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So what's the reaction of the japanese fanbase? Are they even aware of the leaks? And what do they think about the material?
>opinion, japan
fucking idiot
The same as here. Nothing changes.
Japs are even bigger degenerates so probably they are very happy.
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They're obviously unhappy, leaks and hacks are seen as shameful crimes there.
There have been threads on 2chan
>leaks and hacks are seen as shameful crimes there
Japbots are zealous GF worshippers so they probably think peoples' sexual opinions of GF's sexlore is disgraceful and direspectful to the company's creative talents and see nothing strange about it
What Splatoon art? Did stuff get leaked there too?
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Comments from YouTube
>Palworld mentioned out of nowhere
Do they really think Palworld hacked Gamefreak just to leak Human on Pokemon fucking fanfic?
I hope they realize that so far only old crap's been leaked
>I want to play pokemon as soon as possible in my shortlife
Fucking hell, Japanese are so mentally broken by their fucking robot society
They're fucking seething. Funny as fuck
How is this comparable to Twitter sjws complaining about splatoon art
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>it's still too early for foreigners to enjoy Japanese art
Are any threads we can check? I can't understand moonrunes
The Japanese are too busy posting pictures of their fish dinner or of their SSR pull from some gacha nobody cares about.
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He's probably regerring to picrel. She's a flat chested fenale so a bunch of ameritards claimed she was non binary and nintendo had to make an official statement confirming that she's just a girl.
Same shit happened with juniper from xenoblade chronicles 3, but that was small enough that ninty never spoke about it.
A very popular artist drew art of Marina from Splatoon with slightly light skin and Western zoomers chimped out at him for "whitewashing"
But source codes of unreleased games have been compromised already, even if they haven’t been leaked yet
Pop Team Epic creator drew Marina in a lighter shade of brown
Take a guess what happened next
to be fair, that would be really, really fucking funny
God damn. How bad must life in Japan be to write that last comment?
Bkub drew a Marina fanart with too light skintone
No, they think GF got hacked by fags that were upset at them because of the Palworld lawsuit.
i hope the new game takes six years to develop maybe it'll be good again instead of rushed garbage to placate suicidal japanese people
Those bootlickers are probably fuming that someone is besmirching their Overlord Pokemon Brand, they are slaves to the Pokemon corporation. In the end who gives a fuck what they think.
God this was ridiculous
I hate these bug men so much, their opinion on anything should never be taken serious.
Ah, now i remember that dumb stuff. Wish i hadn't
Oh, so that's it. I thought it was something more scandalous, but i guess it's fair enough when it comes to the Twitter breed
sad, but not surprised. nips are the #1 corporate bootlickers
nips are such consumers, literal cuck country
I hope ZA somehow leaks through the cracks, just to see these retards seethe for the next couple of years.
And yet you've spent your entire pathetic life playing a game made by them, for them, and the second they tried to pander to (You), the series shat itself, never recovered, and you have only your clansmen to blame for it.
Go suck a chink dick fag
>I'd like to send some support money to Game Freak
Jesus christ, why are Japanese such mindless consoomers?
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>Literally pic related
Kek. Jap tendies truly are meme magic
japs really are the tamest, most cucked race on the planet
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Materialism for Americans is our way of life. It’s not so much about personal value as it is expectation.

Bomb-survivors, on the other hand, have this stuff out of emotional necessity. If they don’t get a new rpg with toodee-tits being flaunted in their face every month, it will be like depriving them of oxygen.

This attitude has only infested stateside, alongside the rest of their soulless cultural invasion.
he was praised for his artistic skills!
they are fucking retards, this is a huge piece of history, and we should keep digging for betas and prototypes, this is unfortunate but great
>I hated the Masuda regime
>it's time to stop leaving Pokémon to Game Freak
I like the cut of these guy's jib...
>end the masuda regime
>if you pretend to not see them they will be gone
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>it's time to stop leaving Pokémon to Game Freak
>I hate the Masuda regime so it's okay for it to end.
The only non-cucked nip
link me
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>the FBI is likely to take action again
@Nintendo @Gamefreak @FBI @CIA @MOSSAD
These fucking cuckolds
OP is a hero, and they hate him because he tells the truth
I'm beginning to understand why Germany and Japan were allies during World War 2
To be fair I'm sure you could easily find 20 posts in English saying the same retarded shit
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>Look at these cucks defending Game Freak, we illustrious Westerners would never do such a thing! We would never act like blind consoomers!
Mentally ills don't count as people
Could be from a senior.
>latinx flag
>gay flag
nightmare mode
>palword out of nowhere
That makes it worse>>56587677
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I posted the 2chan thread a while ago
>the negative effects of globalization is that you can’t lick boots as much as you want to
Yeah man, that’s the problem here
This is hilarious. This is the drawing they said is too light.
The fact that the only thing /vp/ universally agrees on is that Japanese are retarded consumers fills my heart with joy.
Pathetic cuck bugmen consoomers

Inshallah this is why mentally ill western zoomers rape them every day in replies to arts and they deserve it for buckbreaking to them like the spineless wretches they are
thats why we call japan just consoom
I'm black, and that shade looks perfect given the style.

