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>everything always revolves around sex and degeneracy
>not even a pure franchise like Pokémon is safe
The world is sad and repulsive.
Sex is kind of a big deal
cry more, kissless chincel kek
It's almost like the desire to procreate is one of the strongest motivating factors for a species to persist or something
Asexuals are fucking annoying as shit
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Asexuals are the most annoying women online I swear to god.
wholesome sex is literally gods gift to the world.
>Sapient creatures that are more than capable of consent are often attractive even by human standards
life and death is across all fables and religion, this is just another case of it
humans are the only species that are weird about sex
life revolves around making life
who woulda thunk it
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The goal of life is to reproduce. Shit or get off the pot.
I like my pokehusbando in purely platonic way.
a large portion of folklore focuses on stuff like this, sorry you had to find out this way
rape is unfortunately part of nature, what I mean is only humans build sex up to be a horrible and tainted thing that "ruins" things
I love sex so much bros.
He will make a pass on you and get his feelings hurt when you turn him down. Then your relationship will be awkward and you two will drift apart until he finds a nice wife who will bear him 4 children.
It's not all bad, Ursaring literally became a man's wife after being told her fur was pretty
Octillery and Lapras are just sluts though
>implying it's not a /pol/ puritan rightard
They hate sex because they'll never have it due to their repulsive personalities.
you are so fucking autistic. none of the stories are written with an ounce of eroticism. they are by the books ancient fables.
Wrong, asexuals are the most degenerate, kinkiest fuckers, they love sex with Pokemon.
Sex is literally the reason why we exist. Degeneracy is in our instincts. Deal with it you pussy.
>implying asexual women go on /vp/
All the women here are freaks
The three basic needs of any living being are shelter, sustenance and reproduction
Fucking kind of comes with the territory of being alive
Don't blame this shit on us you projecting bitch
most asexuals are sex neutral to sex positive even if they don't have an interest in it personally, it's literally the puriteens and the tenderqueers that are freakishly puritanical about a basic tenet of the human experience.
I have a wife and I view sex as an anti-intellectual and disgusting pleasure. I wish the concept didnt exist.

Maybe you are all just sub-human hedonists?
Children franchise, cope cumskull
>sex and degeneracy
sex made you, you prudish retard
You're the anti-intellectual here.
>basic tenet of the human experience

I agree that marital and monogomous sex is a basic tenet of the human experience.
I am annoyed by coomers as much as anyone else, but people who flip their lid over the barest mention of anything sexual in any context need to get the dick out of their ass.
Sex is the ultimate goal of life. Sorry you took too many hormones.
You're alive because of sex, you'll be okay.
isnt it lower IQ and lower impulse control people who have the most sex?
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>sinnohfag cries about degeneracy
Pokemon was always shit
They also eat the most food. Is food bad? Retard.
do you not understand how strange this is? sex is supposed to be how you connect to your wife. On a scale of one to 10 how autistic are you?
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Monogamy isn't natural, it was a necessary cultural invention to prevent Chad from hoggin all the cavewoman pussy.

Historically, only about 15 - 25 men reproduced for every 100 women. We can tell this by checking Y-chromosomes. Just like with Mitochondrial DNA, the sex life of your ancestors is written in your DNA. The majority of your female ancestors were sharing Chad cock with their 3 co-wives.
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>Is food bad?
Being fat is
You just know this guy's wife is fucking dudes on the side
>necessary cultural invention to prevent Chad from hoggin all the cavewoman pussy
and we've been genetically paying for it ever since
>oh my hecking science has validated my cuck fetish as natural existence
Yea, and so is getting aids from going to gay gangbangs, but that doesn't mean all sex is bad, retard.
Not over the past couple thousand years. The advent of civilization and hierarchies made it much more common for the high IQ elites to have oodles of children. In large part, the increasing size and intelligence of humans over the past couple thousand years can be attributed to nobles having loads of kids who superannuate out of royalty into nobility into peerage.

Basically, high IQ 6'0" Chad nobles were banging a shitton and producing tons of kids. Only one of those kids would inherit the house and the others' families would filter out into the lower rungs of the population. Them being taller, nicer looking, and more intelligent than the lower castes of society meant their Chad DNA filtered out into the wider population over time as they were more attractive and capable of supporting children.

