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>100% confirmed BW poor international reception fucked over the franchise
Press S to spit
>100% confirmed [FANFIC]
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>I only believe the leaks when is pokemon fucking little girls
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>falling for unsourced bullshit
Anon, if you want to follow these leaks correctly, you have to be sure to ask for the directory where the supposed leak is located. That way you can confirm if they're real or just made up
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>the brand requires all regions to be liked by people
Was he right?
Damn. Now history revisionist have to work triple hours to keep the narrative that gen 5 was very well received when it released.
Now we know why Unova is getting skipped in the legends departement lol. Even GF hate that shovelware region
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who's Basharmo?
I don't believe some of these leaks. Why the fuck would they have meeting transcripts saved like this? This reads like a dumbass Pokemon fan's idea of how decisions inside GameFreak are made.
>Even GF hate that shovelware region
On the contrary, it's one of their favorites that they went all out for. The west hated it and thus ruined the series.
shartnovaborts going awfully quiet
>stage 1: denial
>Tyrantrum was meant to be an unovamon
it make so much sense
They're email translations
the original BW aren't treated like some masterpiece in japan lol
Because if someone needs some information about what's been talked in a meeting they can go back to reading.
Scripta manent verba volant
Good. Hate Amerimutts.
>they totally love it goys, that why they kill it earlier than planned, give all the cool shit meant for it to XY and skipped in the legends game department
It seems like in Japan it was.
>anons still have time to genwar during the biggest leaks in pokemon history
god this board is such a fucking cesspool
post proof that it isn't real then, faggot
>hur dur, a leak Is only real if it make muh pp hard like muh latina
bort moment
If it's true it's even more embarrassing how bad Gen6 is because the only redeeming quality it had was a few of the new Pokemon that felt Gen5-esque like Honedge.
It was their best reviewing game there.
And if you look at all of these
>fans abroad
>dreamworld was too difficult for overseas fans to use
Western fans ruined the series because unova unironically filtered them.
negative proof doesn't exist, and the burden of proof is on the leaker to prove their shit is real
>boomerfags are so fucking dependent on CHARIZARDINO that they can't bear the thought of being separated from it for three seconds, so when it's withheld from them for a single campaign they go apeshit to such a degree that it causes the series to begin a downward spiral
never let anyone tell you genwunners didn't ruin everything
>B-b-but we always loved Gen 5!
>We never made fun of it! We always knew is was good! We have good taste!
>T-the sales? That has nothing to do with it! Its gamefreak who has an obsession with Kanto! not us!
Fuck you /vp/, you got the games you deserve
Do you have a job? Someone will take boardroom minutes like this for meetings. In my job if I have a meeting with a superior I'll write a summary email after the fact for accountability reasons (depending on what it is obviously).
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>d-disprove my fanfic
Burden of proof is on you, retardo.
DreamWorld is shit they are right, you can't even use it now
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I still cannot believe there are people that unironically defend BW.

Everyone knew at the time that they were a death sentence for the series' future.

Now look at the fucking state we're in. We'll never go back to the kino of Gens 1-4 ever again. Fuck.
kek he clearly doesn't, or at least not one outside of fast food.
>w-why would anyone summarize a meeting?? That makes no sense!!
I would like rock type Emboar :(
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I love it when borts pretend RSE and Dppt had charizard
It just seems way too convenient that the leakers would immediately find juicy shit like this that pertains specifically to fandom squabbles nobody in real life cares about. If they were taking this detailed of notes it would be a MASSIVE amount of crap to go through.
thank you Kinozard for destroying Shitnova and fuelling me with an endless fountain of bort seethe... I sneel....
And BW is also the highest scoring game by IGN. Your point?
I refuse to engage in your Genwar faggotry and instead choose to call you homosexual.

Why do you have this saved?
Found an audio of masuda talking about bugs and anuses wtf?
Stop spamming your shitty twitter account in every thread. It is off topic
Gen 3 killed the series' future.
lol that's why this 'worldwide game' released in march of the year after this was supposedly made. Did you forget that when faking this garbage?
>We'll never go back to the kino of Gens 1-4 ever again. Fuck.
Yeah because you people shat on gen 5.
>Yeah because you people shat on [bad game]
where's the issue exactly
regardless, Unova will be forever the most controversial region
kinda funny they called the regions by their real world counterparts
>BW2 brought back old mons to save Gen 5
>Mega forms made for Gen 6
Good calls desu
This nigga obviously doesn't have a job LMAO LMAO
>And BW is also the highest scoring game by IGN.
Except it isn't that's RBY, and GS
They don't. It's a fanfic posted by a Unovafag with a bunch of other retarded Unovafags falling for it because it lines up with their narrative.
So were megas actually meant for gen 5? (i
guess they are what they labeled as 'fusions' in the leaks)
Anon, if people shat on a bad game every other game would have been better, instead they're all objectively worse
assuming this is real Kyurem would of marketed the "fusions"
what narative? Unova being unfinished slop that was unable to stand on it a own right and had to be killed early?
We were given a directory for those, retard.
I had the opposite experience. At the time of its release, I loved the fact that it was so refreshing.
Though looking back I agree that they may have gone a little overboard on the Kanto rehashes.
I don't think they were intentionally trying to drive home the concept "convergent evolution." I think the main problem here is that Sugimori and crew aren't creative enough to come up with 150+ decent Pokemon without relying on rehashes; even Hoenn had quite a few rehashes and that was only 135 new Pokemon.
At the time I'd honestly preferred encountering a Woobat after four generations of Zubat. Looking back, I think the complaint of Unovamons resembling "Chinese knockoffs of Kantomons" is legit. It doesn't help that the powercreep has made the Unovamons superior to the originals. Conkeldurr is an obvious rehash of Machamp but superior to Machamp in almost every way, yet it doesn't have the same classic appeal.
Oh i can do the same then
would've liked rock emboar than forced charizard garbage
>Anon, if people shat on a bad game every other game would have been better
And that's exactly what happened. People shat on BW and we got games better than BW. Where's the issue?
i blame all the fans
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She fuckijg won
what are you talking about bro
this only proves that unova was a massive mistake and a piece of shit gen
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That explains why Audino is the only gen V mon to get a mega evolution and only in ORAS
That those games aren't better than Gen 5.
yes you big baby player

