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How many things did they ruin according to the leaks?
kys obsessed faggot
gen 5 as a whole for starter
god bless america for saving the direction of pokemon
Brining DEI to the games
>Americans don't like the game inspired by one of the USA's biggest cities
the entirety of western civilization and a huge part of eastern one too
>New [anime] Series Plans:
>New protagonists (possibly including a strong female lead)
You're not wrong, DEI is on their mind
IWNBA either, and thank god for that
>make a gen based on the USA region
>Americans hate it
Irony? Pottery? I'm not sure exactly
Ever since Anita's grift (and yes, Anita Sarkeesian's entire campaign can be defined by this one word), things have been drifting down the gutter. These leaks wouldn't be nearly as controversial if you released them in 2008
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I know you're trolling, but it's actually real
QRD? I've only seen the Poképhilia stories.
Censorship shit, I don't have the screen caps but
>smoking is a problem
>religious symbols are a problem
>winking is a problem
The Pokemon Company Intertional isn't in charge of the games
Keep coping
>Dont give genwunner fags their mons until post game
Gen 5 was our savior and you all crucified it
BW2 was supposed to have a number of new Pokemon in it, and a "fusion" system of some kind that seemingly changed Pokemon's typings. The Genesect/Mewtwo movie was meant to promote this, with Mega Mewtwo Y replacing the fusion Mewtwo it was originally supposed to star.

Americans bitching about the lack of Charizards in BW made them drop the entire fusion system and all the new Pokemon and changed the selling point of the game to "it's full of old Pokemon".
>>winking is a problem
I know exactly what sprite you're referring to but this just sounds so funny
they are telling japanese creators to censor things at ground level. see the DQ interview, americans being hired into positions of power at japanese offices, and excessive use of DEI and ESG language.

look at what gets cut for global release for pokemon and it becomes very obvious, this is all because of american influence, regulation, and censorship all at the hands of people who dont consume any of this
Yeah. They can't just censor the western release any more because now westerners are able to look at the Japanese original and see what got censored. So the Japanese original needs to be censored as well.
Original BW was widely despised in the US for far more than not having charizard. It was despised because the game constantly stopped progression for 5 minute long conversations between npcs. And the majority of the new designs were trash. The general consensus was simply that if they hadn't decided to avoid using any old designs they could have avoided needing to use such bad designs.

The games just didn't bring the same joy to western fans that the previous 4 generations brought. With very good reason.
>It was despised because the game constantly stopped progression for 5 minute long conversations between npcs
Which is why they doubled down on that in XY
good, that's at least an acceptable compromise for ruining gen VI
XY is leagues better about it actually. In games after BW, it can be a bit like that at the very beginning of the game and maybe a couple times later in the game. But nowhere near as constantly in BW.
>nowhere near as constantly as in BW

Tell me you havent played modern Pokemon without telling me you havent played modern Pokemon.

XY, SM and SwSh are by far the worst offenders in that regard, but try again sweetheart!
Well, moreso gen 6 and beyond but yeah, a lot of gen 6 mon were supposed to be introduced in BW2 to keep the whole "new mon only" thing
>XY is leagues better about it actually
Not really, having 3 to 4 instances of stop and talk per town is considerably worse.
They're really not. I left the series in 2010 after BW. Came back in 2016 after go craze with SuMo and was so blown away with how great it was I went back and played XY. I have played every game since on day one.

None of the modern games are as bad about constantly stopping your progression as BW.

It's why to this day I have never completed a gen 5 playthrough. I get about 5 badges in and just can't take it anymore. I'd rather be physicall tortured than the mental torment unova outs you through.
It is not, it's fucking dogshit. When BW stops you it usually last like 3 seconds because it's just a textbox you can mash through if you don't care about it, then when XY stops you, you have to sit there and eat the whole 2 minute cutscene while simultaneously offering you the most bland characters ever and no plot. And then they tripled down on the cutscenes making them even longer and more prevalent in SM, thought at least that time they remembered to write characters and a story.
Nah i'm pretty sure you're talking about the sinnoh games.

Unironically worst (2D) region and designs. Legit the only reason anyone likes it is because of nostalgia goggles (fucking zoomers) and even then they can't pretend the game isn't painfully boring.

At least GEN5 engine wasn't grandma's corpse (show her your shiny dusknoir) speed
What did we do? Everyone is having fun!
I mean, you every right to be wrong.
Oh yeah, and I left the series in 2013 after XY caused my dad to get into a plane crash and got back in when Pokemon Sleep came out and was blown away when I saw the open world of Paldea. I jizzed everywhere.

