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>john vpposter and ose continue their unbreakable KINO journey
>orevald and I continue through peridot, fighting off soijaks and prehistoric reborn seed users
>rg starts up as well, rolling poison/flying so he can actually use the mascot of the hack
>tiramisu encounters the twist in desolation, getting mindbroken
>another anon beats the retarded unbound flying gym
>gamefreak's hack validates all the pokefucking in spic fangames

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator
I don't think this is the right game bro....

anyway, are there any good dedicated places to grind in this game? or am i going to have to take the wild pokemon grind cuckpill
oh neat, i would've thought these would be significantly more annoying to get
Whoops, didn't realize they'd overlap the text box like that. I'll just make them cost 900 instead.
Hey the source code of some games being leaked means modding those games will be easier and have more options doesn't it?
Also I will never get why people are surprised by the pokesex stuff, quite a few pokemon appear to have human level intellegence and even then these are the devs that made Loupunny who is outright based on playboy bunnies and even gave it ripped clothing in the mega
There's grinding spots right before the league.
What romhack is that
>trying to look for a better normal type to replace furret before i attempt the not-rocketfag base
>remember the farm girl sidequest which will probably let me get to use TAVROS or miltank
>they mention she's sick of small town life so i comb the entire big city nearby
>she's actually just across the pond on this very route

we already have basically all the tools we'd ever need for the first 3 gens thanks to decomp, idk about 4 and 5 doe
>surprised by the pokesex stuff,
for me it's less that and more 'yeah pokemon used to straight up rape humans after said humans were mass killing them, and also the humans would give birth to pokemon' (i'm assuming the slaking stuff is real)
i don't even think reborn gets that edgy
>caught TAVROS in a love ball

oh yeah, i can't wait for oct*vius to implement the pokefucking and giants lore himself
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>Also I will never get why people are surprised by the pokesex stuff
desu it's more that there's shit like the Slaking one and that they're supposedly written by someone in gamefreak themselves than 'haha pokemon sex' itself, for me anyway kek
>Hey the source code of some games being leaked means modding those games will be easier and have more options doesn't it?
If people can figure out how to compile the code, yeah. But I'm not sure if there will be too much of that. Game Freak would probably come down harder on games directly using their source code than anything else. Even decomp hacks are just using code that's reverse engineered.
You know you're in the lategame when the game starts to hand you out leggies. Albeit Mesprit is almost too weak to use over other Psychic types.
i'm not familiar with these threads, what's the game in the image?
what an actual sperg

i did forget about snorlax kek, that's the entire reason i'm getting the pokeflute from KANTOOOOO. might replace granbull with it? or persian

i just realized, there's no more swimmers in SV, yeah? they must have realized how problematic it is to see attractive w*men
i think orevald said it last bread, but you can get articuno and moltres too from the rangershit
and that's a wrap

i guess i was 'supposed' to do that before the gym? ah well
>i don't even think reborn gets that edgy
Rebornbros... did we just lose...?
>the ultimate goal of the bad guys in this game is....to use a master ball and pokeflute to catch a snorlax
>a pokemon that's already sleeping and could be caught at any point by anyone, it's just that the player is always a polite fuck that wakes it up first
well, it's a better plan and motives than team xen
You can't capture a Pokemon that doesn't start a battle with you.
does the mom have unique dialogue for every new gym? SOVL..

>you need heckin consent, chud
tell that to slaking
>Trannysaur hit the disobedience cap during the water gym
>Skiploom still didn't have a grass move
Whiteouts: 3
At least I could fall back on my other mons to backtrack and btfo the fightingfag
So I assume if I were to go back to the water gym immediately, it'd jump up a team because I have a badge now? Or is it solely based on exploration/landmarks been to?
I guess reading One Piece made me desensitized to stuff like this in supposedly kid friendly stuff after the Kuma flashback, that or porn has completely rotten my brain
Oh right it could lead to legal problems, still hope we at least get something that boosts fangames in general from these leaks because the official games sure aren't going to get any better
what did he mean by this?

yeah, i really don't like the obedience cap either, but thankfully i haven't run up against it that much outside of the first leader
> it'd jump up a team because I have a badge now
he had a weak team for me after getting a badge (actually a weaker team than the first leader scaled up), so i'm pretty sure it's just landmarks
i think the difference there is that one piece is already a story that has its legitimately dark/'edgy' moments, kuma's backstory is dark but it's already a story with genocide, slavery, torture, etc.
pokemon doesn't really have any of that, so to have an official source claim 'yeah pokemon on human rape is an important part of pokemon lore' is really jarring
please don't tell me the gimmick for this gym is the same as the gl*sslands
okay, thankfully it's not as unbearable

you can reset your step counter by going up stairs, albeit it looks like you have to fight a trainer each time
it also doesn't last forever like the gl*sslands

i should've brought a few damp charms or whatever it's called that summons rain, but ah well kek, didn't want to run through the gym again


>the female rival travels alongside you as a partner
hmmm...i wonder, what would happen if we both sent our pokemon out at the same time...
>these two are called 'Jan and Ame'
These "dramatic" combat scenes never work with these kind of chibi graphics lol.

Well, I have a bug which prevents me from doing the Legendary burds quest line. Sadly.
Heh. My first 6-0 in Set style.
>can't use MOVES
man, zumi is so fucking retarded
maybe should send this list to tpci and see what they think of 'y-you're not able to use our assets, sweetums', haha..
after all, we wouldn't want tpc and gamefreak to accidentally steal from Pxkemon Rejuvenation (entirely unique IP), right?
a shame
>guy goes 'i dropped the engine key' and desperately need to get it back
>it's literally sitting on the ground 2 feet away

i wanted to finish this today but my stomach feels like it's going to explode, so idk
Hopefully something nice comes out of that.
Even Gamefreak themselves outright stated a guy shagged a Froslass in PLA as a reference to a story written by a Greek foreigner who went to live in Japan, that and the Sinnoh stories. I feel fortunate that for once I don't know what people mean when they talk about the "Slaking one".
I mean, compared to the manga, Reborn is pretty tame outside of Lin being an edgy sperg sometimes.
GG, apparently it's landmarks according to what Wagie saw earlier and from a few tests I ran.
FUCK p*kefan trainers, jesus christ

also fuck the dumb sleeping bitch with the resttalk vaporeon, why did GF make it so that you could roll rest while asleep to get recovered back to full HP kek. tajiri was a hack

you'll probably see the slaking shit if you browse /vp/ for a bit
>compared to the manga, Reborn is pretty tame
eh, idk, nobody ever tries acking themselves on screen in the manga as far as i'm aware
sneaky way of doing a rival fight, kek
probably stopping for a little bit, i'll try and finish tonight although

i honestly think i would have preferred i not gotten this at all desu
but okay, now stopping
A picture that I'm sure sends reborn trannies into a frenzy.
I pray at this point that Rejuvenation gets hunted down by nintendo ninjas, because they sure as fuck deserve it.
Noted, I'd just rather not.
Desolation also crashes when I try to enter the prison again after defeating Baron. Which means I am locked out of a whole series of sidequests, including ones which give me Insight.