This trend has been all but reversed in the past 150 or so years, though. Now the elites have maybe 1 or 2 children at most and the lower classes have several.
can you really blame her?
There is nothing more natural than sex, anon. Our greatest misstep as a species was to create the idea that sex is ugly, undignifying, dirty. You have been brainwashed by every authority in your life from a very young age.
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>cuck fetish

The more likely explanation is that the majority of men were dying from hunting, labor, and war. Women were at home making babies while the men were out doing dangerous shit and dying. Lower value men would end up dying as fodder in wars while the "Ubermensch" would live and come back to a huge gender disparity where most men were MIA.

Slavery also plays a huge part in this equation. Around 1/4th to 1/3rd of people historically (depending on the time period) would've been enslaved. Female slaves were housemaids and would often get to spend some time in their master's quarters. Male slaves were doing manual labor, running the master's businesses, and etc.
Are you confused?

you people who only think with your dicks are disgusting smelly uncontrolled animal brained freaks and should be kicked out of civil society.
civil society was invented by dick brained men to prevent them from killing each other over pussy
it was always the case
go on gcmatome and see japs bitching about double entendres in bw
game freak's routes are in sex. tajiri met sugimori at comiket and taught him how to draw minky momo

Intelligent, attractive people have more sex because they're intelligent and attractive and thus desirable. Ugly, stupid people have less sex. Such as yourself!
if people didn't think with their dicks, do you think you would be here now faggot
Puritans are fucking weird.
Intelligent and attractive people have more sex, yes, but nowadays they also use contraception, birth control, and abortions to not have kids.
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It wasn't in the main game it was probably just some interns spitballing a ton of designs and pieces of lore, most were just prototypes and ended up being scrapped.
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>sex is le bad and you're uhhhhhh dumber than me for thinking about it!!!! it's only for low-IQ monkeys!!!
>uhhhh no I don't know what IQ means but mine is super high
>because I don't think about sex, I only think about it to tell other people it's wrong!!!
Always did.
Love my onaholes, Kirlia, Meloetta, Hatterene etc.
>female umbreon, male espeon
holy based
what’s the context? i haven’t been to VP in years but twitter said some LEAK originated on here.
Pokésex confirmed Typhlosions are half human
OP is right.
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Longstory short
>Game Freak employee used work email on porn site
>Got phished
>1 TB of info got leaked onto Discord
>Discord got leaked
>Twatter and /vp/ have been digging through the leaks
>Twatter looked for the beta designs of Pokemon
>/vp/ looked for the Poke-smut written by the devs
look around the catalog, there's a bunch of stories where humans and pokemon fuck in the leaked files.
but is it actual canon? Or just the fan fiction of one horny emoloyee?

Also did any game news leak?
>Is it actual canon
It was intended to be so, alongside the Arceus Holy Trinity, but it was scrapped. A remnant of it remains in the Canalave library where there's a book that talks about when Pokemon and humans used to marry.

>Fan fiction
>An employee
let’s say i work for Legendary Studios. And I write fictional stories about DUNE, that doesn’t mean it’s canon. you know?
It's okay Anon everyone hates asexuals and Nintendo hates partialism posters (aka 99% of the board born after 1986)
What actually leaked were a bunch of beta materials for gen 3-5. Remember the "Pokemon and people used to marry" line in gen 4? It turned out to be a reference to a BUNCH of scrapped in-universe myths about people fucking Pokemon.

If you know any of the myths like The Grateful Crane, where the dude marries a bird, the myths are very akin to that.
It's in GF's official files, so it's not just some guy's fanfic.
>Absol's face is a fucking literal ying yang
holy shit
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>it thinks pokémon was pure
>it thinks Masuda's best friend and creator of the series wasn't totally on board with the lore
We TOLD you stupid cunts it was canon and common. You decided to stick your fingers in your ears and scream "LALALALALALALAICAN'THEARYOULALALAA" because you were never mature enough to look beyond your induction to the kiddy brand.
Coomers are worst, remember that Pokemon is a children franchise so OP is right to repulsed by the sex leaks. Quick reminder that you will never be the targeted audience
Purity is a relatively modern concept. Nature is brutal and unforgiving, and most of human history was the same.
several disney shows and movies are for children yet we know there is thousands of secret smut of those franchises made by employees.