unova got skipped because you got filtered 17 years ago
They were better than Gen 5 though.
Is this saying we were supposed to have new Pokemon in BW2 that got put in XY?
NTA I agree those games aren't better than gen 5 but that doesn't mean 5 is good. It sucks shit and you're a stupid fucking latinx spicNIGGER
>Single game does something ever so slightly different from the norm so you can't immediately use the same team you've been using the last 4 gens
>It's the most hated thing of all time
Pokemon fans deserve nothing.
>Normalfag burgers shit on the good games
>The series goes to shit because it started to pander to the normalfag burgers
Yeah. The usual western slop cycle.
Basically what happened in USUM with Blacephalon Stakataka and Poipole/Naganadel
You have to be 18+ to post on this site.
Pretty sure Galar and Paldea are more hated than Unova, what are they gonna do next? Legends Alola and then Legends Kanto, Johto and Hoenn?
B2W2 accidentally turned out to be the definitive Pokemon games anyway (not USUM), shame about the cut Pokemon.
I fucking hate this bullshit, I wish it was popular enough, but it is what it is.
I guess it means pokemon to be liked in all regions

BW was too kino for Pokemon
>They threw away regional lore for international fans
God I fucking hate Genwunners even more now

We made the future, it's all our fault that we've got French Kanto, Hawaiian Kanto and British Kanto
cool, look at pokemon's x account, they acknowledged the hack. or do you want masuda to personally go through every piece of info leaked and add context to it? of course not nigger, but you knew that already, you just wanted to larp as a big brain redditor. shut up and enjoy the leaks or gtfo
pokemon is more an art project than a game. it doesn't succeed based on satisfying gameplay or innovation.
shit designs are far more unforgivable than technical incompetence.
and that's a good thing"
>they acknowledged the hack
>this means any ms paint image I make with text slapped on it that I post in the leak thread is instantly real
>it's an "autist takes everything 100% literally" post
nobody is asking for masuda to write them a personal email confirming that he did in fact make that dragonair smut in 2008, but anyone leaking documents should be providing the directory to where they found it for verification.
No, fusions were meant to be the Gen 6 gimmick (teased in BW2) but they moved away from it/moved more towards trainer/pokemon fusions. aka megas.
that's literally exactly what that means
imagine what were they writing after SV launch lol. I hope we'll get that conversation too
Get fucked N
holy mother of cope!
I prefer regional continuity. It makes no sense for Japanese fauna to show up in France.
when will japanese companies learn to never pander to westerners?
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>International reception
You guys are so fucking gullible
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i wish regional forms had been a thing back during gen 5, that would've been a fine way to include older pokemon while still have an all-new dex, and i think people would've appreciated it a lot more than obvious rehashes. even if i think most of unova's rehashes are superior to the originals.
If Unova was hated by GF, it wouldn't had more Pokemon returning in Galar than Kanto.
You do know that Serbii discussed Pokemon Black and White to no end before the official localization released right?
It's because of James Turner since he's the art director
You do know that it wasn't the reception for the new Pokemon designs but rather the lack of any old ones available prior to post-game in that supposed "conversation" Masuda and co. had, right?
I grew up with 150 pokemon. Having suddenly more is nice from a gameplay perspective but it ruins the entire established lore and reduces Oak to a fraud. I don't give a fuck up any continuity because that was already broken in gen 2.
You do know that only a tiny handful of the fanbase reads serebii within 5 fucking days of the game releasing, right?
You do know that you shouldn't fall for blatantly fake text leaks just because you happen to agree with the schizo narratives put in them, right?
Should've fired him on the spot as soon as they saw BW's bad reception.
Kalos make more sense to have regional forms since there's no old Pokemon in BW and they only immigrated recently. Strange every other egion had one but X/Y is the outlier.
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It's less of a "the designs are dogshit" and more of a "this Pokémon distribution is fucking shit"
But it makes sense given Kanto is next to Johto. So the regions will share animals and plants irl. In Pokemon they'd share wild Pokemon
So, people were crying about the lack of old Gen 1 monsters and hated B/W because of it?
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What the fuck is this image trying to convey?
I didn't need literal gen 1 mons but the new ones looked unappealing. I wasn't really feeling any monster/dragon/kaijuu vibes just a bunch of dumb looking shit and animals.
Unova pokemon distribution sucks, hoenn did it best
I don't even think you can get Audino before the first badge. There's no shaking grass tiles till after the first gym, no?