This has become too retarded to bear. I'll try to patch it.
Okay, I decided to look up the leaks for a bit, holy fucking shit, WHAT WAS GAMEFREAK SMOKING?!
I can't fucking function, holy fucking shit, reading the leaks fully mindbroke me.
I can't stop crying from the nonstop maddening laughter, this can't be real but it is.
I thought it just ended with the slaking shit kek. What a horrible day to have eyes. VariyaCHADS...
>There's shit about a guy gutting and killing ursaring and another about a guy fucking a rapidash
Hopefully nintendo will use this to get gamefreak to stop making this franchise. They should give it to someone actually talented instead.
Like octavius
I wanted to make pre-E4 grinding as painless as possible.
The Pokerape leaks are just the unused scribbles of random employees ... or are they?
The leaks also revealed Typhlosion are handsome partially human creatures who groom underage girlsand Lapras and Octillery are sea sluts, what a terrible, terrible day to have eyes indeed.
>Palkia and Dialga (assumedly Giratina too)
>Are Arceus' half human babies that it created to defeat an all consuming cosmic terror.
Pokefuckers won, they fucking won.
>Ash's mom had a Mr. Mine in the anime
>All the allusions to pokefucking in the games
Of all words of tongue and pen none are sadder than the coomers won yet again.
SkiploomCHAD soloed now that it has razor leaf
And yeah, the team was the same kek
desu even assuming it was just one random fag at gamefreak writing out his pokefucking fantasies, the fact that it's stored with other shit instead of wiped off the face of the earth is crazy kek
That reminds me sorry about your bro, Bunken kek
holy kek
EmpyreanGODS...I kneel......
Though admittedly I do find it disappointing in a sense that there's more than a few of pokefucking texts that are basically the exact same, but have the offending mon changed, like Typhlosion being replaced with Slaking and Piloswine apparently
Guess I'll have to play Empyrean next, since it predicted the canon lore of Pokemon going forward.
I really hope he doesn't find out, yeah, a lot of them were switched around, the Arceus shit is actually kinda interesting despite the pokefucking because it was made years before gen 4 and hints towards a pretty interesting cosmology in the Pokemon world.
Empyrean is very shitty and has some horribly grindy shit, we're talking about mechanics that literally require the player to grind for fucking real life months to actually progress.
>wake up
>pokefuckers won
pfft ahahahaha
I wonder what kinds of havoc this will wreak on shitty fangame writing

in other news
>oh man here comes a tough boss fight
>single pokemon
>it's her seviper
>which I already outlevel without any sort of powerleveling or grinding
>which dies in a single earthquake
Oof, then no. But the Desolation run is coming to an end, sadly. I'll just be a NPC and pick something of the top of the suggestions list, then,

>I wonder what kinds of havoc this will wreak on shitty fangame writing
Probably half-human half-Pokemon characters with atrocious artwork and cringeworthy gimmicks.
it's moreso that i really wish this was given earlier
like i wouldn't have minded (as much) if it was just never given out, but knowing it's a thing you could give the player that would've been convenient, and giving it later than i would've liked it, is just meh
even if they weren't, it'd show the mindset of the people who work on the games kek
it's like the whole 'don't separate art from artist' thing, now every pokefucker joke made in the games is worth a lot more scrutiny
it is honestly funny no fangame has ever tried to retread reburst, that shitty gen 5 manga about half-human/pokemon fusions
could try perish song/salt and shadow, i guess?
>btfo seviper in a single move
>back to the cutscene
>riolu gets oneshot
that earthquake was nothing a few items couldn't fix, I suppose...
>half-human half-Pokemon characters with atrocious artwork and cringeworthy gimmicks
So that's what he meant when he said Grim Darkwood and Thanatos could fuse...
can't wait to play as a half-human half-absol because player-kun's dad decided a cat/dog/fox/thing was fine too
thanks, not that my victory meant much...
>can't press B to stop riolu's evolution
it would've been too funny to allow
still confounds me as to why lucario is a special biased mixed attacker
>wow you defeated me again...
>this isn't actually a loss btw I'm actually choosing to retreat btw
mega seviper caught me off guard but it wasn't anything earthquake couldn't fix
he actually had his good friend Alakazam use teleport
what game is that?
Unbreakable Ties
it's pretty good if a bit on the easier side
pokemon unbreakable ties
Bros I've been crylaughing over the leaks all morning. We're going to have nonstop Slaking, Typhlosion, and Octillery ""content"" in fangames from here until the end of time now, aren't we?
>my favorite starter is a fucking pedo rapist
I'm gonna puke
Look on the brightside, Lin calling Arceus puppy is retroactively hysterical.
nobody's perfect
>Lin, what are you doing
>no Lin I need you to call him here so I can-
>no stop fighting him Lin please
alright, after some grinding, hopefully this will be good enough to oneshot the league

i think using a lucky egg and just shooting through the gauntlet might be faster than the exp all actually
also, i really wish the blissey trainer was guaranteed each gauntlet, but ah well

gauging from the unused types, i'm guessing the e4 will be...flying, ice, normal, ghost (i'm not really sure what lars ulrich's type speciality was but i think it was poison/dark?). doesn't seem too terrible for my lineup

i'm so sorry bro
the spanish are definitely going to have a field day with this
for the rest i guess it gives them the license to act more unhinged than usual
Based team and good luck.
>for the rest i guess it gives them the license to act more unhinged than usual
It's going to be fun seeing which community races to the bottom faster going all-in on this.
Checked and keked
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Empyrean is mostly fine until the last ~20% or so of the main story where it takes a nosedive, and so long as you ignore the blatantly retarded bits of postgame, you can avoid most of the grinding autism
haha...it's only a matter of time until the pokefucking ramps up...
Sorry bro...he didn't deserve this
>only 17 encounters on route 11 instead of 20
something terrible is going to happen on this route, I can feel it
thanks and good luck
>seeing which community races to the bottom faster going all-in on this
seems like the perfect plot twist for the next rejuvenation update
i probably overgrinded, kek, ah well

absolutely kino designs for the e4, and their entrances are peak SOVL

also good fucking LORD muh dick on the ghost and rock e4 members (you'll also like the rock e4's name, orevald). i thought the soijak already had rock covered

thanks bro
you could play with the edge of eternity mod that cuts out the grinding, haha...
just don't touch the postgame challenges...
the meme magic is certainly real, it keeps happening
I just know there's gonna be an edit of japanese fat bastard typhlosian now
The screens convinced me to give Peridot a try. What emulator do you guys use? Seems a bit choppy on Retroarch for some reason.
Speaking of meme magic, I'm still not over Tentaquil being confirmed real.
GG and kino designs
>The crowd loves you, Peenus
Hilariously on-point for the leaks.
He better put Tentaquil in the game.
>The paragon route, renegade route, and Zumi's Machamp fanfiction route
You hate to see it.
bro who the fuck are you? i was expecting the male rival
anyway, given he's a mono normal trainer, not too rough. except his X attack hyper beam spamming TAVROS, fuck that nigger
i'm using mGBA but the dev has said there's apparently some bugs that crop up on it. i've not experienced any bugs myself, but maybe try VBA or something
I used BGB for almost my entire time making it.
>Zumi's Machamp fanfiction
holy fucking shit kek
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the fucking rule34 with solosis zetta tentacledick will become canon to rejuv
>64 hours
lel, i must have left it on overnight or something

well, that's a wrap
>In the next version of rejuvenation you beat the spacetime hags by lewding them
I'm not ready for this timeline.
Mono-normal final boss is extremely based
i dunno how much of postgame i'll end up doing, or how much postgame there even is. i'm guessing the rest of it is just typical legendary grabbing/battle tower shit?