quick reminder this is commonplace in the entire industry.
Find it funny that some people really needed a leak to find out that some trainers are created with the intention of being rule34'd.
Sex is part of life
>Blaming /pol/ for this
>A board where threads about replacing human females with pretty much *any* other females are semi-common
Dropping /pol/ in the pokéworld would result in a militant villain team that try to breed any pokémon in sight and try to make women illegal.
>after 1981
I know trannies aren't ready to hear this but a big part of life is breeding and producing offsprings!
You can find myths involving sex just like the ones in the leak in literally ANY culture. I don't think it's wrong to be against degeneracy but it's worse to be ignorant about the intent. Pick up a book.
cute feet, let me lick em
those finding don't say what you think they say. Throughout history, entire families/lineages were decimated thanks to famine and war. The "cucks" you say that never had children probably had them, but they never survived so their genes are not alive today. Real life is not your cuck loser fantasy.
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Thank you for visiting nigger
Poképhile board, poképhile franchise
The stories weren't even about sex. They didn't even mention the act of sex. They were folktales meant to convey a moral message, the same kind your ancestors used to share around a campfire.
the octillery/lapras one explicitly says the human mates with them
every single one involves the two parties conceiving a child, retard.
Ah the anti-poképhiles are just starting their next wave of cope. They can't abide Game Freak actually intentionally putting the poképhilia references in, they could handle it when there was plausible deniability or could just accuse us of seeing things that weren't there. Seeing it in writing in files dated back to their childhood obliterates all that entirely and leads them to reflect on not just this lore, but the implications for the entire series going back to Gen 1.
You're both low IQ morons that can't separate pornification of sex from procreation. The stories weren't about sex.
Does anyone have the original Japanese text stories?
>these two had sex to procreate
>nuh uh they didnt have sex
Ok but how are you going to prolong your species without having sex? Is your "civil society" invented mitosis or are you just a religious zealot's child like Chris-chan?
>OP is right to be repulsed by background lore made by GF employees
No. Just cause sex is never directly mentioned in the game doesn't mean that it doesn't exist there. The employees are clearly thinking about what role sex plays in the game, as these texts show. There's also canon human pregnancies and such. Sex is natural, they just don't mention it openly in Pokémon because a lot of children play it and children do not understand sex. There is no reason to be repulsed by this information as an adult.
But what if I'm a retarded american?
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>Sex bad.....because it just is!!!!!!!
join a monastery retard.
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Rapidash story was wholesome, actually
Agreed OP t. had my dickenballs broken as a child and never developed sexually
>Electric tiger with big breasts
90s as fuck
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Agreed. I wish some things were just allowed to remain pure...
Then you should continue to hate sex and glorify violence until you die because of some random schizo shooting you with his Walmart gun, I guess. Which is better than seeing a woman breastfeed in public, of course.
Hello Redblood
Procreative sex is still sex, you puritanical retard.
Fucking Jews used to have a whole ritual to cleanse themselves after it, even "for purposes of procreation, in God's eyes".
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I want to fuck Basculin
>not a single cunny story, but shitton of degenerate horse/octopus/monkey fucking

You fucking gamefreak bastards.
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Newsflash numbnuts, they had this attitude back in the 90's when writing it too.
Paedos get the rope kid. Handle it better.
Life exists because of sex
Sex = life
>GF explored the sexual relationships between Pokemon and humans
>Not about eating them

I know the manga explored it, but I'm talking about the main games.. But to be fair, I think this weird extra detail makes it as interesting as how some Pokemon can be eaten..
My-my hips are moving on their own!
Typhlosion got cunny
if one has a wife do it in private and dont talk about it in public like a weirdo
We knew this since usum, we could order food cook from pokemon in those restaurants
Oh shit I haven't played that one thanks for the correction
I don't think there's such a thing as a pure franchise, Anon. We can never know what's going on in the minds of the creators when they make things.
>in private
You mean just like how these text files were supposed to be private? Fucking dumbass
Society only exists because penises exploded balls deep inside vaginas over and over again. Get over it
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>design character that's a psychic ice witch that lures victims with it's powers to infatuate
>uh its actually just horny and wants to fuck human men that i self insert into
the only problem i have with this is the development of any interesting trait to simply "im horny". art can contain sex but pornography will never be art.
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Where does Froslass fit into all of this?