Since they wanted so desperately to make the first gym a tutorial for type advantages, it doesn't help that all of your choices besides the starter/monkey all do the same thing -- spam tackle or scratch -- and only lillipup is worth carrying on with afterwards into the midgame.
Which is why Gen 2 takes place years after the original and also why most of the new Pokemon have obscure encounter requirements. In Gen 3, that's where the established lore stopped mattering since those games take place around the same time as Gen 1.
what are you talking about, this blows all of the unovabortions out of the water
their garbage fire is why the franchise is like this
i meant having unovan forms in BW
Pokemon accessible before the first gym it seems
>few of the new Pokemon that felt Gen5-esque
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen used as unova cope
How is the sword and shield pokemon new york?
i didn't know that. I remember some vague reasoning for the new Pokemon in gen 2 so you're probably right about that. It used to be just the Pokemon World and Oak new there were only 150. Suddenly there were new ones being discovered, and eggs.
god I'm glad I don't use this board, just went here because of the leaks. you fags are so pathetic. I hope you spend the rest of your life making bait arguments, it's hilarious that you people literally cannot function without it.
holy samefag
it's filled with nogs
>unfinished slop that was unable to stand on it a own right and had to be killed early?
but enough about kalos
File deleted.
>b-but you changed it!
your whining will get you nowhere, abortion
they may have overrcorrected but gen 5 was by far the worst gen before gen 8
none of your made up shitposting images about how the nips love it will save you
Blame burgers and western journos being so up in arms against japanese games in the 7th console gen
Centro deleted the post. Confirmed fake.

ok can someone tell me if this is real or just a fanfic
Centro is the dumbest nigger motherfucker to exist, him deleting it probably gives it more credence if anything.
It's still probably fake but that guy's retarded
These games don't have an identity when they just shove every single pokemon in history into them

but going by this chart 3 is best by far. no kanto pandering and a lot of variety
Me when I looked at Gen 1 pokemon
>No you don't understand it's bad for a REASON
but you're correct, gen 3 is the best gen and has always been since it came out
nobody cares except you. get a life retard. imagine your parents reading these awful fucking posts.
Idk how thats my fault? I was literally 12 when this game came out. I liked it and played it. It was just all the adults at the time bitching I guess. I don't remmeber any of my friends hating the game or anything.
>People shat on BW and we got games better than BW.
The problem is that the only game that came close was SV and that was marred with technical issues
Glad we agree Sword and Shield has the most identity since the entire fanbase had a meltdown over not every Pokemon being shoved into the game.
The meetings pictures are probably fake but deep there we all know it's true.
>Only people who like gen 5 were 12 when it came out
surprising no one
holy mspaint
>but that doesn't mean 5 is good.
By that logic no game would be good.
>ESL faggots are the ones shitting on gen 5
makes perfect sense. all they can do is pretend to have the shittiest opinion for attention.
>Legends Alola
Way too hated.
I'm glad we can forever shit on kantofaggots forever. Genwunner niggers ruined the trajectory of the franchise for the last decade.
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A big source of BW's criticism at the time was that the Pokemon designs were not as appealing as the older ones. Trubbish and Vanillish in particular got singled out. And since the region only featured new Pokemon, a lot of Pokemon that filled the archetypes of older Pokemon just ended up looking like cheap knock-offs of older Pokemon (Patrat -> Rattata, Zubat -> Woobat, Machop -> Timburr, etc.). Then you have other aspects, like the region being a just a circle, the animations looking really awkward, removing following Pokemon from HGSS.

