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>Becomes god of pokemon world
>Turns himself into a beautiful pokegirl so he can be fucked by men
Clearly mentally i'll, why the fuck would anyone do this
sounds kinky as fuck ngl i respect it
I always knew Arceus was my basedgod, TYBA
I mean Lucifer from SMT did that and he's old as fuck. Gods are fruity.
Why is Arceus such a fag?
Arceus is YHWH
Trans icon
Angels did the same shit in the bible except with human women. Humans are irresistible.
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To be fair, she did get the shit beaten out of her by Regiants the second she was born i 90% of the origin stories.

Surprisingly only the canon one in the game doesn't have the Regianta beating the shit out of Arceus after hatching
He really is like Zeus.
*fallen* angels but your point still stands
>clearly meant to be the mother of everything
>retards still insist on using male pronouns
Just let it go, PokeGod is female
Is this part of the Leak?

Post it if it is. I need to see it!
>why the fuck would anyone do this
Doesnt the story basically state that arceus did it because he couldnt kill the regis himself, only a demigod child could? So he did it to create a demigod that could kill the regis is why
I already loved the Regis, this makes them cooler
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God is a wife.
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やがて二人は愛し合い、 その傷がすべて癒えた頃、女は二人の子を身ごもっていた。






















The Giant sissyfied him, he had no other choice.
It's the god of the pokeverse, letting humans fucking it is pretty tame compared to other things it can/has actually done, they should consider themselves lucky
>The lake trio are Arceus' human husband's soul
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>Be Primordial Egg
>Crack open because of fucking God or whatever breaking me
>Shatter into a thousand Giants, or Regiants
>be legions of Regigigas
>beat the newborn God half to death
>She curses us with slow start for our transgressions
>Leave to autistically push stuff together until it looks nice
>Make a bunch of Gundams and write shit in binary code

Regis are God's unfinished Autists
someone have the triangle pic with all the legendarioes
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What woman did he turn into?
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what the hell were they thinking with gyrados
isn't it obvious?
Probably Johanna.
>Male voice in the movie
>Male in mystery dungeon
Shitty fanfic from 2005 doesn't matter.
Gods both fuck and want to be fucked
Its a god thing
Arceus' BUSSY was DESTROYED Big Giant Cock and Big Human Cock.
Honestly, I really love this Aus and Titan lore. maybe not so much as "pokemon" lore, but you could use it as the basis for the mythology of a pretty sick fantasy setting.
>mystery dungeon
>not shitty fanfic
More official than something not even in any media at all.
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>Pokemon are literally BUILT FOR HUMAN MEN
What a time to be alive.
Gross. Based Satan Serpent all the way.
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>Mystery Dungeon
It's a jobber there LMAO
This confirms nothing after gen 4 is canon
>arceus human form
>fertile enough to produce twins
Gentlemen artists. You have a mission. Design human Arceus. Also, I totally believe that as these were kept under the wraps and not outright deleted, that high ranking Gamefreak employees wanted to release and make these types of things canon, but couldn't and likely due to foreign pressure. Its a bit sad to think about, niche franchises have leeway to move around but any franchise that is capitulated to fame in a Western country is confined to a narrow lane. Sure the contents of the leaks are freaky but human nature and storytelling has always been at its best when people are allowed to be freaky.
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Arceus is the demiurge, not yhvh, also yhwh doesn't exist in smt (or hasn't appeared yet).
baby Arceus soloed all the giants, retard
This is blasphemous and false, Arceus fucked in all his space goat glory
That's how the ancient people that ended up producing Cogita, Volo and Cynthia herself started. They are literally the continued blood of God herself. Deepest lore.
How tight is llama pussy?
>Death Battlefags in shambles since Arceus now gets hard countered by human cock
Anon this leak confirms Arceus is and always was female.
This all feels like fanfic written by /vp/. Only this place sees Arceus as female. Complete with the human male self insert.
...in my Arceustard fanfiction.
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Do you think they...
that part of the lore doesnt seem to be canon in the games
there is no "Evil Giant" around that still needs to be defeated, Giratina was already BTFOd and is good now
baby Arceus already killed all the giants when it was born and made Palkia, Dialga and infused plates