This sucks. Less than .05% of Ameriniggas even know what Splatoon is and now everybody's gotta deal with this shitstain.
Nipnongs arent even moralfags they're lawfags on the level of the most braindead tumblrtard
This is a non-issue. Only one mentally retarded gaijin took issue with it, and got a couple likes because they had a following. The artist then responded in an inflammatory, overblown manner, Streisanding the issue into a mountain. (Recent mangaka have a bad track record with this.)
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If companies made their initial beta designs and concepts open to the public they would get less hacker attacks. They could sell it ass books for money. I don't know how they can be so blind to what their audience want
If true, your brain is infested with Whiteness. Popular art styles (especially in East Asia) suffer from being whitewashed, even white people are represented whiter than they really are.

The world will heal when netizens stop excusing systemic racism with "I'm blahblah, and I'm fine with this and agree with the status quo".
I’m a tourist here to see the leaks and I approve this message.
I wouldn't call death threats a non-issue anon. Then coming from the other side of the world is beside the point.
the Internet was better when moralfags weren't everywhere
when persona 4 released nobody was retarded enough to think that with all information the game gives you, Naoto somehow isn't a woman
but nowadays there are retards who claim she's trans or whatever
Even the Seiyuu of Marina, got harassed for saying the art was fine.
Yeah I've heard before elsewhere a lot of japs refuse to even look at things like datamines for the gachaslop they play.
very strange folk
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First off, even in the blank community, le dark chocolate shade isn't for everyone.

Secondly, shades get changed up all the time. Picrel has the consistency of a Spinda.
youre gonna shit on for this reply even though you are correct
its a drawing, no one but the mentally ill fucking cares
>twitterfags when a black skinned character is X shades too light: "reee whitewashing"
>twitterfags when somebody turns a character that's clearly fair skinned in original into a black person and people call them out: "reee racist nazis"
i will not bend the knee to this nonsense
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He correct & being absolutely insane & should focus their time & energy on helping out their local community instead of being terminally online
Morals are what keeps society going. Yes, Naoto is of the female sex, but since our understanding of the world evolves, it is correct to call them "trans" or "non-binary". On that point, Naoto's dungeon was based on their justified fears over mutilating their body to match the image of a "man". Unfortunately, nuance is dead.
Japanese people are generally respectful of the rules because the most important thing to them is harmony and unity. Everyone works together and does their part for a smooth experience. It's different in the west where the most important value is personal freedom and interests. Japan is a high trust society while a lot of western countries are not. For us, it's natural to assume that every company is trying to screw you over and steal your information. It's natural to assume that there's a non-zero chance you'll get stabbed by a homeless addict when walking outside late at night, or that somebody is doing fentanyl within a mile of you. It's natural to assume that people are out to get you or people like you. It's natural to be an opportunist who takes what you want. It's natural to believe that life is on a downward trajectory. It's natural to look down on people for not being like you, and to assume that people generally don't give a shit and service to others makes you subhuman. Freedom is caring about the self and striving for one's personal interest, harmony is about everyone and raising the collective standard of living.
>Freedom is caring about the self and striving for one's personal interest, harmony is about everyone and raising the collective standard of living.
Tell that to the people who lived in the soviet union, or the ones who live in Cuba, Venezuela or North Korea lmao
Isn't also because copyrights are a lot stricter too? Cause stuff like modding or using existing assets for fangames and such, are not allowed.
Don't get why people just not ignore the twitter retards. They'll go off and get angry at something else.
jesus what a perfect bug slave mind. that last one is especially sad.
OK, i get wanting leaked game info but leaking employee information does what? people gotta admit personal employee information beign out there is wrong even if you hate GameFreak and Pokémon
Japan's ways have its flaws too. There's a reason the current trend of anime is fuck-the-world-lets-go-to-a-new-one isekai.

The capitalism there has long since reached their critical stages where the people producing the anime have to live in their studios until they die from fatigue, which is literally how some of these isekai begin. At least America is still fighting for the right to live decently; falling miserably, but still trying.
>infested with whiteness
Bruh kys immediately.
Japan used to be known as Yamato 大和, meaning "Great Harmony". The kanji 和 refers to peace, unity, and all things Japanese like Japanese-style clothing.
The word freedom in Japanese is jiyuu 自由, which is "tied to/because of the self". The core kanji here is 自, meaning self. I thought it was interesting that freedom relates to the self rather than being a more amorphous concept that could apply to large groups. But this association exists in English too. I've seen people assume that the choice that represents freedom should be the choice that prioritizes the self. But Japan does harmony pretty well overall, because it's in the interest of society as a whole rather than the government. It exists for the people and not the other way around. Of course there are bad people like in any society, but there's such a purity with Japanese people sometimes that you begin to feel like we're just really jaded from life here.