It's also worth mentioning that gen 4 did get its fair share of criticism too. A lot of people didn't like the designs of the cross-gen evolutions (particularly Rhyperior) and even Pokemon like Garchomp and the legendary Pokemon were seen as overdesigned (and some people thought that they were adding too many new legendaries in each game in general, reducing their value). The fact that online discussion was becoming more popular around that period probably just meant that people who had "grown out of the series" simply had a bigger platform to share their complaints.
I think you're a bit confused anon, unova being bad is why they just went for broke and did as much pandering as possible.
this. anybody who cared about this franchise understood this when megas were revealed.
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Is it really that popular in the east?
how is darumaka new york
so is this like your entire personality? how much time exactly do you spend on this?
it poops and new york is basically poop
>burgers kill the franchise cuz no heckin Charizard
>10 years later they cry and wonder how Pokémon fell off
You get what you deserve!
>retard finally realized the date of the meeting and removed it
People cried about the new Scarlet and Violet designs, but Nintendo ignored them and kept on trucking. They should have ignore the online retards back then too, considering how all their bluster always leads to nothing.
Gen 5 was their (very stupid) attempt at a soft reboot and a lot of the retreads are just worse.
Then on top of that there's the "We gotta have even more pokemon than gen 1!" deal so they were REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel with shit like the simis and making lines 3-stage when they had no reason to
Klinklang and vanilluxe are fine designs but there is no universe where they should have been 3-stage.
It's been about what, half an hour in the past few years? Something like that.
>It's been about what, half an hour in the past few years? Something like that.
it's actually BEYOND pathetic that you think anybody would believe that. just how filthy is your keyboard?
Thanks. That's exactly what bothered me. That charizard and garchomp comparison in particular conveys it all.
>yeah the other games have more content and replay value than bw
Are they defending bw or shitting on it?
Anon I don't know how to tell you this but I haven't played a pokemon game since original sun and moon in 2016. My interest in the franchise is half-nostalgia at this point, you need to let go, too.
>unova being bad is why they just went for broke and did as much pandering as possible.
Unova being poorly received in the west isn't the same thing as being bad anon.
>BW has a well-constructed storyline
alright now I know they're a bunch of retards
BW had the worst plot in the game before OH MY ENERGY CRISIS (IN 100,000 YEARS, MAYBE)
anon, your opinion is worthless and you should let go of posting on this website.
I think at this point, Game Freak realise that there's always going to be a wave of criticism for the new games, and that the games are still going to sell decently well despite that. But certainly with gen 5 to 6, they seemed to try and make a conscious effort to appeal to these people. Which is why there were so many things lifted straight from gen 1 in XY, to the point where they overcorrected.
>Ad homs
He won. You lost.
The faggot who posted his fanfic realized he fucked up with the date and now you're grasping at straws to try and defend it
no, lol
>BW had the worst plot in the game before OH MY ENERGY CRISIS
You genuinely think an incompetent team that can't do anything
Land and sea freaks
And a literal autist who doesn't understand how anything works because he's autistic made for better stories?
he's shitting on it and saying the other games have better side features, like rs's bases or whatever
No he fucking doesn't, nobody seriously believes that. You're arguing with jaded retards who can only feel anything by making you angry. It's just gaslighting by third worlders, ignore it.
Yes, absolutely.
Gen 1/2 is just generic mafia who don't do much but generic mafia for a kid's game to go beat up is fine.
Technically well meaning but obscenely retarded eco-terrorists who learn that they were retards is a pretty good story for a kid's game.
and cyrus being an autist who just wanted to kill everything and everyone because he was, again, autistic makes sense
"I want to rule the world and be evil, I also gaslit this kid into believing me, too bad that doesn't matter because any possible nuance his character had is thrown out the window the second he finds out he was gaslit" is a bad story. Ghetsis is a shitty character and N could have been an ok character but they kind of shit the bed.
I never played BW2 because I thought BW was shit but I heard that had a slightly better story with Colress doing something.
I'm not gonna say gens 1-4 have a great story but they absolutely have a better story than gen 5
You could MAYBE argue that gen 6 has a worse story than gen 5, lysandre is only slightly less retarded than ghetsis.
>BW troll hasn't played BW2
Try harder. At least don't admit you're baiting.
THe fuck are you talking about? Why would I have played BW2 if I hated BW?
>literal retard can't make a single logical connection without having his hand held
Americans tend to overestimate the appeal of the America-based regions (Unova and Alola). No-one else finds your country interesting. The Japanese regions (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh) are more interesting for most people, and even the European regions (Kalos, Galar, Paldea) have some sort of intrigue to them even if the games themselves suck because they are unfinished pieces of shit.
You obviously have no actual argument for this and are just going to continue schizoposting so have a last (You) I guess.
My solace is that BW will forever be remembered as one of the worst games.
>No-one else finds your country interesting.
Japan is fucking obsessed with hawaii lmao, they don't really give a shit about clapistan but they fucking love honolulu. Please stop talking out of your ass.
blow it out your ass
Yes, a big part of why people at the time of release hated BW was because you couldn't get pokemon from the previous generations without engaging in good old transfer in the postgame iirc.
Honestly I liked the concept of starting completely fresh since Unova was the first region that was not based in Japan, and my headcanon was that B2W2 having pokemon of previous generations around in the wild was that they were invasive species from all the transfers that happened during BW.
Of course now BW is regarded as having one of the best stories in the franchise, but there is no forgetting that before anyone played it that was the greatest source of hate.
>My solace is that BW will forever be remembered as one of the worst games.
Cool dude, glad that you found something to autistically to latch on to. You're such a "winner".
>BW had the worst plot in the game
BW STILL HAS the best story in any Pokemon game you are out of your fucking mind to even single it out on the bottom. Nothing as mature as BW will ever be written by the Pokemon games.
I've always thought that everyone already knew this intuitively. Maybe not people who joined the franchise with Gen 4 or 5 (so vocal on the internet, you'd think those games were most popular. Errnt, wrong. Insert coin try again), but for those of us who've been with it since the beginning (First Genners, KantOGs.. KantoKings.. give me a hollar). I remember when it first came out and featured none of the first Pokemon, all new ones; most unsettling Pokemon experience for a sentimental maniac like myself. When it came out, I turned to my sisters and said, "One day the kids whose first game this is will claim that this game is the best one. You won't believe me, but watch." Fortunately, GF heard the cries of the OGs, and never again will we have to suffer such an unsettling trial again.
At this point I have to assume this is parody, even the joke vacation hawaii plot was a lot more """mature""" than unova's.
The good guys won
>My solace is that BW will forever be remembered as one of the worst games.
who’s gonna tell him
>i don't care about lore but also I do care about lore
BW was truly the last good pokemon game
I really dont get the hate for "region only of new pokemons"
We got 10 games by now, they do it ONE(1) time people start to cry
BW was the first time I felt like playing something *new*
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Holy shit
>At this point I have to assume this is parody, even the joke vacation hawaii plot was a lot more """mature""" than unova's.
In what fucking world you absolute moron? Your bait is laughable. You out yourself immediately by not putting XY at the very bottom. Kill yourself you waste of breath.
Quite the opposite, it felt like playing a game trying too hard to ride on Kanto's cock unlike Gen 2 3 and 4
SV is already 100 times more mature than BW bro.
>everyone shitting on BW
die of an overdose you stupid fat brit
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>my attitude to bw fucked over the franchise?
>fuck gen 5
bw haters are so retarded lmao
Just let them live in their safe space, they can continue dreaming they were right all along until they die.
But the games are selling more then they ever did? So how did BW's poor reception fuck over the franchise?
SV managed to be worse than XY somehow
Didn't like it then, won't like it now, it's the game's fault for being shit
Now whos out of their fucking mind eh.
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>Let's stick to fame
wtf, where is my constant Absol shilling then? We got thrown a bone just once, and then it was taken two gens later anyway.
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They have 0 self-awareness, as a result they'll never try anything new that isn't ultra-safe.
it's being brought back in the next game
megas are definitely the best gimmick they've made so they should just keep doing those. they can keep doing meme shit if they want too, I guess
So BW2 was supposed to have an even bigger dex of new Pokémon? Christ dude we had a gen that actually gave what everyone nowadays wants and it got pissed down the drain for muh Charizardfags
>Gen 4 kino