>the reason why your dad isn't present in so many games might now canonically be due to-
i don't even want to finish that thought

thanks bros. was cool too, since i was partially a normal specialist as well
5000 hours in ms paint, enjoy: https://files.catbox.moe/nhh8gh.png
>i'm guessing the rest of it is just typical legendary grabbing/battle tower shit?
There's a time travel sidequest involving Celebi.
god damn it kek, it's great I hate it
>Gliscor evolved
okay GG playthrough's over time to pack everything up I've already won
whoops, forgot the eyebrows
been trying to play banished platinum, it's platinum remade in essentials so saving doesn't take 8 years, but it's got no speedup and is very slow like regular platinum, and it's crashed 3 times in half an hour. it has some good portraits though
Dude, I went to make popcorn and coffee to read the threads here on /vp/ and I had to stop because I nearly choked laughing my ass off, I can't function anymore, this is the most beautifully fucking retarded shit I've ever seen and the iceberg goes so much deeper, this is just hysterical, I can't process this, it's fucking eldritch, holy fuck, I have a permanently contort giggle on my face because I can't stop laughing at this shit, it's maddening, it's actually fucking maddening.
I am so sorry bro.......I won't ever be able to look Lapras the same way again as well.
all in all, pretty solid game.

>The Good
It's pretty clear this game tries to shoot for being a nice relaxing kind-of-open Gen 2 experience, and that's exactly what it delivers. It's charming, it's fun, the spritework is good, and even though I'm not really that big a fan of them, the betamon inclusion is also nice.
I love how interconnected the world is, how rewarding exploration is without having to resort to MMO tier 'side content', and in general this feels like an alternate universe version of how GSC might have been made.

I'll admit that I don't think I'm quite the target audience for this hack, but for anyone looking for just a clean fun actual regular Pokemon game with no frills to play through (I usually like things to be a bit more adventurous and creative, but even still I wasn't bored with and enjoyed this quite thoroughly, which says a lot) this is one of the better hacks you could play, I think

>The Neutral
I'm overall not really sure how I feel about not being able to leave gyms. For one, you can just...save in front of the leader? And if you need to redo the gym you already know the solution to the puzzle and are just sort of boredly retracing your steps, which gets even more annoying if the gym trainers are just pushovers. I didn't hate it, but it doesn't really feel like it added much of anything

Sometimes things are just a little too vague. I like the game doesn't hold your hand on exploration - that's great. But, like, for instance, around the 4th gym requires you to go into the basement of a mountain that's only available from one of the gym entrances, talk to a hidden guy behind a Strength boulder elsewhere, then once you reach the top you beat the church guy and talk to one of the people in the homes to get the Strength HM to move on.
MGBA works fine for me.
Is it completed?
I personally had no issue with a lot of this (other than finding Strength) but a few NPC pointers I do think would help out. Maybe like a girl standing outside the cave where you need to use Strength to progress can go 'my sister who lives in HEPATICO TOWN has a STRENGTH HM' or whatever.
There's also cases like the surf HM being only available from some random faggot on the beach, or the unown chambers where I'm still not quite sure if the reward is 'just' unowns. Maybe other examples I can't think of off the top my head.
Maybe these things actually did exist and I just wasn't thorough enough in talking to NPCs, in which case that's my bad

Also the matter with the story - look, I know the game is not trying to be le heccin epic fanfiction with DBZ characters or whatever like the average pokeshart fangame. It's trying to emulate the more simple stories of gen 1/2. The thing is, those stories DID have their own big moments, like Blue being the champion, or the Red fight atop Mt. Silver. I'm fine with this game being low key for the most part, but hopefully in more postgame updates there's a better narrative payoff for the rivals or whatever other characters.

>The Bad
The soft level cap disobedience thing is just ass. Please take it out or replace it with a hard level cap/limiting exp formula. It's not something that I ever really got fucked over by, but it's a terrible feeling to basically have one of maybe your best mons for the next gym become unusable because you accidentally leveled too much. Even worse in early game, when you're not even aware such a thing exists.
no, its up to gym 4
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There's also the matter of this game's QOL. I don't really know how to feel about it. The running shoes and Exp Share really don't feel like they should be locked as 'late' as they are (like the running shoes really should just be given by your mom), Exp All I think is too late but also not very good? While the exp training at the league is nice, if still a bit inconvenient, there's the case of whether you need to grind for any of the gyms beforehand. I guess the idea is to just throw yourself at a gym over and over until you have the necessary levels if you need them, but I dunno, it doesn't seem great

I think 6-7/10 is perfect for this game. If that seems a little low, dev, a 6-7 for me is often like a 8-9 for others, kek, I'm just stingy with ratingshit. Whenever I update the tierlist, I'll stick it probably in high tier solid or low tier great. Prooobably beats out Realidea I think

Again, just a really fun game that I'd obviously recommend to anyone who wants to revisit gen 2 and even others besides

(oh also, I meant to include a note about the difficulty in the first section. I thought this game's difficulty was almost nearly perfect once you get to around the 4th gym)

