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>Be Primordial Egg
>Crack open because of fucking God or whatever breaking me
>Shatter into a thousand Giants, or Regiants
>be legions of Regigigas
>beat the newborn God half to death
>She curses us with slow start for our transgressions
>Leave to autistically push stuff together until it looks nice
>Make a bunch of models and write shit in binary code everywhere

Regis are God's unfinished Autists
I thought that was Giratina-
RegiGAWDS won
The inscription on the Flame Plate reads
>The power of defeated giants infuses this Plate.
So it's implied that the giants that appeared at the same time as Arceus were entirely separate entities who were defeated and their powers eventually became the basis of Pokemon types. All the other Pokemon (including Regigigas) would come much later, after Palkia/Dialga/Giratina and the Lake Guardians.
So, it's referring to the Ultra Beasts, right?
no you fucking retard, UBs are extradimensional pokemon. god i hate leak season
Then who are the giants, smarty-pants?
No-one knows, they have been dead long before the rest of the universe was even created and we'll never see them.
i'll show you something giant, cutie ;) *starts raping your cute butthole*
Seeing as the plates were created from the giants, we can assume that the giants were personifications of their type - I.e the Regis. You guys ever think or…?
The Titan is Giratina not Regigigas you fag.
Fuck off, faggot
Oh that's interesting
leak season makes a nigga go crazy
*mpregs you*
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you're retarded
baby Arceus killed primordial giants (aka poke-greek titans) and used their corpses to make Dialga and Palkia (who then created time and space) and also to infuse the type plates

Regis are not those giants, they are just random meme legendaries that came much later, the children of children of children of Palkia/DIalga (who were made by Arceus)
Fuck off Typhlosion
didn't Regigigas create the current regis? maybe he's trying to bring back his bros
>official origin
Giratina is the Devil not the Demiurge. An artisanal titan lines up way more with the big huge giant that makes golems, not pokesatan.
>Arceus jobbed to Slow Start victims
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That is official since all of that is also in gen 4 games and PLA.
Arceus popping out of an egg out of nothingness/chaos, then making Palkia and Dialga, they make space/time and lake trio etc.
"the power of defeated giants infuses this plate" stuff fits perfectly too

Everything else is not canon
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Oh, could it be... Gen 10...? In Greece?
>some faggot wrote "the power of defeated giants infuses this plate" on a stupid plate that makes a llama burn
>this confirms that a stupid llama made the universe and fought some giants that totally exists and aren't sinnoh bumpkin headcanon
Get with the times grandpa, your fairy tales aren't real. We literally made Pokemon in a lab.
The Giants are the shards of the Cosmic Egg of Arceus.
Earth Plate confirms this saying
"When the universe was created, its shards became this plate.

Each plate was a shard of the Egg that became a type that attacked Arceus.
>all of these leaks are just an elaborate marketing ploy for gen 10 where it finally all comes together
Masuda san, I never doubted you....
Would be pretty based desu
What if it's some lame shit like a bunch of giant unowns with hidden power corresponding to each type
>this confirms
yes it does
now cope and kys
Much like Arceus, Eternatus is shaped like a hand - which makes me think that they’re both avatars of Aus (the original god)
Next you're gonna tell me you believe in dead children becoming Phantumps
I am a certified Phantump breeder and NO children have died in my area
Probs Eternatus
Isn't Eternatus an Ultra Beast though?
I thought Arceus was the one who literally created everything in existence, includingK them.
No. Ultra beasts are trans-dimensional, Eternatus is from space.
>Aus (the original god)
that is Arceus

