panties over some weird lore shit while samefagging online. If weird yokai stories trigger this retard so much, imagine if you had enough braincells to actually affect the world
The issue is most of the people crying about this are normies on Xitter. They're making memes about it but also trying to take the moral high ground. It's confusing
>Fucks an Octopus
>Tosses it in the sea in shame
>Comes back the next day to do it again

This is some /fit/ story shit
Hypno is the only pokemon to actually kidnap a little girl and attack the person that was going to save her...
>pedo rapist
The more I think about this the more it reminds me to the Juan Oso story, where a bear kidnaps a woman and keeps her captive in a cave. They eventually have a child, and after several years, they manage to escape. In some versions, the son kills the father. However, when they return to town, the boy is bullied for being half bear, which leads him to either return to the forest or set out to travel the world in search of his place.
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>Arceus gets the most pure mythos
A thousand hands typed these stories
A lot of the time, it turns out to be a female Hypno, which discredits anything that's untoward in a specifically sexual nature. But was that Hypno intending to kill and eat the girl for esoteric psychic powers? Absolutely.
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I think it fits Slaking better
i didnt make it
>Grew up with Pokemans from day one.
>Always liked Cyndaquill the best from 2nd gen.
Hell yeah, feels good to have your EXQUISITE tastes confirmed. Typhlosion the best.
It is so over tardphloshitbros....
Slaking was taking revenge on the girl that was killing and torturing Slakoths
Typhlosion did it because he wanted to
Maybe I should start a Crystal or HGSS playthrough and choose Cyndaquil as my starter...
I had forgotten about pedobear, fuck i'm old.
>Typhlosion did it because he wanted to
He did it out of love
>god is a woman
No no no
It's lifted straight from a Haida myth
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this is the ussop and luffy shit again,
Ive seen this mentioned, where is this in game?
>All I know is "ball", and "good"
>and RAPE

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