thanks bros
>I'm overall not really sure how I feel about not being able to leave gyms.
desu I've been using it to boost my shitter's levels, since they've fallen behind due to being shitters compared to Ivysaur/Skiploom
They also give enough money to afford spamming potions after every battle, which helps
Thanks for playing.
For anyone else, I updated the game again. Every time I think I'm done with finding glitches, another pops up.
GG and good read.
It's been the best day on /vp/ in at least half a decade.
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Fuck dude, I haven't had this much on this board in so long, this is just beautiful, after weeks of sharty raids, schizos warring with each-other and more of the same shittery, we are blessed with this.
Thanks lads.
And thank you for the game, was fun
I thought for a second we might be autosaged or something because I accidentally put a no no in the OP but then I realized the board is legitimately going this fast holy kek. Bread probably won't survive the night, but ah well, nice to see some finally new discussion on this godforsaken board
>protagonists are almost mute
>have the ability to befriend any pokemon almost instantly
>fathers are a mystery
Well the hoenn protags disprove that, oh wait, Normam has two slakings
>Spearow finally evolves
>Starts fucking up shit
About time kek
Yeah, it's refreshing seeing something other than the 123092480th schizo thread kek, it's just a shame some mons got caught in the crossfire
Consider the speed the board is going at right now, yeah, it will likely, I'll try to pick my playthrough back up but I'm getting holden up by the sheer insanity that I just witnessed.
>Ghetsis fucked a Zoroark who he thought was a woman and N was brought into existence
>Ghetsis continually calls N a monster and a freak without a human heart
I can't believe Ethan's starter is his half brother...
Also holy kek, how did I miss this earlier, its perfect
>in all of the stories the mothers give birth to pokemon instead of a human child
gg and good review
Thanks bros.
>A mon holding the exp share in battle gets exp twice if it's used in battle
Interesting quirk I guess, I assume it's still halved so it doesn't actually make a difference
That's how it is in regular gen 2. I think that's how it is in every gen prior to 6.
Huh. It's been a while kek
>Gamefreak deployed a mass amount of chink shills
>The jannies are losing their shit
>Tourists from twitter are swarming the board on mass and getting filtered by "antisemitism" and "hateful comments"
>The whole fucking board imploded even harder
>Actual Z A leaks surfaced and they're getting shut down everywhere
It's beautiful, it's truly fucking beautiful.
banished platinum won't stop crashing so fuck it I'm playing this. It's gonna be a KANTOOOOOOOOO and JOHTOOOOOOOOO adventure following the rise and fall of team rocket I assume
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the start is basically persona 5, you're being interviewed and I'm asked to retell my entire life story since I was giovanni's secret BFF
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>giovanni's mom is a bitch
damn giovanni really did nothing wrong in the end, it do be like that
the first conversation I had with young giovanni was basically
>bruno is a fucking chump
>if they gave a chump like that pokemon, we deserve some, too
>let's rob silph co of their pokemon
>get caught after picking KANTOOOOOOOOOO starter
>giovanni uses the weakest lie known to mankind
>we both get a trainer starter kit of a town map, some pokeballs, and some potions, crimes forgiven
also shocked that hacking the PCs isn't used more, that's just a free pokemon dispenser if you can hack it
you get access to other gen mons super quick, already have a wurmple and nosepass, only as far as diglett cave and you start in saffron
second rival fight and he's already done for
>It's legends of the arena all over again
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Time to start Peridot back up before I fully lose my mind, I'm gonna see if I can solve this puzzle.
>Regigigas was originally meant to be sorta like the Greek titans
>Skyla was literally "big titty latina" in the gen 5 code
>Fairy types were literally internally known as "trannies"
Giovanni bros.......not like this.....
>Skyla was literally "big titty latina" in the gen 5 code
unbelievably based
>wanted to do my annual autumn replay of crystal
>was going to pick kris
>was going to pick cyndaquil
i dont think im playing any pokemon games for a while...
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Rare gen 5 W.
I am........so sorry Typhlosion bros.....
I think they're alluding to his mom being head of the rocket gang, his dad died in an "accident" and his pokemon was mangled.
don't listen to fanfics, get that pedo into the hall of fame
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>fighting on a CHARIZAAAAAAAAAAARD's grave
I was worried nothing I had would learn Waterfall, but FerroCHAD and AeroCHAD learn it, which is pretty fortuitous, I think Lugia is around this area according to some npcs.
I never should've doubted you, Mothim...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my based mothim solo sweep...
and a single earthquake cleans up
5.33/6 ain't bad, especially through a light screen
That's the cave that opened up when you did the strength puzzle in the Lost Land.
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What is that?
GG and based Mothim enjoyer, I'm a Wormadam connoisseur myself.
Oh, different cave.
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The dreaming one lays beneath the waves.
This is the one north of ridge town, I know there's two cave systems here, this is the eastern one.
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instead of using the flute you beat up the snorlax since it's a "boss" pokemon, can't catch it
Got a key item from BTFOing the Tentacruel, wonder what this is for, I don't recall finding any NPCs asking for lost items.
why bother installing beds if the prisoners are just going to be chained to the wall
been trying to use more and different mons and several have impressed me so far
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>Male swimmer with two female Octillery
Uh oh.
Must......stop.......looking.......at the leaks......
>The ZA leak showed that Zeraora along with Zygarde are getting Megas
>Zeraora's name starts with Z and ends with A
>It's shiny matches perfectly with the shiny color scheme of the Kalos legendaries
Hee hee. It's always funny catching very obvious UK dialect in homemade computer games.
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2nd gym is fushia city, but the ninjas aren't done building the dojo yet, so it's a normal type gym lead by White. this game so far has chosen to have it's difficulty be level caps and the AI getting free stat boosts from mid battle dialogue, but it's pretty smooth sailing so far
>gets +attack/defense when it came out
>gets an additional +attack/defense/speed now
I can see this getting annoying
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just a month ago I would've laughed
Which fangame gives you the option to pick a starter from every gen like Brick Bronze
>lmoa level 65 luxray
yeah awesome
>and I lost money
dei roxie's on my shitlist

I didn't really have a choice in the matter
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damn those rockets
reborn, rejuv I think, a good number of difficulty hacks, emerald rowe, a bunch usually advertise it on their summary page
Try Desolation, maybe try Reborn and don't touch Rejuvenation
Man I can remember back when we played Ashen Frost for the first time (or maybe when the lads here did rejuv 13.5) and thought those midbattle stat boosts were great initially
Janny has his work cut out kek
>the zeraora program
Which one will that be? Inb4 Melia
You don't get anything for winning unfortunately and your win isn't even acknowledged. Pretty much only a fight for bragging rights
>get to the prison break sequence and start to pilot derek
>his grovyle has max IVs
>all his other pokemon are straight 20s
darek is a fucking hacking bastard
>but those movesets
Wasn't paying super close attention but it seemed like she had a bunch of pokemon after luxray as well
doesn't seem like it's worth grinding for with the combination of fast electrics and 20 level advantage
I could've sworn that there was a mechanic in the old gb/gbc days of pokemon where if your pokemon kept fainting multiple times, you'd get a message stating "____ ran away" and it terrified me as a child about having pokemon die in battle.
That said, some pokefan dev or whatever should put that sort of thing in as a mechanic. or hell, even including something akin to the nuzlocke route where there's a percent chance that when going to revive at the pokemon center that the pokemon doesn't pull through.
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this is only 20 years ago, isn't the pervert an old man? what happened to this dude
>Covenant and Tower of Ashes won the judge's voting for the game jam
While I'm looking, I wonder what the most popular ones seem to be
In terms of viewcount
>Slowpoke Shack (15k)
>Tower of Ashes (12k)
>Star in the Desert (11k)
>Mineral (9k)
>Shiny Island (6k)
>Legends: Apotheosis, Berserk and Covenant (5k)
>Triad Master, Forgotten Saint, Five Nights at Eevee's, Battle Citadel, Perilous Heights, Samsara, All things it Devours (2k)
>Helio (1k)
I'm surprised Tower of Ashes seems to be so popular t b h, like it's not BAD, but the retardedly op items are only entertaining for so long
one more button please
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There's a load of puzzles around these places, but so far nothing that seems too interesting.
Holy fucking kek.
I mean, yellow fur, blonde girl, holy kek I am fascinated by the stuff the leaks are revealing, I fully hope some of the crazy stuff I saw gets incorporated into fangames, because it's wild and crazy but in a good way.
>level 41 mandibuzz
wtf nintendo ban this guy immediately for hacking
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>bulbasaur with leech seed/mega drain/sleep powder
>breloom with effect spore, thunder punch/aerial ace
>lombre with fake out to stop gale wings
>eggxcutor with leftovers, megadrain/psyshock, gets +speed when thrown out
>spams super potions and full heals
this shit is why I stay out of KANTOOOOOOOOO, it's a cursed region. I also swore it said my level cap went from 24 to 25, but my eyes aren't the best. 5 tries
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before shadow pokemon, there were dark pokemon. the summary says you can get these
derek's team fucking sucks
not counting these whiteouts to my actual total, I refuse to do so
>staraptor getting outsped by a same-level obstagoon despite having 5 more base speed
>get hit with the 10% freeze because dusclops is spamming ice beam instead of shadow ball into magmar and also scorching sands thaws you but lava plume doesn't btw
I'm being seriously fucked with
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latios is a worthless piece of shit
got lucky because the ai decided to press psycho cut like a retard instead of le custom drain punch except uh it's fire and uh it has 90 power instead of 75
Total (((derek))) whiteouts: 2