Why is /vp/ extra retarded troday
regigigas is specifically on the same tier as lugia and ho-oh according to the pantheon though
No one that we know of.
Oh... But how do we know that?
Giants beat up Arceus as soon as she was born.
Giants each became a plate.
Giants are each 1 type.
Regis are the giants.
No, as many dex entries in game have singled out Arceus is merely a 1/1000 portion of the original arceus.
He did
He also kicked the ass of a bunch of unknown space giants as a BABY. But those werent regis, regis came much later
>When the universe was created, its shards became this Plate
>It gathers power from the Plates, listening for the flute's song
>The Original One breathed alone before the universe came
>Two beings of time and space set free from the Original One
>Three beings were born to bind time and space
>Two make matter, and three make spirit, shaping the world
Dialga and Palkia left Arceus' bitchass behind and shaped the world with those cool Lake Guardian guys, Arceus is just a poser who jacks off at night over his crutch plates
You played the games or?
Uhh, no.... I skipped SwSh lol
Yeah, maybe if you're some backwards Sincel.
Well it makes that a newly born Arceus was enough to beat them then.
>Giants beat up Arceus as soon as she was born.
wrong, baby Arceus killed them all and then used their corpses. They were just giant jobbers and couldnt even handle baby God
>Giants each became a plate.
their essence/energy infuses a plate, but they are long dead
>Giants are each 1 type.
>Regis are the giants.
wrong, you absolute retard. Regis didnt even exist until long after poke-earth was created
Not praying to a tranny god. Based RegiGOD
>regigigas is specifically on the same tier as lugia and ho-oh
Which if the circles actually represent how strong the Pokemon are meant to be, that means those three are relative to the Hoenn box legends.
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Just thought of this guys. Regigigas is normal type, yes? What kind of plate is missing? That’s right - a normal plate. Now, Arceus is normal type so you could just chalk it up to that. Arceus and Regigigas also share similar colour schemes. Now, to me this suggests that he is an original giant who created the other Regis as a way of resurrecting his fallen brethren.
>regitrannies seething because Arceus is the canon omnipotent Creator God who created everything, including all the regis
...according to my fairytales btw forgot to mention
He would have made a good trio with Ho-Oh and Lugia. Too bad he had an ability that diminished him and that he was treated as sublegendary
There is the blank plate, but that wasn’t introduced till way after these myths were scrapped.
The Godbeater...
Not being able to get this cool mf without owning a Gen 3 game was so shit.
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>separate entities who were defeated and their powers eventually became the basis of Pokemon types.
regigigas is trying to make an army to kill Arceus
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when i read that lore the regis instantly came to mind, as far as i'm concerned it's completely canon. of course the mysterious ancient giant legendaries that were hidden away and lost to time are the same ones from this story. it actually contextualizes regigigas as a gen 4 pokémon, something which otherwise never really made much sense - and gives it a reason to be so cursed it has a detrimental ability, even in the game without abilities. it makes too much sense, i don't particularly care if none of you people can see it.
This is the wrong gif
I would say that Regigigas was the only survivor (no blank plate until much after these ideas were “scrapped”) and tried to recreate his brothers with the current regis (hence why they’re much smaller).
>The Original One breathed alone before the universe came
There were no giants before the universe came into existence, also this maybe implies that Arceus didn't make the universe and it just kinda showed up
>When the universe was created, its shards became this Plate
The Plates existed as soon as the universe was created
>The power of defeated giants infuses this Plate
The JOBants ended up infusing the Plates, so they either came with the universe or showed up later
>Two beings of time and space set free from the Original One
Dialga and Palkia were set free by Arceus, willingly or unwillingly
>Three beings were born to bind time and space
Then the Lake Trio showed up to tardwrangle Dialga and Palkia
>Two make matter, and three make spirit, shaping the world
They do everything
>The other side of this world was given by the Original One to its raging third
Arceus FINALLY does something, by giving its whiny memebaby hell.
So Arceus is just a jobber who vulture'd the plates, and never fought shit, never did shit (other than maybe free Dialga and Palkia) other than placate its baby. We don't know who the giants fought, just that they JOBBED.
leaked lore says the plates/Giants were made from the egg.
It also said the second that Arceus was born from the egg, they immediately went and beat the shit out of her.
leaked lore also says Arceus fucked a man, that's what it says in game
So could it be that Slow Start was actually a curse put upon Regigigas by Arceus the whole time?
specifically the story that Masuda made that lines up perfectly with the Plate lore. Not the other hypothetical documents.
In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos.
At the heart of chaos, where all things became one, appeared an Egg.
Having tumbled from the vortex, the Egg gave rise to the Original One.
From itself, two beings the Original One did make.
Time started to spin. Space began to expand.
From itself again, three living things the Original One did make.
The two beings wished, and from them, matter came to be.
The three living things wished, and from them, spirit came to be.
The world created, the Original One took to unyielding sleep...