animal/human relationship folklore is numerous and thats what they were going for, the tauros and typhlosion stories involved human transformation

gamefreak are just prudes so cut out worldbuilding and settled on "lol they eat at the same table"
You're correct and based, but coomers will screech at you for not indulging in their degeneracy.
It's the exact same shit, except very thinky veiled to have plausible deniability.
I want to apologize to the writers of all the edgy Pokémon fangames. Apparently their writing is right on par with what Gamefreak cooks up behind the scenes themselves.
Don't waste your energy on a clear idiot/bait. You have to be the most braindead fucker on the planet to not understand the concept of sex-drive, how it unfolds differently between both genders and so on. Let the crazy man cry about how sex is revolting, he won't make babies to keep his legacy of stupid ideas anyway.
In the case of these stories, I think people are indeed overreacting because they are supposed to be the equivalent of real life folk tales, where it's not uncommon to anthropomorphize animals (e.g. swan maiden, sirens...).

However, I think Pokémon in general as a franchise always had a certain element of sexual titillation from the beginning, especially in the original Japanese versions. Nowadays it's more sanitized, but just to give some examples:
- In the first anime opening, one of the first lines is about a girl's skirt.
- Misty and her sisters are described as extraordinarily beautiful girls that captivate men.
- Many female characters have suggestive designs.
- Celadon Gym is full of beautiful girls to the point there are men who go there just to look at them.

You only think Pokemon is "pure" because you were a child and experienced a somewhat more sanitized localized version, but if you started watching the first Pokemon anime in Japanese today, you would definitely notice it has elements that sexually appeal to young boys, the original audience. The Pokemon world being full of young attractive girls makes the adventure more appealing. And now we have even more proof that this was the case, with those design documents describing sexy gym leaders.

There are very few "pure" franchises, apart from those aimed at children. Almost everything tries to sexually appeal to some group with things that they feel attracted to. I'd bet many asexual people probably follow the same patterns too (for example, asexual women might like media that depicts attractive men). In the end, humans are horny animals, expecting people to act in a "higher" sense will lead to disappointment.
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>pokemon wanted to make a MATURE game about SEX my proof is the content they cut out of the game to do the opposite and had pokemon magically hatch from eggs to avoid the subject entirely
>this would have been more marketable and successful than the pokemon we did get because zues turned into a heron and got someone pregnant
dead internet theory couldn't be real because ai could never come up with something so free of logic and pure of desire.
>gamefreak are just prudes so cut out worldbuilding and settled on "lol they eat at the same table"
The original Japanese text mentioned Pokemon marriage, it was the English localization that changed it to eating at the same table.
Drop your burger puritan mindset.
I'm so tired of the low-libido invalids bitching and moaning about sex.
>jynx clone does the same shit
thanks my point didn't really need reinforcing but your example is better than something i could have come up with
Video games are not any of these three. They do not provide any of these three. What about it being necessary for society to function makes it necessary for games?
>2nd most sexless nation on earth makes a game about animals and friendship
>this one 10 cutaway gag in it's anime on episode #994 out of #1269 where a toddlermon has an innocent fantasy of marrying a human proves it for real this time
i hate this shit, i wish these leaks never happened
i hope they turn out to be fake and it was all just a 2 year multi-person troll effort
i wish that was the case too but GF released a statement acknowledging they're real
anon gamefreak has already admitted to a data breach
For me, it's Vulpix gynophagia.
The Jaffe memo was effective
What point? That you're seething about growing up, being told the secret of the games you played, denying it, then getting put in your bitch place by a leak from the same company who made those games proving it's not just the fictions of Anon on the interwebs? Because that's the only point I'm getting off you - another mad little bitch fuming he got her stories wrong and her sexless mama DIDN'T write the scripts.
Where is this leak? Centro didn't post about this afaik.
>they wanted to make pikachu look like felicia from darkstalkers but bad
Alolan Vulpix is better
>noooooooo, not my hecking cute and wholesome franch- ACK
Pics or you made it up.
You VILL have sex with ze Pokemon and you VILL like it!
Several steps ahead of you already Franz.
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>In the Battle Maison from Pokémon X and Y, Beauty Nova is implied to be transgender. She says that she was reborn as a Beauty after originally being a Black Belt (a male-only Trainer class); in the Japanese versions, she credits this transformation to medical science.
Why do people keep talking about reproduction and prolonging the species in relation to fucking Laprases
They can't reproduce with humans so it is purely a depraved act of animal rape, you can't justify it with le instinctive drive to propagate muh genes
stop, i'm getting turned on
is this not in the english version too?
>They can't reproduce with humans
That's not what the leaks say. The story literally has a man impregnate the Lapras who then sends their child to live with him on land.
It makes sense from an evolutionary and socisl perspective. And by that I mean its probably a reaction to stop diseases and rape. It is weird tho