the part of the creation process (including defeated giants) is supported by the stuff in DPPT, BDSP and PLA, but this isnt
Who's the husband?
God knows how great dicks are, why are you so adamant to the truth
This people coping that Arceus is male after this are deluded.
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Not as tight as God's llama pussy.
>Mystery Dungeon
>Not Fanfic
>Male voice
Homoshit doesn't exist in pokemon.
>But purloin and pikachu/piplup
Misunderstanding and caused by the globohomo machine.
HumanCHAD btfo'd the Giant, that's why it's not around,
reginegroes are trying to make themselves more important than they really are in the pantheon.
>but they didn't exist ye-

only other possible anwser.
>Arceusissies coping ITT
Your jobber got fucked by humans and Regis.
for what purpose
>kills titans and becomes new "supreme" diety
The parallels are kind of there. If gen 10 really is greece it could have some potential even in nu-pokemon lore wise
Seems so
Arceus was based on Zeus and not a creation deity?
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Kind of a fusion of both apperently born from an egg from chaos and killed some giants then created palkia and dialga.
Arceus is a mix of a greek titans and Zeus
he was born at the same time as the giants (titans), so he is techncially the strongest titan
But he personally killed them and then became poke-Zeus
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No silly, Cogita IS arceus, she was keeping a close eye on Rei and his journey to find her, and grieving the loss of her original husband (this is why she was wearing black)
The egg is clearly a reference to Kalevala creation myth
Say that to my face, chaoskike

>what is mt2, smt2
I'm pretty sure Arceus based on Izanagi and Izanami
The titans could be the embodiment of the elemental types either. The Plates, which allow it to change type specifically say "The power of defeated giants infuses this Plate" and the Plate boosts the associated Type's power output.
I just did, faggotron. Neutral > Chaos >>> Law.
Pokemon is going full SMT and arceus is all of the above while giratina is lucy and the other legendaries are diety cucks.
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>the first Champion of Men who bested Arceus, married Her
>when he died, She wandered the Land, waiting for the one who would emerge and renew that Covenant
Arceus wasn't bested, her husband found her weak and nourished her back to health. It was this kindness that made her fall in love.
Okay, I can respect that, but you're still not saying that shit to me offline kek