I'll watch whatever comes next and stop there
Calling it a night, I hope the thread doesn't die overnight, but with the speed /vp/ is going, hard to say. Also holy kek, apparently some tards actually got a hold of ZA or at least earlier versions of it, there's a lot shills and faggots pushing fake shit around either to troll or to run damage control for daddy Masuda, this is fucking hilarious dude, I have never laughed so much during my life.
Eda's sucks even more and you're forced to win a few fights with her too.
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not really just press shadow claw and it gets crit every fucking time not that it matters anyways because it can't do anything anyways
I'm sure it'll be better, not that I even remember what her team is
I like latias more anyways

>Captcha: VVVVS
what could the machine possibly have meant by that
>that one anon just posting every alt account of the guy who leaked it
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>level cap was actually just bumped from 24 to 25
>onix kek
>hitmonlee with rocky helmet
>hitmonchan with the element punches
>machoke that gets two instances of free +attack/defense/speed and bulk up spam
>item spam
3 tries, not looking forward to future giovanni fights the way this is going
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I just walked out the gym and this fucker ambushed me, huffing copium and injecting his cat with DARKNESS and dialogue stat boosts. he lost and blamed it on his DARKNESS fearow and tossed it to me
what hack is this
nvm lol
it's over typhlosionbros
kek, how much statboosts?
Don't listen to the others. I as the only autist that managed to finish Empyrean EoE can only highly recommend playing it. While it does have it's low points the immense kino that is postgame makes everything worth it. Even before the post game there's still a lot of fun to be had in the main game. Also grinding isn't really needed until the last gym, and at that point the grind is very minimal if you know what you're doing. I'll also stick around the thread to help out if you end up needing it.
AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...a double dose of attack/defense/speed up, not sure what DARKNESS does to a pokemon yet, the ones I got didn't have perfect ivs or anything
Also Dreshet is a bit of a drag, but it's relatively quick and has a neat gimmick.
I'd say there's minimal stat grind if you know to invest in the real estate apartments and save money for card packs and iv boosters. even then though you gotta set up a macro and bike on that infinite loop for hours, before even getting into GP. but it is great schizo content
>giovanni is so disgusted that blaine gives his arcanine a speed boost that he steals a volcano badge and his magmar from him
this one time I'll say he was justified
>Gyarados is apparently canonized as a legendary in the leaked files
Fangame xisters......we were right all along.......
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I get this is technically just badge 5/16, but this game hasn't really shown me much of his "origin story". we aren't friends at all, every time he shows up he's an asshole to me, we fight, he copes and leaves. The cop interrogating me for this story called me a criminal, and all I've done thus far is collect badges, do some side stuff helping people, and beat a few rocket grunts. I'm starting to think I've been tricked into just playing KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO again
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at least some of the dark pokemon look funny. stopping here for now
Night bump.
>Wasn't paying super close attention but it seemed like she had a bunch of pokemon after luxray as well
This fight is extreme autism if you don't have one of a handful of the good answers available to you by this point. Ironically I think the lack of an AI makes this harder; you cannot game any switches when Electross is clicking random buttons. https://streamable.com/ezn87u
Let Magmortar just do all the work in this section.
Oh. Okay then! I was training for Vanish.
I guess I'll add Entei and Suicune to my notes...
Vanish is dead. Game has been fun, but man I'm remembering why I stopped around Gym 3. Every time I see M or Team Rocket I sigh from frustration.
Been hitting rocks now that I have the pickaxe.
>page 8
Why did Jan give a random prison guard a legendary pokemon that NEEDS to be locked to postgame? Same with Zeta. How does he expect you to fight this VNBEATABLE LEVIATHAN?
Why does it stick out so much?
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>tower of ashes
It's probably okay but it really looked uninteresting, especially compared to the PMD game and Berserk, I'm guessing the ADHD riddled autists liked it because you can become le overpowered
Covenant though, that actually seems like something? I think I kept on glossing over it because I was mixing it up with that Forgotten Saint game where you formed covenants with legendaries or whatever
Might actually try it out, hopefully it's not as slow as the Rosenfag's other game
>Helio in last
Now just how could that have happened? People didn't want to play a hidden masterpiece that looked like this?
GG. Giovanni's most heinous crime of making people replay through KANTO except with a few changes is evil indeed
After the bullshit we've been through I'm tempted to do the EoE content myself desu
Play Anode Hearts, the Empyrean dev made it.
Not Pokemon related and requires money I'm pretty sure.
Time to go on my last adventure in Desolation. I already miss the game before having finished it, vgh.

For some reason, the music in this area reminds me of the main theme in Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core of all things?
thanks bros
>let Magmortar do all the work
completely forgot about him
found the magmarizer but it utterly slipped my mind that trade evolutions aren't a thing anymore
>that battle
yeah I definitely made the right choice to just not bother
am i the only one who hates Gen 2 hacks and prefers Gen 3 art style in any scenario
>The soft level cap disobedience thing is just ass. Please take it out or replace it with a hard level cap/limiting exp formula. It's not something that I ever really got fucked over by, but it's a terrible feeling to basically have one of maybe your best mons for the next gym become unusable because you accidentally leveled too much. Even worse in early game, when you're not even aware such a thing exists.
I was thinking about it, so I'm going to explain my reasoning for it even if you disagree:
The soft obedience cap is to push you toward using new Pokemon and trying to balance a whole team. The problem I see with level caps(and even diminished exp gains for the most part) is that you're never really discouraged from continuing to use your best lead. It's still going to remain as your strongest Pokemon. Up to the first badge probably isn't as balanced as it could be, but I don't want to make large balance changes like that so late in development.
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the ancient art of "whine to have something happen" works once again. despite being an origin story I didn't find out when he joined the rocket gang but at least now I can finally start doing crimes
the problem with most gen 2 hacks is they don't fix the biggest gen 2 problems, art style is good but it has next to no qol
I actually 6-0'd Amelia, but she didn't even acknowledge it in her dialogue. My self-esteem is crushed ...
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so we ambushed the viridian city gym leader digga but someone ratted us out, and digga had a 20 level advantage so my ass was kicked and pierce was captured by the police
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every so often the game will go back to the guy interviewing you, very persona 5
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for joining the team giovanni decides to pay back on his faggotry and give me the choice of these 3 DARK pokemon, and you better believe the choice is dark scyther for EDGE SCIZOR
Does it look any different?
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pretty sure it does
That's not as edgy as I was expecting. Just red eyes and darker claw spots is rather conservative compared to something like Shadow Lugia.
same, and I still don't know what the differences are other then looks
>Dark Pokémon have their HP stat reduced by 10, but all other stats are increased by 10. Some Dark Pokémon have special hidden abilities.
should've just looked at the guide, that's way less then I thought it was gonna be
I get it, but yeah I dunno I think most of the enemy teams in the hack are diverse enough that you aren't going to be able to use just one Pokemon (assuming their level is limited) to take on everything. That kind of thinking also doesn't prevent just spamming your best mon around the E4 or other places where the soft cap isn't as tight.
You also have the issue that grinding up a new mon before the league is not great to put it mildly. You can, but if the Pokemon I was planning to use for a gym gets overleveled and now I can't use it anymore I have to spend a good chunk of time grinding, likely running through the gym a half dozen times and losing on purpose, to get a replacement up.
There's also no way to track level caps in game as far as I could tell. That's a bit more on the player, but around the electric gym for instance I got scarily close to the level cap without even realizing it until he said he was bumping it up.