But also fucking childrens videogame animals is pretty weird
Lapras is not part of the humanshape egg group
You bring up a good point. Especially since most people here watched and played the English localisations, which censored quite a lot. It removed all innuendos from the gen 5 ferris wheel dialogue, for example. I played it in German which correctly translated the Japanese text.

Pokémon always had very mildly suggestive content, same with many other children's media like Disney movies and whatnot. Double entendre jokes are a classic. It's not the pure and innocent franchise that some people here seem to think it is. Tons of characters are designed and written with sexual attraction in mind, even to this day. It's just obviously not too blatant to cause controversy by being featured in a children's game. But saying that Pokémon has "no sexual elements" is delusional.
they are now
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Always was canon for the last 20 fucking years or so
Neither are Octillery but here we are
read some Bataille you german-idealist virgin
Some backwater 1800s jap peasant making up a folktale to justify him fucking a beach dolphin doesn't change reality anon
maybe not lapras
the octopus thing is a pretty famous Japanese art though

Got some news for ya anon,pokemon aren't real
Humans are compatible with all pokemon because one of them gave God that good of a dicking.
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>The human in question
Game Freak would NEVER
List of Pokemon that have made babies with humans:

>the women were actual female pokemon
>according to my cut content that wasn't included in the game
only if you are american
the rest of the world understands sex differently, you fags for some reason think it's something inherently evil and degenerate
Anon just admit you're afraid of sex because you never seen a vagina before and please rope yourself you fucking faggot.
It's so fucked cause they think violence is fine but sex is evil. Americans are fucked in the head.
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>everything always revolves around sex
More or less.
>and degeneracy
Not so much. I mean jacking off to chinese cartoons isn't the most constructive thing you could be doing, but you could do a whole hell of a lot worse. You think the issue is bigger than it is because you're pretending to be a paragon of morality amongst a bunch of anons all condensed in one place having fun on an anonymous horny posting board.
>not even a pure franchise like Pokémon
Never was. Devs and artists are among the OG of horny posters. This leak is out because the employee was getting his PP UP on a porn site.
>The world is sad and repulsive
Curb your enthusiasm.
It's hypocritical, America is the most depraved sex addicted country out there and yet they pretend to be puritans.
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Game mechanics aren't canon fuckwad.
Which I always found weird,considering America has the most sex oriented ads and content ,but are prudish .
With the Rapidash it was only implied, but not confirmed
humans are part of the ditto egg group
>If there's a hole there's a way
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Anon why do you think people got married?
Pokemon is a social game, it's basically a idealized version of the real world. It includes all the 3 characteristics he mentioned because it's simply part of nature.
What the FUCK happened.
Someone had sex to give birth to you. It's only natural, stop being a sad sack of shit.
Anti-sexual femanons got BTFO and have been having a melty all day. Turns out Game Freak has human x Pokemon smutfics that they still haven't deleted even 19 years after writing them.
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You lost years ago and acted as if you'd won all this time.
post face
you sound incredibly mad, yet you wont do shit
Froslass story in PLA.
>Literally the ugliest Pokemon design ever
What are you trying to prove?
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Ash fucks Pikachu in the butt. It all adds up.
>Emergency onahole
Legends Arceus gets funnier when you realize its in that time this BS is going on
Who is surprised?
There has many so many bipedal furry-bait pokemon in the last several generations. Did you think this was sheer coincidence?
Slaking too
most femanons want to fuck inteleon, are you okay?
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Not the anti-sexual ones. Those are the ones whining about muh coomers
I have only just been able to get out of the hospital in like two weeks, forgive me for not being on here every single hour of every single day.
