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>Eww Gamefreak is disgusting why would they write lore like this?!?!
>meanwhile actual humans IRL...
>here's some woke bullshit some tranny with an art degree made, this proves your argument invalid!
Nice bait
you're equating rape with breastfeeding?
I hate to be that person but, you know people still have sex with their pets. Cats and dogs are being used as we speak
Zeus became a swan and fucked a woman.
Loki became a horse and got fucked by a horse.
How is the pokélore different to irl myths?
The 'female wolf' who raised Romulus and Remus as kids was a euphemism for prostitute that some took too literally.
so like Zeus becoming rain or a swan and raping women? At least the slaking was doing it for revenge not just because it was horny.
>La Lupa Capitolina "the Capitoline Wolf". Traditional scholarship says the wolf-figure is Etruscan, 5th century BC. The figures of Romulus and Remus were added in the 15th century AD by Antonio del Pollaiuolo. Some modern research suggests that the she-wolf may be a Romanesque sculpture dating from the 13th century AD.[1]
Anons that is the myth of rome's birth, those two kids are Romolus and Remus.
I remember in history class my teacher told me that the latin word for whore and wolf were similar, and that in the Aenaid Vergil explicitly made it a wolf to hide the fact that Romulus and Remus were raised by a hooker.
hello zoomzoom newfags taking the bait way too easily, reminder that centro is a NIGGER
Those stories were condemned by the writers who published them. The whole point to them was that their gods are disgusting but still got control over them. GF just managed to do the basic 'ANIMALS AND HUMANS FUCK LMAOOOOO' without going any deeper because some brainlet intern wrote it
The Pokemon myths would also be allegorical in-universe though. Like the Slaking and Rapidash ones especially have a very obvious lesson to them.
>some woke bullshit some tranny with an art degree made
I hope you're joking.
Absolute brainlet takes.
>Yeah vergil makes up so many things but he's scared about not calling Rome's mother a whore despite NOT KNOWING HIMSELF
I mean obviously, but that's besides the point
The Turkish origin myth is that an orphan fucked a wolf which gave birth to the Turkish people and the wolf is today considered a national symbol.
When are the aesir described as disgusting? The olympians are criticised by the greek but the aesir are never criticised by the norse despite being the woke lgbt+ pantheon.
Her name is Asena show some respect.
There are plenty of yokai stories of animal-human hybrids marrying humans like the kitsune, i'm almost sure the "don't look at my face" was done by eros and the crane wife story before, also therr's that mountain spirit that tells the dude never to mention she rescued him and like 30 years later he tells his wife just to realise his "wife" was that mountsin spirit and disappears.
Amerifat education or bait, too hard to tell.
Vergil cared about not calling Rome’s mother a whore because the Aeneid was one of the only real pieces of literature that ever came out of Rome. It was supposed to be a tale of honor and duty, which was what Rome was all about, and hookers did not fall in line with that. I believe that it is for this reason that Vergil chose to make her a wolf. You gotta put it in the context of the time.
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this 'brainlet intern' of yours that wrote ALL these stories is still writing for the games you retard
makes sense tho because the writing has been shit ever since gen 4
What? At least I can hope it doesn't translate to whore in their language.

>When are the aesir described as disgusting?
I sure hope they are. I once wanted to look into norse mythology but I saw that everyone interested is a brainlet or thinks they are le based because Christianity bad

If you need to travel to the other side of the world in order to prove your point you've proven the opposite.

And then he makes it so obvious? Just feels to me like modern academia trying to demolish anything good, again.

>Started one gen before
>Map and game design
>Starting with ORAS, Nakatsui has been mostly involved with coordinating concepts for characters and pokemon, as well as wirting pokedex entries
Did they just have too many writers or why did they wait to give him any responsibility regarding writing over half a decade AFTER he wanted to fuck pokemon? This is worse than being an intern for writing, he wasn't even allowed anywhere near the lore
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>If you need to travel to the other side of the world
You do realise Pokémon is a Japanese franchise, don't you? Yokai are local legends to them
>If you need to travel to the other side of the world in order to prove your point you've proven the opposite.
Nigger it's a Japanese company writing Japanese-style youkai myths for the worldbuilding of their Japan-inspired setting.
>I sure hope they are.
They aren't, norsemen were supersticious and didn't even like saying the Aesir's name out loud before the christians conquered/converted them.
watching the puristfags cope is so funny
Pokémon is a SEX franchise where humans FUCK the magical animals, cope harder
>and didn't even like saying the Aesir's name out loud
So why the fuck did they name the days of the week after them?
>You do realise Pokémon is a Japanese franchise, don't you?
Ok, so why did the first arguments start about European mythology? Sounds like you first needed to establish something wrongful because you got no clue.