In general there's a reason why Reborn, which had a similar system and even allowed a way to delevel Pokemon eventually allowed you to toggle it in favor of a hardcap. This game's soft level caps aren't as oppressive as Reborn obviously but it's just a needlessly punishing system overall that doesn't add much other than just fucking over the player heavily if they don't micromanage exp during certain sections.

If you want to encourage people using new mons more I honestly do think a proper grinding method introduced well before the endgame would be the best method
I get where the frustrations come from. And I'm not likely to make any large balance changes at this point(I'd never be finished if I kept going back to tweak stuff), but I've noted your criticisms for the future.
I still like the soft level cap that obedience provides, but I'll try and think of ways around it. I know I've already done this sort of character, and friendly rivals are cliche at this point, but a Nemona kind of friendly rival that offers rematches(I'd do it with a randomized party) would be a way to let the player grind a bit if need be.
I never had too much of an issue with needing to grind with the game, but I can see where that need would come from when you don't know the gyms or encounters and may not know an early-game mon can be found in that location until much later.
so there's a mythical pokemon that created all of the boss mons in this game, and I have to beat all 17 of them to geta chance at finding this "pokemon X"
It's fine. I would just say if you're going to keep it, at least have an NPC before the first badge mention it's existence, doesn't even have to be mandatory but just something
>I never had too much of an issue with needing to grind with the game
Yeah, I never had to grind my regular party members in the game (I don't think I needed to grind at the league either) so good job on that, but unfortunately for members I added on later to replace shit like Machamp, Poliwrath and Tauros they were around level 30 when I was at level 40. Not the worst thing, but definitely would've be pretty shit had I wanted to replace or use any more mons
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>two full restores
4/6 of these fuckers had rocky helmets, but otherwise wasn't terrible, blastoise/primeape/scizor were great for this gym. but I gotta say the dev was lazy when doing the dialogue boosts, it seems every ace no matter what it is gets attack/speed boosts, even though kingdra never used a physical move. first try
>at least have an NPC before the first badge mention it's existence, doesn't even have to be mandatory but just something
Yeah, I can try to fit something in. Maybe in the gate leading to the first city.
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I was told by some random outside mt moon that I could go back to lavender town to see what's going down at the tower, and now I'm in a creepypasta
this is fine, it just has nasty plot/giga drain/venoshock from what I could tell, and this side quest was pretty funny. gave me a life orb, too
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>4 pokemon weak to water
>blastoise with scald/rain dance
lol, lmao even. he also has no money, just 700 bucks. he's got a long way to go before he's worthy of being beaten by another 10 year old kid
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so -10 to hp but +10 to everything else...wouldn't that even out the less health, more defense? might be missing something
That was ... actually quite hard to do. Mega Luxray goes hard.
It should actually be slightly more bulky, I think, defenses play a bigger role than health
Maybe if the Pokemon's HP stat was really low it would be the other way around
Please tell me it has an OHKO move called Hyperrealistic Blood
what I wouldn't give to go back to two days ago before the pokefuckers won, it was so simple back then
no weird moves but I did get a "how could you let me die" horror sequence beforehand
before and after dark evolution, which is just giving a viable pokemon a dark candy. I see no reason why I shouldn't do this, -10 hp for that boost is a no brainer
GG. Yeah, he's actually not that bad outside of the Mega Luxray which makes the 6-0 rough. Great theme doe
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it happened once in pokemon mansion where it'll show you the location in "present day". I assume this is gonna lead to something beyond "remember this?" cause no shit it's fucking kanto
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before misty there was lorelei, rate outta ten. swords dance scizor and primeape with some cross chops cleaned up, first try.
If Jan's drive were leaked what would we find in it?
I barely slept and I have a permanent giggle stuck on my face.
>This whole leak only happened because a Gamefreak employed opened an obvious porn scam email
>The absolute retard who was keeping ZA to himself (allegedly) shared it with some tards
>One of which leaked it out apparently
>Some of absolute room temperature IQ morons who got the leaked build installed ZA on their switch with online on so Nintendo ninjas can track them down
>The jannies are desperately trying to run damage control with their sharty buddies but the sheer unrivaled autism is BTFOing their shitty spam posts
Bros.....I can't function anymore......
>hot trainers are desperate and are in your local area! click now!
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giovanni is desperate to have a successful raid, so the next one is the power plant near cerulean. he fucks it up though, and now I have to fight voltaic, the leader before surge, again. only 4 pokemon but he has this as the ace
pierce accuses me of being the rat and fights me, broke ass dickhead
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beat digga, ground type gym vs rain dance blastoise was a sweep. going to victory road I'm stopped by a flashback moment where I now have to do the red vs gary fight. this game has another rival other then giovanni, someone named scott, that this could've been instead. I really don't need this KANTOOOOOOOOOO wankery
>Sugimori himself on a leaked transcript of a meeting outright said he doesn't care for Pokemon and wanted the series to mainly move into human related stuff
>He even comes off as dismissive and disingenuous as that one post from Zumi doing a really shitty at trying to handwave just how shitty Rejuvenation's plot is while talking to some other Gamefreak employees who wanted Pokemon to be the main focus
>One of the main heads of Pokemon has the same mentality as Jan and Zumi
My smile and optimism are gone.
Holy kek.
>Giovanni can't stop being a jobber
Rocket bros.........
that's some terrible news, but with how the series has lowered in quality I can't say I'm completely shocked.
Desu committing to doing most of the EoE content probably isn't even that bad anymore compared to all of the shitgames that have been played since we played empyrean kek though I personally don't think the grindy nature of some of it (and base empyrean's postgame) is for me t b h
Yeah Tower of Ashes was fine for me, but the le procedural generation and le random "starters" didn't really help with replayability, since you end up either getting filtered by the first floor boss or steamroll the game with no real inbetween from my i think ~5 'runs', and every run that gets past raikou just gets so retardedly strong that you never end up getting challenged by ho-oh at the end
>Now just how could that have happened? People didn't want to play a hidden masterpiece that looked like this?
>Game has so little faith in itself that it's using base KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO events to try and keep the player around
honestly a shame
Probably a lot more melia nudes
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>victory road was pretty painless, you can refight trainers and one of them have two blissys
>giovanni ambushes me at the door of the championship building
>loses to technician scizor and krookidile with earthquake
>"uh I don't need to be champ I already know I'm the most feared trainer out there!"
>literally flees to johto flying off of pure copium
alright then
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doing the elite 4, agatha and kurt were before this, and wanted to show this off. while I would like to be able to buy ethers and elixirs, this is a suitable replacement, kek. you can also deny it if you want the extra challenge, which is neat
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and that's the kanto league done, 3 attempts with the 4th being the redo to record. there's scott, the third rival that could've just been used more often instead of bullying giovanni constantly, oh well
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one down, one to go. so far I've committed almost no crime, and the 3 attempts at it only one was successful, the very first one where me and gio robbed silph co of some starters. giovanni has been shown as a mega chump, losing to me at every turn, only having a stake in rocket because his mommy gave him power, failing at multiple raids, and gave up on the kanto league at the last minute. will johto redeem him?
the boat to johto isn't the anne, it's the unsinkable cactus, which is going to slateport after dropping me off in olivine. surely nothing goes wrong
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basically an engineer broke the rules of keep pokemon in their balls and let his pitbull primeape out...in the engine room. also why can't every passenger just surf away, why did anyone die on this boat
I checked, I can use a dark candy on typhlosian, so there's only one option here
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wanted to try out a spaceworld 97 rom hack
recommendations on which one (super gold 97 & gold 97 reforged) is more polished?
We haven't tried any of 'em to be fair, so really can't say anything, do either have something enticing going for them?
>have to join a discord for documention for super
cringe, and I think the colors in reforged are better even though super is going for more authentic. no idea on gameplay things though
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thanks bro. that one image of typhlosian with his kino cave is funny, but I hope this blows over soon it won't, vaporeon is still cursed to this day
super gold 97 uses the original sgb color palette
there is a bit of a mismatch of art styles when it comes to pokemon sprites because its straight from the spaceworld demo
it seems to be less polished in certain areas
however, it feels more authentic
gold 97 reforged looks and feels like the gen 2 games (even has the prototype pokemon in custom gsc sprites)
it seems the be more polished but it doesnt have that feel of the original spaceworld demo
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The saddest part is that the original transcript of that whole feverdream was the Slaking version, for whatever reason someone at Gamefreak decided to doom Typhlosion instead of the ugly fat bastard, this is not going to blow over soon........I am terrified looking at the sheer amount of coverage Typhlosion is getting because of the leaks.
I feel like reforged sounds better, at least on a basic level.
>random trainer is given an after battle description shilling his insta
>description is just some guy the dev met at a con
the fuck
it's nuts. some guy in vg said it's a tale lifted from some native american story involving a bear, so why not ursurang? it's so bad I'm about ready to accuse typhlosian of being framed, it's a damn crime.
vp*, oops
Which game is this?
>The first result when you google typhlosion is newshit articles about the pokefucking stories
it's so fucking over kek
Honestly I think a big part of why it's gaining so much traction compared to the others is just because it's a startermon, if it was something like, say, heracross or some shit, I don't think people would care nearly as much (outside of probably an uptick in masudaposting for a bit)
Funnier still is the sheer amount of cursed knowledge dropped on /vp/ thanks to a cursed crossover with /k/ when the """"native"""" American fucking a Rapidash mare story leaked, I studied biology for years, I know a lot of really cursed shit, but holy fuck I was not ready to handle what I learned yesterday.
Peridot, a pretty neat gen 2 hack with betamons.
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Thank you. Looks kino.