Absolutely, Japanese consumerism is insane. The amount of product made just keeps coming, and there are always useless things like acrylic stands that don't seem to hold much purpose. But living there, I also came to understand the thought process a lot more and why things are the way they are, why matters of preservation aren't as important there as they are here, things like that. I would still rather live there than here though. I don't think a day has gone by where I felt life will ever get better here. I just want to trust people and society again.
based. They know pal world cucks need correction.
Most people there are discussing the leaks normally.
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>Retarded zoomers have started harassing Japanese artists who draw Typhlosion
>The word freedom in Japanese is jiyuu 自由, which is "tied to/because of the self". The core kanji here is 自, meaning self. I thought it was interesting that freedom relates to the self rather than being a more amorphous concept that could apply to large groups. But this association exists in English too. I've seen people assume that the choice that represents freedom should be the choice that prioritizes the self. But Japan does harmony pretty well overall, because it's in the interest of society as a whole rather than the government. It exists for the people and not the other way around. Of course there are bad people like in any society, but there's such a purity with Japanese people sometimes that you begin to feel like we're just really jaded from life here.
This is all nonsense because 自由 is a repurposed (in the 19th century) classical chinese word.
>Japan used to be known as Yamato 大和, meaning "Great Harmony".
This is also nonsense because the word Yamato itself doesn't mean harmony, they just choose to write it using the kanji for harmony to look good. And the great (大) there is just a prefix that east asia states of the past used, like how Qing was called Great Qing and Japan was Great Japan.
What's your point? Japan's writing system comes from Chinese, and 自由 is 漢語 like you said. But the individual kanji still have that meaning and both languages associate freedom as being tied to the self. This isn't any different to what I was saying about westerners believing that the choice that serves one's personal interests better represents freedom. There's clearly an underlying idea that freedom is inherently "self-ish" (not trying to say selfish in the negative sense, but merely in relation to oneself) across cultures.

Once again, Yamato is still spelled 大和 and has that meaning by association with the kanji. Even if it was ateji at the time, it's still a meaning associated with the name.
>What's your point?
When the word was coined it had nothing with the modern concept of freedom.
From what I’ve read, people in Japan get boiled in liquid shit over the mere thought of pirating something. Meanwhile, convicted pedophiles and rapists are seemingly free from any form of meaningful punishment—especially if you’re a popular enough seiyuu or manga author.

I would really like to know why the wills of faceless corporations and millionaires are treated with more respect than the need for art preservation and accessibility within Japanese culture.
At least they have misskey when things get out of hand. I lost an artist I liked a lot to that place though. I wonder what he's up to..
Freedom as a concept has existed as long as there has been slavery. But it's still used in the American sense of the word as well.
Had wondered if JP artists are going to Misskey or Blusky. The former likely for their own isolation on a website.
i would say have they no shame but of course they dont. they keep consooming products.
reading these is just fucking sad, they've whipped their citizens into submission
>Tell that to the people who lived in the soviet union, or the ones who live in Cuba, Venezuela or North Korea lmao
Or tell that to people that live in the USA lmfao
Nips being bootlickers like always
A delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is forever bad.
That last commenter should get btfo'd
This is the Japanese equivalent of leaking the library of Alexandria
wait are you telling me Juniper is a girl and not a fucking non binary? Have I been lied to by gross American troons?
So the japanese have no survival instincts at all???
Normally I wish nothing but the best for our Jap friends, but these mindless drones lapping up every drop of dirty diarrhea doodoo out of Game Freak's rancid asshole is why we never get good games. Consoomer cunts who can't stop purchasing games and merch are why Game Freak will never improve.
I can't believe i was so blind I never noticed that Spinda had variations as to to the location of their spots. That's so miniscule, like literally why?
>According to the game files, the internal values assigned to the "gender" of the characters are 0 for male, 1 for female, and the undefined value 2, which was assigned to the character Juniper.
That guy is just obsessed
>From what I’ve read, people in Japan get boiled in liquid shit over the mere thought of pirating something. Meanwhile, convicted pedophiles and rapists are seemingly free from any form of meaningful punishment—especially if you’re a popular enough seiyuu or manga author.

Sounds like the feudal system is still alive and well there in Nippon
The best part about the leaks is that so many Twitterfags are going to get addicted to 4chan and get slowly redpilled as they fail to quit posting here.
Japan really needs to touch grass.
They've lived on a secluded island. Warfare has happened, that's the entire meaning of the name "Sengoku period", and to course there was World War II and the expansion of the Japanese Empire. All humans have a propensity for tribalism. But as a race, especially since WWII ended, the majority of Japanese haven't really had that opportunist imperialist desire to warp other countries to fit their ends like America does. Instead, they drank the Kool-Aid and believed in respect, sincerity, honor, and working together for the betterment of society. They're not perfect, garbage Japanese exist, but the vast majority of people have standards. Generally speaking, conflict is avoided as much as possible and people try to work it out. This makes them ripe for the picking for imperialist Americans who want to impose and spread American values and influence as far as possible. Japanese don't like to make waves and would prefer to avoid conflicts, which makes them easier to pressure from an international standpoint.

It's really a tragedy of the commons. Worry not, we'll burn them to the ground and take what we can within the century, ensuring our blood runs on. Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.
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The funny thing is is that "2" isn't used as an identifier for nonbinary, it's used as an identifier for boss fights. Both of the queens, one of whom is a grandmother, have a gender value of 2. That's because you fight them as bosses, even if they are clearly female. Hyper-feminine, even.

Juniper is a bit more tomboyish, but so are most of the non-queen females in XC3.
Moral is subjective. What is good for you or your loved ones, is destructive for someone else.
Nice bait though.
Our "understanding hasn't evolved dummy. It's just pseudo science hooey.
They literally give no fucks for those cunts crying as they do for yon cunts crying here, you stupid little bitch. Find something that will take 6 years. Fuck, buy Skyrim, by time you've done all, TES6 will be out, you can take another 15 year wait for a new game.
Holy Abe Shinzo!
You'd think that being the nonstop consooming cucks that they are, them Japs would help get their economy back to 3rd place instead of staying in 4th place.
I know I‘m taking the bait but not everyone struggling with gender roles is trans or non binary. To suggest such is foolish.
If you stupid brownskins looked at the series for ONCE in your fucking lives, you'd know they don't do that, as they could still yet make a design out the concept. Handing it out for free kills any chance, because fanartists WILL draw their take on evolutions and by that stage, it's going to be hard to come up with a unique original design. Just kill yourself already, save the world the next 60 years of putting up with your stupidity.
May you get caught. May you get caught.
this is so fucking pathetic
these people will gladly waste their lives giving money for half-baked products by people who don't even care about them and die with a smile on their face and an emptiness in their hearts
Thank you for sharing this information with me. The discord servers are so tied to twitter in the xenoblade community i had to accept the idea of a troon character, weather i wanted to or not. The 2 as "gender" and the VA being a troon, I cant argue against that. So NOE just fucking lied and the troon protectors ate that sit up.