See above

Insanely cucked, even more than the Greeks.
>Ok, so why did the first arguments start about European mythology?
Because people on an English-speaking website are going to be more familiar with European mythology so it's easier to use as an example.
Yeah it's folklore. I'm really loving it, I am a massive nerd when it comes to my own countries folklore and when reading the stories like the Rapidash one for example. I could see similarities to a story from Scotland as well with the Cailleach coming in the form of an old woman to warn hunters about which deer you may have and which you may not.
And able to immediately disprove your bs. So fuck off
there's one in my country about a nun that fucked a priest and got turned into a mule with a flaming head
>no gay rape myth
I sleep
Why are Americans so stupid? Educated conservatives, these are the guys on your side you know.
The names for the days are probably the secret name, just like hebrews said Adonai, sabaoth, elohim etc instead of yhwh. The greeks did thesame with their chtonic gods, that's why persephone is kore (girl). The same probably goes for Odin/Wotan.
That's really cool. I love folklore and the stories and history it tells and I love that Gamefreak were looking into various of these and made their own. Such awesome world building
Because I assumed (correctly) you were a retard and would need something more familiar to you.
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>disprove your bs
When? Greeks talking shit about the gods doesn't disprove anything, the Minotaur still was born because Minos wife decided to fuck a bull.
Don't forget Turkey was founded by a wolf finding a boy hot
>just like hebrews said Adonai, sabaoth, elohim etc instead of yhwh.
These are not 'secret names' though. They are different words pointing towards God. If you some Doctor Smith and you say 'The Doctor' it's not 'a secret name'.

To show you're talking out of your ass

Because OP pretended like it's normal to fuck animals while the Greeks condemned it. This is like reading a dystopia and thinking the author wishes for the world to turn into what he described.
it's obviously bait
culture war spergs love revisionism but even the most retarded of them isn't this dense
>These are not 'secret names' though
They are. Only priests could say the true name of god and only during specific dates. Don't you know anything?
>To show you're talking out of your ass
You're a retard
>Because OP pretended like it's normal to fuck animals
Where? OP just pointed out that similar stories exist throughout the myths of the world.
No, saying 'The Name' is not a secret name. It's a pointer towards God. That the high priest says the actual name of God does not mean that the other terms are 'names'. I have shown this with an example.

Don't care about a furry's opinion

And again, the examples given are among cuckery, suddenly remembering that japan isn't europe and straight up wrong head canons.
/vp/ is the most retarded board on 4chan.
You faggots cant even spot a bait post like this.
I'm not a furry. You're just stupid.
>n-no le heckin wholesome europerinos weren't like that
>huh? those myths? t-those don't count because... because I says so!
Kys, loki gave birth to a horse, a dog and a zombie. And rhat's without going iver the fucked up shit the slav niggers have on their myths.
>No vergil is scared to say rome comes from a prostitute so he makes it obvious to everyone despite making up so much bs already
>No the Greeks loved their rapist gods that controlled them and the last time something good happened to them outside of one of their rapist gods having mercy the bringer of knowledge got tortured every day until he submitted to the head rapist
>No the norse totally loved their animalfucking gods. I know that because they were even too scared to say their names
>Something something I remembered the company is japanese only after you showed how all of my previous arguments are in vain

See above.
>it's not true!!! because I say so
Their whole written language and retarded way of NOT writing down vowels was all due to them not wanting the true name of god written down. You can't deny this shit. They use the "four letter word" to refer to god even today (tetragrammaton).
If you said the name of odin at night you were inviting the great hunt (basically asking for death).
Early christians avoided using Jesus' name that's why people are named salvatore (savior) as a way not to use the divine name.
Comes from homeschooling and sheltering kids.
cope nigger
No no no, don't come with this shit, it doesn't hit the same when we are talking about the highest grossing franchise out there
Are you baiting or something? Them liking their rapist deities isn't any different from Christians liking a deity who wiped them out repeatedly across history.
Holy shit rightoids are actually fucking retarded this is why you will NEVER win a culture war.
t. samefaggotry
>Why are Americans so stupid?
mostly artificial food with little to no nutritional value, combined with lead-polluted water and air, stunts brain growth during childhood
No it's not true because Adonai, Ha shem etc are all words. This is like saying Christians saying 'Lord' are trying to say 'Jesus'.
>Their whole written language and retarded way of NOT writing down vowels was all due to them not wanting the true name of god written down. You can't deny this shit. They use the "four letter word" to refer to god even today (tetragrammaton).
Incorrect. It's because of how the language developed. Do you think Hebrew spawned out of thin air? Also if they use the tetragrammaton today (you at least got that right) then it's a pointer to God, not a 'secret name'.
>Early christians avoided using Jesus' name
Funny headcannon. Galatians immediately mentions Jesus. Same as Romans, 1 cor, 2 cor, eph, philippians, col, 1 the, 2 the, 1 tim, 2 tim, tit, philemon, heb, jam, 1 pet, 2 pet, 1 john, 2 john, jude, rev and acts. Literally all of the NT except for the gospel which obviously mention Jesus by His name. Acts was written by 62 AD and we can assume that the majority of Paul's letters were written before that. So you claim there's a less than 30 year window (since people called Him Jesus before the crucifixion obviously) in which they didn't call Him Jesus? I doubt it. BTW in most letters I did find in the first chapter the usage of 'Jesus Christ' or variations therefore much more often than savior.

>They all like being absolutely cucked
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?
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>Ancient cultures developing oral tradition over thousands of years that symbolize and glorify the creation of their nation-state, culture, and values.
>Sweaty, anti-social, self-indulgent porn addicts writing beastiality fanfic to get off to.

These are not the same.
All of you are pawns in my game.
>"I am merely pretending"
we know
The mass replying suggests you were just a retard originally
The pokélore aren't horny fanfics, they are myths for reference.
He admitted he was bait here >>56585346
I'm not too late to post it
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