ok retard
Literally nobody cares. The problem with that image being spread around is that the meeting supposedly occurred only five fucking days after the NATIVE release, yet it's about the international response to the game's lack of old Pokemon.
The past 3 gens have tried more new things than anything gen 5 did you dumbfuck
>what everyone nowadays wants
what parallel universe do you people live in
Aren't you saying the game le hated everywhere outside of Japan?
Gen 5 is good you loser, sorry you're too stupid to realize that.
I didn’t want linear piss easy gameplay with badly animated sprites and side content like berry farming/contests/secret bases horribly gutted
I know it is, but Absol hasn't got shit compared to Lucario. Nor as much as Blaziken.
the only thing ""unsafe"" gen 5 did was cut out all the old pokemon, which is hated whenever it's been done (gen 3 and gen 8, though in gen 3 they promised they would be back soon)
meanwhile the games was the most sterile shit possible with arbitrary gating getting worse than ever before and a literal circle
This, gen 5 didn't bring anything to the table
>gen 1 the whole gameplay
>gen 2 held items, special df and atk
>gen 3 natures, abilities and doubles
>gen 4 the split
>gen 5 battle formats no one uses
>gen 6 megas
>gen 7 z moves
>gen 8 dyna
>gen 9 tera
I dunno I always kind of liked him but I never thought he was a top star.
Hidden abilities
>cyrus being an autist who just wanted to kill everything and everyone because he was, again, autistic makes sense

This isn't about you.
No, I like Gen 5 and believe that the "negative reception" it has been grossly overstated. That supposed "leak" has way too many contradictory elements to it and whoever originally found it isn't providing its directory, so I don't believe it.
Gen 5 did introduce Team Preview. Love it or hate it that is a massive gameplay change and is still extremely impactful to this day, certainly more so than the Gen 6 gimmicks and onwards.
Gen 7 onward might be a good study in how trying something new doesn’t mean much if the actual product is shit and the developers are lazy retards
>Gen 1/2 is just generic mafia who don't do much but generic mafia for a kid's game to go beat up is fine.
Generic mafia is bad for a world like Pokemon for obvious reasons namely the fact that it's under utilising the super powered animals of their world to do things you could achieve in the real world with guns. It's even more retarded in gen 2 given it confirms that Giovanni was the only one with a braincell.
>Technically well meaning but obscenely retarded eco-terrorists who learn that they were retards is a pretty good story for a kid's game.
The "well meaning" part was an oras retcon exclusive to maxie. In the originals they were doing it for the sake of doing it
>and cyrus being an autist who just wanted to kill everything and everyone because he was, again, autistic makes sense
Not really, autists don't dream of reshaping the world to their autism, unless they're extremely far down on the spectrum but then it's debatable that they can even think.
Anyway, it would have made more sense if he was going to unravel the world to understand it in a lex luthor kind of way, not just remove emotion and make everyone like him.
hidden abilities and team preview? hidden abilities were a complete gamechanger for so many mons and have stuck around ever since unlike the other gimmickshit that lasts just one gen.
Didn't BW sell almost as much as the earlier gen games? Why did online reception mean shit if people still bought it?
Do you even think about the things you type sometimes or are you just going with the breeze when you say dumb shit like this nigger?
>The "well meaning" part was an oras retcon exclusive to maxie. In the originals they were doing it for the sake of doing it
no it wasn't, they both wanted to extend the land/sea in the original
archie wanted to do it for more ""nature"" stuff and if I'm remembering correctly was even coping with pacifidlog being fine
maxie wanted to do it for more generic "progress of humanity/science" stuff even if it would kill the habitat for water pokemon
they both got a lot more than they wanted and then (You) have to beat up the legends
>"I want to rule the world and be evil, I also gaslit this kid into believing me, too bad that doesn't matter because any possible nuance his character had is thrown out the window the second he finds out he was gaslit" is a bad story.
That's a far better story than the previous ones. For starters he's unabashedly evil but not in a Saturday morning villain way like Giovanni but in "abuses people physically and mentally" way. It's the same kind of evil that makes characters like Frieza so much more interesting than say Lord Zedd which is what pokemon had until gen 5. He's not afraid to just murder someone who's in his way getting them out of the way quick and easy.
Then upon discovering that N could speak with pokemon he actually enacted a full plan on multiple fronts including grooming N into becoming an acceptable partner to the dragon and weakening the people by separating them from their pokemon. All of which was going well despite your meddling until the very end when you actually manage to change N's mind.
>Ghetsis is a shitty character and N could have been an ok character but they kind of shit the bed.
If you think they shit the bed then by that reasoning you should think that every other story is worse for not utilising their characters and world properly.
>I never played BW2 because I thought BW was shit but I heard that had a slightly better story with Colress doing something.
Then go and play it.
>Be autist always pick fire starters
>leak reveals were getting a 3rd fire/fighting starter in a row
>lose all interest and skip gen