What. Happened.
Fucking animals did not build society you ugly subversive juden
>Anti-sexual femanons
LOL you don't seriously believe those retards post here, do you?? You'll find them on tumblr but femanons are freaks who want to fuck Kieran and Pokémon
Leaks included a bunch of drafts for the sinnoh folklore stories that would have ended up in the library, most involved sex.
Huge leaks. Read: >>56578895
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sex bad
>He doesn't know
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>you sound incredibly mad, yet you won't do shit
Go back to twitter
I get you bro. At least they didn't directly add this crap to the canon. Just like a lore bible thing.
Wrong, I'm a man.
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You're the one to browse twitter you massive fucking faggot. kys
Why does this young girl have men's feet?
Weird I jerk off to women sucking off IRL dogs but cant get a boner to this
How did they know??? Typholsion is a very specific choice.
By the source code of Seymour Cray.
How are people THAT fucking stupid, to use corporate email addresses for PRIVATE USE.
My boss told me if I ever did that, he would literally murder me.
Is there a Mega to the files?
I know that these types of """people""" would never come here because they'd be riddled with guilt. Puritards berate and bully others because they can't deal with their own conscience due to severe mental health problems
Typhlosion is pretty popular with female Pokephiles
But pairing it with the gen 4 library text still seems like a huge coincidence.
missing Froslass
There's a dude running for office used his personal email to comment on extreme porn websites, NEVER underestimate a human's ability to be a fucking retard.
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How do you know?
are you one?
>https://mirrorace org/m/4D7t5
doew that mean pokemon nsfw is now allowed since its pokephilia is allowed by nintendo?
this sounds like blatant projection
By that logic then why cry like a bitch by making this thread?
Oh yeah, the self hating black man with daddy issues.
This is why I never want to run for office.
Thank you. It shall be catalogued, and archived.
I think the comic was made after PLA was announced with Cyndaquil as a starter. Plus Dawn has a Quilava in the anime.
Sex looks so good bros, wish I could find some
Reminds me of that one time a Nintendo Treehouse senior employee (who's a shameless fempedo and allowed other men to assfuck her fiancee), who got fired from her post only after she started her corporate Twitter account to shill her OlnyFans instead of personal one (that had no traction by comparison).
bro...we can find out together..
Yeah, I can absolutely see some retarded shit I said on t'internet as a youngin bubbling back up if I ever did. Best to keep the head down as always.
i didn't make this thread and i don't care what the pokephiles are cooming to, im just arguing against people that think gamefreak is going to throw their company into the garbage to satisfy some weird pokemon fetish based headcanon idea of what the plot should be.
both them and OP are incorrect on this.
wtf is the context to this?
bullet punch kills fluttermane instantly
I do the cross-on-face thing too when I want to skip any facial detailing
probably because of madness combat not even gonna lie
Cheeky brat being corrected. Flutter got too cocky.
You wouldnt be here if humans didnt think with their dicks, this is literally part of our nature, faggot
And I talk to other women I met through /vp/
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so who's your top 5?
I hate modernity and our shameless behavior.
An asexual being kinky as fuck means they arent asexual because they do have sex drive
we wouldn't be here if humans spent all day fantasizing about fucking animal monsters from a japanese businessman's imagination instead of procreating with real human pussy
do you think about how much you want to fuck the pancake as you flip it
What the fuck? Sauce?
She sounds fucking based
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>When Typhlosion finds a little boy by himself
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Gen 4 was a mistake.
Pokemania kids always knew it but sadly DSzoomers were too blinded by nostalgia and furry grooming to see the truth.
How will GameFREAK ever recover?
Having cute fatties is a net positive, i love fat bodies
>humans are the only species that are weird about sex
Sexuality is exceedingly core to the human experience. Of course sex is part of the world of Pokemon, you wouldn't be surprised or disgusted of food or conflict were involved.