based on both games lore, as well as leak texts:
Arceus defeated (likely killed) the giants (who were shells of its egg), as well as directly created Palkia and Dialga from itself/in a similar image (who then made time and space) and Lake Trio
Arceus is the Creator, the super God, The Original One, the one above all
Arceus >> all

the giants are mostly irrelevant, they were defeated and are long dead. But their energy is still in the plates it seems
Maybe there was a giant for each type

Regis have nothing to do with anything
He literally is at level 1 at the start of the game at the bottom of an ice pit with the worse ability in the game.

Arceus put him there as punishment. Probably made him push all the continents together as punishment too. The creation of the Regis is his only way to restore the giants.
>they immediately went and beat the shit out of her.
They tried
baby Arceus grew, killed them all and made more gods from their corpses (thats the most kino part)
yeah but its funny that Regis were birthed into existence as the type golems from the Cosmic Egg and just immediately started beating up Arceus for an unknown amount of cosmic time.

And Arceus didn't kill all of them. Regigigas and the "Normal Plate" survived.
Arceuschads won
and they're scrapped lmao
Regis/regigigas arent those giants, thats your headcanon. Nothing says or implies that whatsoever
Regis didnt exist until eons later, they are just random legendaries like all the other ones that were made/birthed later

And yes those plate giants are dead seeing as how their corpses got used to make Dialga and Palkia
He. Arceus is a he.
>The game literally mentions the Cosmic Egg Shards and the Giants in D/P/P, Arceus Legends, and the Gen 4 Remakes.
and? the official story and official lore is whats in my post
She turns herself into a human woman to fuck humans in one of the stories.
>Classified as the "GIANTIC POKEMON"
>Has literally INFINITE ENERGY
>Causes pokemon to become GIANTS
>GIANTimaxing mutates pokemon into different forms
We know at least one Giant.
The giants aren't pokemon
Official Lore and Story likewise contain a Cosmic Egg whos shards became the Plates
Official Lore and Story likewise acknowledges that Arceus defeated giants.
The leak explains this in clear english. Giants are the egg shards that beat up Arceus when she was born.

Genderless in the game, but she turned into a human woman to mate with a human man in one retcon so I'm sticking with that pronoun for taking in sperm and producing children.
We need a Primal Regigigas form that brings him back to his original power with his original ability before Arceus cursed him
It's such a strong curse that even in a game without abilities they coded in slow start
He, and bad fanfic isn't relevant to lore, even if gamefreak wrote the fanfic.
>Primal Regigigas
>it just gets rid of the moss
Because they can't shrink?
then why do ALL of the different origins of Arceus found in the leak explain specifically the Giants and the Cosmic egg if its "fan fiction?"