I'm playing Crystal Clear Beta 2.0 (non-pozzed). It's very fun, but no Team Rocket & no Rival makes the adventure feel empty.
Peridot has betamons, but they're not placed in the forefront like hacks directly inspired by the Spaceworld demos.
crystal clear is just a gym leader speedrun that is easy at first and gets progressively harder
it's honestly pretty shit
thanks bro. I'm not ready for this new wave of pokefuckers
>giovanni has had "plenty of time" to prepare to take over johto
>has already been across the region
>his master plan starts with forcing me to go to mahogny town to get parts for a raid on the olivine lighthouse
this guy had to come back to olivine to meet me at the dock, why didn't he have them himself?
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that cave between erutrek and mahogny is still full of water because of some golurk. I don't know how that works, but I'm getting rid of them
I find this Perfection plot less exciting than the one about Darkrai and his Grooming Discord so far, but my strong guess is they're connected anyways.
I know we won't find the conclusion to any of the ongoing plot threads.

Do you think Nymiera had her kids in her human or Xerneas form?
Now that I'm thinking about it (big mistake I know) how are Vitus and Nymiera Yveltal and Xerneas if they were made before Pokemon? Why did Vitus get mad about Pokemon getting to do cool shit humans can't when being a Pokemon himself resolves this core motivation? Is he just pissy because he can't do everything every Pokemon does? Does he want to be a Mew instead so he could just transform? Is he angry on behalf of the rest of humanity?
Nymiera is Xerneas and Vitus Yveltal ...? I missed something?

Idk, I think if the main narrative of what Madame X is, what Team Xen is doing and why were just any clearer than absolutely fucking abstract, then most questions would answer themselves.
One of Nymiera's descendants uses some random powers which I believe were followed by Xerneases cry.
Melanie calls Yveltal father and Melanie is Melia who's father is Vitus, he's also infertile (if I remember he says that he can't have kids "due to his nature").
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>Does he want to be a Mew instead so he could just transform?
He might be on to something, considering Forgotten Saint's mew powers were really retarded compared to the other shown legendaries
It's part of the schizodump at the end of V13.5 Paragon, alongside retconned ""foreshadowing"" during the revamped parts of the game (as per usual)
it gets worse the more I read it. I don't get how they made an AI that can create entire worlds, possibly an infinite amount, but they could barely get that archetype program to work. also why would you even want an interceptor if you have this perfect ai, what if it fucks up a world that would've "bloomed"? hate it so much
>Melia who's father is Vitus, he's also infertile

Rejuvenation writing moment
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I'm gonna try and finish Peridot tomorrow, I'm way too exhausted from work, lack of sleep and losing my shit over the leaks. Also GameFREAK xisters.....is it over? Is it truly over? Please be real and not dolphin porn, I want it to be real so bad just because of the fallout it would cause.
Fair enough, that's a complain I myself had.
I got even worse because now pedos and faggots are trying to outcompete the pokefuckers and we're unironically seeing a /vp/ civil war over it which I'm entirely certain the jannies are involved in as well on the pedo side.
>REQUIRED to have one active Interceptor at all times
So much for only calling one when the world is in danger.
Wonder if the previous Interceptor will show up, maybe as a postgame superboss and a regular boss in Renegade.
They used the archetype, a deus ex machina, to spawn her and her siblings.
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>"ally goes in front of you with no trouble despite a gauntlet of trainers" cliche
the parts I had to trek two towns for were just radio parts, giovanni is announcing his takeover at the top of the lighthouse...that still has a bunch of trainers in the way. pierce is back, too, still doesn't trust me and I have to fight
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I've got a new update for Peridot for when you do get around to finishing it. I didn't notice that I broke map name signs a couple weeks ago. Also a bunch of little fixes, all minor changes.
You to, for when you get around to playing it more.
I don't think tourists will win against pokeautism, this is a board that exists solely to contain it and it still fails
To 6-0 Reeve in doubles, I need a VERY good plan definitely.