But I also heard she was "non binary" in the JP version? Or at least androgynous. Have i been lied too?
Not surprising considering they are literal bugmen.
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Tomboyish would be the correct description. Juniper is female and the Japanese don't see her as anything else besides a more masculine woman. Hell, the scene where Zeon falls for her should clear up any misunderstandings. Zeon isn't gay, he's just a tomboy lover.

Also, A is also a straight woman too.
A is a different topic entirely. She's Alvis' personality, and they explicitly say that Logos is male, Pneuma is female, and Ontos is both. That's one of the reasons she uses 僕 to refer to herself despite it generally being used by males (or tomboyish girls/girls trying to be cute). But A has nothing to do with being trans, that's an entire other topic steeped in another culture's current events baggage. A is more like a sentient AI in a female body with male/female programming. There's no identity crisis relating to gender or desire to define oneself by how one feels or any of that shit.
The hackers or the guy who got the hack will get rekt by Nintendo ninjas.
You should probably kill yourself
There's nothing moral about the existence of non binary.
All of the Trinity Processors are AI. Ontos isn't any different, nor is he actually non-binary or anything. A/Alpha are supposed to represent Yin and Yang. Alpha took the body (Yin) and jettisoned the personality (Yang) who took on the form of A.

Again, Ontos is still male and A is still female. However, the original personality is an asexual AI that incarnated as Alvis, a male.
Yea, Id say it did for me but when your in a discord server and the owner is super pro troon, its kind of hard to speak your mind.

Yea that's honestly how i view juniper for the longest time too due to the troon lovers running the narrative. I understand its a different culture with different values. A isn't even a human so i didn't really care too much.
It is what it is. The only "hard" evidence of Juniper being anything other than female is the voice actress saying that Juniper is non-binary. But she's hardly an actual developer, and the Japanese VA has said no such nonsense. It's only the English VA.
maybe he’s sick?
Eating fecal matter will do that to you.
Well it wasn’t just Juniper. People kept trying to push that A from Xenoblade Future Redeemed was nonbinary too because she was a part of Alvis and because of localisers making it far more ambiguous than it actually is. The wiki admins still throw a shitfit about this and insist that A is nonbinary despite the art book explicitly confirming she’s a woman.
Yes and no
In the game files, Juniper is the only character whose gender is listed as “2” but it doesn’t mean they’re explicitly nonbinary. Could just mean they’re meant to be ambiguous or a trap.
However what makes this funnier is that the same evidence that “confirms” Juniper is nonbinary also confirms A is a woman
Had to believe that shit at gun point with the communities i was apart of even if i knew it was false.
>In the game files, Juniper is the only character whose gender is listed as “2”
She's actually not. Aggy, Oggy, Ethel, Nia, Melia, and Shania all have a gender value of 2 in the code.
I don't think japanese are complete cucks as the posts show. DS flashcarts were actually popular there in the 2000s before they got banned after all.
Wait no fucking way. Seriously?
I want to see a source since that’s hilarious
What’s the difference then between regular female and 2?
A handful of screenshots from the net shouldn't be used to generalize people at all.
Love my flashcart btw
its in this post
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2 is the identifier for boss fight. Doesn't matter if the character is male or female, they'll get a gender code of 2 if they're a boss fight.
>Not expecting indiscriminate racism
This whole board has an unhealthy autistic obsession with a Japanese IP. Hell, that's the whole reason 4chan exists. It's just been astroturfed to hell and back in the past decade to serve a political agenda.
I fucking hate moralfags.
Holy shit this actually makes so much sense
Honestly that makes it even funnier
“So are you a boy or a girl?”
“Boss fight. Square up”
Now I can only pray for this but with Bridget in Guilty Gear Strive
It’s much harder for Japanese people to confirm it because feminine language is also seen as gender neutral language.
To use this as evidence is like saying “Kanji from P4 is gay because the voice actor said so” despite his love interest being a woman
She's clearly female though, and it's not the first time a female character wrapped bandages around their chest. non-binary literally is not a thing in Japan, not in a western sense at least.
Not only they are not aware, they are avoiding it at all cost because morality and law abiding spirit.
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Can someone tell me what threads people are discussing the Pokemon Leak???? I can't see through the Japanese autism, to see what the heck the threads about the leak are.
I wrote a whole dissertation here but deleted it because I know it won't be appreciated. So let me say this. If you are a man who likes pink, cooking, and dressing up, you might as well call yourself transgender ("beyond gender") or non-binary since you are already shattering the gender binary.
You'll be praying for eternity


3 page interview japanese interview with daisuke and katano where they explicitly use the word transgender multiple times and talk about how bridget’s hoodie and other parts of the design was made with in intent of masking dysphoric body parts.
Anything with リーク in the title.
hard disagree. that's either gender abolitionist talk or it's blatantly sexist. either way, not my cup of tea.
Unfortunately that will never happen. The creator officially retconned the original story so bridget is actually trans. It's bullshit, but there's not any getting around that one.
trannies are not an umbrella term to put anything that isn't black or white. If a woman smells like shit and doenst shave you dont call her a man, you call her a fujo.
I'm a man who likes cooking. I take pride in that since a) women like men who can cook, and b) the best cooks in history have all been men. Why do you think the skew in professional chefs leans so heavily in favor of men?