And why do they keep mentioning in it in the game if it is "fan fiction?"
Wrong reply?
Regigigas' already canon lore of bringing the regis to life with his hands and pulling the continents screams demiurge anyway, I'm convinced Regigigas' stuff here is still canon too
The giants were created from pieces of the cosmic egg
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I'm trying to keep track, I think there are three different versions of the creation myth:
>version 1: arceus hatches from an egg, and the shards become giants that it defeats. dialga and palkia are born from arceus' left and right halves, and the lake trio are their children, as are the weather trio. the lake trio creates the tree of life, which is destroyed by the weather trio to create the world. humans are born from palkia and pokemon are born from dialga
>version 2: there's arceus, and there's an egg that has all life in it. arceus creates dialga, palkia, and a black giant. the black giant (giratina) cracks open the egg releasing humans and pokemon into the world, but goes further and starts killing them. dialga and palkia choose a human to defeat giratina, and transforms three pokemon into the lake trio to help him. giratina's body becomes the sky, earth, and sea, and its soul becomes the weather trio.
>version 3: arceus creates a giant out of chaotic power, to create the world by shattering all walls. but the giant turns on arceus, and arceus decides to have twins with a man, who will be able to defeat the giant. the man dies fighting the giant, and the twins become dialga and palkia and defeat the giant. their father's soul becomes the lake trio. the giant's body becomes mt. coronet
Is there a fourth?
Yes, this is missing the one where "Reek" is the supreme giant and god.
So if I understand:
>Arceus is born from an egg
>The shards become giants
>They kick the shit out of Arceus, he kills them and creates Palkia and Dialga with his blood and their remains
>Regigigas was also a primordial giant, somehow survives
>Gets cursed with Slow Start, also he is weakened to lvl 1
>The regis he built is him trying to recreate some of the other giants
Is this right?
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You're right, there's two other stories. i think we need a better translation of them, the translation is messy
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here it is. it's located in a different directory than the other lore dumps. it's actually the first version of the creation myth going by creation date.

and there's a 5th draft in the same file
regis did not predate the earth, the giants are primordial beings not pokemon.
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this story is weird because it seems like thre's a god of darkness and a god of shadow that are different, and who has the central eye rom which the god of time comes from? there's also a god of light and a god of sound, that seem different from the god of space and time?

it makes sense for it to be the first, since its the most similar to norse myth's creation story
this one also has dialga and palkia not actually being time and space deities, or creator deities at all. also, it makes them scary as fuck. its probably a better explanation for the diamond and pearl stuff though, dialga being arceus' claws and palkia being his tears
the god of dark is beta dialga, the god of shadows is giratina.

Giants were primordial gods. Regigigas didnt exist yet since Arceus hasnt yet created Dialga or Palkia yet.
Regi singular. Regigigas is the normal plate from the cosmic egg
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I can't wait!
I’ve seen an interesting theory that the giants were Gliscor’s
The giants are pieces of Aus. Dunno if it's Regis.
I may as well dump some of the other lore. For context, this is all the lore that has been uncovered so far for DP:

>Original creation myths: HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt\DP\DP\DP仕様\dp資料\増田さん神話資料.doc
>Original scenario: HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt\DP\DP\DP仕様\dp資料\シナリオ作業050408.doc
>Refined creation myths + pokephilia folklore: HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt\DP\DP仕様\pmyth
>Legend Diagram: HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt\DP\DP仕様\シナリオ\DPのポケモン神図050801.xls
>Finalized Lore + Scenario: HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt\DP\DP仕様\シナリオ (the .docs)