How do I defeat Arceus? It just cast Dekaja on my party and that pisses me off
>not balancing buffing and debuffing
>not casting Silence
>not prepared to rebuff just in case
I bet you made a MAG build instead of being a based STR/crit chad, too.
have you seen even half the shit gods and other powerful beings in real world mythology get up to anon?
Play the fucking games you lorelet cunt and shut the fuck up when your betters speak.
Where does it say Arceus fucked him? Poor woman was likely in distress after the passing of her husband.
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>the anchuent hero's tale
The Cherokian Clan was right all along....
>all the human male x female pokemon stories are about them consensually mating
>all the female human x male pokemon are rape stories
What did Gamefreak mean by this?
Human male and female pokemon take after God herself and are thus virtuous and correct.
The opposite is an affront to Her design and cursed by its very existence.
Whoever made them browses /vp/.
>jobbed to Regis
>jobbed to men
>jobbed to cock
I figured it was gonna cast Dejaka again, and I wasn't gonna bother wasting more MP
>MAG build
How the fuck did you know??? I've been regretting that shit ever since I found they nerfed Echobarion
Figures. It's all too typical that a Lawfag would be a MAG shitter.
None of that is canon retard
Arceus made the universe and then fucked off to its dimension and didnt do anything again, except select the MC during the PLA intro
>Arceus made the universe
Proof? All I remember is getting one from the mailman.
aka play the games
>aka play the games
I did, I got one from the mailman
Used it in battle against my bro, here's what happened
252+ Atk Choice Band Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 474-558 (106.7 - 125.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
That Octillery got definitely raped
yeah, with the lapras it's blatant that she was into it thanks to the whole reading minds and high intelligence thing, but octillery really just reads like he picked it up and shoved his dick in it.
Male Pokemon are for human males only.
Arceus lives with sash and ohkos back. Nice try.
Might have been rape the first time, she came back the second day for more.
If Arceus is canonically a grill, that only makes my enjoyment of this franchise the greater. I want to fuck the god of this world, call me profane.
This is canon
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based and regipilled
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potentially, but i would expect a pokemon as smart as lapras to not just wind up beached for no reason.
and being right there on the same beach as the guy who would fuck a lapras without a second thought... the one he comes to every day, apparently...
it'd be one hell of a coincidence.
>Mach Punch
>Infernape has sash
and my dumb ass is just now realizing you meant the octillery, kek.
yeah she did come back for more, that's true.
>what is e-speed
check mate faggot
What is the japanese text saying
It's pronounced Ar-kay-es.
TPC not wanting people to call God an "arse", Silvally changing typing with the RKS system, the Arc Phone and it sounds like Deus which is the Latin word for God.
>tera ghost
heh, nothing personnel
>tera ghost
>OR has stealth rocks up
hasta la vista
Need human male x male stories
>Gigas kicks in after 5 sets
>Eleki's faster than the rest
>pokemon lore is contradictory and hazily shambled together
No shit.
More like Are-gay-es
>voice actor, doesnt say shit
>mystery dungeon is a spinoff from another universe
>its not shitty and its not a fanfic.
>tera ghost
for arceus yes
There is none. Gayness is a sin to Arceus.
Not in DPPT/BDSP/PLA so its fanfic garbage.
Maybe the devs read that guy's canfic and decided to create necrozma
>clicks Tera AND needs a human's item ALL to beat an RU (at best) monkey (if it doesn't have throat chop)
so you just want yaoi right
If Arceus made everything then he made gay sex too
t. can't read
Should be more like Ark-ee-us because the name is a direct reference to Noah.
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Why yes i will fuck the living shit out of a MALE Cinderace until he cums buckets
>murder, torture, rape: completely fine
>two people of the same sex loving each other: unacceptable
It's fucked up isn't it
>fanfic tiers
lmao even
I accept your concession.
But the fact that the fic goes with femarceus proves that arceus is seen as female by the employees
>literally never used in VGC monkey
Giant was too strong, needed to make an army of super kids with the power of friendship. Had to be done.
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And yet Game Freak didn't see fit to acknowledge gays, ergo no She didn't.
>>all the human male x female pokemon stories are about them consensually mating
The octillery one is rape anon.
I guess you could say she is FEMALE ONLY
Regigigas seems to be something else actually digging through it. Or like, Regigigas was seemingly repurposed somehow?

Honest to fuck, if you wanted to point to one specific 'mon, Eternatus or Necrozma fit best, but there's been a few people batting around the idea that both the singular giant thing and the multiple giants thing are true, big giant became many when the egg hatched, and they degraded and broke down further from there, hence why we have like a half dozen legendaries who are all broken into pieces and/or weakened/imprisoned/degraded from what they once were.
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Such degeneracy goes against Arceus's will.
Human female x female pokemon stories however..
She came for more
still rape
I'm gonna rape that octillery and see how it fucking feels
Honestly it seems like unironically Rayquaza got horny, fucked a fish, forgot about it, and then was just super fucking proud when the kid showed up as a flying noodle dragon just like dad or some shit and said "THAT'S PAPA'S SPECIAL FUCKING BOY".