Reading Auguste Escoffier's cookbooks for royalty does not make you feminine. Nor does having an interest in something the opposite sex has interest make you break "the gender binary". Tomboys are very clearly still women.
>Leaks are a product of a desire for recognition if you ignore them, they will disappear
Sweet child
Geez, why are japs such a bunch of fags?
Otakus literally worship their favorite IPs.
Of course the Naps don't like it.
Is it cope to hope that they'll beckpedal?
Sexism was not the point. But yes, abolishing gender is the path forward. Many do not realize the coercion and psychological harms that come with "gender" (the social category), for everybody.
Gender abolition will cause more harm than good. Living up to your gender's potential is psychologically healthy for humans. It feels good to be a buff and gruff man or a dainty and seductive woman.
no need to project your fetishes nigga, we're accepting of your kind here
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>Palworld mentioned out of fucking nowhere.
Holy shit what did that game do to these japs?
Some biological females prefer to be buff, some biological males prefer to be seductive, others will fall somewhere in-between. Maybe more than we realize. We cannot deny them their potential to live free, healthy, and true to themselves.
They are vocal about the leaks and they are not happy.
>foreigners were ok with palworld and upset it was getting sued ergo palworld fans did the hack and also keep leaking it
They finally got a target to paint on anyone bad mouthing the games
Living "true to yourself" does not mean denying your birth gender in the fruitless endeavor to be the other gender.
Pokemon fans really hate japanese people. Such a shameful display that this franchise is so poisoned and lost it all its cultural roots
Maybe they should go back to Japan in gen 10 lol.
Fuck all the losers here, so obsessed with a foreign product but despise the race of people who invented it, subhumans.
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>Japan is telling foreigners to fuck off
Palworld really broke their brains
We don't. We hate people who buy Pokemon games thus giving a vote of confidence to Game Freak. Anyone who consooms modern Pokemon games is our enemy.
Which game is this?
Bravely Default 2?
World of FF?
Some gachashit?
FFXIV, specifically Endwalker.
ok? that wouldn't be a loss. who gives a shit about where regions are set
You're right in the sense that the Japanese sense against piracy and leaking is what gives their art and culture scene a vibrancy and long term quality lacking pretty much anywhere else. Comiket is an institution to itself.
The more piracy is common in a country the more of a third world shithole that country is. And those countries are often poor for the same short term thinking that makes them pirate.
I know a lot of people are making fun of the Japanese for being so anti-""hacking"", but I kinda agree. Phishing and the like are a poison to high trust societies and I think the ever growing amount of spam, scams, and data leaks are degrading society way more than people want to admit.

That being said, leaking video game concept art/data is like the least bad use of "hacking" possible. No one would even care if companies didn't greedily hoard every bit of intellectual property they own due to some vague inclination to monetize it in the future.
Gamefreak should have released an art book of pokemon beta art/sprites years ago or something instead of locking it away only to be found by these leaks.
tendies* really hate japanese people, not just pokemon fans. im a gigaweeb but even i think this sort of corporate worship culture is rather disgusting, but i understand where it comes from, and i feel like if you removed what causes it, japanese culture would fall apart and become closer to american or third world culture, very disrespectful and narcissistic.
Nuance is dead and the you are part of the masses who caused its death. It's social gender which is obsolete, not biological sex.
How are the Japanese Pokephiles reacting?
For what it's worth, they're bitching about the potential of ZA getting leaked, not the gen 3-5 stuff.
Yes lmao seethe retard stop thinking about trannies for one second of your pathetic life
Nips are extreme corporate whores. Why is this?
They have been under united states influence since then. Are you retarded?
In the Pokémon community, most of the criticism is directed at hackers.

In a community that specializes in gossip and ゲハ, Game Freak's security system has become a hot topic, as has leaks of anime voice actors.

Information on Wulfric is eagerly awaited on Pokémon BBS.
Funny how they keep thinking they're superior than the west when it was that which made Pokemon the big franchise it is today.
pokemon was popular in japan too, why are americans so arrogant?
Sure but that's not where the money mainly comes from.
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bakhoon being typhlosion
it comes from merchandise and the card games, which arent exclusively sold in america.
>They're obviously unhappy
Are they vocal too?
It reminds me of the civil war in the Mega Man community over a phone.
>Some Mega Man phone games, mainly the two Battle Network games are lost media
>Someone put an old phone with all the Mega Man games on auction
>The American fanbase is aware of it and bids for it for the sake of preservation
>The Japanese fanbase finds out about it and counter bids with the intent of getting the phone and destroy it
>The American fanbase wins
>They get the phone and reverse engineer it and are making old phone emulators just to play those games properly
>This is after both Battle Network games got fan translations as well
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Honestly, The fuck do i expect from a society that committing suicide is a normal every day thing. Fuck em. hope the fuckers go extinct
Go back to X with the Watsuki rambling.
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Two nukes really weren't enough, huh
You will never be japanese nor a woman, you will always be gaijin and a male.
>The Japanese fanbase finds out about it and counter bids with the intent of getting the phone and destroy it
Fucking why? They really hated the game or they just hate emulation so much they will destroy the last copy of a game just so nobody can do it?
>If companies made their initial beta designs and concepts open to the public they would get less hacker attacks. They could sell it ass books for money. I don't know how they can be so blind to what their audience want