Pic related is the original scenario for DP
Draft of the plot written by Masuda. Has some schizo babbling about material vs spiritual world and Sharpedo shark fin soup.
>the sharpedo fin soup stuff from the recent pokedex entries has been around for years
here are all the myths in one place
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>the reason the giants attacked arceus was because of the jungian fear of being born
>there used to be one supercontinent until arceus or dialga and palkia got mad at humans for being assholes and almost destroyed the world a la noah
draft for some plot points
Cyrus is inspired by Brad Pitt
seems like Team Galactic was envisioned to be more like Team Rocket
more refined version of the mythos. according to the date, this is the last rendition and excludes Aus by name.
Regi’s are the best Pokémon and I’m tired of pretending they’re not.
Would these beings be like the Greek titans?
They beat up God, get destroyed, get banished and cursed, then reform just to hunt down God again
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Not quite? They're literally born from the fragments of Arceus' egg and immediately attack Arceus, apparently because they're scared from being born. Also, I'm not sure if there's multiple or ony one. Arceus creates various other gods from their body parts in one version.
Huh, so the other two had similar mentally crippling abilities like Uxie.
So that's the reason Regigigas is slow as shit, to punish him?
she also locked him in the basement of a temple frozen in ice kek
last thing I've got that's not located in the pmyth folder: Cyrus's original motives and plotline.
>rich ten year old gets teased once and becomes insane
Jesus christ, why are the writers wasting their time on a series like Pokemon
So are these just all different drafts of arceus origin story?
Yeah, there's a whole bunch of them
Glad someone else remembered that weird Plate acquisition text
The climax kinda reminds of Volo and Giratina from Legends
>A pokegod
Nigga you went full retard
first 4 posts are drafts of the creation myth.
last one is more a breakdown about the spritual and material components of the Pokemon universe, how they interact, and how the legends relate to them.
Yes. The earliest ones call Dialga and Palkia the gods of light and darkness, and the weather trio get supporter gods, one version saying Gyarados is a supporter god of the sea and another saying Snorlax is a supporter god of the sky. Some other drafts call Dialga and Palkia gods of destruction, or have Arceus mating with a human to birth Dialga and Palkia.
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>multiple giants as the fragments of arceus' egg, later turned into the various other gods, plus the plates, with regigigas being the last giant, the missing normal plate
>one black giant being giratina, created by arceus in order to destroy the egg of life, or to expand the boundaries of the world, that goes too far in its destruction and is banished/slain, its body and/or soul becoming the world/mt coronet and/or the weather trio
Which is the better version of the myth?
>Arceus is merely a 1/1000 portion of the original arceus
Just because the "pokemon" named Arceus isn't that real deal it doesn't mean there is another big Arceus somewhere
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>hey Cyrus, I just caught a Ligma!
>what's a Ligma?
>ligma nuts
I prefer the story where she fucked a human and got pregnant

There are several.
One includes Giratina, the others don't. One has Arceus use the body of the great Titan it defeats to make Dialga and Palkia and the Earth, others have it do that from nothing.
They're all separate and have different details.
Regigigas and giratina exacting their revenge on arceus would be cool
We need a good translator, because I'm not even sure if there are multiple titans or not, the machine translations are inconsistent about the plural
can you post all of these somewhere in text form?
It really depends on which draft you're reading. Some drafts are clearly talking about multiple giants, such as when it talks about the fragments of the eggs becoming giants, and Arceus gathering their bodies. Other drafts refer to a single giant that's like its shadow or something.
Cyrus lost cause he tried to use the powers of Arceus' half human tard kids to remake the world instead of RegiGod.
This is almost like finding a forbidden lost library of gospels
All written centuries after the events took place and all taken from oral traditions
Thus the compiler faces a theological mess, all of these versions are considered dogma for different groups of people
To call one or another a lie risks violence
The solution? Going full Bible and add them all at the same time creating duplets
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>ユングの言うところの 母胎からの分離の恐怖やショックの象徴。 なお巨人のみポケモンに非ず。

The giants are clearly stated to NOT be Pokemon.
They're not Necrozma. They're not Terapagos. They're not Eternatus. They're not the Regis. They're not Giratina.

They're not ANYTHING.