It isn't a sign of good mental health to be scared of sexuality.
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The stories are about sex, but they aren't porn stories. Because it's still a kids game.

Marrying implies SEX.
Whether its canon or not, it shows that gamefreak endorses and/or is fine with pokephilia.
After all, it's in GF's repo of pokemon-related information alongside inspirations for and the official ages of trainers that appear in the games and anime.
Relax, none of this made it into the final game, none of this matters.
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im a male anon and i like typhlosion because i like my bitches thick. muscle or chub i got a quickness for the thickness
>Posts a foot fetish pic
nice bait
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>Gen 4 was a mistake.
>Most of the mons coming out for this are from Gen 2 and 3 ]
Own up to your sins Hoenn bab
Someone check up on this dudes pets
It's just the MURRICAN christian puritanism ruining the fun of other cultures.
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the pokemon likely didn't exist at this point since this is establishing the lore, you just know that water typhlosion was made out of lust for the mustelid
you were born because dad emptied his fat nuts on your mother you fucking virgin lmao
get fucked and get laid
Of Pokémon I would fug? Good question, never really thought about it desu
I like kaijumons like Aggron, Noivern is also very sexy. The Raidons are hot too, and who doesn't love Scolipede?
Blame christianism.

Every culture around the world wasn't anti-sex but christianism considered it a SIN.

Greeks invented orgies, japanese invented femboys.

Egyptians invented DILDOS.
Their statues depicted BIG COCKS that the BRITS removed because "oh the immorality for bloody sake"
>everything always revolves around sex and degeneracy
>not even a pure franchise like Pokémon is safe
Where have you been?
>In the journal of Francis Hall, an American businessperson who arrived in Yokohama in 1859, he described shunga as "vile pictures executed in the best style Japanese art."[5] Hayakawa stated that Hall was shocked and disgusted when on two occasions his Japanese acquaintances and their wives showed him shunga at their homes.[5] Shunga also faced problems in Western museums in the twentieth century; Peter Webb reported that while engaged in research for a 1975 publication, he was initially informed that no relevant material existed in the British Museum, and when finally allowed access to it, he was told that it "could not possibly be exhibited to the public" and had not been catalogued. In 2014 he revisited the museum, which had an exhibition entirely of shunga "proudly displayed".[6]

They actually destroyed everything that wasn't partialism and mentally ill at one point to curate it. Lmao. Shunga was noted for its genital focus too.
Yeah. Oh sure it's totally fine this game with warfare and people's guts flying over the screen is suitable for kids +12 but, implying SEX? Satan go away.

Remember how murricans tried to ban Harry Potter because "it's witchcraft"?
Asexuality is a (lack of) attraction, not a sex-drive or libido. They're not sexually attracted to real beings.
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you should kill yourself NOW
Actual Christian countries like Poland aren't nearly as puritan as the US
So it took an anti-sex religion to finally develop advanced civilization? Also, Dionysian orgies were a very specific ritual, they were neither the same as modern orgies nor widely accepted (Dionysian cults were elite stuff despised by the average Joe, like freemasonry).
Lol, why?
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Aren't those leaked stories meant to be Pokemon's equivalent to real life ancient folktales? There really isn't an element of erotism to them. Weird how OP's take on the subject is "it's all degeneracy".
Please kill yourself already Magneto
Japanese folktales with kitsunes and tanukis talk about how they turned into sexy woman to get free food from landlords. In exchange for obvious favors.

You're surprised anime is so unapologetically HORNY?

Sex is normal sex is natural sex is the only reason you are here. Embrace SEX.
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>after she started *using* her corporate Twitter account to shill her OlnyFans

You already forgot about this SJW and her hypocritical degeneracy?
Asexual means a lack of interest in sex.
But an asexual can have a romantic interest or even platonic.