Im not trying to start shit but Digimon actually does this. They posted concept art on Twitter and in some artbooks. And even children's notebooks from the 90s during the first anime's run and magazines and shit.
both sites are full of the same psyops and you're a faggot

This is so fucking funny Im going to go spam the leaks all over Japanese hashtags and to these 'people'
Shh... that doesn't follow the narrative
What the fuck, can you give a source cause I want to look into that
Who the fuck knows. There was another case a couple years ago where a prototype Famicom game popped up and the American side of things pooled money to grab and preserve it. Some rich Japanese guy caught wind of the fact that Americans were trying to buy it and spent like 11,000 dollars outbidding them on it just for the sake of not letting them get it.
two things:
japan lines it when japan gets japan-only things. like they REALLY like it and are willing to destroy things to prevent it from getting out. its racist but i dont think racism is the root of their desire here and its more just the sensation of superiority.
they're kinda fucked up due to their laws around renting/selling games. they believe you are morally in the wrong to resell video games because the law says so and that's the entire reason.
it sounds weird but there are a lot of people like that everywhere. its against the rules so its against the rules; you don't ask why.
So japan is filled with bunch of autistic no fun paladins
Aren't nips a culture of cuckolds who think emulation and piracy are the ultimate gaming sins
There an entire nation of autistic people who can adapt to change
yeah yeah normal japs are corporate cucks whatever
what do the horny japs think about it?
I find it really funny when they get butthurt over foreigners pirating arcade games that will NEVER get overseas releases.
what's with all of the japan-bashing? if it wasn't for japan you fags would be jerking off to barney the dinosaur on /mlp/ or some shit.



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or just look at the jap site posted and google translate it if youre interested
just shitposting and other nonsense
>From what I’ve read, people in America get boiled in liquid shit over the mere thought of different politics and the n word. Meanwhile, convicted pedophiles and rapists are seemingly free from any form of meaningful punishment—especially if you’re a popular enough actor screener, writer or running for presidency.

>pokemon leaks happen before pal world exists
>japs are silent

>pokemon leaks happen before pal world exists
>"it's definitely the work of those who got mad over the palwa incident"
>"Palwa fanboy hacking?"
seethe more you brand loyalist retards
Pal world fans did nothing, this has been the fandom cannibalizing itself, which has been overdue for some time.
*after pal world
Good, let ZA cook longer. If it's done already by now, it will likely be another kusoge. Gamefreak needs to go back to spending years of time and care into their games instead of yearly titles.
>So what's the reaction of the japanese fanbase?
Apathy. The ass kissing brand loyalists think its awful and the schizos think Palworld did this somehow. But no one normal especially cares. Same as the west really.
swallow a sewing needle
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>Retards are asking this question and looking and YouTube and Twitter instead of 2Chan.
What does Futaba Channel think, shitlips.
Ngl I'm expecting that it's going to be shit even with it taking this long in the oven. Take the fangame pill anon
you really think current newfags even know 2ch/futaba is even a thing and don't think that 4chan is a 9gag spinoff?
newfags know what 9gag is?
man, Asia is scary.
japan just consoom and defend multibillion corp
For context, the shade of brown was largely similar too. I'm a professional racist and both looked criminal American to me and interchangeable.
>the japanese equivalent of 4chan opinions will be found on…twitter and youtube comments of course
>imageboards? japs have those?
posting in a predominantly useless retard thread
Went through the replies just to find this. kek
I don't think the art or coloring is bad or anything, but too be fair, her skin is the same tone as her irises here, which isn't the case in any official art that colors her irises. I can see why some people would say it's bleaching. Going off color theory, it would stand to reason her irises would be much lighter to compensate for the skin tone
What others said; those with your line of thinking must be eradicated for all others whom do not follow your line of thinking to live in peace among one another.
internet outrage is so stupid.
people just like to act morally correct over any dumb thing they see
Please actually genuinely fucking rope yourself. """Gender""" as you fucking freaks define it is all kinds of wack, and beyond that, gender roles (such as being nurturing for women, and protective for men) is coded into the DNA of whichever gender / sex (because they are the very same, they are inexplicably intertwined and cannot ever be changed) that you are born as, cannot be changed, and it is perfectly HEALTHY and NORMAL for a woman to be / act womanly and a man to be / act manly. It is the best way for a healthy society to function and retards like you want to see the destruction of all human civilization so you can get off to the idea that chopping your dick off and claiming you're a "woman" somehow makes you morally superior. Your logic which dictates the definition of "gender" or even simply "gender roles" implies that a man who "identifies" more with the gender roles of a woman is somehow suddenly a woman - and if we were to "abolish" gender roles, then retards troons like you wouldn't be able to "identify" as a woman anymore because... well, if there's no gender roles, then there's no "gender" as you loonies define it.
You really think not one nigger went over the top with flaming someone don't know on the internet just because of a golden opportunity that is trending? Why do you think she was so troubled in the first place? Hordes of civil, constructive criticism?
20 years ago nobody would give a shit about what Twitterfags screech about, it was more about waifus and power scaling or whatever, nobody batted an eye if you called each other a fag or a retard.
there's a reason why one of the older interviews for guilty gear says they made the "bridget is a guy who looks like a girl" reveal on purpose, before whatever the hell happened in the recent game
the main problem with leftist politics is that they want to erase suffering when suffering is inherently a good thing because it makes us stronger and thus happier
>it is correct
nah it's retarded
naoto's problem is that she's a girl that wanted to work in a field that in Japan is filled with dudes, and Japan does not like people who stand out, like being gender non conforming.
there's also the fact that she was just a kid, so adults wouldn't take her seriously.
the whole idea of mutilating herself to be a man was a desperate, stupid idea to try to "fix" herself. the shadow suggested it because it was not a healthy expression.
but nah, modern twitterfags are like "muh non-binary, muh trans", when in 2009 people would just call her a tomboy
>muh Japan worship
Take a trip there and get Junko Furata'd, bitch
i didn't even know xenoblade 3 existed yet, so i had to look her up. the fandom wikia article does mention the code assignment, but fails to mention this thing about bosses. is she actually a playable character? or just a boss? if she becomes a playable then it seems like an oversight to just keep her code the same. does the in-game gender identifier even matter in gameplay?
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Based beyond belief.
>with intent of masking dysphoric body parts
how did we get here from that one interview in like 2009-2011 where the answer was "bridget is a guy because I thought it'd be funny if the girly character turned out to be a dude"
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>fanartist will dra art of my design. That emans my design will never appear in any future game ever
you thought what you wrote makes sense
japanese fans are vocal about the new leaks and they are not happy
imagine the typical western pokemon tendie/redditor fan who already considers pokemon to be an inherent part of who they are as a person and as such take personal offense to any slight against the franchise, nintendo, tpc or game freak
now add actual national pride/identity on top of that
you get the japanese pokemon fandom
>So what's the reaction of the japanese fanbase?
They know what cut content is don't pay too much attention to it because they know it is not canon, also...
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>He apologized
Welp guess I'm not watching Pop Team Reddit anymore...
>Noooo I want to play as many rushed slop games as possible before I die
Holy shit, get a life lol
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Why the fuck are nipponese such pussy whipped corpo bootlickers?
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see >>56604383
The Japanese, unlike Arabs and Whites, are genetically more intelligent and also are able to segregate fantasy from reality.