Source: pmyth05 - Page 9
>The reason Regigigas has such a horrible ability was because he angered God
I mean, the guy who wrote all these texts were heavily involved on Legends:
>Suguru Nakatsui
>Pokémon Legends: Arceus (2022) - World Concept & Design (Lead)
Yeah, I quite like the fact that we got so many different, conflicting versions of the creation myth. Feels more authentic that way, and we won't have to put up with any of them being touted as the one, true story. Keeps the mystique of it intact.
The electric one being faster always makes me smile
>there's only one city in sinnoh that has the arceus fucking a human myth and every other city is appalled by it
They aren't fucking named and we're not supposed to fucking know because it doesn't matter.
This story has strong resemblance to the Titanomachy in Greek Mythology. The difference being we are aware of the titans and they weren't "destroyed"
But the story is very similar.
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Favorite version is the idea that at one point there was a regi for every type that were fragments of the god egg. The surviving regis are all ruined and fucked up from fighting. Having Arceus be the being inside the egg and Regigigas be a creature formed from the egg itself is super cool and explains the similar colorschemes. Him injuring Arceus in the human romance story makes shows that they were equals and at one point and he definitely had Multitype
Sounds like there was nothing, an egg was born out of chaos, Arceus hatches from the egg as the first pokemon/god, the remnants of the shell becomes the shards that form into the giants who are then defeated and become the plates
Honestly kinda based that there's all of these similar, but distinct, origin stories. It does remind me of greek mythology (and other early civ mythologies) where some stories had multiple interpretations and origins -- kinda like how there is more than one story for the origin of Aphrodite.
Something to note is that there are footnotes on versions of the myth that specifically say the giants arent pokemon, and also that they attacked arceus out of fear from being born
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This shit is based as fuck. I absolutely LOVE that they actually had semi-detailed philosophy about the metaphysics of the pokemon world and religion and culture. This is something I've always wanted and been curious about. I've always thought they just did whatever with no continuity or foresight, but I was wrong and gleefully so. This honestly gives me hope 2bh.
I fucking WISH they expanded on this in the actual games and described (or even implied 2bh) text in-game. I understand why they don't since this would go way over the heads of children.
But at the same time, I guess they allude to it slightly with the whole "pokemon love to be in pokeballs!" stuff.
But which is the REAL Almighty Sinnoh story?
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
And it doesn't mean that a similar hand shaped being like Eternatus can't be a part of it. What if Arceus is merely a "normal" aspect of the original whole?
I could agree with this, another giant may very well have turned into giratina as an evolutionary adaptation, which makes them siblings.
So, what does Regigigas need to do to earn Arceus's forgiveness and be granted Skill Swap?
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Get caught in a pokeball that unlocks its hidden ability
>>version 1: arceus hatches from an egg, and the shards become giants that it defeats. dialga and palkia are born from arceus' left and right halves, and the lake trio are their children, as are the weather trio. the lake trio creates the tree of life, which is destroyed by the weather trio to create the world. humans are born from palkia and pokemon are born from dialga
this is the canon one that more or less made it into games (well I'm not sure about the "humans are born from palkia" part)
There's different versions of even that story though, like in one version he makes dialga, palkia and the lake trio out of the primordial giant
>this is now canon
is there anything pointing to regigigas being cursed specifically?
why does Saturn's "son" have such a fat ass?
The giants are humans, specifically the Game Freak staff. Lmao
...omnipotent in the wall level category btw
I feel that too. This is cool as shit. Even the Pokefuckery shit just reminds me of greek/native folktales. It's super obvious they always wanted that world feel as real and deep as possible. It's just unfortunate we had to literally steal this shit from their coffers.
I'm all for creating a mystery and set up, but knowing GF, they would have never delivered on any of this.
Post gigachads
we had this thread earlier today
but this lore made me like the regis a lot more than i already did, which was a lot
Following on from this distinction between the material and spiritual world, I wonder whether the "main legendary" Pokemon were supposed to represent physical domains of the material world (e.g. land, sea, sky, etc.) whereas the event-exclusive mythical Pokemon were supposed to represent abstract domains of the spiritual world (e.g. gratitude, wishes, victory, etc.).
>elites want to gatekeep the prelibacy known as fin soup
fuck them
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Then why is Regigigas holding the forbidden "Blank Plate" in Pokemon Arceus?
Then why is Regigas the only pokemon that actively creates other pokemon from nothing, specifically as types like the plates?
Then why do the braille messages in R/S/E refer to an "Eternal Pokemon" for each of the Regis had to be sealed away?
Why was Regigigas introduced in the Sinnoh mythos specifically?