Rayquaza in general is weird because while they don't do anything too wild with him in this shit it seems like the sky noodle is unironically like Pokemon Jesus.
He got mpreg'd by human cock btw
any proof to backup that claim
Not in the games
The leaked lore is game lore A.K.A CANON lore.
The Ashnime, and Mystery Dungeons are non-canon.
>Manaphy gets fucked by Tranny Ditto Cock to make Phiones
Arceus-chan only fucks humans and not filthy tranny Dittos like that heathen Manaphy
Its literally scrapped fanfic that contradicts the lore of the sinnoh games we currently have.
Just because its behind the scenes doesn't mean its scrapped lmfao
Forgot to mention in my schizophrenic truths is that both are listed as genderless
My uncle was the employee hacked
>Behind the scenes
Its literally scrapped ideas. If it was behind the scenes they would have shown it to the public ages ago.
>famitsukek being so mindbroken xhe takes it's shitposts into /vp/
>fug is so powerful it can tell both Primals to fuck off without needing to Mega Evolve and both of them will immediately fuck off
>Fug is divine in nature, the god of the sky
Meanwhile Deoxys is just a random alien that can fight on par with it, did you know that if you only took its strongest stats into account, Deoxys would have a base stat total of 910?
Still just a random space virus that mutated.
False, I was the one who fucked arceus
It couldn't have been rape because the Octillery was way more powerful than the human. If she didn't want it, she could've easily ran away or beaten his ass.
I don't give a fuck if this isn't real, this is my new headcanon.
The Japs still call it Arse-ee-us. It sounds better than Arc-ee-us, so I will continue to use the original Japanese pronunciation.
Why are Deoxys' stats capped to 600 BST in the first place? Is it the heckin Mewtwo's feefees?
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It's the series bible, EVERY major creative IP spanning all mediums have a core reference journal to maintain consistency across all its outputs. And poképhilia was ALWAYS canon.
>Octillery was way more powerful than the human
There was literally a human that was slaughtering and mutilating tons of Ursaring with his sword.
I mean in the end he human died once he fought an Ursaring while unarmed but still.
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No such thing, go back to whatever shitty mail-order Jaoanese course you went to, get your money back if you can.
That human was the son of the Octillery
That Ursaring massacre was the Octillery genes acting up
That's what I mean you fucking fuck
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Concession accepted. Don't seethe yourself to death tonight. Go take a walk, catch a movie. Forget you lost the war.
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They mention the giants
>Scrapped shitty fanfic is canon because...it just is despite not being anywhere officially.
Power houses and proof that Salamence is the odd one out as a freak of nature
Mew's actually, Most mythical Pokemon have a bst of 600 because Mew did, it's just that Deoxys can minmax its own stats on the fly.
His wish to fly was too powerful to contain, just look at its mega and tell me that's normal
His flying autism did the impossible, salamance is the Cyrus of dragons
Imagine all the female Zoroark that have gone and tricked human men into impregnating them, that cute female trainer you met in the woods? She was actually a pokemon.
That cutie you found near the rest spot, that nice office lady in that party, the girl in the forest...It was all zoroark

The same zoroark every time
Man, all she had to do was be herself.
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So the twins were the fairies?
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>seething bastard doesn't play the games
>seethes because people who DO play the games have had their reading of the series justified and canonised
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I wanted to do a drawing of this insanity since the leak has been the most entertaining thing I've seen in months, but it ended up really weird and out there. I based it off byzantine art to try and look cool but it only came out as tryhardish. Still I didn't want the drawing to go to waste, so I'll share it.
Arceus was born when the universe came into existence, and created the Pokemon that are the living embodiment of time, space and antimatter, on top of making the Pokemon that gave all life emotion, willpower and knowledge

The pokedex also literally said Arceus shaped the universe, so the other anon is right, play the game
Arceus has the ability to either cuck or trick any man or woman it comes and that's scary