I noticed that Whites and arabs in particular, have a real difficulty segregating fact from fiction. Whites and arabs have been brainwashed to think a book is literal reality for thousand of years, this has the unfortunate side effect of causing many Europeans (not all) of being unable to understand that fiction is not reality. So of course, Westernoids see this and take fiction seriously and thus are saying stupid shit by treating some internal weird ass fanfiction from GF internal document, in a way that no sane person should.

The Japanese can, so they don't really see it the same way, and thus, they discuss the reality of the situation, such as the fact that Westernoids are causing serious security issues for Japanese companies.
if you're a jaded pessimist, it's Daisuke trying to get social justice brownie points

If you're an optimist/want the most charitable possible interpretation, it's that Bridget was always intended to be toying with non-normal gender concepts, but at the time pop culture didn't really have clear distinctions between trans stuff, crossdressers, gay people, etc, and had it been more well known, this may been the direction they went with from the start.

The most realistic answer is probably a combination of both, and/or just that they decided this would be an interesting direction for the character
yeah because fuckers on twitter were sending death threats
some people probably don't want to get doxxed

You use a White website.

You speak a White language.

You use White technology.

You are nothing but an racially insecure faggot who knows deep down that you need Europeans but Europeans don't need you, so you lash out at Europeans with this narcassitic egotistical bullshit that makes blacks and zionists the exact same type of genocidial antihumans who make the world a worse place to live in.
Shut the fuck up and stop using terms like "non-binary", these are 2010s terms invented by some Israeli used to attack and demoralize Europe. Stop propagating a pseudoscience. No, the concept of gender isn't evolving, it will be corrected when you remember that there is only 2 gender, that sex and gender are the same thing, and you are denying reality and you are evil for it.
The problem with leftists politics is that leftism is a genetic disorder, and every leftists is evil.

I mean christ, even George Orwell figured that out in 1948. How come only ex-leftists figure this out while you conservative retards still take leftists at face value and think they have good intentions?
The UN gotta get involved at this point
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It must be a herculean task for the Japanese to resist drawing this cutie.
And here I am forgetting that we no longer have futaba linked at the bottom of every 4chan thread like we used to
because God is good so I believe we are inherently good as well. satanists aren't our natural state, they're just corrupted
>The Japanese who spent several centuries in complete stagnation and contributed nothing of worth to the advancement of the human species until the west intervened are the more intelligent ones
sure, jap.
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the nihongese need their own version of basedjaks to show them how ugly mindless consoomerism is and instead strive to be the empire of the rising sun
The West greatest power was that Northern European had high IQ White men, and society was structured on advancing these high IQ White men into position of powers and allow them to dictate and lead the rest of the race. This is the main reason free speech and liberalism emerged, to benefit these men alone.

That ended in 1945, and the average White is a midwit and even more of a bug than the average Japanese which is why the West is in such a terrible state.
Too busy soliciting sex from third world countries
They had a SaGa board?