Same as Hypersexual, they aren't orientations they're the DEGREE these people value sex as part of their relationships.
Holy fucking based. Great taste and it seems we would some of the same too (+1 for Scoilipede).
>flaotzel, lucario, weavile, glaceon, leafeon, gallade, lopunny, froslass, shinx
I bet they jerked off to their fanfics when making the sinnoh dex
>The most degenerate so far is a Gen 1 poster child
being normal is a huge priority on nu-4chan so they try to rearrange innocent stuff like bathing with tentacool (common practice for parents to bathe with their kids) into tentacle fetish porn baked directly into gamefreaks undeniable prerogative when creating pokemon games rather than just some weird shit your autistic lonely ass is jerking off too
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You have to be eighteen to post here.
The octillery story literally says the man fucked it.

Stop it with the puritanism.
Anon, there's no story about a guy fucking an Octillery in Pokemon. Are you sure you aren't confusing the games with something you saw on the internet?
Pretty sire slaking rape and mind control typhlosion are worse anon
Mentally ill Americans think that all mentions of sex are evil.
Are the underage in this room with us now?
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Sure kid, whatever you say.
They certainly chose an odd scene to turn into a brick joke.
I can't believe there was a chance for the Hoenn Dex to be not entirely shit.
>pokemon manga which is known for it's brilliant pacing and theme consistency
dang anon you got me, GF really does want to support .02% of pokefuckers and do away with the rest of earth who find this shit weird and revolting, this panel from 1996 being slightly awkward when interpreted by a westerner is concrete proof that goes without a shadow of a doubt
>this idea that was so retarded it was left on the cutting room floor created by someone who most likely no longer works at TPC proves it!
Nice. I also forgot to mention Silvally, that credits scene of it licking Gladion's face awakened something in me man. Wonder if they knew, knowing what we know now lol
Nah, it's not such a big deal in other Christian countries, it's a burger protestantism issue.
It's not pol, its leftists that never heard of Assemblywomen and doesn't realized they were refuted 2000 years ago.
What about Pokeboys though?
>anime ep introducing Ninetales was a version of the Kitsune bride myth
>Froslass' entire existence is due to the Yuki-Onna myth wholesale (down to sparing the life of the man who fathered her children in L: A)
>Salandit and Salazzle's entire lore
>Meowscarada being described as jealous and clingy
I actually like them more than Pokémon desu. But it's not really the right thread to talk about
But this thread is about Pokeboys fucking Pokemon thoughever
Did you had a meltdown when you discovered babies are not delivered by storks?
idk what schizo nonsense ur on about im a tranny and i enjoy posting "arceus is built for human cock"
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Asexual means a lack in sexual attraction, interest in the act of sex differs to the individual. Asexual may or may not be into fucking their partners, but they don't find them sexy either way. Most asexuals I've met are into weird fictional cartoon porn.
Hypersexuality is a disorder that prevents a person from doing activities normally because they're constantly having intrusive sexual thoughts or compulsions.
A) Don't talk like that, B) This is a thread for laughing at idiots who thought the brand wasn't made by human men and women who explored their wildest concepts though their creative mediums.

I guess so lol
I do think that male human x female Pokémon with more focus on the male character (or at least him not being a faceless man) is very underrated
I also wish there was more human male x human female x Pokémon content
idiots who make nothing projecting their mundane, boring fantasies on people who created truly emotional media that captured the hearts of millions.
That's what puriteens really are, just uncreative, uninteresting losers, Too lazy to work in any artistic medium besides complaining. Don't worry, they always find something to be passionate about eventually. Try to remember this thread when that happens, for a little extra twinge of hindsight embarrassment!
Puritans just can't deal with their own guilt of enjoying things that others arbitrarily define as "immoral" without critically thinking about whether it actually is immoral or not
wow, anon ive already conceded you don't have to throw more mentally insane stretches beyond the limits of the human imagination
no point in digging further when you've hit oil, i think it's fairly obvious by now that gamefreak is 100% secretly run by coomers and people who are disgusted by inter-species relations involving sex are the real bigots
>gamefreak is 100% secretly run by coomers and people who are disgusted by inter-species relations involving sex are the real bigots
Unironically yes
Why else do Pokémon like Salazzle exist
GF is run by freaks like Shudo who almost drank himself to death because his beloved Lugia got a male voice in the movie
Sex with Pokemon :)
This was my thought as well, it's clearly supposed to be like folktales explaining odd or curious parts of Pokemon. I don't know how many Greek myths exist whose set-up and punchline is "Zeus fucks what he wants, when he wants."

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