Imagine you think you're getting to fuck an esteemed champion and instead it was Arceus tricking you
Please tell me you're pretending to be retarded. Even if Ia being light doesn't directly relate to space Ea being time should be your biggest fucking hint.
Arceus is clearly a gay man who's afraid to admit he's gay, so he turns himself into women when he has sex with guys. That way, it's not gay
Projecting much?
Arceus is not gay
He had relationships with women
and sex with men
why the fuck does it have 2 huge knockers on her chest instead of 10 little bumps across her belly? who draws this shit?
not enough cleavage desu
Go on and explain why Gyrados is there instead of Arcanine
Where is the mention of dead slakoths?
Why isnt anyone posting the follow up with the lake trio origin
what a chad
>Okay, Mew. I won't explain this again, so listen.
>Yes, I'm going to let another man dick me down bu-
>Let me finish.
>It's NOT gay, because it's part of my master plan.
>I need to create the ultimate vessels for time and space, and I have to do so myself.
>With my own womb after being creampied, yes.
>Yes, of course I had to leg lock him, I needed to be sure he wouldn't pull out.
>No, I didn't ENJOY it!
>It's called acting! He may have gotten suspicious, so I HAD to say I love him and beg him to fuck me harder.
>Oh my god! I just want to see a big funny clown face! What part of this do you not understand?
google translate
>Receiving their father's love, the twins continued to grow healthy. Eventually, when they were approaching their father's height, the twins spoke in unison to their father.
>A giant had come.
>The colors, sounds, and calm atmosphere all disappeared from the surroundings. The people and Pokémon disappeared. Beyond the emptiness, a giant was roaring.
>When the giant spotted the twins, it attacked them in a rage. Instinctively, the father jumped out. He risked his life to protect his children from the giant, but his strength gave out.
>Then, changes occurred in Ea and Ea's bodies. Ea's body split, and strong limbs stretched out. His upper arms shone like diamonds.
>Ea's body split, and two supple legs stretched out. Pearl-like spheres covered his shoulders and back.
>Ea and Ea transformed into giant dragons and jumped on the giant.
>After a long battle, the giant fell before Ea and Ea.
>Ea and Ea ran up to their father's body and roared loudly.
>Then the absolute god Aus descended and said.
>The body may perish, but the soul will not perish.
>Three lights overflowed from their father's body.
>The lights became Rei, the god of eyes, Ai, the god of the heart, and Hai, the god of voice.
>Aus said to the three gods.
>Incarnations of the beloved, give this world your blessings.
>When Rei woke up, everything appeared there. Colors and shapes were born.
>When Ai wished, everything was felt there. A peaceful presence spread.
>When Hai shouted, everything trembled there. A happy sound began to resonate.
>The three gods ran everywhere, spreading their protection.
>The world was filled with happiness.
>Aus offered a prayer to the giant's body. Then the body transformed into a huge mountain.
>Aus said to Ea and Ea.
>You must watch over the world from this place, higher than anywhere else. Pour in light and release time.
>Aus rose to the sky.
>Ea and Ea neighed loudly and disappeared into the giant mountain.
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>the giant/titan's corpse became mt. coronet
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But isn't Ia Dialga? I thought Darkness and Space was Palkia's thing.
>Dawn is Palkia
>Lucas is Dialga
>the lake trio are the love of Arceus and her late husband made manifest in physical form to bless the earth
Pokemon mythology is interesting.
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Wait if these three are Arceus' husband does that mean they're male?
They seem so feminine though
Looks like they added giaratina.
Arceus is into twinks
They're not actually him, but an incarnation of him.
Now that I think about it, it's weird there was no legendary in Sinnoh that represented Mt. Coronet itself
>Arceus' husband faced a titan in hopeless battle to defend his children knowing full well he'd die
>arceus' husband was able to fight off the giant for some time
she chose well
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>Had twins fight the giant
>Giant is implied to be Giratina
>Lucas and Dawn suspiciously lack a father just after a gen where the player finally had one
>Lucas and Dawn are also handpicked by Arceus to be taken to the past for PLA to fight Giratina
>legendaries are humans incarnated
This isn't even SMT anymore this shit is og megani tensei nakajima type shit. If legebdaries were going this path of gods and stuff I wished there were more "demonic"/fallen pokemon like giratina
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>lots of black white and gold like arceus
>add the red and its giratinas colors
>lucas has blue elements like dialga
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I wonder why there's nothing on Giratina in any of these drafts, unless Giratina is supposed to be the alter ego of Arceus whose corpse becomes Mt. Coronet. But Giratina is missing in the other versions of the creation myth too