Is it that big in Japan?
This one is understandable, Salamencebros had it rough
It's not about societies and trust systems and harmony or any of that. The Japanese people culturally just have a bad logical metaphor when it comes to web security. As anon said, they think of it as rules to be followed because it's the right thing to do. That's an inherently naive idea, like putting an engine on wheels with no safety features calling it a car and expecting it not to kill you. Instead the Japanese make some of the best cars in the world because they understand you have to precision engineer systems to work perfectly and be safe at the same time. Instead of rules for the bad guy, you need guidelines and best practices for yourself/your game company. Instead of expecting the bad guy to not be bad, you make the system so he can't be bad by controlling the factors you can control to limit your potential exposure.

Absolutely nothing from the 90s or mid 2000s should have ever been sitting in plaintext on a networked PC during this leak or the last leak. It should be sitting in a safe on company property mirrored across 3 encrypted hard drives in two different locations in case of flood or fire. When you are dealing with truly confidential information of a corporate nature you can forego online backups because James Bond isn't going to break into Game Freak's headquarters, cut his way into a safe, and thermite/steal the hard drives.
Half of it is just Japanese mythology adapted for pokemon, they probably find it cultured.
>death troons
What a puss, troon team reddit, what the hell (((they))) gonna do, send bad dragons?
Twitter is nothing but virtue signalling braindead zombies whining about how reposting leaks is illegal and bad

The good discussions are on Futaba and even then a few of the retard twitter cunts showed up to be retarded there
Futaba is shit and even if you link to a thread it 404s in like 30 minutes. There's a few archived threads >>56606194 but otherwise you have to go look yourself in realtime.
Companies enslave people with unpaid overwork in Japan, the fact that the moral is one of respect doesn't change that they have zero true respect for other people. My Japanese penpal told me that Japanese people aren't respectful or kind, they just want to avoid trouble at all costa and sugarcoat it with tatemae
holy kek the amount of seething this caused. why do piratefags get always so insanely defensive huffing copium like no tomorrow every time they get called out? realizing pirates act and think like literal addicts is what actually made look down on them, I just pirate when I must but I dont pretend to have the moral high ground nor do I start malding when someone rightly points I'm commiting a crime
Easy, just go to the website with Le heckin updoots and 99% of "opinions" are gonna be exactly this
does anyone have the "HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt.7z" file? its not on the drive anymore and i wanna waste a week or two reading all of it
the pokemon sex lore is just regular japanese folklore but with mythological creatures replaced with Pokemon
So this is just a new coat of paint on thousand year old gooner writing that is called "traditional folklore" in japan
ITT: hazardous levels of amerimutt projection. The number 1 corporate whore will always be America, why? Because the corpos there actually write the federal laws through lobbying. You may dislike japs being conservative authoritarians (why though, are you a leftard?) but Toyota isn't forcing third-world level laws on its populace to maximize profits. It's funny how americans are so oblivious on how truly niggerish their food regulations (among others) are, all so Mr. Shekelberg can get more money on getting you fat and retarded and transmogrified with his corn syrup.

Although this is europeans hours, so maybe it's eurofags seething, which would be its own flavour of funny, although as an europoor myself I don't really want to get started on the cucked abominarion that the EU is and how europeans think is the highest degree of enlightement made manifest (in a way it is, but that's... LE BAD!)
A was oficially refered to as the female half of Ontos both in game and in the artbook that had the schizo interview where Takahashi confirmed that Fiora was Noah's sword and Malos was the source of power of N's sword. That and those retards have clearly not played Xenogears since Alpha and A are the most blatant callback to the "two one winged angels of oposite genders joining together to form a divine whole" motif we've had across the entire series
>Because the corpos there actually write the federal laws through lobbying
lmao dude who do you think writes laws in Japan?
So, does this mean Typhlosion will be able to sue for libel?
Look around. Do you think there isn't a bunch of autistic losers on here that would band together to shit on someone else's efforts just because? On here it's blacks, over there it's foreigners.
this triggered the /vp/edo cognitive dissonance kek. yeah, it may be a bit silly that japanese may get this upset over mostly irrelevant leaks, but I see this more as an expression of their adamant respect for craftmasters and artists even in a world of shallow entertainment and corporations taking over culture, which I believe is the reason why the west in general has lost respect and appreciation of the arts and why piracy in normalized and even seen as morally right, so basically kinda the opposite of what all the faggots fuming here said. they may also just be insane fanboys, which is likely the case. anyhow and in truth, you are no better, making a show of how disdainful and jaded you are doesn't excuse still playing and giving your time and energy to this shit franchise, even pirating doesn't. you will always be pokewhores, and bitter pokewhores at that lol
I can't have respect for developers who basically recycle the same game over and over again.
>and an emptiness in their hearts
>The artist then responded in an inflammatory, overblown manner, Streisanding the issue into a mountain. (Recent mangaka have a bad track record with this.)
no, he apologized. that's when the other japanese got involved telling him not to apologize and stop caring about what foreigners say and memeing it. this wouldn't have happened a couple years ago, even as japanese artists were getting the same type of responses from trannies and the like. it seems the yasuke bullshit was the final straw and now japs are fed up with westoid woketards trying to inject their pozzlitics into everything and got aware of the true intentions behind it
NK was trying to make itself into a poor man's Imperial Japan. SK managed to successfully emulate them.
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Japan knows Pokepedos are deranged, this is not a secret
nipz are relly mad about the typlozion thing kek
newfag thinks everything is /pol/
I won't even read this homoerotic japanese text, go to 2ch instead faggot

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