I'm not apologizing.
>makes garbage game
>no one buys it
devs being retards once again
kanto subhumans making a fuss because heckin charizard isn't in the game caused pokemon to become shit
B&W was the last time pokemon actually innovated and tried new shit instead of crappy gimmicks that are shafted next gen
>He's cool because he kills people and does what he wants!
yea that's about what I expected
Why did GF developers think that overseas reception was more important than their own country?
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>b-but we got a perfect score in Famitsu...
>B&W was the last time pokemon actually innovated and tried new shit instead of crappy gimmicks that are shafted next gen
>Gen 4 kino
Some of the best parts of this leak was on Gen 4's based mythology. Gen 4 IS kino.
Unfortunately they’re partially correct because Pokémon is sort of too big for its own good. However sometimes you have to put your foot down and insist that your vision needs to be completed, the “backlash” to gen 5 sure didn’t stop the games from being financially successful still.
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>Americans ruin pokemon-ACK!!
>no it wasn't, they both wanted to extend the land/sea in the original
They didn't have solid reasons until oras anon.
>Pokémon, people, all life exists on land... That's why Team Magma is trying to expand the world's landmass.
>Pokémon, people, all life depends on the sea. So, Team Aqua is dedicated to the expansion of the sea. Don't you agree?
That's all you get in the originals
Tendies and Pokefags were (and still are) extremely insecure. Even 10% of the fanbase complaining about the decisions they made with the new games was enough for the reception towards Gen 5 to be misconstrued over the years as being overwhelmingly negative.
This is ORAS
>I stand as the head of Team Magma, a noble organization whose goal is to propel humanity to even greater heights of progress and evolution. Indeed. And you are one of the young persons who may shape our society's future. Considering that fact, I believe I shall educate you in the ways of the world. The land... It is the stage upon which humanity stands. The land exists so we humans might continue onward and upward, stepping into the future... For us to continue growing and evolving, humans require a grand stage upon which to stand. A land upon which we can stride forward... A land we can explore...develop...exploit... This is the basis for the growth of all human endeavor. That is why we, Team Magma, must increase the landmass of the world! Believe that this will lead to a future of eternal happiness for humanity... And consequently for all life!"
>Do you know that Pokémon, people, and all life in this world depend on the sea for life? That's right. The sea is an irreplaceable treasure for every living thing on this planet. But with our selfish extravagance, humanity dirties the great ocean, destroying this source of all life… Day by day, we're all destroying our most precious resource! If we humans suffer from our actions, well, maybe we'll end up getting what we deserve. But what about the Pokémon in our world? The Pokémon that no longer have a place to live because we stole and soiled their seas? The Pokémon that won't have a place to raise their young and watch them grow? We are creating a world in which innocent Pokémon suffer as a result of our actions… And that is something that I can't forgive! That's why I came to a decision, see? The foolish actions of my fellow humans, the seas we have blighted, nature itself… I will return everything to its unspoiled beginnings!"