I wonder if Beta Giratina means anything
>Arceus honours her dead husband's sacrifice by incarnating his soul as the Lake Trio
Why are gods so horny
the lake trio specifically being the god of eyes, heart, and the voice is cooler than the body soul emotion thing they have now. the whole thing about burying the eyes, heart and voice that shows up in the myths is rad
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This version of the myth seems to be the closest to having Giratina in it. Recurring thing is that Giratina or the giant died, which fits with how Giratina appears in an ancient cemetary. I'm beginning to think banishment might be a euphemism for killing
>palkia and dialga were created to form the world
>giratina was created to destroy the egg of life, that contained all life in it
>giratina has nothing beyond its purpose of destruction, and so keeps destroying even when it doesn't need to anymore
>palkia and dialga can't bring themselves to attack giratina, and decide to choose a human
>palkia and dialga turn three pokemon into the lake trio to help the human defeat giratina
>giratina's body becomes the physical world, and his soul becomes the weather trio
This is pretty fucking kino, I'm going to headcanon that all these variations of the creation myth exist in-universe
The longer you live and the more you see, the more you start having strange thoughts
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It was written by a woman
did anything shota related happen in the leaks?
Maybe if they fused with a man it'd result in her husband but as is they're not.
Man, should've known this was about Kenjaku before readijg the part about the clown face you forgot to change
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>Both the Digimon and Pokemon Gods have femalw human forms
only the son of pokefucker slaying 30 bears with a sword
how the FUCK did he casually kill 30 bears
Oh, in that manga she wanted to fuck rhe guy real badly as well.
Oh no. No!
With a sword anon, can't you read?
He found a really good sword and stabbed them a lot.

When he couldn't get his sword, he died while strangling a bear to death
Both of the Yuu Nakatsuis working for Game Freak are male.
Ar-seus sounds like Zeus.
as far as we know arceus isnt a demiurge if anything the new lore makes dialga and palkia into demiurges as they were the ones who created the Pokemon world via their kids, while arceus is off getting fucked by humans.
go back to /pol/
he found a sword from sharpedos, who were also able to turn into humans
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At what point does Giratina start eating macarons?
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Based Deoxys. One of my favs.
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it seems giratina either wasnt a legendary or part of the creation trio at the time
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>no human male x male pokemon rape
When you can do anything the only entertainment is others.
tbf if you were god and made your perfect waifu/husband, i guess you'd also take a human form to fuck em
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here's the followup
That's basically what you do in games like artificial academy
here's all the myths in one place
why is palkia getting called the god of time in this?
Ar-KAI-ius, take it or leave it.
>no gay shit in a series that historically ignores gayshit
Wow, it's like you spent the last 28 years with your head up your arse as well as cocks in your mouth.
>Arceus is the demiurge, not yhvh, also yhwh doesn't exist in smt (or hasn't appeared yet).
YHVH appears in 3 megaten games
>giratina's body became heaven earth and the sea
>his soul also became heaven (rayquaza), earth (groudon), and the sea (kyogre)
It's literally just a knockoff of Ainu creation myth with deities replaced with pokemon.
The leaked stuff is from 2005. The faggot hacker is refusing to post recent documents.
That pic >>56586893 isn't from the leak, it's a fanmade with a bunch of headcanon crap and also some mistranslations
>Arceus is male
>Noooo Arceus is female!!!!
Arceus is a hermaphrodite and has impregnated itself

