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Why are people thinking these leaks support pokefucking or something? None of it does. You're all freaking out and pearl-clutching over nothing.

None of these stories are "canon" in the sense that this is happening in the pokemon world. These are myths. The stories are very obviously written as myths.

So yes, the stories are canon, 100%, at least internally. But they are canon in the same way that Zeus and the Olympians are canon. The stories are real, but they do not exist. The sinnoh stories are real within the universe of pokemon, but are treated as myths. It's extremely obvious based on how they are written that the stories are meant to parallel folklore.

Nothing about these myths support pokefucking any more than japanese yokai folklore stories support shapeshifting badgers fucking women. They're just mythos. Relax.
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He got cancelled
My favorite starter got cancelled by Gen Z and you want me to act like it's nothing???
Fucking based comment. Sauce?
Cope at what? I'm saying the stories are canon, but that it's very obviously mythos. Has no one read greek mythology or any japanese yokai stories?
Legends Arceus had a guy marry a Froslass and have children together and you meet one of his descendants.

That's not mythos anymore.
Finally, some sense.
you're wasting your time trying to talk sense into these degens
it's too late, the damage is done
*sigh* This gigaleak has done irreversable damage to whatever's left of this so-called community.
Get lost, lol. These people are into it, not the other way around. You were always the odd one out.
Good. Let it all burn down.
>Typhlosion is based off of the Mujina or Japanese badger. Often depicted in Japanese Folklore as Yokai with the ability to shape shift into humans and deceive.

It's pretty much a 1:1 story recreation. How are people freaking out over this? It's cool, if anything.
man i just wanted to see cool stuff from X and Y but this board is 80% arguing about pokefucking and no leakers are posting shit anymore
There are tons of people freaking out over this. "oh no poke fucking! My pure typhlosion NOOOO!"
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>Underaged rape
>Underaged rape by Beast
Nope, wrong there. Pearl-clutching.
I'm not freaking out. I'm LAUGHING, this has been the funniest thing to happen this decade
How? lmao
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But Anipoke confirmed it
Speaking of pearls, you're feeding them to pigs. Neither side is actually gonna be rational and measured about this because it's a big chance to mash their zealously-held belief in their opponents' face. It's an exercise in futility expecting them to heed your words, even though it's the most logical take.

Sit back and enjoy the meltdown, OP. We're gonna be here a while, might as well find entertainment where we can.
Yes. Myths. Just like when zeus turns into a bull and fucks a woman and then she bears child. These are myths and stories, the stories exist in universe but are currently understood to be works of fiction and folklore. No reason to pearl clutch unless you pearl clutch at greek mythos.
its almost like the leaks arent reel and its just a bunch twatter retards hoping people follow them on twatter for more LEAKS about SEX and LEAKS of SEX of LEAKS and SEX!!!
>Has no one read greek mythology or any japanese yokai stories?
The difference is that arceus actually exists in pokemon
I do understand that. Though, hopefully with a few rational posts on here and other sites will let people see that it's not as bad as people think it is. There are people that are rational, few as they may be.

I'm unsure what the consequences of this all will be though. TPCi booting gamefreak? Is this an actual scandal for them? Leaks suck, but is the content of this leak damaging to gamefreak's reputation? If people think they were trying to inject rape and murder fantasies into the games it will definitely look bad.
And while I'm in the camp that believes the games should be made by someone else other than GF, I just wonder if this bad publicity is bad enough to damage the goodwill that pokemon has created for itself over the decades.
Op is not a faggot
This is no different than the marriage thing we already had as a myth
Frankly, I doubt it. Far be it from me to use the dreaded words "too big to fail", but GF is so intrinsically tied to Pokémon at this point that I can't see them being ripped out like that. A much easier - and tragic - possibility is them blaming the employee, or a number of them (including ones that have nothing to do with this shitstorm) and throw them under the bus, before going about as if nothing happened. I'd love if we finally got rid of the GF cancer in this franchise, but I just can't see it happening as is.
I also hope this doesn't cause them to sanitize the series any more than it has been. People thought it already was kiddie-shit with no good expanded lore. Only to realize that there is huge background lore and odd shit that is the basis for many of the stories in-game.
With this backlash they could actually sanitize things and remove any traces of interesting folklore from canon (even if it's purely internal like these were meant to be).
I hope not.
Anybody has the picture? I seem to have lost it.
The series is 100% gonna be more sanatised after this. Honestly thinking of dropping the franchise for real. It’s gonna be ultra mega kiddie from here on out.
>games are shit
>be in a content drought
>only new thing pokemon released was some alarm thing
idk anon you tell me why this board went crazy over a leak
I really don't understand any of these stories. They are all so random and convoluted it seems AI generated. What is even the point of them? None of them barely explain any connection in pokemon. It makes sense why the only thing people are getting out of them is canon pokesex because that's the only thing that makese any sense and has any relevance.
They seem AI generated because it's machine translation; the originals are in japanese and the majority of people doesn't read moon.
The point of them is for writers to get used to writing about the world of Pokémon. To get them familiar with what kind of setting they're writing for and the sort of relationships characters can have. They're all mostly based on preexisting myths and folklore, meaning they have a base which is more familiar to the writers to springboard off of to writing about the actual Pokémon universe. It also serves for them to build what kind of stories exist and what they can build their own in-game mythos around.

Basically, it's a writing exercise. Some homework for them to do before getting to actually touch the games so they can suck less when actually making the product that will make them money.
It’s a beat for beat retelling of the legend of the yuki-ona which Froslass is based on.
As the other anon said, these are writing exercises.
These docs were never ever going to be stated in-game. This is purely for the writers and devs to know so that they can build the world within it. You explore all the boundaries of your world as a writer so that you can understand what to push and which boundaries you can work within. You can then sprinkle in and allude to this lore without explicitly stating things and without being inconsistent.
the difference is one is a legend, the other is a real occurence.
Yeah it’s like concept art
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Probably just additional material to back up the idea of Pokémon and humans being closer in the past (or marrying as it was originally)
Japan isn’t like the US, degeneracy is normal there.

But yeah I expect a split, with maybe a slightly more adult pokemon mmo type games vs kiddy Let’s go Evee type games
This shits funny, simple as that...this makes me love the Pokemon franchise even more.
buddy this will hardly be relevant except in a couple of jokes and shitposts after a week or so

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