Basically, instead of just
>life depends on land, no life depends on water! GRRRRR!
it's now man vs nature
Reminder: This “real meeting” uses the wrong codenames to refer to BW and XY, we know without a doubt that XY should be called “Kujira” and not “Beauty”. It also says “the sequels” instead of using BW2’s codename of “swan”, these are clear signs it’s fake
If that's all you got from the post then there's no hope for you.
>B&W was the last time pokemon actually innovated and tried new shit instead of crappy gimmicks that are shafted next gen
Kek you Gen V fags are so delusional. Everything about BW was just a retread of Gen 1. There was nothing innovative about it besides the autistic story.
>Kek you Gen V fags are so delusional. Everything about BW was just a retread of Gen 1.
Remind me when in Kanto does my rival actually get character development throughout the game?
That is 100% a reflection of fan stupidity. We will never have a good pokemon game again because of the fans that overreacted and frankly were completely wrong about gen five.
What do you think each gen added as a permanent feature anon?
I feel vindicated hating B/W and loving the game series X/Y forward. Fuck your nostalgia and fuck your childhood, stay mad.
kinda a crazy the switch games done worse then this but sold more
>There were notable developments in Gen 1, 2, 3, 4, but Gen 5 has almost none
I’m one of them, I saw stuff like moving sprites, a focus on the story and no older mons and thought they were not the Pokémon I grew up with, when I went back to them about 4-5 years later I was pretty blown away by BW1 especially. I haven’t gotten that “Pokémon cycle” with any of the gens since
minus the really slow shit gameplay
>notable developments
>in gen 2 and 4
At least this dude is in the minority.
innovation doesn't always equal good product
i could make a normal pizza or i could make a peanut butter and onion pizza, one's never been done before but that doesn't make it better
bw didn't change the core gameplay much but that's not really what I'm looking for in a pokémon game. i like the core gameplay of pokémon already that's why i play it
We can see the poster number you know
Its that easy to notice the nitpick
The series X/Y forward is more about nostalgia than the series before that lmao
It's kind of strange that people here seem to have forgotten how poorly bw1 was received. I remember people being very unhappy with it at the time.
>le third ability
i can't think of anything more derivative, especially since the previous gen was already adding abilities to older mons rofl
What folder is that in anyway? I'd like to read it for myself rather than rely on a screenshot on /vp/.
Both are more innovative than whatever shitnova did
Every decision they’ve made has precisely been to boost sales at the cost of the quality of the games so it’s not surprising. It would be pitiful if the last few gens didn’t sell
shhh, she thinks creating zubat but dumber, uglier, and more forgettable is le different
Yeah, they were so poorly received that there was only a drop of 2m going from DP to BW...
Can these threads get banned already?
Yeah, you know what also got a massive poor reception that led to people calling for a boycott? Gamefreak should have learned not to listen to retards online as early as Gen5, they are a small voice that are just loud.
I has red when i was 3 but do people really care about the fucking lizard that much desu I am bored of it in gamewise its pretty boring or just has some bs thrown on it to be good
>>gen 1 the whole gameplay
>>gen 2 held items, special df and atk
>>gen 3 natures, abilities and doubles
>>gen 4 the split
>>gen 5 powers, direct to PC trading, hidden abilities, triples, rotations
>>gen 6 megas
>>gen 7 z moves
>>gen 8 dyna
>>gen 9 tera

Rock type Reckless Emboar with Head Smash was actually on the table at Gamefreak. Instead we got faggy tera types rather than Delta species.

Press S to spit.
Might as well add all the bullshit battle modes xy added
Gamefreak ironically does listen to backlash often but like many devs they take the wrong information from it. I suspect BDSP were designed the way they were because of complaints about gen 7/8 and ORAS, but because they’re out of touch they thought making a 3D sprite based game that was “faithful” was all people wanted, rather than not understanding that they’ve opened Pandora’s box with going 3D and have to either commit to that or just going full 2D, and the obvious things with content from old games like Emerald and Platinum.

Them reacting to criticism by some to BW being fully bending the knee and changing their future plans is sadly in-character for them
Wait, how did emboar end as fire/fighting? Charizard is fire/flying.
>Genwunners are eternal faggot.
Water is wet
>>>gen 5 powers, direct to PC trading, hidden abilities, triples, rotations
literally almost all dumb and unpopular gimmicks that were cut lmao. no different from saying gen 2 added apricorn balls or gen 3's running shoes, or gen 4's unlimited bag
They only stuck around for one gen but then again that was also be auwe gen 7 was abject shit.
Why are we still falling for fake documents with no file paths given after hours?
First thing i had in mind was japanese kfc chicke- oh it's Blaziken...
>literally almost all dumb and unpopular gimmicks that were cut lmao.
Only two were removed because of sm
Powers didn't make it into SM see but came back in USM via the roto loto and haven't left since
Everything else is still a part of the series unlike everything that came after.
Oh, it's you again.
Kys Johtofag
There were removed because they're dumb filler gimmicks no one gives a shit about. I can't remember the last time I thought about rotation battles
we have access to the files, surely someone knows which one it is, because it's so very real.
We're seeing the mindbrokening of Masuda here
It's Pokémon variety before the first gym, also that image is incorrect. Pic related is more up to date
Was BW really disliked that much back in the day? I always assumed it had a lukewarm response because older fans were growing out of the franchise and wanted to play other games instead of another Pokemon game. Also Pokemania was a low at the point so there were not as many new kids getting into it and they did not yet have all the onions hipsters that started following Nintendo after the Switch's release. I know I personally did not buy BW back in the day because I was kind of tired of the Pokemon gameplay formula after playing all the prior mainline games and I did not care for many of the new designs.
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>triple and rotation battles phased out
>gems removed
>dream world dead
>musicals dead
>seasons dead
>co-op feature canned
>PWT dead
>Pokestar dead
>infinite TMs removed
>repeat repel removed
James Turner’s shit designs and shiny locks are the only lasting thing from Gen V. It’s a filler generation that could be removed right now and not a single significant thing would be lost.
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It's a legitimate complaint, but everyone automatically assumes it's only Kanto because that's the only thing they relate to with the word "old". Kanto received free attacks and narratives from Unova fans for years to this day.
Considering how small XY's first routes are, 20 is way too much
20 in Hoenn would feel right though
>There were removed because they're dumb filler gimmicks no one gives a shit about.
They were removed because sm were bad games, incorporating the trainers into battles cost us the best methods of money farming and levelling
They were removed because bw are bad games and introduced dumb gimmickshit no one cares about
Except the game would become 10 times more grindy
>Was BW really disliked that much back in the day?
yes, you'd know this if you weren't a newfag
While I absolutely won't defend the early game distribution of BW, because it is really fucking bad, it's easy to see that they did it on purpose. You get no relevant options against the monkeys, so that they can teach type effectiveness.
They then corrected hard, and maybe overcorrected in XY as you say, though I rather take too many than too few.
>Was BW really disliked that much back in the day?
Here? Not really. Hell this board was madedue to the hype for it.
Everywhere else? Yeah. People were livid about having no old pokemon.
it had a hard mode
I've seen this image before, but I never took a look at the numbers.
63 million views, whatever, and barely any interaction?
This is the thing zoomies call ratio, is it not?
so good i can get a lax before the 1st gym =) and a ash greniger
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>hard mode
>need a second completed copy of the of the game and 2 consoles to access
>even then, the stats don't even scale correctly and make the game easier
more pointless filler garbage
the stunfisk sub hates the gen its from?
this was debunked
thats gf fault more then anything to fucking sell it as a add on
Overblown. It was a vocal minority but Pokemon fans weren't used to discord within the fandom
Genwunners crying about the lack of Pikachu and Charizard is not the same as Unova being bad.
Bro, in the fake meeting you're latching onto they specifically mention shit from Gen 3 and 4. Stop crying about 35+ year old millennials
faggots are missing this because they love to turn everything into a genwar instead of thinking like adults who want to make a franchise work
Ironic since this was the last good game in the series
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anti-unovafags are in maximum damage control meltdown mode
good how
>gen 5
hidden abilities
double battles against wild pokemon in dark grass
global link
triple battles
fully animated sprites
gym leaders having development
sex designs
revamped UI
>every gen after it
>z moves
all worthless shit that got replaced with the next gimmick
instead of just giving old pokemon permanently new evolutions and new moves
all of the gens after 5 can just be described as "the one with X gimmick"
In what way would Pokemon have been different now if GF had done what the fans cried about, and put more Gen 1 pokemon at the beginning of the game? If they had pleased the haters with easy access to older monsters, this conversation would not have happened.
fun anon
More like (You) got exposed pushing an actual fan-made document attempt to push an agenda during the largest scale leak season we've ever had.
and the x gimmick is either supermoves or a one time boost, thats gonna lose its luster
Those are things that are expected to be improved upon as a new release, anon. If it didn't happen in gen 5 it would on the next, every gen does this, gen 5 is not special for it.