She looks like she fucks human men.
TYBA? Nah son, TYDD
I am happy I wasn't the only one that thought about "her" when reading the story.
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It all wounds up back to Nakajima in the end
As it always does
>tfw no god of all creation wife
Read anon.
Palkia and Dialga are the twin children of Arceus and her husband, when he died protecting them from the giant she incarnated his spirit as the lake trio. Their love made manifest then blessed humanity as the result of their union(time and space) keep the world safe.
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>the world is allowed to exist as it is because of the strongest, purest hmofa keeping it in order
See, we tried to tell you fags it was important.
Truly, she was a shillmon all along.
HSTS moment
This is my favourite humanization form
You actually don't know bc you are being lied to, >>56593294
Sorry to rain on your parade anon, but Arceus took human form.
Palkia and Dialga also were born and grew up as humans only taking their pokemon form to defeat the giant(who's carcass became Mount Coronet) and to watch over their mother's work.
This means gijinkas were the key to pokemon the whole time.
I mean, there sort of are. Outside of the series starting with the genetic outcast of Mewtwo and later Genesect, you have shit like Regigigas being locked up, Darkrai being outcast for its powers, Jirachi being put to sleep for a thousand years for its doom powers, Yveltal just being death incarnate, the extraterrestrial "other"ness of stuff like Deoxys, the Ultra Beasts, Eternatus, even the most recent gen has the Treasures of Ruin.
If at some point this franchise somewhere in the far future has the god damn balls to put a version of the arceus x human story in the form of a anime/manga and arceus looks like cynthia I will rise from the grave and scream KINO
She’s just honry, anon. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t fuck cute girls if you could create a world.
>Heatran instead of Darkrai
Yeah that’s my headcanon too. Volo had the Arceus haircut at the end
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Here's the full pic, by the way. The artist actually drew her a few times.
>blessed with godlike powers
>immediately turns into a little girl
Arceus is old time 4chan incarnate. Based!
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Every time I see this Image there's a new Pokemon on it.
the /trash/ thread is busy at work trying to add more mons to it.
At the moment there's 35 species, 30 evo lines, and in those evo lines a total of 69 pokemon.
>tfw ywn get to have sex with god
/pol/ard forgets about other gay in Pokemon like Ferris wheel.
God is a horny shapeshifter
I wonder how many hybrids are there
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hope this leads to an uptick in Arceus gjinkas
>no palkia
Palkia is the child of a human and their mom is already in the pic
God I hope so.
Where's Reshiram for my boy Justin?
She better have thighs for the ages.
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>needing gijinkas
Wait trash is adding more?
That's how Arceus did it. Not to mention with pokemon being so often mistaken for humans in these myths it seems more than likely pokemon naturally had the ability to become gijinkas. Palkia and Dialga for instance were human and became their current forms as a power boost, so likely could return to their original human bodies if they so desired.
Think of it how Latias has a human form, only every pokemon.
So are we still up in the air about beta arceus being the real form or?
paizuri the fox
Clearly, Arceus was never a male in the first place
Is that why Cynthia and everyone with her blood is linked with Arceus in someway
She literally took human form, anon
Not canon
Its official and its not contradicted, cope
Cut content is cut content for a reason, retard
It's mentioned in gen 4 library.
Not too hard to guess in hindsight but I'm still glad this was actually answered in our lifetimes.
Endless mystery and set up is just so fucking boring.
Post more if you can.
Except what is written in the Gen 4 library has nothing anymore to do with much of the crap being posted here.
Holy cope
Dude, I'm reading shit that Dialga and Palkian were humans who ascended to gods, which is huge bullshit, since it makes no fucking sense, especially since the games already tell us repeatedly Dialga and Palkia's origin.
>pokemon lore is contradictory and hazily shambled together
Because this is no Pokemon lore retard, just one of many beta versions of pokemon myths they made before settling with the current ones.
So what you're saying is that Cynthia was actually Arceus all along.
That would honestly explain a few things.
yes of course.
suddenly feeling the urge to buy PLA
>You are now imagining Cynthia is actually Arceus
>The entire time during DPPt, Cynthia is standing right there, fully confident in (You) to deal with the problem.
>Completely unfazed and unbothered.
>She's an archeologist because it's funny to see what conclusions humans draw about ancient stories.
>The entire time, she's just been hanging out and going on adventures with (You).
Picture jesus fucking arceus
Always on the hunt for a new husband.
>not salamance
wtf were they thinking
She's waiting for you.
To get fucked by human men. Why else?

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