All signs point to Regigigas being the remaining Giant punished by Arceus for his transgressions against him as the last weakened and remaining giant. Now Regigigas
damn Cyrus' characterisation is better than 99% of media and it got deleted from existence
Him wanting to get rid of the Lake Trio to make everyone emotionless (aka kill the spiritual world) is cool as fuck
illiterate retards

>※1 ユングの言うところの 母胎からの分離の恐怖やショックの象徴。 なお巨人のみポケモンに非ず。




All these gen 4 lore documents make me happy. Glad to have more in depth creation lore drafts. Looking forward to any fan content from it.
Also the fucking text in the leak literally has a note saying the giants is not a pokemon

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>Titans are shards of the eggshell previously being the egg containing Arceus.
In this cosmology humans are pokemon so no the giants are not humans either.
Scrapped. In the final version, Regis are the titans, this is corroborated by this >>56605963
The single giant version is only in the first draft which is completely different from the later ones and filled with different names (Shin and Gau) that aren't used anywhere else, have lore that isn't used anywhere else and completely contradicts what we see in the games (unlike the final versions of the which can be seen referenced in the games with the don't be angry/sad stuff and the stirring of chaos creation myth)

Except for that one version, all of them have multiple giants where all the shards of the egg became giants
The titans aren’t pokemon, they aren’t from Arceus’ divine lineage. Regigigas is a mere echo of the Plate Giants.
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Does anyone know what the Regi's "face Braille" says?
Basically why TES has such good lore.
>Then why is Regigas the only pokemon that actively creates other pokemon from nothing, specifically as types like the plates?
Are the Regigolems created from nothing, I just thought Regigigas made them from the appropriate materials like stone, ice, and steel.
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Regis are known in Japanese specifically as "巨人伝説" the legendary giants.

You don't get to call them Golems just because of translations, the original Japanese text is always the canon, and you know it it from "Sucker Punch" not meaning what you think it means in English.

The Japanese use the same words to describe the Regis, Kyodai (巨人) as they do Giants in the lore leaks.

REGIS ARE GIANTS. They just aren't the original Giants that fought Arceus. He killed them all except Regigigas who he weakened and punished.
>Regis are known in Japanese specifically as "巨人伝説" the legendary giants.
actually learn japanese before making shit up, retard
The Regigigas lore might have more legitimacy because there are actual examples in the game of the lore alluding to it but who knows what part of it was scrapped or not.
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the characters don't lie
Regi - Latin for King
Gigas -Latin for Giants
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No surprise Arceus gave him such a shitty ability, he's still mad af.
You want proof Arceus fucking hates Regigias?

There are no abilities in Legends Arceus. No pokemon has an ability EXCEPT for Regigigas who has slow start to slow and weaken him.
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>buff cherrim's sun form because abilities don't exist
>give regigigas pseudo slow start because abilities don't exist
Arceus is truly a weird god.
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Gonna be the annoying Anon quoting everyone: I actually really love the multiple drafts and inconsistent stories. They add an "unreliable narrator" factor to the mythos as if it were actually written by humans in ye oldest times, passed through oral tradition, and then later translated into different verses and scriptures.

>This is almost like finding a forbidden lost library of gospels

This is absolutely a "Dead Sea Scroll" event: dozens of sacred scriptures, lost to time and not successfully canonized, have been found revealing massive amounts of context into modern day religion. I can just imagine a heavily bearded man in the back of the church forum shouting this: >>56596539 Other men corroborating this new information with archeological finds made 30 years ago: >>56605963


I haven't had this much fun with Pokemon in fucking ages.
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>50 pokefucking threads
>1 thread with turboautists discussing lore implications
Bless your little hearts
They would've when the technology was there and the time was right.

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