You are trading one boogeyman for another. Bitching about the backlash Gen 1 got for insufferable genwunners then blaming Unovafans for any fringe complaint.

Still not seeing the problem?
kek an ugly palette swap? stopped reading there.
I was talking about people in real life not online Pokemon communities. If all the Normie kids had went out bought BW they would have been a success regardless of any fringe group of haters. I just don't remember seeing people sperg about it in real life back then and I knew a lot of people into Pokemon at the time.

I was more talking about how it was perceived by average gamers and kids than online.
>revamped UI
Yeah it sucked having the entire bottom screen being useless because they replaced it with multiplayer shit that was shutdown only a few years into the games life.
Retarded disingenuous argument. I refuse to believe you actually mean it. Most of the Hoenn and Sinnoh dex are new Pokemon. You don’t get access to cross game trading until you acquire the national dex so the only way to acquire most old Pokemon is to trade one from another copy that already has the natdex unlocked and traded it over or cheat, which you can just as easily do in Gen V. You don’t even need to trade or transfer for a lot of Pokemon because of White Forest.
>Having a brain
Don't say that to Yawnfag he'll have a melty that you don't like them because his bad Battle Tower clone has them
in that case it's dogshit because it isn't fun at all
unless your idea of fun is mashing through endless tutorials, awful tweening, genwun knockoffs, hallway routes, hallway region, etc.

But you are probably a fat, dumb latinx spic, so you do find that fun. Just kill yourself
you're upset
I was not really involved with the online fandom at the time. I talked about Pokemon with IRL friends and acquaintances and read serebii.net daily for news. I know the modern narrative is that BW was hated when it was new but I did not experience it personally. Hence my asking about it. Mind you that was only my anecdote so I won't say the hate did not happen I'm just skeptical it was as prevalent as it is often reported to be.
>I-I have to use a new team until I beat the game!!!
BOO FUCKING HOO. It forced you to use a new team, what a fucking tragedy. I hope Gen 10 has only 5 new pokemon and the rest of the encounters are Kanto, Lucario, and Greninja.
Don't know about you, but the reveal of that ice cream cone made a bunch of people upset. Like autistic rage over the idea that a pokemon would look like a frozen dessert.
I've been trying to find the emails, so let me list where they'd probably be
>Data associated with Beauty, which we don't have yet
>Data associated with Swan
>Random data pulled from GF's enterprise Box
I'm checking the latter, if anyone wants to check Swan/B2W2 data for it please be my guest, it should be blatantly obvious it's an email compared to everything else, just like the previous source code leaks.
no my fun is playing a fun pokemon that adds new things thats not a battle gimmick i gotta spam online, good music thats not some fag stealing from ffx
but really it was the best pokemon i played and the other gens after the bw games are not really fun and its just easier to play showdown for the online
Honestly that makes me kind of happy. Most of my IRL friends though I was too harsh about the designs.
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The most kino region

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