I don't give a fucking shit about your story bro. You are actually arguing that SM, the most dialogue heavy Pokemon games, stops your progression LESS than BW, and if you had actually played either of those games, you'd know how bullshit that claim is. This leads me to believe that you either don't know what you're talking about, or are a liar.
I am arguing that and I gave played both games.

SuMo doesn't stop progression nearly as much as BW. The stopping in SuMo is maybe a bit worse for the first 30 minutes of gameplay. But it doesn't persist the same way it does in BW.
A reply as devoid of content as XY was, poetic.
I never said XY was great. SuMo was great. XY was meh. I simply said that the constant stoppage of progression wasn't anywhere near as bad.

Copium much?
It's pretty childish to pick on the people who more than likely are the reason Pokemon became a mainstay in the west. You know, the people who have been with the game since the very beginning. I'm assuming less than 5% of the people in this thread or on this board even have the perspective of someone who started with the original 151. If you lack that understanding, how can I even convey to you, what it felt like having your favorite Pokemon that you sought to get every game be taken out and put in post-game? It was uncanny, honestly. I bet a lot of people my age felt that way. If GF were going to continue in that direction, assuming the game, YOUR preferred game did well, then I'm happy that it didn't do that well. I never want that kind of experience again. So what is this boiling down to? "Support my preference, screw your preference."? I frankly can't suffer you or anyone with that immature, petty mindset.
>SuMo was great
Great for being the worst in the series that removed more mechanics and game elements than any other generation?
What did SuMo remove? I can't think of anything other than replacing gyms with trials.
Amie minigames
Super training

Off the top of my head
So really just the bad gimmicks from XY.
I would also argue many if those things weren't removed. They were improved.

Powers, American miniganes, super training were all just improved with new mechanics.
I don't know if you've played other pokemon games before but gyms where a pretty important part of them.
Sure. And trials were a welcomed shake up to the traditional gameplay that was getting a bit stale.
>Super training
Are there any actual examples of woke stuff in recent Pokemon Anime or games?

>inb4 there's black people
We've had black people since Unova. Anything else?
Besides a few characters with a gender non-conforming appearance like Rika, Ilima, Penny and Grusha, literally no but troglodytes will still screech woke regardless
My guess is that the "DEI consultant" or whatever is mostly there to avoid another Jynx situation. They probably don't mandate anything, they simply veto things we'll never find out about.
>XY caused my dad to get into a plane crash
>poor international reception
Finally, euroniggers and latinx admit Americans are the entire international market.
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eurochuds just finding reasons to get mad
Not Americans, Europeans actually.
I'm American and I love Gen 5
people bitching about charizard or about how shitty gen v designs are
No, it isn't, it was despised in Europe.
They really REALLY are hun
Gen 5 was saved when Skyla was revealed to be a hot Latina.
You doubt wrong I'm afraid.
>Unironically worst (2D) region and designs
nope, still unova
>So really just the bad gimmicks from XY
None of them being gimmicks and only three coming from XY.
So no.

>They were improved.
If you try to argue that you'll always fail since they were all removed outright. You can't improve something that doesn't exist.
Granted powers is make a return in USM buy it was the single worst implementation being rng dependant rather than something you just use like every other game.
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Where is the proof only international audiences disliked BW?
Well in S/V alone we had:
>Clothing options removed entirely because everyone needs to be a gender ambiguous blob
>man shouldered women
>that old dude who acts like a fag but is a ‘student’ alongside the young kids
And more that I can’t be bothered to remember
4chan user finds out that all women aren't built the exact same just like his hentais more news at 11
They're not built like linebackers
Even the ones that are more broadly built have hips that tell you they're women
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*guitar solo

>All the new designs were trash
No they weren't! Only 2 of them were!
you first rent free tourist sperg.
fake news.
Yes, because instead, they're built the exact same as boys.
Keep arresting.
Liko is considered as a "strong" female lead, right?
Unovabortions really can't admit the gen they grew up is so bad that it almost killed the franchise, huh? Sales figures already said as much before this leak.
GF didn't realize the majority of foreign pokemon players are fueled ENTIRELY by nostalgia.

Forcing them to only use Gen 5 mons until the post game(unless trading) pissed off casuals

I personally only use new mons on my first playthrough of a new gen so I had no issue.
I played through BW2 and USUM around the same time, and the latter slammed the breaks on me in favor of long-ass cutscenes far more often. It's so much worse gen 6 and onward because the characters have to play through animation cycles that impede dialog progression.

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