Was that the very hard final boss everyone was warning me about?
the aussie one and this are the hardest to perfect, have fun dancing
I really should just take the loss vs the elite 4 rocker but I am just too stuburn
Really should have caught a Drillbur, now I can't go back to where they are
Soon... we retvrn...
There's no fucking way it's legit, but if by some miracle it is, the board (and probably a large portion of other places) would go nuclear kek
Noted, been busy
Desu he's not too bad if you're using CHADyena to overwrite the field, but actually playing on the field is pretty annoying
there's a black aussie character that lives in the city sewers, he's great
>Finds Regice
My poor notes are already conspiracy theory levels of nonsense...
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>the same person who left kanto before doing the league and said "who needs that shit it's just a league of tryhards" is now forcing me to fight and catch the black mamba because it's a worthy task of a "league champion"
I don't even know why the mc is doing any of this other then the plot demands it, at no point did giovanni act like a friend in any way shape or form, and I've barely done any crime as it is.
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Grovyle kill that man
great sprite but idk why it's like this, its for every gengar and it's out of place.
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In less than 20 minutes controling him I got him a new party member and two evolutions
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>enter fairy type gym
the only good news is that in 20 years jasmine takes over with steel types
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the whole gym was double battles which sped things up and made it easier, first try. now to do the third gym in a row just to open up the path to goldenrod, fighting chuck
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This 100% shocked me, I thought Tatoogirl was going to lose and be left behind instead like the other ninja in this franchise Majime jobbed
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done. do you think poliwrath needs +attack/special attack/speed on entry? what about two?
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I really should learn to not speak so soon
>New portraits
t b h not too crazy on them from what I've seen posted in shitcord
obviously, chuddie
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It seems while drunk something happned to change my name
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I beat giovanni in front of his hot date and found a gap near the check-in station, this game doesn't have many faults like these so it's weird
immaculate taste, can't wait for the sakura and bijou glowups
this honestly sucks, i remember seeing this and thinking we could maybe have done a multi LP of it since it seemed interesting
i don't even think drilbur would help that much, unless you used something like the dachsbun + charm + workup + baton pass strat like i did to clear that fight desu
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alright, time to try out one of the winners of the gamejam for real. i don't remember if you touched this one, RG

berserk was pretty good and also a gen 2 inspired fangame (been playing a lot of those recently, damn) so this one's got big shoes to fill

my guess is that people have taken the isaacpill in terms of roguelites and just think all the best roguelikes are the ones where you start to snowball around the midgame
but isaac has actually interesting things going for it besides the fact you become retardedly OP very easily in that game
if it is, RIP to this general for a day or two at the very least, kek
it feels like rbgenesis, gen 2 art but kanto with shadow pokemon, where they had a neat idea and it's very bug free but at some point they were like "but wait it has to be difficult or people won't like it" and got hung up on that. I just got 3 badges and in total my level cap went from 62 to 70. The plot still hasn't moved on from the lighthouse btw, I'm now getting a fourth badge by finding bryce in ice path, and that will let me challenge bug boy dusty for a 5th. all without moving the plot forward...whatever fucking plot there is at this point. it's a real shame
If you don't want to grind just turn off the gp and plat autism.
isn't some of it required even on normal for some of the story bosses like the robot near the end of the future bit, psychic god kid, and fat fug woman? I don't mind it much since the money and gp/card grind can be done all at the same time but still
Ahh...it's going to be nice, playing shitty (or maybe good) fangames with a nice cup of tea while watching the crisp autumn leaves fall off the trees and the first snows settle

Too bad I'm still fucking cold

Let's do this shit. This title screen reminds me of Troondertale, and the Rosen team does not give me any faith

You'd think they'd play Team Rocket Edition and go 'yeah let's do that' kek
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Well then time to replace the current Fire Ghost I have on my team because this just makes sense
hope its not nearly as slow as rosen
we're starting this off in the schizo zone apparently

there's a 3x speed in the gen 2 pack or whatever it is, so hopefully that's good enough kek

this game definitely goes a bit too hard into the side cutsceneshit that don't have a grander impact on the story, but a good 90% of it is still kino kek
roll credits

so if this is anything like the other rosenfag game, it's going to be some weird schizo intro with people babbling about weird shit and then launch into the most generic pokemon journey ever except people act slightly weird and autistic
I don't think any of it is required if you turn it off. Just remember to turn it on again once you get the post game items to skip the grind.
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>immaculate taste, can't wait for the sakura and bijou glowups
Same kek
I'm pretty sure berserk was the only essentials gbc game I played from the game jam
I was more talking about the Dhelmise bit or the Prism Tower types of things rather than the GP/Card autism, though I guess that's base empyrean (iirc) rather than EoE
>Look at one of the threads to remind myself of some of the autism
>Immediately see the chessnigger/Arceus fusion
Man, the game's probably a lot funnier now thanks to the pokefucker leak kek maybe I'll replay it sometime soonish
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We literally have ghosts by our sides why are you even asking?
i don't really know what to think of this shit so far, basically it just seems like standard 8 gyms fare except weird schizo magic at the start, also there are 8 VICES (totally not GYMS) which raise your LEVEL LIMIT, and you also get a DREAMDEX (totally not a POKEDEX)

>there's no running shoes
genuinely going to start a petition to force the rosen devs into playing at least one sonic the hedgehog game
I still can't forget wifebeater zekrom
Pr*sm Tower is significantly less painful if you have the grind autism on, but that's post game so you'd have an easy time getting a maxed team.
All that's left is Suicune
>you get a pachirisu in the opening
>this lets the professor jew you out of picking a pokemon
fuck you faggot, i can SEE THEM ON THE TABLE

imagine if deso did something like this, you do that one sidequest to let you get the starters, you walk into the room with all the starters on the tables like reborn....then the scientist goes 'ope! i see you already caught some mons already! we have all the data we need, thank you!' then kicks you out

unrelated news, i have mental illness, but that's nothing new

>the eda glowup also got some mega milkers as well
holy fucking KVNO. BIG BOOBA sakura here we COME
i think my pachirisu might have more than a few diseases, bros.

also good fucking lord the load in to the battle is SLOW, what the FUCK is this dev's issue with speed

kek, it's worth going through EoE just for that magnificence again desu
>everybody on this route is a programmer who got laid off from their job or is interviewing at a company called cyber (i think the same one from rosen)

some real avant garde schizophrenia this time i see
i can get new

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